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An overview of
EPP/CoR activities
4th CoR Term 2006-2010
An overview of
EPP/CoR activities
4th CoR Term 2006-2010
Table of Contents
The European People’s Party
The Committee of the Regions in brief
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Luc Van den Brande, President and 1st Vice President of the CoR
Members of the EPP/CoR Bureau 2004-2009
Opinions from EPP/CoR rapporteurs: covering a wide range of policy-areas
EPP Group Meetings and Conferences
Meetings with European Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament
OPEN DAYS seminars
Communication Events
Working with Europe's youth
Hosting students of European Studies
Important dates for the Committee of the Regions and the EPP family
Upon reviewing the work of the EPP Group during the last mandate, we can be very proud of the
leading role that we have played in defining the Committee of the Regions as it stands today. As our
friend and President of the CoR, Luc Van den Brande, expressed at the 15th anniversary celebrations
earlier this year, the CoR has come a long way since it was created by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992.
It has lived through four different treaties – Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice and now Lisbon – which have
continuously strengthened the role of the CoR by installing it as a political assembly of democratically
elected representatives, giving it a say in an increasing number of policy areas and granting it more
autonomy. Moreover, the three successive enlargements that have taken the EU from 12 to 27 members
have brought new experiences, approaches and ideas to the table.
In addition to drafting and amending opinions, we have published a number of strong declarations and
conclusions, which shows that we are the leading force and willing to confront difficult topics for the
benefit of the citizens that we represent. Furthermore, during this mandate we have placed a particular
emphasis on communication and "going local" to enable journalists and students to become more
involved in our work. Finally, I hope that the strong partnerships that we have forged with the European
Parliament, European Commission and the European People's Party will continue during the next
At a time when Europe is facing constant change due to globalisation, increasing environmental pressure
and financial uncertainty, we need a strong European Union rooted in its cities and regions. As the
largest Group in the Committee of the Regions, we have the opportunity to promote a body that is
fit for a Europe of the 21st century, built on cooperation between each level of government, connected
with the daily life of the citizens, based on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, and on a
shared commitment to economic and territorial cohesion.
Isidoro Gottardo
President of the EPP Group
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
The European People's Party
The European People's Party is the largest European-level party of Europe. With 74 member-parties
from 38 countries, 19 Heads of Government (13 EU and 6 non-EU), 9 European Commissioners
(including the President), the largest Group in the European Parliament with 265 members, and
the largest Group in the Committee of the Regions, the EPP is the leading political force in the
European Union.1
The EPP is the family of the political centre whose roots run deep in the history of the European
continent and which has pioneered the European project from inception. The EPP is committed to a
Europe, based on the principal of subsidiarity – a democratic, transparent and efficient Europe.
The European People's Party is one of 4 political groups represented in the Committee of the Regions:
The European People's Party
The Party of European Socialists
The Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
The Union for Europe of the Nations
The Committee of the Regions in brief
The Committee of the Regions dates back to the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992 and was formally
established two years later. This institution was created to give representatives of local government a
say over the content of EU legislation because approximately 70% of these laws are implemented by
local and regional authorities in EU Member States. The CoR is a political body, which must be consulted
on legislation which has an impact on the following policy areas: economic and social cohesion,
education and youth, culture, public health, trans-European networks, transport, employment, social
affairs, the environment, the European Social Fund and vocational training.
Committee of the Regions
The Committee of the Regions promotes the principle of subsidiarity, which states that the EU should
not act unless it can achieve an objective more effectively than the national, regional or local level. It
was the Christian Democratic leaders in Europe, who brought about the subsidiarity principal to allow
effective multi-level governance and a more balanced integration process.
Finally, the Committee of the Regions can also be understood to be a "meeting place" where regions and
cities can exchange ideas and best practise, in addition to dialogue with the European institutions.
Figures correct at October 2009
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of
the Regions
As a major political pillar in the Committee of the Regions, the EPP is the driving force for strengthening
and increasing the role and influence of local and regional authorities in the EU decision-making process.
The Group is characterised by a very rich traditional and cultural diversity and its members come from
diverse economic, social and territorial backgrounds. The aim of the EPP Group is to put citizens' interest
at the heart of all of our activities. Since 2003, Isidoro Gottardo chaired the EPP Group, working closely
and effectively with the CoR Presidents.
Luc Van den Brande, President and 1st Vice President of
the CoR
In February 2006, at the beginning of the 4th mandate, the EPP candidate Luc Van den Brande was elected
1st Vice President of the CoR. For the next two years, he worked closely with Michel Delebarre (FR/PES),
who was President at this time, to raise the profile of the CoR and to ensure that it was represented in
major decisions of the EU.
