NSL Aerospace - NSL1422RC Airline PMA Approval Packet
NSL Aerospace - NSL1422RC Airline PMA Approval Packet
NSL1422RC NSL1422RC Class A & B Aircraft Rapid Cure Integral Fuel Tank Sealant PMA Approval Packet Contents: FAA PMA Supplement: Page 2 Class A TDS: Page 35 Class B TDS: Page 36 Class A MSDS: Page 37 Class B MSDS: Page 41 PMA Cross Reference Chart: Page 45 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com This document contains proprietary information and is not to be transmitted, reproduced or disclosed to anyone without written permission of NSL Aerospace. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P~Q.:;:;38~8:::;6C~E~_ _ __ Supplement No.: .:;2::;.8. :.;R:;;.ev:...:..:,1_ _ _ _ __ Date: March 23, 20 I I Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make EliglbUity Sealant NSLl440RC B2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant Pro Seal 1440 B2 Test and Computation per 14CfR § 21.303 Product Analysis Renort: PARS030 Airbus A300, Model B2-622, A318 Model-III, A318 Model-I 12, A318 Model-121, A318 Model-Ill, A319 Model-III, A319 Model-112, A319 Model-I 13. A319 Model-I 14, A319 Model-115, A319 Model-131, AJI9 Model-132, A319 Model-133, A3l0 Model-III, A320 Model -211, AJ20 Model -232, A320 Model -233, AJ21 Model-III, A321 Model-l 12, A321 Model-DI. Al21 Model-21l, A321 Model-212, Al21 Model-213, A321 Model -232, A330-201, A330-202, A330-203, A330-223, A330-243, A330-303, A330-302, A330-32I, A330-322, A330-323. A330-34I , A330-342. A330-343, A340-211. -212, -213, A340-311,-312.-313, A340-54I, A340-642, A3S0-841, A3SO-S42. ;\380-861 Same as above ATR ATR42-200, ATR42-300, ATR42-320, ATR42-500, ATR72-101. ATRn-201, ATR72-102, ATR72-202, ATR72-211, ATR72-212, ATR72-212A Test and Computation per 14 CfR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report PAR8030 CFM International, SA CFM56-2, CfM56-2A, CFM56-2B, CfM56-3, CFM56-3B, CfM56-3C, CfM56-5, CfM56-5-AIIF, CFM56-5A3, CFM56-5A4 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later F AA~approved revisions Same as above Same as above Sealant NSL1422RC A~'1. Same as above PRC~DeSoto PR-1422 A'/, Sealant Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions 54i93 Model EUgibUity n-:m-:il.ALAYIAIIQ.N ADMINISTRATION -PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ..;.,P,;:.Q;;;,;38;;;;8,;;;6C;;;,;E::.,'_ _ _ __ Supplement No.: ~2~8.::.;R;;,ev;';"":,1,.....".,,...,...,..-_ __ Date: March 23,2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLI422RC AYl PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 AY. Test and Computation per CFM International, SA 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 ~A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA~approved revisions 55193 Model Eligibility CFMS6-SA4/F, CFMS6-SAS, CFMS6-SASi6, CFMS6-SBI. CFMS6-SBI/3, CFMS6-5B2iP, CFMS6-SB4/3, CFM56-5B3i2P. CFMS6-5B4/PI. CFM56-5B5iP. CFMS6-5B7, Cf'M56-5B7i3, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-5CliG, CFM56-5C3IF4, CFM56-5C4, CFM56-SBIIP, CFM56-5B2I3, CFM56-5B2/2P CFM56·5B413BI, CFM56-5B3/2PI, CFM5!i-SB4I2P, CFMS6·5B6. CFM56-5B7IP, CFM56·5B813, CFM56·SC214, CFM56- 5C2/G4, CFMS6-5C3IG, CFM56-5C4iP, CFM56-5BI12P, CFM56-5B313. CFM56-5B3/P, CFM56.5B513, CFM56·5B4, CFM56·5B4I2PI, CFM56-SB8/P, CFM56.5B913, CFM56-SC2Ir. CFM56-SCliP, CFM56-5C3IG4, CFM56-5C4il, CFM56·5B2, CFM56-5B3I3BI, CFM56·5B3iPI, CFM56·5B613, CFMS6-SB4iP, CFM56-SB5, CFM56·5B6/2P, CFM56·5B9iP , CFM56·5B9/2P FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .::PQ :s:3:;;8:::,86::;:C;;:;E:...-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. 1 Date: ":'M-=-a--rc"":-h-=2:':::3-,2:":0:-:"1":'1-- Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Repl"..ment For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC AI> PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-I4422 AI> Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21303 Product Analv~j§: Re~rt: PAR80JO Rev: A ~ 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions CFM Intemationa', SA Model Eligibility CFM56-SC2IF4, CFMS6-SC3/F. CFMS6-SC3lP. CFMS6-5C411 P, CFMS6-7B20, CFM56·7B22, CFM56-7B221J, CFM56-7B24. CFM56-7B24!3, CFMS6-7B26, CFMS6-7B26!lB I, CFMS6-7B27, CFMS6-7B27/J, CFM56-7827!81, CFM56·7827!3BI. CFM56·78271JBIF, CFM56-71120IJ, CFMS6-7B2012, CFMS6-782212, CFM56-7B2213B I, CFM56-7B2412, CFM56·7B24/381, CFM56-71126/2 CFMS6· 78261382F, CFM56-7827A, CFM56·7B27/3F, CFM56·7827/83, CFMS6·7B271383, CFM55-7B22/11I. CFM56-7B?AIB I, CFM56-7B2613. CFM56-7B26il! I. CFM56-7112613F. CFM56·7B261B2, CFM56-7B2613B2, CFMS6-7B2712, CFM56·7B27All, CFMS6-SC2, CFM56-SC2IG, CFMS6-5C3/F4 Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 56/93 Boeing 727 Series, 727-100 Senes, 727C Series, 727-IOOC Series, 727-200 Series FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMANo.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants 4 PJumCourt Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Dala Make Eligibility Sealant NSLI422RC PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-I4422 A';' Test and Computation per 14 CPR § 21.303 Boeing AYl Eroduct Analysis ~eport: PAR8030 Rev; A Q.t.: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions PQ3886CE 28 Rev. I March 23, 2011 Model Eligibilily 727-100F Series, 737-100 Series, 737-200 Series, 737-20OC Series, 737-300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737-500 Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series, 737-800 Series, 737-900 Series, 737-900ER Series, 747-100 Series, 747-2ooB Series, 747-2ooF Series, 747·2OOC Series, 747SR Series, 747SP Series, 747-IOOB Series, 747-300 Series, 747-1008 SUD Series, 747-400 Series., 747-4ooD Series, 747-400F Series, 757-200 Senes, 757-200PF Series, 7S7-100cB Series, 757-300 Series, 767-200 Sene" 767-300 Series, 767-300F Series, 767-4ooER Series 777-200 Senes, 777-300 Series, 777·JOOER Series. 777-2ooLR Series, 777F Series Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 57/93 Bombardier Inc, BD-100-IAI0, BD-700-IAIO, BD-7oo-IAII, CL-215-6AIO, CL-215-6BII (CL-21ST Variant) FEDERAL AVIATIaN ADMINISTRATIaN - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPRaVAL PMA No.: .:..P~Q3~8~86C=E:...-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: 7M':"a-rc"7h-::2:::3-,2:::0:-:'1\7- - Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC Alit PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-I4422 AY, Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21303 Product Analysis R~ort: PAR8030 Bombardier In(:. CL-2JS-6BJ J (CL-4IS Variant), CL-600-J-AII (CL-600). CL-600-1A J 2 (CL-601-3A Variant). CL-6oo-2BI6 (CL-600-3R Variant), CL-600-2B 16 (CL-604 Variant), CL-600-2BJ9 (Regional Jel Series 100 & 440), CL-600-1CIO (Regional Jet Series 700, 70 I & 702), CL-600-2DI5 (Regional Jel Series 705), CL-6oo-2D24 (Regional Jot Series 900), DHC·B·loo Series, DHC-8·2oo Series, DHC-8·3oo Series, DHC-B-400 Series Pratt & Whitney JTJ 5D-I, JTI5D-1 A, JTI 5D-IB, JTI5D-4. JTISD-4Il, JTI5D-4C, JTISD·4D, JTJ5D-S, JTlSD-5A, JTI SO-SB, JTJ5D-5C. JTI5D-5F, JTJ5D·SR. JT15D.5D, PTM-6. PT6A-6A, PT6A-6B, PT6A·fiJC20. PT6A·1 J, PT6A·IIAG, PT6A-15AG, PT6A-20, PT6A·20A, PT6A·20B, PT6A-25, PT6A-25A, PT6A-2SC, PT6A·27, PT6A·2B, PT6A·29, PT6A-34, PT6A-34D, PT6A-34AG, PT6A·J5, PT6A-J6, PT6A-38, PT6A-40, PT6A-41, PT6A-41AG, PT6A-42, PT6A-42A, PT6A-45, PT6A-45A, PT6A·45B, PT6A-45R, PT6A·SO, PT6A·60, PT6A-60A, PT6A-60AG, PT6A-61 PT6A-6 I A, PT6A-65B, PT6A-65R, PT6A-65AR, PT6A-65AG, PT6A-110 ~A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above: 58193 Model Eligibility FEDERAL AVIATION ADMfNISTRAnON PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ,:,P.::lQ;;;,38::.;8;;:,6C;;;,E::...._ _ __ Supplement No.: .:2;;.8.:;R::,ev:..;..;.1__.---- Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC Nil PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR-I4422 AV, Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: Pratt & Whitney PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12·26·09 or later FAA~approved revisions 59/93 Model Eligibility PT6A-112, PT6A-114, PT6A-114A, PT6A-114A. PT6A-116, PT6A-121, PTGA-135, PT6A-135A, PT6A-52, PT6A-6G, PTGA·66A, PT6A-67, PTGA-67 A, PT6A-G7 AF. PTGA-67P, PT6A-G7B, PT6A-67D, PT6A-64, PT6A-66B, PT6A-68, PT6A-67AG, PT6A-67T, PT6A-66D, PT6A-67F, PTGB-36, PT6B-36A, PT6B-36B, PT6B-37, PT6B-37A, PT6C-67D, PT6C-67C, PT6T-3, PT6T-3A, PT6T-3B, PT6T-3BG, PT6T·3BE, PT6T·6, PT6T-3D, PT6T-9, PT6T-3DE, PT6T·3DF, PT6T-3BF, PW118, PWI18A, PWI18B, PWI19B, PWI19C, PW120, PWIZOA, PW121, PWI21A, PW123, PWIZ3AF, PW123B, PWI23C, PWI23D, PW123E, PW124B, PWI25B,PWI26A, PW127. PW127E, PWI27F, PW127G, PW127M, PWI5!lA, PW20fiA, PWZ06B, PW206B2, PW206C, PW206E, PW207C, PW207D, PW207DI, PW207D2, PW305, PW305A, PW305B, PW306A, PW306B, PWJ06C, PW307A, PW308A, PW308C, PW530A, PW535A, PW535B, PW545A, PW545B PW545C, PW610f-A, PW617F-E. PW61SF-A, PW203 7, PW2037M. PW2040, PW2043, PW2240, PW2143 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MA.."JUFACTURER APPROVAL PMANo.: PQ3886CE Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Sealant Part Number Approved Replacement For Part lSumber Approval B.sis and Approved Design Dat. Make Eligibility NSLl422RC PRC·DeSeto Sealant PR·I4422 AYi Test and Computation per 14 CFR §2 1.303 P[QQYC! Anal~sis RCQQrt: Frau & Whitney PW2643, PW2040D, PW2337, PW2037D, FI17·PW·IOO, JFTDI2A4A, JFTDI2A·5A, JT8D·208, JT8D·217, JT8D·217 A, JT8D· 217C, JT8D· 21 1), JT9D·3A, JT9D·7. JT9D·7H. JT9D·7A, JT9D·7AH,JT9D·7F, JT9D·20. JT9D·7J, JT9D·20J, JT9D·59A, JT9D·7Q3, JT9D·7R4E, JT9D·7R4HI, JT9D·70A, JT9D· 7R4D, JT9D· 7R4EI, JT9D·7R4E4, JT9D· 7Q, JT9[).7R4D J. JT9D·7R4G2. PW40S0, PW4052. PW4056, PW4060, PW4060A, PW4060C, PW4062,PW4062A, PW4 J S2, PW4156, PW4156A, PW4158, PW4J60, PW4460, PW4462. PW4650, PW4074, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084, PW4084D, PW4090, PW409()"3, PW4074D, PW4090D, PW4098, PW4164, PW4168, PW4168A, PW4IMC, PW4164CIB, PW4170, PW416BA·JD. PW4168·ID, PW4IM·ID, PW4164C·ID, PW4164C/B·ID, PW6122A,f'W6124A Airbus A300, Model B2·1 A, A300, Model B2-1 C, A300, Model B4·2C, A300, Model B2K.3C, A300, Model 84·103, A300, Model B2·203, A310, Model 204, A31O, Model 221 , A310, Model 222 AYz PAR8030 Rey:A [late: 12·26·09 or later FAA-approved revisions Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 60/93 Model Eligibility FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACT1JRER APPROVAL PMA No.: ~P.;,;Q.::.;38::.:;8::::6C::::E::.