W.A. Carter High School - Document Tracking Services
W.A. Carter High School - Document Tracking Services
W.A. Carter High School 2011-2012 School Accountability Report Card Principals Christine Foote cfoote@rialto.k12.ca.us Felicia Limbrick flimbric2@rialto.k12.ca.us District Administration Harold L. Cebrun, Sr., Ph.D. Superintendent James Wallace, Ph.D. Deputy Superintendent, Chief of Staff Associate Superintendent, Business Services Felix Avila Susan Levine, Ed.D. Associate Superintendent, Educational Services Robin McIver-Brown Senior Director, Categorical Services Rhonda Kramer Senior Director, Personnel Services Jasmin Valenzuela Senior Director, ELL Services Mark Bline Senior Director, Student Services Syeda Jafri Director, Communication Services Board of Education Joe Ayala President Edgar Montes Vice President Joseph W. Martinez Clerk Joanne T. Gilbert Member Nancy G. O’Kelley Member Siecuna Yeboah Student Member www.rialto.k12.ca.us Wilmer Amina Carter High School The mission of the Rialto Unified School District is to provide high levels of learning for all students and to inspire people to set goals that maximize their potential. District Vision The Rialto Unified School District will be a leader in providing a quality education that prepares all students for their future. District Core Values EXCELLENCE: We strive towards excellence in our pursuit of student achievement. ACCOUNTABILITY: We are responsible for unleashing the maximum potential of each student, recognizing that our roles are critical in their success. DIVERSITY: We embrace and celebrate the diversity, history and collective cultures in our community. INTEGRITY: We respect and value our relationships based on honesty and compassion, and we are transparent in our actions. COMMUNITY: We build positive partnerships for the benefit of our students and community. SAFETY: We provide a safe educational environment. Linden Avenue • Rialto . N 0 , CA 263 923 77 • Associate Superintendent, Personnel Services (90 9) Mohammad Z. Islam 00 1 -4 4 85 3 Fax 1 3 7 74 District 5 ) Mission Statement 9 0 9 ( • Principals’ Message The 2011-2012 school year marks the eighth year of existence for Carter High School. The Class of 2012 has the distinction of being the seventh graduating class of Carter High School. Our school has developed into a leader in education, athletics and extra-curricular opportunities. The leadership efforts of our outstanding staff, coupled with a supportive parent/guardian and business community, have greatly influenced the success of Carter High School. We have refined our vision to reflect our goals for student success with the involvement of the entire school community. This past year Carter High School has focused on “Culture, Curriculum and Collaboration” and was the central theme of the school’s vision. As Carter has begun to establish its traditions and school culture, the vision has been modified to encourage cultural and social awareness, respect, strong curriculum and collaboration as a means to empower students to be life-long learners who contribute and lead in a global society. Carter High School is reaching new heights of rigor by increasing our Advanced Placement offerings during the 2011-2012 school year. Grade 11 and 12 students were able to choose from new AP courses such as AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Government and AP U.S. History. We also provided 13 teachers with extensive AP training at the end of the school year to increase the instructor effectiveness. The increase in AP courses allows Carter students the opportunity to earn college credit for and increased GPA to make them more competitive in the application process for the CSU/UC programs across California. Carter High School is focusing on career and college readiness for all of our students. Community & School Profile Nestled below the San Bernardino Mountains, the City of Rialto lies in the western portion of the San Bernardino Valley. Rialto is 60 miles to the east of Los Angeles and 103 miles north of San Diego. Located in northern Rialto, Carter High School operates on a traditional calendar schedule. The school served 2,427 ninth through twelfth grade students during the 2011-12 school year. Rialto Unified School District served 26,764 students in grades kindergarten through twelve during the 2011-12 school year. Comprised of nineteen elementary schools, five middle schools, three traditional high schools, one alternative high school, one continuation high school, and a community day school, the district offers instruction on traditional and year round schedules. 1 Published: February 2013 Student demographics are displayed in the chart. Extracurricular & Enrichment Activities Student Enrollment by Ethnic Group Students are encouraged to participate in academic and extracurricular activities, which are an integral part of the educational program. Activities and programs include the following: Junior ROTC, National Honor Society, Interact, Sons Of Liberty, Associated Student Body (ASB), Art Club, Advanced Math Club, Competitive Speech, Thespians, Ceramics Club, Science Club, French Club, German Club, After-school sports activities, Dance Team, Athletic Clubs, AVID Club (Advancement Via Individual Determination), MESA (Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement), O.L.A. (Organization of Latin American Cultures), B.S.L.A. (Black Student Leadership Association), Key Club, and Girls Encouraging and Motivating Self (G.E.M.S.). 2011-12 Percentage African American 23.8% American Indian 0.7% Asian 1.2% Filipino 0.7% Hispanic or Latino 64.2% Pacific Islander 0.2% White 8.5% Two or More 0.4% None Reported 0.3% Class Size The chart shows the average class size by subject area, as well as the number of classes offered in reference to their enrollment. Class Size Distribution Classrooms Containing: Discipline & Climate for Learning Average Class Size The goal of Carter High School’s progressive discipline program is to provide students with opportunities to learn self-discipline through a system of consistent rewards and consequences for their behavior. The school-wide discipline plan, which reflects the district’s behavior code, is implemented in a consistent and positive manner. Well-managed classrooms, and clearly defined expectations and consequences have resulted in an environment where learning flourishes. 