Glenunga New s - Glenunga International High School
Glenunga New s - Glenunga International High School
Glenunga News Issue 2 May 2015 99 L’ESTRANGE STREET GLENUNGA SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5064 T: +61 8 83795629 F: +61 8 83382518 E: From the Principal Then there will be a Q & A session to complete the night. Invitations will be out this week with booking details. All families are encouraged to come along to get a better understanding of what your sons and daughters are experiencing as part of this changing approach to 21st century education. Secondary schools in many parts of the world are looking at the way they have traditionally prepared students for life beyond school and realising that what students need in the second decade of the 21st century is different from what has been delivered in the past. Some aspects of education such as developing students’ abilities, citizenship and understandings remain constant, but information and knowledge require a different approach in a digital globallycompetitive world. We would like to invite all families to join us on Thursday 25 June from 6.30 – 8.30 to hear about how this change is taking shape at Glenunga. The evening will begin with a short introduction to the change and then parents and family members will be invited to experience two sample mini-lessons in the subject area of their choice (no knowledge is required & there won’t be any tests or scary bits). These mini lessons will highlight the difference between 20th century and 21st century curriculum delivery. We are also holding a Student Congress this term for all our student leaders to make explicit to them what we are changing in our teaching practices and how this will improve learning outcomes. Then we want to enlist their help to share their understandings of the changes with all students. Students understanding why we are changing our classroom practices will also provide additional support for teachers to take on this challenge. Student Learning – Interviews In the last week of Term 1 students in Year 8 – 11 and their families met with their Home Group teachers to reflect on their start to the academic year. Students presented their assessment of their strengths and areas for development. They used this information to develop goals for the remainder of the semester. They also identified how family members and teachers could assist them to deliver their personal best. Year 12 students met with their Student Advisor teachers and in most cases their families to reflect on the Study Plan they established at the start of the year and what improvements were needed to ensure the best outcomes in the SACE or IB final results. In this Edition Department for education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government School CROCOS Provider No. 00018A Principal’s Report Governing Council Prefect’s Report Senior School Report Middle School Report Wellbeing VET & Flexible Pathways Arts Report Sports Day Sports Report Student Life Community News Diary Dates 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 10 12 14 15 16 20 Snapme Media Team at GIHS 1 Principal’s Report Cont. Although this was a very big investment of school and family resources we know that the more students reflect on their learning and set specific short term goals the more their outcomes improve. collaboratively develop their professional learning and deprivatise their practice. This learning occurs in teachers’ and leaders’ team meetings on Monday and Wednesday after school as well as during our Wednesday morning late start and on Student Free Days. In Week 2 of this term 911 invitational and family requested interviews were conducted with subject teachers, students and their families related to results in Term 1 reports that were ‘D’ or ‘E’ grades or any student not achieving their personal best. The purpose of these interviews was to support students to understand what they needed to do differently and what support was needed from school and home. A number of appointments were also conducted at alternatives times to accommodate families who were unable to attend on the day. On Friday June 5 all the teachers in the East Adelaide secondary schools such as Marryatville, Glenunga, Adelaide, Norwood Morialta and Charles Campbell will come together to share approaches to moderating Year 8 – 10 students’ work in terms of the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. This huge logistical undertaking is made possible by schools agreeing to a common date for this Student Free Day. We will work on our school priorities related to 21st century learning in the morning and on the Australian Curriculum in the afternoon. Sub School teams have also met with the very small handful of students who scored two or more ‘D’ or ‘E’ grades and their families. Every Glenunga student needs to achieve ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ results – given the expertise of the Glenunga staff, the culture of our students focussed on learning and the school value of ExcellencePB. We are very grateful to our community for their support for our work on improving teacher practice in order to enable every student to achieve their personal best. Student Learning - Concerns We really appreciated the fact that most families understood the importance of giving up precious time in their busy schedules to accompany their students to the interviews. This commitment by significant adults enabled students to understand how important it was that they were not wasting their potential and the opportunities provided by Glenunga. In our community of 1700 students and over 120 staff the teaching styles of teachers and learning styles of students usually match really well. However if you have any concerns about your son or daughter’s progress - particularly when you access information from the Parent Portal - please email the subject teacher and arrange a time to talk. Student Learning – DayMap Portal The Portal also includes any alerts about behaviour concerns and messages from teachers. We encourage all families to scan the Portal and if there are any concerns please contact the subject teachers or Home Group/Student Advisory teacher. The sooner you contact us, the quicker we can address the concern. If you have any queries about the technical aspects please contact Sherif Soliman on sherif.soliman@gihs. Student Learning – Staff Learning One of the contributing factors to our students’ ongoing successes is the commitment of staff to continue to 2 If you are concerned about several subjects or if there are wellbeing issues then please contact the Sub School Leader. You may also want to chat with one of our counsellors – Anita Spiniello or Simon Illingworth. If you have a concern about teacher quality please make the time to email me on The important thing is to let us know quickly so that we can work with you to resolve the situation. Governing Council Another important aspect of supporting each student to achieve is the DayMap Portal which enables families and students to see Year 8 – 11 homework which is typed in by the subject teachers; a map of student attendance; and the Assessment Schedules that show the key assessment tasks and their due dates for all students’ subjects. As assessment tasks are marked grades appear in real time on the Portal. This means families always know the deadlines and the grades so they can see their student’s progress in real time. Wendy Johnson Principal Welcome to our new governing council members, Christine Favre - Parent, Veronica Soebarto – Parent, Community Member, Zeling Jin - parent observer and Casper