IfraExpo 2002 - WAN-IFRA
IfraExpo 2002 - WAN-IFRA
IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 newspaper techniques The annual event of the publishing industry Exhibitors and products at IfraExpo in Barcelona > ABB Schweiz AG The exhibitors for IfraExpo 2002 have once again provided newspaper techniques with comprehensive information about what visitors can expect to find on the stands during the exhibition in Barcelona. This year’s line of products, technologies and services on show will run the gamut of newspaper production. The names of the exhibitors – in alphabetical order and with their stand number in parenthesis – and the products and services that they will present are featured on the following pages. Those exhibitors with an arrow are showing new products for the first time at the Expo. An up-to-date catalogue and hall plan indicating where the exhibitors are located will be available in the entrance hall of the Montjuïc 2 exhibition centre. All of the latest information about IfraExpo 2002 is available at www.ifraexpo.com. (0350) Postfach 5401 Baden, Switzerland http://www.abb.com/printing will use the title IndustrialIT to presents its comprehensive solutions for the entire newspaper production chain, covering page planning up to distribution. The solutions on offer include several new developments to ABB's fully integrated systems for newspaper production in publishing and printing houses. The range of systems includes: MPS Cockpit, a management system for the planning, tracking and cost control for all products of a newspaper publisher, taking account of all involved processes; MPS InsertManager, which supports the sale, planning, production, storage and target-orientated distribution of newspaper inserts; MPS PageManager, page planning for the contents retrieved from editorial and advertisement systems including their positioning and page makeup in accordance with newspaper structures and page properties provided by the pressroom; MPS Workflow, a digital workflow solution for platemaking; MPS Roll Handling, a logistics and control system for the entire paper roll supply; MPS Production, production management for newspaper printing presses; MPS Inform, an information system in newspaper printing; MPS Control Console, a control desk for newspaper presses plus simulator and colour management as an option; MPS Press Control and MPS Drive, the integrated control and drive system suitable for shaftless newspaper presses. AccuWeather Inc AccuWeather.com (0630) 385 Science Park Rd State College, PA 16803-2215, United States of America http://www.accuweather.com is a provider of weather for newspapers worldwide. AccuWeather says their pages attract readers with their custom design, content, vividness and accuracy. AccuWeather supplies custom weather pages 20 to 834 newspapers in 10 different languages, in addition to providing weather maps for the United States to The Associated Press. AccuWeather weather pages are supplied, fully edited for accuracy and consistency, and delivered electronically, ready for camera, press or prepress. AccuWeather is also the internet's weather content leader, offering newspapers the most customised, localised, accurate, comprehensive weather data, forecasts, and information that keeps your readers loyal to your brand. Available are 15-day and hour-byhour forecasts for more than 300,000 locations worldwide, the most complete radar and satellite images, streaming video for numerous cities worldwide, thousands of maps, forecasts for gardeners, skiers, boaters, and more. Weather-based marketing products deliver free-to-your-readers branding and revenue opportunities. AccuWeather can provide content for your site, or create a co-branded site that offers you revenue potential. Adobe Systems (0255) Torre Mapfre - Villa Olímpica, Marina 16-18, Planta 22 A 08005 Barcelona, Spain http://www.adobe.com builds software solutions for Network Publishing, including web, print, video, wireless and broadband applications. Adobe says its graphic design, imaging, dynamic media, and authoring tools enable customers to create, publish and deliver visually-rich content for various types of media. The company's products are used by web and graphic designers, professional publishers, document-intensive organisations, business users, and consumers. Adobe is the second largest PC software company in the United States, with annual revenues exceeding $1.2 billion. The company says it employs more than 2800 employees all over the world and has operations in North America, Europe, the Pacific Rim, Japan and Latin America. Adobe's worldwide headquarters are in San Jose, California, U.S.A. newspaper techniques September 2002 AEDE Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (0431) 17 and 18 October 2002, Barcelona, Spain C/ Orense 69 - 2a C3 28020 Madrid, Spain http://www.aede.es is the Spanish newspaper publishers' association. It was established in 1978 to promote, represent and defend the interests of the publishers of daily newspapers, initiate projects aimed at supporting newspapers and to offer a service designed to satisfy their present and future needs. To do so, it attaches special importance to finding out and following-up publishers' requirements by listening to and knowing their opinions. The association promotes a policy of consensus, cooperation between companies, as well as the continuous improvement in corporate ethics. It also encourages collective negotiations by entering into dialogue with the social partners, thus contributing to overall social stability and competition between companies. AEDE has stated its intention to further enhance its presence at all forums and organisations where decisions are made that affect the interests of the industry, both directly and indirectly. Its policy is one of engagement, improvement, active listening and learning, acting independently of political and social interests. Affeldt (0939) Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH Altendeich 14 25335 Neuendorf, Germany http://www.affeldt.com will present the AVN SA 15 automatic wrapping machine with a short structural shape, which is 700 mm long, and the AVN SA 50 automatic side-sealing machine that is 300 mm long (total length of the combination: 1000 mm). Claimed features of this installation: output up to 35 bundles/min; minimum pile height: one copy, maximum pile height 400 mm; laser-controlled pile height control for optimised plastic wrapping. The AVN RA 31 top sheet feeder places single top sheets on to each product pile. Claimed features of this top sheet feeder include: sheet application without bundle stop, reliable operation also with different pile heights; maximum safety by double sheet detector. Other Affeldt products include the AVN TG 45 400 belt conveyor and the AVN TT 56-2 accumulation conveyor. Beyond the Printed Word The IFRA/WAN/FIPP World Electronic Publishing Conference Beyond the Printed Word is now in its 10th year. After all developments and both fulfilled and unfulfilled expectations that we have experienced during the past years, one thing can be said with certainty: the online business has become a mass medium and plays an important role in the media mix of the publisher as well as of the consumer. Organisers: Ifra The world’s leading association for media publishing World Association of Newspapers (WAN) International Federation of the Periodical Press (FIPP) Though the online business is established, there still remain a lot of questions concerning refinancing and prospering. Does the user accept he has to pay at least for premium content? Where is the advertising market heading? How is the wireless market developing? These are just some of the topics that will be covered during the two days. Contact: www.ifra.com for programme updates and online registration Ifra Washingtonplatz 64287 Darmstadt Germany E-mail: Events@ifra.com www.ifra.com Tel.: +49.6151.733-6 Fax: +49.6151.733-832 IfraExpo 2002 Agfa-Gevaert September 2002 (1420) permit the organisation of complex workflows and visual management of the production in every step. Ailink is showing the new version of workflow and imposition, ImpoRed, from its partner Redprint, which organises editorial production with functionalities such as tests, bar codes, by-windows, load balanced, control of several centres, web interface, etc. They will show the systems: – Publicom: for information exchange and remote printing. - Publicast: for management and distribution of advertising. - PSI: commercial management of advertising; and – ADAM: a multimedia archiving system. All of these systems are integrated with InfóPolis. Septestraat 27 2640 Mortsel, Belgium http://www.agfa.com This is the first IfraExpo following Agfa's acquisition of Autologic. The company will be presenting the first results of the integration of Agfa and Autologic products for newspapers including new generations of both CTP and workflow solutions. In workflow, Agfa will demonstrate the first phase of integration of the Autologic Plateroom Manager and Agfa Intellinet solutions including complete PDF workflows from pagination to CTP, integrated imposition and web access for softproofs, status tracking and management control. As for plate production, Agfa will present new ways to meet customer requirements in platesetting (Polaris), screening (Sublima), plate technology (silver and photopolymer solutions; “green" and violet solutions), plate processing (new processor, new processing chemistry solutions for photopolymer and silver), the Agfa Closed Loop Concept and waste reduction. In the visible light offering, violet technology will be the dominant solution. Visitors also will see the latest in engines (Sherpa), materials and software (QMS2.0) for proofing. Valued services for newspaper customers include amongst others Technical Assistance Center, Consulting (IntelliTune, ColorTune, Screening), Service programmes, and Quality Improvement Programmes. Ailink SL AirLoc Schrepfer AG (0190) Eigenheimstrasse 22 8700 Küsnacht/Zürich, Switzerland http://ww.airloc-schrepfer.com the company's activities include: Engineering service, professional vibration engineering know-how; worldwide experience of more than 45 years; modern stationary and mobile measuring equipment; and frequency analysis (proper frequency determination, level measurements). Some of the company's featured products include: AirLoc/BiLoc vibration isolation pads, AirLoc jacmounts, AirLoc wedgmounts for precision levelling, KaBloc-System for free-standing application or subsequent rigid anchoring, AirLoc foundation isolations for rotary printing presses, AirLoc-isolated joint cover FAP Heavy Duty. AirLoc/BiLoc slab isolations on existing ceilings. (0330) Pedro Heredia, 17 2º 28028 Madrid, Spain > Akzo Nobel Inks AB http://www.ailink.es will show the InfóPolis system of content management and editorial production. Based in a web environment, a web browser as interface and XML standard that permits geographic virtuality of use and reuse of contents. The company says InfóPolis in content management uses a great number of information sources (news agencies, etc.) and makes professional use of the informative objects from the information repository. In the editorial production area, there are tools for editorial planning and advertising. These tools permit the edition of articles and pagination with several applications (InCopy 2.0, Word, QuarkXPress, InDesign 2.0) in Macintosh and Windows simultaneously. They also (0660) quality printing in coldset; Waterless printing inks developed in cooperation with KBA for the KBA Cortina; and the Super Nova high performance fountain solution. > alfa Media Partner GmbH (0680) Steinheimer Str. 117 63500 Seligenstadt, Germany http://www.alfa.de The focus of this year's presentation, besides integration of in-house publishing processes, will be on the networking or integration respectively of the publishing house business processes with those of its customers and partners (therefore stronger ties between publishing house and customer). Shown this year will be alfa-NewsSuite, described by alfa as its greatly expanded, highly integrated solution for the editorial area, and alfa-AdSuite for the advertising area. According to alfa, the latter has been enhanced by the further developed alfa-AdCounter inline ad-taking solution. The company says this reduces the advertising department's workload, minimises time spent on ad recording and design, in addition to providing the opportunity to increase customer loyalty, advertising revenues and profits by new service offers. With alfa-MediaStore, customised archive workflows and asset management will be shown. Besides tailored IT and integration service offers, visitors also will have the chance to find out more about already realised system integrations of Linopress editorial and advertising solutions with alfa modules. alfaQuest Technologies Ltd (0680) 9 Perry Wood Business Park Gutenbergsgatan 1 Salfords Redhill, Sy RH1 5JR 231 25 Trelleborg, Sweden United Kingdom http://www.aninks.com (See alfa Media Partner GmbH.) will exhibit its full range of news offset coloured and black inks showing the latest developments in ink technology. This includes inks for both standard news production as well as inks for supplement and commercial printing in coldset. Akzo Nobel Inks is a partner to KBA in the development of waterless printing inks for KBA Cortina. Of special interest are the: Globe and MPI (Multi purpose) inks, which the company says enables their customers to print with enhanced results on improved paper quality as well as standard news grades; the ANIZET ink series for magazine 22 newspaper techniques Anchor Pressroom Products (1040) Zwaluwbeek 14 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium http://www.anchor.be (See Fuji Hunt Pressroom Chemicals.) > Anygraaf USA Inc (0865) PO Box 85 35 Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8535, United States of America http://www.anygraaf.com will present three new products: – Doris Messaging Server provides common IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 as well as to processes. Messaging Server also enables system monitoring and control. – The Doris product family has been extended with a reporting tool, Doris Reporting, which provides various types of statistical information and reports including among others: production schedule statistics, statistics about how editorial content is covering geographical areas, department specific editorial volumes, reports for ad make-up time per advertiser. This tool provides mechanisms to tune up deadlines and to reorganise production. Doris Plug-In for Adobe InDesign 2.0. Doris now contains support for Adobe InDesign 2.0 with a wide range of editorial functions and an fast interface to editorial material. The Plug-In can also be used for ad material production. It enhances the internal functions of InDesign both for newspaper and magazine use. Other Doris products on display: ad system AProfit, Doris32 editorial and Planner page planning system, IProfit for selling images, CProfit distribution system, Ad Manager, GSM Distribution Control, Proofer, Workshift List and Table Editor. interface to various types of messaging systems: e-mail, SMS, MMS and network messaging. The system allows messaging not only between people but also messaging to objects (articles, pages, documents) as well as to processes. Messaging Server also enables system monitoring and control. – The Doris product family has been extended with a reporting tool, Doris Reporting, which provides various types of statistical information and reports including among others: production schedule statistics, statistics about how editorial content is covering geographical areas, department specific editorial volumes, reports for ad make-up time per advertiser. This tool provides mechanisms to tune up deadlines and to reorganise production. Doris Plug-In for Adobe InDesign 2.0. Doris now contains support for Adobe InDesign 2.0 with a wide range of editorial functions and an fast interface to editorial material. The Plug-In also can be used for ad material production. It enhances the internal functions of InDesign both for newspaper and magazine use. Other Doris products on display: ad system AProfit, Doris32 editorial and Planner page planning system, IProfit for selling images, CProfit distribution system, Ad Manager, GSM Distribution Control, Proofer, Workshift List and Table Editor. > Anygraaf AB > Anygraaf Oy (0865) Riihimiehentie 2 01720 Vantaa, Finland http://www.anygraaf.fi will present three new products: – Doris Messaging Server provides common interface to various types of messaging systems: e-mail, SMS, MMS and network messaging. The system allows messaging not only between people but also messaging to objects (articles, pages, documents) as well as to processes. Messaging Server also enables system monitoring and control. – The Doris product family has been extended with a reporting tool, Doris Reporting, which provides various types of statistical information and reports including among others: production schedule statistics, statistics about how editorial content is covering geographical areas, department specific editorial volumes, and reports for ad make-up time per advertiser. This tool provides mechanisms to tune up deadlines and to reorganise production. – Doris Plug-In for Adobe InDesign 2.0. Doris now contains support for Adobe InDesign 2.0 with a wide range of editorial functions and a fast interface to editorial material. The Plug-In can also be used for ad material production. It enhances the internal (0865) Ingenjörscentrum, Rotebergsvägen 9 192 78 Sollentuna, Sweden http://www.anygraaf.se will present three new products: – Doris Messaging Server provides common interface to various types of messaging systems: e-mail, SMS, MMS and network messaging. The system allows messaging not only between people but also messaging to objects (articles, pages, documents) 2B-Präzisionstechnik will present the Imagefinder-BV automatic plate edge-bending and punching machine. 