10 09-10 10-11 1044 576 472 8625 5662 4682 40.7% 23.1% 19.4% 31.7% 21.0% 17.5% Suspensions Suspension Rate Expulsions Expulsion Rate 11-12 38 17 11 142 77 76 1.5% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.3% 0.3% 10 11 12 10 11 12 English 24 23 22 35 52 58 47 40 37 30 25 23 Mathematics 23 23 23 36 47 48 49 41 31 22 24 28 Science 28 28 27 13 17 17 26 21 20 31 33 36 Social Science 28 26 25 11 19 20 21 20 13 34 31 35 In the event of habitual truancy, students may be referred to the District’s School Attendance Review Board (SARB). The SARB is utilized when students have persistent attendance and behavior problems in school, and when the normal avenues of classroom, school, and district counseling are not effective. Homework The chart illustrates the trend in enrollment at the school over the past three years. Homework is a fundamental part of the learning process that helps to develop academic and study skills, as well as promote student responsibility and self-discipline. Homework is assigned on a nightly basis for all grade levels and major subject areas. Each teacher determines the appropriate level of homework for his or her students. Students are expected to complete their homework assignments in a timely manner and to the best of their ability. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to provide a supportive environment for homework activities and to review homework assignments with their child. School Leadership Leadership at Carter High School is a responsibility shared among district administration, the principals, instructional staff, students, and parents/guardians. Student Recognition Positive recognition creates a learning environment that fosters respect for the individual and promotes self-esteem. In addition to verbal praise, the following awards and recognition programs are ongoing at Carter High School: Noontime activities, Honor Roll Certificates, Perfect Attendance Certificates, Pep Rallies, Daily Announcements, School Newspaper, Honor Roll & Senior Awards Nights Programs, Sports Assemblies, Positive phone calls/postcards to parents, Parent Link, School Marquee, Digital Display Boards, Achievement Luncheons and CAHSEE Proficiency Field Trip. Wilmer Amina Carter High School 12 Attendance, tardy, and truancy policies are clearly stated, consistently enforced, and consequences are fairly administered. Parents/Guardians are advised of their responsibilities, including proper notification of when and why students are absent. The school staff tracks attendance using the PlascoTrac system and makes daily phone calls to parents/guardians when children are absent. When a student has repeated tardies or unexcused absences a letter is mailed home, and a parent/guardian conference may be scheduled. District 11-12 11 School districts receive financial support from the state for the education of the students they serve based on how many students attend each day. Most importantly, attendance is critical to academic achievement. Student attendance is carefully monitored to identify those students exhibiting excessive absences. Suspensions & Expulsions 10-11 10 33+ Students School Enrollment & Attendance The suspensions and expulsions table below illustrates total cases for the school and district for all grade levels, as well as the percentage of total enrollment. Suspensions are expressed in terms of total infractions, not total number of students, as some students may have been suspended on several occasions. Expulsions occur only when required by law or when all other alternatives are exhausted. School 12 21-32 Students By Subject Area Parents/Guardians and students are informed of discipline policies at the beginning of each school year through grade level expectations assemblies each semester, Back-to-School Night, the Parent/Student Handbook and the District Parent/Guardian Information Brochure. Rules are posted within each classroom. 09-10 11 1-20 Students Enrollment Trend by Grade Level 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 9th 667 655 650 10th 661 638 630 11th 629 626 574 12th 606 579 569 Primary leadership duties at the school have been assumed by Principal Christine Foote and Principal Felicia Limbrick since July 2009. Staff members are encouraged to participate on various committees that make decisions regarding the priorities and direction of the educational plan. These teams ensure that instructional programs are consistent with students’ needs and comply with district goals. Avenues of opportunity include: Leadership Team, English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC), Departments, PLC Guiding Coalition, Parent Involvement Team (PIT), and Instructional Leaders Team. 2 Published: February 2013 Counseling & Support Staff (School Year 2011-12) Parent & Community Involvement In addition to academics, the staff strives to assist students in their social and personal development. Staff members are trained to recognize at-risk behavior in all students. The school values the importance of on-site counseling and has procedures in place to insure that students receive the services they need. Staff members are devoted to helping students deal with problems and assisting them to reach positive goals. The counselor-to-pupil ratio is 1:607. The chart displays a list of support services that are offered to students. Parents and the community are very supportive of the educational program at Carter High School. Parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s education by volunteering at the school, participating in school activities, and joining the School Site Council, English Learner Advisory Committee, Parent Involvement Team (PIT) and Booster Clubs. Numerous programs at the school have been enhanced due to generous contributions and donations from local businesses and service organizations. Teacher Evaluation & Professional Development Counseling & Support Services Staff Number of Staff Full Time Equivalent Academic Counselor 4 4.0 At Risk Counselor 1 1.0 Career Technician 1 1.0 Health Clerk 1 1.0 Language Development Strategist (LDS) 1 1.0 Librarian 1 1.0 Library Media Technician 2 2.0 Nurse 1 1.0 Psychologist 1 0.8 Resource Specialist Program (RSP) Teacher 4 4.0 Special Day Class (SDC) Teacher 7 7.0 Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist 1 0.5 