6 September 2016 - Bunyip Primary School


6 September 2016 - Bunyip Primary School
6 September 2016
Wed 7
Salaka - African Drumming
Wed 7
Prep - 4 Concert - 6.45pm
Wed 14
5/6 Concert - 6.45pm
Wed 14
Division Athletics - Selected Students
Fri 16
5/6 V8 Supercars
Fri 16
No Canteen
Fri 16
Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm Finish
Mon 3
First Day Term 4
Prep to Grade 4 Concert
Our Annual Concert is fast approaching.
Children have been learning and rehearsing a class item, as well as
learning a dance from the Footsteps Dance Company that will be
performed with their whole year level.
This year's concert will be held on Wednesday 7th September at the
Bunyip Basketball Stadium.
Children are asked to arrive at 6.45pm for a 7pm start.
There are no tickets, just turn up on the night.
Individual teachers may send home a note regarding costumes or props,
so keep an eye out for that.
Grade 3/4 Camp 2016 - Camp Waratah Bay
Monday 17th October 2016 until
Wednesday 19th October 2016.
All notices are due back this Friday so that we can notify the Camp of final numbers
before the school holidays .
We also need to know numbers so that the school can organise sleeping quarters
and activity groups.
If your child is not intending on participating please still return the notice
with a note stating that they are not coming. We will then take them off the list
and they will not receive any further information closer to the time.
If your child is not attending camp they are expected to attend school
and alternative classes with be organised for them.
Bunyip Primary School, NarNarGoon - Longwarry Road, Bunyip Vic. 3815
Ph: 5629 5462 Fax: 5629 5846 Website: www.bunyipps.vic.edu.au
Mrs Guy and Miss Morten
Thank you to all the Dads and Granddads who came into our classrooms on Friday to celebrate
Father' Day. We hope you enjoyed your time with your child and were spoilt on Sunday! This
week we are learning about the sound sh as in shiny shells. Please ask your child to sing the
song and show you the sign to help them remember this sound. In Maths we are learning about
doubles and we have begun our Integrated Unit on Australian animals.
Library Lingo!
Term Three is drawing to a close and now is the time for a quick check to ensure any
overdue Library books have been returned. There are a significant number of students
with overdue books at this stage of the year. Overdue notices will be distributed this week
and your assistance would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to find
the required overdue books, we request a donation of $10.00 per book to
enable us to purchase a replacement copy of the book that has been lost.
Mrs Gatti
Chaplain Chat!
Inspirational Quotes for Kids
Kids need to be equipped with positive self talk just as much as anybody else. As
a Chaplain, I would say they need it even more. With children incorporating many
of their parents values, beliefs, favourite phrases and so on, let’s make sure they get their healthy dose
of motivational quotes as well! These motivational quotes for kids are for children of all ages. Enjoy!
Inspirational and Positive Quotes for Kids!
1. ‘Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.’ – John Wooden
Sometimes we focus on all the wrong things. Focus on what you can do, right now, where you are.
2. ‘The more you give away the more happy you become.’
We’ve been fooled into thinking that receiving makes us happy. Try giving more and see how you feel.
3. ‘I think I can. I know I can.’
Everything that you do or don’t do comes down to confidence. Always believe in yourself even when it’s
not easy.
4. ‘It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” – Epictetus
Life is hard for everyone. Everyone gets hurt. Everyone gets betrayed. Everyone feels loss. The difference
is: how will you respond to it? How will this make you a better person? Where is the high road in this
5. “You can steer yourself any direction you choose.’ – Dr. Seuss
Your life is completely up to you. Many times when we are going through hard times, it’s doesn’t feel like
that, but it is. As in 4. we can’t control everything that happens to us, but the way we respond is ALWAYS
up to us.
6. ‘No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.’ – Wolfgang Riebe
Love yourself….your whole self. You are not here to be perfect, you are here to be you. Be who you are
and you will attract the right people around you.
7. ‘Being kind is never wasted.’
Time well spent is time that was used treating other people well.
8. ‘When you know better you do better.’ – Maya Angelou
Learn to be the best version of yourself.
9. ‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.’ Theodore Roosevelt
To get started all you need is you. Focus on what you can do right now in this moment. Things don’t need
to be perfect for you to get started. Start now!
10. ‘You always pass failure on the way to success.’ Mickey Rooney
When you avoid failure you avoid success. Don’t be afraid to fail and surround yourself with people who
will support your setbacks. Know that failure is a part of your process.
11. ‘There is a voice inside of you, that whispers all day long, I feel this is right for me, I know that this is
We all have a conscious, listen to yours. Always ask yourself, ‘Is this what my best looks like?’ That one
question alone will change your entire life.
12. ‘Make each day your masterpiece.’ John Wooden
Every living moment do your best. The rewards will be amazing. It’s just that simple.
State Championship Success
Hi, my name is Annabelle Ennis-Wert and 2 weeks ago I went to the
Irish Dancing State Championships. I train weekly at dancing classes
in Pakenham at the McAleer School of Irish Dance. We wear sparkly
dresses and curly wigs when we compete. I was in the under 12 girl’s
section and competed against 12 other dancers. We were all called
out onto the stage to receive our awards. I waited for my name to be
called 12th, 11th, 10th...7th…6th…. Then the commentator said “These 5
people standing in front of the podium are World Qualifiers!” I was so
excited! That meant I had qualified for the World Championships in
Dublin, Ireland in 2017! Then they called out 5th, it wasn’t me, then
they called out my name, 4th place, Annabelle Ennis-Wert from the McAleer School of
Irish Dance! I was so happy and overwhelmed. I received a big orange sash, a trophy and
an invitation to dance at the Worlds in Ireland. I realised then, that my dancing dreams
had come true. I hope that my special achievements and dreams coming true will inspire
others to make theirs come true too!
Best of Luck, Annabelle.
Gardening Cooking Club
Last week we worked in the garden planting our capsicum plants which were
donated by the Millis family. This week we visited Hillview Aged Care to spend
some time with the residents. Next week we will be working in the school vegie garden.
We meet every Tuesday at 1.45pm - all welcome!
Michelle (Canteen Manager), students and staff from Bunyip Primary School
would like to sincerely thanks Bunyip IGA and the School Community for
supporting the ‘My IGA Card’ reward system organised by IGA.
With the points earned the school received a cheque to the
value of $716.00. The school has been able to purchase a much needed new oven for the
Canteen. Thank you to everyone for your support.
Statements have been sent home today. Parents have been asking if they have any credit
left or do they owe any money. Many of you have had all your credit allocated so you can either send in
some more money or just pay for things as the are organised. If there is any money left at the end of the
year it will just roll over to next year. Please make sure you take the time to ask your child
for the envelope. If you have any concerns please contact us at the Office. Thank you
Wendy and Tamara
Wanna play basketball? Registration for the
Bunyip Bulls Basketball Club 2016/17 Summer Season
is now open.
If you are new to the club, send us an email and we’ll send you the link to
register. Alternatively, go to our Facebook page or find at Team App and click
on the link to our registration page.
Registration closes September 6th, 2016
Age Groups for this coming season are as follows;
U10 - Born 2008/09
U12 – Born 06/07
U14 – Born 04/05
U16 – Born 02/03
U19 – Born 99,00,01
Thank you for your ongoing support – Bunyip Bulls Basketball Club
Email – bunyipbullsbasketballclub@ymail.com