24 newspaper techniques functions of InDesign both for newspaper and magazine use. Other Doris products: ad system AProfit, Doris32 editorial and Planner page planning system, IProfit for selling images, CProfit distribution system, Ad Manager, GSM Distribution Control, Proofer, Workshift List and Table Editor. Atlantem Informatique (1227) 1, rue Samuel Champlain, ZI Chef de Baie 17074 La Rochelle, France http://www.atlantem.com has specialised for 16 years in the development of solutions for the press. The company will present the new version of its publishing system: SCP, Système Centralisé Presse. SCP is based on an editorial system and an archiving system. The integration within SCP of its electronic page layout, Exepub, renamed SCP Planner, thus constitutes a solution that can be both modulated and further developed. Atlantem Informatique also continues to further develop its entire software programme: Exefact/Exepub: an invoicing system for advertising orders that integrates the electronic page layout; S'Sport: a program for recording and managing sports results that includes an export to the page layout and distribution via the internet; S'Press PA/AD'Press: classified ad recording and managing software; X'Bourse/X'Turf/X'MSR/X'Vertical/X'Image+...: QuarkXPress page make-up Xtension; PA Online: classified ad distribution and reception on the internet; Distri'Box: software for management of prospectus distribution to mailboxes. 2B-Präzisionstechnik GmbH für Druck und Industrie (0520) Tadinger Str. 3 85659 Forstern, Germany http://www.2B-Praezision.de will present the Imagefinder-BV automatic plate edge-bending and punching machine that is equipped with a video camera system. The following software options are available: for the free definition of plate positioning for multi-compartment stations and a remote maintenance and diagnostic system. 2B-Präzisionstechnik has 20 years of experience offering solutions for the printing industry. Its range of services includes the development and manufacture of customised solutions. The company was ISO 9001-certified in 1996. It IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 newspaper techniques also has many years' experience acting as a supplier of prepress equipment to press manufacturers. It also supplies printing houses worldwide with complete systems for automatic plate processing. The company's core competency lies in the development and manufacture of complex installations, transport system and their automation based on bar code control. Baldwin Grafotec GmbH (0885) Derchinger Str. 137 86165 Augsburg, Germany http://www.baldwin.de (See Baldwin Technology Company Inc.) Baldwin IVT AB (0885) Stoerydsvagan 13 573 21 Tranås, Sweden http://www.ivtg.se (See Baldwin Technology Company Inc.) Baldwin Jimek AB (0885) Testvägen 16 232 01 Arlöv, Sweden http://www.jimek.com (See Baldwin Technology Company Inc.) Baldwin Technology Company Inc. (0885) Derchinger Str. 137 86165 Augsburg, Germany http://www.baldwintech.com is an international manufacturer of press accessory and control equipment for the newspaper printing industry. Baldwin will feature Newspaper Grade products, systems and services that the company says deliver a new standard of process and financial performance. Newspapers around the world use Baldwin products to produce eye-catching colour, reduce unscheduled pressroom downtime and maintenance, reduce paper waste, improve manpower efficiency and minimise the use of solvents and VOCs in the printing process. Products featured for single and double wide presses include: – IMPACT automated blanket cleaning systems, which the company says reduce make-ready times, eliminate solvent handling and minimises VOCs. IMPACT uses PREPAC, Baldwin's cleaning cartridge, which the company says is an environmentally friendly cleaning agent. – LithoSpray is described by Baldwin as a precise spray dampening system featuring a patented nozzle and advanced control system, which applies the minimum amount of water necessary to uniformly dampen the printing plate. A short reaction time means the required dampening level is reached quickly, a dryer web is achieved, and start-up waste is reduced. W. Barenschee KG (1370) Bleckeder Landstr. 37 21337 Lüneburg, Germany http://www.barenschee.de will show its automatic VSAK 300 video punch and edgebending machine, which is designed for connection to digital platemaking systems. Plate positioning is done via two CCD 26 newspaper techniques September 2002 cameras working with register marks. A triaxial vacuum positioning table allows optimal plate positioning before punching. Up to 400 plates per hour can be processed with a high level of precision. After edgebending, a plate lift takes the plates into the sorting system, here with four stacking stations. The company says the unit's low height permits comfortable plate removal from the stacker pockets. Sorting information is supplied by a bar code on the plate edge. Sorting criteria can be, for example, edition or machine number. The machine can be connected to the prepress workflow. In addition, the processing results of each individual plate or machine status information can be made available to other users. According to the company, the Barenschee Plate Loader PZG ensures the automatic plate supply of KPG Newsetter CTP systems. The intermediate paper is removed by a mechanical gripper system.The throughput of 360 plates per hour permits the supply of two Newsetter TH180 systems. BASF Drucksysteme GmbH (1155) Sieglestr. 25 70469 Stuttgart, Germany http://www.basf-drucksysteme.de Innovation in newspaper inks includes matching existing ink systems to changing requirements and developing ink systems for new printing presses and papers. The trend towards newspapers with a higher colour content, thinner paper grades and the increase in press speed in the latest press generation make more exacting demands on technical ink properties: reduced show-through, improved ink-water balance, lower tendency towards misting, improved set-off behaviour. The growing use of dusty newsprint results in the piling of paper dust on the rubber blankets, especially with the more compact black inks – the printing quality suffers, washing intervals become shorter. For this reason, in the development of its new ink generation BASF Drucksysteme attached priority to longer washing intervals. The BASF ink offer consists of matched ink and fountain agent solutions from the Newsking newspaper ink series and Hydrofast fountain agent as well as the Printclean cleaning agent contribute to greater efficiency at printing operations. Because new press concepts often call for the development of new inks, BASF cooperates closely with press manufacturers. As IfraExpo 2002 a leading partner to the printing industry, BASF Drucksysteme offers a comprehensive programme of inks for a wide range of different applications as well as photopolymer plates. basysPrint GmbH This independence of individual productions increases the availability enormously. Machines that are fitted with an MLC can be extended quickly and economically, it is an advantage to use the MLC already for smaller machines. At the moment, the largest possible extension can consist of seven machine sections with 32 drive rings, each with up to 48 drives. This results in a plant with more than 10,000 drives running synchronously. The remote service and diagnostic system Baudis makes it possible to monitor the drives and commission the machine quickly. In the programme, the drives are selected by mouse click. The data records can be downloaded and tested easily via drag & drop, which simplifies and shortens the commissioning of the drive system. (0970) Gülzer Str. 15 19258 Boizenburg, Germany http://www.basysprint.de is a leading manufacturer of CTcP systems for the digital exposure of conventional offset plates – from data reception up to the press-ready conventional plate. The company says it offers state-of-the-art CTP technology in connection with lowcost, conventional plate technology. According to the manufacturer, this system allows up to 50 percent cost savings compared to laser-based CTP technologies. The UV-Setter 57-Z is designed especially for the newspaper printing sector. This automatic system exposes single pages and double-truck plates up to the maximum size of 690 x 940 mm. A plate dispenser can accommodate up to 500 plates, the intermediate paper is removed automatically. The company says the UV-Setter 57-Z can be simply integrated into existing work environments; the data is taken over as 1-Bit TIFF (G 4). An optimised interface allows the user to check the exposure unit and processing status. Besides automatic operation, the user has the option also to process plates manually. Depending on the chosen resolution and the area to be exposed, the UV-Setter 57-Z achieves a throughput of up to 120 plates per hour. Baumüller Anlagen Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. BECA GRAFIC SA (0467) Carretera Bilbao – Plencia KM 19 48640 Berango Vizcaya, Spain Information not available at the time of going to press. Beck & Pollitzer Printing Engineering Ltd (1229) Burnham Rd Dartford, Kent DA1 5BD, United Kingdom http://www.beck-pollitzer.com are specialists in sheetfed, commercial web and newspaper printing press installations and relocations world-wide. The company provides a comprehensive scope of engineering services and operates a range of fully powered rail-mounted press installation gantries of 25, 35, and 50 tonnes capacity to facilitate “en bloc" press (0949) Question No. 2: Ostendstr. 84 90482 Nürnberg, Germany „How can I control ad placements from the start?“ http://www.baumueller.de will present Sync-Drive-Technology with MLC (Multi-Link-Controller). The MLC with many single drives gain transparency and are more easily handled. Baumüller says this development provides obvious advantages to the printing company: Print sections are commissioned independently, whilst production is running. According to the company, commissioning time can be reduced significantly this way. Individual sections can be uncoupled from the MLC or serviced at any time, even when productions are running on the other sections. (See answer on page 50) 27 ? IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 Berth Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG (0850) Hüttenweg 6 35075 Gladenbach, Germany http://maschinenbau.berth.de will show an automatic offset plate processing line consisting of a CTP system with plate loader and developing station, an OPB 220 automatic inline plate punching and bending machine that works with optoelectronic register mark recognition and positioning for in-register plate punching and bending, as well as a sorting station. Berth says special software permits register corrections for fan-out compensation. The sorting station is equipped with a bar code reader that allows automatic plate sorting by printing couple or edition as well as other criteria. The number of stations can be selected at will. The company says the system is designed for output of 220 plates per hour. Berth also continues to offer plate transporting systems with corner transformers and turning stations that can be tailored to existing space conditions at operations. Berth Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG will show an automatic offset plate processing line. erection. These are supplemented by 30and 50-tonne “lift and carry" installation trucks and 100-, 400-, 600- and 1000tonne hydraulic lift systems. The stand display will highlight recent press installation projects undertaken in the U.K., Europe and overseas. Staff will be available to discuss press installations, dismantling and relocation, handling methods, rigging techniques and installation project planning. The company is accredited to the ISO 9001 international quality standard. Betz GmbH Druckmaschinentechnik (0530) Am Obereichholz 4 97828 Marktheidenfeld, Germany http://www.betz.de will present: ColorTrans ink supply systems with ink level control, ink consumption recording and ink pumps, including control terminal for control and monitoring. ColorPump, a pneumatic pump for the automatic ink supply (medium and high-viscosity inks) of web, newspaper or sheet-fed offset presses from 200 kg ink containers. Container pump, pneumatic ink pump for containers for the automatic ink supply (medium and high-viscosity inks) of web or newspaper presses with electrical container monitoring. Ink supply systems for web, newspaper and sheet-fed presses with ink level control, ink consumption measurement, ink pumps, tank systems and ink pipes. ColorPro ink level controller BLS-1 for the automatic filling of the ink fountains of web, newspaper and sheet-fed offset presses with computerised ink level monitoring and control. ColorSolve washing agent treatment plant for web, newspaper and sheet-fed offset presses with thick slurry separator. ColorMix computerised ink mixing system for the automatic mix- B.O.D. Ingeniera of Spain has vast experience in carrying out projects for constructing new and modernising existing printing plants. 28 newspaper techniques ing of special inks in accordance with a programmed recipe. ColorMove ink agitator, an electrically driven ink agitator for web, commercial and newspaper presses, suitable for all ink viscosities. B.O.D. Ingeniera SA (0890) Paseo de la Habana 137 28036 Madrid, Spain http://www.bod.es offers an all-round consulting service for building construction. It has vast experience in carrying out projects for constructing new and modernising existing printing plants. Services offered include designing the buildings and their installations to suit the requirements of the printer and the production equipment, evaluation of the design of the site to optimise workflows, equipment selection with due consideration to a good cost-quality ratio for each installation (paper reel storage and transport, ink storage and transport, etc.), “turnkey" buildings, remodelling of existing printing plants for installing new equipment, design of anti-vibration facilities for rotary presses, selecting used equipment, choice of sites and buildings for specific activities, design of buildings for headquarters or other printing-related activities. B.O.D. operates on an international scale and has carried out projects for leading printing and publishing groups such as El País-PRISA (Spain), El PeriódicoGrupo Z (Spain), La Nación (Argentina), Listín Diario (Dominican Rep.), Grupo Correo (Spain), Mateu Cromo (Spain), and other regional titles such as La Voz de Galicia, Diario de Navarra, Diario de Cádiz, etc. Felix Böttcher GmbH & Co. KG (0959) Stolberger Str. 351-358 50933 Köln, Germany http://www.boettcher.de will present a number of new product developments designed to help meet these challenges: – A new inking roller compound claimed to have excellent dynamic properties, coupled with good dimensional stability in news inks, significantly reducing the temperature in the printing unit and having a positive effect on ink misting. – New dampening roller compounds that the company says are made to match the ingredients of diverse news inks and offering improved dimensional stability. – New newspaper techniques September 2002 IfraExpo 2002 available in a special formulation for filtration systems. The company says more and more newspaper printers are discovering the economic advantages of these recycling systems, and that questions are being asked about the recycling quota, the corrosion and cleaning characteristics of recycled washes, and more. Böttcher will provide information and advice about this and related subjects. Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives and Controls will feature its Synax200 solution for press automation. materials for short inking units (anilox) that Böttcher says have greatly improved mechanical strength and longer life cycles. – New newspaper printing blankets with calculable and reliable feed characteristics stabilise web tension and register. A further focal point will be solvents for manual and automatic blanket and roller cleaning: all Böttcherin newspaper washes also are > Bosch Rexroth AG (0525) Electric Drives and Controls Bürgermeister-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 97816 Lohr/Main, Germany http://www.boschrexroth.com/brc This controls and drives manufacturer has a track record of equipping shaftless newspaper presses worldwide. In the light of 10 years' experience, the functions of the Synax200 system solution have been expanded and its handling improved. The company says the result is considerably reduced investment of labour and financial resources for total press automation. Synax200 features a modular design as well as components for motion control and digital servo drive engineering. As an option, Synax200 can have an integrated soft SPS (programmable controller) as well as comfortable operating and visualising devices added. Open communication interfaces take charge of networking with the press management systems. With Synax200, presses or press components are positioned and programmed individually or interconnected, or printing couples engaged in-register during the production run for a flying job change. The decentralised control concept offers maximum flexibility in multi-web production in installations consisting of several sections. Standard functions include web tension and register control. Workflow solutions from 2B-Präzision 002 xpo 2 E a r f I at the from 14 to Visit us elona in Barc .10.2002 80 17 and 06 7 6 4 0 0520, Stand 䡲 Automatic punching machine with video-controlled plate alignment 䡲 Plate transport systems with bar code control 䡲 Plate Organiser – to define the stacking system 䡲 Teleservice – remote maintenance and diagnostic system 䡲 Individual solutions PRÄZISIONSTECHNIK GMBH for printing and industry applications Worldwide supplier to leading printing press manufacturers Tadinger Str. 3 · D-85659 Forstern · Tel. +49 (0) 81 24 - 71 26 · Fax +49 (0) 81 24 - 74 80 · www.2B-praezision.de IfraExpo 2002 CCI Europe September 2002 (1140+1223) many additional optional facilities, such as perforating, stitching, gluing and double parallel folding. The company says that a broad range of superstructures with turner bars in all variations is offered to suit all requirements, equipped with remote control and optionally with bay-window device. Also shown will be a Colorstar DW 75 satellite tower that offers an especially high level of register precision in four-colour printing. All press components are operated and monitored via a control console. The control console also can be optionally equipped with a press presetting program, thereby keeping start-up waste to a minimum. Another option is the auto-changing technique to allow flying imprint changes without stopping the press. Axel Kiers Vej 11 8270 Højbjerg, Denmark http://www.ccieurope.com CCI Europe, in partnership with USA TODAY and Aftenposten in Norway, and in conjunction with a focus group comprising another eight of the world's leading newspapers, says it is developing a true content management platform and integration architecture – CCI NewsGate, which will be demonstrated as a prototype at IfraExpo 2002. The company says CCI NewsGate focuses on optimising the creation and management processes for content throughout the news publishing life cycle and value chain. According to CCI, the system will create synergies at both the group and individual newsroom level, as the entire publishing process, from story creation to final distribution through multiple channels, is brought together on a single integrated platform, thereby enabling media companies to be more agile and more responsive to the ever-changing market. CCI also presents CCI NewsDesk Release 6, which the company describes as a complete editorial solution, designed to streamline the editorial process from story creation to final publication both online and in print. CCI says the solution is flexible and customisable allowing the system to be tailored to the individual needs of the newspaper. The company says CCI AdDesk is one of the only advertising solutions on the market that has been “born converged." Visitors will be able to check out the state-of-theart system, which has been installed at Associated Newspapers Ltd. Hermann Clauberg GmbH & Co. Maschinenfabrik C.M.C. Spa (0495) Via E. Kant, 28 - Cerbara 06011 Città di Castello (PG), Italy http://www.cmcponti.com RITMICA SH/70E is an electronic film wrapping machine specifically designed for feeding newspapers in spine leading position. The company says this machine has large dimensions and allows easier and faster feeding of newspapers up to 70 mm of thickness. The machine can be feed by a rotary feeder placed in cross position in an “off line" version or in an “in line" version by transport grippers. CMC says this allows a production increase by 30 percent in relation to the common side feeding systems. But the company says the real new idea is the patented automatic feeding system designed to allow an easier and faster newspaper loading on the rotary feeders, thus reducing manpower. CMC claims this will be a innovative solution for film wrapping machine feeding. (0953) Buckower Chaussee 110-113 newspaper techniques > COMYAN GmbH (0675) Karolingerstr. 34 A 82205 Gilching, Germany http://www.comyan.com will present a fully-integrated Media Asset/Content Management System for newspaper publishers, consisting of the following modules: – a multi-media archive in internet/XML-technology (articles, images, graphics, adverts, PDF-pages, wire news, wire images, dossiers); – NewsBench/Media Exchange, a component for the seamless integration with existing print editorial systems (Hermes, alfa, Harris, Atex, Cardo, News NT); – A web-based online editorial system with dynamic page generation; – A new billing system (Kiosk) for the selling of digital content on a payper-view and/or subscription basis. Together, these modules cover all aspects of modern digital asset management. The company says the system enables direct collaboration between print- and online editors and real cross-media publishing. Additionally, the company says that NewsBench offers functions for the automatic key wording of print- and online content (with a high accuracy of more than 80 percent – the rest is corrected manually). Flexible import and export-functions enable the processing of proprietary, vendor-specific data formats and the transformation into XML. web-, Palm-, WAP-, eBook and ePaper editions are generated dynamically and personalised. The system is used by major newspaper publishers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. Controls Group Inc (0620) 5060 27th Ave Rockford, IL 61109, United States of America http://www.controlsgroupinc.com Coates Lorilleux SA 12277 Berlin, Germany (0820) Z.I. du pont du Matz http://www.clauberg-berlin.de 60150 Thourotte, France will present the latest versions of the Colorstar DW 70 and SW 70 printing units that reach an average speed of 35,000 cylinder revs./h. Both types are supplied from simple monochrome printing units up to complete four-high towers designed to suit specific customer requirements. They also can be used to extend existing installations on which either the number of colours or pages is no longer sufficient. There is a wide spectrum of folders available, ranging from 2:3:3 to 2:5:5 with http://www.coateslorilleux.com is dedicated to supplying top-quality mineral and vegetable oil-based coldset or Flexo inks to the newspaper industry. For tradition to join with modern technology, CLx is unifying all its coldset inks, colour or black, creating the brand name Cougar. To better satisfy the whole range of need of the industry, CLx is always at the side of the users to offer technical support and build long-term partnerships. 30 produces Precision Inking Systems that the company says have many advantages over mechanical page packs and open fountain systems. Specifically, they have the ability to more precisely control ink flow, which improves the accuracy of ink density and reproduction quality. In addition, Controls Group says their digital injectors save money by reducing start-up waste, set-up time, and maintenance costs. Digital injectors use stepping motors that drive fixed stroke injectors controlled by microcomputers. The company says this enables their digital injector to achieve 0.1 IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 experience in converting and installing both open fountain and pump and rail presses. Controls Group offers six and eight column digital injectors with either single or double stroke pistons. Narrow web and double-width web kits are available. The company also manufactures an ink and water setting console. > Creo Europe SA (1175) Waterloo Office Park Bldg E-F 161 Drève Richelle 1410 Waterloo, Belgium Creo is demonstrating the 200-plates per hour Trendsetter NEWS 200 platesetter for CTP imaging. http://www.creo.com is demonstrating the 200-plates per hour Trendsetter NEWS 200 platesetter for CTP imaging. Four models of the Trendsetter NEWS platesetter deliver thermal imaging, automatic plate loading and unloading, and a flexible, standard file-format interface to typical newspaper production systems. The company says the machine- percent key setting accuracy. Controls Group adds that the ability of their digital system to independently silence each printing zone means they provide a true “zero" or no ink setting, plus the benefit of reduction in fountain wear. Regardless of the type of press you are operating, they have IfraExpo 2002 Hall 2 Stand No. 1370 W. BARENSCHEE KG PRECISION IN PREPRESS - SINCE 1919 Bleckeder Landstrasse 37 D-21337 Lüneburg Phone: + 49 4131 87213-0 Fax: + 49 4131 83239 E-mail: roland.sedlmeier@barenschee.de Internet: www.barenschee.de 32 newspaper techniques to-machine accuracy of the SQUAREspot thermal imaging heads, combined with the binary nature of thermal newspaper plates, achieves consistent and repeatable halftone dot structures. See press samples using Staccato FM screening, the way printers are deriving the most value from their Creo investment. Creo says its SQUAREspot technology provides such consistency that FM screening is an every day pressroom reality. Creo is also demonstrating the new iQsmart professional colour scanner. The company says that with a large 305 x 457.2 mm scanning bed, the iQsmart scans up to 96 35mm slides at one time and generates up to 40 scans per hour. According to Creo, any size original can be scanned at a true optical resolution of up to 5500 dpi from edge to edge. The company says the oXYgen scanning application ensures the scanners are easy to use and produce the maximum in imaging flexibility. newspaper techniques September 2002 Cross Graphics Ltd (0655) 2 The Old School House George St Hemel Hempstead Herts HP2 5HJ, United Kingdom http://www.crossg.com supply used newspaper and commercial web presses to the newspaper industry. In addition to press sales, Cross Graphics also represent a healthy stable of new equipment. DENEX Copy Sensors, the industry standard for accurate counting of products in the newspaper, commercial web industries. Hurst Reelstands are back in the form of the New Hurst Corporation, Detroit. The new Hurst Auto Pasters use the tried and tested original Hurst designs. The company says streamlining of the machines means a step forward to even better efficiency and productivity. For top quality in-line stitching, Motter Stitchers, Switzerland are chosen by many printers for reliability and performance. Motter Stitchers use modern shaftless technology and high build quality to ensure a solid performance at full press speed. The new Separator System concept is optimising web press output and is under scrutiny by many large web printers. The Separator allows users of large web presses to greatly increase productivity by converting a 60,000 cph output into 240,000 (with the MARK IV). Users can run different products simultaneously and lower the cost per copy printed. Total Mailroom Solutions from Schur Packaging Systems, Denmark. Schur offer a mailroom solution for all sizes of newspaper printer, including bundle stacking, inserting and palletising. Datox SA (1170) Prominent Newspapers rely on AirLoc Foundation-Isolation Dampening Systems. 62, bd. Davout 75020 Paris, France http://www.datox.fr Datox, a supplier of prepress solutions in France, Synapse Management, a developer and integrator of information management systems for the advertising sector, and Plurimind, a consulting company specialising in content distribution via the internet, have agreed to combine forces in the area of compiling, managing and distributing multimedia content. The mutual complementary of the activities and tasks of these companies enables them to offer a comprehensive service to the newspaper and publishing industries, though also to administrative authorities and large corporations (content and information management). At the IfraExpo, the new group of companies will present its “product": XMContent, a multimedia content and make-up management system (workflow); SysDoc, a digital database for multimedia objects; YA2, content collection and creation solutions; Publicom, a software package for managing display and classified ads, based on open application modules (Java, XML) that can be used together with standard programs (QuarkXpress, InDesign, etc.). The group also offers a range of additional services: consulting (definition of requirements, feasibility studies, accompanying the change, etc.), engineering Ingénierie (integrating products into existing systems, specific developments, etc.), services (third party maintenance for application software, systems and network maintenance, etc.). 33 More than 300 major newspaper printing companies worldwide rely and depend on AirLoc to control vibration and structure borne vibration and noise associated with rotary printing presses. Even in earthquake endangered areas (fault zones) all installations on our systems were undamaged. The engineering and installation experience at AirLoc guarantees maximum vibration dampening and the separation of disturbing frequencies from resonance-bodies for optimum production and high operation at low costs. Contact our customer service engineers for information about AirLoc dampening and isolation systems for printing presses and other vibration problems. AirLoc Schrepfer AG CH - 8700 Küsnacht - ZH, Tel. +41 (1) 929 22 66, Fax +41 (1) 929 22 52 E-Mail: info@airloc-schrepfer.com www.airloc-schrepfer.com IfraExpo 2002 Dauphin Graphic Machines, Inc September 2002 > DENEX Systems (0550) PO Box 573 Byängsgränd 20 Elizabethville, PA SE 120 21 Stockholm, Sweden 17023, United States of America http://www.denex.se http://www.dauphingraphic.com DENEX InfoTrack is the concept which includes all the DENEX Production Tracking Systems that can be integrated with a standard business system. – DENEX InfoSite is the intranet solution to display production information as web pages. – DENEX Report 2000 is the new toolbox to generate reports from DENEX Production Tracking Systems. It is using Excel 2000/XP for presentation. – DENEX ProdPlan is different planning tools for planning and monitoring of newspaper production. – DENEX ReelTrack keeps track of the reels from the paper mill to the reelstand. It gives full control of all newsprint received, in inventory and consumed. – DENEX CopyTrack keeps track of production from prepress to loading dock. Used for totalising, time tracking and used material. – DENEX JobTrack is a program to keep track of planned and active manual operations. The information is available as a standard application or as a browser version. CATS mailroom control system, LYNX, now running on Windows 2000, can be connected to any machinery or subsystem. CATS will show the web-based distributed supervision system together with a cost-efficient supervision and counting system, Sphinx (SIMS), with WAP interface. Supporting IfraTrack, it connects to any database, counter and status signal. CATS also have applications for inkjets, edition data and PALM/ iPag. is a manufacturer of web offset printing machinery. Included in DGM's full-line of presses are the DGM-430, 440, 440S, 850, and 870 printing units; complimented by the DGM-1030, 1035, 1240, 1050, 1255, and DGM 2:3:3 Folders. DGM will have on display the DGM-440S unit shaftless press. Day International GmbH (0629) Auchtertstr. 8 72770 Reutlingen, Germany http://www.dayintl.com For almost 100 years Day International has continually improved its service and product range as a leading supplier of pressroom consumables. The new dayGraphica 8897 blanket has been developed for use on high-speed multicolour offset news presses. Improved stability ensures this blanket gives optimum performance on blanket-to-blanket and satellite presses. Solvent and water resistant fabrics reduce swelling and register problems. The new dayGraphica t8897 uses tubular blanket technology and has been developed for use on Heidelberg Mainstream newspaper presses. Due to the compounds within the surface of the blanket the result is cleaner running at lower temperatures enhancing print quality. Day will also be exhibiting the dayGraphica RM 70 Micro-gap blanket designed for optimum performance on the Regioman press from MAN Roland. Question No. 3: „Why is my product planning being carried out on paper?“ (See answer on page 50) (0193) Technology AB Verlag Deutscher Drucker ? (Entrance Hall) Riedstr. 73760 Ostfildern, Germany http://www.publish.de will present leading German trade magazines for the graphics industry: Deutscher Drucker – specialising in prepress, cross-media publishing, printing, finishing and packaging – for specialists and managers in all areas of the graphics industry; Publishing Praxis – specialising in digital workflow and media production – for professionals in the digital sector, and publish.de – the web guide of the graphics industry containing selected and commented internet addresses. At international lev34 newspaper techniques els, readers are informed by PrintCom Asia – a trade magazine for prepress, printing, finishing and packaging in the Far East; PrintCom Brasil – a Portuguese-language magazine for the printing and media industry in Brazil, and PrintCom India – a trade magazine for the graphics industry on the Indian subcontinent and neighbouring countries. Free sample copies will be offered on the stand. > Devlin Electronics Ltd (1065) Unit D1, Grafton Way Basingstoke Hants RG22 6HZ, United Kingdom http://www.devlin.co.uk manufactures a comprehensive range of keyboards for use with editorial and classified systems. These include compatibility with Atex, net-linx, Unisys, CCI, DTI, Quark (Mac, including OS X). All keyboards can be customized with special keycap colours, legends and specific key codes, and they incorporate quality switch technologies for a longer life. Advantages to users include both faster training time and user operation which lead to greater efficiency and lower costs. Devlin also has recently manufactured 19-inch rack-mounted keyboards for use with Sun Servers, both traditional six-pin and USB that incorporate a built-in trackball pointing device. Digital Collections Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (0770) Hammerbrook Str. 93 20097 Hamburg, Germany http://www.digicol.com will present its further developed, established DC4 asset management and archive system. New products on show will be the Native Client and Elektra. Native Client is an own development. The company says that Native Client's advantage compared to the web browser clients offered exclusively to date is a higher performance, Drag&Drop functionality and extended features for keywording and image workflow. DC will show Elektra for the first time. This is an automatic keywording system that uses statistical and semantic processes to categorise texts. The system is designed especially for the requirements of press documentation – according to the manufacturer, it has proven its quality in exhaustive tests – and has been used in IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 dpa-Mobile: Information and applications for cellphones and the mobile internet. This content is tailor-made for SMS, UTMS, WAP and GPRS. The dpa desk for all mobile applications is operated by its subsidiary dpa-infocom, which marks up the pre-formatted content. dpa says they supply the content base of their customers with fully-structured XML data format. production at a major German publishing house since June. Elektra can be adapted to suit different system environments and areas of application. As an option, automatic keywording with Elektra can be subscribed to as a service; it is not necessary to have a DC4 system. Elektra can be tested under the web address “http://elektra.digicol.de". Digital Collections, with more than 250 large-scale customers in 23 countries, is a worldwide leading manufacturer of software for the administration and researching of digital information. Druck-Medien-Verlag (Entrance Hall) GmbH Druck & Medien-Magazin Anton-Schmidt-Str. 5 (1120) http://www.druck-medien-verlag.de will present its trade magazines Druck&Medien-Magazin and polygraph international for specialists and managers in printing operations, (newspaper) publishing houses, prepress and finishing plants. Druck&Medien-Magazin is published in the German language and is distributed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The English-language polygraph international is distributed in more than 150 countries worldwide. Both magazines publish issues focusing on newspaper production-related topics at regular intervals. 