NSL Aerospace - NSL1422 Airline PMA Approval Packet
NSL Aerospace - NSL1422 Airline PMA Approval Packet
NSL1422 NSL1422 Class A & B Aircraft Integral Fuel Tank Sealant PMA Approval Packet Contents: FAA PMA Supplement: Page 2 Class A TDS: Page 32 Class B TDS: Page 33 Class A MSDS: Page 34 Class B MSDS: Page 38 PMA Cross Reference Chart: Page 42 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com This document contains proprietary information and is not to be transmitted, reproduced or disclosed to anyone without written permission of NSL Aerospace. US . Department of Transportat ion Federal Aviation Administration - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: "-P""Q;:.; 38:.,::6CE 8:::."'=--_ _ __ 8.:..R.:...:.; Supplement No.: .:.,1.:. "v ...,:I-,-_ _ _ __ Date: May 1,20 12 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Holl ow, II 60 11 8 Ar ticle Nam e Scalant Approved Replacement Fo r Pa rt Number Part Numhcr NSI.1422-A 1/2 PRC -OcSOIO Sealant I'R-1422-A II2, PR- 1440 A II2, ProSea l 890 A ppr()\,'a l Bas is and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility I est and "'"Imputations per 14 CFR 21.303 CFM International, SA Product Analvsis Report: PARJ 204 R v' A !hi!!;;. 05/04/07 or a later FM -:.lpprovcd revis ion 1/5 1 Model Eligibi.lity CFM56-2. CFM56-2A, CFM56-2D. CFM56-3. CFM56-JIl, CFM56-3l', C FMS6-S. C FMS6-S-A Ifr. C FMS6-5A3. CFM56-SA4, CFM56-SA4/F, CFM56-SA5. CFMS6-5AStr. CFM56-5BI, CFM56-5B 1/3 . Cf M5(,-5132!P, CFMSG-SB4/3 , CFM56-5BJ/2P. CFM56-5B41P I, CFM56-5B51P, CFM56-5B7, CFM56-5B7/3, CFMS6-5C2. CFM56-5 ::lit;, CFM56-5 C3/F4, CFM56-5 C4. CFM56-5BI /P. CFM56-5B2/3, FMS6-5B2/2P. CFM56-5B4/3 B I, CFM56-5LlJ/2PI, CFM56-5B4/2P, C FMS<>-SIJ6, CFM56-5B71P, CFM56-5BRIJ. CFM56-5C2/4. CFM56-5 C2/(i4, C FM56-5CJ /(i. C FM56-5 C4/P, CFM56-SB 1/21', CFM56-5B3 /J , CFMS6-5B31P. CFMsr.-5I3SIJ , CFM56-5B4, CFM56-5B4/2PI , CFM56-SB6IP CFM56-SfWP. CFM56-SI39/J. CFM56-5 C2/F. CFM56-5C21P. Cl M,6-5C.l/(i4, FEDERAL AVIATION ~DMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMANo.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60)18 Article Name Approved Repl.cement for Part Number Part Nun,lwr Approval Oasis and Approved ncsign Dat. i est and Computations per 14 cm 21 3 03 SL 1422-/\ 112 Product PruS':i..Jt 890 Anal ~ s h PQ3886CE IS Rev. I May 1.2012 Make Eligibility Model Eligibili ty FM Inh:nHltiunal, F M56-5 4/ 1. CFM56-5B2, SA C FM56-5U3/3B I, C FM56-503/P I. CFM 56-506/3. CFM56-5B4/P, CFM56-5U5, C FM56-5B6/2P. C FM56-5B91P, CFM56 -5139/21'. CI'M56-5C21F4. CF M56-5 C3/F, CFM;6-5 JIP, CfM56-5C411 P, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7822, C FM56-7131213. (:FM56-7I124, CFM56-71l1 413. C FM56-7lJ26, CFM56-71.l26/3B I. CFM56-7B27, CFM56-7B27/3, CF M56-7B27/BI, CFM50-7B27/3 B [, CI'M56-7B2m llll ', CFM56-7020/1, CFM56-7lJ20/2. Cf M56-7B22l2. C FM56-7B22/3B I, CFM56-7B24/2, CFM56-7 B2413 B I, CFM56 -7Il26. _. C FM56-71126!Jfl2F. CfM5 6-7lt27/\. CF M56- 7B27 P C FM56·1D2 7ffi J. Ct' M56-7B27/JfJ3. CFM56-7132 2/B 1, CFM56-7B24!B I, CFM56-7lJ26;1. CFM56-71126!111. C FM56-71l26!31', RCQQrt: PAR32 04 ~A DrHb 05104/07 or (t Inter FAA-appro\lt.:d revi sion CI ~ M56-7n2(lm2, CFM56-7lJ16i JIJ2. C FM56-7lll7!2, C FM56·7ll27A13, CfM56·7B27E!F ('I'M56·5C2. C FM56-5C2IO, CI' M56-5C3/F4. Sealant Same as above Same as ahove Snme us ahove Boeing 727 Serles. 727-100 Series, 727C Series, 2/5 ) FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTU RER APPROVAL PMA No.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum ('I. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 .:..P""Q.:, 38"'8:.:;6.:;C,;;;E_ _ _ __ .,:.1.:,8.:..R=c.:..v.,,:I:-:-:_ _ _ __ May 1,2012 Approved Replacement For Article Name SeahUH Part Number Part Number NSL I422·'\ 112 PRe-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422-AI /2. PR-1440 A 1/ 2, P",S",1890 Approval Ras is a nd Approved Design Data Te~ 1 aml C Olnputnlil)l1S per Make Eligibility Boeing Model Eligibility 727-IOOC~ cri est 727-200 Series, 727-2001' Series. 737-100 S(.'ries, 737-200 Ser ies, n7-200C Series, 7.17-3UO Series, 737-4UO Series. 737-500 Series. 737-600 Se ri es. 737-700 Serles. 737-800 Series. 737-900 Series. 737-9001iR Series, 747-100 Series, 14 C FR 21.303 Product Anol\ sis Report: PAJU204 ~A Pate: 05 /04107 or n later FA.A. -approved revision 747-2008 Series, 747-200F Sl.::rie",s. 7 <I 7-200e Series, 747SR Series, 747SP Seri es, 747- 1(0 1) Series. 747-300 ries, 747-1008 S UD Series. 747-400 Series, 747-4000 Series. 7.:t7-400r Series, 757-2UO Serk's, 757-2UOPF Seric.s. 757-200C8 Series. 757-300 Series, 7!l7-200 Scril.!s, 767-300 Series, 767-3001' Seri... 767-400ER Series. 777-200 ::)eries, 777-300 Series, 777-300ER Series. 777-200LR Scri!;.':), 777F Series Si..'alant Sam ~ as above Same ; IS above Sam\.' a... aho ve Bombardier Inc nU-IOO-IAIO. BO-700-1 A IO. I\O-700- IA II , ('1 .-215-6/\ I0, CI.-2 I 5-0fl I I (CL-2 IST Variant). CL-2 I5-(,13 II (CL-l 15 Varian t). ('L-600- I-A I I «('1.-600), C L-60U-2A 12 (CL-60 1-3A V8 ri~III) , CL-60tI-2B I6 (CL-600-3R Va riant), CL-600-2B 16 (CL-604 3/5 1 FEDERAL A VIAnON ADM INISTRA no PARTS MAN FACTURER APPROVAL PMA No,: .:..P.:;;Q;;,; J8~8.::;6C:::.; ' E~'_ _ _ __ Supplement No.: ..:,1::.8,::R:::ev,:,:,,.:I_ _ _ _ __ Date: May 1,2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article Name Seal ant Approved Replacement For Part Number Part umbe r NSLl422-,\ 1/2 PRe -De oto Sealant PR-I 'I22-A 112, PR-1440 AI I2, ProSew 890 Approval Basis and Approved I)esign Data Tcst and omputations per 14 erR 21.303 Producl Analysis Report' PARJ204 R ' \" A Qlal;; 05104/07 or a lalcr Make Eligibility Bomhilnlicr Tne FAA-approv..::d revi sion Model Eligibility Variant), CL-600-2B 19 (Regiooal Series 100 & 440), CL-600-2CI0 (Regional Series 700. 70 I & 702), CL-600-20 15 (Regional Seri.;s 705). CI.-600-21>24 (Regiooal Sl:rj~ s leI leI leI leI lJOO). 01 IC-R-I 00 Series, OJ I( '-8<WO Series, 01 1(,-8-31l0 Senes, 01 IC-8-400 Series :Sculanl Same as above Same a~ nhove SatHe as aho\'c Pmll & WhiIO<Y 1'1'I SO-1. lT150-1 A, JT150-1 D, lTISO-4 , JTI5D-41l, lTI5D-4c' lTI5D-40, JTI51J-5, 1 1'1 SO-SA, JTISD-SI1. HI5D-SC, HI5D-5!" ):1'I5I)-5It HI5D-5D, PT6/\-6, P niJ\-6J\. P'1'6A-Gn, PTM-6/C20, PT6A-II, I' 1'6A-I, lAG, PT6A-I5AG, I'T6A-20. P'1'M-20A. PTGA-20B, PTM-25, P·IM-25A. PT6A-25C PTM-27, PT6A 28, PT6A-29, Pl(lA-3 ,1. I'T()A-J.JU. I'T6A · 34M;, PTM -.15, PT6J\-36, PT6J\-J8, P10A-40, I'TOA-41, PTM-41 AO. P 16A-42, P'['()!\.· 12!\. PT'6 /\-4\ PTr..~ -4SA, P 1·(,,\-45R. P I·M--I5K . 1'16A-50, PT6A-I>II, 1"1 M-60A. PT6A 601\0, Hr.A-6I , PT6A-61 A, PTr.A-65B, PT6A -65R, PT6A-65AR, PT6A-65I\G, I'TM-II 0, PTGA-112 , HGA-I 14, PTr.!\-114A , PT6A -114A , PT6A-116, PT61\-121, PT6A-135, I'T61\-135A, PT6A-52, I'T6A-66, PT6A-(,6!\. )'T6l\-67, PT6A-671\ PTM-67I\F, PT6A-671',I'T6 A-67B, PT(IA-67D, PT6A-M. P r61\-66 B, PT()/\-M~, PTM-67I\G, PT6A-67T, PTM-600, PT6A-67f, 4/5 1 FEDERAL A VIAnON ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ..:.P",Q::,; 38:..;:8.;:.6C::,:E=' _ _ _ __ Supplement No.: .,.1.:.8..;,R;,;c,,;,v;"";,.1-:-:-_ _ _ __ Date: May 1,2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Cl. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article Nam e Sealant Approved Replacement For Purt Number Part Number NS LI 422·A II2 PRC-Oc Soto ~cala nl PR-[422-A[/2, I'R-[44U A[/2, ProSc-u! R90 Appro"III, Basis and Appro,'ed Design Data l ese and omputal iu lls Pl:J' 14 CFR 2 [.303 Product AnalvsLo; Report" I'AR3204 Rev: A Date: 05 /04107 or a later FAA-approved revision Make Eligibilitv Pratt & Whitney Model Eligibility PT611 -36. PT60-3M, PT6B 36B. PTGB-37, PT6ll-37A, PTGC-67D. PT6C-{i7C. PT6"-3, PT6T-JA, PT6T-3B. PT6T-3BG, I'T6T-3lJ E, P 6T-6, PT61'-3D. 1'1'61'-9, PTtiT-3Dc .l'rr,T-JDF. PT6T-3Br. PWI ·18. PWI ·18A. PWIIXll.I'WI19B. PWI19C. PWI2 0, I'WI20A,PWI21, PWI21A PW123. P\V 123M'. PW 1238, PWI2JC, I'WI231l. PWI23E, PWI24B. I'W 125n. PW 126/\. I'WI27,I'WI27L.. PW 1271', I'll' 127G, PWI2701. PWI50!\. PW206/\. PW2068, PW2UuIl2.PW206('. PW20ul ·:. I'W207C. PW207D. rW2U7DI. PW207D2, I'W305. PW305/\. PW30SB. PW 3U6A, PW 30uR. I'W JU6t'. PW307 .~, PWJORA, PW.lORt;. PW5JOA. PW5J5A. I'W5358. PWS'IS/\, PW545R. PW.l,!OC. PW(, [[11-'-/\, PW617F- P-, rW615F-A. ['W2037.I'W2OJ7M. PW10otO. PW:?,O-H. PW22 . W, PW2143, PW2(,4 3, rW2040D, PW2337, PW2037D, F117-PW-100. JFTD 12A-4A. JPTD 12A-5A, JTSD-208, JTRD-2 17. JTSD-2 ·17A. JTSD-217C, JT8U-219, JT9J>- 3A. JT9D- 7. J'I9D-711. JT9IJ-7A, JT9D-7!\1I, JT9D-7F. JT9U-20, JT9D-7.1, JT~J)-2I)J, JT9D-5~A, J19D-7Q3, JT91)-7R4E. JT9D-7R41 J [, JT9D-70A. JT9D-7R4D, n~U-7R4EI. 5/5 1 FEDERAL AVIATION ADM IN ISTRATl - PARTS MAN1JFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ..:.,P~ Q~38;:,;;8;;;,6C:;"E:;,, ' ~~~~_ Supplement No.: 18 Rev. 1 ~.;..;,.;-,~--- Date: May 1,2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plwn Ct. Sleepy Hollow, 1I 601 18 Approved Replacement For Part Number PRC·D o to cilIum PR·1422 -A I:2, PR- I4-l UA I!2, ProSl.!u1890 Approval Oasis and Approved Desig n Dahl Test and .ompuilltions per Milke Eligibilitv Prall & Whitney 14 CFR 21.3U3 Product Anol y~ is Renor!: PAR3204 JT9D-7R4Ci2. PW4050, PW4 052, ~I\ PW4056, PW406(), l2ill£; 05104/07 or • I•• cr PW40611A. PW-IU60C, PW4062, PW4U62A. P1I'4152,I'W4156. P1I'41561\. PW41 53, PW4 160, PW4460, PW..J462, PW4650, 1'\\'4074. PW4077. PW4077/l. PW40K4, PW408'IO, PW4090, PW-I U9U-3 , PW40ND, PW409UD. PW4 mS, PW4164. I'W4168. PW4H,S,\. PIV41(>4C. PW4IMClB, PW4170. PW416M-ID. PW416K-I D.I'W4164-ID, P II' 4'ir>K-I D. PW4 164 C'il3- 1D. PW61 22A. PW6124A FAA-approved revision Sealant Same us ahove Sa111l' as IlbO\ c Model Eligibility JI'9D-7R4E4, l1'9D-7 JT9D-7IUDI. Sallle as uho\'c Airhus A.100, Model 132- 1A, A300. Modt"l 132-1 C. A3UO. Model B4-2C. A300. Model B2K-3 C'. 