Buisman - staff observer who have joined our returning members, staff reps and student reps. Governing Council is responsible for the good governance of the school, setting strategic objectives, budgeting and ensuring that we make the best use of available resources. These responsibilities lead to energetic and considered debate and discussions at Governing Council as we seek to make the best, most informed decisions for the school. The Governing Council have been continuing to work on the strategies determined in our strategic plan with Council currently considering strategic issues such as 21st century reporting, continuing to foster our culture of continuous improvement, engaging and connecting with our community and transforming our school’s physical environment. The Council will be reviewing the Strategic Plan to set our agenda for the next three years in mid June. Events The council have a number of events coming up to which we welcome parents and families. In particular the very active Fundraising Committee events which include smaller events such as pancake days for students and big fundraising events such as the Quiz Night to be held on Saturday 24 Oct. If you are interested in being part of the Fundraising Committee please contact Kay Johnston at The Year 8 shared dinner will be held on 28 May at the school and always proves to be a fun and engaging night where Year 8 families get a chance to meet and network. All Governing Council members want to help the school leadership team to continue to develop the school as a leading South Australian public high school. We appreciate that many of the innovations stretch staff, students and families however we are very confident that the best research underpins these innovations and that the dedicated application by the staff give our students an exceptional learning environment. We welcome feedback and input from our families. Contact details can be obtained from the school Principal’s PA Eleni Dalkos at should you wish to telephone or email any of the members. Congratulations Felicity Playford Governing Council Secretary Congratulations Year 8 Student Jeremy Simenko who has successfully gained a position in the Primary School’s Music Festival Central Orchestra (based at Marryatville Primary School) for the 2015 Concert Series. Well done Jeremy! Congratulations Glenunga 2014 Year 12 Student Harry Mallard who attended a camp over Easter in Melbourne for the Australian Boomerangs which are an Intellectual Disability Men’s Basketball Team. Harry is up for selection to go to Ecuador, South America for the Global Games in September. Glenunga would like to wish Harry all the very best! Prefect Report Strategic Plan We’re sure everyone would agree that this year is flying past! Term 1 was a busy one for Prefects with the presentation of students’ feedback from the 2014 Student Survey to all teachers a major part of our focus. The presentation was a success. Teachers were able to discuss in groups the feedback provided and ways of improving their teaching according to the views of students. Lucinda Duxbury our passionate Environment Prefect has been developing a Sustainable Environment Management Plan outlining our school’s continued commitment to caring for our environment. As part of this prefects are currently working towards having a three bin waste system installed throughout the school to improve recycling efforts. This comes in response to a school-wide waste audit which highlighted several areas of improvement. Currently our school is sending the equivalent of 815 wheelie bins of waste per year to landfill but if we were to adequately recycle and compost items this could be reduced to a mere 13. Keep your eyes out for an exciting new initiative as part of working towards this long-term goal: a basketball hoop for recycling cartons designed by students. Open Day was held in Term 1 and was another great success. With over 350 guests touring the school on the day Jennifer Ngo and Ryohei Oka our Communications and Promotions Prefects managed our wonderful group of 50 tour leaders. We would like to say a big thank you to all the tour guides for taking the time to come to meetings and training sessions and for demonstrating maturity and professionalism when portraying our school to the wider community. In Week 7 of this term we will be seeing another great school initiative: a revamped Wellbeing Week for students. This week will involve guest speakers and activities for students focussed on areas such as physical wellbeing, healthy eating, mental wellbeing and relationship building. This Wellbeing Week will focus on educating students about the importance of wellbeing and equipping them with essential life skills. In other news the prefects have been working with staff and students to finalise the school’s definition of Harmony. We are hoping to have the definition published soon. As prefects we are excited to be continuing our work on these and other projects. If you have any suggestions or questions please feel free to email any one of us at: Kira Millikan and Robert Monterosso Head Prefects 3 Year 11 and 12 students have been informed about the changes to the Progress Marker process. Progress Markers are issued to students by subject teachers if the student has not produced sufficient evidence to demonstrate that they can meet a deadline. Students are then required to complete the task and must attend a Line 0 session after school to ensure it is done. If a student does not manage the work effectively and does not present the task then an internal suspension from classes may occur to ensure that the student catches up on the task. This strategy is designed to help students manage their workload in Senior School and hence achieve their personal best. Reflection on Achievement Goals Year 11 and 12 students have been asked to reflect on their Term 1 performance and to re visit their goals for the year. Students are asked to focus on strategies that will lift their achievement in the second semester. Our recent family meetings were extremely valuable because they required the student to reflect on how well they are doing and to identify what they can do better. Formal Ms Penna and Mr Townsend are working with a team of enthusiastic Year 12 students to organise the Year 12 Formal. Our students are excited at the prospect of this very important event in the school calendar. Students who wish to bring a partner from outside the school are required to gain approval for him/her to attend by meeting with either Mr Townsend or Mr Cogan. We expect the highest standard of behaviour at this event from all who attend. The Formal will be held on the last day of this term. Exams Exams begin in Week 9, therefore students need to begin a revision program in Week 5 or 6 to prepare appropriately. The exams are a practice for the end of the year and while they do not count for a large percentage of the year’s assessment they provide valuable experience in terms of preparation and management of exams. They also help students to identify where they need to improve in the second semester. Requirements for Success Year 11 students need to be aware of the Requirements for Success that are needed to automatically progress to the same subject in Year 12. Most subjects require a B or better to automatically enter that subject in the following year. Therefore Year 11 students need to be working at their personal best if they are to be certain of gaining entry into the subjects of their choice in 2016. 