This W eek - Silverdale Lutheran Church
This W eek - Silverdale Lutheran Church
2015 General Fund Giving Giving March 1, 2015: General Giving: Restricted Giving: 2015 Weekly Budget Goal: 2015 Average: Attendance March 1, 2015: Monday, March 9th 9:00am Quilters (FH) 6:00pm Trustees (study) 7:00pm Council (4) 7:00pm Boy Scouts (GP) Tuesday, March 10th 12:00pm Al Anon (28) 1:30pm Pastor’s Text Study (4) 4:00pm Movie w/your Pastor (AMC Kitsap 8) 5:30pm Boyscouts (GP) 6:30pm Scouts Planning Meeting (GP) 7:00pm Man Date (Yacht Club) 7:00pm Preschool Advisory (4) 7:00pm Hometown Band (FH) Wednesday, March 11th 9:30am Mom’s Circle (study) 10:45 am Manna (4) 11:30am 12:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:45pm 7:15pm Thursday, March 12th 10:30am PB’s Bible Study (FH) 10:30am Alzheimer Support (study) 6:00pm Cub Scouts Den Meeting (GP) 6:45pm Alleluia Ringers (sanc) Friday, March 13th 6:30am Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Bowling Alley) 6:00pm Jeffries vow renewal (sanc) Saturday, March 14th 9:00am Pinewood Derby 4:30pm Family Fun Night Movie: Brave Sunday, March 15th 8:00am Worship 9:30am Confirmation 9:30am Small Group Book Study (study) 9:40am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 12:30pm Basics Class 5:00pm Pinewood Derby (GP) Birthdays This Week Chad Alden Evangeline Esposito Christopher Hunt James Lamb Gabriel Loudermillk Violet Frus Mar 8 Mar 8 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 9 Mar 11 Mid Week Lent Service (sanc) Hearty Meals (FH) First Communion Class (GP) Boyscouts (GP) Soup Supper (FH) Mid-Week Lent Service (sanc) Sanctuary Choir (sanc) Anniversaries this Week Sofia Hanssen-Keller Amanda Shultz Earl Anderson Katherine Thayer Corey Burchill Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 14 Alane & Bruce Smith Georgia & John Jeffries Mar 11 Mar 13 SLC Beacon This Week Sunday, March 8th 8:00am Worship 9:30am Confirmation 9:30am Small Group Book Study (study) 9:40am Sunday School 9:40am Pilgrimage Meeting (28) 11:00am Worship 12:30pm Basics Class 4:00pm Auction Preview 5:00pm Youth Dinner & Auction $12,951.00 $11,865.00 $1,086.00 $12,421.00 $11,785.38 352 March 8, 2015 TODAY: Youth Auction. Preview begins at 4pm, dinner at 5pm. Auction to follow... TUESDAY: Movie with Your Pastor @ 4:00pm at AMC Kitsap 8 in Silverdale to see “McFarland, USA.” $5 Taco bar dinner & discussion at FAMILY OF GOD. Man Date @ 7:00pm at the Yacht Club Broiler in Silverdale. The topic is “near death experiences.” Had one? What do they mean? WEDNESDAY: Soup Supper and Mid-week worship starting at 6pm First Communion Class @4:30pm in the Gathering Place. SATURDAY: Family Fun Night @ 4:30pm. A showing of Disney’s Brave and a baked potato bar. Please bring your favorite potato toppings! Need to get away? SLC has made a Prayer Wall in the sanctuary for you to visit during Lent. There are candles, prayer shawls, cushions, and Wade Randall’s art works which we have been featuring in our Lenten mid-week services. Stop by any time the church is open to have some quiet time with God. A few important notes… Easter Flowers - Easter flower envelopes are available in the Narthex. We generally purchase azaleas and just a few Easter lily plants. If you would like to purchase or sponsor a plant, please make your check out to Silverdale Lutheran Church Women. A Lutherhaven camp for the grandparent side of life…. Family Camp is Friday, August 14-Sunday, August 16, and we have the camp continuing through Wednesday, August 19, so let’s put the campground to use! There are full RV hook ups for about 10 campers, as well as “rustic” cabins. Spend some time on the lake, take an “art class,” participate in bible study, hiking and just fellowship with one another. If you are interested, please call Sherry Dungjen and watch for an info meeting coming soon. We welcome your ideas and enthusiasm for this fun opportunity! Family Fun Night—We’re not feeding you blarney, we’re feeding you potatoes!! Next Saturday, the 14th at 4:30pm join us for a night o’ fun, St. Patrick’s style! We’ll be watching Disney’s Brave, playing games, and enjoying a baked potato bar. SLC will provide the potatoes, but please bring your favorite baked potato toppings! Also, please come dressed for the occasion (we hear green is an excellent color choice)! Trip to The Holy Land 2017: Interested in visiting Israel in 2017? Walk where Jesus walked? Come to an informational meeting this Sunday during Sunday