American and International Furniture Catalogues
American and International Furniture Catalogues
Company Name Town State Ariel Wood Bed Co. Goshen Indiana Ariel Wood Bed Co. Authentic Furniture Products Goshen El Segundo Bailey Table Co. The Banta Furniture Co. The Banta Furniture Co. Year Title Ariel Wood Beds N Indiana California 19131914 1914 1969 Ariel Wood Beds January 1914 Authentic Colonial Furniture Y N Jamestown New York 1922 Dining Room Furniture N Goshen Goshen Indiana Indiana Styles in Furniture Dining Room Furniture N N N N Baker Funiture Batesville Cabinet Company Batesville Indiana Baldwin Furniture Barnard & Simonds Co. Inc. Pompano Beach Rochester Bassett Furniture Co. Number 19121913 Notes Enclosures Letter to Krug Bros Suggested Retail Price List January 1, 1969 Price List, Februay 1, 1922 [Note: Oversize] Price List for 1912-13 D 1923 Baker Continental II Dining Room Furniture Florida New York 40 1969 [19--] Baldwin Furniture Distinctive Furniture N Y Price List, March 15, 1923 [Note: Oversize] Price List 1969 Clippings and Comments throughout Bassett Virginia 1916 1916 Bassett Furniture Company N Price List 02/25/1916 & 07/01/1916 Bassett Furniture Co. J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Co. Bassett Bassett Virginia Virginia 1916 1931 1916 1931 N Y Price List January 1, 1916 Circled Pictures J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Co. J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Co. Bassett Bassett Virginia Virginia 1932 1953 Bassett Furniture Company J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Company Catalog 1931 1932's Smartest Suites (No Title) N N Price List June 22, 1953 & loose pages J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Co. Bassett Virginia (No Title) Y J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Co. Bassett Virginia 19571958 1958 Current catalog supplement N J.D. Bassett Manufacturing Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bassett Grand Rapids Lenoir Virginia Michigan North Carolina 1962 1960 (No Title) Furniture of Character Fine Furniture Price List October 21, 1960 N N N Bernhardt Industries Lenoir North Carolina 1960 Price List October 21, 1960 N Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Note to Howard Price list 01/07/57, 06/16/58 Correspondence "Dear Customer" January 15, 1958, with envelope Price List June 18, 1962 Company Name Town State Bernhardt Furniture Co. Lenoir North Carolina Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Industries The Bockstege Furniture Co. Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Evansville North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina Indiana Annual The Bockstege Furniture Co. Evansville Indiana Annual The Breece Manufacturing Company Brooks Manufacturing Company The Brookville Furniture Company Buckeye Manufacturing Co. Portsmouth Saginaw Brookville Springfield Ohio Michigan Indiana Ohio 4 18 The Buckstaff Company Cabinet Makers Union Oshkosh Indianapolis Wisconsin Indiana 46 The Cadillac Chair Co. The Cadillac Chair Co. The Cadillac Chair Co. Carolina Wood Products Co. Caldwell Furniture Company Caldwell Furniture Company Caldwell Furniture Company Caldwell Furniture Company Caldwell Furniture Company Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Asheville Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Michigan Michigan Michigan North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina Caldwell Furniture Company Lenoir North Carolina Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number Year Title 1967 5 6 Traditional, Provincial, Contemporary Dining and Bedroom Price List [19--] The Parallels Collection I [19--] The Navarrone Collection [19--] French Classic I [19--] Justinian Collection [19--] The Parallels Collection I [19--] The Navarrone Collection 1961 The Burgess Hall Collection 1912The Bockstege Furniture Co. Annual 1913 Catalogue 1916 The Bockstege Furniture Co. Annual Catalogue [19--] Veneered and Bent Wood Products 1915 Brooks "Master-Built" Furniture 1913 The Brookville Furniture Company [19--] Buckeye Furniture-Furniture Specialties of Quality 1920 Chair 1913 Dining Room Furniture and Extension Tables 1913 The Cadillac Chair Company 1914 The Cadillac Chair Company 1915-16 The Cadillac Chair Company [19--] Suite No. 582 1960 Price List June 20, 1960 1961 Price List January 6, 1961 1961 Price List October 20, 1961 1962 Price List June 18, 1962 1960 (No Title) Notes [19--] The Country Cottage No. 671-00 Autumn Pecan American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Enclosures 28-Jul-67 N N N N N N N N Price List April 21, 1961 Price List 1913 N Price List 1916 N N N N Pricing Included Blank Order Form Price List January 1, 1913 Price List August 10, 1927 & Blank order form Price List 04/01/20, 10/01/20 Price List January 1913 N N N N N N N N N N N N Price List September 1, 1913 Price List July 1, 1914 Price List 1915-1916 Loose pages Price List October 21, 1960 Company Name Town State Caldwell Furniture Company Lenoir Caldwell Furniture Company Caldwell Furniture Company Year Title North Carolina 1961 Classic, Modern, Modern Bedroom N Loose pages Price List April 21, 1961 Lenoir Lenoir North Carolina North Carolina 1962 July '63 Price List June 18, 1962 (No Title) N N Loose pages Price List April 19, 1963 Caldwell Furniture Company Lenoir North Carolina 1962 N Loose pages Caldwell Furniture Company Caldwell Furniture Company C.H. Campbell Furniture Co. Lenoir Lenoir Shelbyville North Carolina North Carolina Indiana N N N Price List January 10, 1915 C.H. Campbell Furniture Co. C.H. Campbell Furniture Co. C.H. Campbell Furniture Co. Carolina Wood Products Co. Carrollton Furniture Manufacturing Company Casa Bique Shelbyville Shelbyville Shelbyville Asheville Carrollton Indiana Indiana Indiana North Carolina Kentucky