1180 North Mountain Springs Parkway Springville, UT 84663, United States of America http://www.dtint.com Digital Technology International's NewsSpeed publishing system incorporates Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy into a multi-user database-centered solution. DTI's products include solutions for page design, planning and budgeting, text editing, image management, complete pagination, Internet Publishing, archiving and full page output to negative or CTP. > dpa - Deutsche Druckspiegel (0617) Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. (1085) Presse-Agentur GmbH Mittelweg 38 Borsigstr. 1-3 20148 Hamburg, Germany 63150 Heusenstamm, Germany http://www.dpa.com http://www.druckspiegel.de is Germany's leading news agency and one of the largest news-gathering organisations in the world. The dpa international services in German, English, Spanish and Arabic provide news stories, photos, graphics and radio reports. dpa's most important products at IfraExpo 2002 are: – dpa-Online English: which produces around the clock from their central desk in Cork and regional desks in Washington D.C. and in Bangkok; 100 short articles, 30 long articles and 20 pictures per day from all news categories about politics, culture, science, general, economics and sport; automatic updating per ftp-push. – dpa text data bank: No event of significance is missed by dpa's bureaus – 80 in Germany and 50 around the word. The dpa text data bank allows articles from this enormous reserve of information as far back as 1983 to be easily called up. More than 10 million articles in German, English and Spanish are accessible on the internet 24 hours a day. – This German-language magazine for the printing and media industry informs the decision-makers at prepress, printing and finishing operations about technical developments in the areas of premedia, typography, print, newspaper production technology and finishing. Extensive editorial coverage also is given to current management topics and market analyses. DS Druckerei-Service GmbH (1040) Siemensstr. 46 72766 Reutlingen, Germany http://www.dsgroup.de (See Fuji Hunt Pressroom Chemicals NV.) DUCO International Ltd > e-preserve / Lambrakis (1264) Press Archives 18, Panepistimiou St 10672 Athens, Greece (0575) is presenting two new e-preserve software solutions: “e-preserve Magazines" and “e-preserve Assets" together with the latest version of “e-preserve Newspapers." “e-preserve Magazines" follows a workflow for magazine pages preservation that the company says is designed to fit the needs of any magazine archive worldwide. The key features are customisable article and advertisement cataloguing-indexing; quality control; access to all data from internet and intranet environment; creation of automatically customisable CD/DVD ROM multimedia title publications with advanced information retrieval techniques. Lambrakis Press Archives (LPA) says “epreserve Assets" is a fully customisable solution for the storing, cataloguing and accessing of digitised manuscripts, documents, charts, books as well as photos, audio and video clips. “e-preserve Newspapers," is an integrated system for the digital preservation and archiving of newspapers, which has a number of new features such as enhancing of a newspaper digital library with audiovisual material. In addition to the software packages, LPA presents “epreserve services," a service bureau dealing with the digitisation of archives (microfilms, slides, photos, maps, manuscripts, books, documents, newspapers, audio, video). LPA holds the largest Greek newspaper digital archive dated from 1840 and being built using the e-preserve software solutions. EAE Ewert Ahrensburg Electronic GmbH 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany Slough, Berks SL1 4SF, United Kingdom http://www.eae.com are the producers of Dunlop and Cow offset printing blankets. The company will (0370) Kornkamp 8 Eastbourne Road http://www.duco.co.uk 36 be showing their new approach to blanket mounting and usage on web presses, the DUCOsmart System, as well as their range of other specialist blankets for the newspaper industry. Senior executives from the company's technical and sales departments will on the stand to answer questions. http://www.epreserveservices.com 71332 Waiblingen, Germany Digital Technology International (DTI) newspaper techniques has offered solutions for production planning and control at web offset printing operations for 40 years. On show from the IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 OPS (Open Press System) product family will be a range of management systems for control, automation and logistics applications that are designed to ensure totally integrated production at printing and publishing plants. The products concerned are: Control, a workflow-oriented press control and drive console. Info, a messaging and protocol system for the automatic monitoring of printing presses. RMS, the Reel Management System for managed paper store. MaFlow, transport logistics for managed material flow from the reel basement to the press. Plate, the prepress workflow manager for plate production. Print, the workflow manager press for complete press planning and presetting. Page, a planning tool for page-based production of print media; PPM, the postpress workflow manager for the automated mailroom, from the press to the loading ramp. LMS, a modular maintenance system for planning, controlling, evaluating and optimising maintenance in all areas of the printing plant. Following a successful first installation, the new V.I.P. (Visual intelligent Plant) planning and organisation system for total production management at printing plants has now been released for the market. > Easypress EidosMedia will feature its Méthode Print Suite for knowledge and content management. to-XML conversion to new levels through increased automation, control and granularity of the content extracted. Easypress Technologies publishing client list includes: FT Business, VNU, Roularta Media Group, Haymarket, Paragon Publishing and Daily Mail Group. > EidosMedia Srl (1350) Viale Legioni Romane, 43 20147 Milano, Italy http://www.eidosmedia.com will introduce Méthode Print Suite, which the company describes as the first worldwide editorial system to be fully based on web technologies. Méthode is an innovative knowledge / content management platform offering advanced editing and pagination functionalities. By adopting market standards such as XML (eXtensible Markup Language), CSS (Cascading (0639) Technologies Ltd International House, 59 Compton Rd, Islington London, N1 2PB, United Kingdom http://www.easypress.com will be demonstrating its range of XML solutions for QuarkXPress including the first public showing in Europe of Atomik Roundtrip, the new tool for importing XML into QuarkXPress. As well as importing XML, Easypress says the product will track its usage on the page and edits made to the content, while maintaining the XML structure inside QuarkXPress. The company says this enables the XML to be exported from QuarkXPress at any stage in the production process, reflecting any changes to the content. The Atomik Roundtrip API brings about easy integration with third party content, asset management and workflow systems for a fully integrated XML workflow with QuarkXPress. Also being demonstrated is Atomik 3.0, the automated solution for turning QuarkXPress documents into XML. Winner of a Seybold Hotpick award, Easypress says Atomik 3.0 takes automated QuarkXPress- EL-KO will show its Elcolora ink feed system. 38 newspaper techniques StyleSheet) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) technologies, the company says Méthode represents the real platform for cross-media publishing, able to channel XML content towards multiple-media outputs such as print, web, TV broadcast and WAP. At IfraExpo, Méthode will feature: – A Knowledge Management environment, allowing for: access of information of any kind anywhere through easy navigation tools; interrogation of databases through smart search engines; management of workflow processes; and creation of XMLbased content. – Integrated cross-media publishing tools: Méthode Print Suite for creation, pagination and publication of print newspapers; Méthode Web Suite dedicated to online publications; Méthode Rundown for management of TV News scheduling and integration with broadcasting devices; Méthode Syndication for distribution of content to external clients, by automatically managing news subscriptions and output formats; and Méthode WAP Publishing for creation and publication of news for WAP environments. EL-KO sas di Würslin Manfred & Co. (0927) Via alla Spiaggia 7/a 23900 Lecco, Italy http://www.el-ko.it will show an ink feed system for printing machines. – Elcolora: is a simple hydraulic system, which the company says offers ideal ink distribution for sheetfeed and web and offset machines. The system uses normal water pipes and valve fittings and has no problems loading ink fountains, even when machines are installed far away from each other. There are also claimed to be no seal problems because of integrated order related ink measurements for every ink fountain. Other claimed advantages include: correct level control settings from remote control desk, no ink fountain overflows and minimum maintenance. The company says the hydraulic pumps for drums and containers are ideal for centralised ink management and various ink qualities. EL-KO says Elcolora is more profitable if used for more printing machines, and that when compared to high pressure systems, the Elcolora “finances itself" thanks to its energy saving. – Ink Automatic Alimentator: Ink feed unit of steady levels: electronic system for automatic fill- IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 into their own PDF workflow systems. Enfocus Software is a wholly owned subsidiary of Artwork Systems Group. Engage (1273) Egyptian House 170 Piccadilly London, W1J 9EJ, United Kingdom www.engage.co.uk provides digital asset management and workflow automation solutions to the newspaper and directory industries and helps streamline ad production operations. The company says Engage for Newspapers automates the manual aspects of the ad production process for greater productivity and accuracy, combined with reduced costs. Automated workflows and sophisticated reporting tools allow the tracking of the status of any ad throughout the production process, identifying issues before they become crises. Online ad review and approval help speed up the review cycle and increase accuracy. Engage for Newspapers includes three application modules, which provide a complete ad production infrastructure. Engage ContentServer, an enterprise digital asset management and workflow automation platform, serves as the backbone streamlining the creation, approval, production and repurposing of ads, circulars, supplements and more. Engage's clients include Associated Newspapers, Trinity Newspapers, Elanders Anymedia, and The Wall Street Journal. Elettra of Italy will feature its wide range of blanket washing machines. ing up and regulation of the ink level in the ink fountains. Elettra Srl. (0120) Via de Gasperi 2 23887 Olgiate Molgora (Lecco), Italy www.elletra-online.com with a wide range of blanket washing machines designed to work with a unique, low-solvent cleaning solution, Elettra says it is helping to raise environmental performance standards in the printing industry. Elettra produces automatic blanket washing systems for all offset printing presses. According to the company, the automatic washing system called “Fastwash" is for eliminating all traces of residues, ink or paper dust from the blanket and the impression cylinders. Elettra says its machines provide a safe and environmentally friendly blanket washing solution, with low consumables usage and high efficiency. Enfocus Software NV > Escenic AS (1238) Kleindokkaai 3-5 (1225) http://www.enfocus.com as a specialist of PDF-related software, Enfocus Software publishes tools for the flow of PDF documents in the publishing, graphic arts, internet and e-paper markets. Enfocus enables users to create, edit, check, verify and auto-correct PDF documents. Enfocus' tools are compatible with all Windows and Mac OS systems. Enfocus' flagship products, PitStop Professional and PitStop Server, along with new Instant PDF, are part of the Enfocus Certified PDF workflow solutions. Major suppliers such as Agfa, Heidelberg, Fujifilm, CreoScitex, Screen Europe and Electronics for Imaging (EFI) have integrated Enfocus technologies Eurografica Systemplanungs-GmbH Sebastianstr. 29 h 0201 Oslo, Norway 86153 Augsburg, Germany http://www.escenic.com http://www.eurografica.de Esko-Graphics NV (0260) Tramstraat 69 9052 Gent, Belgium http://www.esko-graphics.com IfraExpo 2002 will mark the newspaper industry's introduction to Esko-Graph40 ics, the new identity of the company formed by the merger of Purup-Eskofot and Barco Graphics. Esko-Graphics will be demonstrating Perfection Publisher, a repurposing software. The company says Perfection Publisher provides the publishing industry with the ability to reconstruct printed books or films and manipulate the contents in digital format. Esko-Graphics expect it to be in demand among printers who need to reconstruct further editions of a book when only supplied with a printed version or film originals. There also will be a demonstration of the latest version of EskoNet (v2.1), the modular Windows 2000 based workflow system for newspapers. The company says this version will be interesting for printers doing newspapers as well as commercial print jobs because more complex impositions can now be automated in EskoNet. Esko-Graphics says this eliminates the hassle of multiple workflows for multiple job types. The company also will be demonstrating its DMX Platesetter, attached to an on-line Burgess bender and cutter, and Glunz & Jensen processor. Two scanners will be in operation: the EskoScan F14 – an A3 colour and CopyDot scanner aimed at small and medium-sized operations, and the fast, high-resolution EskoScan 2636S+, described as being capable of scanning up to 26"x36" (two broadsheets) originals. Sommerrogt. 13-15 Solli cultivates leading-edge web content management and publishing solutions essential to the professional web publishers of today and tomorrow. Escenic says its software enables web publishers to manage multi-faceted, demanding sites through technology their sites can grow with. References include primary news providers such as newspapers, TV, radio, portals, and public sector and corporate Inter, Intraand Extranet sites. 9000 Gent, Belgium newspaper techniques (0960) (See MAN Roland Druckmaschinen AG.) EuroPublish Software GmbH (0865) Hauptstr. 