School at 9:40am in Room 28 of the Gathering Place. All are welcome! Julie Gillies Devotionals For This Week SENIOR HIGH YOUTH & FAMILY TONIGHT IS THE YOUTH AUCTION!! SCHOLARSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: InFaith Community Foundation, formerly LCF, is pleased to announce The Silverdale Lutheran Church Scholarship. This scholarship provides two educational scholarship awards annually to eligible candidates of Silverdale Lutheran Church. To be considered, complete applications and necessary accompanying documents postmarked no later than April 15, 2015. Applications with postmarks later than this date will not be accepted. The application is available in hard copy by the youth board, or can be downloaded from the InFaith ( or the News and Events page of the SLC website. ELEMENTARY KIDS FAMILY FUN NIGHT - This coming Saturday will be the Family Fun night for March. Don’t miss a great evening of fun, fellowship and cinema! We’ll be watching Brave and enjoying a pot-luck style baked potato bar. See the front page for the details! Buck a Chick—During the season of Lent, your Sunday School classes are doing a fundraiser called Buck a Chick. $1 will buy a chick for a family, giving them eggs to eat and sell at the market. On Easter we will announce how many chicks we were able to purchase! Kids For Christ - Amazing Race Edition will take place on Sunday, March 22nd Meet in the Gathering Place at 12:30 for pizza, then we will divide into teams for the race of your life! We will return to the church by 3pm. We Need Some Help… Our Altar Guild could use a few additional members to ensure that the altar is properly set for worship. The time commitment is minimal, about an hour a week for one month of the year. Contact Mary Ramsey at 360-271-0035 or note your ministry card if you have an interest in becoming a part of the altar care team. Missing: The Altar Guild is missing several of the altar table cloths. Have you taken one home to launder and forgot to bring it back? We’d really appreciate any altar guild members who may have taken one home for cleaning to check and see if you forgot to bring it back! Thank you in advance! Memory Verse: Matthew 22:9 9Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.' Read: Read the following daily readings to deepen your understanding of Sunday’s text. After the reading, ask the follow-up questions. Follow the teachings and actions of Jesus. See how his actions angered and frightened those in power. Sunday, Matthew 22:1-14, Wedding Banquet Monday, Psalm 45:6-7, Psalm Tuesday, Matthew 20:17-34, Works of Jesus Wednesday, Matthew 21:12-22, Jesus Cleanses the Temple Thursday, Matthew 21:23-27, The Authority of Jesus Questioned Friday, Matthew 21:28-32, Parables of Jesus Saturday, Matthew 21:33-46, Parables of Jesus How did Jesus’ actions and teachings point toward the cross and resurrection? What does the Scripture say about God/Jesus? What does the Scripture mean to me? What will I do in response to what I've read? Next Week: Matthew 25:1-13 : STEWARDSHIP CORNER “Open my eyes in unexpected moments, Holy One, that my heart may know you.” -David L. Miller from Grace & Peace Devotions for Lent 2015 Happy Lent! Yes, happy is the way I think of Lent, in that this season of the church offers many opportunities to pray, meditate and love this world God gave us. The newly formed Stewardship Committee, consisting of Jeanne Patterson, Bert Clark, and me, Patti Randall, ate a lovely lunch together at SLC offered by our some of our devoted Hearty Meals volunteers, then met in our church library (or quiet room). In that last sentence were just three ways in which Stewardship is being lived and breathed both here at our church and out in our world: the Hearty Meals lunch (when feeding the hungry, you feed Christ), the Library (reading the Word & learning more about Christ), and the Committee (where two or more are gathered in His Name)! Here are some of the ideas the Stewardship Committee discussed & which were shared with the Pastors: Stewardship Drive 2015: An intentional thought process which offers opportunities for Temple Talks & encourages First Fruits thinking can be a really valuable tool for any congregation. Look toward October 2015 for this event. Stewardship/Resource Sunday: With a focus on our gifts of Time & Talent, we (Jeanne, Bert & I) hope to connect “seekers” with existing ministry opportunities and contact information surrounding that ministry. Watch