WorkAbility Specialist 1 1.0 A constructive evaluation process promotes quality instruction and is a fundamental element in a sound educational program. Evaluations and formal observations are designed to encourage common goals and to comply with the state’s evaluation criteria and district policies. Temporary and probationary teachers are evaluated twice a year and tenured teachers are evaluated every other year. Evaluations are conducted by the principal, who has been trained and certified for competency to perform teacher evaluations. Evaluations are based on the “California Standards for the Teaching Profession,” which include the following: Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning; Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning; Assessing Student Learning; Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning; Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for all Students; and Developing as a Professional Educator. Due to the state fiscal crisis, additional funding from the State of California that would provide an opportunity to offer district-wide professional development through “Buy Back Days” has not been available for the past three years. Rialto Unified School District (RUSD) has worked within the state fiscal crisis to provide an alternative plan of action for staff development, and has established a comprehensive District-wide Professional Development Center (PDC). The PDC provides ongoing staff development in a variety of formats throughout the school year (i.e. after school, on-site, weekends, and during instructional breaks). In addition to the PDC, teachers have access to online materials as another alternative professional development format. Finally, with district and union collaboration, early release/collaboration days have been established at secondary schools to support RUSD’s commitment to on-going professional development. At-Risk Interventions Carter High School offers guidance counseling, intervention classes and tutoring for students who may be falling below grade-level standards. Summer school courses are also offered through the district. English Learners (EL) For additional support in their profession, teachers may enlist the services of the District’s Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) support provider and/or the Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Program. English Learner (EL) students designated as Level I or II are placed in the Newcomer Program at Rialto High School. Level I or II individuals are assigned to appropriately credentialed teachers and offered sheltered instruction using English Language Development (ELD) materials. EL students who are at Level III, IV, or V are integrated into mainstream classrooms at Carter High and provided with English language support. The school offers tutoring to the parents/guardians of EL students so that they may better support their child’s educational and homework needs at home. Teacher Assignment Rialto Unified School District recruits and employs only the most qualified credentialed teachers. Teacher Credential Status Special Education School Students with special education needs are accommodated with a variety of options and in the least restrictive environment possible. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed for any student with emotional, social, and/ or developmental disabilities. The IEP defines the individualized instruction a special needs student will receive, which may include placement in one of the Special Day Classes, the Resource Specialist Program, and/or sessions with other members of the support staff. 09-10 10-11 17.40% 7.30% Graduation Rate 85.18% 78.27% 88.43% Wilmer Amina Carter High School 11-12 111 113 105 1053 Without Full Credentials 1 1 0 0 Working Outside Subject 0 2 0 0 Teacher vacancies reflect the number of positions to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year. Graduation & Dropout Rates 08-09 11-12 Teacher misassignments reflect the number of placements within a school for which the certificated employee in the teaching or services position (including positions that involve teaching English Learners) does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential. Note: “Misassignments” refers to the number of positions filled by teachers who lack legal authorization to teach that grade level, subject area, student group, etc. In a continuing effort to reduce the student dropout rate, Carter High School has developed instructional alternatives for students with difficulties. Among the programs offered, counseling, attendance incentives, referral to alternative schools, and teacher intervention have proven to be most effective. 2.90% 10-11 Fully Credentialed Dropout & Graduation Rates Dropout Rate District 09-10 Misassignments/Vacancies 3 10-11 11-12 12-13 Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners 0 0 0 Misassignments of Teachers (other) 0 0 0 Total Misassignments of Teachers 0 0 0 Vacant Teacher Positions 0 0 0 Published: February 2013 Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2011-12) NCLB Compliant Teachers The Federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that all teachers in core subject areas meet certain requirements in order to be considered as “Highly Qualified” no later than the end of the 2006-07 school year. Minimum qualifications include: Possession of a Bachelor’s Degree, Possession of an appropriate California teaching credential, Demonstrated competence in core academic subjects. For more information, see the CDE Improving Teacher and Principal Quality Web page at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/nclb/sr/tq/. Note: High-poverty schools have student eligibility of approximately 40 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program. Low-poverty schools have student eligibility of approximately 25 percent or less. Advancement Via Individual Determination % of Core Academic Courses Taught By NCLB Compliant Teachers % of Core Academic Courses Taught By Non-NCLB Compliant Teachers School 100.0% 0.0% District 99.5% 0.5% High-Poverty Schools in District 99.5% 0.5% Low-Poverty Schools in District 99.8% 0.2% The Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program targets students with grade point averages ranging from 2.5 to 3.5, and who may be the first of their families to attend