36 74248 Ellhofen, Germany http://www.europublish-software.com will present three new products: – Doris Messaging Server provides common interface to various types of messaging systems: e-mail, SMS, MMS and network messaging. The system allows messaging not only between people but also messaging to objects (articles, pages, documents) as well as to processes. Messaging Server also enables system monitoring and control. – The Doris product family has been extended with a reporting tool, Doris Re- newspaper techniques The inserting drums in the MultiSertDrum family September 2002 are multitalented in every sense of the word. Designed for a wide range of market needs, by structuring and regionalizing products they cater for the precise requirements of advertisers and readers alike. Individual product design at the postpress processing stage gives you a wider editorial choice, while high-performance, user-friendly inserting techniques porting, which provides various types of statistical information and reports including among others: production schedule statistics, statistics about how editorial content is covering geographical areas, department specific editorial volumes, reports for ad make-up time per advertiser. This tool provides mechanisms to tune up deadlines and to reorganise production. – Doris Plug-In for Adobe InDesign 2.0. Doris now contains support for Adobe InDesign 2.0 with a wide range of editorial functions and a fast interface to editorial material. The Plug-In can also be used for ad material production. It enhances the internal functions of InDesign both for newspaper and magazine use. Other Doris products on display: ad system AProfit, Doris32 editorial and Planner page planning system, IProfit for selling images, CProfit distribution system, Ad Manager, GSM Distribution Control, Proofer, Workshift List and Table Editor. > FAG Graphic Systems SA open up a broader vista of opportunities and vastly improve your market prospects. Ferag. Committed to your success. (0125) 5, rue de la Vigie 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland http://www.fag.ch has now launched the FAG Vipdens N9, which the company describes as being for those within the newspaper printing industry seeking easy-to-use technology for less demanding applications. It has all densitometric functions and due to its graphical display it will give advice to the printer on which actions to take by showing bar diagrams. These can, if necessary, be used for further statistical evaluation. Moreover, FAG expands its range with the introduction of a new way of calibrating the Vipcam 114 and 116. With the aid of a calibrated engraved glass and a specially developed software, FAG says the measured percentages and dots as well as their modifications can be checked. And as a third IfraFirst, the new ICMD (Inking Color Motorized Device) will be presented in close loop with the FAG Colorset ink fountain remote control system. > Ferag AG Förder- und (0280) Verarbeitungssysteme MultiSertDrum MultiSertDrum Big MultiSertDrum Double MultiSertDrum Compact Zürichstrasse 74 8340 Hinwil-Zürich, Switzerland http://www.ferag.com accompanies and supports publishers and printers with aimed developments, new services and more. Ferag's focus at IfraExpo 2002 will be the new Ferag inserting concept, the new Domino service package as well as the new MemoStick concept. The inserting concept increases the potential performance and level of added value of the rotary inserting technique. Ferag says the system, which is based on standard components, is in line with the requirements of the inserting market. MemoStick permits defined customer groups to be addressed and immediate feedback to be obtained. The flexible concept is of interest especially for advertising campaigns and reader surveys, either for purposes of the aimed distribution of advertising vouchers or organising lottery-type prize games. The Domino concept consists of various service steps (Silver, Gold, Platinum), where the bottom step – the Silver programme – mainly provides for carrying out service tasks and production consultancy, and the top concept step – Precision inserting for increased profits FERAG LTD, ENTERPRISE FOR CONVEYING AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS IN THE PRINTING INDUSTRY, CH-8340 HINWIL/ZURICH TELEPHONE +41 1 938 60 00, E-MAIL box-fer@ferag.com, www.ferag.com A WRH WALTER REIST HOLDING AG COMPANY 41 IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 As global suppliers of automatic guided vehicle systems, FMC offers a wealth of experience, coupled with a range of wire and laser guided vehicles, designed to give years of continuous service. The company says the vehicles are manufactured in compliance with applicable EE directives, tested and CE marked in the United Kingdom. the Platinum programme – is designed to cover all operative aspects of the mailroom. Flint-Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG (0935) Gaugrafenstr. 4-8 60489 Frankfurt am Main, Germany http://www.flint-schmidt.de Following the merger of Gebr. Schmidt Druckfarben and Flint Ink Europe, the company will show its products for the first time under the new name of FlintSchmidt GmbH & Co. KG. The ink manufacturer invites all its customers and interested trade visitors to make intensive use of its exhibition stand as an information and discussion forum. There will be opportunities to conduct in-depth technical discussions and exchanges of experience The focus will be on activities and measures with which the dynamic processes of change in newspaper production should be accompanied and shaped by innovative problem solutions. In this connection, the company says the Inkbox and Inkpump automatic ink supply systems that are used by leading printing and publishing houses have proved to be of economic and practical assistance. FMC Technologies Ltd Folio groupe 33310 Lormont, France http://www.folio.fr is a French solutions integrator specialising in prepress and editorial workflow management, providing network solutions for both text-image production and archiving, based on internet technologies. The solutions being exhibited are: – Infopolis: this editorial workflow system from Ailink distributes information through a standard browser, and helps produce articles and pages on the fly, with a 100 percent XML structuring process. – FullPress 11: the OPI system from Xinet, with 29 image formats management, as Tiff/ITP1 or native PDF, working on SGI, Sun ou OSX server, is integrated for more than 200 sites in France by Folio group. – WebNative Venture: a remote prepress production solution based on FullPress services on internet/intranet, which now exists in two ways: with or without an integrated database. External plug-ins should also be added to improve workflow. FlashNet, from SGL, is a plug-in working through WebNative, which manages archive by internet/intranet, according to the Digital Asset Management concept. – FolioSwing: a workflow secured management solution, from Folio and Dalim development, which converts pages in a secured format, gives a placement image for imposition software, manages proofing, imposes forms for ozalid, and then sends filmsetting, platesetting or digital output. (0585) Unit 3C, Harcourt Way Meridian Business Park Leicester LE3 2WP, United Kingdom supplies guided vehicles for paper handling particularly to the newsprint industries. FMC Technologies has installed more than 200 guided vehicle systems across a wide range of industries worldwide, totalling in excess of 1100 vehicles. Question No. 4: „Why do I always get the figures so late?“ (See answer on page 50) (0618) ZA de la Gardette, rue Cantelaudette ? > FotoWare AS er: a search engine that indexes the text content in images (IPTC), PDF, Quark, Word, Powerpoint, EPS, Illustrator and all Quick Time-based files. Running on Win NT or 2000, Index Manager serves as the archive for FotoStation PRO and FotoWeb. The Enterprise version handles millions of objects. – Color Factory: a tool for colour management and workflow. Contains features for image processing, routing, ICC profiling, printing and file administration. – FotoStation PRO: the image workstation and also the front-end for the multimedia archive. The company says FotoStation handles everything from digital camera files to video and PDFs. According to FotoWare, it contains all the tools needed to set up a complex workflow and to control production. – FotoXstream: XTension for QuarkXPress, working together with FotoStation PRO and Color Factory, offers full RGB layout (even lo-res) in QuarkXPress. – FotoWeb: a tool for a dynamic internet or intranet multimedia solution. Connects to Index Manager and provides all tools for publishing images and multimedia objects in a web interface. France Graphique (Entrance Hall) 4bis, rue de la Gare 92532 Levallois-Perret Cedex, France http://www.golding.fr is a monthly subscription magazine for the graphics industry with a circulation of 8000 singly addressed copies, bearing the name and title of the subscriber. France Graphique offers its readers the latest news from the graphics sector, descriptions of new products, reports on changes in the industry, regional and international news as well as features on the topics of inks, finishing, paper, software, etc. In 2001, France Graphique launched FG Converting, a monthly magazine for paper converting, focusing on the packaging and wrapping sector. (1380) Lille Grensen 5 0159 Oslo, Norway http://www.fotoware.com has been making software for digital imaging since 1994 and is a provider to European newspapers and publishers. The solutions include multimedia and web archives, image workstations, colour management and XTensions for QuarkXPress. Among their products are: – Index Manag42 newspaper techniques Fuji Hunt Pressroom Chemicals NV (1040) Zwaluwbeek 14 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium http://www.fujihunt.com is an international group specialising in printing accessories. The focus at IfraExpo will be on products for newspaper and heatset printing, such as fountain additives, washing and cleaning agents as well IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 Pro, high-end flatbed scanner Lanovia Quattro) via digital production workflow (Celebrant Extreme) to digital proofing (Fujifilm Color Manager software and Valiano Proof Manager/Black Magic) for output on Pictro Proof as well as on large format inkjet plotters. Staff from the European headquarters in Düsseldorf and representatives of the European Fujifilm distributors will be on hand to meet visitors. Funkinform GmbH 76275 Ettlingen, Germany http://www.funkinform.de An independent company since 1948, Funkinform's integrated DIALOG system is in use at 45 publishing houses, producing newspapers as well as magazines and free sheets, foremost in Germany, Austria and Belgium. The company will present the new version of DIALOG, an XML-based system for the whole publishing house. Funkinform describes DIALOG as an editorial and advertising system, including CRM, planning, pagination, wire reception, production tracking, sports tables, web publishing and archiving. DIALOG is available in different languages for Sybase ASE or Microsoft SQL on Windows or Unix servers and PCs as workstations. Funkinform says the planning and zoning features of DIALOG have been enhanced to support preprints and interacts with adtaking, offering direct positioning of ads and global production tracking throughout all departments. The integrated PDF workflow for ads includes preflighting and checks fonts, colours, etc. The company says the enhanced WebClient allows editing of sports tables and web access to the archive. In DIALOG all elements are linked with each other: articles, pictures, captions, editions and pages (as PDF). Funkinform says accessing the archive is simple because the user interface for daily production and archive are both part of the DIALOG application. as newspaper glues for automatic binding. The group's extensive programme includes products that contain no aromatic compounds, are anti-corrosive and suitable for mixing with water. Product development is done in close cooperation with press manufacturers and partners in the printing industry worldwide. Fuji Photo Film (Europe) GmbH (0860) Rudolf-Plank-Str. 31 Funkinform’s DIALOG positioning book works directly with the integrated page planning function and offers control of positioning at the time of booking. (0780) Heesenstr. 31 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany http://www.fujifilm.de offers consumables and electronic imaging systems to the newspaper industry. In order to give CTP users as much freedom of choice as possible, Fujifilm says it does not commit to dedicated device manufacturers but supports production of print-ready plates with systems from various suppliers. As with offset printing plates and films, Fujifilm focuses also with electronic components on open systems and universal support of industry standards (JDF, PDF, PostScript, ICC) and provides solutions for newspaper production, from image capture (professional digital camera S2 Gämmerler AG (0835) Leitenstr. 26 82538 Geretsried-Gelting, Germany http://www.gammerler.de will show, for the first time at IfraExpo, the TF 660 single-gripper conveyor system. The company says this paced system is designed to ensure the fast and Gämmerler will provide information about its range of conveyor and stacker systems. Among these products are the new TF 660 and the KL 560. 44 newspaper techniques smear-free transport of newspaper or commercial product. The claimed advantages of the Gämmerler TF 660 paced conveyor are the short intervals in the gripper chain as well as low wear and tear. The TF 660 has more grippers on one metre conveyor system than comparable systems, which increases the numbers of carried products. In addition, the chain guide channels are manufactured from steel, as opposed to the standard aluminium. As a result, the company says, there is significantly less wear and tear. Connected to the TF 660 singlegripper conveyor system will be the Gämmerler KL560 Lift Pack News. This compensating stacker is equipped with a practiceoriented delivery route program.The collecting racks descend together with the product and thus ensure a controlled product drop. The KL560 Lift Pack News is used mainly in the newspaper area. Carrying out stabilising and stream separation in different locations reduces the contact pressure of the top and bottom belts, thus minimising both the risk of smearing and susceptibility to faults. Global Web Systems Inc (0634) 236 E Adele Ct Villa Park, IL 60181-1208, United States of America http://www.globwebsys.com offers a full line of single-width presses for newspaper, semi-commercial and book products. All GWS presses feature vertical web paths and are offered in nine cutoff ranges from 460mm to 630mm with web widths up to one meter wide. The versatile G-100 printing unit is designed to be compatible with many other brands of presses. They can be configured to meet specific needs with 4-high, 3-high, 2-high, and single unit assemblies. Printing units are available with remote control ink adjustment, remote register control, motorised ink fountains and dampening systems in spray, brush or sock covered rollers. High-speed jaw folders will accommodate up to 14 webs and are available with half-fold, quarter-fold, upper former, double parallel, cross perforation and other options. Also available is the G-200, 2 around 4-high press. Global Web Systems specialises in providing printers and publishers with customised solutions for adding colour and page capacity to many types of other presses. IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 Weihing, the DotProof option offers the user the ability to generate contract quality halftone proofs straight from the final bitmap data on low-cost inkjet systems, or if required, on stock paper. Adhering to the ROOM concept, the company says the system uses the original screening data, including dot shape, screen ruling and angle. Thus, the proofs allow for the checking of colour, moirés, artifacts, trapping and other errors. The company says the software can easily be integrated into existing environments and accepts a variety of formats directly, such as PDF, PS, DCS and CT/LW. newspaper techniques length register control of colours and folding ribbons for offset and newspaper printing machines; CR20 for automatic length and cross colour register control on offset presses for newspaper and commercial printings; CR8-LT for the automatic length and cross register control of folding ribbons for rotogravure and offset presses; and PAPERSCAN-WP for the control of the support to be printed (paper, plastic film) with detection and storage of defects. Grafiskt Team AB (0650) Tryckerigatan 10 571 34 Nässjö, Sweden Goss International (0220) Greenbank Street Preston, Lancs PR1 7LA, United Kingdom http://www.gossinternational.com will present a full range of newspaper press systems and capabilities including the Colorliner, Uniliner, Uniliner ‘S,' Universal, and Community product ranges. – The Goss Colorliner press system prints at up to 85,000 cph with 3-form digital inking, and a high quality 2:5:5 jaw folder. – The Uniliner is Goss' 70,000 cph press system focused on the mid-sized newspaper that requires optimum press flexibility. – The Uniliner ‘S' is a new 4x1 press evolution of the Uniliner press family with high efficiency and flexibility for 'straight' (non-collect) production applications. – The Goss Universal product range covers the single width newspaper market from 45,000 to 70,000 cph. It features both “one-around'' and “two-around'' versions for coldset and heatset newspaper and commercial printing, plus the new 3-form G15 full commercial press variant. – The Goss Community is known as a productive, durable, flexible press for local newspaper and contract print production, with more than 35,000 units sold. Goss offers new presses, extensions, refurbishments, project management and productivity enhancements including inker, folder and reelstand upgrades. Support includes press audits, training and parts backed by 24-hour, 365-day service. Goss International will present its wide range of presses for newspapers, including the Colorliner 70. GMG Weihing GmbH (1220) Mömpelgarder Weg 10 72072 Tübingen, Germany http://www.colorproof.de offers the GMG ColorProof a highend digital proofing system for prepress companies and printers, as well as publishing houses and ad agencies. GMG ColorProof was specifically designed for digital proofs with guaranteed colour. The company says the GMG 4-D CMM with its intuitive user interface offers perfect print simulations on all common printers. Additionally, the system features an integrated ICC module. Apart from output modules for IRIS, Epson, HP, Fuji PictroProof and Minolta, a FileOut module is optionally available to transform one CMYK colour space directly into another. According to GMG Grafikontrol Spa Controlli Grafici e Industriali (0345) Via Ludovico d'Aragona N. 7 20132 Milano, Italy will present the following register control products: CR19 for the automatic GMG Weihing will feature its digital colour proofing solutions, particularly the GMG ColorProof system. 