Isidoro Gottardo and
Luc Van den Brande
Luc Van den Brande took over the Presidency of the CoR in February 2008 under the motto "building
Europe in partnership". With this thread running throughout his Presidency, he promoted the idea
of multilevel governance whereby European, national, local and regional authorities all work together
for the good of their citizens. He initiated meetings with each of the rotating EU Presidencies and
drew up cooperation agreements with the European Commission, European Parliament and several
national Parliaments.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Members of the EPP/CoR Bureau 2004-2009
Isidoro GOTTARDO (FI - Italy)
Member of the Municipal Council of Sacile and the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Regional Council
Ramon Luis VALCARCEL SISO (PP-Spain)
President of the Region of Murcia
Pavel BEM (ODS-Czech Republic)
Mayor of Prague
Olivier BERTRAND (UMP-France)
Municipal Councillor of Saint-Sylvain
Simon DAY (CONS-United Kingdom)
Vice-Chairman South West Regional Assembly
- Member of Devon County Council
Noel FORMOSA (PN-Malta)
Mayor of San Lawrenz
Constantin OSTAFICIUC (PDL-Romania)
President of the County Council Timis
Representative of the Land of Salzburg
Michael SCHNEIDER (CDU-Germany)
President of Commission COTER
State Secretary - representative of the Land
Saxony-Anhalt to the Federal Government
Brunon SYNAK (PO-Poland)
Chairman of regional assembly of Pomorskie
Ex-Officio Members
Jacques BLANC (UMP-France)
Senator, Member of the Regional Council of
Peter STRAUB (CDU-Germany)
President of the Regional Parliament of BadenWürttemberg
Jos CHABERT (CD&V-Belgium)
1st Vice-President of the Regional Parliament of
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Other Bureau Members
CoR President
Member of the Flemish Regional Parliament
and Senator
Milan BELICA (IND-Slovak Republic)
President of the Nitra self-governing Region
Juan-Vicente HERRERA CAMPO (PP-Spain)
President of the Region Castilla y León
Arnoldas ABRAMAVICIUS (Homeland UnionLithauania)
Mayor of Zarasai municipality
José Macário CORREIA (PSD-Portugal)
President of the Municipality of Tavira
Mihkel JUHKAMI (Isamaaliit-EE)
Chairman of Rakvera Town Council
Constance HANNIFFY (FG-Ireland)
President of Commission ECOS
Member of the Offaly County Council
Gordon KEYMER (CP-United Kingdom)
Leader of Tandridge District Council
Vladimir KISYOV (UDF-Bulgaria)
Chair of Sofia Municipal Council
Anders KNAPE (M-Sweden)
Municipal Councillor
Michel LEBRUN (CDH-Belgium)
Member of the Regional Parlimanent of
Mayor of Lodz
Ján ORAVEC (Slovakia)
Mayor of the city of Štúrovo
Irena MAJCEN (SLS-Slovenia)
Obcina Slovenska Bistrica
Paul-Henri MEYERS (PSC-Luxembourg)
Deputy Mayor of Luxembourg
Francesco MUSOTTO (FI-Italy)
Deputy of General Assembly of Sicily Region
Konstantin TATSIS (ND-Greece)
President of the Prefectoral Local Authority of
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Herwig VAN STAA (ÖVP-Austria)
President of Tirol Lantag
Marek WOZNIAK (PO-Poland)
Marszalek wojewoztwa, wielkopolskie
Opinions from EPP/CoR rapporteurs: covering a wide
range of policy-areas
In the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy, EPP Members tabled amendments and discussed
opinions covering topics ranging from regional policy and economic, social and territorial cohesion to
The EPP Group was responsible for drafting the majority of the opinions (8) during the 4th
• Greening of the transport sector
Herwig VAN STAA, President of the Tirol Landtag (Austria)
CdR 272/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Single European Sky
Lea SAUKKONEN, Deputy member of Helsinki City Council (Finland)
CdR 333/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Working in partnership for regional policy
Vladimir KISYOV, (Member of Sofia Municipal Council (Bulgaria)
CdR 149/2008
Plenary Session October 2008
• Developing efficient and sustainable freight transport
Jose Macário CORREIA, President of the Municipality of Tavira (Portugal)
CdR 88/2008
Plenary Session October 2008
• European Ports Policy
Rolf HARLINGHAUSEN, Member of Hamburg Parliament's Committee for European Affairs
CdR 237/2007
Plenary Session April 2008
• Cohesion policy contributes to equality in cities and regions
Michael SCHNEIDER, State Secretary - representative of the Land Saxony-Anhalt to the Federal
Government (Germany)
CdR 97/2007
Plenary Session November 2007
• The future of European airports
Gordon KEYMER, Member of Tandridge District Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 406/2006
Plenary Session October 2007
• Towards an efficient transport policy
Jan ZAHRADNIK, President of the Regional Council of South Bohemia (Czech Republic)
CdR 119/2006
Plenary Session February 2007
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
In the Commission for Economic and Social Policy, EPP Members tabled amendments and
discussed opinions covering topics ranging from equal opportunities and enterprise policy to the
internal market.
The EPP Group was responsible for the drafting of 12 opinions during the 4th mandate:
• Priorities for regional and local authorities to prevent violence against women and improve
support for victims (Own-initiative opinion)
Juan Vicente HERRERA CAMPO, President of the Region of Castilla y Leon (Spain)
CdR 267/2008
Plenary Session October 2009
• "Progress" Microfinance Facility
David PARSONS, Member of Leicestershire County Council, (United Kingdom)
CdR 224/2009
Adopted Plenary Session October 2009
• "Think Small First": a "Small Business Act" for Europe
Constance HANNIFFY, Member of Offaly County Council (Ireland)
CdR 246/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Single Market, social vision and services of general interest
Volker HOFF, Minister of the Land of Hesse with responsibility for federal and European affairs
and representative of Hesse to the Federal Government (Germany)
CdR 56/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Pre-commercial procurement: benefiting public services in your area
Dimitrios TSIGKOUNIS, Mayor of Leonido, Arcadia (Greece)
CdR 58/2008
Plenary Session October 2008
• Clusters and Clustering Policy
Antonio GONZÁLEZ TEROL, Director in the Ministry of EU Affairs in Madrid (Spain)
CdR 70/2008
Plenary Session June 2008
• Regions for economic change
Alvaro ANCISI, Member of Municipal Council of Ravenna (Italy)
CdR 407/2006
Plenary Session June 2007
• The Future of the single market and stocktaking of European society
David PARSONS, Leader of Leicestershire County Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 321/2006
Plenary Session March 2007
• Improving the effectiveness of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts
Catarina SEGERSTEN-LARSSON, President of the executive board of the County Council of
Värmland (Sweden)
CdR 182/2006
Plenary Session February 2007
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
• Reform of the wine sector must have a social and socio-economic vision
Pedro SANZ ALONSO, President of La Rioja Autonomous Community (Spain)
CdR 257/2006
Plenary Session December 2006
• Protection of Minorities and Anti-Discrimination Policies in an Enlarged Europe
Eberhard SINNER, Minister of State, Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery (Germany)
Plenary Session June 2006
• Implementing the Community Lisbon Programme: Modern SME Policy for Growth and Employment
Constance HANNIFFY, Member of Offaly County Council, President of the Assembly of the Border
Midland and West Regional Authority (Ireland)
Plenary Session June 2006
In the Commission for Sustainable Development, EPP Members tabled amendments and discussed
opinions covering topics ranging from the environment and energy supplies to the common agricultural
and fisheries policies and tourism.
