an auction dispersal sale of farm machinery and equipment
an auction dispersal sale of farm machinery and equipment
Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 1 on instructions from A & R Farming an auction dispersal sale of farm machinery and equipment at Allwood Farm Lower Green Woodend Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 8SB on Thursday 11th September 2014 sale to commence at 11 am prompt viewing on Wednesday 10th September 2014 9 am to 5 pm and on the day of the sale light refreshments available view online at: - Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 2 CONDITIONS OF SALE Fisher German (herein called ‘the Auctioneers’) act in every respect relating to goods and the sale thereof as agents only of the person or persons (herein called ‘the Vendor’ sending to or leaving such goods with the Auctioneers with a view to the sale thereof. 1. 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No warranty is given by the Auctioneers or the Vendor to any Purchaser in respect of any lot and implied conditions or warranties (except in the case of the Vendor those implied under Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 as amended by the Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act 1973) are hereby excluded. If within fourteen days after the sale the Auctioneers receive from the Purchase notice in writing that in his view the lot is a deliberate forgery and within seven days after such notification the Purchaser returns the lot to the Auctioneers in the same condition as prevailed at the time of the sale free of any liens charges or encumbrances and satisfies the Auctioneers that (having regard to the entry in the catalogue) the same is a deliberate forgery then the Auctioneers shall be entitled to rescind the sale and to refund to the Purchaser the purchase price of that lot. 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They will execute commissions received in writing up to one hour before the sale only on condition that lots have been viewed by the intending Purchaser. They will accept no responsibility relating to the commissioning of their staff other than the Commissions Clerk to bid on behalf of the intending purchaser. 8. The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974; Agriculture (Field Machinery) Regulations 1962; Tractor Cabs Regulations 1974, and all other applicable to Farm Safety: Purchasers are reminded of the Regulations regarding the safeguarding of implements and machinery, and some items sold at this sale may not immediately comply. Accordingly, it is a condition of the Contract of Sale that the Purchaser shall undertake to comply with the Acts and Regulations relating to such machines and implements he or she purchases. 9. 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Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 3 AUCTION AUCTION DISPERSAL D IS P E R S A L S SALE ALE OF FARM FARM MACHINERY M A C H IN E R Y A AND ND E EQUIPMENT Q U IP M E N T O n instructions instructions from from A & R Farming F a rm in g On at Allwood Farm, Allwood NN12 8SB 8SB Farm, Lower Lower Green, Green, Woodend, Woodend, Towcester, Towcester, Northamptonshire, Northamptonshire, NN12 The Sale Sale Ground G ro u n d The Payment Payment TTerms e rm s is situated situated at at A llwood Farm, The ground Allwood The sale s a le g round is F a rm , u st b e paid paid ffor or on on the the sale sale day. day . All lots lo t s m a) All must be Lower Lo w e r TTowcester, o w c e ste r, Strictly Cash C a sh o Banker’s Draft. Draft. Cheques C heques b) Strictly orr Banker’s Northamptonshire, ass sshown Northamptonshire, NN12 NN12 8SB 8SB a hown by by are only only accepted accepted by by prior prior arrangement a rra n g e m e n t are the attached attached llocation s ig n s the ocation plan. plan. TTo o the the Sale Sale signs w it h with w ill b e posted posted on will be on tthe he sale sale day. day. a c c o m p a n ie d b y a lletter etter from from the th e accompanied by Green, G re e n , Woodend, W oode nd, tthe he A u c t io n e e r s Auctioneers and and a re are p u rc h a se r’s b ank sstating tating the the amount amount up up purchaser’s bank S a le D a te Sale Date to w hich the the cheque cheque will will be be honoured. h o n o u re d . to which Thursday 11th September m Thursday