an auction dispersal sale of farm machinery and equipment


an auction dispersal sale of farm machinery and equipment
on instructions from
Hodsock Farms
an auction dispersal sale
of farm machinery and equipment
Hodsock Priory
S81 0TY
on Thursday 24th April 2014
sale to commence at 10 30am prompt
viewing on Wednesday 23rd April 2014
9 am to 5 pm and on the day of the sale
light refreshments available
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On instructions from Hodsock Farms
Hodsock Priory, Blyth, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 0TY
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Thursday 24th April 2014 at 10.30am prompt.
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Wednesday 23rd April 2014 between 9am
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August 2013 John Deere 6170R, registration FJ13 KXV, 345 hours, 4wd, power quad gearbox, TLS, 40km/h, lighting package, air
conditioning, 3 spools, pick up hitch, quick release 3 point linkage, 900kg front weight, tyres: Continental 420/85 R30 ² 90%;
Continental 520/85 R42 ² 90%
August 2009 John Deere 6630 Premium, registration FJ59 CZC, 2140 hours, 4wd, auto quad plus ECO gearbox, TLS, 40km/h, air
conditioning, 3 spools, pick up hitch, quick release 3 point linkage, 800kg front weight, tyres: Continental 380/85 R30 ² 90%; tyres:
Continental 380/90 R46 ² 90%
July 1997 John Deere 6300, registration R458 TCH, 7300 hours 4wd, power quad gearbox, 30km/h, air conditioning, 2 spools, pick
up hitch, quick release 3 point linkage, front weights, tyres: Radial 340/85 R24 ² 80%; Semperit 13.6 R38 ² 80%
2 x 2004 Triffitt Grain Trailers, 14 tonne, monocoque, tandem axle, flotation tyres, hydraulic tail gate, hydraulic brakes, sprung
drawbar and axles, lights
1981 Wheatley Trailer, single axle, hydraulic tipping
2 x 1979 Wheatley Trailers, single axle, hydraulic tipping
2011 Vaderstad Rapid 300S Super XL Drill, trailed, pre emergence markers, front pivot packer, offset packing wheels with
scrapers, lights
2008 John Deere 732 Sprayer, 24m booms, 3200 litre tank, automatic trailing drawbar, EL4 control box, electro hydraulic boom
folding, multiple nozzle holder, induction hopper, lights, tyres: Taurus Point 70 480/70 R38 ² 70%
2004 Amazone ZA-M 1200 Fertiliser Spreader, hopper cover, spreading disks: OM 18 ² 24, deflector vein, 2 x S500 hopper extensions,
Hardi Sprayer, mounted, 12m booms, 1000 litre tank, hydraulic rise and fall, manual folding booms
2011 Horsch Mono 3TG, 3 metre c/w 2011 Horsch Joker 3CT, 3 metre
2005 Lemken EurOpal 8 Plough, 5 furrows, mounted, reversible, slatted mole boards, 14 bodies, furrow press arm, land wheel
1995 Vogal & Noot Plough Press
Kuhn HR4002 Power Harrow, 4 metre c/w packer, reconditioned
Spading Flat Lift, 3 legged c/w packer
Lemken Smaragd9 Terra Disk Stubble Cultivator, 3 metre c/w crumbler
Cousins Harrow, 3 metre c/w flexicoil
Pigtail Cultivator, 3 metre
Edlington Rolls, hydraulic folding, 6 metre
3 x Kaskad Kontoller Irrigation Reels, single axles c/w rain guns
Irrigation Pump, Massey Ferguson P6 engine, integral fuel tank, trailed
Irrigation Pump, Massey Ferguson P6 engine, integral fuel tank, trailed (for spares)
2 x Irrigation pipe trailers, single axle
DSSUR[[:ULJKW5DLQ· aluminium irrigation pipes
Qty of couplings, hydrants, flexible hose, corner pieces & connectors
Irrigation A Frame
Fyson Elevator, 3 phase, approximately 30ft
Qty of timber grain patricians
Qty of galvanised grain drying laterals
1996 Bomford B577 Hedge Cutter, 1.50 head, cable controls
2 x Portacabins, 2.50 metres x 2.50 metres (as new)
Polytunnel kit (tubes only)
Victor hot catering cupboard
Electric fence unit & associated equipment
Claxton front mounted tank
ATV mountable spray tank
Knapsack Sprayer
Pallet truck
Manual clay trap
Qty of bird scarers
Qty of building materials & stone
Qty of corrugated roof sheets
Qty of timber posts
Qty of fencing materials
Qty of workshop tools & equipment
Qty of scrap
Also by Kind Permission
The Equipment of W Moore & Son
2000 Reekie Ridger
Cultivator, 3 metre, 8
Nicholson Steerage Hoe,
Subsoiler, twin legged
John Deere Drill, 3 metre
c/w markers
Cauliflower Harvester,
trailed, single axle
1996 Wright Rain Irrigator
c/w Rain Gun
Nodet Gougis Fertiliser
Applicator, mounted, 10
metre booms
2005 Underhaug Destoner c/w spare web
Howard Rotavator
Foster DP2 Digger c/w 2 x buckets
Grain Pusher c/w Sanderson brackets (homemade)
2 x Cambridge Rolls
Planter, mounted, manufactured by Holland Transplanter Co.
3 x Pair of Dual Wheels (1 x Alliance A-350 ² 50%; 1 x Radial HT 13.6 R 38 ² 60%; 1 x Morthrust 13.6/12 ² 38 ² 90%)
1 x Pair of Dual Rims
The Equipment of L H Fisher Farms
2000 Standen Vision Potato Harvester c/w Lockwood
1991 Standen Inter Row Cultivator Sugar Beet Hoe, 6
roller table and complete onion lifting and cleaning kit
row, front mounted c/w linkage frame
Potato Hopper to fit Nu-Swift Elevator
The Equipment of B & L M Kent & Sons
May 2006 New Holland TL 100A Tractor with Trima 2.0 loader, registration FX06 FKA, 4wd, 4709 hours
November 1990 MF 390 Tractor with Massey 80 loader, registration H327 XAL, 2wd, approx. 5000 hours
1984 Kverneland Plough, 4 furrows, reversible, vari width, 8 bodies, furrow press arm
MF 900 Barrel Muck Spreader, tandem axle c/w hydraulic lid
The Equipment of T Baddiley & Sons
Amazone ZA-M Max Fertiliser Spreader, 24 metre
Reco Front Press, 4 metre
Pair of John Deere narrow wheels 11.2x36
Pair of John Deere narrow wheels 13.6x48
60% tread to fit 20 & 30 series tractor
60% tread to fit 20 & 30 series tractor
The Equipment of Joseph Camm Farms
1999 Grimme Variant DL1700 Potato Harvester, roller star separators
Qty of spares for Grimme Variant DL1700 Potato Harvester
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These particulars do not constitute nor constitute any part of an offer or contract.
All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on
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Any intending purchasers or lessees must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the
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