The EPP Group was responsible for the drafting of 19 opinions during the 4th mandate:
• Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and a sustainable future for aquaculture
Ramón Luis VALCÁRCEL SISO, President of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Plenary Session December 2009
• Medicinal products package
Susanna HABY, Member of the Executive Committee of the City of Gothenburg (Sweden)
CdR 137/2009
Plenary Session October 2009
• A Community approach on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters
Helmut JAHN, District Councillor, Hohenlohe district council (Germany)
CdR 139/2009
Plenary Session October 2009
• A simplified CAP
Olivier BERTRAND, Town Councillor, Saint-Sylvain-Bellegarde (France)
CdR 138/2009
Plenary Session October 2009
• Community fisheries control system
Sir Simon DAY, Member of Devon County Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 73/2009
Plenary Session June 2009
• Consumer Rights
Wolfgang GIBOWSKI, State Secretary, Plenipotentiary of the Land of Lower Saxony to the
Federation (Germany)
CdR 9/2009
Plenary Session April 2009
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
• The labour market and regional demands in tourism
Konstantinos TATSIS, President of the Enlarged Prefectural Authority of dramas-Kavalas-Xanthis
CdR 83/2009
Plenary Session April 2009
• How regions contribute to achieving European climate change and energy goals, with a
special focus on the covenant of mayors
Kay TWITCHEN, Member of Essex County Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 241/2008 and CdR 118/2007
Plenary Session November 2008
Plenary Session November 2007
• Industrial emissions should not pollute air, water and soil
Cor LAMERS, Mayor of Houten (Netherlands)
CdR 159/2008
Plenary Session October 2008
• Towards a European Union Policy for Upland Regions
Luis DURNWALDER, President of the Autonomous Region of Bolzano (Italy)
CdR 23/2008
Plenary Session June 2008
• European electricity and gas markets: third legislative package
Michel LEBRUN, Member of the Walloon Parliament (Belgium)
CdR 21/2008
Plenary Session April 2008
• Addressing the challenge of water scarcity and droughts in the European Union
Francisco CAMPS ORTIZ, President of the Generalitat of Valencia (Spain)
CdR 313/2007
Plenary Session April 2008
• Prevention and cooperation to tackle harmful alcohol consumption
Volker HOFF, Hessen Minister for federal and European Affairs and Commissioner of the Land of
Hessen to the Federation (Germany)
CdR 13/2007
Plenary Session June 2007
• Soil protection - a need for a flexible and stimulating legislation
Cor LAMERS, Mayor of Houten (Netherlands)
CdR 321/2006
Plenary Session February 2007
• Halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010
Wim VAN GELDER, Queen's Commissioner of the Province of Zeeland (Netherlands)
CdR 159/2006
Plenary Session December 2006
• Energy Package: Green Paper, Biomass and Biofuels
Emilia MULLER, Minister for Federal and European Affairs in the Bavarian State Chancellery
CdR 150/2006
Plenary Session October 2006
• Taking Sustainable Use of Resources Forward: A Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Recycling of Waste
Laust GROVE VEJLSTRUP, Municipal Councillor of Sydthy Kommune (Denmark)
Plenary Session June 2006
• Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and Directive on Ambient Air Quality
Helmut JAHN, Hohenlohe District Councillor (Germany)
Plenary Session April 2006
• Management of Natural Disasters
Ramón VALCARCEL SISO, President of the Murcia region (Spain)
Plenary Session April 2006
In the Commission for Culture, Education and Research, EPP Members tabled amendments and
discussed opinions covering topics ranging from cultural diversity and youth to research and
The EPP Group was responsible for the drafting of 17 opinions during the 4th mandate:
• A new partnership for the modernisation of universities: the EU Forum for University-Business
Mohammad MASOOD, Member of Bradford City Council (United Kingdom)
Plenary Session December 2009
• ICT Infrastructures for e-science
Liudvikas ŽUKAUSKAS, Mayor of Skuodas district municipality (Lithuania)
Plenary Session December 2009
• A strategic European framework for scientific and technological cooperation
Jyrki MYLLYVIRTA, Mayor of Lahti (Finland)
CdR 11/2009
Plenary Session April 2009
• Improving competences for the 21st Century: An Agenda for European Cooperation on Schools
Helma KUHN-THEIS, Member of Saarland Landtag (Germany)
CdR 255/2008
Plenary Session November 2008
• Local and regional authorities can make the Internet safe for children
Ján ORAVEC, Mayor of the City of Štúrovo (Slovakia)
CdR 174/2008
Plenary Session October 2008
• Multilingualism
Roberto PELLA, Member of the Council of the Province of Biella (Italy)
CdR 6/2008
Plenary Session June 2008
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
• Promoting young people's full participation in education, employment and society
Gebhard HALDER, President of the Vorarlberg Landtag (Austria)
CdR 255/2007
Plenary Session April 2008
• Promoting the active citizenship of young people through education
Claude DU GRANRUT, Councillor of the Picardie Region (France)
CdR 173/2007
Plenary Session February 2008
• White Paper on Sport
Helma KUHN-THEIS, Member of the Parliament of Saarland (Germany)
CdR 262/2007
Plenary Session February 2008
• More efficient support for research and innovation in EU regions
Jyrki MYLLYVIRTA, Mayor of Lahti (Finland)
CdR 263/2007
Plenary Session February 2008
• The mid term review of the Strategy on Life Sciences and Biotechnology
Karl DÖHLER, Member of the Parliament of Bavaria (Germany)
CdR 174/2007
Plenary Session February 2008
• The European Research Area - new perspectives
Michael SCHROEREN, Member of the North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag (Germany)
CdR 83/2007
Plenary Session October 2007
• Follow-up to the White Paper on a New Impetus for European Youth
Roberto PELLA, Member of the Council of the province of Biella (Italy)
CdR 334/2006
Plenary Session March 2007
• Creating the European Institute of Technology: progress for the EU
Keith WALTERS, Member of Cambridgeshire County Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 273/2006
Plenary Session February 2007
• European cooperation in education and training systems is a must in order to succeed
Geert BOURGEOIS, Minister in Flemish Government (Belgium)
CdR 335/2006
Plenary Session February 2007
• i2010: Digital Libraries
Jyrki MYLLYVIRTA, Mayor of Mikkeli (Finland)
Plenary Session June 2006
• Addressing the concerns of young people in Europe - implementing the European Youth
Pact and promoting active citizenship
Roberto PELLA, Councillor in the Province of Biella (Italy)
Plenary Session February 2006
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
In the Commission for European Governance and the Area of Freedom and Justice, EPP Members
tabled amendments and discussed opinions covering topics ranging from European integration and
implementation of the Treaties to governance and migration policies.