-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Pari Name Part Number Date: 7M7a-rc-:h-2:::3=-,-=270:-jj:---- Approved Repla~em~nt For Approval Basis and Approved Design Data rartNumber Sealant NSLl422RC AVa Make Eligibility Model Eligibility 7 .=-rb=u=s- ----A3=I"O',M=od"'e712:VO PRC-DeSoto s.,C:-a1"'a=n""'--;T"'e-=st=an=d=C=om=p=u=t.=ti=0=n=pe=r--A "3-,- - PR-I4422AY, 14CFR§2L303 A310, Model 322, Product Analysis Report: AlIO, Model 324, PAR8030 A310, Model 304, Rev: A AlIO, Model 325, Date: 12-26·09 or later A300, Model 84-60 I, FAA,approved revisions A300, Model 64-603, A300, Model 64.620, AJOD, Model B4-60SR, AlOO. Model 84-622R, A30D, Model F4-605R, AJOO, Model F4-622R. A300. Model C4-605R Variant F, A300. Model 62·622, A318 Model-Ill, A318 Model-I 12, A318 Model-121, All8 Model-122. A319 Model-III, AJI9 Model-Ill, A319 Model-ll3, AJ 19 Model-114, A319 Model-lIS. AJI9 Model-IJI, A319 Model -132, AJI9 Model-133. A320 Model-III, A320 Model -211, AnO Model -232, A320 Model -233, A321 Model-III, Al21 Model-112, A321 Model-13I, A32! Model-211, A32! Model-212, Al21 Model-21}, A321 Model -232, A330-201, A330-202. A330-203, A330-223. A330-243, A330-30}. A330-302, A330-32I , A330-322, A330-323, A330-341, AlJO-342, A330-343, A340-211, -212, -213, A340-311. -312. -313. A340-541. A340-642. A380-841, A380-842. A380-86I 61193 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P;:1Q;::38:;;:86C=E:....-_ _ __ Supplement No.: .; .2.;. 8.;. R;.;.ev,.;. ,.;.I_ _ _ _ __ Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Model Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-I4422 Ail, Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 ATR ATR42·200. ATR42·300, ATR42-320, ATR42·500, ATR72-IOI. ATR72·201, ATR72-I02, ATR72-202, ATR72-211, ATR72-212, ATR72-212A AYl Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above McDonnell Douglas DC-S-II, DC-8-12, DC-8-21, DC-S-31, DC-S-32, DC-8-33, DC-8-41, DC-S-42, DC-8-43, DC-8-51, DC-8-52, DC·8·53, DC·8F-54, DC·SF·55, DC·8-55,DC-8-61, DC-8-6IF,DC-8-62, DC-8-62F,DC-8-63, DC-8-63F,DC-8-71, DC-8-7IF,OC-8-72, DC·8-72F, DC·g·73, DC-8·73F MD·II, MD-IIF Same as above Same as above Some Same us above Lockheed Sealant NSLI422RC A2 PRC-DeSoto S.alanl PR~1422 A2 Test and Computation pcr 14 CFR 21.303 Product Analysis Rep0r:!: PARBOlO l!.m:;. A Date: 12·26·09 or later CFM Imemational, SA liS above * FAA-approvcd revisions L-IOII-385-1, L-IOII-385-1-14, L-IOII-38S-I-IS, L·I011·385·3 CFMS6-2, CFMS6-2A, CFM56-2B, CFM56·3, CFM56-3B, CFM56-3C, CFM56-5, CFM56-5-Al/F, CFM56-5A3, CFM56-5A4, CfM56-5A4/f, CFM56-5A5, CFM56-5A516, CfM56-5BI, CFM56-5B1I3, CFM56-5B2/P, CfM56-5B413, CFM56-5B3I2P, CFM56-5B41P1, CFM56-5B5IP, CFM56-5B7, CFM56-5B713 62/93 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS M&"lUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ,;.P.::\Q;;,:38:.:;8;:;6C;::E:.-_ _ __ Supplement No.: .:2,;:.8..:;R::.ev:;,...;.1_ _ _ _ __ Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Pari Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Sealant NSLl422RC A2 PRC·DeSolo Sealant PR·1422 A2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21303 Product Analysis .Report: PAR8030 Rtl;. A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA~approved reVIsions 63193 Make Eligibility cn! International. SA Model Eligibility CFM56·5C2, CFM56-5C2IG. CFM56·5C3/F4, CFM56·5C4, CFM56·5BIIP, CFM56-5B213. CFM56·5B2/2P. CFM56·5B4/3BI, CFM56·5B312P I, CFM56·5B4/2P, CFM56·5B6, CFM56-5B71P, CFM56·5B8I3, CFM56·5C2I4, CFM56·5C2IG4, CFM56·5C3/G, CFM56·5C4!P, CFM56-SBII2P. CFM56·5B313, CFM56-5B3IP, CFM56·5B5!3, CFM56·5B4, CFM56·5B4I2Pl, CFM56·SB81P, CFM56-5B9I3, CFM56-SC2IF, CFM56·5C2/P, CFM56·5C3/G4, CFM56-5C411, CFMS6·SIl2, CFM56·5B3/.3BI, CFM56-SB3iP I, CFM5(,.,5B6/3, CFM56-5B4/P. CFM56·5B5, CFM56-5B6I2P, CFM56·5B9IP, CFM56·5B9I2P, CFMS6·5C2IF4, CFM56-SC3IF, CFM56-5C31P, CFM56·5C4/IP, CFM56-7B20, CFM56·7B22, CFM56·7B2213, CFM56·7824, CFM56·7B2413, CFM56·7826, CFM56·7B26/3BI, CFM56-7B27 FED/:!RALAVIA TIO"NffiMINISTRA TION PARTS MANUF~C1llREILMPROYAL PMA No.: _PQ..:..3;..;;8_86o...;C~.E_ _ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I ~~~~~----Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Pari Name Pari Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data NSLl422RC . A2 PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 A2 Test~an(rCOmputation Make Eligibility per----CFM- International. 14 CFR § 21.303 SA product Analysis1l.@!t PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or laler FAA~approved revisions Model Eligibility -CFM56~-7B-27f-3,---~- CFM56-7B27/BI, CFM56·7B27/3BI, CFM56·7B2713BIF, CFM56-7B2013, CFM56· 7B2012, CfM56-7B2212, CFM56· 7B2213B I, CFM56· 7B2412, CFM56· 7B2413BI, CFM56-7B2612, CFM56· 7B26/JB2F, CFM56·7B27A, CFM56·7B2713F, CFM56·7B271B3, CFM56·7B2713B3, CFM56-7B22IBI, CFM56-7B241BI, CFM56-7B26/3, CFM56-7B26/B I, CFM56-7 B26/3F, CFM56·7B26/B2, CFM56-7B26/3B2, CFM56-7B27/2, CFM56-7B27 Al3, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-5C2/G, CFM56-5C3/F4 Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 64193 Boeing 727 Series, 727-100 Series, 727C Series, 727·1OOC Series, 727-200 Series. 727-2ooF Series, 737-100 Series, 737-200 Series, 737·2OOC Series, 737-300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737-500 Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series, 737-800 Series, 737-900 Series, 737·9OOER Series, 747-100 Series. 747·200B Series, 747-2ooF Series, 747-20OC Series, 747SR Series, 747SP Series FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRAnON PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 PMANo.: Supplement No.: Date: Pari Name Pari Number Approved Replacemeol For Pari Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Dala Sealant NSLI422RC A2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 A2 Test and Computation per Make Eligibility Same as above Same as above March 23, 20 II Model Eligibility 747-1ooB Series, 747-300 Sertes, 747-100B SUD Series, 747-400 Series, 747-400D Series. 747-400F Series, 757-200 Series, 757-200PF Series, 757-2ooCB Series, 757-300 Series, 767-200 Series, 767-300 Series, 767-3OOF Series, 767-400ER Series, 777-200 Series, 777~3oo Series, 777-300ER Series, 777-200LR Series 777F Series Bombardier Inc. BD-I OQ.-I A 10, BD-700-1 A 10, BD-70Q.-1 A II, CL-2IS-MI0, CL-2IS-6BII (CL-2IST Variantl. CL-2IS-6BII (CL-415 Variant), CL-600-1-AII (C[A,{j{). CL-600-1AI2 (Cl.601-3A Variant), CL~600-2Bt6 (CL-600-3R PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later fAA-approved revisions Same as above 28 Rev. 1 Boeing 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Anilh:sis Regort: Same as above PQ3886CE Variant), CL-600-2B 16 (CL-004 Variant), CL-600·2BI9 (Regional Jer Series I no & 440), CL-000-2C 10 (Regional Jet Series 100, 701 & 702), CL-600-2D1S (Regional iet Series 70S), Clr600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900), DHC·8-100 Series, DHC-8-200 Sen.s, DHC-8-300 Series. DHC-8-400 Series Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 65193 Pratt & Whitney JTI5D-I, 1T15D-1 A, iTlSD-I B, JTlSD-4 FEDERAL A VIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARIS MANUFACNBllR APJ'~ROV AL Aerospace Sealants PMA No.: Supplement No.: 4 Plum Court Sealant Part Number ~~- NSLJ422RC A2 28 Rev. 1 Date: -:-M-:-a;;"rc":'h-:2~3~,2:":0':":1':"1- - Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name ~P.::Q;;.;38;,;;8_6C;;.:E=--_ _ __ Approved Replacement For Part Number PRC~DeSoto··Seal~~ PR-1422 A2 Approval Basis and Approved Design Data per Test andComputation 14 CFR § 21.303 fu?du~t Analysis Report: PARa030 Rev: A Date: f 12-26~09 AA~approved or later revisions 66193 Make Eligibility Pratt & Whitney Model Eligibility 1TI5D-4B, JTI5D-4C, JTI5D-4D, JTI5I).S, JTI SD-SA, JTISI).SB, H1SD-SC, JT\5D-SF, HI5D-SR, H15O-5O, PT6A-6, PTGA-6A, PTGA-GB, PT6A-GIC20, PTGA·II, PTGA·II AG, PT6A·ISAG, PT6A-20, PT6A·20A, PT6A·20B, PT6A·25, PT6A-25A, PT6A-25C, PT6A·27, PTM-28, PT6A·29, PTGA-34, PT6A·34B, PT6A-34AG, PTM-35, PT6A·36, PT6A-38, PTM-40, PT6A-41, PTM-41AG, PT6A-42, PT6A-42A, PTM·4S, PTGA-4SA, PT6A-4SB, PT6A-4SR, PT6A-SO, PTGA·60, PTGA-60A, PT6A-60AO, PTGA·fil, PT6A-61 A, PT6A-GSB, PT6A-65R, PT6A·65AR, PTM·65AO, PTGA·IIO, PTGA·112, PT6A·114, PT6A·114A, PT6A·114A, PTM-116, PT6A-lll, PTGA-135, PT6A-135A, PTM·52, PT6A·66, PT6A·66A, PT6A-67, PT6A-57 A, PT6A·67 AF, PT6A·67P, PT6A·67B, PT6A-67D, PTM·64, PT6A·66B, PT6A·68, PTM·67 AO, PT6A·67T, PT6A·MD, PT6A-6?f, PTGB·36, PT6B-36A, PT6B·3GB, PT6B·3?, PT6B·37A, PT6C·67D, PT6C·67C, PT6T·3, PT6T·3A, PT6T·3B, PT6T·3BO, PT6T·3BE, PT6T·6, PT6T·3D, PT6T-9, PT6T·3DE, PT6T·3DF, PT6T·3BF, PWII8,PWI18A, PWI18B, PWI19B, PWII9C,PWI20, PWIZOA, PWl21 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ":-P.;>.Q"'38;,;;8"'6C:;;:E::-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. 