4 The first semester grade is very important because we use this as a preliminary indicator of the student’s likely success at Year 12 level. Jeremy Cogan Deputy Principal NAPLAN Middle School Report Senior School Report Progress Markers In Week 3 all Year 9 and 10.10 students completed their five NAPLAN assessments. Whilst this can be a very stressful time for the students they completed the assessments with positive attitudes. From the school’s perspective we were very happy with the extremely high participation rate. We expect to receive individual and the whole school results in September. When you receive your report please read it in the context of what you already know about your son or daughter’s academic performance. NAPLAN results provide additional information which can be used along with our normal school assessment to give you a clear picture of how your son or daughter is progressing with their learning. Using this information you can then take time to celebrate the success that you see and identify any areas for improvement. Please talk to your son or daughter’s teacher(s) about what can be done if you identify areas that need improvement. If your son or daughter is concerned with their results remind them that NAPLAN isn’t a pass or fail test and there are no rewards or penalties for the results they achieve. Rather the NAPLAN report is a point in time snapshot of their achievements in the important areas of literacy and numeracy. The school uses the whole school results to review the effectiveness of our programs and to address any teaching areas requiring improvement. We also identify individual students who require additional support and work with families to implement strategies to address areas of concern. In addition we identify students who achieved in the top two NAPLAN bands and share this information with their subject teachers to ensure that they are suitably stretched and challenged with their learning. If you have any questions about any aspect of NAPLAN please contact me at Peter Kuss Director of Studies • • • • Physical Wellbeing and Healthy Eating Relationships and Health Mental Health Expo with a range of community agencies. The Student Leaders and Sub School Leaders have planned a week that will support staff and students to make more informed choices about their wellbeing. Some of the activities include: cooking demonstrations from Sprout Home Cooking; drumming sessions; UN Youth solution focussed discussions; personal training; wellbeing postcard design; and a Casual Day on Friday to raise funds for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal. I look forward to sharing with you some stories and photos in the next newsletter. Amanda Walsh Assistant Principal Film and Media Former Glenunga student Caitlin Petit is one of three South Australians who will represent Australia at the International Youth Silent Film Festival in Portland Oregon in June this year. Caitlin worked with classmate Claudia Haines to create the award winning film Letter about a woman’s marriage proposal. Before graduating last year Caitlin and Claudia made traditional short films during media classes. Caitlin said making the film was challenging because dialogue cannot carry the story line. Every shot counted and we had to plan beforehand to get it right… so the audience could watch and understand what we were trying to get across. It was very much about the design of the shots and the actor’s facial expressions… we had to give our actors very specific instructions about what we wanted them to portray. The girls were required to set their movie to a prerecorded track played on a theatre organ. Claudia said timing the footage to match the music was not easy. Georgia said We really tried to sync up the clips to the music really well – it taught us a lot about timing. It’s quite laborious and Caitlin who did the editing spent a lot of time outside classes editing because we needed to get everything together right down to the millisecond. The South Australian competition was hosted by the Theatre Organ Society at the Capri Theatre Goodwood. CHESS CLUB 2015 Chess Club Wellbeing Report During Week 7 of this term staff and students will be taking part in Wellbeing Week. The Wellbeing Prefects have recently collected data from the student cohort to ask what topics they would like to focus on, these include: The Secondary Schools’ Chess Competition is once again the focus of Glenunga’s chess playing community. This year we are fielding two teams in Division 3, two teams in Division 2 and one team in the elite Division 1 round giving our school one of the largest footprints in the competition. The first round of the season saw our Division 3 team make a strong showing and fielding all players on a particularly wintery night. Well done! Division 2 players prevailed over the opposition in three games but were narrowly defeated by a formidable St Peter’s team in the final round. Next will see our Division 1 players front up for the first time this season in a division traditionally dominated by Price Alfred College. We wish them the best of luck. I would like to thank Tanishq Raj for taking on the role of Chess Club Captain this year. His organizational skills and strategic knowledge of players’ capabilities have seen the club hit the ground running in 2015. A special mention must also be made of one of our long standing players Oscar Herrmann who recently attended the Doeberl Cup in Canberra during the Easter Weekend. The Doeberl Cup is an annual chess tournament held in Canberra. Since its inception in 1963 the event has grown to become one of the most popular and prestigious chess competitions in Australia regularly attracting more players than the Australian Chess Championships. Oscar played in the minor or junior division of the cup as one of only three South Australian entries. From a strong field of 58 players drawn from across Australia and internationally Oscar secured second position after drawing with the winner but unfortunately remained a mere half point behind overall. Our congratulations to him for this fantastic effort! Damon Smith Chess Coordinator Excerpt written by Celeste Villani for The East Torrens Messenger 5 VET & Flexible Pathways Launch of a new VET web site The East Adelaide Schools’ Cluster (EASC) represents the collaborative partnership and regional provision of Vocational Education and Training (VET) across all schooling sectors in the East of Adelaide. Comprising 18 schools and a range of training partners, the EASC compiles courses that complement students’ interests, school specialisations, regional and national skill shortage areas and that lead to the development of transferable skills. The web site is and can also be accessed from the GIHS website under Education Programs/ Learning Pathways. The website provides information on all of the regions VET courses, links to relevant useful sites, frequently asked questions and allows for enquiries to be made to schools hosting courses or to the VET Coordinator. What is a School-based Apprenticeship (SbA)? A School-based Apprenticeship (SbA) is a great way to start a career while students complete their SACE. SbA’s allow senior students to combine paid work, training and school while working towards their SACE and a nationally-recognised qualification. Students undertaking SBAs commence a contract of training through a part-time apprenticeship or traineeship. They learn skills (competencies) on-the-job and through training with a registered training organisation. The benefits also include gaining hands-on experience in a career-orientated job and having adult responsibility as a member of the workforce. A SbA student will be paid. The relevant industry award covers most school-based apprenticeships/ traineeships. Students are paid for the time spent in the workplace. How long does an SbA take to complete? If the SbA is not completed prior to the student completing school students will continue on as a permanent/or part time employee until it is completed. Apprenticeships and traineeships are competencybased which means that if all the training is successfully completed and the employer believes the apprentice or trainee is competent in all areas the contract of training can be signed off. Students commencing a Certificate III or higher generally work part-time while still attending school and continue full/part-time to complete the apprenticeship when their schooling is completed. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Broker Chris Houltby is our new Apprenticeship Broker. His main duties involve connecting students with local industry and business with the intent of creating school-based apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities. This means students can learn and earn gaining a nationally accredited qualification whilst completing their secondary schooling. School-based traineeships and apprenticeships can be undertaken across a range of industries that include: Community Services; Building and Construction; Hair and Beauty; Hospitality; and Business Services to name a few. 6 How much time does a SbA spend away from school? As facilitated by the school’s Apprenticeship Broker, the school-based apprenticeship/traineeship can be organised in a number of ways. It can be by working one or more days a week, on weekends, during school holidays or blocks of time (eg a number of weeks in a row). This is negotiated between the employer, the school and the student. At least eight hours per week on-the-job is required. Chris can be contacted by phone on 0488 584029 or email: for appointments or you can contact me at Career Expo The 6th annual Tertiary Studies & Careers Expo Adelaide (TSCEA) will be held next month. TSCEA provides the ideal forum for students and parents to gain insight into the array of courses and career opportunities on offer from a wide range of education providers from South Australia, interstate and overseas. One of the highlights will be representations of ALL faculties, schools and courses from The University of South Australia, Flinders University, University of Adelaide and Charles Darwin University along with a comprehensive scope of courses from TAFE SA. Government Agencies, professional associations, employers and registered training organisations will be on hand to provide details on professional employment opportunities, graduate recruitment, scholarship and bursaries available for your student’s future. Date: Time: Sunday 14 & Monday 15 June 2015 Sunday 10am - 4pm & Monday 9:30am1:30pm Location: Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace Cost: Admission is free! Website: Semester 2 VET courses There are still opportunities for students to enrol in VET courses for next semester. These can provide practical work-related skills that will make them more employable, allow students to gain an understanding of the world of work and a taste of an industry before they commit to working in that industry. It also allows students to get a head start in a pathway they want to do when they leave school before they actually leave school. Courses that are available are: Architectural Drafting CADD Business Children’s Services Event Management Graphic Design Automotive Makeup Services Fitness Cert 111 First Aid-Senior Massage for Health & Sport Intro to Nursing & Healthcare Hospitality Part Cert 111 Cert 111 Hospitality Top Up Kitchen Operations Fashion Design Intro to Studio Recording Alied Health Assistance For further information please phone the school on 8379 5629 or email me at au Alex Turnbull Personalised Learning Coordinator VET & Flexible Pathways Premier’s ANZAC School Spirit Prize 2015 ANZAC Spirit Prize The expo provides an opportunity to collect valuable information to assist in subject selection and planning career pathways for senior students. This competition provides the opportunity for young South Australians to research and empathise with the remarkable sacrifices made by Australian service men and women in various theatres of war, conflict and peacekeeping in the modern era. The focus of the 2014/2015 competition was the Centenary Commemorations of the Gallipoli Campaign. Selected students participated in a fully-funded twoweek study tour of Gallipoli during the April school holidays. The GIHS community congratulates Year 10 student William Pincombe whose winning submission in 2014 saw him chosen to participate in this prestigious and exciting trip. William’s words clearly highlight the academic and personal benefits along with the fun and friendships forged during the trip Last year I entered an essay into the Premier’s ANZAC Spirit Prize Competition and was fortunate to be selected to go on a trip to Istanbul, the Gallipoli Peninsula and attend the Anzac Day centenary events at Anzac Cove. It was an amazing trip especially for a passionate History student. Istanbul was incredible. We stayed in the Old City, the ancient centre of Istanbul and visited the Blue Mosque, the Basilica Cistern and the Grand Bazaar and the awesome Hagia Sophia which was completed 1478 years ago. The Anzac Day commemorations were incredibly moving and were spent contemplating the vast loss of life on both sides 100 years ago. The Turkish people were warm and welcoming and I find it hopeful that people from nations party to such violent conflict a century ago can come together to commemorate it without any enmities between them. I would also like to thank those who organised and made the trip such a wonderful experience; Nilgün our Turkish guide; Mark Radford our guide from Boronia Travel; Geoff Tattersall our guide from the South Australian RSL; Bev Smart from the Department of Education who organised the trip; our great chaperone teachers; the 21 other students who made the trip such an enjoyable experience and of course the History teachers at GIHS who have taught me so much about writing and introduced me to this competition. William Pincombe Year 10 7 Premier’s ANZAC School Spirit Prize 2015 cont..... William’s essay on the experiences of South Australian Volunteer Roy Fordham in The Great War from his arrival at Gallipoli in 1915 until his tragic death on the Western Front at Bullecourt, France in 1917 can be found at The success of William along with winners from previous years reflects the depth of scholarship and academic achievement in the Humanities at GIHS. In 2016 recipients of the Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize will visit the battlefields of the western front. Details will soon be available online and from the school so check your emails and look for updates on the History noticeboard. Humanities Damon Smith Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize Coordinator MOCK TRIALS ROUND 1 GLENUNGA V LORETO The Mock Trial Competition is run by the Law Society of South Australia who provide cases supporting lawyers and judges for the trials. For our first round we were hosts to Loreto College. We presented the prosecution case in a charge of serious criminal trespass and theft and Loreto presented the defence. Our two barristers Atharv Seth and Amila Dedovic opened the case supported by solicitors Zac Carter and Aiden Rogers. Two witnesses were called, Sofija Smiljanic playing a former friend of the accused and Mollie Verstegen playing a police officer who had interviewed the accused. Alen Dervisevic was our sheriff’s