New York New York Danish, Cascade Group, Italian Classic, French Provincial 1962 Price List June 18, 1962 1963 Price List January 1, 1963 1915 Hall Furniture Ladies Desks Bedroom Furniture 1916 1916 Catalogue 1917 1917 Catalogue 1918 1918 Catalogue [19--] Suite No. 3 1916-17 Carrollton Furniture Manufacturing Company 1967 Casa Bique Century Furniture Company The Chattanooga Furniture Co. Charlotte Manufacturing Company Cherokee Furniture Company Coleman Furniture Corporation Coleman Furniture Corporation Colony Tables Incorporated Conrey-Davis Manufacturing Co. Coppes, Zook & Mutschler Co. Jamestown Chattanooga Charlotte Bryson City Pulaski Pulaski High Point Shelbyville Nappanee New York Tennessee Michigan North Carolina Virginia Virginia North Carolina Indiana Indiana 1909 1917 1912 19-1964 1965 [19--] 1912-13 1909 Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Evansville Evansville Evansville Indiana Indiana Indiana 1959 1959 Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 1915 1916 1917 1918 24 14 14 Notes Enclosures N N N N N Price List July 1, 1916 Price List July 1, 1917 Price List January 1, 1918 N Loose Pages, Price List April 1, 1967 Century Furniture Company Dining Room Furniture Library Tables The Mayflower Group (No Title) Price List American Restoration General Catalogue 1912 Case Goods Coppes, Zook Mutschler Co. Y N N N N N N N N small note on 2 pages Price List June 1, 1917 Price List January 1912 Price List October 20, 19-Price List January 1, 1964 Price List June 15, 1965 Kontour by Craddock Impression by Craddock Contrast and 18th Century Y N N Message to Howard on back Price List September 10, 1959 Price List June 1,1959 and blank order form American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Price List January 1913 Company Name Town State Craddock Furniture Corporation Evansville Indiana Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Craddock Furniture Corporation Crescent Furniture Company The L.C. & W.L. Cron Company The Cron-Kills Co. Evansville Evansville Evansville Evansville Evansville Evansville Evansville Piqua Piqua Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Ohio Ohio H.T. Cushman Manufacturing Company North Bennington Vermont Davis-Birely Table Company Davis-Birely Table Company Davis-Birely Table Company Davis-Birely Table Company Davis Manufacturing Co. Broyhill Industries Broyhill Industries Broyhill Industries Broyhill Industries Broyhill Industries Broyhill Industries Broyhill Industries Shelbyville Shelbyville Shelbyville Shelbyville Minneapolis Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Minnesota North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina Broyhill Industries C.F. Schmoe Furniture Company Diamond Furniture Company Lenoir Shelbyville Jamestown North Carolina Indiana New York 18 [19--] 1914 1914 Diamond Furniture Company Jamestown New York 23 1922 Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number Year Title 1958 Carefree by Craddock Y Note on front, Price List April 15,1958 1959 [19--] 1957 1957 1957 1957 "N" 1912 42 1914 1917-1918 19171918 [19--] (No Title) Craddock Trans-Era Price Lists December 15, 1957 "Carefree" by Craddock Craddock proudly presents "Comment" Craddock proudly presents "Comment" Catalog "N" Bedroom Funiture Wardrobes and Chifforobes Y N N N N N N N N Price Lists 1958-1959 Colonial Creations N 28 29 47 58 Tables Tables Tables 50th Anniversary Line Davis Manufacturing Co. De Nada by Broyhill Premier Legend by Broyhill Premier Old Spain by Broyhill Premier Tangier by Broyhill Premier Dimentional by Broyhill Premier New Vista by Broyhill Premier "le Chateau" Dining Room Collection by Broyhill Premier "le Chateau" by Broyhill Premier Diamond Kitchen Cabinets Library and Parlor Tables Hall Racks and Mirrors Living Room Tables in Oak and Mahogany N N N N N N N N N N N N [19--] [19--] 1921 [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes N N N N Enclosures Price List December 15, 1957 Price List October 15, 1957 Price List 1912 Price List 1914 Price List August 1, 1918 Price List Price List for Cat. 28 & 29 Attached researched History of Co. Price List April 1914 Company Name Town State Dillingham Manufacturing Company Sheboygan Wisconsin Dixie Furniture Company Inc. Duane Chair Company Blowing Rock Furniture Industries Blowing Rock Furniture Industries Lexington Dalton Lenoir Lenoir North Carolina Georgia North Carolina North Carolina Elwell Kitchen Cabinet Co. Minneapolis Minnesota Empire Case Goods Company Jamestown New York 1915 Empire Case Goods Company Empire Chair Company Empire Furniture Co. - Penn Table Co. Jamestown Johnson City Huntington New York Tennessee Virginia 19 Empire Manufacturing Company Rockford Illinois Ercol Furniture Ltd. Ercol Furniture Ltd. Ethan Allen Inc. Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire New York England England New York 1974 [19--] 63 Edition [19--] Ethan Allen Inc. New York New York 64 Edition [19--] Ethan Allen Inc. New York New York 72 Edition Ethan Allen Inc. Danbury Conneticut 74 Edition [19--] Ethan Allen Inc. Danbury Conneticut 77 Edition [19--] Evansville Desk Company Evansville Indiana 1916 Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 9 Year Title 19101911 Dillingham Manufacturing Company Y [19--] [19--] [19--] Dixie Furniture Company Inc Chairs & Rockers (No Title) American Manor House Maple Collection N N N N 19151916 1915 Minneapolis Furniture Co. The Roller Bearing Line Empire Case Goods Company N Y Letter to Krugs, Price List July 1, 1915 [Note: Oversize] 1919 1917 19211922 [19--] Empire Case Goods Company Empire Chair Company Dining Room Furniture N N N Price List January 1, 1913 Price List July 2, 1917 Empire Manufacturing Company N Ercol furniture '74 Ercol Furniture The Ethan Allen Treasury of Early American Furniture The Ethan Allen Treasury