AC - National Museum of American History
AC - National Museum of American History
AC NMAH 60 Furniture, ca. 1792-1945 (3 cubic feet; 9 DB) Scope and Content Note This material consists primarily of scattered correspondence on letterhead stationery, printed advertisements, bills/receipts, advertising cards, illustrated catalogues, price lists, photographs, sales notices, auction notices, import/export documents, patents, business cards, lithographs and fabric samples. Most of these materials are from manufacturers and dealers, however, there are a number of references to interior decorators, upholsters, auctioneers, repairers, varnishers, polishers and furniture associations. Second hand furniture, antiques, and reproductions were available from a number of these companies. A large majority of these Companies offered furniture for the home. There are also some companies which sold furniture and furnishings for business, school, hospital, library, railroad, ship, hotel, hall, opera, invalid and outdoor use. The types of furnishings available are varied and include carpets, nursery accessories, fireplace mantels, picture frames, mirrors, mattresses, table covers, upholstery, looking glasses, wallpaper, curtains, caskets, stoves, clocks, art, pianos and lamp fixtures, waste baskets, wash stands and wood ornaments. Among the publications are a number of trade catalogues. Profusely illustrated, these catalogues supply the type of information that is hard to find anywhere else. Such information includes dimensions, prices, type of wood, usefulness of a particular piece and credit terms for payment. There are also a number of articles, periodicals and books. Most of these discuss a particular style of furniture, a particular piece of furniture or interior decoration. The material is organized by name of company. There are a number of folders arranged by type including images, patents, trademarks, instructions for fitting slip covers, upholstery samples, labels, and legal documents and import/export documents. Subject Terms: Dry Goods Furniture Chairs Beds and Bedding Carpets Antiques Office Equipment Library Schools Caskets Churches Pianos For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 Vanessa Broussard-Simmons 630 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 Container List MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 1 Abel & Schwaab Manufacturer of Rich and Plain Furniture and Upholstery New York, New York Acme Company Also known as Rockford Factory Manufacturers of Dining Room Sets, China Closets, Buffets and Book Cases Chicago, Illinois Adams & Bishop Dealer in Brackets, Photo Frames and Wastebaskets New York, New York Albany Co-Operative Furniture Company Albany, New York Aldrich, J. Edwin Manufacturers of Extension Tables and Cabinet Work Boston, Massachusetts 2 Allard & Sons Dealer in Artistic Furniture and Interior Decorations New York, New York Allen & Brother Cabinet Ware Rooms & Upholstery Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Allen, S.H. Furniture, Chair & Feather Store Boston, Massachusetts Allen, Stephenson & Company Successors to Boyd, Allen & Company Knoxville, Tennessee Allen, W. & J. Cabinet Ware Emporium Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3 Alms, F. W., Manufacturing Company Catalogue of Hat-Racks, Library and White Center Tables, 1884-1885 Cincinnati, Ohio 630 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 4 American Desk & Seating Company Makers of All Kinds of Desks Chicago, Illinois American Pine Leaf Fibre Company location unknown 5 Ames, Hiram H., & Company Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, &c. Worcester, Massachusetts Amsden, H.H., & Sons Manufacturers and Dealers in Pine Chamber Furniture Fisherville, New Hampshire 6 Anderson & Miller Dealer in Fancy and Windsor Chairs and Household Furniture Baltimore, Maryland Anderson, W. E. Dealer in Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. Baltimore, Maryland Andrews, A.H., & Company Price List of School Furniture and Apparatus New York, New York Andrews, R.T. Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, &c. Thomaston, Connecticut Annable & Company Manufacturers of Lounges, Mattresses, Easy Chairs, Fixtures, Stuffings, &c. Concord, New Hampshire Anti Brothers Dealer in Hand Carved Furniture Vicenza, Italy 7 Arcade Furniture Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, &c. Baltimore, Maryland Armstrong, H.B., & Company Dealer in Carpets, Furniture, Upholstery Goods, Etc. New Haven, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 7 Art Decorative Corporation Buffalo, New York Artman-Treichler, E.R., Company Wholesale Dealers in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wooden Ware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Atkin Furniture Company Knoxville, Tennessee Atkinson, B.A., & Company House Furnishers Boston, Massachusetts Atkinsons House Furnishing Company, Incorporated Distributors of Parlor and Chamber Furniture Portland, Maine 8 Babcock & Peek Successors to Willard, Peek & Company Furniture & Chair Warehouse Chicago, Illinois Bacall, William K. Dealer in Upholstery and Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Bacci, Giovanni location unknown Bacher, A. Manufacturer of Parlor Sets, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Etc. Topeka, Kansas Badger Furniture Company Indianapolis, Indiana Baer, Henry Upholsterer Cincinnati, Ohio Bagby Furniture Company Furniture Catalogue, 1909 Baltimore, Maryland Bailey, T.R. Lockport, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 8 Bailey & Smith Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Lawrence, Kansas Baldwin, J.C. Furniture, Sofa and Chair Warehouse New York, New York Ballou & Markham Dealer in Parlor and Chamber Suits Providence, Rhode Island 9 Bamberger, L., & Company Newark, New Jersey Bancroft, J.A., & Company General School Furnishers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bangert, Friedrich Bremen, Germany 10 Bard, E .s. Location unknown Barlow, Averill Manufacturer and Dealer in Cabinet Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Barnhart Type Foundry Company Dealer in Barnhart's Steel Furniture New York, New York Barns, Amos Cabinet Furniture and Chair Warehouse Pittsfield, Massachusetts Barnes & Wiederholdt City unknown, New York Barr & Voorhies Furniture Dealers Columbia, Tennessee Bassett, McNab & Company Dealer in Upholstery Goods and Cabinets Makers' Findings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 1 10 Bastian, Charles Varnisher & Polisher of Cabinet Furniture New York, New York Baumann Brothers Importers & Manufacturers of Carpets & Furniture New York, New York Baumann, Ludwig, & Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding and Lamps New York, New York Baur, Louisa Dealer in Furniture location unknown Beach, C.B., & Son Furniture and Undertaking Corfu, New York Beal, Samuel Furniture, Chair and Feather Store Boston, Massachusetts 11 Beals, Thomas P., Company Manufacturers of Common Furniture, Spring Beds and Chairs Price List, 1905 Portland, Maine Bell, Robert B. Late of Regester & Bell Furniture and Carpet Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bending, A.T. Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bennett, Diller, Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, Chairs and Mattresses Louisville, Kentucky Bennett, F.G., & Son Dealer in Furniture, Bedding, Undertaking Goods, Frames, Pictures and Works of Art New Milford, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 1 12 Bensinger, Nathan Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture Louisville, Kentucky Benson & Hedges Dealer in Chippendale Furniture City unknown, New York Bent, G.W., & Company Dealer in Steel Bedsteads, Bed Springs, etc. Boston, Massachusetts Bentley & Gerwig Furniture Company Manufacturers of Wardrobes and Office Desks Parkersburg, West Virginia Benz & Dain Manufacturers of Cabinet & Upholstery Furniture Oswego, New York 13 Berbecker & Rowland Manufacturing Company Catalogue, 1896 Waterville, Connecticut 14 Berger Manufacturing Company Catalogue of Stock Equipment, 1910 Canton, Ohio 15 Berkey & Gay Grand Rapids, Michigan Berkey, William A., Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Michigan Bierwirth Manufacturing Company Dealer in Portiers, Couch Covers and Piece Goods Fabric Samples New York, New York 16 Bishop Furniture Company Catalog, 1907-1908 Grand Rapids, Michigan 17 Bison City Table Company Extension Tables Catalogue, 1914 Buffalo, New York 18 Blair, R. & J.M. Plano Forte and Furniture Rooms New Haven, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 18 Blake & Alden Manufacturers and Importers of Furniture and Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts Blake & Davenport Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Furniture, Looking-Glasses, and Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts Blake, James G. Upholstery and Furniture Establishment Boston, Massachusetts Blake & Larkin Townsend, Massachusetts Blake, Ware & Company Manufacturers and Importers of Furniture and Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts Blanchard, H.B., & Company Upholsterers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Blashfield, James Manufacturers of and Dealer in Cabinet Ware, Coffins Caskets, Carpets, &c. Salem, New York Bloomfield Manufacturing Company Folding Tray-Wagon Price List, 1916 Bloomfield, Indiana 19 Blue, Arthur Dealer in Paper Hangings, Window Shades, &c. New York, New York Boggs, George P. Dealer in Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bonnet, Cross & Company Dealer in Art Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1929-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 BOX Folder 1 19 Bonny, M. Dealer in Gut Glass New York, New York Bool's Furniture, Carpet, Picture and Frame Store Ithaca, New York Bosler, George formerly with Messrs. Du Flot & Company Manufacturer of Cane & Willow Furniture New York, New York Bowditch & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture New Haven, Connecticut 20 Boyd, c. Dealer in Cradles Fishkill, New York Boyd, James R., & Son Cabinet Makers & Undertakers Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Boyden, A., & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Walnut and Painted Chamber Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Boyle Brothers Furniture Catalogue, 1888 Lowell, Massachusetts 21 Boyington, L.C. Manufacturer of Folding Beds Catalogue, 1885 Chicago, Illinois 22 Bradford, N.H., & Company Providence, Rhode Island Bradstreet, Thurber & Company Dealers in Furniture Minneapolis, Minnesota 23 Brainard, J.L., & Company Dealers in Cottage and Chamber Furniture Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 24 Brandt Cabinet Works Manufacturers of Parlor and Library Tables Price List, 1915 Hagerstown, Maryland Brees, M.H. Dealer in Cabinet Furniture and Chairs Horseheads, New York 25 Bridgman, E.B. Manufacturer and Dealer in School, Church and Hall Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Briggs, Joshua Manufacturers of Briggs' Piano Stools and Ottomans Peterborough, New Hampshire Briggs & Lawrence Dealer in Upholstery Goods, Draperies, etc. New Bedford, Massachusetts Brigham, Louise, Box Furniture Manufactured by Home Art Masters, Incorporated Catalogues, undated New York, New York Brimson, Fischer & Long Importers and Jobbers of Furnishing Goods St. Louis, Missouri Bromley, P.M., & Company Cabinet and Chair Warehouse Rochester, New York 26 Brooklyn Furniture Company Price List, undated Brooklyn, New York 27 Brooks Knock=Down Furniture Company Catalogue, 1906 Bay City, Michigan 28 Brooks Manufacturing Company Saginaw, Michigan Brooks, T. Cabinet, Sofa, Chair and Upholstery Warehouse Brooklyn, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 28 Brooks & Walbridge Brothers Dealer in Furniture, Carpetings, Mattresses, &c. Boston, Massachusetts Brown, A., & Son Upholsterers and Furniture Manufacturers Schenectady, New York Brown, F.H. Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Brown & Furber Furniture Dealers Marathon, New York Brown & Van Arsdale Manufacturing Company Chicago, Illinois 29 Buchanan Manufacturing Company Furniture Catalogue, 1883 Buchanan, Michigan Buckeye Marble and Freestone Company Manufacturers of Furniture Marble Cincinnati, Ohio 30-31 Buckley & Bancroft Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, LookingGlasses and Enameled Chamber Furniture Price List, 1851-1852 Boston, Massachusetts 32 Buffalo Lounge Company Manufacturers of Upholstered Furniture Price List, 1912, 1913 Buffalo, New York Buffalo School Furniture Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Buhler, W. Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture, &c. New York, New York Bull, John W. Importer and Dealer of Flower Pots and Stands Hartford, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 Folder 32 Burger & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Fine Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Burger & Hand Fine Furniture Manufacturers location unknown 33 Burns & Bassick Company Manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings Bridgeport, Connecticut Burns & Brother Cabinet Makers and Upholsters New York, New York Burr, Brown & Company Importers, and Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in Upholstery, Trimmings, &c. Boston, Massachusetts Burr & Musson Dealers in Cabinet Furniture Norwich, Connecticut Burrows Brothers & Company, Limited Dealer in Bedroom Suits Price List, undated Picture Rocks, Pennsylvania Burton's, William, Sons Dealer in Mahogany and Quartered Oak Veneers Waterford, New York Bushnell Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Plush & Rattan Car Seats Easton, Pennsylvania Butler Brothers Furniture Catalogue, 1891-1892 Chicago, Illinois Butler's Furniture Works Manufacturers of Parlor, Library and Chamber Furniture Cumberland, Maryland Butler, J.C., & Company Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture Albany, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 1 2 Folder 33 Buyens, G.J. Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker Boonton, New Jersey 1 Cadillac Cabinet Company Detroit, Michigan Calagna Brothers, Incorporated Custom Upholsterers and Decorators New York, New York Campbell, O.D. Albany, Pennsylvania Carmichael, J.C., & Company Dealer in Furniture Cortland, New York Carnan, Thomas J., & Brother Dealer in Household Goods Baltimore, Maryland Cate, A.L., & Company Manufacturers & Dealers in Cabinet Furniture New York, New York 2 Carroll, William Dealer in Household Furniture, &c. Rhinebeck, New York Cary, P., Jr. Dealer in Furniture & Upholstery Goods Concord, New Hampshire Carty, C.C. Manufacturer of Parlor, Chamber, Library, Hall & Dining Room Furniture, &c. Frederick, Maryland Cassell Manufacturing Company Makers of Artistic Wood Novelties Sheldon, Illinois Castelow, E.P. Manufacturer of Piano, Store, and Foot Stools, &c. West Meriden, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 3 Central Chair Company Manufacturers of Cane & Upholstered Chairs & Rockers Indianapolis, Indiana Century Furniture Company Catalogue, 1912 Grand Rapids, Michigan 4 Chadbourne, F.S., & Company Dealers in Furniture and Bedding San Francisco, California Chadwick, C.W. Manufacturer of Piano Stools South Acton, Massachusetts Chamberlin & Company Dealers in Furniture and Mantles New Haven, Connecticut Chamberlain, H.H. Dealer in Carpets, Feathers & Dry Goods Worcester, Massachusetts Champion Furniture Company Dealers in Furniture, Upholstery & Draperies Williamsport, Pennsylvania Champney Brothers Importers of Upholstery Goods and Small Wares Boston, Massachusetts Chandler & Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpets and Draperies Bangor, Maine Charles Antiques New York, New York 5 Chase Brothers & Company also known as Boston Ornamental Iron Works Manufacturers of Cast Iron & Wire Railings, Etc. Boston, Massachusetts Chase, E.B., & Company New Bedford, Massachusetts Children's Furniture & Toys New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 5 Choles, Young Importer and Manufacturer of Upholstery Goods, Window Shades, Curtain Materials, &c. New York, New York Chollar, John D. Successor to Taber & Chollar Dealer in Furniture and Upholstery Goods Worcester, Massachusetts Chipman, A.E. Dealer in Parlor and Chamber Furniture Ithaca, New York Choate, W.A., Seating Company Albany, New York 6 Clair, Maxime Dealer in Fancy Furniture Paris, France Clark, Charles E. Dealer in Bedding and Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Clark, F. & F.D. Successors to Jotham Clark Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture New York, New York Clark, C.W. Boston, Massachusetts 7-9 Clark Brothers & Company Furniture Catalogues, 1884, 1885 Chicago, Illinois 10 Cleveland & Brothers Turners and Manufacturers in Furniture, &c. Providence, Rhode Island Cleveland School Furniture Company Catalogue, undated Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Upholstering Company Wholesale Manufacturers of Upholstered Furniture Cleveland, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 10 Clifford, R.C., Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Ash and Oak Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Close, Schoeneck & Company Practical Furniture Manufacturers Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Coates, J.F. Upholsterer & Mattress Manufacturer Cincinnati, Ohio Cohen, Lewis J. Furniture & Variety Store Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colagrossi, A. Artistic Interior Decorators Waterbury, Connecticut 11 Colbourne & Company Artistic Furnishers London, England Colby, J.A., & Company Successors to Colby & Wirts Furniture Dealers Chicago, Illinois Coleman, H. & R. Undertaking and Furniture Ware Rooms Albany, New York Colton, H. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, &c. Norwich, Connecticut Colton & Ruggles Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet Furniture, &c. Norwich, Connecticut Come-Packt Furniture Company Successors to International Manufacturing Company, Incorporated Ann Arbor, Michigan Conant Brothers Manufacturers & Dealers in Furniture & Upholstery Toledo, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 11 Coogan, James J., & Brother Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, &c. New York, New York Gook, Eldridge location unknown Cooke, James H. Furniture Warehouse New York, New York Cooke, William H. Desk and Furniture Warehouse New York, New York Cooley, James Manufacturer of School and Church Furniture Albany, New York Cooper, James W., & Brother Manufacturers of Fancy Cabinet Ware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 12 Corbett, W .J. Furniture and Undertaking Sherman, New York Corey, Walter Manufacturer of Furniture, Feather Beds, &c. Portland, Maine Courtney & Willits Manufacturers of Cottage and Enameled Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cowan, W.K., & Company Furniture Catalogue, 1913 Chicago, Illinois 13-14 Cowperthwait, B.M., & Company Furniture Catalogue, 1897 New York, New York 15 Cox, D.W. Dealer in Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Coyle, James N. Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 2 15 Craft, J .J. Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture Fishkill Landing, New York Crandall-Bennett Porter Company Price List of Dining Tables, 1913 Montoursville, Pennsylvania Crandall & Drake Dealers in Fine Furniture Palmyra, New York Crane, J .H. Dealer in Furniture St. Louis, Missouri Crawford, A.J., & Company New York, New York 16 Cream City Furniture Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin Crofts & Reed Chicago, Illinois Cron-Kills Company Catalogue of Ladies' Desks, 1915-1916 Piqua, Ohio Crosby Furniture Company Lowell, Massachusetts 17 Cundey, E. Steam Wood Turning Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cunningham, B.P., & Company Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in House Furnishing Goods Providence, Rhode Island Cushman, H.T., Manufacturing Company North Bennington, Vermont Cutler, A., & Son Manufacturers of Business Desks Buffalo, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITIJRE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 17 Daniels, Harrison & Company Dealer in Chamber, Hall, and Library Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Danner, John, Manufacturing Company Book Case Catalogue, undated Canton, Ohio Darling & Denton Company Dealer in Furniture, Home Furnishings, &c. Gloversville, New York Darling, Jones & Frost Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Upholstery Gloversville, New York Davis, A.H. Manufacturer of Extension Tables Providence, Rhode Island Davis, Frank E. also known as Haverhill Furniture Exchange Haverhill, Massachusetts Davis, L., & Company Dealer in Draperies and Upholstering Goods Taunton, Massachusetts Davis, Marcus A. Furniture Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Day & Andrews, Incorporated Artistic Furnishings New York, New York De Armond & Company Upholstery Goods and Cabinet Hardware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 18 Dearolph & Warney Furniture Dealers and Upholsterers Ridgeway, Pennsylvania Decker, B.P., & Brother Dealers in Parlor, Bed-Room & Office Furniture Rondout, New York DeGraff & Cochrane Furniture Manufacturers New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 18 DeGraaf & Taylor Dealers in Parlor, Dining and Bedroom Furniture New York, New York De Long, M.B. Dealer in Furniture & Draperies Utica, New York De Machemout, Monsieur Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Demarest, C.B., & Company Manufacturers of Seating Brooklyn, New York Deming, William S. Late Elton, Deming & Company Hartford, Connecticut Denaux, T.E. Manufacturer & General Upholsterer Charleston, South Carolina Denison, A. location unknown Denniston, J.A. Dealer in Invalid Tables and Back Rests New York, New York Denues, William, Sr. Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture York, Pennsylvania 19 Derby Desk Company Dealer in Office Furniture Catalogue, 1891 New York, New York Derby & Kilmer Desk Company Manufacturers of Office Furniture Boston, Massachusetts 20 Dexter, H.C., Chair Company Manufacturers of Adirondack Rustic Furniture Catalogue, undated Black River, New York Dewey, I.H., Furniture Company Dealer in Chamber, Dining Room & Parlor Furniture Rochester, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 20 DeZutter & Bennett Dealers in Furniture Williamson, New York 21 Dibble Manufacturing Company Dealer in House Furniture and Gar Trimmings Trenton, New Jersey Dibblee, Henry, Company Designers and Manufacturers of Fine Cabinet Work, Furniture, Mantels and Mosaics Chicago, Illinois Dickel & Mangan Successors to A. & J. Crout Cabinet & Upholstering Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dickinson, C.E., & Company Manufacturers of School and Church Furniture Indianapolis, Indiana Dighton & Company Dealer in Old Furniture & Engravings New York, New York Dixon, Joseph Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer New York, New York Dixwell, Arthur Dealer in Art Furniture and Interior Decorations Boston, Massachusetts 22 Doe, Hazelton & Company Dealers in Drawing-Room and Cabinet Furniture Boston, Massachusetts 23 Donovan, Edward Upholsterer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Doremus & Corbett Manufacturers and Importers of Furniture and Upholstery New York, New York Dorney, C.A., & Company Furniture Manufacturers Allentown, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 24 Doyle, Henry V. Upholsterer Yonkers, New York Doyle's, M., Sons Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture and Bedding Troy, New York, Drew, Jackson & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Black Walnut & Chestnut Dining, Centre and Extension Tables Boston, Massachusetts 25 Dudley, George W. Manufacturer and Dealer of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Etc. Windsor, Vermont Duffie, Jerome P. Dealer in Fine Furniture, Baby Buggies, Etc. Hope, Arkansas Dunbar, Everett H. location unknown Duncan & Williams Dealers and Manufacturers of Furniture, Sociables, &c. Cincinnati, Ohio Dunn, John A. Price List of Rattan Seat Chairs, undated Boston, Massachusetts Durant, E.J. Dealer in Furniture, Chairs, Sofas, Coffins & Caskets Lebanon, New Hampshire Durring Brothers Upholsterers and Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture Brooklyn, New York Dwyer, Edward Green Island, New York Dutton, Andrew Dealer in Upholstery Goods and Supplies Boston, Massachusetts 26 East Templeton Co-Operative Chair Company East Templeton, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 26 Eastman, Charles B. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ebbinghousen, G., & Company Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, Sofas, &c. New York, New York Edgar, Grant E. Manufacturer & Dealer in Parlor and Bed-Room Suits Newburgh, New York Edgcomb & Ballard Successors to J.C. Carmichael & Company Dealers in Furniture Cortland, New York Edwards, J.K., & Company Manufacturers of Furniture Fort Plains, New York Eggleso, Francis Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker New York, New York Ehman & Simon Manufacturing Company Dealer in Wood Mantels and Special Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Eliot & Goodwin Agents for Morris & Company Decorative Manufactures New York, New York Elleau, G. & A. Cabinet Makers from Paris New York, New York Elliott, William J. Dealer in Furniture, Glass & Queensware, Etc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Elton & Deming Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, Bedding, &c. Hartford, Connecticut Elwell, Isaac Manufacturer of Bedsteads, Wash Stands and Toilets, Stair Newels and Plain and Fancy Stair Banisters Concord, New Hampshire For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 2 Folder 26 Emerson & Son Furniture Catalogue, 1894-1895 Milford, New Hampshire Emil, Lowenstein & Company Importers of Furniture, Carpets, Looking Glasses, Etc. Portland, Oregon 27 Empire Furniture Manufacturing Company, Incorporated Manufacturers of High Grade Furniture New York, New York Ennis & Company Dealers in New and Second-Hand Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ennis, J.P. Cabinet Manufacturer and Upholsterer Orange, New Jersey Ermand, William Dey, Company Dealer in Glass Topped Coffee Tables Albany, New York Essex Institute Catalogue of Rooms at the World's Columbian Exposition Salem, Massachusetts Estabrook, S.G., & Company Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture New York, New York Estes, E.B., & Sons Manufacturers of Roll Top Desks New York, New York Evleth, E.M. Furniture Dealer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Excelsior School Furniture Manufacturing Company Cincinnati, Ohio 28 Fall, T. Dealer in Rich and Plain Furniture Alexandra Bay, New York Falls City Furniture Company Dealers in Baby Carriages Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 2 28 Farquher & Case Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture Schoharie, New York Farrington, Horace F. Manufacturer of Enameled and Eastlake Furniture New York, New York Favorite Desk & Seating Company Catalogue, undated Cleveland, Ohio 29 Farwell & Page Furniture Dealers Jacksonville, Florida Farwell & Taft Manufacturers of Chamber Furniture Greenville, New Hampshire Federal Steel Fixture Company Manufacturers of Metal Furniture Chicago, Illinois Fenn, H.C. Cabinet and Chair Warehouse Rochester, New York Fenn, Linus T. Manufacturer and Dealer of Bedding, Mattresses, &c. Hartford, Connecticut Ferguson Brothers Manufacturing Company Specialities for the Furniture and Upholstery Trades Hoboken, New Jersey Ferguson, Charles Manufacturer and Dealer in Cabinet Furniture Albany, New York Fernald, W.J. Manufacturer of Lounges, Beds, Easy Chairs, &c. Concord, New Hampshire Fernald & Drew Manufacturers and Dealers in Black Walnut and Chestnut Dining, Centre and Extension Tables Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 2 29 Ferris, T.R. Manufacturer of Gilt, Rosewood and Black Walnut Mouldings Albany, New York Ferris, William, & Company Successors to Enterprise Manufacturing Company Wilmington, Delaware 30 Ficks Reed Company Catalogue of Wicker Furniture, 1926-1927 Cincinnati, Ohio Field, James H., & Company Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture Providence, Rhode Island Fielitz, Charles H. Dealer in Cabinet Furniture & Upholstery New York, New York Fies, William Dealer in Furniture and Funeral Goods Central, Ohio Fiske, J.W. Dealer in Furniture New York, New York Flatley, A.C. Dealers in Fine Furniture Brooklyn, New York Flint, George C., Company Dealer in Furniture, Interior Decorations, Etc. New York, New York Florence Company Dealer in Mission Furniture Florence, Massachusetts Flynn, Hugh Furniture Dealer New Orleans, Louisiana Foote, J.W., & Son Furniture and Undertaking Northville, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 2 30 Ford & Johnson Company Dealer in Porch & Reed Furniture Catalog, 1908 New Haven, Connecticut 3 1 Forest City Furniture Company Wholesale Furniture Manufacturers Catalogue, undated Rockford, Illinois Forster, Lawrence & Company Manufacturers of Couches, Lounges, Tabourets and Rocking Chairs Boston, Massachusetts Fowle, Charles A., & Company St. Bernard Dollar Store St. Louis, Missouri Fowle, C.L., & Company Successors to J.D. Fowle & Company Dealers in Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts 2 Frank, John Dealer in Furniture and Carpets Coxsackie, New York Fraser, A. Manufacturer of Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, &c. Brooklyn, New York Fraser, F.G. & V.J. Bedding, Carpet & Furniture Store Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Frederick, C.W.H. Dealer in Rattan, Reed and Willow Furniture Location unknown Freeman, Robert, & Company Dealers in Walnut, Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Freeman, Samuel T., & Company Auctioneers of Furniture, Silver, Books, Bronzes, etc. Location unknown For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 3 Folder 2 Freese & Hamline Furniture Manufacturers Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois 3 Fremont Furniture Company Fremont, Michigan French & Heald Company Manufacturers of Favorite Line Furniture Milford, New Hampshire French, William C. Manufacturer of Cottage and French Bedsteads, Folding Cribs, Patent Bow Cradles Boston, Massachusetts 4 Frese, Fr. Upholsterer and Paper Hanger New York, New York Friel & Hand Dealer in Furniture & Carpets Price List, undated New York, New York Frost Veneer Seating Company Manufacturers of Railroad and Depot Seatings New York, New York Furniture Manufacturing Company Dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Etc. New York, New York Furniture Manufacturers Collective Exhibit Grand Rapids, Michigan 5 Gannon & McGrath Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture, Easy Chairs and Lounges Catalogue, 1883 Chicago, Illinois Gardner & Company New York, New York Gardner & Compton's Furniture Warerooms Horseheads, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 3 Folder 5 Gardner Machine Works Manufacturers of Chair Machinery Gardner, Massachusetts Gardner Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Looking Glass, Portrait & Photograph Frames New York, New York Gardner & Rogers Horseheads, New York Gately & Rogers Furniture Company Worcester, Massachusetts 6 Gaul, Augustus Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer Yonkers, New York Gaunt & Mann Upholsterers Jackson, Michigan Geisberg, Franz Manufacturers of Table Covers and Upholstery Stuffs Altchemnitz, Germany Geissler, R. Catalogue of Church Furniture, undated New York, New York 7 Geldowsky, F., Furniture Company East Cambridge, Massachusetts Gendron Iron Wheel Company Toledo, Ohio Gensch & Hartmann Designers, Artistic Wood Carvers and Manufacturers of Fancy Furniture Chicago, Illinois Gentsch, Osmar B. also known as Enterprise Cabinet Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania George's Furniture Store Fonda, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 3 7 George, J. J. Furniture Dealer Buffalo, New York 8 Gibbon, Gillet & Company, Limited Manufacturers of Bank and Office Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gilbert, N.S., & Sons Dealers in Furniture and Carpets Norwich, Connecticut Gildersleeve Manufacturing Company Sole Manufacturers of New Bracket Wardrobe New York, New York Gillies, T.J. Iron Furniture Ware-Rooms New York, New York Glasscock Brothers Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Cribs and Play Yards Muncie, Indiana Gleason, William B., & Company Manufacturers of Artificial Wood Ornaments Boston, Massachusetts Glessner, William, & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Minneapolis, Minnesota Glinsmann & Iden Manufacturers of Sofas and Fancy Chairs New York, New York 9 Globe Furniture Company Wholesale FUrniture Binghamton, New York Gloeckner's Furniture Warerooms Albany°, New York Goff, R. Manufacturer of Artistic Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gold Medal Camp Furniture Manufacturing Company Racine, Wisconsin Golden Anchor House Furnishing Emporium New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 3 Folder 9 Goodban, Fulton & Held Furniture and Undertaking Fairfield, Iowa Gordon, H.D. Dealer in Furniture Manchester, New Hampshire 10 Gould & Company Dealer in Rich and Plain Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gove, William T. Undertaker South Framingham, Massachusetts Gramer, A., & Son Dealers in Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Window Shades and Fixtures Boston, Massachusetts 11 Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Company Catalogue, 1904 Grand Rapids, Michigan 12 Grand Rapids Furniture Company, Incorporated Catalogues, 1883-1884 Grand Rapids, Michigan 13 Grand Rapids Furniture Company, Incorporated Catalogue, 1910 New York, New York 14 Grand Rapids Furniture Manufacturing Company Grand Rapids, Michigan 15 Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company Domestic Science Furnishings Catalogue, undated Grand Rapids, Michigan Grand Rapids School Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Michigan Grand Rapids School Furniture Works Church Furniture Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois 16 Gratacap, P.A. Upholstery, Paper Hanging and Window Shades Store New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Folder 3 16 Graves, H.B., Home Furnishing House Rochester, New York Graves, Samuel Furniture Manufactory Boston, Massachusetts Gray & Bail Dealers in Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Gray, Stevens Furniture Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gray, Sylvester Sole Manufacturer of New Bracket Wardrobe Long Island City, New York 17 Green & Waterman Successors to E. Galusha Manufacturers and Dealers in Fine Furniture and Upholstery Troy, New York Greenspan, Wolf, & Sons Manufacturers and Importers of Wicker and Wood Furniture Brooklyn, New York Gregg, Robert G. Carpet and Furniture Dealers New York, New York Greilick Manufacturing Company Dealer in Tables and Chairs Traverse City, Michigan Griesa, C.A. Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture North Cohocton, New York 18 Grogan's Furniture and Carpet Houses Washington, D.C. Groom, Richard Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture Albany, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 3 18 Gruener, C.T. Custom Upholsterer New Haven, Connecticut Guenther, J.S. Manufacturer of First Glass Furniture, Feather Beds, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Guernsey Furniture Company Dealer in Artistic Furniture St. Louis, Missouri Gunn Furniture Company Dealer in Sanitary Desks Grand Rapids, Michigan Gunning, William, & Company Dealer in Church Furniture New York, New York Gustine, P.P., & Sons Furniture Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Guttag, J.L. Furniture House New York, New York Gyger, E.G. New York, New York 19 Hackley & Moran -----, Vermont Hafner & Schoen Furniture Company Chicago, Illinois Hafleigh, R. Manufacturer of Gilt, Rosewood and Walnut Mouldings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hagerstown Table Works Price List, 1904 Hagerstown, Maryland 20 Hahne and Company Furniture Catalog, 1916 Newark, New Jersey 21 Halbe, S. & C. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 3 21 Hale & Kilburn Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Furniture Specialities New York, New York Hale, S.W. Manufacturers of Ash and Pine Chamber Furniture Keene, New Hampshire 22 Haley, Morse & Boyden Succeeded by George Kassel Upholsterers Boston, Massachusetts 23 Haley, Ware & Company Manufacturers of Parlor, Chamber & Dining-Room Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 24 Hall, E. Furniture Dealer location unknown Hallet, James H. Dealer in Feathers, Mattresses, Pew Cushions and Bedding Boston, Massachusetts Halm, Bellows & Butler Columbus, Ohio 25 Hamilton Furniture Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hamline, L.M., & Company Furniture Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois Hammer, C.G., And Sons Manufacturers of Fine & Medium Furniture Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 26 Hampton Shops Furniture Catalogue, undated New York, New York Hansbury, P.R., & Company Dealer in Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 27-31 Harden, Frank S., Company Upholstery Samples McConnellsville, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 3 32 Harris, Edwin Augustus Furniture Warerooms Albany, New York Harryman, Walter Chair and Cabinet Factory Baltimore, Maryland Hart, Ware & Company Manufacturers & Dealers in Cottage Chamber Furniture, Cottage Bedsteads, Mattresses, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hartman Furniture & Carpet Company Catalogue, 1913 Chicago, Illinois 33 Hawks Furniture Company Makers of Artistic Odd Dressers and Chiffoniers Catalogue, 1898 Goshen, Indiana Hax-Gartner Furniture Company Denver, Colorado 4 1 Hayden Company Dealer in Antique Furniture and Reproductions New York, New York Hayden & Bromley Rochester, New York Hayden, Charles J., & Company Rochester, New York Hayes, James P. Furniture Catalogue, undated New York, New York Haynes, James G. Dealer in Home Furnishings Boston, Massachusetts 2 Heath, Thomas Architectural Plaster Ornament Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 2 Heather, W.J. Upholsterer New York, New York Hecht Brothers & Company Furniture Installment House Baltimore, Maryland Heerdt, William Extension Table Manufactory New York, New York Heilbron, Louis Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, &c. Reading, Pennsylvania 3 Heilman, A.H., & Company Dealer in Chamber Suits, Sideboards and Chiffoniers Price List, 1903, 1916 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 4 Helfrich & Bohner Dealer in Furniture Allentown, Pennsylvania Helfrich, Weaver & Company Manufacturers and Dealers of House and Office Furniture Allentown, Pennsylvania Hellrung, Bernhard Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Bedding, &c. New York, New York Helmes, Lester H. Successor to Helmes Brothers Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding and Draperies Albany, New York Hemmenway, E.S., Company Wholesale Furniture and Novelties Dealer Boston, Massachusetts Henderson-Ames Company Manufacturers of Lodge Room Furniture Kalamazoo, Michigan Hendrick Manufacturing Company Carbondale, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 5 Henkels, George J. City Cabinet Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hermely, Charles Furniture Warehouse Brooklyn, New York Herts Brothers Dealer in Artistic Furniture and Interior Decorations New York, New York Hertz & Lehmann Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet Ware and Upholstery Albany, New York 6 Hervey, William H., & Company Price List, undated Boston, Massachusetts 7 Hess & Flinn Furniture Dealers Lancaster, Pennsylvania Hess, George Wholesale Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture New York, New York 8 Hessler's Interior Decorators New York, New York 9 Heyman, Sol Dealer in Furniture, Carpets & Bedding New York, New York Heywood Chair Factories Gardner, Massachusetts 10 Heywood-Wakefield Dealer in Reed, Fibre and Wood Furniture Catalogues, 1905-1906, 1930 Baltimore, Maryland Heywood, Walter, Chair Company Chair Manufacturers New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 11 Hickerson, W.H. Furniture Exchange New York, New York Hickey, J.W. Fashionable Upholsterer New York, New York Higgins Brothers Dealer in Carpets, Furniture, Bedding and Feathers Manchester, New Hampshire Hildreth, T.P., & Son Dealer in Furniture Cohoes, New York 12 Hill, Daniel A. Dealer in Couches, Rocking Chairs, Coffins, Etc. Concord, New Hampshire Hillborn, Amos, & Company Furniture and Bedding Warehouse Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hills & Tooker Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet and Upholstered Furniture New York, New York Hi=Lo Desk Company New York, New York Hinderer's Iron Works Dealer in Ornamental Iron Works New Orleans, Louisiana Hisey & Bowman Edinburg, Virginia 13 Hiss & Brother Dealer in Cabinet Furniture and Upholstery Baltimore, Maryland Hixon, Edward Importer of Upholstery Goods and Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture Chicago, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 14 Hoard's Furniture Ware Rooms Taunton, Massachusetts Hobart, Albert, & Company Importers and Jobbers of Upholstery and Carriage Trimming Goods Boston, Massachusetts Hoenig Brothers Dealer in Hardware, Carpets, Furniture, Picture Framing and Undertaking Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Hofstatter, Theodore, & Company Decorators, Importers and Makers of Furniture New York, New York 15 Holden, Joel M. Dealer in Furniture and Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts Hollis, David Dealer in Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Etc. New York, New York Holmes, F.M., Furniture Company Furniture Manufacturers Boston, Massachusetts Holmes, P.B. Wholesale Sofa and Chair Manufactory Boston, Massachusetts Holmes & Fletcher Manufacturers of Sofas, Sofa Beds, Couches, Divans, Ottomans, Parlor and Rocking Chairs Boston, Massachusetts 16 Holten & Hildreth Manufacturers of Parlor Suites, Rockers, Lounges, &c. Chicago, Illinois 17 Holton, C.C. Furniture Catalogue, 1882 Chicago, Illinois Holz, Matthias Turning, Moulding, Planing and Cabinet Making Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 17 Home Furniture Company Boston, Massachusetts Hooper's, Oren, Sons Dealers in Office Furniture Portland, Maine Hoos & Schulz Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Etc. Jersey City, New Jersey Hopkins, E.W. Furniture Dealer and Manufacturer Albany, New York Hopson, Joseph, & Sons Upholsterers & Decorators Newbury, Massachusetts Hopper, N. Dealer in Chamber Suits, Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture Fishkill Landing, New York 18 Horrocks Desk Company Manufacturers of Horrocks' Desks and Typewriter Cabinets Herkimer, New York 19 Hoskins, William H., Company Office Outfitters and Manufacturing Stationers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Houghton, W.H., & Company Dealers in Interior Decorations, Furniture, Upholstery Goods, Etc. Washington, D.C. House & Herrmann Furniture, Carpet and Stove Installment House Washington, D.C. Howard & Clark Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Cabinet Furniture, Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads, Feathers, Mattresses, &c. North Bridgewater, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 19 Howe, R.C. Richmond, Virginia 20 Howell Company Chromsteel Furniture Catalog, 1937 St. Charles, Illinois Howell, Charles M. Dealer in Furniture Lancaster, Pennsylvania 21 Hubbard, John C. Manufacturer of Settees, Counting-Room Chairs and Stools and Rocking Chairs Boston, Massachusetts Hughes, A.P. Furniture and Piano Moving Boston, Massachusetts Humbert's, F., Sons Dealer in Furniture and Upholstery Syracuse, New York Humphreys, W.S. Cabinet Manufacturer New York, New York Husted's House Furnishing Establishment Bridgeport, Connecticut Hutchings, C. A. Fine Cabinet Work, Upholstery, &c. New York, New York 22 Imperial Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Michigan Indian Head Table Company Manufacturers of Extension Tables Nashua, New Hampshire Indiana Furniture Company Catalogue, undated Connersville, Indiana For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 22 Ingersol, Watson & Company Chair Manufacturers New York, New York Ingledew, Harley Furniture Dealer New York, New York 23 Ireland & Trefethen Dealers in Sofas, Sofa Beds, Dining, Gard & Centre Tables Newburyport, Massachusetts Irving & Casson Dealers in Custom and Church Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Isaacs, J .L. Interior Decorators St. Louis, Missouri Ivins & Brother also known as Ivins & Heilner Dealer in Furniture, Bedding and Feathers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 24 Jackson, Leonard L. Dealer and Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture & Chairs Newburgh, New York Jamestown Lounge Company Catalogue, 1890 Jamestown, New York 25 Jansen, F.W., & Son Furniture Catalogue, undated Quincy, Illinois 26 Jasper Desk Company Dealer in Office Furniture Catalog, 1932 Jasper, Indiana 27 Jelliff, John, & Company Wholesale and Retail Dealers of Fancy and Common Chairs New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-2945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 27 Jenkins, Henry W., & Son Manufacturers of Cabinet Ware, Beds, Mattresses, &c. Baltimore, Maryland Johnson, Charles P. Stair Builder and Cabinet Maker Worcester, Massachusetts Johnson & Faulkner Importers of Stuffs for Furniture New York, New York Johnson, J. Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture, Mattresses, Beds, &c. Brooklyn, New York Johnson, Nathaniel Also known as Empire City School Furniture Establishment New York, New York 28 Johnston & Company Successors to Trussel & Palmer Dealers in Furniture Location unknown Johnston, F.S. Cabinet Ware and Upholstery Rooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Johnston & Kurtz Company Willow Furniture Catalogue, 1911 Buffalo, New York Jones, E.W., & Company Furniture Dealers and Undertakers West Winsted, Connecticut Jones, F.M. Carpet and Furniture Upholsterer Saratoga Springs, New York Jones, M.S., & Company Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Louisville, New York Jones, T.B., & Company Dealers in Furniture & Carpets Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 4 Folder 28 Jones, William A. Manufacturers of Bisel's Revolving Book-Case and Office Cabinet Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 29 Jordan, Edward B. Successor to E.F. French Cabinet Workers New York, New York Jordan & Moriarty Dealer in Furniture and Carpets New York, New York Josselyn, L.H., & Company Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture and Chairs Manchester, New Hampshire Judd, H.L., & Company Manufacturers of Upholstery, Stationery & Cabinet Hardware New York, New York Jun, c. Hobart, Jr., & Son Furniture Dealers Hingham, England 30 Kammer & Weber Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kampe, H., & Company Wholesale and Retail Furniture Depot Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kamrass, H. Upholsterer and Chair Caner New York, New York 31 Kane, Thomas, & Company Manufacturers of Victor Railway Settees Chicago, Illinois 32 Karcher, Daniel M. Manufacturer of Cabinet Ware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 32 Karpen, s., & Brothers Furniture Catalog, undated New York, New York Keck, J., & Company Dealer in Furniture and Carpets Location unknown Keech Furniture Outfitters Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Keeler & Company Furniture Dealers Boston, Massachusetts Keeney, W.B. Successor to Hiram W. Adams Hartford, Connecticut Keith, Isaac Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture Troy, New York Keith, Robert, & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture Troy, New York Keller, Ferdinand Dealer in Arts and Antiques Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kelly, Thomas Complete Household Outfitter New York, New York Kelsey & Goodman Dealers in Furniture, Upholstery Goods and Feathers Troy, New York Kelty, G. L., & Company Importers of Upholstery Goods New York, New York Kennedy Furniture Company Chicago, Illinois Kent, Barker B. Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 4 32 Kernaghan & Company Furniture Dealer New York, New York Kerns, Charles General Upholsterer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 33 5 1 Ketcham, Rothschild & Company Wholesale Upholsterers and Manufacturers of Furniture Frames Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois Key Furniture Company Manufacturers of Dressers Statesville, North Carolina Keystone Furniture Company Manufacturers of Chamber Furniture and Chiffoniers Williamsport, Pennsylvania Keystone Installment Company Dealers in Spring Mattresses Albany, New York 2 Kiddie-Koop Manufactured by Lea-Trimble Manufacturing Company Toronto, Ontario, Canada Kilborn Whitman & Company Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Kile, J., & Company Wood Turning, Sawing, Planing, Moulding and Cabinet Mill Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kimbel & Cabus Cabinet Manufacturers and Decorators New York, New York King, A.H., Company Dealer in Carpets and Furniture Brooklyn, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 2 King Manufacturing Company Furniture Specialities Catalogue, undated Piqua, Ohio King, M.W., & Son Patent Chair Makers New York, New York 3 Kingman, Martin E. Dealer and Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. New York, New York Kinney, Mason Dealer in Rocking Chairs Norwich, Connecticut Kittredge & Blakes Upholsterers and Importers of Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts Klipper, Webster & Company Dealers in Washstands Baltimore, Maryland Knapp, H.J. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Fayetteville, New York Knickerbocker Furniture Company Dealer in Furniture & Draperies Minneapolis, Minnesota Knight & Blood Dealer in Furniture, Carpets and Upholstery Santa Barbara, California Knowles, C.H., Furniture Company Parlor Furniture Manufacturers Fairfield, Maine 4 Koenig & Gamer Furniture Catalogue, 1884 Chicago, Illinois Koenig, William Furniture Dealer Freeport, Maine For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 4 Kohn, Jacob & Josef Dealer in Chairs Vienna, Austria Kortz, William Dealer in Furniture, Bedding, Feathers, Frames, &c. Catskill, New York Kramer, Francis D., & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Hotel and Ship Furniture, Parlor and Chamber Furniture, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kratz, George F. Dealer in Furniture Akron, Ohio Kuhl, Bernheim & Company, Limited Dealer in Furniture and Curtains Allentown, Pennsylvania 5 Lamb, J. & R. Dealer in Church Furniture New York, New York Lammert, Martin Dealer & Manufacturer of Furniture & Bedding St Louis, Missouri Lang, Maximilian Dealer in Mayflower Desks Brooklyn, New York Lang & Nau Designers and Makers of Art Furniture Brooklyn, New York Lansburgh, Julius Upholstery Decorator Washington, D.C. Lanthier, L.A. Dealer in Frames New York, New York Large, S.D. Manufacturer of Countinghouse Desks & Office Tables Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 5 Lauter, H. Company Dealers in Bedroom Furniture Indianapolis, Indiana 6 Lawrence, J.B., & Company Dealers in Cabinet Furniture, Upholstery Goods, Mattresses and Feathers, Parlor and Chamber Furniture Worcester, Massachusetts 7 Lawrence, Wilde & Hull Importers and Manufacturers of Drawing Room, Parlor and Chamber Furniture and Upholstery Goods Boston, Massachusetts Lawson, F.H. Dealer in Office Products Cincinnati, Ohio 8 Lebanon, Table Works Catalogue, undated Lebanon, Pennsylvania Lederle, Francis A. Successor to Schmeder & Lederle Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer New York, New York Lee, William H., & Company Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture New York, New York Leete, E.A., & Son Dealers in Parlor and Chamber Furniture and Undertakers Guilford, Connecticut 9 Leicht, Leopole, & Son Furniture, Feather and Bedding Warehouse New York, New York Leininger's, George E. Furniture Dealer Easton, Pennsylvania Lejambre, A. Importer & Manufacturer of French Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 9 Lennebacker & De Long Furniture Dealers Utica, New York Leonard, T. Furniture & Carpet Warerooms New York, New York 10 Leybourne, John Dealer in Furniture Lawrence, Massachusetts Libby, J.R., Company Portland, Maine Lieberum Brothers Cabinet Makers Bridgeport, Connecticut Liess, J.P. Practical Upholsterer Brooklyn, New York Lincoln, Leonard & Company Furniture Catalogue, 1912 Chicago, Illinois 11 Lippincott, J.B., Company Dealers in Modern Cabinet Work Little Rock, Arkansas Little Rock Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Furniture, Chairs and Mattresses Little Rock, Arkansas Loader, Henry Cabinet Maker and Decorative Upholsterer Brooklyn, New York Lodewick Furniture House Dealer in Parlor and Dining Room Furniture Saratoga Springs, New York Loeffel, Joseph, & Company Successors to Theodore A. Friedrich Dealers and Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 11 Long Island Furniture Company Location unknown 12 Lundstrom, C.J., Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Sectional Bookcases and Filing Cabinets Little Falls, New York Lutz, Ignatius Cabinet & Upholstering Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lyndell, David Chair Dealer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lyon, N., & Brother Manufacturers and Retailers of Artistic Furniture, &c. Albany, New York Lyon, Nelson Furniture Manufactory and Upholstery Warerooms Albany, New York 13 McArthur, A. , & Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, &c. Boston, Massachusetts McArthur, Warren, Corporation Designer of Aluminum Furniture Catalogue, 1938 New York, New York 14 McArthur, William Cabinet Maker and General House Furnisher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania McAllen, D.C. Location unknown McChesney, L.H. Dealer in Furniture Albany, New York McClees, L.B., & Company Manufacturers of School, Church, and Office Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 14 McClelland, T.A. Auctioneer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania McDougall, Millard & Company Succeeded by L.E. Skinner Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, Bedding, &c. Sioux City, Iowa McElveen & Cochran Manufacturers of Furniture Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15 Macey, Fred, Company, Limited Christmas Furniture Catalogs, 1902 Grand Rapids, Michigan 16-17 McHugh, Joseph P., & Son Furniture Designers Catalogue, 1898 New York, New York 18 Mack & Gilmore Patentees and Manufacturers of Hat and Coat Racks Salem, New York McLain, John F. Upholstering, Antique Furniture and Specialities Washington, D.C. McManus Brothers Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, &c. Newark, New Jersey Manheim's Antique Emporium Dealer in Genuine Antiques New Orleans, Louisiana Manning, Glover & Company Importers and Manufacturers of Curled Hair Boston, Massachusetts Manor House Furniture Showroom New York, New York 19 Marble's Outing Equipment Gladstone, Michigan For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 19 Mark's Adjustable Folding Chair Company, Limited New York, New York 20 Marsellus, John, Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Coffins, Caskets & Undertakers Sundries Syracuse, New York Martin & Bevans Successors to J. & J. Williams & Company Dealers in Fashionable Furniture & Curtains Baltimore, Maryland Martin Furniture Company Price List, undated Hickory, North Carolina Martin, J.C., & Son Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Pine Tables, &c. Fisherville, New Hampshire 21 Mason, E.H. Manufacturer and Dealer in Chairs, Desks and Office Furniture New York, New York Mason, John F. Dealer in New and Second Hand Cabinet Furniture, &c. Catalogue and Almanac, 1874 Brooklyn, New York Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company Fabric Sample Boston, Massachusetts Mathews & Stacy Manufacturers of Enameled, Parlor, Cottage and Cabinet Furniture New York, New York Matthews, A. Furniture Dealer New York, New York Matuska & Craig Furniture Company Successors to Matuska, Craig & Company Catalogue, 1882 Chicago, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 5 Folder 21 Maxfield, C.E. Dealers in Elegant Furniture Springfield, Massachusetts 22 Mayer, F., & Company Catalogue, 1882, 1883 Chicago, Illinois Mayo, S.H., Furniture Company Successors to George F. Roach & Company Boston, Massachusetts 23 Mead, Mason & Company Furniture Manufacturers Lebanon, New Hampshire Melson, Rufus G. Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania Mench, C.B., & Company Cabinet Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mendum, Whidden & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture & Upholstery Boston, Massachusetts Mercier Frerer Tapissiers, Decorateurs Paris, France 24 Merriam, A. Whitinsville, Massachusetts Merriam, Hall & Company Bed Room Furniture Catalogue, 1915 North Leominster, Massachusetts Merriam, Holden & Company Manufacturers, Dealers and Furnishers of Cane and Wood Seat Chairs and Settees Westminster, Massachusetts Merriam & Parsons Manufacturers and Dealers in Cottage Chamber Furniture Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 5 25 Merrill, G.W., & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture & Upholstery Goods, Feathers, Mattresses, &c. Bangor, Maine Metcalf & Papendiek Of the Late Firm of Hobart, White & Metcalf Importers and Jobbers of Upholstery and Carriage-Trimming Goods Boston, Massachusetts Metropolitan Chair Co. New Haven, Connecticut Meyer, Arnold & Company, Limited Dealer in Fine and Plain Furniture Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Meyers, Ralph P., & Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Etc. Cincinnati, Ohio 26 Michael & Brother Ship and Steamboat Upholsterers Baltimore, Maryland Michigan School Furniture Company Northville, Michigan Midland Desk Manufacturing Company, Incorporated Manufacturers of Desks and Office Furniture Chicago, Illinois Miller & Campbell Furniture Dealers New York, New York 27 Miller, Herman, Furniture Company Dealer in Office Furniture and Storage Seating Zeeland, Michigan 28 Miner & Elberg Manufacturers of Physicians' Chairs and Tables Indianapolis, Indiana Mirick, George W. Auctioneer & Commission Merchant and Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Crockery and House Furnishing Goods Worcester, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FUTRNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 5 Folder 28 Mitchell, A.J. Furniture Dealer Galena, state unknown Mitchell & Rammelsberg Furniture Company Designers & Manufacturers of Artistic Furniture Cincinnati, Ohio Mohr, F., & Company Successors to Silsbee & Mohr Furniture Price List, 1880 New York, New York 6 1 Moore Combination Desk Company Indianapolis, Indiana Moore, Thomas H. Cabinet Manufactory Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2 Morange, James W. Upholsterer Albany, New York Morgan Brothers Rockland, state unknown Morison, John Dealer in New & Second-Hand Furniture & Stoves Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Morris, Joseph K. Dealer in Furniture and Picture Frames Evans Mills, New York 3 Morse & Company Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Mahogany, Oak Black Walnut and Cherry Extension Tables South Dedham, Massachusetts Morse Furniture Company Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 3 Morse, N.T. Dealer in Rich and Common Cabinet Furniture Providence, Rhode Island Morse, Webb & Company Manufacturers of Extension Dining Tables, Etc. South Dedham, Massachusetts Morton, J.C. Manufacturer and Dealer in Fancy & Extension Tables Boston, Massachusetts Mott, H., & Company Manufacturers of Office Desks Troy, New York 4 Mount Wolf Furniture Company, Limited Manufacturers of Sideboards, Dressers and Washstands Catalogue, 1905 Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania 5 Mullan, James M. Dealer in New and Second-Hand Show Case Counters, Bars, Counting House Desks, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mullins & Company Furniture Dealer Newark, New Jersey Mullins, John Dealer in Carpets and Furniture Brooklyn, New York Mullins, John, & Company Furniture Warehouses Rhyme Book, undated Newark, New Jersey 6 Muncy Manufacturing Company, Limited Manufacturers of Furniture, Chamber Sets, Sideboards, Beds & Tables Muncy, Pennsylvania 7 Murphey & Booth Cabinet Makers & Upholsters Wilmington, Delaware For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 7 Murphey, Samuel, & Son Manufacturers of Fine Furniture Wilmington, Delaware Murphey & Yarnall House Furnishing Store Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Murphy, A.G. Upholstery Dealer Location unknown Murray, Conway & Company Mammoth Furniture and Carpet Bazaar Brooklyn, New York Murray, J.E., & Company Manufacturers & Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, &c. Brooklyn, New York Mutual Trading Company Dealer in Table and Couch Covers Price List, undated New York, New York Myers, John G. Dealer in Dry Goods and Upholstery Albany, New York 8 Nash, Knox & Hubbell Company Extension Tables Catalogues, 1897 Goshen, Indiana Nathan, H.J. & Brother Dealer in Furniture, Stoves and Household Goods location unknown 9 National Furniture Company Warren, Pennsylvania 10 Nelson, Matters & Company Manufacturers of Fine Furniture Grand Rapids, Michigan Nevans, Major William Dealer in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, &c. Chicago, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITIIRE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 6 10 Newark Furniture Company Manufacturers of Fine Furniture Newark, New Jersey Newark Portable Book Rest Company Newark, New Jersey 11 Newcomb, Endicott & Company Dealer in Carpets, Rugs, Draperies and Oriental Stuffs Catalogue, undated Detroit, Michigan New England School Finishing Company Manufacturers of School, Church and Hall Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Newhouse, B. Cabinet Manufacturer New York, New York New Wall Paper Company also known as Walk-On Rug Company Scranton, Pennsylvania 12 New York Furniture Exchange New York Exposition Directory, 1905 New York, New York 13 Nidle, M Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Mattrasses, (sic) Mirrors, &c. Emlenton, Pennsylvania Nolan & Gridley's Furniture Ware House Dealers in House Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Nonnast, Louis F. Table Catalogue, 1884 Chicago, Illinois Norgaard, Belland & Company Furniture Dealers Manistee, Michigan 14 Norris, H.A. Manufacturers of Mahogany, Birch & Cherry Furniture Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca, 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 6 14 Northern Furniture Company Sheboygan, Wisconsin