The EPP Group was responsible for the drafting of 15 opinions during the 4th mandate:
• Combating the sexual exploitation of children, child pornography, trafficking in human beings and
protecting victims
Ján ORAVEC, Mayor of the city of Štúrovo (Slovakia/EPP)
CdR 200/2009
Plenary Session December 2009
• White Book on Multilevel Governance
Luc VAN DEN BRANDE, Member of the Flemish Parliament (Belgium) and Michel Delebarre
CdR 89/2009
Plenary Session June 2009
• Strengthening the global approach to migration
Arnoldas ABRAMAVICIUS, Mayor of Zarasai District Municipality (Lithuania)
CdR 91/2009
Plenary Session June 2009
• Inter-operability solutions in public administrations
Veronica IONITA, Mayor of Gorgota (Romania)
CdR 10/2009
Plenary Session April 2009
• City Diplomacy
Eleni LOUCAIDES, Municipal Councilllor of Lefkosia (Cyprus)
CdR 235/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Local and regional authorities at the forefront of integration policies
Dimitrios KALOGEROPOULOS, Mayor of Egaleo (Athens, Greece)
CdR 212/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Migration and mobility
Ursula MÄNNLE, Member of the Bavarian Parliament (Germany)
CdR 253/2008
Plenary Session February 2009
• Integration Policy and intercultural dialogue: the role of local and regional authorities
Milan BELICA, President of the Nitra Self-Governing Region (Slovakia)
CdR 251/2008
Plenary Session November 2008
• Development of a future common Immigration Policy
Werner JOSTMEIER, Member of North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag (Germany)
CdR 210/2008
Plenary Session November 2008
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
• Communicating Europe in Partnership
Claude DU GRANRUT, Councillor of the Picardie Region (France)
CdR 295/2007
Plenary Session June 2008
• EU Budget Review: reforming the budget, changing Europe
Luc VAN DEN BRANDE, Member of the Flemish Parliament (Belgium) and Michel Delebarre
CdR 16/2008
Plenary Session April 2008
• Better lawmaking 2005 and 2006
Luc VAN DEN BRANDE, Member of the Flemish Parliament (Belgium)
CdR 397/2006
Plenary Session October 2007
• A comprehensive European migration policy and reinforcing the management of the European
Union's southern maritime borders
Ian MICALLEF, Councillor, Gzira Local Council (Malta)
CdR 64/2007
Plenary Session October 2007
• Constitutional Treaty is essential for local and regional authorities
Antonio PAIVA, Mayor of Tomar (Portugal)
CdR 398/2006
Plenary Session June 2007
• Green Paper on the future of the European Migration Network
Laura DE ESTEBAN MARTIN, Director-General for State cooperation and European affairs of the
Community of Madrid (Spain)
CdR 233/2006
Plenary Session February 2007
In the Commission for External Relations and Cooperation, EPP Members tabled amendments and
discussed opinions covering topics ranging from relations with applicant and non-EU countries to the
EU-Mediterranean partnership and the Balkans.
The EPP Group was responsible for the drafting of 12 opinions during the 4th mandate:
• An EU strategy for the Danube Area
Wolfgang REINHART, Minister for Federal and European Affairs, Land of Baden-Württemberg
CdR 149/2009
Plenary Session October 2009
• Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2008-2009
Gordon KEYMER, Leader of Tandridge County Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 383/2008
Plenary Session June 2009
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
• Western Balkans : Enhancing the European perspective
Frantisek KNAPIK, Mayor of Košice (Slovakia)
CdR 143/2008
Plenary Session November 2008
• Union for the Mediterranean: What implications for cities and regions?
Isidoro GOTTARDO, Municipal Council of Sacile, Province of Pordenone (Italy)
CdR 236/2008
Plenary Session October 2008
• Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2007-2008 – potential candidate countries
Martin HEATLEY, Member of Warwickshire County Council (United Kingdom)
CdR 246/2007
Plenary Session April 2008
• Coherent enlargement process for a stronger Europe
Isidoro GOTTARDO, Member of the municipal council of Sacile (Italy)
CdR 386/2006
Plenary Session June 2007
• 2006 enlargement package - Pre-candidate countries
Wolfgang GIBOWSKI, State Secretary, Plenipotentiary of the Land of Lower Saxony to the
Federation (Germany)
CdR 385/2006
Plenary Session June 2007
• Enlargement Package
Franz SCHAUSBERGER, Representative of the Region of Salzburg (Austria)
CdR 115/2006
Plenary Session October 2006
• Civil Society Dialogue between the EU - Croatia and Turkey
Isidoro GOTTARDO, Regional Councillor of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sacile Municipal Councillor (Italy)
Plenary Session April 2006
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
EPP Group Meetings and Conferences
In addition to its regular meetings before each Plenary Session, the EPP Group in the CoR organises
an annual extraordinary meeting outside Brussels on the invitation of one of its members. The aim of
these meetings is to enable EPP Group members to hold discussions on issues that are of particular
relevance to a specific region and to witness firsthand what is happening there. Additionally, there are
annual seminars and/or conferences, in Brussels or abroad, dedicated to topics with a particular political
interest. These meetings offer members the opportunity to discuss topical issues that are of specific
interest to the parties of the EPP family in greater depth, and to adopt declarations of intent.
