Ivy Street Times 2.11.pages


Ivy Street Times 2.11.pages
The Ivy Times
Issue #2
June 3, 2016
200 Ivy Street
"Grown from the Ground Up"
to The Ivy Times!
This is a newsletter
run by and for the
students here at the Ivy
Street School! Please
enjoy the rest of the
issue, and have an
awesome day!
Sat: Partly Cloudy, Hi 53,
Lo 38, prcp. 0%
Sun: AM Showers/Wind, Hi
42, Lo 25, prcp. 30%
Mon: Sunny, Hi 39, Lo 30,
prcp. 0%
Tue: Snow Showers, Hi 37,
Lo 28, prcp. 60%, 1-3 in.
Wed: Mostly Sunny, Hi 40,
Lo 28, prcp. 10%
Awesome Travelogues: pg. 2
Amazing Creativity Content: pg. 3-6
Histories and App Reviews: pg. 7
The World is Our Classroom: pg. 8
School Store Ad: pg. 9
Great Reviews: pg. 10-11
All-New Tech Time: pg. 12
Future Events and Comedy Club Report: pg. 13
Kindly Update: The Panda Project: pg. 14-15
Delicious Recipes: pg. 16
Election Issues Information: pg. 17-20
This Month in History: pg. 21
Fun Facts on Dogs: pg. 22
The Ivy Poll: pg. 23
Questions? Comments? Whatever
else? Contact B1 for more info!
email: theivytimes@gmail.com
I wish to go to…
If I could travel anywhere in the
world it would be Tokyo, Japan, because the
culture is different from the United States,
and the food is weird but I'd like to try it.
The food I would really love to try is
octopus and sushi, because sushi I would
try again, and I never tried octopus, but it’s
tricky to cook with that, I heard from the
show called "The Worst Cooks of America.”
Also the clothes and anime in Japanese
make it look like it's pretty awesome to live
there. The money is different from the U.S.
because the money is so fun to say, it's call
yen. It looks like this:
Scituate is the town that I grew up in and a
beach town that includes Minot, Egypt and
Peggotty beach. I come home every weekend
from South Station in Boston and get picked up
by a parent at the Greenbush stop in Scituate.
An early name of Scituate was Satuit, which
took the meaning of “Cold Brook.” It referred to
a small stream flowing into the harbor. There
were different ways that it was spelled including
Sityate, Cituate, Seteat, etc. At about 1640 the
present form of the name was added. Some
surrounding towns include Cohasset, Hingham
and Duxbury. No one knows why a silent “C”
was added. At about that time it was common to
add a silent “C” to words. I think that it is a very
bright and sunny town.
There are nice beaches and it is a nice
community. It is very pretty and there are a lot
of nice people. It is a very supportive place and
a lot of people like going there but a lot of
people are very alike. It would be cooler if it was
a more diverse place. I remember being a kid in
Scituate and liking the view of the town but
couldn’t as much connect to the kids there. As
an adult I’m not sure if I quite want to go back
there or maybe want to live somewhere with all
types of different people later in my life.
A few cool things to check out when going
there are Maria’s Sub Shop, Barker Tavern and
Satuit Tavern. Some great places to visit in
Scituate are the Scituate Lighthouse, Lawson
Tower and any of the beaches which are Minot,
Egypt and Pegotty beach. Also if you like golf be
sure to visit Widow’s Walk. Its accessible with
train, car and there is the water so you can go by
Think you’re creative? Send
in YOUR work to B1 today!
Or email it to…
Submissions can include:
-Short Stories
…pretty much anything!
I Remember
by the F1 Classroom
I remember beating Alainna in the shooter
(Learning the use of Gerunds)
I remember riding the yellow roller coaster ride.
I remember playing DDR by myself.
I remember getting prizes.
I remember holding Alainna back from going to
every store in the mall.
I remember getting milkshakes.
I remember Alainna dancing in the car.
Some things I may forget, but when it comes to
Dave and Buster's there are many things I
A silent soul screaming under the
Stealing the breath of what can’t
be heard anymore.
Forget about back then and focus
on now.
I no longer care for what
happened, or how.
For Schwartz (1999)
We hope to hear from
you! Submit your
creativity to us:
Continuing from the previous “Ivy Times”
Luna is talking to Spike:
“You’re the new kid…yeah, well this is our school and I don’t care for the “queen bee”. She is
mean to people like us.”—looks at him—“Why are your eyes light blue?”
Spike: “I gotta go…”
Luna sees him leave—“Hey, where are you going, Spike?”