of Early American Furniture N N N Price List for Catalogue 1927 [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] The Ethan Allen Treasury of American Traditional Interiors The Treasury of Ethan Allen American Traditional Interiors The Treasury of Ethan Allen American Traditional Interiors Evansville Desk Company N 1916 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Y N N N Enclosures Price List July 25, 1910, Notes on some pages Loose Pages Loose Pages Note to Howard, small catalogue inside [Note: Oversize] Company Name Town State Number Evansville Furniture Co. Evansville Indiana [Note: Oversize] Evansville Rockford Evansville Chicago Indiana Illinois Indiana Illinois Catalogue 1911-1912 Evansville Furniture Co. Extension and Sibrary Tables Dining Tables Roll Top and Office Desks Parlour Furniture N Evansvill Bookcase & Table Co. Excel Manufacturing Company Evansville Desk Company Fenske Bros N N N N Price List for Cat. "E" Ferguson Bros Manufacturing Co. Foote-Reynolds Company Carl Forslund Inc Carl Forslund Inc Hoboken Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Grand Rapids New Jersey Michigan Michigan Michigan Card and Game Tables Wood Beds and Day Beds It's fun to buy from Forslund Furniture from Forslund N Y N N Carl Forslund Inc Grand Rapids Michigan 1911-1912 19111912 "E" [19--] 13 [19--] 1913 26 19141915 14 1925 [19--] [19--] 19641965 [19--] Timeless Furniture Made by Carl Forslund N Forsyth Furniture Lines Inc. J.D. Freese & Sons Co. Giant Furniture Company Globe Furniture Company Globe Furniture Company Globe-Bosse-World Furniture Co. Winston-Salem Chicago High Point Evansville High Point Evansville North Carolina Illinois North Carolina Indiana North Carolina Indiana 1928 1927 Forsyth Bedroom Funiture Bedroom Funiture The Globe Furniture Company (No Title) Globe-Bosse-World Furniture Co. N N N N N N Globe-Bosse-World Furniture Co. Evansville Indiana 1928 Globe-Bosse-World Furniture Co. (blue) N Globe-Bosse-World Furniture Co. Evansville Indiana 1929 Globe-Bosse World Furniture Co. (orange) Y E. Gomme Ltd. (G Plan) R and E Gordon Furniture Company Gordon's Inc. Grand Ledge Chair Company Grand Rapids Bookcase and Chair Co. Buckinghamshire Asheville Johnson City Grand Ledge Hastings England North Carolina Tennessee Michigan Michigan 1975 [19--] [19--] 1912 1937 G Plan 1975 (No Title) Gordon's Inc Grand Ledge Chair Company Period Styles Lifetime Furniture N N Y N N Grand Rapids Upholstering Company Grand Rapids Michigan 1927 Grand Rapids Upholstering Y Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Year 1928 1925 1922 1910 Title American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Price List for 1913 Price List for Cat. 26 Clipping added additional booklet in middle Price List January 1, 1928 Price List October 1924 Price List January 2, 1922 Price List January 1, 1910 Loose pages Price List January 1, 1927 [Note: Oversize] Price List January 1, 1928 [Note: Oversize] Price List January 1, 1929, sketches [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] Loose pages Notes Price List July 1, 1937 Notes, Stock Sheet March 7, 1927 Company Name Town State Greenbaum Brothers Paterson J. E. Greilick Co. Hagerstown Table Works Year Title New Jersey 1960 Country House Elegance Greenbaum Bros N Orderform and Price List 1960 Traverse City Hagerstown Michigan Maryland 1913 1913 N N Price List 1913 Price List December 19, 1912 Hagerstown Table Works Hammary Manufacturing Corporation Hannahs Manufacturing Co. F.W. Hanpeter Furniture Co. F.W. Hanpeter Furniture Co. F.W. Hanpeter Furniture Co. Hagerstown Lenoir Kenosha Saint Louis Saint Louis Saint Louis Maryland North Carolina Wisconsin Missouri Missouri Missouri N N N N N N Price List July 1, 1914 Hanson Furniture Co. Janesville Wisconsin Library Tables Cheap and Medium Priced Tables and Stands 1914-15 Hagerstown Tables [19--] Hammary Furniture 1915 Hannahs Manufacturing Company Period Bedroom Furniture [19--] Period Bedroom Furniture 1917Larkatone and Vitanola Talking Machines 1918 1912 Hanson Tables N Price List March 1912 [Note: Oversize] The Frank S. Harden Company Harden Furniture Company Hartmann-Malcom Co. Boss & Bellaire McConnellsville McConnellsville Chicago Grand Rapids New York New York Illinois Michigan [19--] [19--] 1940 1927 Solid Cherry by Harden Harden Hartmann Malcom Co (No Title) N Y N Y Newspaper clippings Price List Personal Letter to Krugs with Sketches Hartmann-Malcom Co. Grand Rapids Michigan [19--] (No Title) N Price List March 1, 1927 & July 1927 Hartmann-Malcom Co. Hartmann-Malcom Co. Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Michigan Michigan [19--] [19--] (No Title) (No Title) N N Price List (Green) with Loose pages Price List April 15, 1928 with Loose pages The Hastings Lines The Hastings Lines Hastings Hastings Michigan Michigan 1904 4th Annual [19--] The Hastings Lines The Hastings Lines N N Hastings Table Company Hastings Table Company Hastings Table Company Hastings Table Company Hastings Table Company Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Dining Tables Dining Tables Dining Tables Dining Tables Dining Tables N N N N N Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 32 22 1909 1910 1910 1911 1912-13 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Spring 1910 Fall 1910 Price List for 1907 Company Name Town State Hastings Table Company Hastings Hastings Table Company The Hawks Furniture Company Hastings Goshen Hekman Furniture Company Year Title Michigan [19--] Hastings Tyden Y Completed Order form for 03/01/11 Michigan Indiana [19--] 1912 Hastings Tidings Exposition Number The Hawks Furniture Company N N Price List January 1912 see notes [19--] Hekman Fine Furniture N Hekman Furniture Company see notes [19--] Tables to Treasure and Cherish N Hekman Furniture Company see notes 1967 Tables and Chairs