Norton, A.S. Manufacturer and Dealer in Upholstery, Furniture & Furnishing Goods Oswego, New York Novelty Iron Works Successors to Novelty Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of School Seats, Teachers' Desks, &c. Sterling, Illinois Noyes & Morrill Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture, Sofas, Chairs, &c. Worcester, Massachusetts Nuzum & Brothers Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture Fairmont, West Virginia 15 O'Brien, F.T. Secretary of the Interstate Furniture Dealers Association Chicago, Illinois O'Donoughue, James Manufacturer and Dealer In Mattresses, Feather Beds, Bedding and Couches Rochester, New York Office Specialty Manufacturing Company Catalogue, undated Rochester, New York Ogden Bailey Company Furniture Dealer Trenton, New Jersey Ogden, James C. Manufacturer and Dealer in Cabinet Furniture Elizabeth, New Jersey 16 O'Neill, William Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture Brooklyn, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 16 Ordway, B.W. Cabinet Maker Newburyport, Massachusetts Oriel, Philip Dealer in Reproductions New York, New York Orpin Brothers Roll Top Desks Trade Price Lists, 1903, 1916-1917 Boston, Massachusetts 17 Ouderkirk, I.Y. Furniture Manufacturer and Dealer Saratoga Springs, New York Owen & Company Home Furnishers Detroit, Michigan Oxenham, R. Dealer in Furniture, Upholstery, Mattresses, Pictures, Etc. Brooklyn, New York 18 Packard, P.F. Dealer in New & Second Hand Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Packard, W.C., & Company Dealer in Furniture and Upholstery Goods Salem, Massachusetts Paine, Daniel Furniture Dealer Brockport, New York Paine's Furniture Manufacturing Company Boston, Massachusetts 19 Painter, D.E. Upholsterer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Palace Furniture Store Chicago, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 6 19 Palmer & Hardin Manufacturers of Davenports, Lounges, Mattresses, Etc. Louisville, Kentucky Parker & James also known as Parker and Smith Dealers in Furniture, Spring Beds, Hair, Husk and Excelsior Mattresses Rockville, Connecticut 20 Parsons & Walker Furniture and Undertaking Ware Rooms Albany, New York Partridge & Tabor Dealers in Cabinet Furniture, Clocks, Mattresses, &c. Worcester, Massachusetts Paton, Robert Manufacturers of School Furniture New York, New York Patterson, James Manufacturer and Dealer in Show Cases, Desks, Counters, Apothecary Drawers, Chairs, &c. Boston, Massachusetts Paterson & Lavender Successors to James Patterson Manufacturers of Store & Office Furniture Boston, Massachusetts 21 Patton, L.E. Dealer in Art Goods, Wall Paper and Frames Grand Rapids, Michigan Peck Manufacturing Company Boston, Massachusetts Peck & Hills Furniture Company Manufacturers of Dependable Furniture New York, New York Peck, W.E. & J.C., & Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpetings, Window Shades, &c. Newburgh, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 22 Peirce, F., & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Chamber Suits Boston, Massachusetts Peirce Furnishing Company New Bedford, Massachusetts Periodical Publishing Company Publishers of Furniture Magazines Grand Rapids, Michigan Perrigo, William Manufacturer of Bronze, Gilt, Iron and Wooden Furniture New York, New York Perry, John & Samuel Carpenters Location unknown 23 Peters, Fred J., Incorporated Antiques Catalogue, 1927 New York New York Petersburg Furniture Company, Incorporated Calendar containing needles, 1901 Petersburg, Virginia Pettengill, c.s. Representative for Hagerstown Table Works Providence, Rhode Island 24 Philadelphia Chair Caning Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia Folding Bed & Desk Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Phillips, J.E. Manufacturers of Cottage Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Mattresses, Chairs, &c. Baltimore, Maryland Phoenix Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Michigan Phoenix Manufacturing Company Catalogue of Centre Tables, Hat Racks and Cribs, 1883 Cincinnati, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 24 Phyfe & Company Dealer in Upholstery, Paper Hangings and Interior Decorations New York, New York Pickhardt, J.F.C. Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture, Upholstery, &c. New York, New York Pillsbury, J., Jr. Dealer in Drawing, Room, Parlor and Chamber Furniture Lawrence, state unknown Pittsburgh Desk Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 25 Plimpton, H.R. Manufacturer of Furniture, Upholstery Goods, etc. Boston, Massachusetts Plummer, F.W. Furniture Warerooms Baltimore, Maryland Pohle, R.E Tables, Hat-Racks and What-Nots Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois Pooley Company Decorators and Furnishers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 26 Poor, Francis A. Dealer in Furniture, Feathers, Looking Glasses, &c. Newburyport, Massachusetts Poor, Samuel, Jr. Manufacturer and Dealer in Rocking, Arm & Parlor Chairs Boston, Massachusetts Postawka, L., & Company Furniture Manufacturers Cambridgeport, Massachusetts Potter & Wolf Dealers in Bank, Office and Library Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 27 Prachtel, c. Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer Berlin, Germany Pratt, D.G. Manufacturer of Turned Goods Cambridgeport, Massachusetts Pray, John H. & Sons, Company Dealer in Rugs, Carpets and Linoleum Boston, Massachusetts Prendall, Henry Cabinet Maker Dover, New Hampshire Pressey, C.G. Dealer in Carpetings, Window Shades, &c. Concord, New Hampshire 28 Prescott, C.C. Dealer in Furniture, Feathers and Upholstery Goods Bangor, Maine Prime, Kenney & Company Dealer in Mahogany, Fancy Wood & Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Prince Furniture & Carpet Company formerly George C. Whipple Company Rochester, New York Providence Furniture Company Providence, Rhode Island 29 Pruden, G.W. & Company Dealer in Furniture, Leathers & Carpets Boston, Massachusetts Prufrock, William Manufacturer of Parlor Furniture, Lounges, Etc. St. Louis, Missouri Quaker Valley Manufacturing Company Dealers in Home Comfort Bread and Cake Cabinet Aurora, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 30 Rabenau, Martin Manufacturer of Desks, Tables & Counting-House Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rand, McSherry & Company Manufacturers and Upholsterers of Tete-A-Tetes, Sofas, Lounges, Chairs, &c. Baltimore, Maryland Randall, J.P., & Son Dealers in Furniture, Feather & Mattresses Haverhill, Massachusetts 31 Reed & Son Furniture Topeka, Kansas Reed, Erastus Dealer in Furniture San Antonio, Texas Reed, R. Percy Dealer in Extension Tables Providence, Rhode Island Reed, Rawson Dealer in Cabinet Furniture Hartford, Connecticut Reedy's Installment Houses Washington, D.C. 32 Reliable Furniture Manufacturing Company Baltimore, Maryland Revell, Alexander H., & Company Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Desks and General House Furnishings Chicago, Illinois 33 Rhoades, L. Furniture Dealer South Dedham, Massachusetts Richards, A.C. Wholesale & Retail Furniture Warehouse Cincinnati, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 33 Richardson, F.W., & Company Dealer in Rattan Goods New York, New York Richardson Furniture Company Boston, Massachusetts 34 Riell & Arcularius Furniture Dealer New York, New York Riley, R.S. Manufacturer and Dealer in Cabinet and Fine Parlor Furniture Geneva, New York 35 Robbins, Winship & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture Hartford, Connecticut Robinson, E.C. Wholesale Furniture Warehouse New York, New York Robinson, John B. Chair Manufactory Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Robertson & Company Dealers in Household Furniture Ruckelshaus, New Jersey Robson, William Dealer in Chairs New York, New York 36 Rockford Frame & Fixture Company Price List, 1905 Rockford, Illinois Rockford Palace Furniture Company Wholesale Price List, 1915-1916 Rockford, Illinois 37 Rode, Frederick Designer & Maker of Art Furniture, Draperies, Interior Decorations, Architectural Wood-Work New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS A N D DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 6 Folder 37 Roeth, C. W., & Company Manufacturers of Artistic Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Rogers Furniture Company Breckenridge, Colorado 38 Root, E.C. Furniture and Undertaking Oakfield, New York Ross School Furniture Works Catalogue, 1864 Boston, Massachusetts Ross, William Manufacturer of Furniture Vergennes, Vermont Rothert Company Complete House Furnishers Altoona, Pennsylvania 7 1 Rou, Alexander French Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker New York, New York Roxbury Carpet Company Boston, Massachusetts Royal Furniture Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan Royal Upholstering Company New York, New York Ruckelshaus, J. Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c. Newark, New Jersey 2 Rudden, John Furniture, Carpet and Stove Instalment Houses Washington, D.C. Runyon, 0. Dealer in Cabinet, Chamber & Parlor Furniture Plainfield, New Jersey For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 7 Folder 2 Russell, Baker & Company Manufacturers of Bedsteads and Extension Tables Dedham, Massachusetts Russell, Ira Manufacturer and Dealer in Oak, Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Russell, J.G. Furniture, Chair & Feather Store Boston, Massachusetts 3 Rustic Manufacturing & Construction Company, Limited New York, New York 4 Ryan, H.H., & Company Furniture Manufacturers St. Louis, Missouri 5 Sabbath School Library Case Manufacturer unknown Boston, Massachusetts Saint Nicholas Dealer in Fancy Goods, House=Keeping Goods, Toys, etc. Providence, Rhode Island Salisbury Brothers Furniture Company Price List, 1914 Randolph, Vermont Salomon, I.J., & Sons Importers and Manufacturers of Rattan & Chair Cane Brooklyn, New York Salve Grand Rapids, Michigan 6 Sanderlin & Van Loan Dealers in Furniture, Baby Coaches, Trunks, etc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 7 Folder 6 Sanderson, W., & Son Dealer in Cane and Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Tables and Counting House Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Sargent Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Invalids' Goods, Library and Furniture Specialities Muskegon, Michigan Savage, William B. Dealer in Furniture and Upholstery Boston, Massachusetts Sawyer, Walbridge & Briggs Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Etc. Boston, Massachusetts 7 Schantz, Minges and Shale Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet Furniture, &c. Rochester, New York Schastey, George A., Company Furniture Catalog, undated Springfield, Massachusetts Schell, Reverend D.M. Patentee of the Revolving Book-Case Galway, New York Schellhaas, H. Dealer in Furniture, Bedding, Carpets and Crockery Oakland, California Schenck, M.B., & Company Manufacturers of Yale and Gem Casters, Etc. Meriden, Connecticut 8 Schlicht & Field Company Filing Cabinets Price List, undated Rochester, New York Schmeder, J, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 8 Schmeder & Lederle Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers New York, New York 9 Schermann, George, & Company Furniture Store St Louis, Missouri Schermerhorn, J.W., & Company Catalogue of School Material, 1869-1870 New York, New York 10 Schoeneck, P.C. Dealer in Furniture & Upholstery Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Schoenewolf, Frederick Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, &c. New Orleans, Louisiana School Furniture Company Grand Rapids, Michigan School Furnishing Company Manufacturers of the Orion School Desk Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 11 Schulte, August, & Brother Manufacturers of Lounges Catalogue, undated Detroit, Michigan Schulz, M., & Brother Manufacturers of Furniture and Carpets Brooklyn, New York 12 Scofield, Charles S. Manufacturers' Agent and Furniture Broker Cortland, New York Schwarzwaelder, William, & Company Office Furniture Catalogue, 1888, 1891 New York, New York Schwegler & Company Manufacturer of Martha Washington Style Table Cleveland, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 13 Seaman, A.D., & Company Manufacturers of Furniture Milwaukee, Wisconsin Seaman & Wing Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery Milwaukee, Wisconsin Seeger, John G., & Sons Manufacturer of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves Buffalo, New York Seidler & May Manufacturers of S. & M.'s Sofa Beds Hartford, Connecticut Sellew, T.G. Manufacturer of Desks, Office & Library Furniture New