1\300. Model B4-IOJ, A:lOO. 1 ~l dclI32-2OJ . AJ 10. Moud 204. A3 1II. Model 221, A3 1U, Muuci 222, A310, Mouel 2U3, A3 10. Model 322. A310, Model 324, A310, Maud 3U4, AJ IU, M"dd 325. A300. Model 64-60 I, A3UO, Model 64-603. A3UU, Mudel B4-62U. 1\ 300, Model H4-605R. A300. ModI.!! B-l-622K. A3UO. Mou<1 F4-6115R, AJon. Mouel 1'" 4-622R, AJOll , Moud C4-60SR V..trianl r. A)OO, ~10del 62-622, !l318 Mudel -I II . AJI8 i'v1odl,.·I-112. 1\ 3 18 M(ldd -1 2 1. A3 ) 8 ~Iodcl - 122, A3 19 Modd - III , 615 1 FEDERAl , AVIATION ADMINISTRAnON - PARTS MANUFACTURER A PPROVAL Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article N.me S~aJaIlt PMA No.: Supplement No.: Date: Approved Replacement For Pari Number Part Number NS L1422·A 1/2 PRe · DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 -A I/2. PR-IHUAI / 2. ProSe;]! R90 Sealant NSL I422-AI /2 PRC-OeSot" Scalant I'R-1422-A I _. I'R-1440-A 112, Pn-,Sca1890 Approved Design Data Tesl an d Cumputati ons per 14 erR 21.303 Product AnalYSis Report: PAR3204 Rev: A ,l;!mg; 05/04 /07 or a latcr FAA-approved revi.sion Tc:-l and Computations per 14 cm 21.303 Product Analvs is Repor(: PAR3204 Make Eligibility r11C -DeSoto Sealant PR-1422-AI /2_ PR- .44U-A 112, ProS..:al 890 T cs l and Computations per 14 (TR 21.303 Producll\nill y-r-is Report : PAJU204 Rn 1\ JEte:. 05104j()7 or n Inter i : FAA-arpro vcd n.:.. . i.':iion 7/51 Model Eligibility Airbus A319 Model-I 12, A319Modcl-113, A319 Model-I 14. A319 Model-II), A319Modd -131 , A3 19 Model -132 , 1\3 19 MoJel- 133. A32U MoJol-lll , /\320 M(ldl::! -21 1, A320 ModeJ, -232, A320 Model -233, A321 Modd -III. A321 Model-I 12. A321 M"del-131 , A32 1 Model-211 , A321 Model-212, A321 Model -213, A321 Model -232 , 1\330-20 I. A330-2U2. A33U-2U3, A33U-223. A3.1o.243. A.1.10-3U3. A330-302, A3.1 0-321 , A330-322. A330-323 , A330-341, A330-342. A3311-343 , A3411-211 , -212, -213, A340-311 , -312,-313, 1\340-541. ,\3411-642, A38U-S41 , A38U-842. '\3S0-S61 ATR A1'R42-200, ,\'I'R42-300, A1'R4 2-32U, ATR42-500, A1'R72 -IOI. '\' IR72-201, A 11<72-102, AT R 72-202, ATR72-21I, ATR72-2 12, '\1'R72-212A Date:. 051O-l/U7 or [I iall.:r F/\A-approq.:J n.:\'i.':iioll NS1I422·A 112 18 Rev. I May 1,2012 Approval Oasis otnd Re v; A SeJ lant PQ3886CE McDunndlOougJas DC-R-II ,OC-8-1 2, DC-X-21. OC-8-31 > OC-8-32. D -8-33. OC-S-41. OC-8-42, OC-R-43 , DC -R-51, OC-8-52,OC-S-53. DC-81'-54, DC-SF-55, DC-8-55, D(: -8-61 , OC- R-61 F, DC-8-62, DC-8-62F, DC-8-6J, DC-8-6JF, OC-8-7 1. DC-S-71 F. DC-8-n, DC-R-72F, OC-S -73, OC-8-73F. MD-II , MO-IIF FEDERAL AVlATJON ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MA UFACTLJRER APPROVAL PMA No.: -'-P-"Q..:;.3.;;..88;.;;6...:C.=E_ _ _ __ Supplement No.: 18 Rev. I Date: 7M7a-)";':-1,"::2-::0710::-_- - - - Aerospace SeaJants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Approved Replaccl1ICllt For Article Name Se;}lnnt Port Number Part Number N ~L I422-!\112 PRC·DeSolo Stnlunt PR-1412-AI12, PR-1440-AI/2, ProS tal Xl)U Approval Basis and Approved I)esign Data Test and l\\mpulations rer 14 ('I'R 21..l03 Produc;,l Anal vs is Report: PAR.1204 Make Eligibility Lockheed Model Eligibility L-1UII-385-1, L-IOII-385-1-14, L-IIIII-J~5-1-IS, L-IOII-385-J &:LA 'tle: 05/0-U07 or a later FAA.uppro\·t!d n.:\·isioll Sealant NSL 1422-A2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant TeSl anJ Computations per PR-1421-A2. 14 eFR 2UIl] PR-1440-A2, Product Analysis Repllrt: ProSe-nl RC)O. P R 3204 ProSeal 8YUM Rev: A OatiJ : 05/04/U7 or a hlh:r I:'AA-appro\'I..:d n:visi{l!1 CFM Intemationa), SA CFM56-2, C FMS6-2A_ C FMS6-2B, C FM56-3. C'FMS6-J B, FM56-3C, C FM 56-S. CFM56-5-A IiI', C FMS6-SAJ, Cr M56-5A4, C FM56-5A4IF. (' 1.'M56-5A5 . CFM56-5i\5/1', CFM56-5fll. CFM56-5llI/3, CFMS6-Sll2/1', C FM5(,-5fl4/.l. C FM56-5fl312P. C FM56-5B41P I, C FM56-5135/1', C FM56-51l7, C FM56-5[l7/J . C FM56-5C2. c r 156-5 2/G. C FM56-SC31F4. C FM56-5 '4, C FM56-5BIIP, C FM56-SB2/3, CrMS6-5B2/2P, CF M56-5U4/3fll, CFM 5(,-5llJ /2P I, CrM56-5B4 /2P. CFM56-5 J36. (' FM56-507/P, CFMS6-5B8/J , CFM56-5 2/4, CFM56-5 C2/G4 , CFM56-SC3/G. C FM56-5C4/ P, C FM56-5131 /2P, CFM56-5J33/3. C FMS6-5IlJ /P, C FM56-SBSIJ. ('!'M 56-SR·l , CFM56-5B4/2PI, C FM56-SB6/P C FMS6-5lJ~/ P , CF/V156-S11WJ. C FM56-5 C21F, 8/S I FEDERAL A VIATlON ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PM 1\ No .: .;,.P.,::.Q.:,.:;,:8c;.CE 38 6.:.."--_ _ __ Supplement 0.: -,1.;..S_R...:e_v_. _1_ _ _ _ __ Date: May J, 2012 Aerospace SC<Tlants LLC 4 Pl um Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60 118 Article Name Sealant Part Appro\'ed Replacement For umber Part Number NSLI422-A2 PRC- DeSoto Sealant PR-' 422-A2. I'R-14·lO-A2. ProSl..'aJRI)(), ProSe,,1R9UM Approval Ba,is a nd Approved Uesign I)ata Test and Computations per 14 ("I'll 21.303 Product Anal> sis Report P IU204 Jill';..J\ ~ 05104 /07 or " la,er F A-approved revi sion Milke Eligibilitv CFM In,ema,ional, SA Model Eligibility CfMS6-5C2/P. CFM56-5C3IG4, CFMS6-5C4/1. C FM56-5B2. C fM56-5lJ3/3BI. CI'MS6-5J33/1' t , CFM56-5J36/3. CFM56-5B41l'. CFM56-Sfl5, CFM,6-5R6/ 2P, CFMS6-5lJ9!I', CFM,6-SUW2P, CF M56-5C21F4, C FM,(,-5C3 / F, C FM,6-5 .lIP, CfMS6-, C4I1P, CFM56- 7B20, C FM56-71122, C I'M56-7fl22/3, Cl'M,6·7B24 , C FM,6-71324/J. C FM56-7Il26, CFM56-71326/3B I, C FMS6-7B27, CFM56-7B27f3. CFM56-71127fU l, CFM56-7B27f.J n I, CFM56-7B27/3B IF, CFMS6-7B20f.J, CFMS6-7B20I2, FM56-7B22/2, CFM56-71122/311 1. CFM56-7ll2412, CF M56-71124/JB I, CFM5/,-7Il2612. C I' M56-7132 6!3 B2F. CTM56-7B27A. CFM,6-7R27/3F, CFM56-71127/1l3, CfM56-7T127/3BJ. CFMS6-7U221U I, CTM,6-7U24/lJ I, CFM,6-71126i3, CF\156-7R261n I, CF\156-7U26/3 F, CFM56-7B26/ B2. CFM56-7B26/3B2. CFM56-7Il2712, CFMS6- 71117 CFM,6-7B27 CFM 56-5C2. ('FM56-SC2/G, CFM56-5CJlf4. 9/5 1 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMIN ISTRATIO - PARTS MAN UFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ..:.P,""Q~38:::8:::6;;;.CE:.:.·_ _ _ __ S uppJement No.: ..c1...:8_R_e_v_.__I_ _ _ _ __ Date: May 1,2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Approved Article Name Sealant Replacement For Pari Number Part Number Approval Basis and NS L 1422-Al Test and Compuul1ions per 14 U'R 21.303 PR e -DeSoto Sea lant PR-14'1 2-J\2, Approved Design Data PR-144U-A2. ProScal S90, Prod.uct Anal vsis R~nOJ1~ ProScul X90\:1 1kLA Make Eligibility 72 7 Series, 727-100 Series, 727C Series, 727-IOOC Series, 727-200 Series, 727-200F Series. 737- 100 Se ries, 737-200 Series, 737-200C Series, 737-300 Scrie-:-;, 737-400 Series, 737-50U Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series. 737-S00 Scrlc~, 737-900 Series, 7J7-900ER Series. 747-100 Series. 747-2008 Series, 747-200F Series, 747-200C S.rie" 747SR Series. 747SP Series, 747-1001) Series, 747-300 Se,ks, 747-IOOB SUD Series. 747-400 Series. 747-400D Seri"", 747-400 F Series. 757-20U Series, 757-2001'F Series. 757-200C B Series, 757-300 Series, 767-200 Sene., 767-100 unc" 7n7-100 F Scri e ~ , 767-400 ER Series. 777-200 Series. 777-300 Series, 777-300 ER Series. 777-200LR Series, 7771-' Series Bombardier Ine BD-lOO-IAIO. BD-700-IAIO, BD-700-IAII, ("1.-215-M I O. CL-215-6BII (eL-215T Variant). CI.-215-61111 (CL-415 Variant). CL-600-I-AII «("L-600). CI.-600-2AI2 (CI.-601-3A V[)rinnt). (1.-6UU-2B 16 (CL-600-3R PAR3204 ~ 05/04/U7 or a later F'AA-a rprovcd revision Scahillt Sarl,lC il5. aho\'c S'Ull!..: <J..::i above Same <J~ Uhovl: 10/51 Model Eligibility BoeIng FEDERAL. AVIATION ADMIN ISTRATION - PA RTS MAN FACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P;;::Q::;.38::,:8::;6:::;C,:::E_ _ _ __ Supplement No,: .:.1.;;.S.:.R.;.:e.:.v'-'-I_ _ _ _ __ Date: May 1.2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, \I 60118 Appro,'ed Replacement IF or Article Name Sealant Part Number Part Number L1422-A2 cal.onl Approval' Basis and Appl'o-v cd Design Data T t,."Sf. ilnd C<.l mpultltions 14 cm 2 UOJ ~Ana!v;>i& ProScal X90, I-'n!Seal XI)()'i\1 pCI' Make Eligibilitv Bo mbardier Inc .!kD.2.!b Model Eligibility VarimH). CL-600-2lJ I 6 (CL-604 Variant) , CL-oOO-2B 19 (Regional Jet Seri es 100 & 440), CL-600-2C I 0 (Regi onal Jel Seri es 700. 70 I & 7(2), CL-60U-2D 15 (Regional Jet PAR 3204 Rev : A DaLe: 05/04/07 or 8 later FA A-approved re,\ ision Series 705), CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Scri.:., 900), DJ IC-8-1 00 Series, DJ rC-S-200 Series. DJ IC' -X-~OO Scric"S, DJ IC-8-400 Series Same ;I .') Jbove l?raU& Whitney Sam!..: as abo\ 1J ],]'151)·I.J1'150·1A, H I51l- Ill , ,II I SI)-4. HISD-4B, JTISD-4 C JHSD-4D, JTIS D-S. JTI 51l-5A. HI SD-SB, ,IT I'SI)-5 C, HI 51)-5 F, JT ISO-SR. ,1TI5D-5D. Pl6A·h. PT6A·6A, PThA·6 B. PT6A·6/C20, I'TOA- I L P1'6A- I l AG, PT6;\- I SA G, PTOA -20, PT6A~20A~ PT6A~20B, PT6A~25 , PT6 A~25A. PTGA-2S C, 1'161\-27, P1'6A 28. p'r6A~29. P1M"34. P1'OA-34B, P1'6A 34AG, I'T 6A-3S. PTUA-36, PT6A-J8, pnA·'ll, PT6 A-4 I, PTOA-4 lA G, PT6A-42, PT6A-42A, PT6A-45, Pl(,i\-'15A, P r6A-'15B, PT(,A-4SR. I'TM-5 0. P1UA-(,0. PT6 A-60A, PT6A 60AG. PT6;\-6 I, P I'6A-6 I A, PT6A-65lJ, PT6A~65R , PT()A-65AR, PT6A-65 ,\ O. PT6 A~ [ 10. PIM-I 12. P1'6A-l 14. P1('I\-1 14A PTGA-I 14A PT6i\~116, PT6A-121. PTOA-J3S, PT6A- I35A, PT()A-52 , r 6A-66, P I'M-6M, PT6A-6 7, P' f 6i\-67A P"J'()i\-67AF. P-lflA-671,l, P-T6A-6711, PT6i\-n7D, P1'M-64, PT6A-66B. I'T6A-68, 11/5 j I :ll..!~...!:.All! .LFE""DC!!E""RA!