to treasure and cherish N Minneapolis Furniture Company Hekman Furniture Company Hekman Furniture Company Minneapolis Minnesota Grand Rapids Michigan [19--] 1967 1959 (No Title) (No Title) Hekman tables of merit N Y Y Hekman Furniture Company Hekman Furniture Company Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Michigan Michigan 1960 1961 Tables of Merit Tables of Merit N Y Hekman Furniture Company Grand Rapids Michigan 1962 Tables of Merit Y Hekman Furniture Company Grand Rapids Michigan 1963 Tables of Merit Y Hekman Furniture Company Grand Rapids Michigan 1964 Tables of Merit Y Hekman Furniture Company Michigan & North Carolina 1967 The Hekman Story Tables and Chairs N Hekman Furniture Company Michigan & North Carolina Michigan & North Carolina Michigan & North Carolina 1967 Tables and Chairs to treasure and cherish N 1965 Tables of Merit Y 1969 1969 spring edition tables and chairs by Hekman Y Hekman Furniture Company Hekman Furniture Company Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 38th Annual American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Grand Rapids Michigan & Lexington N.C Grand Rapids Michigan & Lexington N.C Grand Rapids Michigan & Lexington N.C Price List April 1, 1926, Poster Order info and notes & 2 price lists Sketch and notes & Price List January 20, 1959 Price List June 15, 1960 Message from 7/31/61, Price List Jan. 2, 1961, notes Price List January 2, 1962 & Shipping Schedule March 1, 1962 Notes and Shipping Schedule April 19, 1963 Memo, Price lists for Lexington and Grand Rapids Cat for both Grand Rapids and Lexington N.C, Price Lists for both 1967 Grand Rapids Michigan & Lexington N.C Grand Rapids Michigan & Lexington N.C Notes Company Name Town State Henredon Furniture Industries Inc. Henredon Furniture Industries Inc. Henredon Furniture Industries Inc. Henredon Furniture Industries Inc. Henry C. Steul & Sons Inc Heritage Furniture Heywood-Wakefield Heywood-Wakefield Morganton Morganton Morganton Morganton Buffalo High Point North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina New York North Carolina Hickory Chair Company Holland Furniture Company Hooker Furniture Corporation Mobel Inc Hickory Holland Martinsville Ferdinand Number Year Title Notes 1955 [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] 1955 19591960 1964 [19--] 1968 [19--] Henredon's 18th Century Portfolio Four Centuries Henredon Occasional Furniture Henredon Fine Furniture Henry C. Steul & Sons Kingsbridge Collection Old Colony by Heywood-Wakefield Old Colony Solid Rock Maple Furniture N Y N Y N N Y Chairs and Upholstered Furniture Attractive Bedroom Furniture Hooker Furniture Coporation Pinehurst The Heritage of Timeless Design N N N N Enclosures Notes throughout Notes Notes throughout Price List North Carolina Michigan Virginia Indiana 1964 Hubbard, Eldredge & Miller and M.C. Rochester Company Hubbard, Eldredge & Miller Rochester Conant Ball Furniture Makers (The Roger Conant Group) Huntingburg Furniture Co. Huntington New York 1 1912 Monastery Mission Craft N New York Fall 1912 5th Edition [19--] Fancy Chairs and Rockers Conant Ball N Y [Note: Oversize] Reference to J.L Hudson Co. & Notes Indiana 1959 N Price List June 15,1959 Huntingburg Furniture Co. Huntington Indiana 1951 Old Time Values in Modern Bedroom Furniture The twin oaks line of Bedroom Furniture Jr. Dining Furniture and Desks N Price List June 18, 1951 Imperial Funiture Co. Imperial Desk Co. Jaycee Furniture Ltd. Grand Rapids Evansville Brighton Michigan Indiana England 1912-13 Imperial Tables 1915 Imperial Desk Co. Office Desks 1967 English Style Jaycee N N N Jaycee Furniture Ltd. Jaycee Furniture Ltd. Joerns Bros Manufacturing Co. Joerns Furniture Company Brighton Brighton Sheboygan Stevens Point England England Wisconsin Wisconsin [19--] [19--] 1915 1965 N N N Y Price List January 1, 1913 Price List December 1, 1915 price list January 1967 [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] Price List May 1, 1915 Personal Note, Price Schedule No. 4 01/01/65 Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre 15 21 Trevana by Jaycee The Timeless World of Jaycee Joerns Bros Manufacturing Co. Patient Room Furniture American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Price Lists (2) June 10, 1968 Company Name Town State John Widdicomb Co. Johnson-Carper Furniture Co. Inc. Johnson-Carper Furniture Co. Inc. Johnson Furniture Co. Johnson-HandleyJohnson Co. C.E. Jorgenson Furniture Company New York Roanoke Roanoke Grand Rapids Year Title New York Virginia Virginia Michigan [19--] [19--] [19--] 1940 John Widdicomb Co. 1776 Collection The Homestead Collection Hand-Made Furniture Occasional Pieces N N N Y Chicago Illinois C.E. Jorgenson Furniture Co. N The Karges Furniture Company The Keller Manufacturing Company The Keller Manufacturing Company Evansville Corydon Corydon Indiana Indiana Indiana 19171918 1915 1955 1959 Bedroom Furniture Karges Peter Klerner Furniture 60 Keller Personality Furniture N N Y The Keller Manufacturing Company Corydon Indiana 1961 61 years of Craftsmanship in wood Y The Keller Manufacturing Company Corydon Indiana 1963 63 years of Craftsmanship in wood Y The Keller Manufacturing Company Kiel Furniture Company Kittinger Authentique Furniture Kittinger Authentique Furniture Corydon Milwaukee Buffalo Buffalo Indiana Wisconsin New York New York [19--] 1913 [19--] [19--] Catalog Kiel Furniture Catalog 1913 Kittinger Authentique Furniture Kittinger presents Three New Dining Suites N N N N Knob Creek Occasional Furniture Charles P. Lambert Company Morganton North Carolina [19--] [19--] N N The Lane Co. Inc. Altavista Virginia Knob Creek Occational Furniture Charles P. Lambert Company Cabinet Makers Silhouette The Lane Co. Inc. Altavista Virginia N The H. Lauter Company Indianapolis Indiana Leroi Funiture Manufacturing