Spike: “You're not like me, Luna, you don’t know it feels to be alone and not human.”
Luna: “I know what you are, Spike, my mom is like you.”
Spike: “You’re scared to say it!”
Luna: “I am not scared, you’re a vampire.”
Spike: “I am not just human, I am a half-blooded vampire”. Spike says—“ you will know how
it feels Luna, when you’re full blood”—Luna says—“I am sorry, Spike”—goes back to school
—sees her dad, Luna’s Dad: “Luna, who were you talking to?”
Luna says: “A friend,”—looks at Spike—
Luna’s Dad: “Stay away from my daughter!”
Luna: “Dad, no, he is my…”
“…friend,” says Spike. “Luna, where are you going?”
Luna: “To be alone.”—goes into the woods—Spike starts talking—“Luna, wait up!”
Luna: “What??”
To see what happens with Luna and Spike in the woods, log on to:
The History of Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a national holiday that occurs on the last Monday in May. This year, Memorial
Day is Monday, May 30, 2016. Memorial Day was originally named Decoration Day by General
John A. Logan to honor Civil War Veterans. It honors those who died in military service for the
United States of America. The first Memorial Day was celebrated in Waterloo, NY, in 1866.
Schools, libraries, and state and federal offices are closed on Memorial Day. Unofficially,
Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer weather.
The History of Bunker Hill
Bunker Hill Day is celebrated in Suffolk County on
June 17, and it marks a day during the American
Revolutionary War. Bunker Hill is located in the
Charlestown section of Boston and it overlooks Boston
Harbor. Suffolk County includes Boston, Revere,
Everett, and Chelsea. The communities celebrate
Bunker Hill Day with a parade on Sunday, June 12.
(Bunker Hill maps pictured below.) ↓
Shop Savvy: Find the
Lowest Prices
Unsure if you found the lowest price? The
Shop Savvy App is a barcode scanner that
will compare prices of the scanned product
in stores and online. The Shop Savvy App
might save you time and money by finding
the best price for you! Good for iPhones and
Androids, and it can be found in iTunes (IOS
7.0 or later) and Google Play.
Look for this
app logo →
Articles by Laura Miceli, Education Director
ePals: The World is Our Classroom
As a teacher, I always strive to expand my students’ thinking about the world we live in. About two months
ago I discovered a website called ePals where teachers can create profiles and connect with other teachers
from all over the globe. You can read other teachers’ profiles, which include a description of the school they
work in, the age of their students, how long they’ve been teaching, and what languages they speak.
A teacher from Bolgatanga, Ghana expressed an interest in connecting his classroom with mine. He is a
technology teacher who seeks to show his students the positive role technology can play. I messaged him
through ePals and eventually we exchanged Skype information. We video chatted and discussed the plan
for how we were going to bridge the gap between our two classrooms and countries. We shared some
information about each other and I spoke to my students about the possibility of this connection happening.
To prepare my students, I showed them where Ghana was on the
map and gave them a little context regarding the environment
there. So often we get a singular view of Africa and I thought this
would be a great opportunity to break down those stereotypes
and meet real people from a country in Africa. We read current
events articles about Ghana and a blog post from a traveler who
went there and visited the region in which Bolgatanga is located
(Upper East). In math, we imagined ourselves preparing for a trip
to Ghana and considered all the costs that would go into making
such a trip using real airfare prices and tour costs.
After a little over a month of preparing, we were finally able to set
up our first Skype call. My students huddled around the
computer and eagerly introduced themselves to the students from
Ghana. They asked each other questions about their schools and
the weather and what kinds of sports they play. There were
moments of laughter and enthusiasm that really transformed the
atmosphere in the classroom for those 40 minutes while we were
talking. In the second half of the call, the students connected over
music and sang songs to each other. After each song, the other
group of students applauded and cheered for them!
When meeting separately with their teacher later on over Skype,
we discussed topics to cover for our next meeting and decided on
music – given the strong interest the students demonstrated. Both
the teacher from Ghana and I asked our respective students what their favorite songs and artists were and
shared that with each other. We listened through the songs and made comments about what we thought of
them. For our second meeting we plan to discuss the music and give them a chance to share their thoughts
and ask any other questions they may have.
The plan is to make this a weekly Skype session so that they really feel like they’ve made a connection with
someone from another country.
Keanu is a new gangster comedy directed by
Peter Atencio and stars Keegan—Michael Key and
Jordan Peele from the show Key and Peele as two
cousins who live in the same city. One day one of
them has a kitten appear at his door who was
involved in some kind of crime scene. He names
him Keanu. I found it very funny seeing the
relationship between the main characters and the
kitten, and if that lasted the whole movie it
could’ve been very good. Also if they added some
attention to Keanu as a character. Unfortunately he
gets kidnapped in the first part of the movie which
actually kind of killed it for me. The two actors
infiltrate a street gang to find the kitten.