officer responsible for opening and closing the court and swearing in witnesses. Our team had prepared the case well but proving the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt was always going to be difficult given the evidence we had at our disposal. The judge ruled in favour of the accused but on adding up the scores for performance in the various roles awarded GIHS a solid win. ROUND 2 GLENUNGA V GOLDEN GROVE Round two is played during Law Week and all teams play in the courtrooms of the Sir Samuel Way Building in Victoria Square. In an unusual case for the competition as our team was the applicant in attempting to have a Will granted probate in the Supreme Court. What made the case difficult for us was that the Will had been signed by the deceased who is apparently suffering dementia the day before he died leaving all his assets to our client and shutting out his niece who had been looking after him. Sheriff’s officer Alan Abraham opened proceedings and barristers Zac Carter and Amila Dedovic supported by solicitors Mollie Verstegen and Aiden Rogers began 8 the hard work of finding angles to fight the case on. None of us were surprised when the Judge revoked the new Will in favour of the pre-existing one and left the applicant Jo Easy (Sofija Smilanjic) without the millions of dollars she was after. Atharv Seth who played our second witness (Jo’s son) missed out on the deceased’s vintage Ferrari which was apparently worth over two million dollars. As always we are more interested in who scores the most points for performance and GIHS was awarded another sound victory. Lawyer Carla Scragg supports our team in developing a persuasive argument and in unpacking legal issues and we really appreciate the time she spends with us. Round three will be released on June 9 and played on June 23. Mal Quorn-Smith & Gudrun Finos Humanities WALK FOR JUSTICE 2015 JusticeNet is a not-for-profit organization with the goal of supporting people in the community unable to access justice when faced with legal issues. Their major fundraiser is the annual Walk for Justice and this year three schools including GIHS were invited to participate in fundraising and the walk itself held on 12 May. Ten of our Year 11’s gathered at the Adelaide University Law School in the cold and rain and walked with 400 or so supporters from the legal profession on a five kilometre trail through the Botanic Gardens along the Torrens and eventually to a large marquee in Victoria Square. Maggie Beer had prepared a delicious breakfast and along with the Chief Justice and various political luminaries helping her serve was former Prime Minister Julia Gillard. After breakfast she was happy to meet all of our students and to have a picture taken with them. Well done to our students who were awarded 20 movie tickets for being the highest fundraising secondary school after raising over $300 for this worthy cause. What a great story to tell in the future of being served breakfast by an ex-PM! Mal Quorn-Smith Humanities International Report Hosei Junior High School Study Tour 2015 In Term 1 GIHS was host to the Japanese students of Hosei Junior High School. This tour held over the course of five days was an opportunity for Japanese students to engage fully in the program of the school and in the lives of their homestay families. The students participated in a range of activities such as excursions to the Adelaide Museum and Rundle Mall. For the first time students also took part in Glenunga’s annual Sports Day. The Ambassador Club and several other students played a vital role in the management of the tour. They helped to organise the welcome and farewell ceremonies and many of them chose to be school buddies to the students by showing them around the school, introducing them to their friends and helping them learn as much as they could about Australia’s culture during their stay. Students at GIHS have a wonderful opportunity to connect with peers from all over the world and the study tours are a great way of engaging students with our international counterparts. Ambassadors and home stay buddies communicate that the study tours are fun, action-packed and a great way to develop new friendships. International Mindedness is explored and celebrated particularly during Study Tour opportunities. If you are interested in becoming a buddy and joining the Ambassador Club or would like further information about hosting a student during a Study Tour please contact Ms Penna at or Misa Kuroda at We look forward to welcoming students from Koishikawa in August. Tara Lewis and Esther Park Ambassador Club Captains 9 Year 9 Drama Excursion As part of the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) festival the Arts Department will be holding an exhibition of work by the extended Glenunga community. The exhibition will be held in the new Arts Studios in the first weeks of August. We are currently calling for Expressions of Interest from all artists who are keen to submit artworks for this exhibition. Parents, teachers and GIHS graduates are encouraged to contribute. For details please contact one of the following : Arte L’[e]strange is an exhibition of exotic and eclectic art created by teachers, parents and graduates of the GIHS Arts community. Drama Report Ats Report Arte L’[e]strange Last term all Year 9 Drama classes attended an excursion to Glen Osmond Primary School as a part of their current study of Children’s Theatre. During this visit Year 9 students ran short Drama workshops with groups of very eager and excited Year 3 and 4 students. These workshops allowed the Year 9’s to gain a better understanding of a children’s audience which will prepare them to write and perform their own Children’s Theatre performance in Term 2. The GIHS students all commented about how challenging it was to hold their younger counterparts attention and how difficult teaching was. That being said they all enjoyed the experience and were buzzing with energy on the walk back to school. We are looking forward to our next visit and would like to thank Ms Mason and Michelle from Glen Osmond Primary School for organising this opportunity. Kristy Lock Drama Teacher Year 12 Drama Group Production Exam Year 12 Drama students performed Adelaide playwright Andrew Bovell’s black comedy After Dinner over two nights in the Drama Studio. The play itself is both humorous and thoughtful in its depiction of every day Australians and their social habits. Kicking, catching, looking Jasmine Symons The story is about five lonely singles who have headed out to their local bistro on a Friday night determined to forget their nine-to-five routine. The cast consists of three female office workers who are looking for a good night out and two men who are looking for the same. Glenunga Art Space Blog The Art Department have launched a blog to showcase the work our students do in the Visual Arts. There is a link on the school website and we hope to make regular posts to keep the GIHS community up to date with what is happening in the Art Department. Please visit the blog at the following address: https:// Julianne Hall Art and Design Teacher 10 The students managed their roles of thirty something adults with great maturity and well-paced delivery of the script. Audiences were highly appreciative of the work presented. The cabaret styled seating allowed for a social atmosphere that matched the seating arrangement of the actors on stage. I would like to congratulate the students on their exceptional performance work, their ability to deliver each character with suitable nuance, to explore the complex social issues within the play