March - Breath of Life


March - Breath of Life
MARCH 2012
Let’s Talk!
A Win-Win Situation…
by “Mizzus” Adaire Brown
Hello again from Little Rock! When Lisa Barron asked
me to write a follow up to the original article I wrote,
Living in the Natural State, I felt a loss for words.
Perhaps my "sequel" was a bit premature, considering
my ideal sequel would resemble a fairy tale ending-God miraculously delivering us from this place and
landing us back at BOL...or NOT!
Needless to say, the update does not depict a journey or
relocation to everything familiar. Nevertheless, we are
still benefitting from God's divine placement and will for
our lives. I am happy to report that after fourteen
months of unemployment, I have landed my best job
yet! Prior to resigning from my former place of
employment, I was resigned to the fact that I would
never find anything in Arkansas that would come close
to what I had in California—professionally or
Thank goodness God doesn't major in the minors, y'all!
Much to my disbelief, I not only found a job in an
industry that I wanted to get into while in California, but
the job exceeded my salary requirement. This
incredible blessing reminded me of how our maximum
pales in comparison to God's minimum. This week's
Sabbath school lesson reaffirms how God's heart yearns
for us and how He is ready to gives more than we can
ask or think. What an amazing consolation! It's a winwin situation. (continued on page 3)
WM MISSION: “To encourage the women of BOL to grow and develop their faith in Christ, to develop and
strengthen intimate friendships with each other, and to provide opportunities to serve and make a
positive difference in our community.”
MARCH 2012
The Cross…
Another Point of View
Let’s stop and take a new look at the cross.
It shouldn’t be some vision we can easily toss.
We must truly recognize the burden, the cost,
Or we ourselves could be unnecessarily lost.
Can you picture Christ, can you really see,
His arms spread wide, nailed to a tree,
His feet impaled together below a crooked knee,
Suffering the pained anguish meant for you and me?
Don’t stop there, don’t you dare look away.
There hangs a liar, embezzler, one who betrays,
No not the thieves hanging there beside Him that day
But Christ, a killer, addict, a rapist at bay.
Don’t recognize Him? Stop, peek up and look closer.
The carpenter-turned-drug dealer, child molester,
Our Savoir now named Saddam Hussein or Jeffrey Dahmer.
Oh you don’t think He could possibly be that monster?
Maybe you’ll recognize Him as the one who steals tithes,
Or the gossiper just keeping everyone informed of their finds.
Hanging there is the adulterer breaking the vow that binds,
Or the one walking past the downtrodden and won’t even be kind.
Photo courtesy of Courtney Barron
Seventh-day Adventist
425 South La Brea Avenue
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 674-4061
BOL Church Website
Lisa Barron
You don’t see the same man hanging there that I do.
Look again, because it’s time we got another point of view.
The sky darkened and even God’s presence from the earth
Our Lord crying out, forsaken by the holiness of heaven, the Father
He knew.
Sin’s wages of death drained the sinless Son of the ages.
In our place He died suffering man’s abuse and violent rages
Just so our name could be written in the Lamb’s Book hallowed
Without Him we would be swallowed by death and Satan’s fiery
All our sins were carried in Christ’s body that day
The Lamb of sacrifice that the priest of old meant to portray.
Now we can just seek Him, call Him and turn from our wicked way.
Grace, mercy and victory from the cross is ours with the power to
….By Monique Toolsie
MARCH 2012
A Win-Win Situation…
By “Mizzus” Adaire Brown (cont. from page 1)
Living in Little Rock continues to be an
adventure...among other things. However, more
apparent than our minimal contentment here is the fact
that God continues to challenge and nurture our
spiritual development. Ironically, after my second day
on the new job, Ben's employer declared that his line of
business would be changing, and that they wanted to
move him yet again. They told him he would be able to
choose wherever he wanted to be. Where else would
we want to be, but LA of course????!!!! This was the
easiest question of the century! As exciting as the
possibility was, we did not feel lead by God to leave
Little Rock [just yet]….Take home message:
Allow God to navigate your course, even if it's
through unchartered territory, and you will never be
disappointed. PROMISE!
Order my steps in thy word: and let not
any iniquity have dominion over me.
~Psalms 119:133
Praising God
Rejuvenating our spirit
Affirming our faith
Yearning for His Spirit
Encouraging each other
Releasing our burdens
Join the BOL Women’s Ministries
at the
Annual Prayer
Tomorrow, Sunday, March 25
Sisley Italian Kitchen
15300 Ventura Blvd., #200
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
$20 cash per person at the door
MARCH 2012
Upcoming Event: Mark Your Calendars, Ladies!
WM Weekend Retreat
Pine Springs Ranch
September 21st ~ 23rd
Weekend Theme ~ GOT JESUS!
Featuring Guest Speaker ~ Brenda Peeler….
**Registration and payment deadline ~ 8/25/12 (no refunds/cancellations after this date!)**
**Applications & payment envelopes ~ available next week!**
**Payments can be made in a maximum of 4 installments**
Worship the Lord in word and song | Commune with nature | Learn practical tools for real life situations
Have fun together!!!
WM 2012 Calendar of Events
Women’s Ministries Committee
March 25th
Annual Prayer Breakfast
Sisley Italian Kitchen |11:30am
Committee Members
April 13th
Friday Dinner Vesper | Chapel
May 5th
WM Outreach Program
Villa Rey
June 30th
WM Young Ladies Sleepover
Sept. 21st - 23rd
WM Weekend Retreat|
Pine Springs Ranch
Judy Brown – WM Leader
Lisa Barron
Alina Colon
Janet Hart, Elder Rep
Patricia Pope-Jordan
Jackie Pascal
Dee Pendergrass
Pat Summerfield
Adria Chea
Sheila Frazier
Cinda Johnson
Louraine Meyers
Cheryl Rudley
Gayle Robinson
Monique Toolsie
Next issue of Let’s Talk!...
June 2012