September 2014 a att 11 a am prompt. p ro m p t. No lots lots will will be be allowed allowed off off the the sale sale site s it e c) No u n le s s a c c o m p a n ie d b y a receipted r e c e ip t e d unless accompanied by in v o ic e a nd/or cheques cheques are are cleared. c le a r e d . invoice and/or Viewing V ie w in g Wednesday eptember 2014 between b e tw e e n Wednesday 10th SSeptember VAT 9am and 5pm and nd o on n tthe he day day of of tthe he sale s a le 9 am a nd 5 pm a VAT (where (where applicable) a p p lic a b le ) w ill b e p ayable iin n VAT will be payable from from 9am. 9am . addition to to the the purchase purchase price price at at the th e addition standard rate rate applicable a p p lic a b le o n the the day. day. standard on Car Car Parking P a rk in g and lorry lorry parking parking will will be be sign s ig n Allocated Allocated car car and H o u rs Hours p o ste d . posted. Machine hours/mileage are o u r s / m ile a g e a re as as ttaken aken on on the th e M a c h in e h August 2014. 2014. These These are are given given for fo r FFriday riday 1st August Buyer’s Buyer’s Slips S lip s Purchasers are are rrequired equired to to All All potential potential Purchasers pay o ffice w here they they will w ill register office where register at at the the pay iinformation nformation only only and and are are not not guaranteed guaranteed by by tthe he A Auctioneers. u c t io n e e r s . uyer’s SSlip lip and and obtain obtain a Buyer’s B u y e r’s complete Buyer’s c o m p le t e a B Conditions Conditions of of Sale S a le enabling them them to to take take part part in in Number, Number, thus thus enabling Allll prospective A prospective Purchasers Purchasers should should ensure e n su re the the sale. s a le . tthat hat tthey hey have have read read and and understood understood the th e C o n d it io n s Conditions of of S a le Sale (a s (as p r in t e d printed in in t h is this Buyers Premium P re m iu m Buyers c atalogue). TThe he act act of of bidding bidding will will be be taken ta k e n catalogue). There is is no no Buyer’s Buyer’s Premium. P r e m iu m . There a c c e p ta n c e o these conditions. c o n d it io n s . ass a acceptance off these Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 4 Clearance of Lots All small lots should be cleared on the day of c) You must provide Fisher German LLP with the sale with the proviso they are paid for. valid Larger lots must be cleared from the sale by evidence that the goods have been commercial 5pm Friday 26th September 2014. In order to removed from the documentary United Kingdom. is Please ask for a copy of Fisher German recommended that successful purchasers LLP form “VAT Declaration for Zero Rating bring to the pay office, or make prior Goods for Export”. immediate facilitate arrangement accounts with staff, clearance Fisher any it German banker’s LLP reference support of cheques or to bring letters of credit or banker’s draft to the sale ground. No lots will be allowed off the sale ground unless cleared funds. The Auctioneers and Vendors will not accept responsibility or liability for the loss or damage of any lots left on the sale ground and all purchasers are reminded they are Loading Facilities A forklift and operator will be available for loading on the sale day, however no liability shall be accepted by the vendor, operator or Fisher German for any damage sustained to a lot, and the use of this service is completely at the purchaser’s own risk. Loading after the sale day is not guaranteed and will need to be by prior arrangement with the vendor directly. entirely responsible for any lot purchased at the fall of the hammer and must have appropriate insurance cover. Enquiries There will be no security on site after the day of the sale. Export of Goods Buyers of all goods sold at Fisher German LLP Auctions that are to be exported or removed from the United Kingdom will be required to pay a VAT deposit equivalent to Ian Calverley the standard rate of UK VAT on all lots Partner purchased. Buyers intending to export goods Tel: 01777 861927 must Mobile: 07831 447815 Email: advise the Auctioneers of their intention prior to the sale. Upon the following requirements being met in full, a refund of the VAT deposit will be made to the purchaser but any failure to do so will result in the VAT deposit