and to demonstrate superb comic timing which was highly amusing and very entertaining. Well done year 12’s! Snapme Media David Hill Yr. 12 Drama Teacher Learning Support Our future shows: Year 10 Drama are presenting an evening performance which is a tribute to William Shakespeare, Muck-beth (or The Skittish Play) on Wednesday 3 June and Year 11 Drama are presenting evening performances of The Saturday Club on Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 June. Hope to see you there. The data collection is aimed at providing all Australian schools, education authorities and the community with a clear picture of the number of students with disability in schools and the adjustments they require to enable them to participate in education on the same basis as other students. The implementation is being phased in over a three year period. The first data collection occurred in 2013 and the final phase will occur in this year. It will become an annual process for schools. The data collection involves the following information: • the number of students receiving adjustments to enable them to participate in education on the same basis as other students • the level of adjustment provided to students • the student’s type of disability. The definition of disability is broad and includes learning difficulties, health conditions and mental health illnesses. Once the data has been collated it will be de-identified and grouped at the system level (ie Primary, Secondary, Special and Combined school setting) before providing it to the Australian Government Department of Education. This ensures that no student’s identity can be ascertained. GIHS Alumni and award winning Media student Henry Thong recently returned to GIHS in a professional capacity with the company Snapme Media Team. The team were commissioned by the school to film our students engaged in their daily lessons for the purpose of showcasing the programs and facilities we offer at GIHS. The team were here for three days and after watching them at work it is a certainty that they will go on to become a highly successful film company. We would like to acknowledge the team and their incredible professionalism: • • • • • Henry Thong (Director, Cinematographer & Editor) Jack Turner (Director of Photography) Josh Warry (Sound Recordist & Designer) Nick Boniciolli (Project Manager) Jordan Girardi & Bodhi Stone (Assistants) The data will be used by our school to inform and improve practice for students with disability and by the Department for Education and Child Development to inform state-wide reform initiatives. The Australian Government Department of Education will use the information collected to inform national policy development. Involvement in the Collection is optional. If you do not want our school to provide de-identified data about your son/daughter to the Australian Government Department of Education you can ‘optout’ by completing and returning the attached optout form on the letter sent home to the school or by contacting the school on 8 379 5629. If you do not advise you wish to opt-out and your son/daughter is identified for inclusion the required information will be included in the 2015 data collection. If you have any questions about the 2015 data collection please contact me at Further information can also be found at: http://www. Simon Illingworth School Counsellor 11 Sports Day 2015 FIRE 2151 EARTH 2218 AIR 2174 WATER 1836 The weather was absolutely perfect for this year’s Field and Sports Days. With well over 1,000 students supporting and participating in these events held over two days there were great competitions and fun events. Staff and Ms Ladner’s Yr 11 Physical Education Management students did a tremendous job in their officiating duties and there was a positive feeling of great school spirit displayed throughout the day. Thirteen records were broken throughout the two days of competition which reflects the high level of athletic ability displayed by the students. Some of these records date back to the 1970’s! The HPE Faculty commenced competition with Field 400m and 1500m on Tuesday 3 March. Maddy Griffiths broke the Under 14 Girls Javelin record with a throw of 25.43m. Blake Favretto extended the Under 14 Boys Triple Jump record with a distance of 10.57m. In the Under 15 Long Jump outstanding athlete Marci Litinas broke the Long Jump record with a new mark of 4.73m and then broke the Triple Jump mark with a new distance of 11.07m. In Under 16 Boys Field competition Dean Pasterello set a new mark of 49.00m while Hal Frigaard broke the Shot Put mark with a new distance of 14.40m. In Open Girls Genevieve Brooks had a marvellous carnival smashing five new records! Genevieve broke the Triple Jump (10.33m), 400m (1.02.39) on Tuesday then on Thursday continued with record breaking efforts in 800m (2.44.4) High Jump (1.52m) and 200m (26.9). What a great achievement! Other records broken on Sports Day included another to Maddy Griffiths in the Girls Under 14 200m (28.39) and Blake Favretto set a new High Jump mark in the Boys Under 14 competition with a jump of 1.65m. Under 15 Earth Girls Relay Team set the last new record of the day with a new time of 56.4seconds. As well as all the record breaking efforts there were many other sporting competitions keenly contested including Netball, Table Tennis, Tug-a-War, Soccer and Dodge Ball. These events were performed with a high level of skill and team work. Many students enjoyed supporting the various games and cheered their house teams throughout the day. The House Captains continued the students’ good form with a solid performance in the last relay event against the teachers finishing 1st and 3rd. A gallant teachers’ team came 2nd while the two other teachers’ teams filled positions 4 and 5. Well done to all who ran! The water balloon competition was inconclusive with some dubious rules interpretations. In the house competition it was EARTH who won a very close encounter from AIR, FIRE and WATER. EARTH proved too strong at the end of the final day. 12 Sports Day Total House Points Age Group Champions Age group Name House Under 14 Boys Blake Favretto Cameron Blackwell Maddy Griffiths Della Griffiths Sudev Thevadass Karanveer Karanveer Marci Litinas Natalie Brooks Dean Pastrello Hal Frigaard Ellie Daly Olivija Spanovskis Kade Dejanovic Jordan Girardi Genevieve Brooks Adana Zaganjori FIRE-Champion FIRE-Runner-Up WATER-Champion EARTH-Runner-Up FIRE-Champion AIR-Runner Up EARTH-Champion EARTH-Runner-Up EARTH-Champion EARTH-Runner-Up AIR-Champion WATER-Runner-Up FIRE-Champion WATER -Runner-Up AIR-Champion FIRE -Runner-Up Under 14 Girls Under 15 Boys Under 15 Girls Under 16 Boys Under 16 Girls Open Boys Open Girls One of the major factors ensuring the success and enjoyment for everyone was the great team effort from the following: PE Staff, Ms Walsh, Craig Rainsford, Student House Leaders, Ms Ladner’s Year 11 Sports Management class, Year 8-11 Home Group staff, staff supervising events, Property Manager Bruce Benton, SSO staff, catering staff and students. Special thanks to Eastern Districts Little Athletics for the use of their High Jump equipment and SA Rugby League for the use of their canopies. We are looking forward to another great Sports Day in 2016. Rex Wright Sports Day Coordinator 13 Sports Report Welcome Tyson Gordon Tyson is our Acting Director of Sport for Term 2 while Craig Rainsford is on long service leave. Any enquiries regarding our Sports Program can be directed to Tyson via email at or by phoning the school on 8 379 5629. It has been an extremely busy time with the launch of our Term 2 Sports Program with