college. Through AVID, the school provides activities to prepare students for success in post-secondary education. Communication, organization, note-taking, writing, and study skills are instructional emphases in AVID. California Standards Test (CST) The California Standards Test (CST), a component of the STAR Program, is administered to all students in the spring to assess student performance in relation to the State Content Standards. Student scores are reported as performance levels: Advanced (exceeds state standards), Proficient (meets standards), Basic (approaching standards), Below Basic (below standards), and Far Below Basic (well below standards). The first table displays the percent of students achieving at the Proficient or Advanced level (meeting or exceeding the state standards) in English/language arts, mathematics, social science, and science, for the most recent three-year period. The second table displays the percent of students, by group, achieving at the Proficient or Advanced level (meeting or exceeding the state standards) for the most recent testing period. For detailed information regarding the STAR Program results for each grade and performance level, including the percent of students not tested, see the CDE STAR Results Web site at http://star.cde.ca.gov. California Standards Test (CST) Subject School 2010 2011 District 2012 2010 2011 State 2012 2010 2011 2012 English/Language Arts 38 40 43 40 42 44 52 54 56 Mathematics 11 15 15 37 38 39 48 50 51 Science 33 44 44 46 52 52 54 57 60 History/Social Science 24 35 37 29 36 38 44 48 49 *Scores are not disclosed when fewer than 10 students are tested in a grade level and/or subgroup. California Standards Test (CST) Subgroups Subject English/ Language Arts Mathematics Science History/ Social Science District 44 39 52 38 School 43 15 44 37 African American/ Black 33 9 38 33 American Indian 27 * * * Asian 67 38 * 62 Filipino 77 38 * 91 Hispanic or Latino 43 15 41 34 * * * * 68 24 72 59 Pacific Islander White Males 40 17 46 43 Females 46 13 42 32 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 41 14 37 33 English Learners 10 7 12 8 Students with Disabilities 22 13 * 4 Migrant Education * * * * Two or More Races * * * * *Scores are not disclosed when fewer than 10 students are tested in a grade level and/or subgroup. Wilmer Amina Carter High School 4 Published: February 2013 Student Achievement & Testing Rialto Unified School District has developed a comprehensive assessment and accountability plan to ensure that information regarding student performance is used to continuously improve the instructional program and to communicate with parents/guardians about their child’s achievement. In addition to the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program, teachers utilize district Benchmark Assessments, Common formative assessments, classroom observations, class work, homework, report cards, and reports to determine whether each student is performing below, at, or above grade level standards. English Learner (EL) students take the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) every year until they have been re-classified as “English proficient.” Some learning-disabled students take the California Alternative Performance Assessment (CAPA) in lieu of the California Standards Test (CST). Physical Fitness (School Year 2011-12) Percentage of Students in Healthy Fitness Zone In the spring of each year, the school is required by the state to administer a physical fitness test to all ninth grade students. The physical fitness test measures each student’s ability to perform fitness tasks in six major areas: Aerobic Capacity, Body Composition, Abdominal Strength, Trunk Extension Strength, Upper Body Strength, and Flexibility. Students who either meet or exceed the standards in all six fitness areas are considered to be physically fit or in the “healthy fitness zone” (HFZ). 2011-12 Grade Level Four of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards 9 21.8% 21.3% 26.5% *Scores are not disclosed when fewer than 10 students are tested in a grade level and/or subgroup. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) (School Year 2011-12) No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is a federal law enacted in January 2002 that reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It mandates that all students (including students who are economically disadvantaged, are from racial or ethnic minority groups, have disabilities, or have limited English proficiency) in all grades meet the state academic achievement standards for mathematics and English/language arts (ELA) by 2014. Schools must demonstrate “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP) toward achieving that goal. The Federal NCLB Act requires that all schools and districts meet the following Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) • Participation rate on the state’s standards-based assessments in ELA and mathematics. • Percent proficient on the state’s standards-based assessments in ELA and mathematics. • API as an additional indicator. • Graduation rate (for secondary schools). School District No No Made AYP Overall There are several consequences for schools that do not meet the AYP standards, including additional tutoring and replacing of staff. Students would also be allowed to transfer to schools (within their district) that have met their AYP, and the former school would be required to provide the transportation to the new site. Results of school and district performance are displayed in the table. English Language Arts Mathematics English Language Arts Mathematics Participation Rate Yes Yes Yes Yes Percent Proficient No No No Met AYP Criteria No API School Results Yes Yes Graduation Rate Yes Yes Academic Performance Index (API) The Academic Performance Index (API) is a score on a scale of 200 to 1,000 that annually measures the academic performance and progress of individual schools in California. The state has set 800 as the API score that schools should strive to achieve. Statewide Rank: Schools receiving an API Base score are ranked in ten categories from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), according to type of school (elementary, middle, or high school). Similar Schools Rank: Schools also receive a ranking that compares that school to 100 other schools with similar demographic characteristics. Each set of 100 schools is ranked by API score from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) to indicate how well the school performed compared to similar schools. The first table displays the school’s statewide and similar schools’ API ranks and API point changes by student group. “C” means the school had significant demographic changes for that year. The second table displays, by student group, the Growth API at the school, district, and state level. 