>£)JI,",-"A-,-V.!! D!"1INrSTRA TIO, - PARTS M PMA No.: Acrospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, Il 60 I 18 Article Name cahm l .:..P.:! Q~ 38:::8~6C.:::E ~ _ _ _ __ Supplement No.: ..:.1.::.8.:.R:.:v e.:.;....:I_ _ _ _ __ Date: May 1,2012 Approved Replacement For Part Number Part Number N SLl422-A2 ACTURER APPROVAL t aloot Approval Basis a nd Approved Design Oala T est Md ComplllBllon.s per 14 cm 2 1.30.1 Product Analvsi Report: PARJ204 jill;.A Dllh:: 05/04/07 or a Imer FA.A -app roved revision Make Eligibility y..mn & Whitney Model Eligibility PT6A·67AG. PT6A-6n . I'T6A-66D, PT6A-67F. I'T6B-36. 1'"I'68-36A. PT68 3GB. PT 6B-37, PT6B-3 7A, PJ'6C-67D, I'T6C-67C , I'T6T-3, PT6T-3A. I'T6T-38. PT6T-3BG. PT6T-3 B '.. I'rOT-6, PT6T-3D. PT6T-9, P1'6T-3DE, PT6T-3DF, P1'6T-3B F. PW118 , P,",' 11 8A, Pil'I 188. 1'11'11 98, 1'11'119(',1'11'120, PWI20A, PW121, 1'11'121 A. I'W 123 . PII'123AF,I'WI2313. PII'123C.I'WI13D. 1'1V123F.I'WI2413, PII'125B.PII'126A, PIV127.I'WI271:, 1'11'1271'. I'll' 127G. PlY 127M. I'IY '150A. I'IY206;\. 1'11'2068. PW20(,II2, PW206C, PW2061:, PW207 C. PW207IJ. I'W207D I, PW207D2, PW)05. PW3 05A, P1I'3051l, PII'306A. PW3()(lB. PV\iJ06C. P1V3ll7A, I'W30 8A. I'II'J llSC, 1'1I'530A, P\V535A, P W53513. PW 545A, PW545B. I'W 545c'I'W6 10F-A, PIV 6 17 F-I·:. PW615 F-A, PW20J7, PW203n1, PW2040. PW2043, PW2240, PW2143 , PW16-U. PW20400, PW2337, PW 2037D, F 11 7-PW- 100, W[UI2A-4A , JITIJ12A-SA. JTSIJ-208, Jl8!)-2 17, JT8IJ-2 17'\, JT81)-217c' J 1'8D-2 19, .IT9IJ- JA. JT9D-7, J1'91)-71L ll9D-7A. JT9D-7A H. J1'9D-7F. H9D-20, 119D-7J, JI (1I)-20J . JlI)D- 59A. JT91J-7Q3, J r9D- 7 R4E. 12/ 5 1 FE D RAL AVIATION ADMI ISTRATION - PARTS M PMA No.: .:.1'-"Q"'3,:.:..;6:..;: 88 ·C:..;:E'- _ _ _ __ ' ;,,1.,-:-_ _ _ __ Supple ment No.: .,:.1.:.8.,:.R;,,:e,,:,v;" Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plulll Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article Name ScalaJll Date: Appro,'ed Replacement For Part Number Part Number NSLl422-A2 UFACTURER APPROVAL PRe -De OtO Sea lan t PR 1422-A 2, PR-144 0· A2, ProSeal 890, ProSea I 890M Approval Basis and A pproved Design Data re I ;lnd Computation.s per Make Eligibility Prnu & WhiLney 14 FR 21.303 Product Anll\vsis Report : PAR3204 \,. A Dnle: 0 5104107 or n later FAA-approved revi sion Sealant Same as ubovl! Sam e a5 above Same as above Airbus May 1,20 12 Model Eligibility JT9D· 7R4111. JT9D·70A, JT'lD-7R4D_ JT'lD· 7R41 ' I, JT~D-7R4 E4. JT9D· 7Q, JT9D-7 R41J1 , n'90-7R4G2. PW4050. PW4052, PW·Hl56. PW4060. I'W41l60A. P\\,4060r. PW4062. PW4062A, PW4152. PW4156, I'W4156A PW4158, PW4160.I'W4460, PW4462, PW4650, PIV4074.PW4077. PW4077D,PW-\084, PW4IlS4 D, 1'1V4090, 1'11'4090-3,1'\\,40740, PW40900, PW409R. PW4164.PW4168. PW4168A.I'W-\I64C, PW4164C/B,PW4170, PW4168/\-ID. P\\,4168-ID.1'1V4164-1D. PW4 J64C-lll. P\\'4164C1B-1I1, PW(d22A, PW6124A 1\300, Model B2-1 A, A300. Model R2-1 C. /\300. NhH.h;1 B4-1C , A300. Mudel B2K-3 C. /\300. Model B4-103, AJUO, Model 1l2-203. /\J 10. Modd 204, AJ 10, " Iodd 221, A310. \>lode! 222, Aj 10. Mode1203. A31O, Model 322, 1\3 10. Model 324. /\3 10, M"dcl304. A310, Mode1325. A300. Modd B4-60 I. A300, Model 84-603. A300. Modd 84-620. A300, Mode I1l4-605R. A30() , j\'lodel U4-622R. AJOO, Modd F4-605R, /\3011. Model F..J-622R, A300, Model C4-605R Variant F. /\300, Model B2-62" A3J8 1\..lmld -III , A31S :v!odcl·112, A318 ~lodcl-121, 1315 1 PMANo.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 PQ3886CE 18 Rev. I May 1,2012 Approved Article Name Se,tlmH Replacement For Part Nu mber Part Number SL I422-A2 PR e -DeSoto Sealruu I'R-1422 -A2, PR-144U-A2, ProS(.'ai R90, ProS,,:al 890M Approv.1 B.sis and Approved Design Dala I'est an d Computations per 14 Make Eligibility Ai rbus FR 21.303 I)W~ll!,;:1 /jDll l :t:!~i:i I~k~ort : PAR3 204 Rev; A ~ 05/04/07 or a laler FM-appro\lcJ n!\'ision Model Eligibili ty A31 8 Model-In A319 Mode l-III, A31l) Model-112, A319 Moud -113, A319 \1mkl-114, A319 Model -liS, A3 19 Model -131 , ,\319 :\'Iodd -\ .12. A3 19 M(l{k'] -133, A320 tviodel-III, 1\320 Modd -211, A32il Modd -212. A.nO Model -2.13, A321 Model -I II , A321 Model-112 , A321 Model-13l, A321 Modlo!J -211, A321 Mod~I-212, /\321 Model -213. A321 tvlodd -2.12, A330-20 1, A3 30-2U2, /\.1311-203. A33t1-223, ,\3 30-243, A330-303. A330-302. A33U-32I. A330-3 22, A330-323 , 1\3.10-H I, A3:;o-342, A330-343, A340-211. -21 2. -213 , A.140-3 II , -312. -31.1. A.140-54 I, A.140-642, 1\.180-84 1, A3S0-842, A.1S0-S61 Sealant NS1.l422-A2 PRe-OeSu(() Sealalll PR- I422-A2. I'R-1440-A2, l'roSI.'all:NO. Pro Seal ~I)OM Test and COlllpul;:uions pt"T ATR 14 f R 21.303 PrQd\lt' 6DD)nl~ R~nQrt : PAR3204 &l;;.A Da'<: 05104/07 or a later ATI!42-200, ATR42-300. /I rH42-.12o. A1"R42-500, /lTR 72-10 I. TR72-20 I, ATR72-102, An02-202, ATR72-21I , ATR72-2 12. AT R72-212A FAA-approved revision SealUIH NSLI422-A2 PRC'-O\.:SOIO S\.:alant PH-1422-I\2, PR-1440-A2 , Pro Seal 890, ProScal 890M Test and Computations per 14 FR 21.303 Product 6nalvs i..: BCll(lrt : I'I\J0 204 Rev: A Date: 05/04/07 or a l<ltt-'r I':AA-aprrovt"d revi sion 14 /5 1 MI."Donnell Ouuglas OC-S-II. DC -8-12, DC-R-2I , D '-8-31. DC-R-32, DC-8-33, DC-S-4I, DC-8-42, OC-8-43 , DC-8-5I , OC-8-52. 0 -8-5.1. DC-RI·'-54 , O '-S F-55, DC-S-55. DC-8-6I, DC-8-6IF, D -8-62, \)C-~-62F . DC-8-63. DC-8-63F, DC-R-71. DC-8-7I F, D -8-71, DC-S-72 F, OC-S-73. FED ERAL A LATJON ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:..P:::i:Q.::; 38::::8::;,6C::;;~ '£ _ _ __ Supplement No.: ,,;,1,;;,8,,;,R,.;,c,,;,v.,,;,I_ _ _ _ __ Date: May 1, 2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Sc8lam Approved Replacement For Part Number Part Number ame as above Same as above :'\,:alal1l NS Ll422-A2 Article Name Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Same as abo...-e PRe ·D~S()t() S~alall~ PR·1422 · A2. PR-1440 A2, ProSea) 890. Test and Com putations pl-'r ProSea I S"JOM Re\l: A Oale" 05/04/07 or a laler Make Eligibilily Model Eligibility McDonne U Douglas DC-8-73F, MD-II, MD- IIF L-IOII-38S-I , L-IOII-38,-1-14, L-lOll-38,- I- I" L-lOll-38'-3 14 CFR 21.303 Product "n"I,';.;4<:; Repon: PAR3204 FAA·"pprovcd rcvisi()n Sam\,.' as above Same as Above S<.IIllt.: as above Da~ sJuh A\ ialion Falcon 10, F,lkon :WOO. Falcon 2000EX, Mys terc·FaJcon 50, MY.'ltcre·Fakoll 900. Falco n 900EX Fan Jet falcon, Fan Jet Falcon Series C. Fan Jet Falcon Series D, Fan Jet falcon Series L Fan .Jet J.'alcoll ~ cri c:- F, Fan Jet Falcon Series G. Mystc:re· Faleon 200. Mystcrc·I'alco n 20·C5, MYSlC:n:.Fakoll 20·D5, Mystr.;rC'·falcon 20· £5 . Mysten;·Falcon 20·F5 l\SL I422-ll1 / 2 PRC-DcSolu Sealant PR-1422-IJlI2_ I'R-1440-11l i2, ProScaJ 890 Test and Computal.ion s per 14 CFR 21.303 Product t\nah'sis Report PAR3204 Rev: 1\ Date: 05104107 or a later I:AA-approvt.'1I revi... it )n ('[;[\1'1' Intcm illional, SA crM,6-2. CFM,G-2A, CrM,(,-2n. CrMS6-3 . CFMS6-3B, C FM,6-3C. CFMS6-S , CFMS6-5-A III'. CFMS6-SA3 . C FM 56-SA4. ,FMS6-5A4IF, C'FM56-SA5 . C'FM,6-;,\ , IF, CFM56-SBI. CFM56-SB I!3, CFMS6-5JJ21P, CrM56-5 U413, CFM56-5 B311P. CFMSG-SIJ4 /P I , CFMS(,-5 JJ6JP CFM,6-S(WP. CFM ;()-SU7. CFM51i-5117/3. CFM56·5C2, CFM,6-5 C2/li. CFMS6-S C3/F4, CFM56·50 1. C FMS G-SU lIP. Cl-'M,6-Sll2/3, CFM56-5U2/2 P, ISiS I FEDERAL A V!AT!ON AD MIN! T RAHON - PARTS MAN UFACTURER APPROV AL I'MA No.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article Name ~ e al alH Approved, Replacement For Part Number Part Number . SU4 22-BI I2 PRe -DeSoto Seal ant PR-1422-BI/2. PR-144U-B 112. ProSeal 890 PQ3886CE 18 Rev. j May 1,2012 Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Tt;;Sl and C()mp utat ions pe r 14 c m 2 1.3(1.1 Product A nal vsis Report: PARJ204 Make Eligibility Model Eligibility CFM intcmtltional , CFMS6-SB4/3BI , CTM56-5B3!2[)I, SA CFM56-5114/2P, CF\·ISO-5fJ6. CI~\tI56-5n7fP, DaLe: 05104107 or a laler FAA-upproveJ revision CFM56-5fl8/3. CFM56-5 C2/4, CFM56-5 C2/G4. C F:vt5(,-5C3/G, Cf\1SO-' C4 n>. CFM56-5flI/2P. CI,':vt56-5 [33/3. CTM56-5B3/P, lTMSO-5B5 /3, CFM56-5 8 4, CTM56-5B4/2P I, CFM56-5!38 /P, ('1 :1\1156<' 13913 , CFM56-5C2n' . CFM56-5 C21P. H..;15()-5C3 /G 4, CF M56-5 C411, CFM56-582, CF M56-5113/3111. C FM56-5113 /P I, CF M56-5B6/3, C FM 56-5134 / P, CFM56-585, CFM56-586/2P, CFM56-51J91P. CFIVI56-SI39!2P, C rM I6-5C21 4, CFM56-5 ('...J/i>. C FM50-)(:;J /P. CI,'MI6· I C4/1 p, CI' M%-7Il20. C FM 56-71322. CFM56-7Il2li3, CFM56-7Iln CFM56-7Il24/3, CFM56-71126, CFM56-7B26/JB I, CFM56-7827. CFM 56-7Il27/3, CFM56-7Il271ll1. CI,'M5(,-71127/3B I, CF M56-71327/31J I F, CFM56-7112(1), C FM56-7Il20/2, CF M56-71122/2. CFM56-7B22/3B I, CFM50-71124i2. CI,'M56-7Il24/.lfll, CFM56-1IJ26/2, 16151 J-EDERAI. A VIAIIO IRATlON - PARTS MANUFACI RER APPROVAL Aerospace Sealanls LLC 4 Plwll Cl. Sleepy Ho llow, II WI 18 Ar liel. Name Stahmt PMA No.: Supplement No.: Date: Approved Replacement For Pa rt Number Part Number N ' L I411-B ln PRe-Dc, tHO ealall l PR-I ~22-1l 1 /2. I' R-1.1411-11 112. ProS,"uJ 8')0 Appro\'a l Oasis nod App roved Design 08ta Test rmd Computations pt:r 14 C'F R 21.303 PmdUCl A nnlysj.- R.~ PAR3204 Ma ke Eligibility PM InlemOl ionnl, ~A Rev: A Date: OSI(J4 /07 or a later FAA-approved revbion Sealant Same as above Same as above Same as above Boeing PQJ886CE 18 Rev. I Mayl,2012 Model Eligibility FM5 6-71.l26/3B2F. CI'M56-7U27A. C'l'M56-7112 7 F, CTM56-7Il27/ B3. ('1'''156-7112713133, CI'M56-7B221B I. C FM56-7B241B 1, C FM56-7fl26/3. CFM56-7B26/1l1 , CFM56-7B26/JF. CFM56-7B26i132. CFM56-7B26/JB2, CFM 56-7B27n, CF 156-7Il27A13. CFM56-7B27E1F CFM56-5 2. CFM56-5 C2/G. CFM56-5C3/ F4. 727 Series, 727-1 00 Seri es, 727C Seri es, 727-IOOC St:rics. 727-200 Series. 727-2001' Series, 73 7-1 00 Series, 737-200 Series. 737-200 cries, 737-300 Series, 7.17-400 Series. 