weekly, midweek and weekend sport competitions such as: SAAS (Weekend Sport) Southern Zone Competition (Mid-week) SSSSA Knockout Competitions TERM 2 2015 WINTER SPORT The Term 2 Winter Sport Sign Up is now closed but if you are new to our school and interested in signing up you can email me at and I will check to see if there is any availability in the sports program you wish to participate in. Listed below are our Southern Zone (Midweek) and SAAS (Weekend) Sport programs for Term 2/3 Sport: Boys Soccer Yr 8/9 Sat Mornings Soccer Open Sat Mornings Basketball Open Sat Mornings Basketball Yr 8/9 Sat Mornings Yr 10 Hockey Mixed Sat Mornings Open Mixed Table Tennis Frid Evenings Yr 8/9 Mixed Table Tennis Frid Afternoons Fencing Mon Afternoons Girls Soccer Yr 8/9 Tues Afternoons Soccer Open Tues Afternoons Hockey Yr 10 Mixed Sat Mornings Table Tennis Yr 8/9 Fri Afternoons Table Tennis Open Mixed Fri Evening Netball Open Wed Afternoons Netball Open Wed Afternoons Fencing Mon Afternoons SOUTHERN ZONE FINALS TERM 1 RESULTS Year 8/9 Volleyball The boys had an enjoyable day and ended up finishing 5th and 9th respectively. Well done on your efforts boys and to Darcy Kane (Year 11) for his efforts in coaching a team! In Week 4 we had our Year 8/9 Boys & Girls teams participate in the Southern Zone (5-a-side) Outdoor Soccer competition. We had a very successful day with our Year 8/9 Girls team the winners of the carnival and our Boys team runners-up. These two teams will now move onto the SSSSA (5-a-side) Outdoor Soccer Finals which will be held on Thursday 18 June. Congratulations to the two teams and our teachers Mr. Yanni and Mr. Gorringe for coaching on day. INTERSCHOOL AND COMPETITIONS Our girls team was successful in winning their section and the boys team finished 3rd in their section which resulted in Glenunga being promoted to B1 Grade for 2016. We were also involved in the Knockout Athletics Competition which was officiated by Athletics SA and Glenunga took five teams to compete. Here are the results of all participating teams: Intermediate Boys: 1st place Intermediate Girls 2nd place Junior Boys 5th place Junior Girls 5th and 8th place (2 teams). Open Boys Indoor KO Soccer Open Girls Volleyball Glenunga Gold were defeated by Seaview High School in the final. SOUTHERN ZONE CARNIVALS 14 ATHLETICS GIHS were represented by girls and boys teams at the recent SSSSA B2 Grade Athletics Carnival at Athletics SA Stadium Mile End. Glenunga Red finished top of the Blue division. Then defeated Blackwood High School in the Cross division Final. In Week 2 two Year 8/9 AFL (9-a-side) teams travelled to Flinders University with Tyson and Mr. Sykes to compete in the Southern Zone Football Carnival. KNOCK-OUT Open Girls KO Netball TIMETABLE FOR GYM USE IN TERM 2 Due to the extensive range of extra-curricula activities and sport held in the Gym we have implemented a timetable to inform staff and students about matches, team trainings and student led activities occuring before, during and after-school hours. These timetables are displayed on the outside entrance to the Gym and the inside entrance next to the canteen. This should help with any confusion or double bookings. UPCOMING KNOCKOUT & SPORTING EVENTS Week 5 Round 1 Week 5 Round 1 Week 5 Round 1 Week 6 Round 1 Week 6 Round 1 Week 7 Round 1 Yr 8/9 Girls Netball Open Girls Netball Open Boys Indoor Soccer Open Boys Soccer Open Girls Indoor Soccer Yr 8/9 Boys Soccer Upcoming SSSSA Competitions and Events Thurs 4 June Mon 3 August Wed 29 July Fri 16 October UN Youth State Conference Student Life These results are fantastic! I would personally like to thank Mr. Gorringe for his hard work and the time he has been putting in to train and coach all students that have participated in these two carnivals. With our two results of 1st and 2nd we qualify for the National Championships to be held in Melbourne in December this year. Well done students of these two teams! Reconciliation: A Generation of Change In Term 1 six Year 12 students along with 80 students from across South Australia attended the annual United Nations Youth State Conference. The theme for the weekend was A Generation of Change involving a wide range of guest speakers, different interactive/engaging workshops and a live practice of a Model UN debate. We even had a visit from 2015’s Australia UN Youth Representative, Shae. His story was truly inspiring especially considering he will be representing Australian Youth in New York. It was also very touching to hear the experiences of Professor Peter Buckskin co-chair of Reconciliation SA and Valerie Cooms both of whom shared their historical story and culture. They assured us that we as young people can effect change on issues around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and also to every single aspect of the future generation. I was concerned about my lack of experience when signing up for UN Youth Conference however it was life changing to participate in invaluable discussions out of my comfort zone, be inspired by my peers and learn so much from others. I would definitely advise future students to participate in the State Conference or other UN Youth events as it was an incredible learning experience. Sheldon Ng Prefect Cross Country - Oakbank SA Schools Orienteering Championships - Wadmore Park 100km Relay - Oakbank Ekiden Relay - Bonython Park To nominate your interest in one of these upcoming events please email me at or drop in to the Sport/Student Life Office. Pedal Prix Tyson Gordon Director of Sport Relay for Life The Pedal Prix season is just about upon us with the first of the two six hour events scheduled for June 14 at Victoria Park Race Course from 10am to 4pm. In 2013 and 2014 we showed improved performance both on and off the track with our team developing and demonstrating the school values in this unique and exciting event. On the weekend of Week 2 teams from Glenunga participated in the Relay for Life which involved camping overnight at the Adelaide Showgrounds and taking turns to walk/run around a track for 19 hours. The goal of this was to celebrate Cancer Council fundraising accomplished both before and after the Relay every year. This year we have a group of enthusiastic individuals that will propel our vehicle The Phar Lappers in both of the six hour events. If you would like to come and cheer us on we would appreciate your support. It was really tiring but we gave it our best and it was a very uniting experience. From running with a rainbow fan as our baton to mass eating mi goreng we had a lot of fun even though we were severely sleep deprived afterwards. The Relay for Life is an activity to fundraise for Cancer Council research. Looking forward to continuing the success with this event and the success it brings to our students. Simon Illingworth Student Counsellor Henry Lan Year 12 student 15 Every year the International Women’s Day Luncheon celebrates influential women of all ages and backgrounds for their outstanding achievements in leadership and volunteer work. Natalie Hanin, Natalie Jong and I (Alinda Tunc) were GIHS representatives and volunteers at the 2015 International Women’s Day Luncheon. By praising inspirational women for their contributions to our society we encourage young women to take charge in roles and empower themselves for an equal future. After the award ceremony we briefly got to speak with speaker Natasha Stott Despoja (Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls) and found her to be truly kind hearted and compassionate. She was very enthusiastic to hear that GIHS had a Feminism Discussion Group. We had a marvellous afternoon and were undoubtedly inspired with the whole event embracing all women I felt incredibly welcome. Back at school we held events of our own encouraging students to have female rolemodels and reflect on the inspirational women in their lives as well as celebrating women in sport and acknowledging the challenges they face. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Practise your Spanish with an International Student. Community News Student Life cont... International Women’s Day Capture the spirit of family and friendship. Host a Spanish international exchange student! Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is seeking volunteer host families for international high school students from Spain. Students arrive in July 2015 for 10 weeks and can be placed anywhere in South Australia. You do not need to have children of your own or the same age to enjoy this experience. All students are carefully selected, will attend a local high school, have their own spending money and can bring your family to life! For more information phone Jenny on: (08) 83230973 or email at Greek Life family | culture | food Nepal Fundraisers Term 2 The Chinese Club, UNICEF Club, World Vision Club, Student Forum and Ambassador Club have all held fundraisers for Nepal earthquake relief since the disaster struck. Red Cross, Oxfam, World Vision and UNICEF have all been beneficiaries of Glenunga students’ passionate, internationally minded response. Ruby O’Loughlin Student Life Director South Australian author Eugenia Pantahos invites you to go on a journey of celebrating time honoured Greek customs, culture and recipes. Unique and inspiring Eugenia provides us with a feast for the senses as she allows us to share in the delightful Greek way of life lovingly passed down from one family member to another introducing us to traditions, celebrations and classic recipes that enliven each calendar year January to December as well as other life celebrations. Beautifully photographed and written with deep passion Greek Life is an invaluable reference book that is sprinkled with thought-provoking philosophy. It not only enriches our lives it imparts, breathes life into and most importantly ensures the continuance and handing-on of these authentic and precious Greek traditions. Greek Life explains the essence of what it means to be Greek and how to celebrate with the special spirit and joy of life that the Greeks call Kefi. To order more than one copy contact jeanie.pantahos@ Also available from 16 BLUE AND GOLD ALUMNI In late March we celebrated the launch of the Blue and Gold Alumni Association at GIHS by Professor David Lloyd the vice chancellor of the University of South Australia. Membership of the new association will be available to old scholars from Adelaide Technical High School, Glenunga High School and Glenunga International High School. The launch was a great success because it was attended by between 150 and 170 old scholars from ATHS and GIHS. The latter group was represented by people who had left the school within the last 10 years. Their presence plus the fact that a number joined the new association augers well for its long term viability. In 2013 the ATHS old scholars association celebrated the 50th anniversary of the shift of the school from North Terrace to the current site at Glenunga. This took place at GIHS. During the planning it became obvious that the values and traditions that we took from the school had been retained by GHS and currently by GIHS with the only difference being the size of the school, its more cosmopolitan look and a wider curriculum. This confirmed that the committee’s plans for the new association were realistic. The long term success of the Blue and Gold Alumni Association is contingent upon its acceptance by old scholars from GIHS. Recognising this we worked closely with students from the school to determine what they required of an old scholars association. The value and goals developed by this group for the new association are to: • Develop a close working relationship between the school and the old scholars association • Establish good relationships and communications between all members of the association • Organise special events including reunions • Assist with establishing sporting and other groups • Provide mentors for both current students at GIHS and old scholars. A working party has been established to develop strategies to successfully implement these goals. We are in the process of launching a new web site that will give more details on the association. It will also cover the history of the three schools and planned events and is accessible through www. Unfortunately we have no details on old scholars from GHS. We know anecdotally that many of the readers of the Newsletter are old scholars from GHS and would like to contact you. If you have information on GHS or better still would like to join the association would you please contact me on Annual membership is available from $30. Peter J Carter Blue and Gold Alumni Association Inc David Pisoni MP STATE MEMBER FOR UNLEY David Pisoni MP, Member for Unley seeks feedback from students and their parents who live in the Goodwood area and need to take public transport to get to school at Glenunga International High School. Currently he has been advised students need to take bus route G10 from Goodwood Road or a tram service into the city and then transfer to bus route 861 from stop E1 at Currie Street out to bus stop 8 on Glen Osmond Road. If you feel that there should be a direct service which links the Goodwood area with the school please contact David’s office at unley@ or 8373 4846 to share your views. David will be raising these views with the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure to demonstrate the level of demand for such a service. If you do not wish for your details to be provided to the Minister, David is happy to share your views on your behalf. For any questions please feel free to contact David’s office on the details provided above. David Pisoni State Member for Unley 17 18 Parenting Ideas 19 Diary Dates UPDATING STUDENT DETAILS MAY 30 Marioka Chuo Study Tour Depart JUNE 2 Year 9 Immunisations 5 Student Free Day 8 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 9 - 12 Wellbeing Week 16 - 19 Drama Trip to Melbourne 20 China Trip Leave 22 - 26 IGNITE Roxby Trip 22 - 23 Yr 11/12 SWOTVAC 24 Yr 11/12 Mid Year Exams Begin 25 Yr 10 SWOTVAC 26 Yr 10 Mid Year Exams Begin JULY 3 Year 12 Formal 3 Last Day Term 2 3 Reports Published on DayMap SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most schoolaged children and ALL preschool children. SA Dental Service participates in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. A small fee may apply for children who are not eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. To locate your local School Dental Clinic or for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule please phone 8222 8222 or visit www. 20 For all changes of student details including change of email address please complete the Change of Details form available from Student Services or from our Website and forward to au stating: • • • • • Your son/daughter’s name Home Group Your name and relationship to student Your current email address Any other changes STUDENT ABSENCES Email, SMS or call by 9:00am on the morning of the absence stating: • Student’s Name • Home Group • Reason for absence CONTACT OPTIONS PH: 8 338 9756 Email: SMS: 0447 100 212 Please note change of contact number for absences. GIHS Quick Response Code By scanning this QR Code with your Smart Phone you will be taken directly to our Website.