2012 Growth API Comparison School Statewide Similar Schools District State Group Number of Students Growth Score Number of Students Growth Score Number of Students Growth Score All Students at the School 1,682 727 18,938 750 4,664,264 788 Black or African American 359 683 2,447 717 313,201 710 American Indian or Alaska Native 11 734 57 743 31,606 742 Asian 20 839 184 843 404,670 905 Filipino 13 883 104 897 124,824 869 Hispanic or Latino API School Results 1,123 726 15,069 751 2,425,230 740 White 144 810 867 797 1,221,860 853 English Learners 454 704 8,091 734 1,530,297 716 Students with Disabilities 136 496 1,888 556 530,935 607 5 2010 2011 3 3 4 3 3 6 09-10 10-11 11-12 All Students at the School Actual API Change 15 C 15 Black or African American Actual API Change -7 C 11 C 15 C 11 Hispanic or Latino Actual API Change 27 White Actual API Change 17 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Actual API Change 19 C - C 35 English Learners Actual API Change 28 Students with Disabilities Actual API Change Wilmer Amina Carter High School 2009 9 C 27 Published: February 2013 Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2012-13) Schools and districts receiving Federal Title I funding enter Program Improvement (PI) if they do not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same content area (English/language arts or mathematics) or on the same indicator (API or graduation rate). After entering PI, schools and districts advance to the next level of intervention with each additional year that they do not make AYP. For detailed information about PI identification, see the CDE PI Status Determinations Web page: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ay/tidetermine.asp. Federal Intervention Programs Program Improvement (PI) Status School District Not in PI In PI First Year in PI - 2004-2005 Year in PI (2012-13) - Year 3 # of Schools Currently in PI - 13 % of Schools Identified for PI - 43.33% Textbooks & Instructional Materials (School Year 2012-13) Pursuant to the settlement of Williams vs. the State of California, Rialto Unified School District held a public hearing to determine whether or not each school had sufficient and good quality textbooks, instructional materials, and/or science laboratory equipment. The date of the most recent resolution of the sufficiency of textbooks is August 22, 2012. All students, including English Learners, are given their own individual textbooks and/or instructional materials (in core subjects), for use in the classroom and to take home if necessary. Additionally, all textbooks and instructional materials used within the district are aligned with the California State Content Standards and frameworks, with final approval by the Board of Education. The table displays information collected in November 2012 about the quality, currency, and availability of the standards-aligned textbooks and other instructional materials used at the school. District-Adopted Textbooks Grade Levels Subject Publisher Adoption Year Sufficient % Lacking 9th-12th English/Language Arts Prentice Hall 2002 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Foreign Language DC Heath 2006 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Foreign Language Glencoe 2000 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Foreign Language McDougal Littell 2007 Yes 0.0% 10th Health Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2004 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Mathematics Houghton Mifflin 2006 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Mathematics Key Curriculum 2002 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Mathematics McDougal Littell 2002 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Science Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2002 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Science Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2007 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Science Prentice Hall 2007 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Social Science/History Houghton Mifflin 2006 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Social Science/History McDougal Littell 2006 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Social Science/History Prentice Hall 2005 Yes 0.0% 9th-12th Visual and Performing Arts Glencoe/ McGraw Hill 2005 Yes 0.0% For a complete list, visit http://www.axiomadvisors.net/livesarc/files/36678500102830Textbooks_1.pdf Library Information & Computer Resources The school’s library, staffed by a full-time credentialed librarian and two library media technicians, is stocked with thousands of educational and recreational books, video- and audio-tapes, periodicals, and reference materials. Students visit the library on a regular basis and are encouraged to visit before school, during breaks, and on Saturdays with their families. Computer skills and concepts integrated throughout standard curriculum prepare students for technological growth and opportunities. In addition to 20 library workstations, each classroom contains Internet-connected computers for student use. Students also have access to four computer labs, which contain a combined total of 120 workstations, and a mobile lab with 30 laptops. Students receive computer-assisted instruction on a regular schedule. Wilmer Amina Carter High School 6 Published: February 2013 Additional Internet Access/Public Libraries For additional research materials and Internet availability, students are encouraged to visit the public libraries located in the cities of Rialto and Colton, which contain numerous computer workstations. Curriculum Improvement Carter High School’s curriculum is written in compliance with the state framework and model curriculum standards dictated by the California Department of Education. The district’s Curriculum Committee is the primary leadership