737-500 S~ ri es. 737-600 Series. 717-700 ."erie<, 737-KOO Series, 737-900 Series, 737-900ER Series, 747-100 Scric$, 747-200ll Seri , 747-200F Series. 747-200C Series, 747SR Serie!'., 747Sf> Series, 7 ~ 7- 1 oor; Series. 7-t 7-J OO Series. 747-1008 SUD Se ri es. 747-400 Series. 747-400D Series, 747-100F Series. 757-200 Series. 757-2001'1' Serie,, 757-200CB Series. 757-3 00 Series.. 7ll7-200 ~cries. 767-300 Se ries, 767-300F Series. 17/ 5 1 FEDERAL AVIATIO N ADMINIST RATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAl , PMA No.: .:..P:;.Q;:::38~8:::6(::.:'E::..._ _ _ __ S upp Iemen t No.: .;.1.:.8.;.R;:c.;.v,:,'.:.1_ _ _ _ __ Date: May 1.2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, Il 60118 Article Name Sealant Approved Replacement For Part Number Pari Number Ns r, 1422-111 12 PRC-r1eSulO SealfiOl Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibilit" 'est a nd Computations per 14 C I'R 21.30J PR-1 422-BI 12. PR-1 440-BI I2 , fwili!~ (la !YSjs ProSl.:"uJ 890 PAR 3 2Q4 Model Eligibilitv 767--WO ER Series, 777 -200 Seri es. 777-300 Series, RCP9n ' 777-300EI( Series, 777-200LR Series, 777 F Serit:s .8.=A D.le: OSI04107 or a later J-'JV\-app roved revision Sealant Same ns above Same as abo ve Same [IS above Airbus A.100. Model 132· lA, ,~30U, Model U2-1 C, AJOO. Modd B4-2C /\300. Model B2K-JC, AJOO. A.1UO. AJ I O. AJ I II. A310, A310. AJ I U, \1odclIl4-IDl. Model B2-20J. Model 204. Mudel 2211, Mo(\cl122, Modd 2U3. Model J22. AJ 10, i\'1odcl 32.:1, /\ 3 I 0, ~,rodcl -,Ool, A110, Model 325, A3UO . Model U4-60 I, AJ OO. Modd 114-603, A300. M odel B4-620. AJOO, !'vloJd B4-60SR, A.100. ModelIl4-622R, AJIIII, Model 1'4-6USR. A300. MoJcl F4-612R, A~O() , tvloJel C4-(l(l5R Variant f. AJUO. Model U2-612, A31~ \'Iodel-II, I, A318 \I" dd -112, A318 Model-121. A318 Model-I22, AJI9 Model-III, AJl9 Model-112, ),\J 19 I'dodd -113, A319 Model -114, A3 t 9 JvtoJel -115, AJ 19 Model -131, A311) Modt ! -132, A.l19 Model -133, AnU Modd -I II. A120 \\'Iodcl -2 [ I, /\:120 Model -232, A.120 Model -233, A311 'M odel -I 1 I, 18151 FEDERAL A VIA TID ADMINISTRA TID - PARTS MANUFACTURER API:ROVAL Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum ('I. Sleepy Hollow, II 60 I 18 PMA No.: Supplement No.: Date: PQ3886CE 18 Rev. I May 1, 2012 Approved Arlic le am. & olanl Replacement for Purl Number Part Numbc.r NS I.1421-ilIl2 P R '- DeSoto Sealant PR-1422-1l1/2. 1']( -1440-111 12, ProS..:a! M90 Appro,'al Basi, and Approyed Design Data Test and Computations per 14 cm 2 J.)OJ Make Eligibility A irbus .~]2 1 Mndel -13 I, A321 Modd -211, A321 Model-:!l2, AJ21 !\iodcl -213, A321 \fodd -2]2. 1\3 30-20 I, A330-202, 1\330-203 , 1\3.10-223, A3JO-24J , A3JO·30J , 1\3]0-.102. 1\.1.10-321 , A330-322, A330-323, A330-34I. A330-342. A3]O-34] , A340-211, -212, -213, 1\]40-311. -312. -313, 1\340-541, A340-642. A3RIl-84I. t\J80-842, i\3S0·R61 Pr()dU~I/~nub'§jji 1~~nnD~ PAl~3204 R,,"v: A Oate: 05/04/07 or a later FAA-appro ...·.;d revision "'-:~danL SiJ.[m! u.s abov!..: Saml..: as above Same as above Model Eligibility A321 Model-112 t Bombardier Inc BD-IOO-IAIO, AD-70IJ-I A I 0, 1l0-700-11\ I I, CI.-215-6A I 0, C L-215-6U II (CL-2IST Variant), ('1.-2 I S-GIlI I (CL-4IS Variant). ('1.-600-I-A II (CI.-600). CL-600-2A 12 (CI.-601-3A Variant.). l'l.-600-2A 16 (CL-600-JR Varinnt), CI .-600-21116 (CL-604 Variant). C'1,-600-2TI 19 (Regional Series 1011 & 440 J. CL-600-2CIO (Regional Se rie, 7011. 701 & 7(2). C I.-600-2DI5 (Regional Series 705), CL-600-21J24 (lh:gional cries 900). DH C-K-IOO Series. ])1ll'-X-2110 Series, DIIC-R-300 Series, DII C-K-400 Series Sealant Same as ahove Sflllll" ijS ahovt Sam...• as ahu,......· Pran & Whitney lTISfJ-I, lTIS!)-IA_ JTIS])-In. JTISfJ-4, JT IS ])-413, JT 15 0-4C JTI 5lJ-4lJ. Jll5lJ-S. JTI5fJ-5 ,\, lTISll-Sll, JTl51J-5 C,1TI50-5/-. lTISD-SR. HISD-Sll, 19/5 1' Jet Jet Jet Jet FEDERAL AVIATION ADMIN ISTRATION PARTS MANUFACT RERAPPROVAL Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article Name Se.'llam PMA No.: Supplcment No.: Datc: Approved Replaeement For Part Number Part Numher NSL 1422·BII2 PRe· Dc. at<) . calunt I'R-1422-B 1/2. I'R-1440-01 12. ProSe. I 890 Approval Basis and Approved Design I)ata Td l uno COlllpu lat i()IlS pcr 14 'FR 21.303 Product Anal>;:sjs R PAR3204 n : Rev : A Oatl.': 05104 /07 or a later FAA-<)pprovcd revision Make Eligihilitv Prall & Wh itney PQ3886CE 18 Rev. I May 1.2012 Model Eligibility PT6t\.-6. PT6A-6A PI"6A-6Ll. PT6A-6/C20. PT6A-II . PT6A-IIAG. pl6A-15ACi. PT6A-20. PT6A-20A, 1'I"6'\-20B. Pl'6A-25, PT6A-25A , PT6A-25C". I'TM-27 , PT6A 28. PT6A-29. l' IM-34, PT6A-341J, PT6A 34AO, PT6A-35, PT6A-36,I'T6A-38. PT6A-40. PT6A-41, PTM-41 AG, f'T6A-42. PT6A-42A. PTM-45, PT6A-45A. l'r6A-45S, PT6A-45R. PT6A-50. PT6i\-60, PT6A·oOi\. PTf;!\ 60ACi. PT6A-(il, P16A-6! A. P'161\-6513, PT6A-65R. PT6A-65AIC PT6A-65AG. PT6A·llU, 1'1'6,'\-112. PT(}A·114. I'l6A-114A. PT6A-114·A. I'l6A-l 16. I'l6A-121, 1'16A-135, PT6A-l 35A. PT61\-52. PT6A-66, PTM"66A. PTM-67. I'T6A-6 7 A. 1'1"6'\-67 AI-, PTGA-67P. PT6A-67R PT6A-67D, P'1'61\-04. PT6A-66B. PT6A-(J8. PT61\-67I\G. PT61\-67T. I'T6A-660, I'T6A-671 ', PT6B-36. 1>T6B-36A , PT6S 3GB. PT6B-37. PTGB -37A. PTGC-670, PT6C-67C, P1"6"1"-J. PT6T-3A. PT6T-3B, PT6T-3 IlG, PT6T-mE. PT6T-6, PT6T-3D.PT6T-9, 1''r6' '-3DE. PT6T-3UF. PTliT·mr. PWIIS, PWIIKA, PWII81l. PW1191l. PWlltJC, PW120, PW120,\. PWJ21. PW121A, PW123. PWJ23AF, PWI23S , PWI23C P\VI2 3 D. PW 123E. PW 124B, PWI25B.PWI26A, PWI27. PWI27 PWI27 F, PWI27G, 20/5 I TlON ADMINISTRA nON - PARTS MA lJ FACTU RER APPROV AL PMA No. : .:..P~Q.::; JS::..:S~6C:;:.E :::. · _ _ _ __ Supplement No.: IS Kev. 1 Date: May 1, 2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Cl. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 ~~~~---- Appro"ed ReplacernclIl 'For Approval Basis and .:.A"r-,t", ic",I':,N=a"m"c,---,",a;-,rt P~ 7N"",u",m,:,b",e;-r-7.P",.c;,r;.,t;e N",u",n""b:.;e:o,r=-:::-_..;;A;>p"p"r."vc o.,.:;:·d:'c"0"'c"'si"'ge;n:-'O"'."'t"'a,-----'.:-';"", M k·"e,,E'O',,: lig~i'2'b",il",it,",Y_~ M"07'd;;c,;..;1E Iigi bi Ii ty~_ __ . enlam NS L 1422-B 111 I'RC-L>eSolo Sealant PR·1422·1J1 12. Test ood Compuuui()n$ per 14 eFR 21.3113 PR-J44()-I3I f2 . Product AgOlysjs R cn() rt~ PW2()(,U2. I'W206<.". PruSe,,1890 PAR3204 lkY;. A PW206E. PW207C. PW207l). PW207DI. PW207D2. ~ 05 /04107 or a latt:r FAA-appro ved ~vision Pratt & Whimey PW 127M. PW 150A. I'W2I1M.PW206B. PWJ05. PW305A , I'W30511.I'W306A. PW3(16Jl. PW.l 06C, I'W3117A. PW30M. I'W,lOSC,PW530A. PW535A , l'W535B. rW545A. P W545B. PW545 C, PW(,IOF·.\. PW(,1 7F·I; . I'W615F·A. PW2037. PW20J7M, PW1040. PW20:l .l rW2240. PW2143, I'W2643 . PW20411D. 1'11'2337. PW20J7U. f I1 7·I'W·1 00. WmI2A·4A. 1FT)) 12A·5A. Jl KJ)·20X. JTXl)·217. JT8l) · 2 17A. nm·217c, .IT8l)·219 • .IT,!J)·JA. n·'JD· 7. JT9D· 711. .IT9D· 7A. n9D·7AII. JT9D·7F. JT<)J)·211. n9J)· 7J. H<)))·20.l.iT9J).,,!A. JT<)f)·7{).1. JT'!D· 7J{-lE, .vI''!)). 7J{4111. JT'JD·70,\. JT<)J). 71(4 D. JT9l)· 7R4E I • .1 '1'91)·71(41;)4. JT9l)· 7Q. H'!!)· 71(4!) I. JT<)D·7R4G2 , PW4050.I'W4052. PW4056. PW4060. PW4 0()(I!I. PW4060C. rW4062. PW40li2A I'W41 52. PW4156. I'W4156A. ·1'11'4158. 1'11'4160. 1'11'4460. PW4462 . PW:.l6S0, I'W4074. I'W4077. I'W4077D. I'W4084. PW40X41l. 1'1V4090. PW40<)0·.1 . PW4074D. PW4090D. I'W409R. I' W4164. PW4168. PW4168A. 1'1V4 164C. PW4164 C/Il.PW4170, PW4108A·ILJ. I'W4168·1 D. I'W4164·1 D. 21 /51 FEDERAL AVIATION ADM INISTRATION - PARTS MAN UFACTU RER APPROVAL Sealants LLC PM A No .: -,P",!,Q", ] 8:..:8.;:. 6C",E;:.._ ' _ _ __ 4 P lum Ct. S leepy Hol low, /I 60118 Supp lement No .: Date : 18 Rev. I .,..::..c..:..::,c..:.,'::-:-::---- Aero~pace Approved Replacement For Pa rt Number Pa rt Num be r Approval Basis a nd Approved Desig n Oata . en lilnt Same as u.bo ve Same a:-; above Same as above Scalant NSLl422 -BII2 PRe-DeSoto Sc;,\lnnt PR- I. .t 22-B II2, PR- I -I-IO-RI .'2. PmS..;a l W)O rest nnd ('o mpufations per 14 CFR 2 1 OJ Article am e Pr~uC1 ,oDBlyotis Make Eligibility Pratt & Whitney ATR Re~ort: PIIR32 Rev : A Dau:: 05/04/07 or a laler FI\i\-,'I pproved revision Sea lant Sam..: as above Same as above Same as above McDonnell Douglas Sell!nn! Same as above Same as n\1(wc.; Snme as nho\'c l.m::kh~ed P R C - OcSl) l (~ I ~~ t anu I..:olll pulall oll s pl.:f 14 C I K 2 !.JUJ NSL 1-l22-U2 PR -I -l22 -U2. 1'1(· 14411-1.12. ProSt:ili 890 Sealan t Product !\nal \'~ is Ih:port: Ci 'i\'1' il ltt:rnali lmnl. SA Mayl,20 12 Model Eligibility PW4 Ih4C-IIl, PW4 164l"1D- 1D, PW6 122A, PW6 124A ATR42-200. II"FR42-300 . ATR42-320.IIT[(42-S00, II1'R72- IOf . IITR72-20 1. ATR72- lm.IITR72-202, ATR72-2 11 , ATR72-2 12. ATR72-2 12A DC-8-1 1. DC-8-12. DC-8-2 1,DC-8-3i. DC-8-32. OC-8-3.l. llC-H-4 1.D '-8-42. OC-8-43. DC-8-S I. DC-8-52. DC-8-53. DC-XF-54. -8 1'"- 55. DC-H-55. D -8-61. DC-8-6Ir. J) -8-62. DC-8-62f'. DC-8-63. DC-8-63 F, DC-8-71 . DC-8-7 IF, D -R-72. DC-R-nf', DC-S-73. DC-8-73 F, MD-II. MD-IIF 1.-1011 -385- 1. 1.-1011-1R5-1-14. L-IOII-385 - 1- 15. L-IOII -385-3 CJ-"M'I>-2. CFM56-2A. CJ-"M5(>-2 B, (·FM51i-3 . Rc.v: r\ C I'M56-JB . CF MS6-J C, CFM56-S. CFM56-5-A III', CFM5h-5A3. CFM56-5A4. ~ C F~1S6-5A4/F. 1'/I IU204 05/0·1/07 or a la[er FAJ\-approvcd rc\'is ion C r ~·1 56-5'\5. C'FM5('·SII5/ F. \"FM56-S11I, CFM56-SIII /J. CFM56-5B2IP. CFM56-SIl4JJ , C"FM56· SB3np. l"FM5b-51l4/ P I . <:,;i\'156-5B5fP. CFM56-5117. CFM56-5 117/3, C FM56-5C2 . 