for us at a table in the Narthex sometime in the future! Special Needs/Collections: SLC is a generous & giving congregation, particularly as it pertains to disasters in our world. I am researching continued need in some particular areas of concern: the Oso Land Slide Disaster (cleanup continues & may require more of our help), the Ebola Crisis in Liberia (to which SLC offered $5,178 in much needed funds in Oct. 2014) has continuing needs (perhaps the Phebe Hospital and school of Nursing in Liberia). LWR Disaster Response may be needed as those in the eastern U.S. dig out of an extremely snowy winter. My hope is that we are all thinking of ways we can “do” Stewardship in new and loving ways, helping to make a difference in our world. I pray that God surprises you with His love that we may live in unfailing hope, as all we have and do is God’s. -Patti Randall, Stewardship Chair From the Desk of the Treasurer Below is a 3 year financial comparison of offerings vs. ministry expenses as of February 28th of each year. Benevolences due for the 1st quarter of 2015 (Jan and Feb) are $8,384.62. Year Sunday Offerings Ministry Expenses Net Financial Comparison on February 28th 2013 2014 $ 89,442.91 $ 93,697.44 $ (4,254.53) $ 83,146.14 $ 85,505.31 $ (2,359.17) 2015 $ 93,162.45 $ 95,059.72 $ (1623.00) Upcoming Opportunities! MEN’S RETREAT—There will be a SLC Men’s Retreat this year (a 1 day event –on a Saturday in June). If you are interested in attending and/or participating in the planning of this Retreat, please fill out the Ministry Card. MOVIE WITH YOUR PASTOR—Pastor Jonathan will be leading the March "Movie with Your Pastor" to see "McFarland, USA," this Tuesday, March 10th at the AMC Kitsap 8 in Silverdale at 4pm. We will follow the movie with a $5 taco bar dinner and discussion at FAMILY OF GOD LUTHERAN. LADIES NIGHT OUT - Tuesday, March 17th, Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with the women of SLC at Spiro’s in Bremerton [3329 Kitsap Way] at 6:30pm. Our topic will be, “Listening for God.” Hear about the Women’s Retreat! How is the listening going? How do we listen for God? COME ALL YE LABORERS TO THE VINEYARD (or the SLC Parking Lot) for our Annual Spring Cleanup and Beautification. There will be weeding in the flower beds, the spreading of bark, tree and brush trimming and general yard cleanup. We hope to pressure wash our parking lot stripes to prepare them for fresh paint. With many hands we can take on the washing of windows, entrance doors and a much needed scrubbing of our waste can as well. Bring your tools, wheelbarrows and any other item that can help with this much needed project. We will start at 8:30 A.M. on the morning of Saturday, March 21 st , continuing through the week and ending on Saturday, March 28th as needed. Please note in the Ministry Card your willingness to give a few hours or days of your precious time to beautifying our Church in time for a Glorious Easter. LWR PERSONAL CARE KITS When natural disaster strikes or political conflict flares, families often have little chance to gather their belongings before fleeing danger. They arrive in a refugee camp or other safe place scared, vulnerable and dirty from travel. The simple items in a Personal Care Kit allow them to wash away the sweat and dirt with the fresh scent of soap and softness of a towel, reminders that someone cares for them. We will be collecting items for the kits through the month of April. LWR is very specific about the items needed as all kits must be similar. Please donate one or more of the following items: One bath towel, DARK colored only. They need to be no larger them 27" x 52". Most American towels are huge! They do not need to be really plush or heavy (if one lives in a hot humid climate, the smaller ones dry out more quickly). Two bath size bars of soap any brand. One adult -size toothbrush in original package. Multi-packs are acceptable. One STURDY comb... No picks or fine tooth combs. If the teeth bend when you run your thumb down the is not sturdy! One metal nail clippers...with or without attached nail file. The display and collection container is located in the Fellowship Hall. We know it's difficult to pass up the bargains at Some of the discount stores but LWR has found out that many of these items do not hold up. Questions??? Please call Julie Harpel at (360) 930-5122 with any questions. Julie will put updates as to the “most needed items” in the Beacon from time to time.