team responsible for monitoring and evaluating the curriculum. Decisions concerning curriculum improvement are then made through a collaborative effort among school representatives, ensuring that all changes are school-wide, not isolated to a single class or grade. Science Lab Equipment Carter High School stocks an adequate supply of equipment for its students. Inventory includes, but is not limited to, microscopes, slides, ring stands, clamps, support rings, utility clamps, test tubes, test tube holders, test tube brushes, crucible tongs, flasks, beakers, and Bunsen burners. Specific equipment exists for specific courses such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science. Software for labs and lab demonstrations has also been provided for newly adopted courses. For a complete listing of inventory, please contact the school office at (909) 854-4100. College Preparation The school’s counseling staff organizes and chaperones numerous group tours of area colleges throughout the year. The 2010-11 school year was the final year Carter High School received funds from the GEAR UP grant. The program provided funding for additional academic counseling staff and assists students, parents/guardians, and teachers in gaining access to higher education through academic support, information, and enrichment programs. Students at Carter High School are encouraged to take University of California/California State University (UC/CSU) preparatory courses if they plan to attend a four-year university. All students must pass each course with a grade no lower than a ‘C’. UC/CSU Course Enrollment Percentage Student Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission (2011-12) 72.6% Graduates Who Completed All Courses Required for UC/ CSU Admission (2010-11) 11.5% * Duplicated Count (one student can be enrolled in several courses). Admission Requirements for California’s Public Universities University of California Admission requirements for the University of California (UC) follow guidelines set forth in the Master Plan, which requires that the top one-eighth of the state’s high school graduates, as well as those transfer students who have successfully completed specified college course work, be eligible for admission to the UC system. These requirements are designed to ensure that all eligible students are adequately prepared for University-level work. For general admissions requirements, please visit the UC Admissions Information Web page at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/. California State University Eligibility for admission to the California State University (CSU) is determined by three factors: • Specific high school courses • Grades in specified courses and test scores • Graduation from high school Some campuses have higher standards for particular majors or students who live outside the local campus area. Because of the number of students who apply, a few campuses have higher standards (supplementary admission criteria) for all applicants. Most CSU campuses have local admission guarantee policies for students who graduate or transfer from high schools and colleges that are historically served by a CSU campus in that region. For admission, application, and fee information see the CSU Web page at http://www.calstate.edu/admission/admission.shtml. Wilmer Amina Carter High School 7 Published: February 2013 Completion of High School Graduation Requirements - Class 2012 In addition to fulfilling District graduation requirements, students in California public schools must pass both the English/language arts and mathematics sections of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) to receive a high school diploma. For students who began the 2011-12 school year in the twelfth grade, the table displays the percent who met all state and local graduation requirements for grade 12 completion, including having passed both portions of the CAHSEE or received a local waiver or state exemption. Completion of High School Graduation Requirements School District State All Students 89.5% 75.7% * Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 87.7% 82.1% * African American/Black 89.6% 80.0% * American Indian 50.0% 85.7% * Asian 88.9% 87.5% * Filipino 100.0% 100.0% * Hispanic or Latino 89.5% 82.2% * Pacific Islander 75.0% 72.2% * White 90.2% 91.6% * English Learners 73.2% 67.1% * Students with Disabilities 72.7% 58.6% * Two or More Races 88.9% 84.8% * * Data was not available at the time of publication. Workforce Preparation (School Year 2011-12) Carter High School strives to graduate citizens who are fully capable of functioning and prospering in society. The school’s workforce preparation program prepares students to succeed through the development of conceptual thinking, effective communication, and the ability to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world contexts. Curriculum and instructional strategies that foster critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, and academic skills are consistently taught to ensure work-readiness. The school addresses the needs of all students, as well as those in career preparation, through professional development, guidance, and counseling from school personnel regarding career paths and courses of study. The Career Center, work experience, use of technology, and community service projects are made available to heighten student awareness of options for education, training, and employment beyond high school. The following Career Technical Education (CTE) programs offered at the school: • Careers in Education • Computer Applications • Construction Technology • Customer Service Occupations • Drafting I & II • Emergency First Responder • Floral Design & Sales • Hospital Health Careers • Internship • Introduction to Business • Introduction to Computer Keyboarding • Introduction to Vocational Nursing • Medical Terminology • Sports Therapy and Fitness • Transitional Partnership Program • Web Page Design • Video Production • Child Development The following courses are offered at off-site locations through the Regional Occupational Program: • Advanced Law Enforcement • Automotive Repair • Culinary Restaurant Management • Entrepreneurship • EKG Technician • Fundamentals of Law • 3D Animation Enrollment & Program Completion in Career/ Technical Education (CTE) Programs (Carl Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act) All of the listed courses incorporate state-adopted CTE model curriculum standards, meet district graduation requirements, and/or satisfy entrance requirements of the CSU/UC systems. All courses are evaluated based on mastery of “employment readiness standards,” both basic and industry-specific, results of career-technical skills assessments, and/or placement of program completers in employment, post-secondary education, or the military. For more information about Career/Technical Education and/or the District’s Regional Occupational Program, please contact Peggy Wheeler at the Alternative Education Center. Wilmer Amina Carter High School Response Question 8 How many of the school’s pupils participate in CTE? 899 What percent of the school’s pupils complete a CTE program and earn a high school diploma? 