22/5 1 FEDERA l" AVIATION ADMINISTRATlO, - PA RTS MANUFACT RERAPPROVAL PMA No_: Supplement No_: Date: Aerospace Sealants LtC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 PQ3886CE 18 Rev. 1 ..,..;-;--':'-'::~--- May 1,2012 ~~~~------- Approved Article Name Seill£uH Replacement For Part Number Part Number NS1.1422-B2 PRe-DeSoto Sealant PR~ 1412-B2, PR-14..J:()-B1, ProSe-at X90 Approval Basis and A pp roved Design ."D-="-=, ta --,Ma" ;.;;: k::;.e-;oE".1i,.g",",ic;.: i b li",t',--' ;-~M~od"e:;:Ic:E",::, I ig",i", b.:.: il.:.: ityL_ _ __ Test and Computations per 14 cm 21.303 Prod uct An[l l y~is Rworl: PAR.3 2Q4 ll.,":; A Dut(": 05i04/07 or n lall'r l"AA-approv~J r("vision CFM tnb:rnaliollo t, CFM56-SC2! J. SA CFM56-SC3/F4, CHvI56-5 C4, GI'M56-511I IP, C FM56-SB2/3, C FM56-5B2J2P, CfM56-5U4/3B I, C FMS6-513.J/2P I. CFM56-5134/2P. C FM56-5B6. GF MS6-SB71P, GFMS6-5B8/3. CFMS6-S C2/4. C FM5<1-S C2/(i4, CFM S6-5C3/G, CFMS6- 5C4/P. GfM S6-S Bl I2P. crMS6-S83/3, CFMS6-5B3/P, CFMS6-5BS/3, CF MS6-SU4, FMS6- 5B4 /2P I, C FM56-SB8/P, CFM56-Sll9/3, C FM56-5 C2IF, GFM56-5 C2fl', (F\156-5 - /CA, CFMS6-5 C4/I , CfM56-SB2, GfM 56-5B3 /3B I, GFM56-S B3IPI, C FMS6-SIJ6/3, C:1'i\1 50-5134/P, C FM56-5A5 , Cf l\156-5B6/2P, Ct-M 5(J-5INiP. C rM5n -5 IWI2P, CI' M56-5 C2/F4, CFM56-5 CVI', C"~ M5(}-5 CJ !P . CI'M5n-S C4IlP, CFM56-7B21\. C FM56-7B22, CT1vIS6-7f322I3 , CFM56-7B24, CFMS6-71124!3, CF M56-71l26, C FM56-7B2613B I, CFMS6-71327. CI'M56-71127I3 . CI'M56-TB27lB I. CFM 56-7 1l27/.l 13 I, CfM S6-7U27I.lB 1F. C FM56-7B2013, 23/51 FEDERAL AVTATIO A~rospac~ ADMIN ISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACT ER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P~Q-=38:..:8;.:.6C .::.E=' _ _ __ Supplement 0.: 18 Rev. 1 -:'7-'--":--::-::-:-=--- Dale: May 1, 2012 Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow. II 60 11 8 Approved Replacement POr Article Name Sea lan t Part umber Part Number N ' L1422 -1l2 PRe-DeSoto Sealant 1'1(-1422-U2, J'R-I ·UIJ·R1. RIJO iproS~al Model Eli ibilil CTM56-71l2012, CFM56-7Il2212. CFM56-7IlP U I, CFM56-7R2412. CTMj(,-71124 131, CFM5G-7Il2612. CFM56-7Il26/3U1F. CFM56- 711271\. CFM56-711271JF, CFM56-71l27/133, CFM56-71J27/JI33, CFM56-7112 21B I, CFM56-711241B I. CFM56-7n26/3, CFM56-7D26113 I. CFM56-7 1126/3F. CFM56-71l261132. CFM56-7Il26!J 132. CFM56-7Il27/2. CFMSI>-7U27AJJ, CF\156-7U27 EJF ("I'M 56-5('2, CTMS6-5C2IG, CFM56-5C31f'4, P CO!JUCl An alysis HI..'port: PARJ 204 lill';..A Dale: 05/04107 or a latn I'AA-appro\,ct! rc.."ision Same a~ above Same as ahm;c Smne as (lhn"~ Boeing 727 Series. 727-100 Series, 727C Series. 72 7-100C S<:ries. 727-200 Series. 727-200F Scri~s. 737-100 Series. 737-200 Series. 737-200(' Series. 737-300 Series. 7J 7-400 Series. 737-500 Series. 737-600 Seri es. 737· 70() Series. 73 7-KO() Series. 737·c)()0 St:rics. 737-900ER S<:rics, 747- 100 Series. 747-2009 Scric~ 747-200 P Se ries, 747-200C rics. 747SR S<:rics, 747SP Series, 747-10013 Series, 747-300 S<:ries. 747 -IIXJB S 0 Series, 747-400 S<-rl es. 747-400D Series. 747·4001' Series, 757-2UU Series, 24 /51 FEDERA l. A VIATION A DM INISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROV AL PMA No.: _1'.Q .;",3.;..8""86:..C,-P",,._ _ _ __ Supplement No.: 18 Rev. I -:-:--:-:=--- Date: May 1, 2012 Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Article N.",e Sealunt Approved Replaceme-nt For Part Number Part Number NSL 1-l22·H:! ['ltC-DeSolo SCillaI1l PR-1412-B2. PR-I .... 40-B2. ProSeal890 Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Test and Computations per 14 em 21.303 Make Eligibility Boeing Product An.l1ysjs Reooo' PAR3204 Model Eligibility 7S7-200PF Serks, 757-200CB Series, 757-300 Series, 767-200 Series. 767-3{)() Series, Rev: A ~ ()5 /(J4 /07 or a later 767·3001' Series. 767-400ER Series, 777-200 Se ri es, FAA-ap proved revis ion 777-300 ~er i es , 777-300ER, cri.s, 777-200I.R Series. 777F Serj~s Sl: <llant Same as above Sam e a:- above Same ;IS nhovc BornharJh:r Inc DIl-IOO-IAIO, UO-700-IAI0. BIl-700-1 A I I. C'L-21 5-6'\ I 0, C'1.-2I S-61l11 (CL-2151' Variaot). C L-21 5-6UI I (CI.-41 5 Vilriant). C'1.-600-I-A II (CI.-OOO). C'1,·oOO-2A I2 (l'I,-601-3A Varialll). C l.-600-2BI6lCL-600-3R Varimll). C I.-600-211 16 (Ci .-604 Variant). C I.-600-2B 19 ( Rq;iu"al l e. Series 100/1; 440). CL-600-2C I 0 (Regiu" al Jc. Seri es 70il. 70 I & 702), CL-(lOO-2 1> 1-" (Rcg,iullaJ Je( S~ri es 7(5). CI r 60/l-21l2·1 (Reg ional .I" I\eri c..~ 900). Dlle -8-1 00 Series. DIIC-H-100 Series, OHC-R-300 Series, 01IC-S-400 Series S~" I < Hl[ Same' a~ above Sam~ as ubovc Sam!..: <I.,) ,.tb {)v~ 2515 I Prall & Whitney lTISIl-1. J\'IS])· IA, Yl' 15D-IB, JTISD-4. JT ISIl-41l. JT ISO-4l'. JT IStl·41J, J n SO-5. l T I5D-SA, J1'151:>-51l, .ITISD-5l'. J"i' ISIl-5F, JT l SD -SR ..1,(, ISIl-5D. PTM-~. I'TM-6A. PTM -6B, PTM-6/C20. I'I'M-II , P1'6f\-11 AG, P IM-15AG, PT6A-20, I'T6A-20A 1'1'6f\-201l. FEDERAL AVIATIO ADM INISTRATIO - PA RTS MAN lJFACTURE R APPROY AL Aerospace Sealants LLC PMA No,: -'-P"'Q"'38"'8:;:6,::.C;:: E_ _ _ __ Supplement No,: 18 Rev , 1 Date: 7rv7Ia-y-:'-,720~,:O:l----- 4 Plum C1. Sleepy l-Iollow, II 60118 Article Name Sealant Appro\'ed Reptacement For Part Number Part Numher NS L1422-U2 PR · DeSmo Sea lant PR-1422-IG . I'R-I44U-112, PruScal 890 1 App""'." Oasis and Approved Design Data Te$( and Complllutions per 14 n R 2U()3 Product Ana1v:sis Report ; PARJ:!04 Rev: /\ ~ 05/0·1/07 or a 1;1tcr FA;\-JPpr(\\· ~J revi~ion Make Eligibility Pra tt & Whitm:y Model EliGibility 1''1'61\-2', PT6A-2,/\, PT6A-2,c:. I'T6A- 27, I'TM 28, I'T6A-29, Pli6A<i4 . PT6A-J-1n. PT6.'\ 34/\G. PTM-J 5, PTM-30. I'rI>A-38. PT6/\-40. I'T6A-41. PTM-41 fIG. 1''1'61\-42, PT6/\-42/\, I'II>A·45, PT6/\-4511 . PTM-4,fl. PT6A-4,R, PT6A-50, PT6A-6(). PT6A-60A. PT()A 60/\G, PT611-61, PTM-6IA, PT6A-65 fl. I'T6A-65R. I'T6/\-~5/\R , PTM-6SAG, 1''1'61\-11 u. I'TM-112, P'f'6A-114. I'TM-114/\, PTr,A-114A, PT6A-116.I'TM- 121, PT(lA-IJ5. Pl6A-135A PT6A-,2. I'T6A-66, PT6A-66 ,\ P'j'hA-67. PT6/\-67/\ . I'T6/\-67/\F. P'I'M-671'. I'T6A-67B, PThA-67 I>, PT6A-64, I)T6A-66H. 1"j "6A-6H. pr6A-67A G. PT6A-67" j'"!·6A-66JJ . P"j"6,\-67F, I'l6B-J!>. I'T6I3-36A, P'l6[l J(,B. P"I"6 1.1-37. PT613-37A. I'T6('-670. PT6C-67C, I'T61-3,I'T61-3A, I'TbT-JO.I'T6T-.l BG. I'T6T·3 AE, I'T61'-6, I'T6T-3D. 1'1'6'1'-9, 1'1 (,-r-.1D I;. PTGT-.lDF, pI'6T·3 1.1F, pII'II~ . I'WII~/\ , PWI18B. PWI191l. I'WII~C. I'W1 20. PWI20A " I'WJ21 . PWI 2 IA , PWI2J. pWI2JAF, I'WI2JIl, PWI2J C. PW123D, I'll' 123 E. PW 12~B, I'WI2513.I'WI26A, 1'\\,127, PWI27E, PW 1271'. rw 127G. I'WI27M, PWI'UA. PW20(,A. PW206 B, P\V206H2. PW206C.. [>W2061·:. P\\'207C PW2U7D. 1'\\,2U7D I, 26/51 FEDERAL AV I ATION ADMI ISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PM A No.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 ~P.:iQ~38:::8:::6.;;:C.:;;:E_ _ _ __ 18 Rev. I 7M:-a-y--:I-. -::'20~1:-::2:----- Approved Article Name Sea lanl Replacement Fur Part Number Part Number NS1..1411-1l1 PRC~I)eSOlu )lR·I'421·Bl, I'R·144U·1I2. PruScal SI)O Sr.:a lallt ApIU""m'al Oasis and Approved Design Da ta Te:;t and O IllP\l\illl()ll ~ per 14 CFR 2UIlJ Product Anul ysls R..:port: PAR3204 Rev: A Dat..:: 05 /04/01 or a later FAA-appro\ cd n!' ision Make Eligibilitv l'trou &. Wh itnc), Model Etig ibility PW207))2, PWJ05. PW305A. PWJ05Il. PW306A. PWJ0613. PW306C. PIV307,'.PW30SA. PW]OKt'. PWjJOA. PIYjJ5A , P1V535B. PWj45A. 1'1I'545B, PW545C. PW6IOf-.\ . PW(>l7f- E, I'W6 ISF-A , PII'20J 7. PW2UJ 7M. 1'11'2040. I'W2114J, PW2240.PII'2 14J. 1'11'2643. PW20401l. I'W23] 7, I'W2UJ 7[), F117-PW-100. JFT )) 12A-4A. JITIl12A-5A. JTSD-20B, )TW-2 17, JT8Il-217A. J I'SIl-2I 7l'. )TW-2 1Y. JT9D-JA. JT9D-7. JT9D-7H. J 1'91J-7 A. J 1'9I,l-7A II . JT91J-7F. JT9D-20, J f9D -7J, JT91l-20J , JT91l- 59A. JT90-7Q3. JT90 -7R4E. J 1'91J-7R'1HI , JT9D-70/1. H91l-7R 'IIJ, JT91l-7R4 P. 1. H91l-7R4 E4. JT9D-7Q. JT9D-7R4 D I. Jl'91l-7R4n 2, P1V4050. PW4051. PW'105r., PW4060. I' W40MlA , PW4060C. PW4062. P1V4062A. P\\',11 5 2. PW,115(1. PW4IlM. 1'11'41 58, PW41 60. I'WH60, PW4462. PW4650. PW4074 . PW4077, PII'40771.l. 1'1I'4U84. PW40841l. 1'11'4090. PW409(1-J . PW4ll74D.. PW4090D. PW4098. PW4 164. I>W4168. PW4168i\. PW4164C, PIV416K111. I'W41 70, 1'1'141 ('~A- ))). P\V416R-Ill. I'W4164-10. PW41 64 ·-ID. PW4 164 C!J)-IU. PW6122A . PW6124A 27/5 1 FE DERA L A VIATION ADMIN ISTRA T[O PMA No. : Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants LLC 4 Plum CI. Sleepy Hollow, 11 60118 Article Name Approved Replacement For .part Number Part Number App rov a l Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility ..;.P... Q,;;,88 3;;,;;,.;;6.,;; C.,;; E_ _ _ __ ..;.1,;. 8..;.R..;.V. o..;.,,:I.,.,.,,_ _ _ __ M"y 1. 20 12 Model Eligibility ~~s~c~al~~~~~ ru1l N~S~I~.1~4~2~2-~B~ 2 ~~ PIZ~-~~~ DeS~o~ ' o~Se~ ~ ul~M-.--~ ' T~c~~:t~tI~ ,"~I C~O,~Il~Pl~l'~at~il~"'~'~pe~r~~~~A~ir~h~u~ .' ~~-A~.~l(~I O~~ . Mfo~e d~1~1~12~-~IA~.-----PR-1422 -82. PR-1 44 0- B2. ProSea l 890 14 e FR 21.303 Produc t Ana lys is Report: PAR3204 Rev : A Date: 05104/07 or a later FAA-uprrovcd rev isio n AJOII . Model fl2-I C . /\300 . Modcl lH·2 C. A300. Mudd 8 2K-3 C. A3 00, Mlldclll4-I 03 , A300. ~1odeJ m -203 , AJ I 0, MoLlcl 204, A] 10. Model 221. 1\3 10, Mudd 212 , AJi O. Model 203. A3 10. '\.Iodol 322. A3 1O. Model 324. 11.1 10, .,- todel .104. A310, Modd 315, A300. Model B4-60 I. A31111. MOlIeI B4-603. 113011. Mudd B4-o20. 1\300. Mod,,:] B4-60SH.. , A301l . MUlkl 8 4-612R. A300. Mudel 1'4-60SR. AJ OO, Modcl l'4-622 R. AJOO. ModeJ C4-60 5R Varian t 1-~ A300. M"del 82-622. A3 18 Model -I I I. AJJ8 Model - 112. J\J I H Mvdel - I' 2 1, AJ I X M ll liel - 1,22. J\3 1 ~ Moo", - I II . A3 19 M" Jd -I, 12, J\3 19 IVlodd- IJ 3, MI ') Model- I 14. "1 1C) ivh,de l - 115. AJ I l) Moo d · l3l . 1\3 1'J Model - 1:'1, A] 1'> \!lodel - L11. A.'UO Mnde l -I i' 1, i.