Company St. Louis Missouri 1915 Set Something beautiful Going with furniture by Lane Furniture for the Bed Room and Living Room Leroi Furniture Mfg. Co. Y Letter to Krug Bros Lexington Chair Company Lexington North Carolina 1955 (No Title) N Loose Pages. Price List December 15, 1955 Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 1913 Spring 1964 1977 1918 1918 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes N Enclosures Circled Pictures and notes Price List December 15, 1955 Partially filled out order form, Notes, Price List August 1, 1959 Personal Note, Price List January 1, 1961 Personal Note on front, Price List January 1, 1963 Loose Pages [Note: Oversize] Price List Spring 1964 [Note: Oversize] N Company Name Town State Number Loomis & Hart Furniture Co. Chattanooga Tennessee 1917-1918 1917-18 Bed Room & Dining Room Furniture N Price List July 1, 1917 Loomis & Hart Furniture Co. Chattanooga Tennessee 1920 1920 N Stock List Aug 30, 1920 Price List 1920 Loomis & Hart Furniture Co. Chattanooga Tennessee 57 1922 Good Furniture for the Bedroom and Dining Room Bedroom Suites and TenneCedar Chests N Price List July 20, 1922 1874-1928 N Informational Catalogue of Combined Co. N 1925 1910 Furniture for the Library Bedroom Hall and Novelties Luger's Dependable Furniture Luger Fall and Holiday Supplement Maddox Tables N N Luce Furniture Co. Michigan Chair Co. The Furniture Shops Louis Hanson Company Year 18741928 Title Notes Chicago Illinois 47 The Luger Furniture Co. Luger Furniture Co. and St. Paul Table Co. Luger Furniture Co. Maddox Table Company Minneapolis Minneapolis Minnesota Minnesota 78 62 Minneapolis Jamestown Minnesota New York [19--] [19--] The Manistee Manufacturing Company Manistee Michigan The Marble & Shattuck Chair Co. Cleveland Ohio 1916-17 Bed Room Furniture Chifforobes and Buffets 1917 Office Chairs N Marquetry and Bronze Paris France 1926 Album de Meubles N Mechanics Furniture Company Mechanics Furniture Company Rockford Rockford Illinois Illinois 1913 1922 Fine and Medium Furniture The Mechanics Line N N Medallion Ltd. The Mengel Company New York Louisville New York Kentucky 1965 1955 The Medallion Limited Collection 1965 New Mengel Catalog Sheets N Y Mersman Bros. Brandts Co. Mersman Bros. Brandts Co. Mersman Bros. Brandts Co. Mersman Bros. Brandts Co. Mersman Bros. Corporation Celina Celina Celina Celina Celina Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio 1914 1915 1917 1918 1932 Dining Tables Library Tables Tables for the Dining Room and Library 1917 Gladiator Tables 1918 Gladiator Tables Mersman Table Talks N N N N N Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre 51 1965 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Y N Y Enclosures Notes and Bookmarked pages 3/23/21 referenced on a page (date) Price List January 1917, Note on one pg Price List August 10, 1917 [Note: Oversize] Price List 1926 All French [Note: Oversize] Price List January 1, 1913 Price List, January 1, 1922 [Note: Oversize] Price List October 19, 1964 Personal Letter to Howard and Price List June 20, 1955 Price List 1914 Price List 1915 Price List Dec 1, 1916 Company Name Town State Mersman Bros. Corporation The Mersman Bros. Corporation Mersman Bros. Corporation Meyer Both Company Celina Celina Celina Chicago Ohio Ohio Ohio Illinois Michigan Desk Company Michigan Desk Company Michigan Desk Company Michigan Desk Company The Herman Miller Furniture Company Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Zeeland Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan 4 5 6 Milne Chair Company The Milwaukee Chair Co. Minneapolis Furniture Company Minneapolis Furniture Company Minneapolis Furniture Company Minneapolis Furniture Company Chattanooga Milwaukee Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Tennessee Wisconsin Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota 1917 59 28 Annual 38 40 37 Mohasco Company Morgan Furniture Company Meubelfabriek Garant Delphi Asheville Best Indiana North Carolina Holland Murphy Chair Co. Inc. Owensboro Kentucky Mutschler Brothers Co. [The Carl Co.?] Newark Ohio Furniture Co. Nappanee Indiana Newark Ohio 1911 Newark Ohio Furniture Co. Nichols & Stone Co. Newark Gardner Ohio Massachusetts Nicholson Kendle Furniture Co. Huntington West Virginia Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number Junior Edition Year Title 1936 1936 1936 1929 Mersman Tables Mersman Price List 1936 Mersman Tables Supplement Catalog Meyer Both Furniture Service N N N N 1909 1912 1913 1916 1925 Office Desks for 1909 Office Desks Office Desks Office Desks Fine Bedroom Furniture N N N N N 1917 Notes Enclosures Price List March 1, 1936 Price List September 1936 Price List January 1, 1912 Price List January 1, 1913 Price List May 1, 1916 Price List January 1925 Milne Chairs Milwaukee Finer Chairs 1910 Twenty-Eighth Annual Catalog 1921 The Minneapolis Furniture Co. 1925-26 "The Birdseye Line" 1919Bed Room Furniture Kitchen Cabinets 1920 N N N N N N Price List 1917 [19--] [19--] 1973 Peters-Revington Furniture Morgan Nov-73 N N N Loose Pages 49 1921 Murphy Chair Co. Inc. N 20 1915 N N N 1919 [19--] Nappanee Tables 1915 The Napanee Lines Dining Room Suites and Extension Dining Tables Dining Room Suites How to Choose the Right Colonial Chair N N Price List April 1, 1919 [19--] (No Title) N Loose Pages American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Price List March 1, 1910 [Note: Oversize] Price List August 1, 1925 Price List December 1, 1919, Cut out Design in the back possible idea? Note: Catalogue in German [Note: Oversize] Supplement Catalog included Price List Aug. 1, 1921 Price List 1915 Company Name Town State H.C. Niemann & Co. H.C. Niemann & Co. H.C. Niemann & Co. R.W. Norman Company Inc. North-Western Cabinet Company Northern Furniture Co. Northern Furniture Co. Northern Furniture