1.1 What percent of the school’s CTE courses are sequenced or articulated between the school and institutions of post secondary education? 0.2 Published: February 2013 Advanced Placement Classes Carter High School offers college-bound students many opportunities to get a head start on their future. In addition to college preparatory classes, Carter High has an Advanced Placement (AP) program including Physics, English Language, U.S. History, European History and Calculus. Advanced Placement Classes # of Courses English 3 Foreign Language 1 Mathematics 1 Science 1 Social Science 4 Totals 10 Percent of Students in AP Courses 2% California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) The California High School Exit Exam is primarily used as a graduation requirement in California, but the results of this exam are also used to determine Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for high schools, as required by the Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. The CAHSEE has an English/language arts section and a math section and, for purposes of calculating AYP, three performance levels were set: Advanced, Proficient, and Not Proficient. The score a student must achieve to be considered Proficient is CAHSEE By Subject for All Grade Ten Students different than the passing score for the graduation requirement. The first table displays the percent of 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 students achieving at the Proficient or Advanced School District State School District State School District State level for the past three years. The second table displays the percent of students, by group, English 46.0 44.0 54.0 51.0 46.0 59.0 48.0 43.0 56.0 achieving at each performance level in English/ Mathematics 38.0 41.0 54.0 53.0 53.0 56.0 47.0 47.0 58.0 language arts and math separately for the most recent testing period. CAHSEE By Student Group for All Grade Ten Students English Not Proficient Proficient All Students District 57.0 All Students School Mathematics Advanced Not Proficient Proficient Advanced 23.0 20.0 53.0 35.0 12.0 52.0 22.0 26.0 53.0 35.0 11.0 Male 59.0 21.0 20.0 56.0 31.0 13.0 Female 46.0 23.0 31.0 56.0 31.0 13.0 African American 59.0 22.0 18.0 67.0 27.0 6.0 Hispanic or Latino 54.0 21.0 25.0 52.0 37.0 11.0 White 32.0 14.0 55.0 32.0 41.0 27.0 English Learners 93.0 6.0 1.0 87.0 12.0 1.0 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 58.0 21.0 21.0 56.0 34.0 10.0 Students with Disabilities 90.0 7.0 3.0 97.0 3.0 - Contact Information Parents/Guardians who wish to participate in Wilmer Amina Carter High School’s parent involvement committees, school activities, or become a volunteer may contact the office at (909) 854-4100. The district’s website (www.rialto.k12.ca.us) provides a variety of resources for parents/guardians, students, and community members. Data Sources Data within the SARC was provided by Rialto Unified School District, retrieved from the 2011-12 SARC template, located on Dataquest (http://data1.cde. ca.gov/dataquest), and/or Ed-Data website. Dataquest is a search engine, maintained by the California Department of Education (CDE), which allows the public to search for facts and figures pertaining to schools and districts throughout the state. Among the data available, parents and community may find information about school performance, test scores, student demographics, staffing, and student misconduct/intervention. Ed-Data is a partnership of the CDE, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) that provides extensive financial, demographic, and performance information about California’s public kindergarten through grade twelve school districts and schools. Wilmer Amina Carter High School 9 Published: February 2013 School Facilities Carter High School, originally constructed in 2002, is currently comprised of nine permanent classroom buildings, a cafeteria/multi-purpose room, a library, a theater, four computer labs, a staff lounge, athletic fields, a gymnasium, a stadium, and administrative offices. During the 2010-11 school year, the site was able to have several projects completed: re-sodding of the football field, half paid for by the district and the other half by the school; fencing around the bike racks installed; and lettering on Building H, the County Library, re-painted. The chart displays the most recent facilities inspection as of December 2012. Any deficiencies listed in the chart are added to the work order process when time and funding is available. School Facility Conditions Date of Last Inspection: 08/23/2012 Overall Summary of School Facility Conditions: Good Items Inspected Facility Component System Status Good Fair Systems (Gas Leaks, Mech/ HVAC, Sewer) Deficiency & Remedial Actions Taken or Planned Poor X Career Center: Air Conditioning System is not working (X) (remedied). E211 and E217 - Problems with the HVAC sistem exist (remedied). X E102 - Carpeting damaged, rippled or stained. E118 Carpeting damaged, rippled or stained. Cleanliness (Overall Cleanliness, Pest/Vermin Infestation) X Buildings C, D and E Flooring is excessively dirty/ stained. Areas evaluated have accumulated dirt and grime. Electrical X Restrooms/Fountains X Safety (Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials) X Structural (Structural Damage, Roofs) X External (Grounds, Windows, Doors, Gates, Fences) X Interior C105- Fire extinguisher is missing tag (remedied). School Safety The safety of students and staff is a primary concern of Carter High School. All