\32fl Vlnde! -2 1, 1, A.nn Mndel -231 . A320 \ 10dc.1 -21\ 11.121 Model- III . A3 2 1 ModcJ -112 , A32 1 Moud -J.ll. 1\32 1 Model -2 11, A32 1 ~'loueJ -2 12. A32 1 Model -211. A12 1 M oucl-2J2, A330-20 I. A330-202. 1\330-20.1. 1\330-223. 1\330-243. ADO-JO}. A3311-302. A3.10· 32I , 113.111-.1 22. A.130-323, A330-34 I. 1\ .130- 342. A330-343. 28/5 1 fEDERAL A VIAnON A DMlN ISTRA TION - PART PMA No. : .:.P. ::sQ.3"' ::. 88"'6C=E_ "' _ _ __ SupplemcDt No.: .,:.1.:.8. :.R:.e..:. ;: v· 1:.,....,_ _ _ __ 7 Oate: Ma y 1, 2012 Acrospacc Sealanls LLC 4 Phun Ct. Sleepy Hollow, II 60118 Artic le Name Sealant Approved Replacement For Part Number Part Number , arne a..<i above Appro,.I IInsis and Approved Design Data Snw liS abo \'e Make Eligihilit\' Airbus Model Eligibility 340·211. 1'13 ·10-311. A34U-54 I'. 1'1.180-841'. -212. -213. -312. -313. A340-642. A3~1l-842. AJSO·X() [ SC<lbnr NS1. 142 2-B2 Same as ahove PRC· l kSo((l S~ahllll PR-1411-B2. PR-1440-112. ProSl:ill X90 T c t and Computations per 14 'P R 2l..l03 AT\( Prod ct Anahl ~ i , Rc ull: PA R3204 Rev: A )atc: 05f 04lO7 or OJ lalcr A m42-2UO. AT R42-3UO. AIR42-320. ,\ 1'R42-500. A f"R 72 -1 0 I. Am 71-20 I. AT\(72- \(12. A1'\(72-202. AT\(72-211. ATR72-212. ATR72-2 12A FAA -approved re vision S\.:alant Save a:, above Same as above Same az.; above McDonnell Duuglas DC-8-1 I. lJC-8-12, DC-X-21. DC-S-)I, llC-H-J? [lC-R-)), DC-H-41. DC-8-42, f)C-8-43. DC-8-51. DC-H-52. DC-H-53, DC-SF-5 4. IX'-RI'-55, DC-8-55. \lC-8-61. D '-8-6 1F. DC-8-62. DC-X-62F. DC-S-C..l. DC-H-b3f'. DC-R-7 1, DC-R- 7 1F. J)C-R-72, o '-B-72F, OC-8-73, OC-8-7JF. DC-9-11. J)C-')-12, OC-9-J.l, n C-9-14. 0'-9-15 , 1lC'-9-15 f . D '-9-21. OC-9-31. -9-32. DC-9-31 (VC-9C), DC-9-32!'. DC-9-.l2 (C-,!'\' C -9Bi. DC-9-34. IlC-9-)4F. f) '-9-4' I. Ix '-9-51. DC-9-~1 (MD-RII. DC-9-H2 (MIl-X21. DC-V-H3 (MIl-H.1 I. DC-9-X 7 ('VID-87). ~m-HX. MD-90-30. 7 17-200 \1.1)-1 I. Ml).J' I F Sealant S<.u111.' as aho \'{: S<Ulh.• as abu\-\,: Smnl.' as alJl)\ c 2lJ!5! J .uckJh..' cd L-IilII-385-1. l.-1011-385-1-14 , L-1011-3X5-1-15. L-IOII-385-3 FEDERAL AVIATIQN ADMINISTRATION - PA RTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL Aerospace Sealants tLC PMA No.: Supplement No.: Date: 4 Plum Ct. Sleep), Hollow. II' 60118 Article Name S~aJanl Approved Replacement For Part Number Part Number NS L1.:t22-B2 PI{ '-DeSoto s.::ulunt PR-1422-U2, PR-144U-B2 , PmScall'NO Approval Bnsis and Approved Design Data T e:; Lillld Compuilltioll s per Make Eligibility Dussnuh A viation PQ38S6CE 18 Rev. I MilY I. 2012 Model Eligibilitv I'aktlll 10, ]:alcon 2000. 14 Gf' R 21.303 Fa.lcon 20UOEX, MY~I~ r ..:-I:akon 50, Product A nal vs is RepJ.U1: I'AR3204 Rey; A Mystcn:-falcon 9110. 12,11 : 05104/07 or a later Falcon 9001::X Fan Jel Fulcon, F.I\A-approvlo:d revi s ion r an Je t Falcon ScriC:i C. Fan Jet Falcon Seric $ D, pan Jet Fulcon Series C. r. Fan Jet Falcon Series Fan J et Fa lcon Series G. Myslcre-Fa1con 200. Mysterc-f."n!con 10-C5, Mystcrc-Falcon 20-D5, M y::'1~re -Falco n 20- E5. Mystcre-Fakon 20-FS Sca!an( NS L 18:!6-B I /~ I'R<. '·)kSoto Sea lant PR-IX26-ll Il4 r C.' 1 anJ Computations pCI' em 14 21.30.1 I'rodUl:t Anal vsi:-o Reporl: PAR3204 Uomhan.lic:r Inc nD-lOO-IA10, llD-700-1 /\ I 0, 1)1l-700-1 ,\l1 . CL-215-(,AIO. GL-215-flIHI (C I.-21 5T Rev ; A Date: 05104/07 or :t laLer Variant), FAA-approwd rev ision C L-215-6811 (GL-415 Variunt). C L-600-I-AII (CI.-600), CL-6uO-2A 12 \CL-601-JA Variant), CI..-600-21316 (CL-600-3R Y"riant), Ct..-600-211 16 «("1.-604 VarialH). CL-600-2flI 9 ( Reg ional J et Series 100 & 440), CL-600-2(, I 0 (Region,1 Jet Series 700. 701 & 702). C L-6()()-2D 15 (R~giona l Jet Series 7(5). CL-600-:!D24 (Regional kl' Series ~OO). DH ( '-S·\ 00 Serie::;, DJ 1('-S-20(j Series, DI-IC-g-300 Scri,"s. DJ.'C-8--400 Series 30/51 NSL1422 Rev. C 07-15-12 NSL1422 Class A Aircraft Integral Fuel Tank Sealant Product Description: NSL1422 Class A is a fuel resistant sealant for use on integral fuel tanks and pressurized cabins as well as other areas subject to contact with aircraft fuels, lubricants, oils, water and/or weathering. NSL1422 Class A is a two-part polysulfide base compound which cures at room temperature to a flexible, resilient rubber. When mixed, NSL1422 Class A is a self leveling liquid. For mixed application life details see cure profile below. Product Features: • Excellent adhesion to aluminum, magnesium, titanium, steel and numerous other aircraft substrates. • Designed to withstand the attack of sulfur compounds that are present in jet fuels and aviation gas. • Service temperature range -65ºF (-54ºC) to 250ºF (121ºC) with excursions to 275ºF (135 ºC). • Suitable for application by brush to thickness of up to 25 mils. Heat-Accelerated Curing: Increased temperature and relative humidity will reduce work life and speed up the cure. Reduced temperature and relative humidity will extend work life and slow the cure. Packaging: Available in 2½- and 6-oz. cartridges, pint, quart and gallon kits. Also available in premixed and frozen cartridges. Other-size packaging available upon request. Shelf Life: Sealed containers: 9 months when stored below 80°F. Slight changes in work life, viscosity and curing rate may occur but will not affect end performance of the product. Typical Properties: UNCURED Color: Base Curing Agent Mixed Mixing Ratio: (by weight) (by volume) Non-volatile Content Viscosity, poise Base Curing Compound Specific Gravity Consistency CURED – ROOM TEMPERATURE Cured – 7 days @ R.T.2 Tensile Strength, PSI Elongation, % Durometer, Shore A Min. Peel Strength, PPI Flash Point Fungus Resistance Replacement For: PR-1422 Class A, PR-1440 Class A, P/S 890 & P/S 890M Class A Conforms3 To: AMS-S-8802 & BMS5-26U by FAA-PMA Approval Off-white Gray Gray 100:10 100:8.3 86% 2501 1,000¹ 1.25 Self Leveling 250 250 50 30 90ºF Non-nutrient ¹ Brookfield RVF Spindle #6 2 Conditions 77ºF and 50% R.H. 3 Material and data depicted on this TDS is provided to Aerospace Sealants by the approved manufacture supplier(s) for this material. Qualification and inclusion on the QPL(s) is by the supplier(s) per their material identification and conforms as required by the governing specification. Cure Profile: A-1/2 A-2 Application Life (hrs) 1/22 2 Tack Free Time (hrs) 2 <8<24 Cure Time to 35 Shore A (hrs) 30 72 Aerospace Sealants FAA PMA 4 Plum Ct. - Sleepy Hollow, Illinois 60118 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com This document contains proprietary information and is not to be transmitted, reproduced or disclosed to anyone without written permission of Aerospace Sealants. NSL1422 Rev. C 07-15-12 NSL1422 Class B Aircraft Integral Fuel Tank Sealant Product Description: NSL1422 Class B is a fuel resistant sealant for use on integral fuel tanks and pressurized cabins as well as other areas subject to contact with aircraft fuels, lubricants, oils, water and/or weathering. NSL1422 Class B is a two-part polysulfide base compound which cures at room temperature to a flexible, resilient rubber. When mixed, NSL1422 Class B is a thixotropic paste that will not flow. For mixed application life details see cure profile below. Product Features: • Excellent adhesion to aluminum, magnesium, titanium, steel and numerous other aircraft substrates. • Designed to withstand the attack of sulfur compounds that are present in jet fuels and aviation gas. • Service temperature range -65ºF (-54ºC) to 250ºF (121ºC) with excursions to 275ºF (135 ºC). • Suitable for application by extrusion gun or spatula. Heat-Accelerated Curing: Increased temperature and relative humidity will reduce work life and speed up the cure. Reduced temperature and relative humidity will extend work life and slow the cure. Available in 2½- and 6-oz. cartridges, pint, quart and gallon kits. Also available in premixed and frozen cartridges. Other-size packaging available upon request. Shelf Life: Sealed containers: 9 months when stored below 80°F. Slight changes in work life, viscosity and curing rate may occur but will not affect end performance of the product. Typical Properties: UNCURED Color: Base Curing Agent Mixed Mixing Ratio: (by weight) (by volume) Non-volatile Content Viscosity, poise Base Curing Compound Specific Gravity Consistency CURED – ROOM TEMPERATURE Cured – 7 days @ R.T.³ Tensile Strength, PSI Elongation, % Durometer, Shore A Min. Peel Strength, PPI Flash Point Fungus Resistance Replacement For: PR-1422 Class B, PR-1440 Class B, P/S 890 & P/S 890M Class B Conforms4 To: AMS-S-8802 & BMS5-26U by FAA-PMA Approval Cure Profile: Packaging: B-1/2 B-2 Application Life (hrs) ³ 1/22 Tack Free Time (hrs) ³ <824 Cure Time to 35 Shore A (hrs) 30 72 Off-white Gray Gray 100:10 100:8.3 96% 11,000² 1,000¹ 1.25 Paste 250 250 50 35 >200ºF Non-nutrient ¹ Brookfield RVF Spindle #6 ² Brookfield RVT Spindle #7 ³ Conditions 77ºF and 50% R.H. 4 Material and data depicted on this TDS is provided to Aerospace Sealants by the approved manufacture supplier(s) for this material. Qualification and inclusion on the QPL(s) is by the supplier(s) per their material identification and conforms as required by the governing specification. Aerospace Sealants FAA PMA 4 Plum Ct. - Sleepy Hollow, Illinois 60118 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com This document contains proprietary information and is not to be transmitted, reproduced or disclosed to anyone without written permission of Aerospace Sealants. Material Safety Data Sheet HMIS HAZARD RATING Polysulfide Class A, Part A only 2 3 0 H FED-STD-313 Latest Revision May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration Number None Health Flammability Reactivity PPE Type of Data Sheet New SECTION I General Information X Revised Commercial ID (as on label and list) Number of revised section: Government contract or order number NSL1422 Class A (Part A) Manufactures Name Flamemaster Corporation National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN N/A Manufactured For: National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX 77355 Emergency Telephone Number N/A Part number, product and or trade name NSL1422 Class A (Part A) Hazardous items Yes Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC X Date prepared (800) 527-0011 Mfgr. CAGE code 05/14/2007 Name of Preparer 14439 Signature of preparer On File Billy Matthews NRC License number EPA Registration Number N/A Specification Number N/A Spec. Type No AMS S-8802 Spec. Grade. Spec. Class II B A 1/2 - A 2 - A 4 SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Other limits By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV NIOSH # CAS # 55% N/E N/E ** 68611-50-7 10% 50 ppm 50 ppm XS5250000 00108-88-3 ** Liquid polysulfide polymer (none CFR 1910.1200) Toluene (Methyl Benzene) ** Toxic Data Not Established All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Par. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) 2310 F Auto ignition Temperature 1.5 PH Vapor Pressure (mm hg) 2 % Volatile by Volume 8.5 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) 2.0 Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Density Air = 1 3.1 Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature N/A N/A Magnetism (milligauss) 15 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 300 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC White Paste / Polysulfide odor 140 grams / liter SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) 320 C ----- 900 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A UEL 1.3 Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Vapors are heavier than air and will collect at low points see (Section V) SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid X Neutralizing Agents Open Flame High Heat Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products H2S, CO, CO2, SO2, Smoke X Conditions to avoid N/A 7.1 FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: Page 2 Date 05/14/2007 NSL1422 Class A (Part A) Polysulfide Class A part A only SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? yes yes yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Non established (possible skin irritation) not considered a primary skin irritant may lead to muscular weakness and dizziness, long-term exposure may lead to dermatitis, liver and kidney damage. INHALATION: vapor will irritate nose throat and respiratory tract, high concentration may cause dizziness INJESTION: can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? NO NO OSHA Regulated? NO Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: Pre existing skin disorders, respiratory tract, liver and kidney damage Signs and symptoms of exposure: Skin or eye irritation head ache and nausea with impaired coordination Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: If swallowed get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Remove sources of ignition. Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with curing agent. Clean up remainder with sand or sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid hazardous waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Empty drums may contain explosive vapors Store below 120 degrees dry area away from acids, oxidizers, open flame or other possible ignition sources Ground containers when transfering. Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When applying in any circumstances likely to produce airborne levels of solvent vapors in excess of the TLV or when mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Air Protective gloves Type: Solvent resistant gloves Mechanical (general) N/A Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Safety Glasses / face shield Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA Shipping name: Not regulated Unit container Hazard class: X Military Air (AFR 71-4) ID Number N/A DOT Spec. container N/A IMDG Marine Pollutant No Reportable Quantity UN number UN 1133 N/A Net explosive weight: N/A Labels: 3 DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Flammable Liquid Limited Quantity: N/A Aerosol propellant (s) Varies with quantity U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful mater Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part B dispose as hazardous solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: D-001 ignitable Sludge Disposal methods: Incineration or land fill, The material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration None HMIS HAZARD RATING 1 Health 1 Flammability 1 Reactivity G PPE NSL1422 part B only page 1 FED-STD-313 Latest Revision Type of Data Sheet New X Revised Number of revised section: Government contract or order number SECTION I General Information Commercial ID (as on label and list) NSL1422 Class A (part B) Flamemaster Corporation N/A Manufactured For: Part number, product and or trade name National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX Emergency Telephone Number NRC License number Date prepared Name of Preparer Signature of preparer EPA Registration Number Specification Number (800) 527-0011 14439 05/14/2007 Billy Matthews On File N/A AMS-S-8802 N/A Spec. Type NSL1422 Class A (part B) Yes X No Hazardous items Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC Mfgr. CAGE code N/A National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN Manufactures Name Spec. Grade. Spec. Class N/A N/A N/A SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Manganese Dioxide Other limits By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV N/E < 65% 5 ppm 5mg /m 3 NIOSH # CAS # 0P0350000 1313-13-9 Manganese Dioxide is in a wetted out dispersion exposure limits based on dust that is not present in this composition. All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Para. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) N / Av. Auto ignition Temperature 2.0 PH 9 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) Non Volatile Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Pressure (mm hg) N/A Vapor Density Air = 1 N/A Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature Not flammable Unknown % Volatile by Volume Magnetism (milligauss) 2.0 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 1000 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC Black paste negligible oily odor Non Volatile SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) > 930 C ----- > 2000 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A UEL N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Explosion hazard if heated with oxidizable materials SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid X Neutralizing Agents Easily oxidizable materials Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Easily oxidizable materials Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products Oxides of nitrogen, Carbon, manganese compounds X Conditions to avoid None N/A FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: Page 2 Date 05/14/2007 NSL1422 Part B Manganese NSL1422 Page 2 part B only SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? Yes No Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Impairment of central nervous system Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No No Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: None known Signs and symptoms of exposure: Sluggishness, Sleeplessness, and / or Weakness in legs Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Dike and cover with non-oxidizable absorbent. Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with base. Clean up remainder with sand or non-oxidizable sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Keep container tightly closed, store in a dry location away from flammables (see Section VIII) wash hands thoroughly after handling Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Mechanical (general) Air N/A Protective gloves Type: Chemical resistant gloves Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Chemical goggles / face shield Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA X Military Air (AFR 71-4) IMDG Marine Pollutant No UN number N /A Shipping name: ID Number Reportable Quantity N/A N/A Not regulated Unit container DOT Spec. container Net explosive weight: < 20 gms. in plastic container N/A N/A Hazard class: Labels: N/A Not required DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Limited Quantity: N/A N/A Aerosol propellant (s) U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful mater Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part A dispose as solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: N/A Sludge Disposal methods: When disposing of this material, the material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Material Safety Data Sheet HMIS HAZARD RATING Polysulfide Class B, Part A only 1 1 0 H FED-STD-313 Latest Revision May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration Number None Health Flammability Reactivity PPE Type of Data Sheet New SECTION I General Information X Revised Number of revised section: Government contract or order number Commercial ID (as on label and list) NSL1422 Class B (Part A) Manufactures Name Flamemaster Corporation N/A Manufactures Address (No Street, City, State and zip) National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX 77355 Emergency Telephone Number NRC License number Part number, product and or trade name NSL1422 Class B (Part A) Hazardous items Yes Date prepared Name of Preparer Signature of preparer EPA Registration Number Specification Number (800) 527-0011 14439 No Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC Mfgr. CAGE code N/A National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN Billy Matthews 05/14/2007 On File N/A N/A Spec. Type X AMS S-8802 Spec. Grade. Spec. Class II B B 1/2 - B 2 - B 4 SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Other limits Liquid polysulfide polymer (none CFR 1910.1200) Toluene By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV NIOSH # CAS # < 70% < 5% N/E 100 ppm N/E 50 ppm None None 68611-50-7 00108-88-3 All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Par. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) N/A Auto ignition Temperature 1.52 PH Vapor Pressure (mm hg) NIL % Volatile by Volume 8.5 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) NIL Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Density Air = 1 NIL Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature N/A N/A Magnetism (milligauss) 3.0 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 12000 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC White Paste / Polysulfide odor 13 grams / liter SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) > 930 C ----- > 2000 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Vapors are heavier than air and will collect at low points see (Section V) SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid Neutralizing Agents X Open Flame Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products H2S, CO, CO2, SO2, Smoke X Conditions to avoid N/A UEL N/A FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Page 2 Date 05/14/2007 NSL1422 Class B (Part A) Skin? Polysulfide Class B part A only Ingestion? yes yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Non established (possible skin irritation) not considered a primary skin irritant INHALATION: vapor will irritate nose throat and respiratory tract, high concentration may cause dizziness INJESTION: can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? NO NO yes OSHA Regulated? NO Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: None known Signs and symptoms of exposure: Skin or eye irritation Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: If swallowed induce vomiting get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with curing agent. Clean up remainder with sand or sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Empty drums may contain explosive vapors Store below 120 degrees dry area away from acids, oxidizers, open flame or other possible ignition sources Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When applying in any circumstances likely to produce airborne levels of solvent vapors in excess of the TLV or when mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Air Protective gloves Type: Solvent resistant gloves Mechanical (general) N/A Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Safety Glasses Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA Shipping name: Not regulated Unit container Hazard class: X Military Air (AFR 71-4) ID Number N/A DOT Spec. container N/A IMDG Marine Pollutant No Reportable Quantity UN number N/A Net explosive weight: N/A Labels: N/A DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Not required Limited Quantity: N/A N/A Aerosol propellant (s) U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful mater Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part B dispose as hazardous solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: D-001 ignitable Sludge Disposal methods: Incineration or land fill, The material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration None NSL1422 part B only page 1 FED-STD-313 Latest Revision HMIS HAZARD RATING 1 Health 1 Flammability 1 Reactivity G PPE Commercial ID (as on label and list) Type of Data Sheet New X Revised Number of revised section: Government contract or order number Manufactures Name National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN SECTION I General Information NSL1422 (part B) Flamemaster Corporation Manufactured For: N/A National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX Emergency Telephone Number NRC License number Part number, product and or trade name Date prepared Name of Preparer Signature of preparer EPA Registration Number Specification Number (800) 527-0011 14429 Billy Matthews X 05/14/2007 On File N/A AMS-S-8802 N/A Spec. Type NSL1422 (part B) Yes No Hazardous items Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC Mfgr. CAGE code N/A Spec. Grade. Spec. Class N/A N/A N/A SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Manganese Dioxide Other limits By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV N/E < 65% 5 ppm 5mg /m 3 NIOSH # CAS # 0P0350000 1313-13-9 Manganese Dioxide is in a wetted out dispersion exposure limits based on dust that is not present in this composition. All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Para. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) N / Av. Auto ignition Temperature 2.0 PH 9 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) Non Volatile Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Pressure (mm hg) N/A Vapor Density Air = 1 N/A Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature Not flammable Unknown % Volatile by Volume Magnetism (milligauss) 2.0 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 1000 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC Black paste negligible oily odor Non Volatile SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) > 930 C ----- > 2000 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A UEL N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Explosion hazard if heated with oxidizable materials SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid X Neutralizing Agents Easily oxidizable materials Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Easily oxidizable materials Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products Oxides of nitrogen, Carbon, manganese compounds X Conditions to avoid None N/A FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: Page 2 Date 06/07/04 NSL1422 Part B Manganese NSL1422 Page 2 part B only SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? no No Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Impairment of central nervous system Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No No Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: None known Signs and symptoms of exposure: Sluggishness, Sleeplessness, and / or Weakness in legs Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Dike and cover with non-oxidizable absorbent. Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with base. Clean up remainder with sand or non-oxidizable sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Keep container tightly closed, store in a dry location away from flammables (see Section VIII) wash hands thoroughly after handling Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Mechanical (general) Air N/A Protective gloves Type: Chemical resistant gloves Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Chemical goggles / face shield Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA X Military Air (AFR 71-4) IMDG Marine Pollutant No UN number N /A Shipping name: ID Number Reportable Quantity N/A N/A Not regulated Unit container DOT Spec. container Net explosive weight: < 20 gms. in plastic container N/A N/A Hazard class: Labels: N/A Not required DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Limited Quantity: N/A N/A Aerosol propellant (s) U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful mater Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part A dispose as solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: N/A Sludge Disposal methods: When disposing of this material, the material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. PMA CROSS REFERENCE CHART FAA PMA Sealant Cross Reference Chart PMA Part Number Class PRC/PPG Product PMA No. / Supplement No. NSL870 B1/2, B2, B4 P/S 870 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL890RC A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2, B4 P/S 890 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL1422 A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2 PR-1422 PQ3886CE/ 18 NSL1422RC A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2 PR-1422 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL1428 B1/2, B2 PR-1428 PQ3886CE/ 18 NSL1440RC A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2 PR-1440 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL1750 B1/2, B2 PR-1750 PQ3886CE/ 18 NSL1776M B1/2, B2 PR-1776M PQ3886CE/ 28 FAA PMA Silicone Cross Reference Chart PMA Part Number GE-Momentive / Dow Corning Product PMA No. / Supplement No. AS106 GE106, Dow Corning 736 PQ3886CE/ 13 AS112 GE112 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS116 GE116 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS118 GE118 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS157 GE157, Dow Corning 732 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS159 GE159, GE106, Dow Corning 736 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS3145 & AS3145P GE162, Dow Corning 3145 PQ3886CE/ 3 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com
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