This film had a fair share of laughs and was
actually pretty good at portraying some more
serious moments. I’m now a little curious about
the show Key and Peele which the two actors in
this movie are from. I wasn’t expecting much from
this movie except for a goofy comedy which I got.
It was mostly pretty followable and pretty
fun. Definitely a good mildly enjoyable
movie if you have any interest in one.
Five Finger Death
My favorite band is Five Finger
Death Punch because it helps me
stay focused and positive. I listen to
it every day and learn as I go about
the music video.
My favorite band member is
Ivan Moody because he talks about
wars, running away and
depression. I pick this band because
it’s calming me down and stop
being depressed.
My favorite songs are “Digging
My Own Grave,” “Wash It All
Away,” “My Nemesis” and
“Question Everything” because I
get sad, mad, and anxious.
Reviews Cont’d
The Huntsman: Winter’s War
In a Nutshell: In this prequel to
Snow White and the Huntsman, a
feud is formed between
Ravenna and her older sister,
Freya (Elsa 2.0). Yearning for the
power to defeat her, Elsa 2.0
calls upon Eric, the Huntsman,
to retrieve a magic mirror. His
friend, Sara and several dwarves
accompany him. As much as I
hate drawing
comparisons in my
movies, think
Fellowship of the
Ring meets a
Grimm’s rendition
of Frozen.
Writing: The
synopsis I just
gave is the nicest
way to describe it
since it’s so boring
and convoluted.
Being a prequel,
almost everyone’s arch has to be
started from the ground up.
Other elements include a Snow
White subplot, both of the
queens’ motives, and two love
stories. As you can imagine, the
line delivery isn’t any better.
Every so often chemistry
between characters became
intolerable due to cheesy
dialogue. Other times you’re
yawning, waiting for something
to happen. Frequently some of
the jokes made me chuckle, but
that’s not enough to entertain
one hundred-and-twenty-three
Performances and Characters:
Not much can be said differently
for our heroes nor villains since
Chris Hemsworth being just
interesting enough. It’s a shame
he doesn’t go anywhere,
because he’s being pulled in
multiple directions by everyone
else. Charlize Theron’s reprise is
enjoyable even though her
character had no reason to be
there. Since Kristen Stewart
didn’t sign on, they hired a body
double so whenever they talk
about Snow White the camera
only shows her back. Newcomer
Emily Blunt plays her role as
stone-faced and monotone as
possible, which makes Freya
unengaging. Granted, based on
what happens, anyone would
behave similarly. Jessica
Chastain is similar to Blunt even
though she does do more
fighting. Despite its feminist
edge women should be able to
both cease the day and be
Craftsmanship: The film’s
director, Cedric Nicolas-Troyan
was a visual effects supervisor
on its predecessor. Him
directing does not come as a
surprise since the visuals are its
redeeming quality. Combining
architectural designs with what
today’s technology can do.
There are, however, some
moments with the
fantasy creatures
where you can tell
they’re CGI. These
the benefit their
action scenes
because there
aren’t as many
cuts. One I found
most memorable
was a bar room
blitz that had no
music, which made
each blow feel
vivid. My biggest
complaint with the other
sequences and how it was cut at
points where you’re supposed to
feel the same thing…2/5
So we have another film added
to the Sequels-Nobody-Asked-For
family. You can go watch it,
though, I guarantee you’re not
missing out on much. Not my
pick for worst film of 2016, but
it’s not worth mentioning.
Replay Value: Skip It.
Tech Time
Pandora Radio
iPhone 4S
Pandora radio is a good
product. It’s free to download
and has a bunch of categories
of music. You can type in any
artist and it will play all the
songs of that the artist has on
their albums. You also need to
register and put your email in,
choose a username, and your
password. If you lose your
email or username, you find
the “Forgot password” sign
and type all the information
you remember, then it will be
sent back to you again. There
are some rules and conditions
you need to agree to when you
sign up. It will just tell you
rules and about the app/
website. But for me it’s easy to
do and learn, hopefully it will
be for you out there too.
The iPhone 4S is a good
product. iPhones are
smartphones. You can
download games, research
things on the Internet, and
stay in touch with family and
friends. For these reasons, I
think the iPhone 4S is useful
and I recommend it to anyone
who wants a phone.
The iPod is a good product.