Co. Northern Furniture Co. Northern Furniture Co. Northern Furniture Co. Chicago Chicago Chicago Salisbury Burlington Sheboygan Sheboygan Sheboygan Sheboygan Sheboygan Sheboygan Illinois Illinois Illinois North Carolina Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Northern Furniture Co. The Orleans Cabinet Company Paoli Cabinet Co. Peck & Hills Furniture Co. Peck & Hills Furniture Co. Penn Furniture Co. Pennsylvania Furniture Company Inc. Pennsylvania House Pennsylvania House Sheboygan Orleans Paoli Chicago Chicago Conneautville York Lewisburg Lewisburg Wisconsin Indiana Indiana Illinois Illinois Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania House Peru Chair Co. The Peterson Art Furniture Co. Posselius Bros. Furniture Mfg. Co. Posselius Bros. Furniture Mfg. Co. Posselius Bros. Furniture Mfg. Co. Lewisburg Peru Faribault Detroit Detroit Detroit Pennsylvania Indiana Minnesota Michigan Michigan Michigan Ramseur Furniture Company New York Ramseur Furniture Company New York Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number Year Title 21 22 26 29 30 32 [19--] 1915 1916 1960 1914 1911 1912 1914 1916 1917 1920 Animals and Tables Tables Tables Price List (sheet) North-Western Cabinet Company 1914 Northern Furniture Co. Northern Furniture Company Northern Furniture Company Northern Furniture Company Northern Furniture Company Northern Furniture Company N N N N N N N N N N Y 33 7 1921 1914 N 1906 1911 1914 1911 [19--] [19--] Northern Furniture Company Tables Pedestals Extension Tables 1906 Wholesale Furniture Quick Shipment Catalog Dining Tables Pennsylvania Furniture Company Inc. Pennsylvania House Pennsylvania House The Collector's Book [19--] 1912 1911 1913 1915 1917 The Collector's Gallery Peru Chair Company The Peterson Art Furniture Co. Spring Catalogue January 1913 Spring Catalogue January 1915 Spring Catalogue 1917 Y N N N N N New York [19--] N New York [19--] Modern Bedroom Suites styled by Ramseur Modern Bedroom Suites styled by Ramseur Price List 1911 Price List January 1913 Price list 1915 Price list January 1, 1917 & May 21, 1917 Price list 1953 & 1954 N Price List 1954 1911 Spring Spring Spring American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes N N N N N N Y Enclosures Price List 1915 Price List 1916 Price List April 15, 1960 Price List December 5, 1916 Price List July 1917 Notes on pages [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] Price List January 1, 1914 Price List January 1, 1914 Price List January 1, 1911 Picture inserted in book Newspaper clippings inserted Company Name Town State Number Year Title J. P. Rann & Son Red Wing Furniture Company Red Wing Furniture Company Chicago Red Wing Red Wing Illinois Minnesota Minnesota Riverside Furniture Corporation Fort Smith Arkansas A. Robineau Furniture Company Rockford Cabinet Co. Rockford Cabinet Co. Rockford Cabinet Co. Chicago Rockford Rockford Rockford Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois 1928 Rockford Chair & Furniture Company Rockford Desk Company Rockford Rockford Illinois Illinois Rockford Frame & Fixture Co. Rockford Light Furniture Co. Rockford Rockford Illinois Illinois 28 Annual 1911 1917-1918 19171918 41 1913 1915 1915 Rockford Standard Furniture Co. Rockford Standard Furniture Co. Rockford Rockford Illinois Illinois Rockford Standard Furniture Co. Rockford Rockford Standard Furniture Co. 1925 [19--] 1927 1925 J. P. Rann & Son Red Wing Furniture Company Red Wing Furniture N N N [19--] The Desk Collection Y 1928 [19--] [19--] 1926 Spring and Summer Catalog 1928 (No Title) Price Lists (No Title) N N N N Price List May 15, 1927 Inserted Price List March 15, 1926 with additional furniture ad Personal note to Howard dated 03/14/78 Blank Order Form Price List and Loose papers Suites 158, 167, 169, 147,159,171 Letter to Krug Bros and Loose papers Catalog 1911 High Grade Furniture N N Price List for 1912 Price List 1917-1918 N N Price List 1913 Catalog 1913 1913 1921-1922 1921 Rockford Frame and Furniture Blue Seal Quality The Line of a Hundred Masterpieces Rockford Standard Furniture Co. Rockford Standard Furniture Co. N N Price List Catalog 1913 Price List Catalog 1921 Illinois 1926-1927 1926 Rockford Standard Furniture Co. N Price List Catalog 1926 Rockford Illinois 1925-1926 1925 Rockford Standard Furniture Co. N Rockford Superior Furniture Co The Romweber Company Rockford Batesville Illinois Indiana 1917 Superior Furniture for 1917 Viking Oak N Y St. Johns Table Co. St. Johns Table Co. Cadillac Cadillac Michigan Michigan 1917 19491950 1921 1934 St. Johns Tables St. Johns Tables N Y North Carolina Indiana 1964 [19--] Sanford All Pulling Together N N Sanford Furniture Company Sanford Schelosky Table Co. Klamer-Goebel Furn. Evansville Co. Wertz-Klamer Furn. Co. Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Price List Catalog 1917 Notes on pages [Note: Oversize] Notes and Circled Furniture, Price List Jan 1, 1934 & June 26, 1934 Price List April 15, 1964 Combined Companies Company Name Town State Schelosky Table Company Schelosky Table Company Schelosky Table Company Schor-Parcraft Inc. Schram Bros. Company Evansville Evansville Evansville Passaic Chicago Indiana Indiana Indiana New Jersey Illinois Sears, Roebuck and Co. G. I. Sellers & Sons Co. The Seng Company Sheboygan Novelty Company Chicago Elwood Chicago Sheboygan Illinois Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Sheboygan Novelty Company Sheboygan Novelty Company Showers Brothers Company Sheboygan Sheboygan Bloomington Wisconsin Wisconsin Indiana Showers Brothers Company Bloomington Indiana Showers Brothers Company Bloomington Indiana Showers Brothers Company Bloomington Indiana Showers Brothers Company Bloomington Indiana Showers Brothers Company Bloomington Indiana Showers Brothers Company Simmons Company Skandia Furniture Co. Bloomington