York, New York Senrick Brothers Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet Ware Albany, New York Senrick & Fisher Manufacturers of Cabinet Ware and Upholstery Goods Albany, New York Serviss, I.R. Furniture and Carpet Company Newburgh, New York Seward, W.H. Dealer in Furniture and Undertaking Goods Rochester, Minnesota Seymour & Company Manufacturers of Cane, Flag, Straw and Wood Sear Chairs Troy, New York 14 Shanks, D.W. Upholsterer and Decorator Albany, New York Shaw, Aaron Furniture Warehouse Cincinnati, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 14 Shaw, Applin & Company Manufacturers of Parlor, Church and Lodge Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Shaw-Walker Company Dealers in Desk Cases Muskegon, Michigan Shawmut Furniture Company Complete House Furnishers Boston, Massachusetts 15 Sheehy, Michael Dealer in all Branches of Upholstery New York, New York Sheldon Novelty Company Furniture Catalogue, 1895 Sheldon, Illinois Shepard, J.E., & Company Dealer in Shelves New York, New York Sherman, Adolphus, & Company Manufacturers of Cabinet Furniture, Book Cases, Sideboards, Mantle-Frames, Cornices, &c. Boston, Massachusetts Sherk Brothers Manufacturers and Dealers in Picture Frames and Looking Glasses New York, New York Sheridan Brothers Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Etc. New York, New York Sherwood Company Dealer in School Desks with Folding Seats Chicago, Illinois 16 Sherborne, T.P., & Sons Cabinet Ware Rooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 17 Showers Furniture Manufacturer Catalogue, 1935 Bloomfield, Indiana 18 Shultz, H.C. Dealer in Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, &c. Alexandria, Missouri Silver, B. Coleman, Company Nursery Accessories Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois Simmen, Homan & Sebastian Office Desk Catalogue, 1884 Chicago, Illinois Sinclair, Kennedy Furniture Dealer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Skinner, H.A., & Company Successors to H.C. Parker & Company Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Rockville, Connecticut Sliding Castor Company Lancaster, Pennsylvania 19 Sloane, George Dealer in Picture Frames, Feathers, &c. New York, New York Sloane, W. & J. Furniture Catalogue, 1902 New York, New York 20 Smallwood, Edwin A. Dealer in Tete-A-Tetes, Divans, Arm & Rocking Chairs Boston, Massachusetts 21 Smallwood, G. Thomas Late of E.A. & G.T. Smallwood Practical Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer Roxbury, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 21 Smallwood & Morton Practical Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers Roxbury, Massachusetts 22 Smith Brothers Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers Boston, Massachusetts Smith's Crystal Palace and House-Furnishing Emporium location unknown Smith, George W., & Company Manufacturers of Art & Bric-a-Brae Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Smith, James C. Furniture Ware Rooms New York, New York Smith, Leonard Dealer in Cabinet Furniture, &c. Troy, New York Smith, Louis Manufacturer of Tables, Desk, Book Gases, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Smith, M.S., & Company Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture Hartford, Connecticut Smith, Oscar, & Sons Company Manufacturers of Cotton Waste Bedding and Upholstering Supplies Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 23 Smith, Stephen & Company Manufacturers of Bank, Office and Counting Room Furniture Boston, Massachusetts 24 Smyth, John M. Catalogue, 1892 Chicago, Illinois 25 Solomon, B.L., Sons Dealer in Curtain Materials, Furniture Coverings, and Paper Hangings New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 25 Solomon & Hart Importers & Manufacturers of Upholstery Goods New York, New York Southack, J.W. Cabinetmaker New York, New York Sowle, John Successor to Sowle & Jenks Manufacturer of Looking-Glasses and Picture Frames Boston, Massachusetts 26 Spaeth, Albert Newark, New Jersey Sparks, Stillman, Dowdell & Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 27 Spear & Company Home Furnishers Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 28 Speer, Helen New York Spencer, William P. Baltimore, Maryland Spencer & Barnes Company Benton Harbor, Michigan Sperry, E.M. New York 29 Spies, William F., & Company Dealer in Carpets, Furniture and Bedding New York, New York Spillman, L., & Company London, England Sprague, J., & Company Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 29 Squire, Willis C. Dealer in Cushions Manufactured by Cincinnati Cushion Company Chicago, Illinois 30 Staats, R.H. Furniture Dealer New York, New York Stadfeld & Wold Tables Catalogue, 1882 Chicago, Illinois 31 Stafford, E.H., Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Furniture Ionia, Michigan Stafford-Munson Company Dealer in Roll-Top Desks Grand Rapids, Michigan 32 Stahl & Hegel Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers New Haven, Connecticut Standard Furniture & Carpet Company Minneapolis, Minnesota Stanley & Weber Wholesale Manufacturers of Cabinet Ware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 33 Stearns, Edward H. Representative of Grand Rapids Furniture Pavilion World's Exposition New Orleans, Louisiana Steele & Lincoln Dealer in Carpets & Furniture New York, New York Sterchi Brothers Dealer in Carpets and Furniture Knoxville, Tennessee Stern Brothers Furniture Catalog, undated New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 7 33 Stevens Chair Company Dealer in Office Furniture, Adjustable Folding Chairs and Invalids' Goods Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 34 Stewart, A. Furniture Dealer Hartford, Connecticut Stewart, W.T. Successors to A.D. Cooke & Company Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 27 Stickley=Brandt Furniture Company Mail Order Furniture House Binghamton, New York Stickley Brothers Company Quaint Furniture Catalogue, undated Grand Rapids, Michigan Stickley, Gustave Craftsman Syracuse, New York 36 Stiles, J.B., Company Dealer in Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Etc. Schenectady, New York Stimpson, James Manufacturer of Dowel Joint Machine for Joining Boxes, Drawers, Furniture, &c. Baldwinville, Massachusetts Stock & Rice Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers & Undertaking Rondout, New York Stocking, S.S., with William H. Lee Dealer in Fine Furniture and Decorations New York, New York Stoehr & Fister Home Furnishings Dealer Scranton, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 7 Folder 37 Stone & Allen Stair Builders, Carvers and Wood Turners Portland, Oregon Stone, Henry Manufacturer of Rich Cabinet Furniture New York, New York 8 1 Strobel, Philip, & Sons Manufacturers of Furniture for the Dining Room, Restaurant & Cafe New York, New York Sturtevant, J.C., & Company Manufacturers of Hard and Soft Wood Furniture Lebanon, New Hampshire Sturtevant Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Hard & Soft Wood Furniture Lebanon, New Hampshire 2-3 Sugg & Beiersdorf Company Furniture Catalogues, 1883-1885 Chicago, Illinois 4 Sutton & Kenny Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet Furniture, Upholstery, &c. Brooklyn, New York Swain, H.C., & Company Chair and Furniture Manufacturers for Export New York, New York Swan, Baxter c. Manufacturer of Parlor Suits, Church Furniture, Hall Stands, Marble-Top Tables Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Swift, C.B., Company Formerly with Paine Furniture Company Interior Decorator Boston, Massachusetts Swift, Raymond, Limited Old World Furniture catalogue, undated Harrogate, England For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 4 Swindell, George W. Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Swiss Manufacturing Company Dealer in Oak Carved Goods New York, New York 5 Taber & Chollar Dealers in Cabinet and Drawing-Room Furniture Worcester, Massachusetts Taber & Lawrence Successors to Partridge and Taber Worcester, Massachusetts Taber, William B., & Company Dealers in Parlor, Cottage and Chamber Furniture Worcester, Massachusetts 6 Talcott & Post Dealer in Dry Goods, Carpets, Paper Hangings and Feathers Hartford, Connecticut Tallman & Conover Dealers in Furniture and Upholstery Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Taunt & Bristol Dealers in Rosewood, Mahogany & Walnut Furniture Buffalo, New York Taylor, H.R. Inventor and Manufacturer of an Office Furniture Drawer Boston, Massachusetts Taylor, R.M. Cabinet Furniture and Upholstery Ware-Rooms Troy, New York Tebbetts, J.W. Dealer in House, Ship and Counting-Room Furniture Waldoboro', Maine Tell City Furniture Company Tell City, Indiana For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 6 Textile Manufacturing Company Dealer in Silk and Mohair Casket Handles Westfield, Massachusetts Thayer & Tobey Furniture Company Manufacturer and Dealers in Furniture, Mirrors, &c. Chicago, Illinois Theise, Frederick, Manufacturing Company, Incorporated Manufacturers of Willow Furniture Boston, Massachusetts Thoesen & Uhl Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, &c. New York, New York 7 Thomas, C.J., & Son Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers Martinsburg, West Virginia Thomas & Lloyd Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Hoytville, Pennsylvania Thompson, Lewis, & Company Dealers in Marble Slabs for Furniture, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thompson, M.A. Wholesale Manufacturer of Mattresses, Lounges, Shrouds and Linings Buffalo, New York Thompson, Thomas, Sons & Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 8 Thorn, Silas W. Furniture and Upholstery Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thorp, A.S., & Company Importers and Dealers in Hair Seating and Upholstery Goods, Cabinet and Undertakers' Hardware New York, New York 9 Tobey Furniture Company New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 9 Tollin, Frank Dealer in Household Specialities Chester, Pennsylvania Terence, William, & Company Dealers in Furniture and Mattress Makers Baltimore, Maryland Tozer, James H. Dealers in Furniture, Mirrors and Undertaking Naples, New York Tracy & Hatfield Manufacturers of Looking-glass and Picture Frames New York Troxell & Huth Dealers in Fine Parlor Furniture Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 10 Truman & Tyler Dealers in Furniture, Feathers and House Keeping Articles Providence, Rhode Island Trymby, E.D. Dealer in Cabinet Ware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Trymby & Rehn Manufacturers of Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tucker Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Iron Fixtures, Folding Wood Cots, &c. Boston, Massachusetts 11 Turner, H.E., & Company Furniture and Undertaking Batavia, New York Turner, Henry A., & Company Dealer in Upholstery, Furniture and Interior Decorations Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 11 Turner, Thomas Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker Yonkers, New York Turnbull, John J., & Company Baltimore, Maryland Tuska, Phillip H. Importer and Dealer in Hair Cloth, Brocatelle and an Assortment of Upholsterer's Materials New York, New York 12 Uhlinger & Son Dealers in Furniture Johnstown, New York Union Furniture Company Furniture Catalogue, 1902 Rockford, Illinois Union School Furniture Company School, Hall and Opera Furniture Catalogue, 1885 Albany, New York 13 Van Horn, Amos H. Dealers in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings and Mattresses Newark, New Jersey Van Sciver, J.B., Company Fine Furniture Manufacturers Camden, New Jersey Vantine, A.A., & Company Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Jewels New York, New York Varden, Dolly Dealer in Hardwood and Metal Baskets Rochester, New York Vehmeyer, Henry Furniture Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Vehmeyer, William Furniture Warerooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 14 Vickery, J.C. Manufacturers of Dressing Cases London, England Vincent, James Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Viner, F.J. Manufacturer of Show Cases, Desks, Counters, &c. Springfield, Massachusetts Viner, George Fashionable Upholstery and Furniture Warehouse Boston, Massachusetts 15 Virginia Craftsmen, Incorporated Antiques Reproductions Catalogue, 1933 Harrisonburg, Virginia 16 Vogler & Clough Dealers in Furniture Concord, New Hampshire Vogler & Stanley Dealers in Furniture, Parlor Suits, &c. Concord, New Hampshire Vogler, William Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Furniture Concord, New Hampshire Voklening, H. Dealer and Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture New York, New York Vollmer, G. Furniture and Upholstery Ware Rooms and Manufactory Philadelphia,. Pennsylvania 17 Wachmeyer, George L. Manufacturer and Dealer in Fine Chamber Furniture Rondout, New York Wachob & McDowall Manufacturers & Dealers in School Apparatus & Furniture Scranton, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 8 18 Wakefield Rattan Company Manufacturers of Rattan Furniture Boston, Massachusetts 19 Walch, Fr. Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture & Upholstery Syracuse, New York Wales, s., Jr. School Furniture Manufactory Boston, Massachusetts Walker's Dealer in Hand and Toilet Mirrors New York, New York Walker, A., & Company Dealers in Furniture and Pianos New Haven, Connecticut Walker & Linde Dealer in Furniture, Carpets and Home Decorations Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wallace & Sons Dealer in Lamp Fixtures, Table and Art Goods Department Chicago, Illinois Wallace Supplies Manufacturing Company Chicago, Illinois Walrath & Girvin Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, &c. Syracuse, New York Walraven, I.E. Dealers in Curtains and Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 20 Walsh, Philip J. Dealers in Furniture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Walsh, Thomas Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Feathers, Etc. Long Island City, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 20 Walter, C. Manufacturer of Horn Goods and Artistic Horn Furniture Price List, undated Chicago, Illinois Walton, Joseph, & Company Cabinet Makers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 21 Wanamaker, John Furniture Catalog, undated Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 22 Ware, George W., & Company Dealers in Furniture, Upholstery Goods and Hair Mattresses Boston, Massachusetts Waring & Gillow Furniture Store London, England Warren, Ward & Company Manufacturers of Furniture, Decorations, Bedding, &c. New York, New York Warrington, R. Chair Dealer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 23 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company Makers of Upholstery, Bed and Spiral Springs Worcester, Massachusetts Waterbury's, Samuel Cabinet Furniture and Upholstery Warehouse New York, New York Weber Furniture Company Successors to Henry Weber Chicago, Illinois Weber, Charles F. Manufacturer of Fine Furniture and Bedding Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 8 23 Weber & Weinmann Dealers in Furniture and Upholstery Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Webster, Folger & Company Dealer in Furniture and Carpets Boston, Massachusetts Wehrmann, L.F., & Son Wholesale and Retail Furniture Warerooms Cincinnati, Ohio Weinheimer, Jacob Dealer in Furniture and Upholstery Syracuse, New York Weiss, Christian Cabinet Maker & Dealer in Furniture Utica, New York Wellman, G.A., & Son Furniture Dealer Boston, Massachusetts 24 Wentworth's Sons Furniture Price List, undated New York, New York Wentworth & Degraat Manufacturers and Dealers in Cabinet Furniture New York, New York Wentworth, J. Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. New York, New York 25 West & Wallace Furniture & Feather Warehouse Concord, New Hampshire Westcott, Russell W. Wholesale and Retail Furniture Warehouse Albany, New York Westron, Mrs. Importer and Dealer in Papier Mache Goods Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 25 West York Furniture Manufacturing Company Furniture Price List, undated York, Pennsylvania 26 Whidden, Thomas M., & Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture & Upholstery Boston, Massachusetts Whitcomb, A.G. Successor to W.G. Shattuck Manufacturer of School Furniture and Settees Boston, Massachusetts White, Charles s. Dealer in Parlor Furniture York, Pennsylvania White, George C. Furniture Dealer York, Pennsylvania White, J. Reeside Upholsterer Germantown, Pennsylvania White, R.H., & Company Boston, Massachusetts Whiting, T., & Sons Worcester, Massachusetts Whitney, Thorniley & Company Importers and Dealers in Upholstery Goods, &c. New York, New York Whitney, W.M., & Company Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Furniture and House Furnishing Goods Albany, New York Whitin, P., & Son Boston, Massachusetts 27 Wickes & Moore Central New York Furniture Warerooms Watkins, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 8 27 Widmann, G. Turner in Plain and Fancy Woods Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wiggin, c.w., & Son Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture and Carpetings Dover, New Hampshire Wilcox, W.F., & Company Stair Building, Carving, Wood & Ivory Turning Portland, state unknown Wiles, William Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Etc. Fultonville, New York 28 Wilfson, D., & Sons Furniture Dealers Baltimore, Maryland Wilkens, Theodore Steam Curled Hair Depot New York, New York Williams, Arthur Jr•• & Company Boston, Massachusetts Williams, Isaac S., & Company House Furnishers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Williams & Woodward Murphey House Furnishing Store Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Williamsport Furniture Manufacturing Company Price List, 1876 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 29 Wilmarth & La Salle Furniture and Undertaking Glen Falls, New York Wilson, John Furniture Sales Location unknown For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 8 29 Wilson, Robert, & Company Successors to Daniel Buck Furniture Ware Rooms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wingard, A.M., & Son Dealer in Furniture and Carpets Pottstown, Pennsylvania Winne, John, & Son Cabinet & Upholstery Ware Rooms Albany, New York Winslow & Cornell Decorators Brockton, Massachusetts Wisler & Brother Successors to W. Wood Fancy Chair Manufacturers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 30 Wolf, J.P., & Company Successors to Stadtfeld & Wolf Table Catalogue, 1883 Chicago, Illinois Wolff, M. Dealers in European Fine Upholstery San Francisco, California 31 Wolverine Manufacturing Company Specialists in Parlor, Library and Desk Tables Catalogue, 1916 Detroit, Michigan 32 Wood, George S. Manufacturer of Extension Tables Nashua, New Hampshire Wood, J.K.P. Upholsterer and Dealer in Parlor Furniture Fitchburg, Massachusetts Woodbury, F.B. Table Price List, 1903 Orwell, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box 8 Folder 32 Wooster, B.W., Furniture Company Designers and Makers of Furniture, Curtains and Cabinet Work Albany, New York 33 Wooton Desk Company Catalogue, 1876 Indianapolis, Indiana Worcester Brothers Dealers in Furniture & Feathers, Carpetings, &c. Cambridge. ,Massachusetts Worden Furniture Company Catalogue of Chamber Suites and Bedsteads, undated Grand Rapids, Michigan 34 Woven Wire Mattress Company Manufacturers of National and Woven Wire Mattress Hartford, Connecticut Wright, Charles H. Manufacturer of Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, Settees, Stools, &c. Portland, state unknown Wullweber, O.L., and Company Parlor Furniture Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois Wurster & Kimpel Manufacturers of Parlor and Chamber Furniture New York, New York 35 Yeoman, E. Manufacturer of Supreme Sofa Beds and Lounges Catalogue, undated Chicago, Illinois 36 Yergason, E.S. Interior Decoration and Furnishings New York, New York Young, M.H. Furniture Dealer Oakville, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1792-1945 Box Folder 8 36 Yund, Joseph, & Son Furniture Depot Amsterdam, New York Yund, Theodore F. Furniture Store Amsterdam, New York 37 Zimmerman & Hardiman Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Upholstery Syracuse, New York GENERAL WORKS, 1111-1111 9 1 Furniture Auctions 2 Furniture Associations 3 Training Course and Instruction 4 Instructions for Fitting Slip Covers 5 Labels 6 Patents 7 Interior Images from Town and Country Magazine, 1907-1915 8 Photographic Images of Furniture 9 General Images 10 Upholstery Samples 11 Legal Documents 12 Railroad Shipping and Receiving Documents 13-14 Import-Export Documents 15 Miscellaneous For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FURNITURE, ca. 1792-1945 RELATED PUBLICATIONS, ca. 1832-1916 Articles, 1832-1916 Box 9 Folder 16 "The True Physiological Chair," Health Tract, 1862 17 "American Colonial Furniture," The Mentor, July, 1914 18 "Furniture and Its Makers," The Mentor, September, 1913 19 "Furniture of the Revolutionary Period," The Mentor, January, 1916 20 "The Mahogany Table," The Penny Magazine, June, 1832 Periodicals, ca. 1900-1905 21 Periodical Publishing Company Subscription Form Grand Rapids, Michigan 22 Michigan Artisan, 1905 Grand Rapids, Michigan Books, 1912 23 A Book of Edited by Published New York, Distinctive Interiors, 1912 William A. Vollmer by McBride, Nast & Company New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 AC NMAH 60 FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS (Oversize) SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE Materials relate to furniture production and sales in the United States and originate from producers, wholesalers and retailers of furniture. The oversize items are comprised of printed advertisement and brochures. Many different types of furniture are produced or sold by these companies, including chairs, beds, tables, stools, dressers, and vanities. Often images and brief descriptions of the products are available. Some products have been photographed. Several publications are also found within this collection, mostly from 1890-1892. The bulk of the material is late nineteenth to early-twentieth century in origin. Series 1: Manufacturers and Distributors of Food and Food Products Materials are arranged alphabetically by company. Series 2: General Images Series 3: Related Publications Materials are arranged alphabetically by publication. D. DuMerer 1 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 AC NMAH 60 Series 1: Manufacturers and Distributors of Furniture and Furnishings Box Folder 22 10 104 3 22 10 104 3 3 4 22 10 10 104 4 4 22 IO 10 104 4 4 22 10 22, 104 11,4 104 4 4 22 11 11 D. DuMerer Allen & Paisley Company Boston, MA American Store Stool Company New York, NY Barcalo Manufacturing Company Buffalo, NY Beals, Thomas P. Company Portland, ME Brandt Cabinet Works Hagerstown, MD Cincinnati Cabinet Company Cincinnati, OH Estey Manufacturing Company Owosso, MI Favorite Desk & Seating Company Cleveland, OH Foster, B.F. Allegan, MI Gimbel Brothers New York, NY Globe-Wernicke Company Cincinnati, OH Grand Rapids Parlor Furniture Company Grand Rapids, MI Hammitt, John T. Philadelphia, PA Hickerson, W.H. New York, NY Hopkins, L. Manufacturing Company North Girard, PA Interstate Furniture Dealers' Association Chicago, IL Johnson, Charles E. New York, NY Kane, Thomas and Company Chicago, IL Karpen, S. and Brothers Chicago, IL Kehr, Peter and Company New York, NY 2 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 AC NMAH 60 Series 1: Manufacturers and Distributors of Furniture and Furnishings Box Folder 104 5 5 5 22 11 104 5 22 11 11-12 11 104 5 22, 104 12,6 22 12 12 12 104 6 22 12 12 104 6 6 6 7 D. DuMerer Kerr, Peter and Company New York, NY Key Furniture Company Statesville, NC Ladd, Hermon W. Boston, MA Lambie and Sargent New York, NY Larkin Company Buffalo, NY Lorillard, P. and Company Location unknown Montgomery Ward Chicago, IL Moore Combination Desk Company Indianapolis, IN Moore, York and Howell Philadelphia, PA New York Furniture Exchange New York, NY Oetzmann and Company London, England Office and Library Company New York, NY Ohmers, M. Sons Company Dayton, OH Ontario Rubber Company Toronto, Canada Peard, William M. Mount Vernon, NY Peck and Mills Furniture Company New York, NY Sargent Manufacturing Company New York, NY Sherwood Company Chicago, IL Sloane, W.J. New York, NY Soule, R.W. "The Hustler" Augusta, ME 3 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 AC NMAH 60 Series 1: Manufacturers and Distributors of Furniture and Furnishings Box Folder 22 12 104 7 22 12 13 7 104 7 Stafford, E.H. Manufacturing Company Chicago, IL Thonet Brothers Vienna, Austria and New York, NY Union Furniture Company Rockford, IL Van Sciver, J.B. Company Camden, NJ Wilkins-Hurst Company Elyria, OH Woodbury, F.B. Orwell, NY Series 2: General Images Box Folder 22 13 Furniture and Furnishings: General Images Series 3: Related Publications Box Folder 22 14 14 15 16 D. DuMerer Furniture Trade Review August 10, 1890 Furniture Worker February 25, 1890 August 10, 1890 Michigan Artisan December 1882 Rockford Trade Journal and Furniture Review December 1891 4 For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270
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