There are many reasons why I
like my iPod. I like to listen to
music. Music calms me down.
My iPod has games on it that I
can play. The video app on the
iPod helps me watch TV
shows and movies. Sometimes
I like to use it when I shouldn’t
but I am allowed to use it
when I am taking a break. And
so, the iPod is a good coping
skill all around.
My IPod is a good product. I
can listen to music on it. I can
connect with people on
Snapchat, lnstagram, and
Facebook with my iPod. My
iPod helps me express myself.
All of these reasons are why
my iPod is a great product!
Upcoming Events
• June 3-12: Pride Parade & Festival, Boston
• June 4: Cambridge Arts River Festival, Cambridge
• June 4: Fine Art and Food Trucks at Coolidge Corner—10 AM to 6 PM
• June 7-9: Scooper Bowl Ice Cream Fest, City Hall Plaza, Boston, 12-8 PM
• June 10-12: Greek Festival, Woburn
• June 10, 12, 18: Copa America Soccer at Gillette Stadium
• June 12: Dragon Boat Festival, Charles River in Boston
• June 15-16: Boston Pops plays Show Tunes—Boston Symphony Hall
• June 18: Make Music at Harvard Square—Music Festival
• June 24-25: Caribbean Food Festival, Boston
• June 25: Monster Truck Jam at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough (7 PM)
• June 26-27: Boston Jerkfest Culinary Festival in the South End
• Now thru July 10: Cirque du Soleil: Kurios at Suffolk Downs in Boston
Comedy Club Update
At Ivy Street on Wednesdays and
Thursdays, we do a fun club called Comedy
Club with a guy
named Andrew
Gostow. We call
him by his
nickname, Mac.
Some of the stuff
we do in Comedy
Club are playing
some warmup games,
creating our own
podcasts, and
making sketch
scripts. On
he comes to work
with students from all of the classrooms to learn
the skits and to write them. The skits they come
up with are used for Extravaganza. Mac’s
favorite song is “Since I’ve been Loving You” by
Led Zeppelin. Mac is inspired by both Louie CK
and Wayne Brady.
If we could sum
up Mac in one
sentence it would
be “a super chill
dude with lots of
swag and a fun
but laid back
The Panda Project
“Help Save the Pandas”
I am a student in F4 and I have been working on this project since the Fall of
2016. Why am I doing this? I love animals and especially pandas. Here are some
reasons why we need to help pandas. The world needs to save the pandas from
becoming extinct. We need to stop poachers from killing pandas for their furs.
Also, we have to stop cutting down the bamboo forests so the pandas have
enough food to eat. We need to help to educate people about pandas and help
scientists study pandas so they can take care of them in research centers or
special zoos.
YOU can help to save the pandas by donating just a little money every year.
Did you know…?
• Scientists believe there are only about 1,000 giant pandas left living in the
• Adult pandas eat 40 pounds of bamboo in 16 hours a day.
• Giant pandas are really small compared to other kinds of bears. They are
only called giant pandas so we can separate them from Red pandas,
which are small and actually not related to panda bears. (They are
related to the raccoon family.)
• Male pandas don’t bite or scratch when they fight. They wrestle.
The World Wildlife Foundation, WWF
*Continued from last page.
Donations will be given to The World Wildlife Foundation, WWF,
which is an organization that helps to save many living species and the
environment around the world. Scientists help animals. They need
money to do research. They help prevent animals from going extinct.
People need to be educated about the environment and animals. We
can teach people to respect animals and nature. We need to keep
animals out of trouble.
People need to protect the environment, too, so that people and
animals can live peacefully together.
In conclusion,
Your Voice Counts!
Support The Panda Project by buying
Panda Nice Notes and Panda Bookmarks.
You can use cash or Ron Bucks!
P.S. Barbara has made a generous donation to our fund, AND she would
like to MATCH any donations. Please help!
Delicious Recipes
Lighter Cheesecake Brownie
Prep: 20 min.
Cook: 40 min.
Total Time: 1 hr.
• Cooking spray
• Cheesecake topping:
• 8 oz. reduced-fat cream cheese
• 1/3 cup sugar
• 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
• 1 large egg
Brownie Layer:
• 2 oz. semisweet chocolate, coarsely
• 3 tbsp. unsalted butter
• 2 tbsp. canola oil
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch-process
cocoa powder
• 1 tsp. baking powder
• 1/2 tsp. fine sea salt
• Pinch cayenne pepper
• 3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
• 1/4 cup granulated sugar
• 1/2 cup low fat buttermilk
• 2 large egg whites
• 2 tsp. vanilla extract
3. Cheesecake topping: In a medium bowl and
using an electric mixer at medium speed, beat
the cream cheese until smooth and creamy,
about 1 minute. Beat in the sugar and the
vanilla until very smooth, 1 to 2 minutes. Beat
in the egg until well blended. Set aside.