Murcia (Spain): The challenge of regional development: towards a
stronger economy
Extraordinary seminar of the EPP Group, 18 December 2009
RAMON-LUIS VALCARCEL SISO, President of the Region of Murcia, hosted the annual external seminar
with the aim of deepening the understanding of the role that European cohesion policy plays in stimulating
growth, economic development and social inclusion at local and regional level. Key note speakers included
DANUTA HÜBNER, President of the Committee on Regional Development in the European Parliament
and ANTONIO LOPEZ-ISTURIZ WHITE, Secretary General of the European People's Party.
Outcome – Murcia Declaration: "The challenge of regional development: towards a stronger economy"
Trieste (Italy): Building YOUR Europe! EPP manifesto for the European
Elections 2009
Extraordinary Group meeting of the EPP-CoR Group, 16th May 2009
Just prior to the June European elections, ISIDORO GOTTARDO took the initiative to hold this meeting
to debate the role of the regional and local authorities in the European decision-making process in the
presence of ANTONIO LOPEZ-ISTURIZ WHITE MEP, Secretary General of the European People's
Party, FRANCO FRATTINI, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and former European Commissioner and
ELISABETTA GARDINI, EPP-ED Member of the European Parliament.
Outcome – EPP-CoR Resolution to the EPP Congress in Warsaw "Regions and cities in the front
line to fight the economic and financial crisis and climate change"
The importance of cultural and
natural heritage for sustainable
regional development
Extraordinary seminar of
the EPP
CoR Group
Katerini • 27th
October 2008
Katerini (Greece): The importance of cultural and natural heritage for
sustainable regional development
Extraordinary seminar of the EPP CoR Group, 27 October 2008
The EPP Group in the CoR held its extraordinary Group meeting in Katerini on 27 October to debate
the role of natural and cultural heritage on sustainable regional development.The meeting took place on
the invitation of GEORGIOS PAPASTERGIOU, Prefect of Pieria, and was concluded with the adoption
of a resolution drawing attention to the important role that heritage plays in developing a European
identity, promoting democracy and creating the potential for sustainable development, growth and jobs.
Outcome – Katerini Declaration: "The Importance of Cultural and Natural Heritage for Sustainable
Regional Development"
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Valencia (Spain): CHANGE CLIMATE CHANGE: Local and regional
authorities managing energy and water resources
Extraordinary Group meeting of the EPP CoR Group, 23rd May 2008
The European People’s Party Group in the Committee of the Regions held its extraordinary Group
meeting in Valencia to debate the role of local and regional authorities in the fight against climate change.
The meeting took place on the invitation of the Partido Popular of Spain and FRANCISCO CAMPS
ORTIZ, President of Region of Valencia, and was concluded with the adoption of a resolution in support
of the Covenant of Mayors and a stronger involvement of local and regional authorities in developing
methods to change climate change.
Outcome – Valencia Declaration: "Change Climate Change"
Brussels (Belgium): The CoR 2008-2010 work plan
Extraordinary EPP Group Meeting, 11 January 2008
In an extraordinary meeting of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions on 11 January, LUC
VAN DEN BRANDE, Member of the Flemish Parliament and Belgian Senator, invited members to
exchange views on the work plan of the CoR for 2008-2010. This marks the first time that an EPP
candidate for Presidency has taken the initiative to hold a debate with the members of the Group in
order to define common priorities.
Malta (Malta): Bridging the Mediterranean Basin Euro-Mediterranean:
dialogue between regional and local authorities
Extraordinary Meeting of the EPP CoR Group in Malta, 26 October 2007
This high-level meeting aimed to facilitate dialogue between EU and Mediterranean regions and cities
by discussing shared problems and identifying common solutions. Key note speakers included
LAWRENCE GONZI, Prime Minister of Malta, MICHAEL FRENDO, Minister for Foreign Affairs of
Malta, EL HASSAN CHERKAOUI, Deputy Mayor of the city of Rabat, ABDUL RAHMAN ALDUAIJ,
Arab Towns Organisation (ATO) and DIMITRIOS G. SIOUFAS, President of the Hellenic Parliament
and President of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA).
Outcome – Malta Declaration: "Bridging the Mediterranean Basin Euro-Mediterranean: dialogue
between regional and local authorities"
Rome (Italy): Peace belongs to the people: Interfaith dialogue in European
cities and regions
Extraordinary Meeting of the EPP CoR Group - in the framework of the Special CoR Plenary
Session to commemorate the 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome, 22 March 2007
EPP/CoR members, representing regional and local levels from 27 Member States and candidate countries
exchanged their experience with five representatives of churches in Europe: RICCARDO DI SEGNI,
Chief Rabbi of Rome, COSKUN BEYAZGÜL, President of the Muslims' executive in Belgium, EMINENCE
EMMANUIL, Greek Orthodox Bishop of France, VINCENT LEGRAND from COMECE representing
the Catholic church, and PAVEL FRIED, President of the Jewish Community of Brno, Czech Republic.They
all stressed the need for strengthening dialogue between cultures and religions in Europe for a peaceful
co-existence and mutual understanding.
Outcome - Rome Declaration: "Peace belongs to the people:The interfaith dialogue in cities and regions
of Europe"
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Madrid (Spain): Migration and Immigration - Regions and Cities on the
Front Line
Extraordinary Meeting of the EPP CoR Group in Madrid, 27 October 2006
The Group addressed the difficult challenge of migration in Europe today, notably how regional and
local authorities deal with legal immigration and integration, and fight illegal immigration. Keynote
speakers: PROKOPIOS PAVLOPOULOS, Greek Minister of Interior, WILFRIED MARTENS, President
of the EPP Party, ESPERANZA AGUIRRE, President of the Region of Madrid and SALVATORE
CUFFARO, President of the Region of Sicily.