1 ~~~:-:-:-:-- Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-56lO ParI Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSL!422RC A2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 A2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Pratt & \Vhttney proQ!lct Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rey; A Date; 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions 67/93 Model Eligibility PW121A,PWI23, PWI23AF. PWI23B, PWI23C, PWI23D, PWI23E. PWI24B, PWI25B, PWI26A, PWI27, PWI27E, PW I 27F, PW 1270, PWI27M, PWI50A, PW206A, PW206B, PW206B2, PW206C, PW206E, PW207C, PW207D, PW207DI, PW207D2, PW305, PW305A, PW305B. PW306A, PW306B, PW306C, PW307A, PW30SA, PW308C, PW530A, PW535A, PW535B, PW54SA, PW545B. PW545C, PW61 OF-A. PW617F-E, PW6ISF-A, PW2037, PW2037M, PW2040, PW2043, PW2240, PW2143, PW2643, PW2040D, PW2337, PW2037D, FI17-PW·loo, JFTDI2A·4A, JFTDI2A-SA, JT8D-20S, JT8D·217, JT8D-217A, JTSD-217C, JT8D-219, JT9D-3A, JT9D-7, JT9D-7H, JT9D-7A, JT9D-7AH, JT9D-7F, JT'1D-20, JT9D-71, JT9D·20J, JT9D·59A. JT9D-7Q3, JT9D-7R4E, JT9D-1R4H I, JT9D-70A, JT9D-1R4D, JT9D-7R4E I, JT9D-7R4E4, JT9D-1Q. JT9D-7R4D I, JT9D- 7R401, PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4060A, PW406OC. PW4062,PW4062A, PW4152, PW4156, PW4156A,PW4158 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: -::P7'Q":'38;.;;8.:..6C:;,;;E'--_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date; -:-M-=-ar-c-=h-:2:O:3-,~20:-:1-:1--- Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Scalant NSLl422RC A2 PRe-DeSoto Sealant Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report Pratt & \Vhitney PW4160, PW4460. PW4462, PW4650, PW4074. PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090-3, PW4074D, PW4090D, PW4098, PW4J64, PW4168, PW4168A. PW4164C. PW4164C/B. PW4170, PW4168A-ID, PW4168-1D, PW4164-ID, PW4164C-ID, PW4164C/B·ID, PW6122A, PW6124A PR-1422 A2 PAR8030 .!k\::A Date: J 2-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions Model Eligibility Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Embraer EMB-IIOPI, EMB-IIOP2, EMIl·145, EMB-145BR, EMB-145MR, EMB-145LR, EMB-135 ER, EMB-13SLR, EMB-135EK, EMB-135KL, EMB-13SBJ, EMB-145XR, EMB-145MP, EMB-14SEP EMB-1ZO, EMB-llORT, EMB·l ZOER, EMIl-120FC, EMil· 1ZOQC, EMIl·SOO, EMB-5US, ER) 170-100STD, ER) I 70-100 LR, ERJ 170·100SU, ERJ 17()'100 SE, ER) 170·200 STD, ERJ 170-200 LR. ERJ 17()'200 SUo ERJ 190-100 STD. ER) 190·100 LR, ERJ 190-100 IGW, ERJ 190-100 Eel, ERJ 190-200 STD, ER) 190·200 LR, ERJ 190·200 IGW Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Airbus A300, A300, A3oo. A300, A300, A3oo, 68/93 Model Model Model Model Model Model 132-1 A, H2-IC, B4·2C, B2K-3C, 84·103, 82-203 FEDERAL AVIAnON ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .;;.P.;:.Q::.;38;,;;8.;;.6C;;;.;E"--_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. 1 -:::-:~~~-- Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Sealant NSLl422RC A2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 A2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR §2U03 Product Analysis Renart: PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-(19 or later FAA-approved revisions 69/93 Make Eligibility Airbus Model Eligibility A31O. Model 204, A31O, Model 221, A31O, Model 222, A310, Model 203, AlIO, Model 322, A31O, Model 324, A31O, Model 304, A310, Mode1325, A300, Model 64-60 I, AlOO, Model 64-603, A300, Model 64-620, A300, Model 64-605R, AlOO, Model 64-622R, AlOO, Model F4-605R, A300, Model F4-622R, A300, Model C4-605R Variant F, A300, Model 82-622, A318 Model-I II, A318 Model-I 12, A31B Model -121, A318 Model-ll2, All9 Model-III, A319Model-IIZ, A319 ModeJ -113, A319 Model-1l4, AlI9Model-115, A319 Model-l3l, A319Model-132, A319 Model-D3, A320 Model-III, Al20 Model-211, A320 Model -232, A320 Model -233, A321 Model-III, A321 Model-liZ, A32! Model-13!, A321 Model-2!1, A321 Model-212, Al21 Model-213, Al21 Model -232, A330-201, A330-202, A330-203, A330-223, Al30-243, A330-303, A330-302, A330-321, Al30-322, A330-323, A330-341, Al30-342, A330-343, A340-211, -212, -213, Al40-311, -312, -313, Al40-54 I , A340-642, A380-841, A380-842, A380-86I FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMANo.: PQ3886CE Supplement No_: 28 Rev. I Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428·5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Ba,i, and Apprond Design Data Sealant NSLl422RC A2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 A2 Test and Computation per 14 CPR § 21.303 Product Anall']1is ReRQrt: PARS030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions ATR ATR42-200. ATR42-300, ATR42-320, ATR42-500, ATR72-IOI, ATR72-201, ATR72-102, ATR72-202, ATR72-211, ATR72-212. ATR72-lI2A Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Lockheed L-IOII-3S5-1, L-IOII-3S5-1-14, L-IOII-385-1-15, L-IOII-385-3 Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above McDonnell Douglas DC-S-II, DC-S-Il, Make Eligibility Model Eligibility DC-S-21, DC-S-31, DC-S-3l, DC-S-33, DC-S-4I, DC-8-42, DC-8-4J, DC-S-51. DC-S-52. DC-S-53, DC-SF-54. DC-SF-55. DC-S-55, DC-8-61, DC-8-61 F, DC-8-62, DC-8-62F. DC-S-63. DC-8-63F, DC-S-71, DC-S-7IF, DC-8-n, DC-8-72F, DC-8-73. DC-8-73F MD·II,MD-Ilf Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 70193 Dassault Aviation Falcon 10, Falcon 2000. Falcon 2000EX, MY5tere-Falcon 50, MysICre-Falcon 900, Falcon 900EX Fan Jet Falcon, Fan Jet Falcon Series C Fan Jet Falcon Series D, Fan Jet Falcon Series E. Pan Jet Falcon Series F, Fan Jet Faleon Series G. Mystere~Palcon 200. My,tere-Falcon 20.cs. Mystere-Falcon 20-05, Mystere-Falcon 20-E5. Mystere-Falcon 20-FS FEPERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA 1\0,: .!.P~Q;;;.:38:.:;:8:::;6C;;;.:E:..-_ _ __ Supplement 1\0.: ,;;2:;;,8;.:R::.ev:.:.,.;,I_ _ _ _ __ Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Sealant Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data NSLl422RC PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 B'/, Test and Computation per 14 CFR pUG) PfQduct Analysis ReRQrt: PAR8030 Rev; A Date; 12-26-09 or later FAA~approved reviSions B~/l Make Eligibility CPM International, SA Model Eligibility CFM56-2. CFM56-2A. CFM56-2B, CFM56-3, CFM56-3B, CFM56-3C. CFM56-5, CFM56-5-AIIF, CFM56-SA3, CFM56-5A4, CFM56-SA4IF. CFMS6-5AS, CFMS6-SASI6. CFM56-SBI, CFMS6-5BI13. CFMS6-5B2lP, CFMS6-SB4I3. CFMS6-SB3I2P, CFM56-SB4/P I, CFM56-SB5/P, CFM56-5B7. CFMS6-5B7/3. CFM56-5C2, CFM56-SC2!G. CFMS6-5C3!F4, CFM56-5C4, CFM56-SBIIP, CFM56-5B2/3, CFM56-5B2I2P, CFM56-5B413BI, CFM56-5B3/2Pl, CFM56-5B412P, CFM56-5B6. CFMS6-5B7rP. CFM56-5B813. CFM56-5C2I4, CFM56-5C2IG4, CFMS6-5C3IC, CFM56-SC4IP. CFMS6-SBII2P, CFMS6-5B3!3, CFM56-5B3/P, CFM56-SBSI3. CFMS6-5B4, CFM56-5B412PI , CFM56-5B8/P, CFM56-5B913, CFM56-5C2IF, CFM56-5C2IP, CFM56-5C3IG4, CFMS6-5C4/l. CFM56-5B2. CFM56-SB313BI CFMS6-SB3IPI, CFM56-5B613, CFM56-5B4/P 71/93 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: . :.P. ,Q.;;..3B;;..;8;;;.6C.::;;E=-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev, I ":-':-'~~~-- Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Sealant NSLl422RC BY. PRe-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 B'h Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA~approved revisions CFM International, SA CFM56-5B5, CFMS6·5B6!2P, CFM56·5B9IP, CFMS6-5B9/2P, CFMS6-5C2IF4, CFM56-5C31F, CFM56-5C31P, CFMS6-SC4/IP, CFMS6-7B20, CFM56·7B22, CFM56·7B22/3, CFM56-7B24, CFM56-7B24/3, CFM56-7B26, CFM56-7B2613B 1, CFM56·7B27, CFM56·7B2713, CFM56-7B27/BI, CFM56·7B2713B I, CFM56·7B2713BIF, CFM56· 7D20!3, CFM56·7B2012, CFM56· 7B2212, CFM56-7B2213B1, CFMS6-7B2412, CFM56·7B2413B I, CFM56-7B2612, CFM56-7B2613B2F, CFM56-7B27A, CFMS6-7B2713F, CFM56-7B271B3, CFM56·7B27/3B3, CFM56-7B221B I, CFM56-7B241B1, CFMS6-7B2613, CFM56-7B261B 1. CFM56·7B26J3F, CFM56-7B26/B2, CFM56·7B2613B2, CFM56-7B27/2, CFM56-7B27A13, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-5C2IG, CFM56-SC3IF4 Same as abQve Same as above Same as above Same as above Boeing 727 Series, 727-loo Series, 727C Series, 727-IOOC Series, 727-200 Series, 727-200F Series, 737-100 Series, 737-200 Series, 72/93 Make Eligibility Model Eligibility FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROV AL PMANo.: PQ3886CE Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: March 23,2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Dat. Sealant NSLl422RC PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 B% Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev; A Date; 12·26·09 or later BYz Make Eligibility Boeing FAA¥approved revisions Model Eligibility 737-20OC Series, 737·300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737·500 Series, 737·600 Series, 737·700 Series, 737-800 Series, 737·900 Series, 737·900ER Series, 747-100 Series, 747·200B Series, 747-200F Series, 747·2OOC Series, 747SR Sedes, 747SP Senes, 747-looB Series, 747~300 Series, 747·100B SUD Series, 747-400 Series, 747·400D Series, 747-4ooF Series. 