being paid over to HMRC as VAT:a) The Buyer must provide Fisher German LLP with their VAT/FISCAL NUMBER (which will be verified with UK Customs & Excise) Sam Skinner at the time of the purchase. b) The goods must be removed from the Associate United Kingdom within three months Tel: 01777 861927 from the time of supply (the date of Mobile: 07810 378188 auction) Email: Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 5 Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 6 Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 7 COMBINE HARVESTER 2013 New Holland CR9080, registration OE13 NKW, 188 engine hours, 142 drum hours, tracks, air conditioning and automatic climate control, twin rotor, 11,500 litre grain tank capacity, 1,000 litre fuel tank, AdBlue, hydrostatic transmission, 4 speed remote gearshifting gearbox, 30 km/h, chopper and chaff spreader, air compressor, 9 metre new generation VariFeed grain header with Shelbourne Reynolds trolley, 2 x hydraulic side knifes Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 8 TRACTORS 2011 New Holland T8.390, registration OU11 GYE, 1000 hours, 4wd, full powershift transmission, 50km/h, air conditioning and automatic climate control, 5 spools, pick up hitch, quick release 3 point linkage, twin beacons, Lynx 5 tonne front linkage, 1400kg front weight, IntelliSteer guidance, tyres: Michelin 600/70 R30 - 90%, Michelin 800/70 R38 - 90% Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 9 2009 John Deere 7830, 2690 hours, 4wd, power quad transmission, 40km/h, air conditioning, 3 spools, GreenStar guidance, pick up hitch, quick release 3 point linkage, Lafarge 2½ tonne front linkage 1000kg front weight, active seat, tyres: Michelin 600/70 R30 - 80%, Michelin 710/70 R42 - 80% Case International 685, 4wd, pick up hitch, 3 point linkage Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 10 LOADERS 2010 Manitou ML627 Turbo, registration OU59 AYY, 6100 hours, 4wd, 4ws, 6 metre reach, 2.70 tonne lift capacity, air conditioning, tyres: Firestone 460/70 R24 ² 40% 2013 Strimech grain bucket, 2 cubic metre capacity c/w Manitou fittings Strimech X-Form muck grab c/w Manitou fittings Cherry Products grain pusher, 3 metre c/w Manitou fittings Cherry Products man platform c/w Manitou fittings 2 x Rehandling buckets c/w Manitou fittings Bale spike c/w Manitou fittings Pallet tines c/w Matbro/John Deere fitting Komatsu PC130 digger c/w 5 buckets, 5500 hours VEHICLES 2005 Mitsubishi L200, registration OE55 YSL, 50000 miles, 4wd, double cab 2013 John Deere 855D Gator, registration OY63 JPO, 173 hours, 4wd, power steering, diesel engine, 50km/h, tipping tray, light package, road legal Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 11 TRAILERS 2 x Merrick Loggin muck trailers, tandem axle, hydraulic brakes, sprung axles, hydraulic tailgates, lights Ifor Williams stock trailer, tandem axle, 12ft, sheep decks, partition gate, brakes and lights Ifor Williams general duty trailer, single axle, 10ft, brakes and lights Quad bike trailer c/w Stocks Fanjet bracket DRILLS, SPREADERS & SPRAYERS 2013 Vaderstad Rapid A 600S drill, trailed, pre emergence tramline & bout markers, front pivot packer, offset packing wheels with scrapers 2004 Machio Reco P400 combi drill c/w 2004 Mashio power harrow, 4 metre (reconditioned in 2013) Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 12 1994 Bateman HiLo 2001 sprayer, registration L689 DTT, 6000 hours, 24 metre contour booms, 2000 litre tank, twin line c/w demount kit, tyres: Kleber 11.2 R36 ² 30% 20 metre booms to fit Bateman HiLo 2001 sprayer Set of floatation tyres for Bateman HiLo sprayer, Good Year 48 x 2500 ² 20 NHS ² 50% 2008 KRM M3 Plus fertiliser spreader, 4000kg maximum capacity weigh cells, variable rate, 24 metre spreading discs, hopper cover, mudguards, lights 2005 KRM DZ trend fertiliser spreader, 1900 litre hopper, 24 metre spreading discs, hopper cover 1999 Bunning Lowlander muck spreader, rear discharge, 12 tonne capacity, single axle, brakes and lights Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 13 CULTIVATION EQUIPMENT 2009 Vaderstad Carrier 500 stubble cultivator, 5 metre, trailed 2011 Vaderstad Swift stubble cultivator, 4.20 metre, trailed Dowdeswell DP120 S plough, 5+1 furrows, reversible Dowdeswell DP120 S plough, 4+1 furrows, reversible Miles mole plough, trailed, single 