Outcome - Recommendations of the EPP/CoR Group on Migration and Immigration - Regions and
Cities on the Front Line
Rome (Italy): Regions & Europe: a better future for citizens - how regions
shape European legislation
Extraordinary Seminar of the EPP CoR Group in Rome, 30 March 2006
Through this initiative, the EPP-representatives of European regions directly contributed to the EPP
Congress and made the voice of European regions heard in the larger EPP family. The main message of
the CoR members is that regions and cities must be regarded as privileged partners in bridging the
gap between European Institutions and European citizens. Keynote speakers: ANTONIO LOPEZ
ISTURIZ, Secretary General of the EPP Party, LUC VAN DEN BRANDE, 1st Vice-President of the CoR,
MEPs ANTONIO TAJANI and ARMANDO DIONISI, and Italian Undersecretary for Productive
Outcome - Resolution on EU Communication Strategy Needs Regions and Cities
Brussels: EPP Group priorities for 2006-2010 mandate
EPP Extraordinary Group Meeting, 6 February 2006
Outcome – Re-election of ISIDORO GOTTARDO as President of the Group and launch of the EPP/CoR
Summer University - to ensure that Local Press Meets Europe - Europe Meets Local Press.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Meetings with European Commissioners and
Members of the European Parliament
09 April 2008
Brussels: VIVIANE REDING, European Commissioner responsible for information society and the
media, addressed the EPP/CoR meeting to debate the reforms in the telecommunications sector.
28 November 2007
Brussels: ELMAR BROK MEP (EPP-ED), addressed the Group meeting of the EPP in the Committee
of the Regions to discuss the agreement of the Lisbon Council on the Reform Treaty.
27 November 2007
Brussels:The EPP/CoR welcomed JÁN FIGEL', European Commissioner for Education,Training, Culture
and Youth, to highlight that intercultural dialogue and interfaith dialogue are key priorities for the
EPP/CoR and to offer support for Commissioner Figel's initiative to dedicate 2008 to the European
Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
07 December 2006
Brussels: COMMISSIONER PIEBALGS, European Commissioner for Energy; met a closed circle of
EPP/CoR Members to discuss the ambitious energy strategy that the Commission intends to propose in
2007 with the aim of establishing a genuine European energy policy. The informal meeting was an
opportunity to exchange views on the Green Paper on sustainable, competitive and secure energy supplies
10 October 2006
The EPP Group in the CoR welcomed FRANCO FRATTINI, European Commissioner for Justice
Freedom and Security, to its Group meeting in Brussels to discuss immigration and integration.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
22 June 2006
Brussels: COMMISSIONER BORG, European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, met a
closed circle of EPP/CoR Members to the new EU maritime policy, in view of the consultation period
just launched through the Green Paper.
27 April 2006
Brussels: COMMISSIONER BARROT, European Commissioner for Transport, met a closed circle of
EPP/CoR Members to discuss the future of EU transport policy, in view of the upcoming reform
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
OPEN DAYS Seminars
OPEN DAYS: European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest event on the calendar of the EU
institutions and over the past seven years, it has been an occasion for the Committee of the Regions, the
European Commission and around 250 other partners, to hold a landmark event dedicated to Europe's
regions and cities. Given the strong belief of the EPP Group that regions and cities have an active part
to play in the European project, it has actively contributed to this event during the last mandate.
European Week of
Regions and Cities
5 - 8 October 2009
6 October 2009
Local and regional authorities are the best placed to ensure stability in Europe, according to the
conclusions of a seminar organised by European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions.
The seminar; "City Diplomacy: A Tool for Building Measures of Confidence" was the initiative of ELENI
LOUCIADES and was chaired by ISIDORO GOTTARDO, President of the EPP/CoR.
7 October 2008
A life without gas and oil is very hard to imagine straight away but it is still essential to find
complementary energy sources, according to the conclusions of a seminar organised by European
People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions. This seminar; "Life without gas and oil?" was
chaired by GORDON KEYMER, Vice President of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions,
attracted more than 300 registrations. Key note speakers included PATRICK BROCORENS, Doctor
in Chemistry in the Laboratory of chemistry for novel materials at the University of Mons-Hainaut,
CHRSITINE LINS, Secretary-General, European Renewable Energy Council, HERBERT REUL MEP,
HELEN DONOGHUE, DG Energy, Directorate C Energy Policy and Security of Supply, European
Commission and MICHEL LEBRUN, Vice-President of the Wallonian Parliament.
9 October 2007
The EPP/CoR held its first seminar at OPEN DAYS: Week of European Regions and Cities.The seminar
was entitled Cluster Building: The Importance of Regional Networks and included a key note speech
from KRISTINA AXÉN OLIN, Mayor of Stockholm.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Communication Events
In 2006, the EPP Group set up a new communication tool: the yearly Summer University for local and
regional media. The Group firmly believes that media representatives on the ground, together with
local and regional authorities, can play a central role in the EU's communication strategy by providing
concrete ways to explain the advantages of EU integration to citizens across Europe and also providing
them with a channel to voice their views and concerns.
14-15 April 2009
This was the 4th edition of the Summer University and over the past four years, almost 250 journalists
have had the chance to meet with EU representatives and exchange opinions on the topics that matter
to them. This year, the event was dedicated to the European Year of Creativity and Innovation and the
role of local and regional authorities in the financial crisis. Participants concluded that whilst plenty of
material about the European Union exists, it is often difficult to know what is available and how to
select it. Moreover, if the EU wants journalists to cover recent developments in a rapidly changing media
setting, they need information in simple language, pictures and human examples. It was also the occasion
to unveil the world's largest EU flag.
10- 11 June 2008
More than sixty journalists from regions and cities in the 27 EU Member States were invited to take
part in the 2008 Summer University, dedicated to the theme of intercultural and interfaith dialogue.
The first session provided participants with the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of
the EU institutions including JAN FÍGEL’, European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and
Youth and ERNA HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES, MEP (EPP-ED).The second day of the Summer University
was dedicated to communication of EU affairs and will the best methods for accessing information
about the European Union.The event was concluded with participation in the European Commission's
Midday Briefing.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
12 - 13 June 2007
The second edition of the EPP Group Summer University "Local Media Meets Europe - Europe Meets
Local Media" took place in Brussels in June 2007. Key debates on climate change and security for
Europe were held with participation from WILFRIED MARTENS, President of the European People's
Party, VIVIANE REDING, European Commissioner for Information Society and Media, JOSEPH DAUL,
President of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament, numerous MEPs and more than 70
regional journalists.
19-20 September 2006
The EPP/CoR held it's first Summer University for local and regional media with the participation of
WILFRIED MARTENS, President of the European People's Party, HANS-GERT PÖTTERING, President
of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament, VIVIANE REDING, European Commissioner for
Information Society and Media, DANUTA HÜBNER, Commissioner for Regional Policy and more than
70 regional journalists.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Working with Europe's youth
The EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions insists on the need to promote a decentralised
approach of the EU communication strategy. In addition to working with local and regional media, the
Group believes that it is essential to give young people the opportunity to contribute to the European
project and to have their voices heard. Within this context, the Group has held annual competitions
and organised study visits for students.
These initiatives aim to support the information and communication strategy and the plan D for Democracy,
Dialogue and Debate of the EU which focus on making the Union more democratic and open.
Think.Act.Change: 60 second film competition for young Europeans, 2009
minute film competition
Change begins at home:
creating a better environment
Following the success of the Europe@Home photography competition, the European People's Party
Group in the Committee of the Regions joined together with the EPP to challenge young people to
shoot a 1-minute film on the topic of creating a better environment. As climate change is one of the
biggest challenges for Europe, it is essential that everyone plays their role and begins to make a change
at home. The top three film-makers, Stelios Alexandrakis (Greece), Kostas Karydas (Greece) and Gints
Amolins (Latvia), won €1750 and a trip to Brussels to see their films screened at a specially ceremony
in the European Parliament on 5 October.
Europe@Home Photography Competition and Exhibition, 2008
The EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions launched a photography competition for young
Europeans in February 2008 to encourage them to show how they see European integration in their
region or city. The jury of the Europe@Home: Europe starts in our communities' photography
competition selected two winners from nearly 200 photographs on 9 May - Europe Day. The first prize
was awarded to MARTA ARRIBAS, Madrid, Spain (age 28), for her picture representing travel and mobility
and MONIKA ADAMCZAK, Wielkopolski, Poland (age 22) was selected as runner up for her picture
representing how a united Europe is among us. The prizes were awarded by JAN FIGEL', European
Commissioner for Education,Training, Culture and Youth, at an exhibition of the best pictures on 10 June.
Do you speak Europe competition, 2007
The European People's Party (EPP) Group in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) launched its first
competition for students in higher education on the theme of "Do you speak Europe?" on the eve of
the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in 2007. Through this contest the EPP
Group wanted to encourage young people to express Europe with their own words by producing an
original brochure for the general public. This brochure should explain, with practical examples, the
advantages of the EU and the role of cities and regions in the European integration process.
The winners were invited to take part in the second round of the EPP/CoR Summer University for
local and regional journalists in 13 June 2007 and the brochures were translated in all EU official
languages to enhance distribution.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Hosting students of European Studies
In 2008, the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions held its first EPP/CoR Study Visit for Masters
Students in European Studies, International Relations and Political Science. The aim is to provide an
opportunity for students to meet with high EU representatives, enhancing their knowledge and allowing
debate on topical European issues. Furthermore, the students will have access to quality information
about the European integration process and the activities and objectives of the CoR.
2-4 December, Brussels 2009
The second edition of the EPP/CoR Study Visit took place on 2-4 December and was an opportunity
for students of European Studies and Political Science to meet in Brussels and debate topics of key
relevance to them. Having received nearly 600 applications, the 30 selected students discussed the EU's
view on youth policy with ANTON ROMBOUTS, Mayor of s'Hertogenbosch, and the future for the
Baltic Sea Region with ANNA MARGRETHE KAALUND, Mayor of Tjele..The students were also able
to witness the CoR Plenary Session and meet with representatives from the European Parliament and
European Commission.
25-26 November 2008, Brussels 2008
On 25-26 November 2008, thirty Masters Students of European Studies participated in the first ever
EPP/CoR study visit. Representing twenty-two of the Union's twenty-seven Member States, these highly
intelligent and inquisitive students interrogated EPP rapporteurs KAY TWITCHEN, Member of Essex
County Council, FRANTISEK KNAPIK, Mayor of Košice, HELMA KUHN-THEIS, Member of Saarland
Landtag, WERNER JOSTMEIER, Member of North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag and MILAN BELICA,
President of the Nitra Self-governing Region. The participants, who had been selected from more than
250 applicants, also visited the EPP Group meeting, the European Parliament and the CoR Plenary Session.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
Important dates for the Committee of the Regions
and the EPP family
07-18 December 2009
The Committee of the Regions presented its views at the United Nations Climate Change Conference
19 December 2009
Herman Van Rompuy nominated President of the European Council
16 September 2009
JOSE MANUEL BARROSO was re-elected President of the European Commission
09 September 2009
The CoR Bureau gathered in Uppsala for a meeting focussed on the economic crisis and its impact at
local and regional level chaired by LUC VAN DEN BRANDE, President of the CoR. This official
gathering of local and regional representatives from across Europe was an occasion for Members to
share opinions about the Swedish Presidency with MATS ODELL, Swedish minister for Local
government and financial markets.