4. Brownie layer: Put the chocolate, butter, and oil
in a small microwave-safe bowl and heat at 75
percent power for 30 seconds. Stir and
microwave again until melted and smooth,
about 30 seconds longer. (Alternatively, put the
chocolate, butter, and oil in a small heatproof
bowl. Bring a small saucepan filled with 1 inch
or so of water to a very slow simmer; set the
bowl over, not touching, the water, and stir
occasionally, until melted and smooth.)
5. Combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking
powder, salt, and cayenne in a medium bowl.
6. Combine the brown sugar and granulated
sugar in a large bowl. Whisk in the buttermilk,
egg whites, and vanilla. Add the chocolate
mixture and whisk vigorously until fully
incorporated and the batter is thick and glossy.
Gradually add the flour mixture and stir just
until it disappears.
7. Reserve 1/2 cup brownie batter and set aside.
Scrape the remaining brownie batter into the
prepared pan. Pour the cheesecake mixture
evenly over top. Drop the reserved brownie
batter in large dollops over the topping. Draw
the handle of a wooden spoon through the two
batters to create a swirled effect.
8. Bake until the top is just set, 40 to 45 minutes.
Let cool completely in the pan on a wire rack.
Lift brownies out of the pan by the foil and peel
off the foil. Spray a knife with cooking spray
and cut into 2-inch squares.
1. Position the rack in the lower third of the oven
and preheat it to 350ºF.
2. Line an 8x8” baking pan with foil so it hangs
over the edges by about one inch. Spray with
the cooking spray.
Send your recipes to: theivytimes@gmail.com.
How do you feel about this
year’s presidential issues?
Here’s what other Americans had to say…
*Continued on next page.
*Continued on next page.
*Continued on next page.
This Month in History
• On June 2, The Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts
Club Band was released in the US in 1967.
• On June 3, 1965 the first American, Edward White walked in
• On June 6, 1933 the first drive in movie theatre opened in
New Jersey.
• On June 8, 1845 President Andrew Jackson died.
• On June 14, 1775 the stars and stripes of the American flag
were founded.
• On June 15, 1752 Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is
• On June 17, 1928 Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly
across the Atlantic Ocean, from Newfoundland to Wales.
• On June 23, 1955 in Los Angeles, California Disney’s “Lady
and the Tramp” opened.
• On June 27, 1880 Hellen Keller was born in Tuscumbia,
• On June 28, 1836 President James Madison died.
• On June 28, 1894 Labor Day was established as a federal
• On June 29, 1767 British approved the Townshend Revenue
Acts, which welcomed import duties on tea, glass, lead, paint
and paper.
• On June 30, 1936 “Gone With The Wind” by Margaret Mitchell
was published.
Happy June!
Fun Facts: Dogs
Did you know there are about 340
different types of dog in the world?
Here are some fun facts about a few
popular dog breeds!
Golden Retriever
Originated in England
Was used by hunters to catch and bring back waterfowl like ducks
Today they make popular search and rescue and guide dogs
Golden retrievers love the water
They are one of the most common breed of dog in America
• Originated in Germany
• Used to go into badger and hare dens for hunters
• Dachshund means “Badger Hound”
• They have three coat types: smooth, long haired, or wirehaired
• The Dachshund is Queen Victoria’s favorite breed
• Originated in China
• Probably the oldest breed of dog, may have been around since 400 BC
• Pugs sleep an average of 14 hours a day
• Originally bred to sit in the laps of emperors
• In the 16th century, Prince William of Orange was saved by his pug when
the dog barked and alerted Prince William when troops invaded his camp
• Originated in Mexico
• The smallest breed of dog in the world
• Can live up to 18 years
• Get along very well with cats
• Chihuahuas used to be bigger and shrunk over time
• Originated in Canada
• Love swimming; actually have webbed feet
• Great water rescue dogs; have saved countless people from drowning
• They can weigh up to 150 pounds
• They are great dogs for children
The Ivy Poll
“What’s your favorite part of summer?”
The Beach
Warm Weather
Playing Sports
Going to Watch Sports
Other Voted
Summer Movies
Summer Concerts
None of the Above
Going to the Beach Wins!
Thanks for contributing!
Thanks for reading!
-The Ivy Times Staff
Contact us at: