Presentación de PowerPoint


Presentación de PowerPoint
Development of an Expert System for the
Electrical Energy Efficiency improvement in
Industrial Plants
Eng. Vicente Rodilla, CEO
CYSNERGY: Our Company
Focus on the development of solutions, in
accordance with the new ISO 50001
international standard for the optimization of the
Electrical Energy Efficiency (EEE) in industries.
Created in 2011 as a spin-off company of
CYS DOMÓTICA, with six years of
experience in electrical power and
energy measurement technologies:
More than 2.000 successful installations.
Development of proprietary technologies for the
creation of a customer oriented solution, based on
the Best Available Technologies & Services (BAT&S)
EPO Patent of a new
concept of Hardware:
Smart Metering Sensors
Pat. Ref. EP2410627
Cloud Computing Softw.
for real time optimal
processing of data
& EEE management
CYSNERGY: EEE Technical Solution
Patented Product
Three Steps to improve Electrical Efficiency:
1. Electrical Energy Efficiency (EEE) definition:
 ISO 50001 as International Standard
2. How to measure the EEE in an industrial plant:
 CYSMETER as BAT for obtaining the localized data
3. EEE improvement and CO2 emission reduction:
 CYSCLOUD as an Expert System for EEE Management
CYSNERGY: Innovation Strategy
ECM Electrical Consumption Modelizer-Econectric
Locates Undesired Electricity Consumption, via Internet,
allowing to save up to a 40%: Installed more than 2.000 units.
or Power Line Communication
(PLC) located on each load.
Actual ECMSoftware
Need for the project
Our traditional Windows
based EEE software works
remotely, but only on
PCs: Will be updated for
the recent user´s needs
and for the utilities new
services demand (SaaS).
New CYSCLOUD software to allow a remote flexible platform
to control the different process variables, allowing the users
to model their EEE and to achieve real-time improvements.
Plant Power Sensors & Exploitation ERP Data
CYSNERGY: Project Objectives
To minimize electricity consumption, related in terms of unitary energy cost,
by an optimal monitoring, smart modeling, remote control and horizontal
scalable management of industrial plant production and service processes:
 Measurement of Energy Efficiency in real time: Located measurement and
smart interpretation, based on optimized data and process control.
 Understanding of the energy consumption effects in relation with the
multiple process and production variables (specific energy consumption
control and enterprise resource planning (ERP).
 Customizable tool for an electrical energy management, with predefined
algorithms and recommendations on exploitation policies.
 Allowing strategies implementation from a Cloud System (Progr. Logic).
 Real time pay-back calculation for an optimal investment in any action.
 Automatic reporting system, accessible from any Smart Device via Internet.
CYSCLOUD: Concepts & Architecture
CYSCLOUD & CYSMETER: Market Analysis
* The official objective in Spain is to improve (decrease) the final energy
intensity by 2% year-on-year for 2020.
* The Energy Efficiency sector represents 1.8% of the GDP in Spain and
1.4% of the total employment figures. The weight of the Energy
Efficiency sector will be rising till 2020.
* In terms of direct employment, the sector will provide jobs to nearly
300.000 in 2020 (more than 750.000 in terms of total employment).
* Today, 1,8 million systems are installed worldwide. In 2016, market
research shows this figure will be more than 12 million.
* The utilities are billing to the users, all over the world, the equivalent
amount of 1 billion euros yearly (1x10e12 euros).
* The EE Global Market Solutions represents 11.800 million euros
* CYSNERGY estimates to achieve more than 3 million of international
customers during the next 10 years. Utilities will act as commercial
platforms for the CYSNERGY Solution commercialization, through SaaS.
Eng. Vicente Rodilla / C.E.O.
Mob.: (+34) 629 182 490