14 July 2009
JERZY BUZEK was elected President of the European Parliament
07 June 2009
European Parliament elections took place and resulted in a strong show of support for the EPP
and its priorities.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
22 April 2009
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary since the CoR's inauguration, the nine EPP Members who
joined in 1994 have been honoured. ALBERTO JOAO JARDIM, JOS CHABERT, CLAUDE DU
DAY, LUIS DURNWALDER and MIGUEL SANZ SESMA received symbolic medals to mark the
occasion. In addition, the CoR launched a Mission Statement, which takes stock of its achievements and
sets out its ambitions for the future.
14 April 2009
As part of the EPP Group's Summer University, thirty students from the Academy of Humanities and
Economics in Łódź presented the World's largest European Union flag to LUC VAN DEN BRANDE,
President Committee of the Regions, in front of the European Parliament.
06 March 2009
The European Summit of regions and cities brought more than 500 elected representatives from over
250 regions and cities together in Prague. The Summit, which took place on the initiative of the CoR
and PAVEL BÉM, Lord Mayor of Prague, was an opportunity to send a message of unity, solidarity,
competitiveness and responsibility to the European Commission and the Member States with the aim
of addressing the economic crisis and its social consequences in partnership.
Pavel Bem and
Luc Van den Brande
10 February 2009
The Covenant of Mayors was formally signed as part of the third annual European Union Sustainable
Energy. This commitment, which involves almost 400 cities reducing their CO2 emissions by 2020, has
been strongly supported by the EPP Group in the CoR since its inception.
15-16 January 2009
The Committee of the Regions' Political Bureau met in Pilsen to debate the priorities of the Czech
Presidency, which are based on three E's; economy, energy and external relations.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
06 November 2008
The 43 foreign ministers of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership met in Marseille on 3-4 November
to adopt the work programme for the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean for 2009. On
this occasion, LUC VAN DEN BRANDE was present to give the contribution of the CoR in the form
10 October 2008
Given the financial turmoil sweeping across Europe and the resulting lack of confidence in the global
economic market, LUC VAN DEN BRANDE, President of the Committee of the Regions, took the
initiative to invite GÜNTER VERHEUGEN, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the CoR
Plenary Session to discuss its implications on regions and in particular the impact on Europe's small
and medium enterprises.
18 September 2008
JOHANNA MAIJ-WEGGEN, Queen's Commissioner for the Province of Noord-Brabant (EPP/NL),
has been nominated as an observer to represent the Committee of the Regions in the High Level Group
of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens, which is chaired by EDMUND STOIBER.
15-16 September 2008
The Bureau of the Committee of the Regions met under the Presidency of LUC VAN DEN BRANDE
in Dunkerque to discuss synergies between the priorities of the EU presidency and the CoR. In particular,
following the EPP-led opinion "A European Ports Policy", attention was drawn to the implementation
of EU maritime and ports policies. Moreover, the Group offered support for a "Euro-Mediterranean
Regional and Local Assembly".
14 March 2008
President LUC VAN DEN BRANDE met with Slovenian Prime Minister JANEZ JANSA, who currently
holds the rotating presidency of the European Council to hand over the Committee of the Regions
report on the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy.
4 March 2008
During the CoR bureau meeting in Brdo, EPP Group members underlined the importance of setting
up a joint consultative committee with Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and held a debate on
the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
February 2008
MICHAEL SCHNEIDER, State Secretary - Saxony-Anhalt, was named chair of the Commission for
Territorial Cohesion (COTER) and CONSTANCE HANNIFFY, Member of the Offaly County Council,
for the Commission for Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) for the next two years. CLAUDE DU
GRANRUT, Councillor of the Picardie Region, was named 1st Vice-President of the Commission for
Constitutional Affairs, European Governance and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (CONST)
6 February 2008
LUC VAN DEN BRANDE, Member of the Flemish Parliament (EPP/BE), is elected President of the
Committee of the Regions.
13 December 2007
The Treaty of Lisbon is signed by the 27 Member States. It strengthens the role of regions and introduces
the objective of "territorial cohesion", which aims to ensure balanced development throughout the EU.
The CoR gains new responsibility for making sure that decisions are made at the lowest political level
possible and the right to appeal to the Court of Justice if it does not believe this is the case.
28 November 2007
ELMAR BROK MEP (EPP-ED), representative of the European Parliament to the Intergovernmental
Conference (IGC), discussed the agreement of the Lisbon Council on the Reform Treaty with the EPP
Group at its meeting in Brussels.
19 October 2007
The 27 EU Member States came to a final agreement on the new reform Treaty.
16 January 2007
HANS-GERT PÖTTERING was elected President of the European Parliament for a period of 2 and
half years.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
1 January 2007
Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU totalling 27 Member States. The CoR increases its number of
members to 344 and the EPP continues to be the largest Group.
06 October 2006
A working group on Croatia was set up by the Commission for External Relations and Decentralised
Cooperation (RELEX) of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) to monitor the country's progress
towards EU membership on the initiative of its Chairman, ISIDORO GOTTARDO.
15 May 2006
The CoR Extraordinary Bureau meeting took place in Innsbruck. Under the leadership of LUC VAN
DEN BRANDE, First Vice-President of the CoR, the EPP initiated the first debate on the political
and operational role of the CoR in the monitoring of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
took place.
17 February 2006
The EPP took the lead of four of the CoR's specialised commissions at their constitutive meetings for
the 4th mandate. JYRKI MYLLYVIRTA, Mayor of Mikkeli, was nominated to preside over the
Commission for Culture, Education and Research (EDUC), PEDRO SANZ ALONSO, President of the
Region of La Rioja, was named chair of the Commission for Sustainable Development (DEVE). Heading
the Constitutional Affairs Commission (CONST) was ANTÓNIO PAIVA, Mayor of Tomar, and
GORDON KEYMER, Leader of the Tanbridge District Council, was appointed head of the Committee
for Administrative and Financial Affairs (CAFA).
16th February 2006
Senator and member of the Flemish Parliament, LUC VAN DEN BRANDE was elected 1st Vice
President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) for a two-year term at its constitutive session for
the 2006-2010 mandate.
The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions
EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions
Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat, 101 _ 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel _ BELGIQUE/BELGIË _ T. +32 2 282 2250