Chicago Rockford Indiana Illinois Illinois Skandia Furniture Co. Rockford Illinois Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number Year Title "G" "G" 1962-63 S. 53 1914 [19--] [19--] 1962-63 [19--] Schelosky Table Company Schelosky Table Company Supplement Catalogue "G" Distinctive Early American Lamps Popular Priced Library Suites-Rockers Tables-Chairs-Sectional Bookcases Furniture Sellers Sectional Kitchen Equipment The Seng Book 1915-1916 Catalog [19--] [19--] 1961 1915-1916 19151916 1910-11 Fall and Spring 1910-11 1912 Supplement Spring 1912 60th Ann. 1928 60th Anniversary Catalog Showers Furniture Spring 1935 Showers furniture 1935 Spring and Summer Summer Catalog Fall Winter 1935 Showers 1935 Fall and Winter Furniture Portfolio Fall Winter 1937 Showers Furniture 1937-38 Fall and Winter Portfolio Spring 1940 Showers Spring Summer 1940 Summer Fall Winter 1954 Showers Fall 1954 Winder Supplement 40 1954 1963 19121913 1926 Notes Enclosures N N N N N Price List 1914 Y N N N Notes N N Y Price List July 1910 Price List April 1912 Price List March 1, 1928 Y Circled Pictures and notes Y Blank Order Form, Price List July 8, 1935, Circled Pictures Blank Order Form, Price List July 5, 1937, Circled Pictures Price List Jan. 8, 1940, Blank Order Form Price List August 10, 1953 Y N N Price List Showers 1954-55 Furniture Portfolio Simmons Upholstered Furniture Skandia N N N Price List June 21, 1954 (No Title) N Price List January 2, 1926, Loose Pages American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Price List 1913 Company Name Town State Sligh Furniture Co. Holland Sligh Furniture Co. Year Title Michigan 19691970 Sligh Furniture Desk/Bookcase/Chairs/Tables/Commodes Holland Michigan N Sligh Furniture Co. Holland Michigan 1976/197 Sligh Furniture 1976/1977 7 1980 Sligh Furniture Catalog Supplement 1980 N Price List April 1, 1981 Spencer Sprague & Carleton Marion Keene Indiana New Hampshire [19--] [19--] N N [Note: Oversize] Standard Table Company Standardized Furniture Company Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Greensboro Grand Rapids Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett North Carolina Michigan Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia 1915 Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number Spring 1960 [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] The Line that Sells Spencer King's Arrow Collection by Sprague & Carleton Price List Buffets Tables & Chairs Catalog and Price List Spring 1960 Colonial Heritage American Forum Bergamo II Caliente (green) Caliente (yellow) Citadel (brandy) Citadel (blue) Citadel (green) Colony Park Granville Ole by Stanley (red) Ole by Stanley (green) Ole by Stanley (yellow) Profiles Regalia (chablis) Regalia (cognac) Regalia small space dining furniture Registry Registry for small space dining Registry (blue) American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Enclosures Price List May 12, 1969 Price List January 1, 1915 Notes Price List April 22, 1960 Price List April 22, 1962 Company Name Town State Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassett Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Statton Furniture Mfg. Co. Statton Furniture Mfg. Co. Hagerstown Hagerstown Maryland Maryland Stickley Brothers Company Grand Rapids Michigan Stout Furniture Co. Stylemaker Furniture Company Tell City Furniture Co. Tell City Chair Co. Tell City Chair Co. Tell City Chair Co. Tell City Chair Co. Tell City Chair Co. Tell City Chair Co. Tell City Chair Co. Salem Ferdinand Tell City Tell City Tell City Tell City Tell City Tell City Tell City Tell City Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 1966 Edition 658 Spring 53 54 57 58 59 60 Year Title [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] 1966 Rendition (aqua finish) Rendition (ivory finish) Sea Island (sand finish) Sea Island (briny finish) Bergere Summary Summary small space dining furniture Barclay Tabouret for small space dining Toujours Moi (caladon green) Toujours Moi (lemon chiffon yellow) Toujours Moi (the berries blue) Treasury Vittoria Vittoria for small Space Dining Col'Legere Signature Series N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N 1958 [19--] Statton Trutype Americana Your Handbook of Statton Trutype Americana Stickley Brothers Company The Old House N Y Price List May 1958 & July 1958 Note to Howard N Price List Jan. 1, 1924 Stout Furniture Company Stylemaker Bedroom Furniture Tell City Furniture Company Tell City Chairs Fine Furniture for living and dining Tell City Chair Company Tell City Chair Company Danish Modern Tell City Chair Company Slate Top (supplement to Cat. 60) N N N N N N N N N N Price List 1914 Price List June 15, 1959 Price List June 1, 1917 Price List January 4, 1954 Price Lists June 21, 1954 1924 1914 1959 1917 1954 1954 [19--] 1958 1958 1960 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Personal list Price List June 16, 1958 Price List June 16, 1958 Price List August 10, 1959 Price List June 20, 1960 Company Name Town State Temple-Stuart Co. Baldwinville Thomasville Furniture Ind. Inc. Tell City Chair Co. Tennessee Furniture Corporation Year Title Massachusetts 1960 N Price List Oct. 15, 1960 Thomasville Tell City Chattanooga North Carolina Indiana Tennessee [19--] [19--] [19--] Temple-Stuart Showplace Dining Areas in Rockport Maple Country Classic How to Sell More Chairs Cavalier Furniture N N N Price List May 1, 1930 & Feb 1, 1930 Thomasville Furniture Ind. Inc. Thomasville Furniture Ind. Inc. Thomasville Furniture Ind. Inc. Thomasville Furniture Ind. Inc. Thomasville Furniture Ind. Inc. Thompson Mfg. Co. Thonet Industries Inc. Thonet Industries Inc. Timely Furniture Co. Thomasville Thomasville Thomasville Thomasville Thomasville North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina New York New York