24 inch leg c/w new mole Spaldings FlatLift cultivator, 7 leg, Simba DD packer c/w Stock AG Wizard OSR applicator Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 14 2013 Dalbo Compact 1230 rolls, 12.30 metre, hydraulic folding, lights Simba 2B disc harrows, 3 metre, trailed Simba DD single press, 3 metre, trailed GRASS & GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT Opico 580 S grain dryer, 12 tonne capacity, LPG burner, 3-phase drive Qty of grain drying pedestal fans, single phase Qty of Martin Lishman grain pedestals Qty of plastic grain pedestals 2013 Teagle flail topper, 2.50 metre, mounted, variable cutting height Bomford rotary topper, 1.80 metre, mouted, variable cutting height LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 2012 Teagle Tomahawk 8500 straw chopper, single axle, pto driven, electric controls Slurry Tanker, 7500 litre, tandem axle, top feed, pto driven 2007 Kersten cubicle cleaner and beeder, diesel 2012 Ritchie Continental cattle crush c/w weigh scales and vet extension Prattley mobile sheep race c/w hurdles Mobile Cattle crush c/w 8 x 10ft gates Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 15 10 x Bateman beef feeders 3 x Milk Bar calf feeders c/w 10 teats Twose slurry scraper, mounted Qty of ring feeders GENERAL EQUIPMENT 2013 Ideal diesel tank, bunded, 15,000 litres, bund alarm c/w 160 litre/minute electric pump with automatic shut off Bundie Bowser, single axle, 1000 litres, petrol pump, brakes and lights Water bowser, 14000 litres, tandem axles Chemical store, FABBL approved c/w bund tray and shelves Martin Lishman MBT250 ATV mounted sprayer, 250 litres Stocks AG Fan Jet 24 applicator Stocks AG Fan Jet 120 applicator 6 x Portek Scatterbird gas bangers 5 x Tomahawk gas bangers 2 x Martin Lishman Ultrasonic bird scarers Dual wheels to fit John Deere 6920 tractor : Taurus & Klelber 20.8 R38 ² 60% Dual wheels : 710/70 R42 ² 70% Pair of floatation tyres Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 16 PRODUCE Approximately 2,000 tonnes of whole cropped wheat (2014) Approximately 600 mini Heston hay bales, wrapped (2014) MISCELLANEOUS & WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT Karcher steam cleaner Sealey air compressor & air tools Oxy-acetylene cutting kit Draper space heater Stihl MS291 chainsaw Front weight blocks & weights Qty of hand & power tools grease & oils paints belts & chains beacons signs dual wheel bracings pest control bate boxes hose & drainage pipe spares: Dowdeswell, Flatlift, Vaderstad gates water & feed troughs fencing materials workshop tools & requisites telegraph poles scrap Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 17 Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 18 Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 19 rural consultancy … our success is growing with you to discuss how, contact Newark 01636 642500 Retford 01777 860755 ÀVKHUJHUPDQFRXN Allwood Farm Pages_Layout 1 27/08/2014 16:14 Page 20 offices also at: Ashby de la Zouch, Banbury, Bromsgrove, Canterbury, Chester, Hungerford, Knutsford, Market Harborough, Newark, St Helens, Stafford, Thame, Worcester innovative thinking, inspired solutions rural consultancy farm sales and acquisitions estate and property management conversions of farm buildings to business use valuations and compensation claims telecommunication masts annual stocktaking assessments live and deadstock auctions terms & conditions Fisher German, themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agent they are give notice that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. These particulars do not constitute nor constitute any part of an offer or contract. All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of Fisher German or the vendors or lessors. None of the statements contained in these particulars as to the property is to be relied on as statements or representations of fact. Any intending purchasers or lessees must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. The vendors or lessors do not make or give, and neither Fisher German nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. Fisher German 21 Exchange Street Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 6BL Banbury 01295 271555 Thame 01844 212004 Market Harborough 01858 410200
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