757~200 Series, 757-200Pf Series, 757-100CB Series. 7S7-300 Series, 767-200 Series, 767·300 Series, 767-3OOF Series. 7('7-4ooER Series, 777~200 Series, 777·300 Series, 777~300ER Series, 777-200LR Series, 777F Series Same as above Same as above Same us ubovc Same as above 73/93 Bombardier inc. BD-IOO·IAIO, BD·7oo-IAI0, BD-700·IAII, CL-2IS-6AIO, CL·215-6Bll (CL.215T Variant), CL-2IS-6BII (CL-4IS Variant), CL·6oo-I·AII (CL-600), CL-600·2A12 (CL·601-3A Varlant), CL·6oo-1BI6 (CL-600-3R Variant), CL-600-2B 16 (ClAM Variant) FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMANo.: Supplement No.: Date: Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 PQ3S86CE 28 Rev. I March 23, 2011 ParI Name ParI Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Dala Make Eligibility Sealant NSL I 422RC PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR*1422 Blii Test and Computation per 14 CFR PU03 Bombardier Inc. CL-600-2BI9 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440). CL-600-2CI0 (Regional Jet Series 700, 70 I & 702). CL-6oo-2DIS (Regional Jet Series 705). CL-6oo-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900), DHC-8-100 Series. DHC-8-2oo Series, DHC-8-300 Series. DHC-8-4oo Series Airbus A300, Model B2-1 A, A30a, Model B2-1 C. A30a. Model 84·2C, A300, Model B2K-3C, A300, Model B4·103, A30a, Model B2·203, A31O, Model 204. A31O, Model 221, A31O, Model 222, AlIO, Model 203, AlIO, Model 322, AlIO, Model 324, AlIO, Model 304, AlIO, Mod.I32S, AlOO, Model B4·601, AlOO. Model B4-M\ A3oo, Model 84·620, AlOO, Model 84·605R. '\300, Model D4·6ZZR, A3oo, Model F4·605R, A3oo, Model F4·622R, A3oo, Model C4·605R Variant F, AlOO, Model B2~r.22, A318Model-lli. A318 Model·lll, A318 Model·121. A318 Model-122, A319 Model-III. ,\319 Model-liZ, ,\319 Model ·113, All9 Model-114. ,\319 Model·IIS. A319 Model·l3l, A319 Model·ll2, ,\319 Model·1J3 BIll PrQduct Analysis Report: PAR80l0 Rey, A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA~approved revisions Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 74193 Model EligibllUy FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No,; .o.P."Q.;;,.38"'8.;;,6C"'E"--_ _ __ Supplement No,: 28 Rev, I Date: ":M7 a....rc'"':h-2:':3:"",-=2'::"O':""1I:--- Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 ParI Name Pari Number Approved Replacement ,For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Dala Sealant NSLl422RC B'I, PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 B';" Test and Computation per 14 CFR PU03 product Anatysi.~ Report: PAR8030 Rev, A Datct 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions Airbus A320 Model-Ill, A320 Model-211, A320 Model -232, A320 Model-233, A321 Model-III A321 Model-I 12, A321 Model-131, A3l1 Model-211, A321 Model-212, A)21 Model-lI3, A321 Model -232, A330-10 I, A330-202, A330-203, A330-223, A330-243, A330-303, A330-302, A330-321, A330-322, A330-323, A330-341, A330-342, A330-343, A340-211, -212, -213, A340-311,-312,-313, A340-S41, A34O-642, A380-841 ,A380-842, A380-861 Same as above Same as ..hove Same as above Same as nbove PraU & Whitney JTI5D-I, JTl 50-lA, JTISD-IB, JTlSD-4, 1TI50-4B, JTISD-4C, JTI50-40, JTISD-5, JTISD-SA, !TISO-SB, JT1SO-SC, !TISO-5F, lT150-SR, JTIS0-SD, PT6A-6, PT6A-6A, PT6A-6B, PT6A-6IC20, PT6A-II, PT6A-11 AG, PT6A-15AG, PT6A-20, PT6A-20A, PT6A-20B, PT6A-25, PTM-25A, PT6A-25C, PT6A-27, PT6A-28, PT6A-29, PT6A-34, PT6A-34B, PT6A-34AG, PT6A-35, PT6A-36, PT6A-38, PT6A-40, PT6A-41, PT6A-4IAG, PT6A-42, PT6A-42A, PT6A-45, PT6A-45A, PT6A-4SB, PT6A-45R, PT6A-50 75/93 Make Eligibility Model Eligibility FEDERAL AVIATION AJ:)MINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: -:-P~Q::,38;.;;86C=.E,--_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: 7M~a';";r"':ch";'2:':3:-,~2':'O:-11:----- Aerospaee Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 ParI Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC BY1 PRe-DeSoto Sealant PR-I4l2 BY, Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Pratt & Whitney Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12·26·09 or later FAA-approved revisions 76/93 Model Eligibility PT6A·60, PT6A·60A, PT6A-60AG, PT6A·61. PT6A-61 A, PT6A·65B, PT6A-65R, PT6A-65AR, PT6A·65AG, PT6A·IIO, PTGA·II2, PT6A-II4. PT6A·II4A, PT6A-II4A, PT6A·116, PT6A·I21, PT6A·I35, PT6A·I35A. PT6A·52, PT6A·66, PT6A·66A, PT6A-67, PT6A-67A. PT6A·67AF PT6A·67P, PT6A·67B. PT6A-67D, PT6A·64, PT6A·66B, PT6A·68, PT6A·67AG, PT6A.67T, PT6A-66D, PT6A·67F, PT6B·36, PT6B·36A, PT6B·36B. PT6B-37, PT6B·37A, PT6C-67D, PT6C·67C, PT6T·3. PTfiT·3A, PT6T·3B, PT6T·3BG, PT6T-3BE, PT6T·G, PT6T·3D, PT6T·9, PT6T·3DE, PT6T·3DF. PT6T·3BF, PWII8,PWII8A, PWII8B, PWII9B, PWII9C, PW120. PWI20A, PW121, PWI2IA, PWI23, PWI23AF, PWI23£3, PWIl3C, PWI2JD, PWI23E,PWI24B, PWI25B, PWI26A, PWI27, PWIl7E, PWI27F, PWI27G, PWI27M, PWISOA, PW206A, PW206B, PW206B2, PW206C, PW206E. PW207C, PW207D. PW207DI, PW207D2, PW305, PW305A, PW305B, PW306A, PW306B, PW306C, PW307A, PW308A, PW308C, PW530A, PW535A, PW535B FEDERAL AVIAnON ADM!NIS1RATION - PARTS MA]','UFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P.;;:sQ.:;;38;::8:::.6C.:;;E~_ _ __ Supplement No.: ,;;2.;,8.;,R:;:e.;,v...,;I.,...,.-...,--_ __ Date: March 23, 201 t Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Sealant Same as above Same as above Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 By., Test and Computation per 14CFR§2U03 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev; A pate; 12·26·09 or later FAA·approved revisions Pratt & Whitney Same as above Same as above McDonnell Douglas MD,II, MD·IIF 77/93 Model Eligibility PW545A, PW545B, PW545C, PW610F·A, PW617F·E, PW615F·A. PW2037, PW2037M, PW2040, PW2043, PW2240. PW2143. PW2643, PW2040D. PW2337, PW2037D. FI17·PW-loo. JFTDI2A·4A. IFTDI2A·5A, JTSD-208, JT8D·217, JT8D-217A. JT8D-217C. JTSD-219, mD-lA, JT9D·7. JT9D· 7H, JT9D·7A, mD·7AH, mD-7F. JT9D·20, JT9D·7J, JT9D·20J. IT9D·59A. JT9D·7Q3. JT9D·7R4E, IT9D· 7R4H I, JT9D· 70A, JT9D· 7R4D, JT9D-7R4E I, mD·7R4E4, JT9D-7Q, JT9D·7R4DI, IT9D· 7R4G2, PW4050. PW4052. PW4056, PW4060, PW4060A, PW4060C, PW4062.PW4062A, PW4152, PW4156, PW4156A. PW4158, PW41(,O, PW4461l. PW4462, PW4650, PW4074, PW4077, PW4077D. PW40B4, PW4084D. PW4090. PW4090·3, PW41l74D, PW4090D, PW4098, PW4164, PW4168, PW416BA, PW4164C, PW4164CIB, PW4 I 70, PW4168A·ID. PW4168·ID, PW4164-lD, PW4164C,ID, PW4164CIB·ID, PW6I 22A, PW6124A FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .;;.P.;:sQ;;.;38;;;;8:;;:.6C::;:E~_ _ __ Supplement No.: ,;;:2,;;.8,;;R:.:,ev:,,:,',;,1,..,,~,.-_ __ Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Sealant r-;SLl422RC PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 BY, Test and Computation per 14 CPR § 21.303 BYl Make Eligibility Model Eligibility Loekheed L·IOII·385·I, L·1011·385·1·14. L·IOII-385·1·15, L-IOII·385·3 CFM International, SA CFM56·2, CFM56·2A, CFM56-2B, CFM56·3. CFM56·3B, CFM56·3C, CFM56·5, CFM56-S·A I if, CFM56·'A3, CFM56-5A4, CFM56·,A4iF, CFM56-5A5, CFM56·5A516, CFM56-5Bl, CFM56-5BI13, CFM56·5B2!P, CFM56·5B413, CFM56-5B312P, CFM56·5B4/P I, CFM56·5B51P, CFMS6·5B7, CFM56·5B7!3, CFM56-5C2, Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26·09 or later F AA ~approvcd revisions Sealant NSLI422RC B2 PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 B2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Date: 12~26-09 Of later FAA-approved revisions CFMS6-5C2/G, CFMS6·5C3iF4, CFM56-5C4. CFM56·5[J liP, CFM,6·5B2/3, CFM56·,1l2l2P, CFMS6·5B4I3BI, CFM56·5B312PI, CFM56·5B412P. CFM56-5B6, CFM56·5B7/P, CFM56-5B813, CFM56-5C2/4, CFM56·5C2IG4, CFM56·5C3!G, CFM56-5C4/P, CFM56-5Bli2P, CFM56-SB313, CFM56· 5831P, CFM56-5B513, CFM56·5B4 78/93 FEDERAL AVIAnON ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROV AL PMA No.: .:..P,::.Q3;;;;:8;.::.86C=E:.-_ _ __ Supplement No.: .,:2.:;..8.:..:R.:;..ev;';",;,1,..-".,..,-,.-_ __ Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Fart Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Appro.al Basis and Approved Design Data Sealant NSLl422RC B2 PRC-DeSoto Sealaot PR-1422 B2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 2L303 Produc~.AJ1aly~!LR~ PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later F AA~approyed revisions 79193 "'take Eligibility CFM International, SA Moder Eligibility CFM56-5B412PI, CFM56-SB8IP, CFMS6-5B9/3, CFMS6-5C2IF, CFMS6-5C2!P, CFM56-SC3/G4, CFM56-SC411, CFM56-5B2, CFM56-5B313B I, CFM56-5B3!PI, CFM56-5B613, CFM56-5B4/P, CFM56·5B5, CFM56·5B6!2P, CFM56·5B9IP, CFM56·5B912P. CFMS6·5C2IF4, CFM56·SC3/F, CFM56-SC3/P. CFM56·5C4liP, CFM56·7B20, CFM56-7B22, CFM56·7D2213, CFM56·7B24, CFM56-7B24/.1, CFM56-7B26. CFM56·1926/38 I, CFM56·7B27, CFM56-7B27/3. CFM56-7B27/BI, CFM56-7B27!3BI, CFM56·7B27/3B IF, CFM56-7B20/3, CFM56-7B2012, CFM56· 7D22/2, CFM56· 7B22/3B I, CFM56· 7B24/2, CFM56-7B2413BI. CFM 56· 1926/2, CFM56-7B26/3B2F CFM56· 7B27A, CFM56-7B2713F, CFM56-7B27/B3, CFM56·7B27/3B3, CFMS6· 7B22/B I, CFMS6·7B24/BI, CFM56·7B2613, CFMS6-7B26/Bl, CFM56·7B2613F FEDERAL AVlA TION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANljFACTURER APPROVAL Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 PMANo.: Supplement No.: Date: ParI Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Dat. Sealant NSLl422RC B2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-l422 B2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev: A Make Eligibility Same as above Same as above 80/93 Model Eligibility CFM56·7B261B2. CFM56·7B2613B2. CFM56-7B2712, CFM56·7B27 Al3, CFM56·5C2, CFM56·5C2IG. CFM56·5C31F4 Boeing 727 Series, 721·100 Series, 727C Series, 727-100C Series, 727-200 Series, 727-200F Series, 137-1 00 Series, 737·200 Series, 737-2OOC Series, 737·300 Series, 737·400 Series, 737-500 Senes, 737-600 Series. 737·100 Senes. 737·800 Series. 73 7~900 Series, 737·900ER Senes, 747.. 1oo Series. 747·200B Series, 747-200F Series, 747-200C Series, 747SR Series, 747SP Series, 747-IOOB Series, 747-300 Scri<s, 747-100B SUD Series, 747-400 Series, 747-4ooD Series, 747..jOOF Series, 757-200 Serio" 757.2ooPF Series, 757.20OGB Series. 757-300 Sories, 767·200 Series, 767·300 Series. 76?-300F Series, 767-4ooER Series. 777-200 Series, 777·300 Series, 777·)OOER Series. 777-200LR Series, 777F Series F AA~approved revisions Same as above March 23. 20 II CFM In'emational, SA pate: 12-26-09 or later Same as above PQ3886CE 28 Rev. 1 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P..:::>Q.;;;38~8:.:;;6C~.E:;:...._ _ __ Supplement No.: ;.2;;.8;:;R:;,ev;,;.,:.1,--,.,-_ __ Date: March 23,2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis aud Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC B2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 B2 Test and Computation per Bombardier tnc. 14 CFR § 21.303 Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev: A R~te; Model Eligibility BD-I 00·1 A 10, BD-700·IAIO, BD-700·IAII. CL-2IS·6AIO, CIAI5-6BII (CL.215T Variant), 12·26·09 or later ClrZ15-6Bll (CL-415 FAA-approved revisions Variant). CL·600-I-A II (CL·GOO). CL·600-2A 12 (CL-60 1·3A Variant») CL-600·2BI6 (CL·600·3R Variant). CL·600·2BI6 (CL-604 Variant), CL·600·2B 19 (Regional Jet Series 100& 440), CL·600·2CI0 (Regional Jet Series 700,701 & 702), CL·600-2D 15 (Regional Jet Senes 705), CL-600·ZD24 (Regional Jet Series 900), DHC·8-100 Series, DHC-8·200 Series, DHC·8-300 Series, DHC-8-400 Series Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 8li93 Praff & Whitney JTI5D-I, JTI5D·IA, lTI5D·IB. JTl5D·4. JTI5D·4B, JTl5D·4C. JTI5D-4D, lT15D-5, lTI5D-5A, lTl5D-5B. JTI5D·5C,lTI5D·5F, lTI5D·5R, lTI5D·5D, PT6A·6. PT6A·6A, PT6A·6B, PT6A-6/C20, PT6A·II, PT6A-IIAG, PT6A-15AG, PT6A·20. PT6A·20A. PT6A·20B, PT6A·25, PT6A·25A, PT6A·25C, PT6A·27, P PT6A·34, PT6A·34B, PT6A·34AG, PT6A·35, PT6A-36. PT6A·38, PT6A·40, PT6A·41, PT6A-41 AG, PT6A-42. PT6A-42A. PT6A-45, PT6A-45A, PT6A-45B, T6A-28, PT6A-29 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: .:.P.::l,Q3;:.:8:::;86;;,;C;;,;;E:..-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: ":'M7 ar-c-:h-2:::3:"',"::2'::'0:"'11:---- Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Sealanl Part Number "'--NSLI422RC B2 Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility PRe-DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 B2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.30) Pratt & Whitney Product Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev; A Date; 12·26·09 or laler F AA~approved revisions 82/93 Model Eligibility PT6A·45R, PT6A·50, PT6A·60, PT6A·60A, PT6A·60AG, PTM·61, PT6A·6IA, PT6A·65B, PTM·65R, PT6A·65AR, PT6A-65AG, PTM·II 0, PT6A·112, PTM-114, PTM·114A, PT6A·114A, PT6A-116, PT6A·121, PT6A·135, PT6A·135A, PT6A·52, PT6A-66, PTM·66A, PT6A-67, PT6A-67A, PT6A·67 AF, PT6A·67P, PTM-67B, PTM·67D, PT6A·64, PT6A-66B, PT6A·68, PT6A·67AG, PT6A-67T, PT6A·66D, PT6A·67F, PT6B·36, PT6B·36A, PT6B·36B, PT6B·)7, PT6B·37A, PT6C·67D, PT6C·67C, PT6T-3, PT6T-3A, PT6T-3B, PToT-3BG, PToT-3BE, PT6T·6, PT6T·3D, PT6T-9, PT6T-3DE, PT6T-3DF, PT6T-3BF, PWI18,PWI18A, PWI18B, PWI19B, PWI19C, PW120, PWI20A, PW121, PWI2IA, PW123, PWI23AF, PWI23B, PWI23C, PWI23D, PWJ23E, PWI24B, PWI25B, PWI26A, PW127, PWI27E, PWI27F,PWI27G, PWI27M, PWI50A, PW206A, PW206B, PW206B2, PW206C, PW206E, PW207C, PW207D, PW207D I, PW207D2, PW305, PW305A, PW305B, PW306A, PW)06B, PW306C, PW307A, PW308A, PW308C, PW530A FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ":'P..,.Q3::'8;;;,86C;..;;.;;.Ec.-_ _ __ Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: 7M7a-rc~h-2::-:3:-,-=2:::-01:-:1:----- Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 601 18 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Sealant NSLl422RC B2 PRC-DeSoto Sealant PR-1422 B2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR §2 1.303 eroduct Analysis Report: PAR8030 Rev: A Qate: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions Pratt & Whitney PW535A. PWS35B. PW545A. PW545B. PW54SC. PW610F-A. PW617F-E. PW615F-A. PW2037. PW2037M. PW2040, PW2043, PW2240. PW2143, PW2643. PW2040D. PW2337. PW2037D, F117-PW-100, JFTD 12A-4A. JFTD 12A-5A, JT8D-208. JT8D-217. JT8D-217A. ITBD-217C_ JT8D-219, J1'9D-3A. J1'9D-7, J1'9D-7H, J1'9D· 7 A, JT9D·7AH,l1'9D-7F, J1'91)-20, J1'9D-7 J, JF9D-20J. J1'9D·59A, J1'9D-7Q3, J1'9D-7R4E. J1'9D· 7R4H I, JT9D-70A. JT9D-7R4D, J1'9D-7R4EI, JT9D-7R4E4, JT9D-7Q. J1'9D-7R4DI. JT9D-7R402, PW40S0. PW4052, PW405G. PW4060. PW4060A, PW4060C, PW4062. PW4062A, PW4152, PW4156, PW4156A, PW4IS8, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462, PW4650, PW4074, PW4077, PW4077D. PW4084. PW4084D, PW4t~)O, PW4090-3, PW4074D. PW4090D, PW40n. PW4164, PW4168, PW4168A, PW4164C, PW4164C1B. PW4170, PW4168A-ID, PW4168-lD, PW4164-1 D, PW4164C-ID, PW4164CiB-1 D, PW6122A, PW6124A Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Airbus A300, A300, A300, A300, 83193 Model Eligibility Model Model Model Model B2-IA, B2-1C, B4-2C, B2K-3C, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMA No.: ~P~Q:::.38~8~6C~E:::.·_ _ _ __ Supplement No.: .:2:;.8.:;R:;;,ev;,,;..:.1_ _ _ _ __ Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Sealant NSLl422RC B2 Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data PRC~DeSoto Test and Computation per 14 CfR § 21.303 Product Analysis Reoort: PAR8030 Rev: A Date: 12-26-09 or later FAA-approved revisions PR-1422 B2 Sealant 84i93 Make Eligibility Airbus Model Eligibility A300, Model B4-103, A300. Model B2-203. A310. Model 204, A31O, Model 221, A310, Model 222, A310, Model 203. A310, Model 322, A31O, Mode1324, A31O. Model 304. A310, Model 325. A300, Model B4-601, A300. Model B4-603. A300. Model 84-620. A300, Model B4-605R. A300, Model B4-622R, A300, Model F4-60SR, AJOO. Model f4-622R. A300, Model C4-605R Variant F. A300. Model B2-622. A318 Model-III, A318 Model-liZ. A318 Model-121, A318 Model-122. A319 Model-III, A319 Model-I 12. A319 Model-I 13. A319 Model-I 14, A319 Model -liS, A319 Model-D!, A319 Model-D2. A319 Model-D}, A320 Model-III, AnO Model -211 , A320 Model -232. A320 Model -233, AHI Model-III, A321 Model-I 12. A321 Model-131, A321 Model-211, A3l1 Model-ZIZ, A321 Mode!-213, A32! Model -232. A330-201. A330-202, A330-203. A330-223, A330-243, A33G-303. A330-J02. A330-32!, A33G-322, A330-323, A330-34I. A330-342. A330-343, A34G-ZII. -212. -213, A340-311. -312, -313, A340-541, A340-642, A380·841. A380-842 FEDERAL AVIA TION ADMINISTRATION -:.PARTS MANlJFACT~R PMA No.: .:.P.;:.Q;:.:38:.:;86:::.;C;;:;E:...-_ _ __ Supplement No.: .;:2;;.8.:.:R;;.ev;.;...:-I,...,,~--- Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60 I 18 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Sealant NSL1422RC B2 APPROVAL Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data PRC~DeSotO Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 21.303 Sealant PR-1422 B2 Make Eligibility Model Eligibility AirbUS A38Dv861 Product Analysis RenQ.r:t PAR8030 Rev: A !2ils:; 12-26-09 or later FAA~approved revisions Same as above Same as above Same as above Same a above ATR ATR42-200, ATR42-30D. ATR42-320, ATR41-500, ATR72-IOI, ATR72-201. A TR 72-102, ATR 72-202. ATR72-21I, ATR72-212, ATR72-112A Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Lockheed L-1011-385-1, L-IOII-385-1-14, L-1011-385-1-15, L-IOII-385-l Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above McDonnell Douglas DC-8-II, DC-g-12, DC-8-2I, DC-B-3I, DC-S-n, DC-B-ll, DC-S-41. DC-8-42. DC-S-43. DC-8-5I, DC-8-52, DC-8-53. DC-8F-54, DC-BF-55, DC-B-55, DC-S-(, I, DC-8-6IF. DC-8-62, DC-8-62F. DC-8-63, DC-8-63F. DC-8-7I, DC-8-7IF, DC-B-72. DC-B· 72F, DC-S-73, DC·S-73F DC9-11, DC-9-12, DC-9·13, DC·9·14. DC-9·15, DC·9.ISF, DC-9-2I, DC-9-J 1, OC-9-32, OC-9·J I (VC-9Cj, DC-9-32F, DC-9·32 (C-9A, C-9B), DC·9·34, DC-9-34F, DC·9-4I, DC-9-SI, DC-9-SI (MD·SI). DC-9·B2 (MD·52), DC·9-S) (MO.Bl). DC-9-87 (MD-87), MD-88. MD-90-30, 717-200 MD·II,MD-lIF 85193 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - PARTS MANUFACTURER APPROVAL PMANo.: PQ3886CE Supplement No.: 28 Rev. I Date: March 23, 2011 Aerospace Sealants 4 Plum Court Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 (847) 428-5610 Part Name Part Number Approved Replacement For Part Number Approval Basis and Approved Design Data Make Eligibility Model Eligibility Sealant "ISLl422RC B2 PRe-DeSoto Sealant PR·1422 B2 Test and Computation per 14 CFR § 2U03 Product Analysis Report: PARS030 Rev: A Dassault Aviation falcon IOl Falcon 2000. Falcon 2oo0E)(, Mystere·Faleon 50, Mystere-Falcon 900, Falcon 900EX Fan Jet Falcon, Da~£ 12~26~09 or later FAA-approved revisions Fan Jet Falcon Series C, Fan Jet Falcon Series D, Fan Jet Falcon Series E, Fan Jet Falcon Series F, Fan let Falcon Series G, Mystere--Falcon 200, Mystere-Falcon 20-C5, Mystere·Faleon 20·05, Mystere-Falcon 20·E5, Mys[cre-Falcon 20·fS. Sealant NSLl776M Blfz PRC·DeSoto Sealant PR·1776M ay, Test and Computation per 14CFR §2IJ03 Product Anal ysis Report: PARS030 Rev; A Date: 12-26·09 or later FAA-approved revisions 86193 DOeing 727 Series, i2 7- J00 Series, 727C Series. 727, !HOC Series, 727·200 Series, 727,200F Series, 737-100 Series, 737-200 Senes, 737-200c Series, 737,3<HJ Senes, 737,400 Sed es, 737,5()() Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series, 737-800 Series, 737·900 Series, 737·9OOER Sene&, 747.. 100 Series, 747·200B Series, 747-200F Series, 747-20OC Series, 747SR Series, 747SP Series, 747·100B Series, 747,300 Series. 747·looB SUD Series, 747,400 Series, 747-4ooD Series, 747-400F Series 757·200 Series, 757·200PF Series, 757·200cB Series, 757,300 Series NSL1422RC Rev. B 07-15-12 NSL1422RC Class A Aircraft Rapid Cure Integral Fuel Tank Sealant Product Description: NSL1422RC Class A is a fuel resistant sealant for use on integral fuel tanks and pressurized cabins as well as other areas subject to contact with aircraft fuels, lubricants, oils, water and/or weathering. NSL1422RC Class A is a two-part polysulfide base compound which cures at room temperature to a flexible, resilient rubber. When mixed, NSL1422RC Class A is a self leveling liquid. For mixed application life details see cure profile below. Product Features: • Excellent adhesion to aluminum, magnesium, titanium, steel and numerous other aircraft substrates. • Designed to withstand the attack of sulfur compounds that are present in jet fuels and aviation gas. • Service temperature range -65ºF(-54ºC) to 250ºF(121ºC) with excursions to 275ºF (135 ºC). • Suitable for application by brush to thickness of up to 25 mils. Heat-Accelerated Curing: Increased temperature and relative humidity will reduce work life and speed up the cure. Reduced temperature and relative humidity will extend work life and slow the cure. Available in 2½- and 6-oz. cartridges, pint, quart and gallon kits. Also available in premixed and frozen cartridges. Other-size packaging available upon request. Shelf Life: Sealed containers: 9 months when stored below 80°F. Slight changes in work life, viscosity and curing rate may occur but will not affect end performance of the product. Typical Properties: UNCURED Color: Base Curing Agent Mixed Mixing Ratio: (by weight) (by volume) Non-volatile Content Viscosity, poise Base Curing Compound Specific Gravity Consistency CURED – ROOM TEMPERATURE Cured – 7 days @ R.T. ² Tensile Strength, PSI Elongation, % Durometer, Shore A Min. Peel Strength, PPI Flash Point Fungus Resistance Replacement For: PR-1422 Class A Conforms To: 3 AMS-S-8802 & BMS5-26U by FAA-PMA Approval Cure Profile: Packaging: A-1/2 Off-white Black Gray 100:12 100:8.3 86% 2501 1,000¹ 1.52 Self Leveling 250 250 50 30 90ºF Non-nutrient ¹ Brookfield RVF Spindle #6 ² Brookfield 77ºF and 50% R.H. 3 Material and data depicted on this TDS is provided to Aerospace Sealants by the approved manufacture supplier(s) for this material. Qualification and inclusion on the QPL(s) is by the supplier(s) per their material identification and conforms as required by the governing specification. A-2 Application Life (hrs) ² 1/22 Tack Free Time (hrs) ² <5<9 Cure Time to 35 Shore A (hrs) <5 <12 Aerospace Sealants FAA PMA 4 Plum Ct. - Sleepy Hollow, Illinois 60118 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com This document contains proprietary information and is not to be transmitted, reproduced or disclosed to anyone without written permission of Aerospace Sealants. NSL1422RC Rev. B 07-15-12 NSL1422RC Class B Aircraft Rapid Cure Integral Fuel Tank Sealant Product Description: NSL1422RC Class B is a fuel resistant sealant for use on integral fuel tanks and pressurized cabins as well as other areas subject to contact with aircraft fuels, lubricants, oils, water and/or weathering. NSL1422RC Class B is a two-part polysulfide base compound which cures at room temperature to a flexible, resilient rubber. When mixed, NSL1422RC Class B is a thixotropic paste that will not flow. For mixed application life details see cure profile below. Product Features: • Excellent adhesion to aluminum, magnesium, titanium, steel and numerous other aircraft substrates. • Designed to withstand the attack of sulfur compounds that are present in jet fuels and aviation gas. • Service temperature range -65ºF (-54ºC) to 250ºF (121ºC) with excursions to 275ºF (135 ºC). • Suitable for application by extrusion gun or spatula. Heat-Accelerated Curing: Increased temperature and relative humidity will reduce work life and speed up the cure. Reduced temperature and relative humidity will extend work life and slow the cure. Available in 2½- and 6-oz. cartridges, pint, quart and gallon kits. Also available in premixed and frozen cartridges. Other-size packaging available upon request. Shelf Life: Sealed containers: 9 months when stored below 80°F. Slight changes in work life, viscosity and curing rate may occur but will not affect end performance of the product. Typical Properties: UNCURED Color: Base Curing Agent Mixed Mixing Ratio: (by weight) (by volume) Non-volatile Content Viscosity, poise Base Curing Compound Specific Gravity Consistency CURED – ROOM TEMPERATURE Cured – 7 days @ R.T.³ Tensile Strength, PSI Elongation, % Durometer, Shore A Min. Peel Strength, PPI Fungus Resistance Replacement For: PR-1422 Class B Conforms To: 4 AMS-S-8802 & BMS5-26U by FAA-PMA Approval Cure Profile: Packaging: B-1/2 B-2 Application Life (hrs) ³ 1/22 Tack Free Time (hrs) ³ <5<9 Cure Time to 35 Shore A (hrs) <5 <12 Black White Dark Gray 100:12 100:9.7 97% 11,000² 1,000¹ 1.45 Paste 200 300 52 25 Non-nutrient ¹ Brookfield RVF Spindle #6 ² Brookfield RVT Spindle #7 ³ Conditions 77ºF and 50% R.H. 4 Material and data depicted on this TDS is provided to Aerospace Sealants by the approved manufacture supplier(s) for this material. Qualification and inclusion on the QPL(s) is by the supplier(s) per their material identification and conforms as required by the governing specification. Aerospace Sealants FAA PMA 4 Plum Ct. - Sleepy Hollow, Illinois 60118 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com This document contains proprietary information and is not to be transmitted, reproduced or disclosed to anyone without written permission of Aerospace Sealants. Material Safety Data Sheet HMIS HAZARD RATING Polysulfide Class A, Part A only 2 3 0 H FED-STD-313 Latest Revision May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration Number None Health Flammability Reactivity PPE Type of Data Sheet New SECTION I General Information X Revised Commercial ID (as on label and list) Number of revised section: Government contract or order number NSL1422RC Class A (Part A) Manufactures Name Royal Adhesives & Sealants National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN N/A Manufactured For: National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX 77355 Emergency Telephone Number N/A Part number, product and or trade name NSL1422RC Class A (Part A) Hazardous items Yes Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC X Date prepared (800) 527-0011 Mfgr. CAGE code 05/14/2007 Name of Preparer 14439 Signature of preparer On File Billy Matthews NRC License number EPA Registration Number N/A Specification Number N/A Spec. Type No AMS S-8802 Spec. Grade. Spec. Class II B A1/2 - A2 - A4 SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Other limits By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV NIOSH # CAS # 55% N/E N/E ** 68611-50-7 10% 50 ppm 50 ppm XS5250000 00108-88-3 ** Liquid polysulfide polymer (none CFR 1910.1200) Toluene (Methyl Benzene) ** Toxic Data Not Established All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Par. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) 2310 F Auto ignition Temperature 1.5 PH Vapor Pressure (mm hg) 2 % Volatile by Volume 8.5 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) 2.0 Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Density Air = 1 3.1 Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature N/A N/A Magnetism (milligauss) 15 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 300 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC White Paste / Polysulfide odor 140 grams / liter SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) 320 C ----- 900 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A UEL 1.3 Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Vapors are heavier than air and will collect at low points see (Section V) SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid X Neutralizing Agents Open Flame High Heat Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products H2S, CO, CO2, SO2, Smoke X Conditions to avoid N/A 7.1 FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: Page 2 Date 05/14/2007 NSL1422RC Class A (Part A) Polysulfide Class A part A only SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? yes yes yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Non established (possible skin irritation) not considered a primary skin irritant may lead to muscular weakness and dizziness, long-term exposure may lead to dermatitis, liver and kidney damage. INHALATION: vapor will irritate nose throat and respiratory tract, high concentration may cause dizziness INJESTION: can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? NO NO OSHA Regulated? NO Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: Pre existing skin disorders, respiratory tract, liver and kidney damage Signs and symptoms of exposure: Skin or eye irritation head ache and nausea with impaired coordination Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: If swallowed get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Remove sources of ignition. Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with curing agent. Clean up remainder with sand or sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid hazardous waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Empty drums may contain explosive vapors Store below 120 degrees dry area away from acids, oxidizers, open flame or other possible ignition sources Ground containers when transfering. Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When applying in any circumstances likely to produce airborne levels of solvent vapors in excess of the TLV or when mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Air Protective gloves Type: Solvent resistant gloves Mechanical (general) N/A Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Safety Glasses / face shield Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA Shipping name: Not regulated Unit container Hazard class: X Military Air (AFR 71-4) ID Number N/A DOT Spec. container N/A IMDG Marine Pollutant No Reportable Quantity UN number UN 1133 N/A Net explosive weight: N/A Labels: 3 DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Flammable Liquid Limited Quantity: N/A Aerosol propellant (s) Varies with quantity U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful matter Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part B dispose as hazardous solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: D-001 ignitable Sludge Disposal methods: Incineration or land fill, The material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration None HMIS HAZARD RATING 1 Health 1 Flammability 1 Reactivity G PPE NSL1422 part B only page 1 FED-STD-313 Latest Revision Type of Data Sheet New X Revised Number of revised section: Government contract or order number SECTION I General Information Commercial ID (as on label and list) NSL1422RC Class A (part B) Royal Adhesives & Sealants N/A Manufactured For: Part number, product and or trade name National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX Emergency Telephone Number NRC License number Date prepared Name of Preparer Signature of preparer EPA Registration Number Specification Number (800) 527-0011 14439 05/14/2007 Billy Matthews On File N/A AMS-S-8802 N/A Spec. Type NSL1422RC Class A (part B) Yes X No Hazardous items Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC Mfgr. CAGE code N/A National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN Manufactures Name Spec. Grade. Spec. Class N/A N/A N/A SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Manganese Dioxide Other limits By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV N/E < 65% 5 ppm 5mg /m 3 NIOSH # CAS # 0P0350000 1313-13-9 Manganese Dioxide is in a wetted out dispersion exposure limits based on dust that is not present in this composition. All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Para. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) N / Av. Auto ignition Temperature 2.0 PH 9 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) Non Volatile Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Pressure (mm hg) N/A Vapor Density Air = 1 N/A Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature Not flammable Unknown % Volatile by Volume Magnetism (milligauss) 2.0 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 1000 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC Black paste negligible oily odor Non Volatile SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) > 930 C ----- > 2000 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A UEL N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Explosion hazard if heated with oxidizable materials SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid X Neutralizing Agents Easily oxidizable materials Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Easily oxidizable materials Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products Oxides of nitrogen, Carbon, manganese compounds X Conditions to avoid None N/A FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: Page 2 Date 05/14/2007 NSL1422RC Part B Manganese NSL1422RC Page 2 part B only SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? Yes No Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Impairment of central nervous system Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No No Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: None known Signs and symptoms of exposure: Sluggishness, Sleeplessness, and / or Weakness in legs Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Dike and cover with non-oxidizable absorbent. Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with base. Clean up remainder with sand or non-oxidizable sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Keep container tightly closed, store in a dry location away from flammables (see Section VIII) wash hands thoroughly after handling Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Mechanical (general) Air N/A Protective gloves Type: Chemical resistant gloves Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Chemical goggles / face shield Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA X Military Air (AFR 71-4) IMDG Marine Pollutant No UN number N /A Shipping name: ID Number Reportable Quantity N/A N/A Not regulated Unit container DOT Spec. container Net explosive weight: < 20 gms. in plastic container N/A N/A Hazard class: Labels: N/A Not required DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Limited Quantity: N/A N/A Aerosol propellant (s) U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful matter Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part A dispose as solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: N/A Sludge Disposal methods: When disposing of this material, the material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Material Safety Data Sheet HMIS HAZARD RATING Polysulfide Class B, Part A only 1 1 0 H FED-STD-313 Latest Revision May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration Number None Health Flammability Reactivity PPE Type of Data Sheet New SECTION I General Information X Revised Number of revised section: Government contract or order number Commercial ID (as on label and list) NSL1422RC Class B (Part A) Manufactures Name Royal Adhesives & Sealants N/A Manufactures Address (No Street, City, State and zip) National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX 77355 Emergency Telephone Number NRC License number Part number, product and or trade name NSL1422RC Class B (Part A) Hazardous items Yes Date prepared Name of Preparer Signature of preparer EPA Registration Number Specification Number (800) 527-0011 14439 No Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC Mfgr. CAGE code N/A National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN Billy Matthews 05/14/2007 On File N/A N/A Spec. Type X AMS S-8802 Spec. Grade. Spec. Class II B B1/2 - B2 - B4 SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Other limits Liquid polysulfide polymer (none CFR 1910.1200) Toluene By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV NIOSH # CAS # < 70% < 5% N/E 100 ppm N/E 50 ppm None None 68611-50-7 00108-88-3 All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Par. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) N/A Auto ignition Temperature 1.52 PH Vapor Pressure (mm hg) NIL % Volatile by Volume 8.5 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) NIL Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Density Air = 1 NIL Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature N/A N/A Magnetism (milligauss) 3.0 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 12000 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC White Paste / Polysulfide odor 13 grams / liter SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) > 930 C ----- > 2000 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Vapors are heavier than air and will collect at low points see (Section V) SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid Neutralizing Agents X Open Flame Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products H2S, CO, CO2, SO2, Smoke X Conditions to avoid N/A UEL N/A FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Page 2 Date 05/14/2007 NSL1422RC Class B (Part A) Skin? Polysulfide Class B part A only Ingestion? yes yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Non established (possible skin irritation) not considered a primary skin irritant INHALATION: vapor will irritate nose throat and respiratory tract, high concentration may cause dizziness INJESTION: can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? NO NO yes OSHA Regulated? NO Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: None known Signs and symptoms of exposure: Skin or eye irritation Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: If swallowed induce vomiting get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with curing agent. Clean up remainder with sand or sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Empty drums may contain explosive vapors Store below 120 degrees dry area away from acids, oxidizers, open flame or other possible ignition sources Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When applying in any circumstances likely to produce airborne levels of solvent vapors in excess of the TLV or when mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Air Protective gloves Type: Solvent resistant gloves Mechanical (general) N/A Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Safety Glasses Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA Shipping name: Not regulated Unit container Hazard class: X Military Air (AFR 71-4) ID Number N/A DOT Spec. container N/A IMDG Marine Pollutant No Reportable Quantity UN number N/A Net explosive weight: N/A Labels: N/A DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Not required Limited Quantity: N/A N/A Aerosol propellant (s) U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful matter Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part B dispose as hazardous solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: D-001 ignitable Sludge Disposal methods: Incineration or land fill, The material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements OMB registration None NSL1422RC part B only page 1 FED-STD-313 Latest Revision HMIS HAZARD RATING 1 Health 1 Flammability 1 Reactivity G PPE Commercial ID (as on label and list) Type of Data Sheet New X Revised Number of revised section: Government contract or order number Manufactures Name National Stock Number /CAN LSN /SIN SECTION I General Information NSL1422RC (part B) Royal Adhesives & Sealants Manufactured For: N/A National Sealants & Lubricants 33110 Old Hempstead Road Magnolia, TX Emergency Telephone Number NRC License number Part number, product and or trade name Date prepared Name of Preparer Signature of preparer EPA Registration Number Specification Number (800) 527-0011 14429 Billy Matthews X 05/14/2007 On File N/A AMS-S-8802 N/A Spec. Type NSL1422 (part B) Yes No Hazardous items Information telephone number (800) 424-9300 CHEM TREC Mfgr. CAGE code N/A Spec. Grade. Spec. Class N/A N/A N/A SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients SARA III Information* Hazardous Components (Specific chemical identity: Common Name (s) Manganese Dioxide Other limits By % weight OSHA PEL ACGHI TLV N/E < 65% 5 ppm 5mg /m 3 NIOSH # CAS # 0P0350000 1313-13-9 Manganese Dioxide is in a wetted out dispersion exposure limits based on dust that is not present in this composition. All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; complete mixture is excluded Per TSCA Para. 710.4 (d) 95 (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST * Indicates toxic chemical (s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372 SECTION III Physical /Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2 O = 1) N / Av. Auto ignition Temperature 2.0 PH 9 Evaporation rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) Non Volatile Melting Point Liquid at room temperature Vapor Pressure (mm hg) N/A Vapor Density Air = 1 N/A Solubility in Water Negligible Decomposition Temperature Not flammable Unknown % Volatile by Volume Magnetism (milligauss) 2.0 N/A Viscosity Corrosion Rate: 1000 Poises N/A Temp Material Reference Blank Appearance and Odor: Volatile Organic Compound VOC Black paste negligible oily odor Non Volatile SECTION - IV Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (method used) > 930 C ----- > 2000 F TCC Extinguishing Methods: Dry chemical, CO2 , Foam, Water Flammable Limits LEL N/A UEL N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures In confined areas wear self contained breathing apparatus, cool exposed containers with fog nozzles Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Explosion hazard if heated with oxidizable materials SECTION V - Reactivity Data Stable Unstable Conditions to avoid X Neutralizing Agents Easily oxidizable materials Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Easily oxidizable materials Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will not Occur N/A Hazardous Decomposition products Oxides of nitrogen, Carbon, manganese compounds X Conditions to avoid None N/A FED-STD-313 Latest Rev Material: Page 2 Date 06/07/04 NSL1422RC Part B Manganese NSL1422RC Page 2 part B only SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route (s) of entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? no No Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Impairment of central nervous system Carcinogsnicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No No Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: None known Signs and symptoms of exposure: Sluggishness, Sleeplessness, and / or Weakness in legs Emergency and first aid Procedures: Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water consult physician. Skin: wash with soap and water. Ingestion: get immediate medical attention. SECTION VII - - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be taken in the event the material is released or spilled: Dike and cover with non-oxidizable absorbent. Scoop up and transfer to container for reaction with base. Clean up remainder with sand or non-oxidizable sweeping compound. Wash area with soap and water. Wear appropriate clothing and protective equipment. (section VIII) Waste disposal method: React with curing agent and dispose of as solid waste per Federal, State and local regulations Precautions to be taken handling or storing: Keep container tightly closed, store in a dry location away from flammables (see Section VIII) wash hands thoroughly after handling Other precautions: Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product prior to eating , drinking or smoking SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory protection (specify type) When mechanically abrading the cured material use an organic vapor cartridge or air supplied respirator. Ventilation: Local exhaust Special: Mechanical (general) Air N/A Protective gloves Type: Chemical resistant gloves Other Fan Eye protection Type: N/A Chemical goggles / face shield Other protective clothing or Equipment Appropriate clothing to avoid prolonged skin contact Work /Hygienic practices: Safety shower, eye wash station and washing facilities should be available SECTION IX - Transportation Applicable regulations: 49CFR X IMO X IATA X Military Air (AFR 71-4) IMDG Marine Pollutant No UN number N /A Shipping name: ID Number Reportable Quantity N/A N/A Not regulated Unit container DOT Spec. container Net explosive weight: < 20 gms. in plastic container N/A N/A Hazard class: Labels: N/A Not required DOT Exempt /DOD CCN Limited Quantity: N/A N/A Aerosol propellant (s) U.S. Postal regulations: N/A 124.122 Harmful matter Disposal Information: Incineration or land fill as is, or react with Part A dispose as solid waste EPA hazardous waste number /Code: Hazardous waste characteristics: N/A Sludge Disposal methods: When disposing of this material, the material must be handled, packaged and transported according to Federal, State or local regulations The information in this MSDS has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable. However since much of this information has been received from sources outside of the company, it is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling, storage, use and disposal is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. PMA CROSS REFERENCE CHART FAA PMA Sealant Cross Reference Chart PMA Part Number Class PRC/PPG Product PMA No. / Supplement No. NSL870 B1/2, B2, B4 P/S 870 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL890RC A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2, B4 P/S 890 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL1422 A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2 PR-1422 PQ3886CE/ 18 NSL1422RC A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2 PR-1422 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL1428 B1/2, B2 PR-1428 PQ3886CE/ 18 NSL1440RC A1/2, A2, B1/2, B2 PR-1440 PQ3886CE/ 28 NSL1750 B1/2, B2 PR-1750 PQ3886CE/ 18 NSL1776M B1/2, B2 PR-1776M PQ3886CE/ 28 FAA PMA Silicone Cross Reference Chart PMA Part Number GE-Momentive / Dow Corning Product PMA No. / Supplement No. AS106 GE106, Dow Corning 736 PQ3886CE/ 13 AS112 GE112 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS116 GE116 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS118 GE118 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS157 GE157, Dow Corning 732 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS159 GE159, GE106, Dow Corning 736 PQ3886CE/ 3 AS3145 & AS3145P GE162, Dow Corning 3145 PQ3886CE/ 3 (800) 527.0011 www.nslaerospace.com
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