Indiana N N N N N N N N N The Udell Works Indianapolis Indiana 34 Thomasville Livingroom Thomasville Diningroom Guidelines to Decorating Good Ideas for Furnishing your Home Guidelines to Decorating (No Title) Thonet Thonet 6610 Traffic-Building Promotional Bedroom Furniture The Udell Works [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] New York New York Huntington [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] [19--] N Blank Order form The Udell Works The Udell Works Indianapolis Indianapolis Indiana Indiana 48 54 Your Udell Warehouse Dependable Furniture made by Udell N N Blank Order Form Price List June 15, 1917 The Udell Works Indianapolis Indiana 60 Dependable Furniture made by Udell N The Udell Works The Udell Works The Udell Works Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indiana Indiana Indiana 82 Y N N Notes, Price List July 1, 1924 Price List January 25, 1927 Price List May 1, 1927 The Udell Works The Udell Works The United States Furniture Co. Unique Furniture Makers United Manufacturing Company Inc. United Furniture Corporation Indianapolis Indianapolis Evansville Indiana Indiana Indiana 88 Indiana North Carolina N N N Y N N Price List October 15, 1927 Jasper Lexington Udell Dependable Furniture Udell Sectional Bookcases Dependable Player Piano Roll and Radio Cabinets Radio Cabinets by Udell Special Spring Showing 1928 Uncle Sam Desks and Secretaries (No Title) United Distinctive Furniture Alliance by United Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 87 19101911 1915-16 19161917 19171918 1924 1927 1927 1927 1928 1926 1938 1963 [19--] American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Loose Pages Price List July 15, 1959 Price List April 1, 1926 Price List November 1, 1938, Notes Price List January 7, 1963 Company Name Town State United Furniture Corporation United Furniture Corporation United Furniture Corporation United Furniture Corporation United Furniture Corporation Lexington Lexington Lexington Lexington Lexington United Furniture Corporation Year Title North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina [19--] 1969 1970 1970 [19--] Conquero by United Panoramic by United Gala by United Illustra Noblesse N N N N N Lexington North Carolina [19--] Pantheon N Prices written throughout catalogue [Note: Oversize] United Furniture Corporation Lexington North Carolina United N Prices written throughout catalogue [Note: Oversize] The United States Furniture Company Upham Manufacturing Company Upham Manufacturing Company Upham Manufacturing Company Upham Manufacturing Company Upham Manufacturing Company Evansville Marshfield Marshfield Marshfield Marshfield Marshfield Indiana Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin [19--] 1910 1913 1915 1926 1926 The United States Furniture Company Upham 1910 Upham 1913 Upham Bedroom Furniture 1915 Upham Bedroom Furniture Supplement to January 1, 1926 Catalogue N N N N N N Price List Cat. G Price List January 1, 1910 Price List January 1, 1913 Price List January 1, 1915 Price List January 1, 1926 Price List Aug 1, 1926 and May 1, 1927 Voss Mantel Co. Voss Mantel Co. B. Walter & Co. West Michigan Furniture Co. Louisville Louisville Wabash Holland Kentucky Kentucky Indiana Michigan [19--] 1913 1921 Voss Tables Voss Tables Refectory Tables Style Stability Service Satisfaction N N N N Consider H. Willett Inc. Louisville Kentucky 1958 Willett Fine Furniture N Consider H. Willett Inc. Louisville Kentucky 1955 Willett Catalog for 1955 N Consider H. Willett Inc. Louisville Kentucky 1957-1958 Willett Catalog N Consider H. Willett Inc. Louisville Kentucky 19571958 19581959 1958-1959 Willett Catalog N Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number "G" 1913 1915 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Price List December 19, 1969 Price list May 5, 1970 Price List April 10, 1970 Prices written throughout catalogue [Note: Oversize] Price List Season 1913 Price List August 1, 1921 [Note: Oversize] Price List [Note: Oversize] Price List November 1, 1955 [Note: Oversize] Price list June 1, 1957 [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] Company Name Town State Wilson Furniture Company Inc. Louisville Wilson Furniture Company Inc. Yorke Furniture Company Yorke Furniture Company Youngsville Manufacturing Co. Youngsville Manufacturing Co. Youngsville Manufacturing Co. Young-Hinkle The Zangerle & Peterson Co. Year Title Kentucky 1915 Distinctive Dependable Furniture N Louisville Concord Concord Youngsville Youngsville Norwood Lexington Chicago Kentucky North Carolina North Carolina Pennsylvania Pennsylvania North Carolina North Carolina Illinois 1916 1907 1912 1932 1935 1959 Spring 1938 N N N N N Y N N The Zangerle & Peterson Company Chicago Illinois Fall 1937 The Zangerle & Peterson Co. The Zangerle & Perterson Co. The Zangerle & Peterson Co. The Zangerle & Peterson Co. Zangerle & Peterson Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois 1 Sup 1 1938 1938 [19--] [19--] [19--] Wilson Furniture Company Yorke Furniture Company Yorke Furniture of Distinction Furniture of Distinction fantasia Shenandoah Pine Price List for Furniture Frames Spring Line 1938 Price List for Furniture Frames Fall Line 1937 Fine Occasional Furniture Supplement Catalogue No. 1 Livingroom Furniture Frames Livingroom Furniture Frames Fine Occasional Furniture Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Number 2 American & International Furniture Catalogues, A2014.003.1-6-6 Notes Enclosures Price List January 1915 [Note: Oversize] [Note: Oversize] Price List 1907 Price List June 1, 1912 Price List Dec, 1 1932 Price List August 20, 1935 Notes, Price list April 10, 1959 Price List Spring Line 1938 N Price List Fall Line 1937 N N N N N Price List 1938 Price List 1938 [Note: Oversize]
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