visitors to the campus must sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s pass at all times. Supervision is provided to ensure the safety of each student before school, during breaks, at lunch, and after school. Supervision is a responsibility shared among parent/guardian volunteers, teachers, and administrators. To further safeguard the well-being of students and staff, a comprehensive School Site Safety Plan has been developed by the School Site Council. The Safety Plan was most recently updated in spring 2012 and revisions and updates are reviewed immediately with the staff. Key elements of the Safety Plan focus on the following: • School rules & procedures • Current status of school crime • Child abuse reporting procedures • Policies related to suspension/expulsion • Safe ingress & egress of pupils, parents/guardians, & school employees • Disaster procedures/routine & emergency drills • Notification to teachers • School-wide dress code • Sexual harassment policy The school is always in compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to hazardous materials and State earthquake standards. Safety drills, including fire, earthquake, and code yellow, are held monthly. Cleaning Process: The school provides a safe and clean environment for students, staff, and volunteers. The district’s Board of Education has adopted cleaning standards for all schools in the district. Basic cleaning operations are performed on a daily basis throughout the school year with emphasis on classrooms and restrooms. A joint effort between students and staff helps keep the campus clean and litter-free. The principals work daily with the school’s custodial staff to develop sanitation schedules that ensure a clean, safe, and functional learning environment. Maintenance & Repair: A scheduled maintenance program is administered by the school’s custodial staff on a regular basis, with heavy maintenance functions occurring during vacation periods. Additionally, a scheduled maintenance program is administered by Rialto Unified School District to ensure that school grounds and facilities remain in excellent repair. A work order process is used when issues arise that require immediate attention. Emergency repairs are given the highest priority; repair requests are completed efficiently and in the order in which they are received. Deferred Maintenance Budget: The district participates in the State School Deferred Maintenance Program, designed to assist school districts with expenditures for major repair or replacement of existing school building components. Typically this includes roofing, plumbing, heating electrical systems, interior or exterior painting, and floor systems. In 2012-13, the district did not allocate additional funds toward the deferred maintenance budget. Wilmer Amina Carter High School 10 Published: February 2013 Teacher & Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2010-11) The table displays district salaries for teachers, principals, and superintendents, and compares these figures to the state averages for districts of the same type and size. The table also displays teacher and administrative salaries as a percent of the district’s budget, and compares these figures to the state averages for districts of the same type and size. Detailed information regarding salaries may be found at the CDE website, www. cde.ca.gov. School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2010-11) The table illustrates the average teacher salary at the school and compares it to the average teacher salary at the district and state. Average Teacher Salaries School & District School $70,774 District $71,602 Percentage of Variation -1.16% $68,835 Percentage of Variation 2010-11 District State Beginning Teachers $45,996 $41,455 Mid-Range Teachers $70,584 $66,043 Highest Teachers $91,139 $85,397 Elementary School Principals $103,381 $106,714 Middle School Principals $111,152 $111,101 High School Principals $114,929 $121,754 Superintendent $225,000 $223,357 Salaries as a Percentage of Total Budget School & State All Unified School Districts Average Salary Information Teachers - Principal - Superintendent Teacher Salaries 37.8% 39.0% Administrative Salaries 5.6% 5.1% 2.81% District Expenditures & Revenue Sources (Fiscal Year 2010-11) The expenditures per pupil data is based on 2010-11 fiscal year audited financial statements. The table reflects the direct cost of educational services, per average daily attendance, excluding food services, facilities acquisition and construction, and certain other expenditures. This calculation is required by law annually and is compared with other districts state-wide. Supplemental/Restricted expenditures come from money whose use is controlled by law or donor. Money designated for specific purposes by the district or governing board is not considered restricted. Basic/Unrestricted expenditures, except for general guidelines, are not controlled by law or donor. For detailed information on school expenditures for all districts in California, see the CDE Current Expense of Education & Per-pupil Spending Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/fd/ec/. For information on teacher salaries for all districts in California, see the CDE Certificated Salaries & Benefits Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/fd/cs/. To look up expenditures and salaries for a specific school district, see the Ed-Data Web site at: http://www.ed-data.org. Expenditures per Pupil School Total Expenditures Per Pupil $23,146 From Supplemental/Restricted Sources $4,008 From Basic/Unrestricted Sources $19,138 District From Basic/Unrestricted Sources $6,512 Percentage of Variation between School & District State From Basic/Unrestricted Sources $5,455 Percentage of Variation between School & State District Revenue Sources (Fiscal Year 2011-12) In addition to general state funding, Rialto Unified School District received state and federal categorical funding for the following support programs: • Title I, Part A, Educationally Disadvantaged Children • Title II, Part A, Teacher/Principal Training and Recruiting • Title III, LEP Student Program • Title IV, Part A, Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities • Title V, Innovative Programs • Economic Impact Aide (EIA) - Limited English Proficient Wilmer Amina Carter High School 11 Published: February 2013