46 http://www.grafisktteam.nu Grafiskt Team's customers include newspapers, semi-commercial and commercial printing houses. The theme of the company's stand this year will be “Development for Profitability." Grafiskt Team says it designs its products to fit into the production of its customers. The company manufactures and sells a range of products including: – Speedspray 125: a dampening system with optional combined blanket cleaning system. – Speedclean/Brushclean 125: a blanket wash system. – Smart Punch-Bending Machine, which punches and bends the plate in the same machine. For CTP, Grafiskt offers semi-automatic plate punch and bending equipment. – Speedlock-up: a slot plate lock-up system, for OEM and retrofit as well as Register pins/bars. Grafitec Web Ltd (0110) Mildred Sylvester Way Normanton Industrial Estate Normanton, Wakefield w. Yorks WF6 1TA, United Kingdom http://www.grafitec-web.com supplies quality used and refurbished machinery and ancillary equipment to the newspaper industry. With more than 100 press units in stock, plus a selection of highly specified machinery on site, Grafitec Web says it has the solution to any company wanting to expand their current equipment or to add additional printing facilities. Grafitec Web has sold and installed machines around the world ranging from press additions to complete “turnkey" operations. Grafitec Web can demonstrate the savings both in terms of finance and valuable time that can be achieved with quality used equipment. IfraExpo 2002 IE Graphic Engineering Ein Bereich der IE Group München GmbH September 2002 (0590) Digital Plate Brillia LP-NN2 also will be displayed at IfraExpo. Graphic Web Systems BV Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 50 81245 München, Germany Edisonweg 1 http://www.ie-gruppe.de 5482 TJ Schijndel, The Netherlands is a specialist supplier of used web offset equipment. Besides equipment, GWS also supplies modifications, upgrades, complete overhauls and reconfiguration of complete installations within its field of operations. GWS is also the European distributor of the Perretta ink remote control system, which can be fitted to coldset, heatset and sheetfed presses. A team of experts will be on the stand to provide further information. Graphispag Fira de Barcelona 08004 Barcelona, Spain http://www.graphispag.com Graphispag 2003 is one of the most important meetings for the graphic arts business sector in the Mediterranean and South American Areas. In addition it has become one of the main exhibitions of this, especially on a worldwide level (EUMAPRINT). Until 1998, Graphispag was the International Graphic Arts meeting point in Europe. However, in a very short period of time the graphics arts business sector has undergone profound changes. New concepts have been integrated into all the production phases. Moreover, technology has given way to new methods, which are faster, more functional and versatile for printing any idea onto paper. Its organisers see this exhibition as evolving and adapting itself to new times, changing events. As from now, Graphispag sees its role as an “International Print Media Exhibition." The next EUMAPRINT is scheduled for February 2003. (0933) 2013 RB Haarlem, The Netherlands will show a colour proofing system for newspapers consisting of Black Magic software and Xerox 7700 laser output. Fuji negative offset plates and the new Fuji „Does my publishing house need five systems or just one?“ (See answer on page 50) (0532) Avda Reina Maria Chistina s/n Brouwersvaart 50-52 Question No. 5: rebuilding, up to and including recommissioning. In the area of second-hand equipment for newspaper printing, Hamann & Partner offers complete solutions for prepress to the production presses and finishing (mailroom and finishing equipment). http://www.gws.nl is a team of specialists who offer their services for carrying out investment projects in the newspaper and magazine printing and publishing sector. Objective definition workshops, feasibility studies with status checking as well as budget framework calculation based on customer requirements are organised to specify the project objectives. The range of services also includes selection of the production techniques as well as the required operation planning and logistics in the light of the demands made on the buildings by production equipment and activities. IE Graphic Engineering says it also develops concepts for production and publishing buildings/media centres and implements these within the framework of the building project, with guaranteed costs and deadlines. As a member of the IE group with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Munich, IE Graphic Engineering says it has the necessary background to realise sophisticated new building construction and building conversion projects. Graphic Products BV (0645) newspaper techniques ? Hamann & Partner (0930) Druckmaschinen-Handels GmbH Reepmoorsweg 49 27793 Wildeshausen, Germany http://www.hamann-partner.de has acted as a supplier of used printing presses from the web offset (newspaper and magazine) and rotogravure sectors for more than 30 years. Experienced technical personnel carry out press overhauling and 48 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (0560) Kurfürsten-Anlage 52-60 69115 Heidelberg, Germany http://www.heidelberg.com manufactures and supports an extensive range of prepress, press and postpress components, software and consumables for all offset printing applications. The activities of Heidelberg in the newspaper business include the design, manufacture, sales and after-sales service of conventional and gapless web offset presses as well as mailroom systems. Heidelberg has received major orders in the U.K. and France for the Mainstream, a 1x4 newspaper press launched in 2000. The Mainstream features gapless tubular blankets and is capable of printing up to 80,000 cph. Heidelberg says the advantages provided by gapless technology can make newspapers more compelling, more competitive and more attractive to readers and advertisers. At IfraExpo, Heidelberg will focus on the Mainstream installations in the U.K. and France. Heidelberg's experts will be present to provide all information about the company's Sunday technology, project management approach and newspaper solutions. Henke & Partner GmbH (0540) Am Alten Bahnhof 4B 38122 Braunschweig, Germany http://www.hup.de will present the latest release of the Paradise publishing system, which has received a total redesign with product generation 5. On the technical side, this includes the consequential implementation of a 3tier architecture and an integrated web solution for making available selected function parts also via a web frontend. On the applications side, major developments are especially in the areas of the customer-orientation, marketing and logistics functions. The entire publishing system lives from taking a central view of the customer who is the focal point of all job components (including distribution, advertising, reader trips, etc.). These relationships and other newspaper techniques September 2002 IfraExpo 2002 qualifying properties are managed in the flexible and dynamic data model and control customer management. The cross-system marketing module permits flexible campaign management with modern forecast and controlling functionalities. In its capacity as a total systems provider, Henke & Partner also will present its integrated publishing system (advertising and distribution, insert and prospectus management and accounting, including fee calculation and accounts receivable management). Hewlett-Packard (0180) with remote proofing capability help address the needs of those in the design and prepress parts of the printing system. The high-end HP Designjets with a wide range of RIPS also will be on display. HP says these solutions enable a variety of possibilities for HP Designjet printer users including colour- and screenproofing capabilities and the ability to handle large and complex files easily. The company says that the range of media that also will be shown will provide visitors with new ideas for additional business opportunities using HP's Designjet printer. tising management in daily news and magazine press. It is a fully integrated advertising management solution. – Réclame Net is the internet-based advertising collection system with fully on-line validation of PDF data. – Réclame Manager is the advertising management system with fully integrated own layout manager. – Réclame is an agency-to-magazine solution, is organisation independent, is best integrated with Fluide and has a custom integration with 3rd party E.S. – Fluide is the next generation production management system in daily news and magazine press. The company says it is a totally new concept of production planning, workflow management and production tracking. The product database is an object-oriented database built on Méthode, is a common repository for all the production plans, holds the production capabilities knowledge, acts as a transactional system and as an event pub- Av Graells 501 08190 Sant Cugat del Valles, Spain > HIT Internet http://www.hp.com/es Technologies Spa will be showing a variety of printers that demonstrate solutions covering all stages of the printing process – from design to prepress to final printing. The company says the HP Designjet 10ps/20ps/50ps (1355) Via Pace, 5 37010 Affi (VR), Italy http://www.hit.it offers the following products: – Réclame represents a new approach to adver- Experts in Reel logistics Metso Paper AG Reel handling is our job. We consult, plan, and realise complete reel logistic solutions with various degrees of automation. Our range of products includes manual floor track systems to fully automated installations enabling us to meet any reel logistic requirement. With our large range of products we are able to fulfil the entire reel handling functions within a printing plant. This includes truck off loading, main reel storage, intermediate reel storage, internal transportation, unwrapping, paste preparation and reel loading. Contact us ! E C O N O M I C R O L L H A N D L I N G S O L U T I O N S Please visit us at IfraExpo 2002 BARCELONA Stand 0670 rollhandling.ch@metso.com or www.rollhandling.com or Tel. +41 32 421 12 12 49 IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 paper publishers in its domestic markets in Sweden and Spain and in several other countries in Europe, such as the U.K., Germany and France. The company has a capacity to produce 1.8 million tonnes a year. lisher system, allows pagination tools to actively co-operate. The Output Manager is the core of the components-based model, a PDF assembly system, a production plan generator engine (IntelliNet aware), a folio generator engine and a last-minute assembly correction. The Global Production Tracking (GPT) is a browser-only information publisher, is based on product structure defined in the Fluide Database and is a JDF/JMF information collector. Holmen Paper AB > Honeywell OY (0385) newspaper techniques compressing and shredding materials such as paper, boxboard, plastic, etc., as well as suction plants, document shredders, baling presses, briquetting presses, container presses, conveying systems, roll compressors, autopressing containers, stationary presses, and shredding machines. Satakunnankatu 7 78300 Varkaus, Finland > IDAB WAMAC http://www.honeywell.fi International AB will present the new Printa press control desk employing re-newed design, faster keyboards, finger touch flat screens, integrated mouse/track ball, and integration to production management system. Printa TotalPlant is an automation solution covering the entire printing plant, from prepress to dispatch. It is built on the following key components: Printa Production Management, a management system covering the entire printing process from editorial/advertising to mailroom, based on standard PC hardware and database solutions, Printa Press Drive & Control, a press automation system. According to Honeywell, Printa is used on more than 1800 shaftless presses throughout the world. Printa After Sales Service is based on the local Honeywell service in 100 countries, supported by online remote diagnostics. Consistent Evolution Policy of Honeywell ensures the future development of each installed Printa system. According to the company, each new feature of Printa is compatible with the previous ones, so upgrading is continuous and turnkey at all stages of the product's life cycle. TotalPlant Printa systems are now provided with a new PMD Controller for press level controls that will enable the control of fieldbus-based processes and process equipment in the system. All commonly used fieldbusses and Ethernet networks are supported. (0730) Vattengränden 2 601 88 Norrköping, Sweden http://www.holmenpaper.com produces and sells newsprint and magazine paper. The company has a strong position, especially in markets for improved newsprint, telephone directory paper and coloured newsprint. Holmen is one of the largest suppliers to daily news- You will You receive our answers at the IfraExpo 2002 Stand 0860, in Barcelona Make an appointment with us or ask ffor or our documentation in advance. Hostmann-Steinberg GmbH (0855) Bremer Weg 125 (0360) Telegatan 2, Östra Industriområdet 575 22 Eksjö, Sweden http://www.idabwamac.com a mailroom system supplier to the newspaper publishing industry worldwide, IDAB WAMAC has a complete range of products including; single gripper conveyors, belt conveyors, inserters, line storage system for buffering and pre-print storage, stackers, bundle addressing, poster feeders, single addressing (ink-jet), packaging equipment, truck loading system and mailroom system controls. IDAB WAMAC is launching two new products; – PSU 6130, which is described by the company as an in-line strapping system for high speed cross strapping without turning the bundle, requiring less space; and – C3 1.0, a circulation and distribution system that the company says gives users full control over circulation including readers, subscribers, news agents and distribution centres. IDAB WAMAC says that the system also gives users control over delivery addresses, payments, and reader loyalty. With C3 1.0 all involved in the process always have access to the same data, according to the company. The following products also are being shown at the exhibition: The Mobile Line Storage, MLS, designed for storing, buffering and transportation of newspapers, supplements and commercial magazines; – The WNC v5 Mailroom System Control is a control and information system, utilising the possibility of Windows 2000 for open communication. 29223 Celle, Germany FUNKINFORM · 76275 Tel. +49(0)72 E-Mail: info Ifra http://www.hostmann-steinberg.de aße 31 (See Michael Huber München GmbH.) · German 43/595-200 in rm.de (0440) Washingtonplatz 1 64287 Darmstadt, Germany Hunkeler Systeme AG (0113) Dorfstrasse 18 4806 Wikon, Switzerland http://www.hunkeler.ch specialises in customised and efficient system solutions for the waste management sector for collecting, transporting, 50 http://www.ifra.com You're at the IfraExpo, so make the most of the opportunity and come to Ifra's own stand to discover the wide range of services we offer our members and the publishing industry 365 days a year. Our Research, Consulting and Training team IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 lored solutions and a broad range of services for the graphics industry. will be on-hand to discuss any problems you may have with colour management, editorial organisation, quality production in prepress, press- or mailroom management, not to forget about standardisation issues. Find out more about IfraNewsplex, Ifra's training centre for media conversion and cross media publishing, or make yourself familiar with IfraTrack and IfraAdConnexion. You can already register for the International Color Quality Club 2004-2006. Have a chat with our Area Managers and representatives for Asia, Scandinavia, South-West Europe, India, Latin America, North America, Russia, U.K. and Ireland. Get information about Ifra's various seminars, symposia and training workshops through our Events and Training Departments. Find out about future Expos: Ifra Expo 2003 in Leipzig and IfraExpo 2004 in Amsterdam. In short, help us help you by telling us all about your specific needs. We listen. Naturally, copies of our publications, including our monthly magazines, Ifra Special Reports and the international Suppliers to the Newspaper and Magazine Industries directory will be available. > Imaje Technologías In Control AB (0360) Bergkällavägen 32 A Plan 4 Breddens Industri omrade 192 79 Sollentuna, Sweden (See IDAB WAMAC International AB.) > IPA Systems Ltd (0680) 9 Perrywood Business Park Salfords Redhill Sy RH1 5DZ, United Kingdom http://www.ipasys.biz will be showing a complete automatic line of the FasTRAK high speed violet CTP. This will include automatic plate loading, an on-line processor, on-line optical punch/bender with a stacker. The FasTRAK will be driven by PrintExpress newspaper workflow. PrintExpress is for RIPping, page pairing, remote printing and central control over multiple sites using PC or Sun platforms. PrintExpress Tracker for reporting of production progress against a daily plan. Web browser soft proofing. Reelcolour for press matched proofs onto newsprint. Integrated advertising, editorial and production systems based on Sybase and Microsoft SQL servers with Windows and Macintosh clients. Connections from the advertising system can be made into the canvassing product “Canvass.Works." Fully integrated ad and page tracking system via “Neptune." At-a-glance, real-time production information provided through Flat Plan Tracker, Ad planning and full classified pagination integration with MEI products and Media Planner. Archiving System accessible via internet connection using full client or Web Browser Interface. Online internet Ad Booking system with preview facilities. (0465) de Codificatión SA Ramon Llull, 46-48 08203 Sabadell, Spain http://www.imaje.es an inkjet specialist, Imaje offers the global graphics industry high performance equipment that responds to customer requirements. The company's integrated solutions include a range of printers, controllers and computer-based supervision systems capable of managing all types of equipment on the market. Backed by an indepth knowledge of the graphics marketplace and its constraints, Imaje offers tai- ISC Infra Struktur Consulting GmbH (0865) Hansastr. 17 80686 München, Germany http://www.isc-infrastruktur.de is the distribution and implementation partner for the Doris32 integrated publishing system of the Finnish Anygraaf company since the end of 2001. On their joint stand, ISC will present its programme of services: product consulting, consulting and implementation, coaching/support for the Doris32 integrated publishing system. Management and business consulting, e.g. IPA Systems will feature the complete automatic line of the FasTRAK violet CTP system. This will include automatic plate loading, an on-line processor, on-line optical punch/bender with a stacker. 52 newspaper techniques business process analysis/restructuring, IT analyses and concepts, technology consulting and project management. IT development consulting, e.g. OO software developments (C++ and Java), DB development (Oracle, DB2, Sybase etc.), system/application integration/migration, embedded development/QS etc. IT system and operator consulting; administrator and operator services that require a sophisticated IT configuration are organised in a project-oriented manner. Via the cooperation with its ISC partner, Anygraaf says it can now offer a media industry-oriented system and support structure as well as efficient distribution in the German-speaking countries. The objective of this partnership is to obtain appropriate market shares for the Doris32 system that captured between 40 and 80 percent of the Scandinavian market within just a few years. ISV GmbH (1460) Am Treptower Park 75 12435 Berlin, Germany http://www.isv-gmbh.de develops and markets software and services for classified ad markets in print and online. The company says modular publishing system AVUS 21 offers great effectiveness in globally managing the publishing of large quantities of ads. The system's modules can be used as stand-alone programs or implemented in any combination. These include AVS for ad and customer management, CIP for cross-media publishing and photo management, XML AdStudio for content management and SATZ for page make-up. The systems modern, open architecture enables for the optimal integration of AVUS 21 into an existing system environment. This year, web modules will be debuted at IfraExpo, demonstrating the seamless integration of AVUS 21 Ad and Customer Management in browser-based applications. This innovation means that AVUS 21 now provides a uniform database for ad taking and ad publishing in print, online and over wireless devices. A newly developed solution for invoicing online content is built upon years of experience with paid online services. ISV GmbH was founded in Berlin in 1987. AVUS 21 is now used to produce hundreds of print and online publications for leading ad publishers all over Europe as well as in Canada, Brazil and South Africa. IfraExpo 2002 > JJK Jopp Jopp Klupsch September 2002 (0545) newspaper techniques the waterless KBA Cortina mini-tower press at the end of the year. KBA will offer more information about all these presses in Barcelona. Gesellschaft für innovative Verlagssoftware mbH Emil-Schäfer-Str. 89 47800 Krefeld, Germany > Krause-Biagosch GmbH http://www.jjk.de will present: a publishing management system with the following modules ad management, insert scheduling, page planning, dummy production, make-up and production, marketing (CRM), controlling and accounts receivable accounting; a distribution management system for the distribution of freesheet and prospectuses (integration of digital city maps); management of inserts for daily newspapers as well as an internet advertising system as a full-blown ad booking system. Kinyo Europe GmbH 33649 Bielefeld, Germany http://www.krause.de The KBA Commander 6/2, nine-cylinder satellite tower with the six plates side by side. (1043) Immermannstr. 65 c 40210 Düsseldorf, Germany new Creo Trendsetter News Platesetter provides the productivity levels appropriate to this section of the industry. It will be operating online with the Nela fully automatic PL-T Plate Loader and the Kodak Polychrome Graphics Mercury News 135 Processor. Also on the stand, Parascan will show their new workflow system for fully automated and integrated prepress production. Both the Newsetter and Creo Systems use the Kodak Polychrome Graphics ThermalNews Printing Plate. The first-time IfraExpo exhibitor, a blanket manufacturer, will present the following products: – Air Excel MC 30 R, a hard blanket for all kinds of newspaper presses; – Air Excel MC 35 R, a soft blanket for newspaper presses with satellite printing units with a nearly neutral paper feed and suitable for presses with single drives; and – Air Excel Midas News, a new blanket with a special designed new carcass. Kodak Polychrome Graphics (1030) Paul-Schwarze-Str. 5 (1280) Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA) Industrieterrein "De Kronkels" De Kronkels 16a 3752 LM Bunschoten, The Netherlands Friedrich-Koenig-Str. 4 http://www.kpgraphics.com 97080 Würzburg, Germany (0130) http://www.kba-print.de will show its established Newsetter System with the TH180 fast version of the Newsetter range, which the company says achieves 25 percent productivity improvement over earlier models. Now, with many installations worldwide, KPG says it can claim for Thermal Imaging the same productivity as visible light CTP, but with the enhanced quality inherent in thermal CTP. The Newsetter TH180 produces up to 180 plates (Berliner format) per hour and, with a typical 2 line configuration, offers productivity of up to 360 plates/hour. More lines can be added. The Newsetter System running at IfraExpo also will use the Parascan Workflow, and additional features, including the Kodak Polychrome Graphics News Monitor, an enhanced “remote" diagnostic tool. For commercial applications and regional newspaper production, the “Cutting-edge technology for cost-effective newspaper production" is KBA's banner at this year's IfraExpo. Following the recent slide in press sales, KBA says there are signs that domestic and foreign markets are picking up again, with the focus on technological advances to optimise cost structures. The company says it offers the diversity of single-width, double-width and now triple-width newspaper presses, a choice of printing processes and, reaching beyond pure print, systems to support customisation and individually configured workflows. 22 nine-cylinder satellite towers of the 6-wide KBA Commander previewed at IfraExpo in Geneva have been sold in Switzerland, the first 4/1 KBA Prisma has now been unveiled and the countdown has started for the market launch of 54 will present: Krause LaserStar LS Jet II, a new generation of the LS Jet family of products featuring major enhancements in relation to available resolutions as well as light sources equipped with a new multioptics system for violet and green applications. Two versions are offered: for throughputs of ca. 130 plates/h at 1270 dots/in (basic model) and more than 220 plates/h at 1270 dots/in (top model). Characteristic features include simplification of the entire plate handling, improved and comprehensive page tracking as well as error diagnostics. Demonstrated on the stand will be a complete communication line, up to punching/bending with bar code control. The LaserStarServer LSS 4.0 production management system has strengthened the workflow significantly. The client-server concept allows an automated, customised organisation of plate production. Other aspects are the integration of production schedules and data matching between upstream and downstream systems (e.g. production planning systems and press control system). The TPU News proofing system, including web client, permits soft proofing and output on production paper. The AutoloaderControlTerminal ACT tracking software allows on-site tracking as well as remote service and online help via modem. Communication, both internally and to outside management systems, has been improved. The further-developed KIM PDF Auto Newspaper editorial tool can be used as an imposition program at PDF level. A developing machine and a punching/bending machine also will be installed on the stand to give live demonstrations of the production of press-ready CTP plates. Leipziger Messe GmbH (0433) Messe-Allee 1 04356 Leipzig, Germany http://www.leipziger-messe.de will be represented at this year's IfraExpo in its capacity as the host venue for IfraExpo 2003. From 13 to 16 October IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 2003, the Leipzig exhibition company and the city of Leipzig will welcome exhibitors and visitors to the IfraExpo. Information will be available on the stand in Barcelona on the Leipzig exhibition grounds, hotel accommodation and tourist attractions. Linopress Publishing Systems GmbH gether at IfraExpo. NAPP – Apart from the NAPPlate letterpress systems for newspaper and book printing, NAPP will put their emphasis into the Flexo systems. The plate range goes from the traditional NAPPflex II (green) plates to the high quality Emerald and Silver plates. The company says the Emerald and Silver plates are designed to achieve better resolutions and – in addition to standard newsprint – to be used on super-calendar or coated stock. NAPP says they are also in the final stage of developing a CTP laser with an initial capacity of 120 plates per hour. Flexo decisions and increased interests in the Flexo technology have accelerated this project in Europe and the United States. – Rollin is a manufacturer of offset blankets, sleeves and metalback blankets for newspaper. Rollin announces the introduction of a new type of top surface and fabric. The company says its objectives are: – to increase the blanket life in press; to reduce the tendency of the blanket to swell; to improve the stability of the blanket on the cylinder; and to ensure an optimum printing quality. (0680) Frankfurter Str. 21-25 65760 Eschborn, Germany http://www.linopress.com (See alfa media Partner GmbH.) > Lufthansa Systems (0973) AS GmbH Aspelohe 27c 22848 Norderstedt, Germany http://www.lhsystemsas.de “Everything you need to make your paper fly" is the motto under which Lufthansa Systems will be showing its publishing solutions. For the first time, Lufthansa Systems will share a joint stand with ppi Media and MAN Roland. The VI&VA system (ads, prospectuses and sales) will be presented with new CRM modules: call centre, management information, ebusiness/e-VI&VA as well as a marketing system and GEOmedia for fine zoning. Other innovations are the VI&VA programme extensions for remunerating “general services" for all publishing house business and of the CA$H cash management system. With e-VI&VA, besides ad data, sales data can now be run directly over the internet without switching media, thus making the publishing house more up to the minute and service-friendlier as well as eliminating the need to re-record orders or temporary forwarding addresses for subscription copies during holiday periods. A new development is the Java-based red.web publishing system: the system-independent editorial solution (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Sun Solaris) uses XML and new SVG standards from Adobe as well as PDF and JPEG. red.web includes a production archive and WYSIWYG editor for editing on the page. MacDermid Printing Solutions Mactive (1245) Garnisonsgatan 10 254 66 Helsingborg, Sweden http://www.mactive.com develops, markets and installs IT solutions and provides a total concept for the media industry from prepress to distribution. Mactive provides fully integrated advertising systems for the publishing industry. With tools for ad order entry, customer and contract management, classified pagination, ad dummying and accounts receivable, Mactive says its AdBase solution enables publishers to control their advertising revenues. In addition to traditional ad booking, Mactive offers several alternatives for internet and remote order entry. AdBase-e allows 24x7 web-based order entry for internet and print publishing. A PDA interface for order entry from a Palm Pilot is available. Nomadic Client allows sales reps to book ads in the field without being connected to a primary database. AdLink is used for ad management, tracking and jacketing, and PageLink provides an interface to place and preview ads using any Quark-based pagination system. Aldor is an integrated subscription, distribution and CRM system with advanced accounting modules and tracking capabilities. AldWeb, (0955) Füllerstr. 4 61440 Oberursel/Taunus, Germany MacDermid Printing Solutions, NAPP and Rollin will again present their news to56 newspaper techniques a web module integrated with Aldor, allows subscription and distribution management for private customers via the internet. Interpress is a publishing system for the internet that includes order entry, invoicing, statistics, a search engine and automated internet publishing. MAN Roland Druckmaschinen AG (0960) Stadtbachstr. 1 86153 Augsburg, Germany http://www.man-roland.com At this year's ifra, MAN Roland communication focuses on substantiating the motto 'Networking the Value Chain'. In an open system, PPI Media GmbH, Lufthansa Systems and MAN Roland show the possibilities of a networked newspaper printing company. Starting with the receipt of an ad order for the end customer, to edition planning, feeding the data into the PECOM electronic and process control system, we show, in cooperation with our partners, the networking of the process up to and including distribution logistics. This completes the circle back to the end customer. In Barcelona, the world market leader for newspaper printing systems appears together with Eurografica, its partner company. Successful technological developments like the REGIOMAN in 4/1 design or the DICOweb with plateless imaging and deimaging as the first true digital offset printing system actively producing in the market exemplify the innovative capability of MAN Roland. Other subjects for MAN Roland are the continuation of PrintCity and a demonstration of Life Cycle Management, with special focus on process optimization and, here again, on waste reduction, in particular. Implementation of the Life Cycle Management concept is shown by reference to successful cases in point. Manugraph India Ltd (0960) Sidhwa House, 2nd floor NA Sawant Marg Colaba Mumbai, 400 005, India (See MAN Roland Druckmaschinen.) MEGTEC Systems SA (0830) 32/34, rue des Malines, Z.I. de Lisses C.E. 2717 91027 Evry Cedex, France http://www.meg.fr is a supplier of pasters and splicers and has vast experience from thousands of installations in newspaper, directory, com- IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 Michael Huber München GmbH mercial and book printing. The addition of AMAL-Enkel makes MEGTEC the world's most experienced and largest independent supplier. The graduated specifications of each model provide a clear basis to select the paster most suited for each individual installation. A new DLC 1600 model is available with core acceleration and pneumatic brakes for rolls up to 1600 daN and up to 1700 mm web widths. In late 2002, a new flying paster for the heatset commercial market will be introduced that integrates the technical expertise of MEGTEC and AMAL. MEGTEC is a leading manufacturer of heatset flotation drying systems with more than 7000 units installed. MEGTEC's wide product range can be integrated with each press. The company provides complete systems including infeed, web guides, chills, turner bars, idler rollers and pollution control. > Metso Paper AG, (0855) Feldkirchener Str. 15 newspaper techniques offset printing presses. – MDS-Register is a fully digital, computerised system for register control from console. 85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten, Germany http://www.mhm.de The companies belonging to the Huber Group – represented by Michael Huber München, Hostmann-Steinberg, Stehlin + Hostag and Tipolit – will provide information and consulting services to visitors on their joint stand. “Inking and damping in newspaper printing" is the central theme and the new and improved inks and fountain additives in Highly Improved Technology (HIT) quality for high-speed newspaper rotary presses will be presented. > MVS Micro Vidéo Soft SA (1265) 250 chemin du Greffier, Ste. Marguerite 88108 Saint-Dié Cedex, France http://www.mvs.fr specialises in content publishing and distribution systems. Several major newspaper and publishing houses use its applications daily for information transfer, page make-up and publication in print or on the internet. Today, MVS equipment is in use at major French national newspapers and over 600 advertising agencies that produce more than 30,000 files per month. The experience gained in the publishing area and the company's technological know-how have contributed to the development of a wide range of systems aimed at satisfying newspaper requirements: editorial and information management systems, page make-up, ad recording and management systems, automatic classified and ad makeup systems. These include: – MVS Mediaserver: a digital asset management system. – MVS Press: a PC-version automatic classified and ad make-up solution. – MVS Adproject: a classified and digital ad management system. The company says that MVS Adproject offers a complete service, from file creation to tracking through the various publishing steps. (0670) Roll Handling Route de Moutier 109 2800 Delémont, Switzerland http://www.rollhandling.com specialises in reel logistics for printing plants. Its wide range of services covers all aspects of reel logistics, offering futureoriented solutions with different levels of automation for reel delivery, storage, unwrapping, preparing, temporary storage, reelstand loading and waste disposal. The new Metso RoAd logistics and control system controls all components and is responsible for reel organisation, management and tracking. Company specialists will be on hand for discussions as well as exchanges of ideas with customers and industry specialists. Simulations of possible reel logistics solutions also will be shown. Monigraf Srl (1067) Via Cuniberti 45 10151 Torino, Italy offers remote ink control for all offset printing presses. – MDS-Ink is a fully digital, computerised system, with solid steel sliding segments for accurate definition of the ink zones. Presetting by CIP3 or other protocols. Remote register control for all Metso Paper will feature its wide range of services in reel logistics for printing plants. 58 Maschinenfabrik Gerd Mosca AG (0340) Gartenstr. 1 69429 Waldbrunn/Strümpfelbrunn, Germany http://www.mosca-ag.com will present Integra-IS, a fully automatic compact film wrapping/cross-strapping system. This generation, equipped with sealing bars (top and bottom foil) working in conjunction with following side-sealing, allows all-round film-wrapping. The company says the system has an extremely short installation length of 2330 mm. For cross-strapping of up to 17 bundles/min, the machine will be shown with an integrated RO-TR-4-D turntable. This machine has a low installation space requirement of just 760 mm. Mosca will show its new electromechanical compressing and bundle alignment on a RO-TAI-4 cross-strapping machine (performance in excess of 30 bundles/min.). The fully automatic machines have been further enhanced by innovations in the area of accessibility for the RO-TRI-4 strapper as well as the use of touch panel-based graphic user guidance. Mosca also will feature the standard ECO automatic machine. The company says that low acquisition costs combined with a reduced-width consumable material (a strap width of 4 mm instead of 5 mm reduces material consumption by 20 percent) make this new development an economically interesting solution. Motter Printing Equipment Ltd (0929) Obernauerstrasse 4 6010 Kriens, Switzerland is a Swiss-based organisation of precision engineers and designers serving the printing and allied industries specialising in custom-built equipment to meet a client's specific requirements for web offset and rotogravure presses. In association with its American partner MotterStitch Co., Motter Printing Equipment Ltd. (MPEL) designs and builds in-line stitching equipment for the customer's particular press folder. The range of MotterStitch stitchers are capable of handling current and foreseeable press speeds. According to MPEL, it newspaper techniques September 2002 is a forerunner in the development of the shaftless-driven stitcher. MPEL, in association with the Foldex Corporation, is responsible for the production of a range of variable-size jaw and quarter-folders with many features and are capable of operating at high speeds. MPEL can also offer an engineering service to update and rebuild both offset and rotogravure press lines. MotterStitch Co (0929) 504 North Main St, Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, United States of America http://www.motterstitch.com custom designs in-line stitchers for all types of web presses. The stitchers are designed single, double, triple or multiround, with 2, 3, 4 or 6 heads, for straight, collect or double collect modes. They are installed in the folder and can run as many as 100,000 copies per hour in straight mode. IfraExpo 2002 MPO MediaSolutions GmbH (0175) multilayered customising. The company says that publishing houses can raise the level of comfort for users considerably by utilising the dynamically adaptable masks. The accounting processes can be run in batches and defined in accordance with logical dependencies. mpo/Blattplanung offers small to medium-sized publishing houses both a clear structure and simple operation, according to MPO. Atriumstr. 1 04315 Leipzig, Germany http://www.mpo-mediasolutions.de will use a simulated workflow to show its publishing solution for editorial, advertising, product planning and internet applications. For the editorial area, MPO will show the InDesign software that permits free page design and complements the performance range of the highly integrated and powerful editor. The editorial system is completed with an export to fee accounting. The display of the status information allows tracking of page production. With mpo/Internet, ad recording and searching via the internet for online and print media will be presented using examples of classified ads and incorporating the use of mpo/Editor and mpo/Anzeigen. mpo/Anzeigen offers the flexible representation of a tailored workflow, supported by > MSH Medien System Haus (0420) GmbH & Co. KG Plieninger Str. 150 70567 Stuttgart, Germany http://www.msh.de will present integrated solutions for publishing operations: (new) mySAP BW Business Warehouse. (new:) mySAP CRM for Media. (new:) CIC Customer Interaction Center including telephone integration. (new:) mySAP Enterprise Portals. CRM- ® STRAPPING SYSTEMS INTEGRA-I Fully Automatic Compact Film-Wrapping Cross Strapping Machine The film-wrapping machine wraps newspapers, magazines and similar print products in PE film. The lateral overhang is folded around the bundle by means of the postpositioned strapping system. INTEGRA-I consists of: • Film-Wrapping Machine • Strapping Machine RO-TR-4 KL • In-Line Strapping Machine RO-TRI-4 Capacity: up to 30 cycles/minute • Strapping Machines • Cording Machines • Pallet Packing Presses • Conveying Systems • Straps and Cords Mosca Direct LTD at the MOSCA o 2 0 0 2 : p I f r a E x tand 0340 S / 2 Hall Colliers Way, Colliers Business Park Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG 12 3HA United Kingdom Tel.: +44(0) -115 989 0209, Fax: +44(0) -115 989 3888 Internet: http://www.mosca-ag.com, E-Mail: info@moscadirect.com Mosca – the World of Strapping 59 IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 than 30 sales and service companies of their own all over the world, each with its own mailroom specialists, enabling fast, on-site solutions. Müller Martini's experts will be available on their stand throughout IfraExpo for detailed project discussions and personal, customer-oriented advice. Suite Dialog. Advertising solution: mySAP Media AM and MSH-Ad: for ad recording, designing, make-up and production/planning. MSH-Ad:MiniEdit – direct classified ad recording. MSH-Ad:Make – universal ad editor. (new:) MSH-Ad:Make+ – workflow optimisation. MSH-Ad:WebOrder – ad processing via the internet. MSH-Ad:Digital – processing digital copy. Direct connection to the commercial job. Newspaper distribution: mySAP Media SD with add-ons. Internet & online services: Web-hosting. Access Providing. – (new:) MSH-Web:digiPaper – electronic newspaper publishing. MSH-Web:AdOnline – ad processing for online markets. MSH-Web:EventCalendar – events calandar for print and online. MSHService: applications monitoring, Help Desk system and MSH-OnlineSupport. Müller Martini Marketing AG MSA – Musso Schleper & Associés (0485) Le Matisse, 9, avenue Henri Matisse 06200 Nice, France http://www.msa-web.com specialises in the following areas: – buying and selling used newspaper and commercial presses; – “turnkey" services; – transport, installation, taking into production; – partial or total rebuilding; – modernisation, conversion, enhancement of the press; – configuring equipment to meet specific requirements; – carrying out evaluations. MSA has 15 years of experience in trading used newspaper presses. (0140) Untere Brühlstrasse 13 4800 Zofingen, Switzerland http://www.mullermartini.com MWM Media Workflow Management AB will be exhibiting under the motto: “If timing is crucial ... Müller Martini." The company says its experts will be talking to customers to provide proof that Müller Martini is the right business partner for companies of all sizes when it comes to intelligently designed mailroom solutions – in other words, wherever timing is crucial for the production and dispatch of newspapers. At Müller Martini, good timing starts right at the design stage. But timing also means consultancy skills: with good results within a short time, carefully-directed investigation of specific customer requests and the option of reacting quickly and flexibly, should production requirements change. The company says a further pluspoint that makes a significant contribution to perfect timing is that they have more (1239) Kungsholmstorg 7, 4tr 112 21 Stockholm, Sweden newspaper techniques bending machine for offset plates equipped with video-controlled plate alignment. Using burned-in register marks, the plates are brought into exact register and subsequently punched and edge-bent. The VCP features a measuring device that monitors online the quality of plate exposure and development during the punching and edge-bending process. The punched and edge-bent plates are then entered into a plate stacking station. Sorting, e.g. by edition or printing couple, is done by bar code identification. The company says the number of stacker compartments can be increased at will. For this purpose, NELA offers a software that allows the production of any desired number of allocation tables. Other software solutions for use in connection with Nela-VCP 2002 are fan-out compensation/register correction, page tracking, online diagnosis and the Service Wizard remote maintenance system. The NelaVPI-N plate checking device verifies the register repeatability and the precision of register punching on the plates. Plates to be checked can be either only exposed, exposed and punched, or exposed, punched and edge-bent. http://www.mwm.se specialises in the field of production and distribution improvements with regard to graphic production. MWM supplies system products for production management. The company also offers consultancy services to help customers identify and implement improvement methods for their businesses. MWM will show the MWM System that links all the separate elements of production and distribution systems for newspapers and other businesses within the graphics sector. The MWM System is made up of modules for planning, online tracking and reports and analysis. The system fully supports IfraTrack. NAPP Systems (Europe) Ltd (0955) Füllerstr. 4 61440 Oberursel/Taunus, Germany (See MacDermid Printing Solutions.) NELA – Brüder Neumeister GmbH (1185) Richmond House Bath Road Newbury RG14 1QY, United Kingdom http://www.net-linx.com will focus on the company's ability to lower the total cost of ownership through its solutions. Based on J2EE platforms, netlinx's nxAdvertising solution introduces a Zero Administration Client option. When coupled with its suite of revenue tools for the web, the company says this advertising solution will help publishers gain cost savings and sales opportunities. net-linx's Insiight editorial solution uses Enterprise Integration technologies allowing a publisher to select best of breed, off-the-shelf applications and integrate them into a modern editorial publishing system. Newspaper Association of America (0632) 1921 Gallows Rd, Suite 600 Vienna, VA 22182-3900, United States of America 77933 Lahr, Germany http://www.naa.org will present: – Nela-VCP 2002, an automatic register punching and edge60 (1165) Publishing Solutions UK Ltd Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 15 http://www.nela.de Nela will show the VCP 2002, an automatic register punching and edge-bending machine. > net-linx is a nonprofit organisation representing the US$ 55 billion newspaper industry and more than 2000 newspapers in the IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 involved in applying and integrating technology. United States and Canada. Most NAA members are daily newspapers, accounting for 87 percent of the U.S. daily circulation. Headquartered in Tysons Corner (Vienna, Virginia, U.S.), the association focuses on six key strategic priorities that affect the newspaper industry collectively: marketing, public policy, diversity, industry development, newspaper operations and readership. Information about NAA and the industry may also be found at the association's web site at www.naa.org. NAA is the host of NEXPO, an international newspaper technology conference and exhibition, which will be held next 16-19 June 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. (www.nexpo.com). As the publisher of Presstime and Tech News magazines, NAA reaches the North American newspaper industry with extensive reporting and advertising reach. In June 2002, NAA announced the launch of Newspaper Tech, courses across a range of topics in production and business management, IT/New Media, EHS, logistics, accounting/finance, marketing/sales, human resources, personal improvement and more. (www.naatechtraining.com) Newspapers & Technology Newstec 2003 IIR Exhibitions Ltd (0615) 6th Floor, 29 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DR, United Kingdom http://www.newstec.org Newstec 2003 is the U.K.'s only news publishing technology event that takes place from 12-14 May 2003 in Brighton, U.K. Sponsored by the Newspaper Society, the exhibition has served the U.K. newspaper market for 32 years. Alongside the exhibition, the Ifra-Newstec Conference is held. This Conference will bring together best-practice case studies and offer invaluable advice on new technologies and how to improve operation efficiency. NOISE-Ex-International GmbH (0533) Denver, CO 80202, United States of America http://www.newsandtech.com is a monthly publication for newspaper publishers and department managers enclosures and control cabins throughout Europe, drawing on experience gained from numerous projects carried out in new buildings as well as for retrofitting existing plants. The company says many customers choose the Alpha system due to its simple construction without additional structural steel engineering, simple handling in the event of major press repair work as well as the possibility to re-use it in cases of converting existing installations. Modern rotary presses require practical anti-noise solutions that also take due account of the need for ventilation and exhaust air extraction. Noise-Ex says that, together with many customers, it has developed and realised simple, low-cost, but efficient ventilation and exhaust air extraction solutions that do not hinder operations and ensure a pleasant environment for printers. (0920) Norske Skog Industriestr. 10 Oksenøyveien 80 44628 Herne, Germany 1326 Lysaker, Norway http://www.noise-ex.com http://www.norske-skog.com specialises in solutions offering protection against noise in the printing industry. Working on the basis of a detailed analysis of the overall situation, an individual solution is developed and realised in close cooperation with the customer. The company says the modular Alpha system offers almost unlimited possibilities for planning and implementing anti-noise measures. The company has installed noise 1623 Blake St, Ste 250 newspaper techniques (0880) has 24 wholly and partly owned mills in 15 countries on 5 continents. In Europe, Norske Skog now operates a total of nine mills located in six countries. They have four mills in Norway and one in Austria, France, Germany, Holland and the Czech Republic respectively. Their sales offices are located throughout Europe. Norske Skog will feature their full range of newsprint, improved newsprint, book paper, machine finished coated (MFC), super calendered (SC) and light/medium weight coated (LWC/MWC) paper. Norske Skog says they are dedicated to understanding their customers' business, and to offering the right product, quality and services. Representatives and experts from their sales organisation and mills will be on the stand to discuss this and the latest developments of their products. Olive Software Inc. (0595) One Park Avenue, 12th Floor New York, NY 10016, United States of America http://www.olivesoftware.com NOISE-Ex-International has installed noise enclosures and control cabins throughout Europe. 62 focuses on the technologies that bridge the gap between printed information and the online world, developing e-publishing and archiving products for newspapers and libraries. Founded in 1999 by a team of experienced entrepreneurs and technologists, the company's goal is to set IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 industry standards in online archiving and e-publishing. Papeteries Matussière et Forest (0637) 42-44, rue de Paradis OXY-DRY Maschinen GmbH (0870) Boschring 19 63329 Egelsbach, Germany http://www.oxydry.de will show the latest version of its three main types of blanket and impression cylinder washing systems for newspaper web offset presses. Most OXY-DRY washing systems are supplied with patented, fully-integrated control consoles. More than 8000 cylinders (newspaper printing) worldwide are equipped with OXY-DRY washing systems. OXY-DRY also will present its idler roller washing system. This automatic system is integrated into both the mechanics and controls of the press and, together with the blanket and impression cylinder washing system, is operated via a control console mask. 75010 Paris, France http://www.matussiere-forest.fr Papeteries Matussière & Forest (PMF) has a pan-European presence (notably in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Benelux), and is a long-standing supplier to the national and provincial newspapers and the free-sheet sectors. Two mills within the group produce newsprint, enabling PMF to offer a comprehensive range of either part or 100 percent recycled newsprint grades: standard newsprint, improved newsprint and tinted newsprint, for heat and coldset web offset printing. The main products and their benefits: Alsapresse, 100 percent recycled (Blue Angel, APUR and NAPM labels); Alsaweb, 100 percent recycled with brightness 68; Blanc Pyrénées, 60 percent recycled with brightness 63-64; newspaper techniques standard newsprint Ariège white, 60 percent recycled; and tinted newsprint Ariège, 60 percent recycled and available in salmon pink, yellow, blue, green colours. According to the company, the range of newsprint grades excels in terms of printability, opacity and high brightness. PMF says it manufactures and sells a range of superior matt and gloss coated papers, branded Voiron Mat and Voiron Silk. These papers offer this claimed advantage: combined high bulk with a smooth surface finish, resulting in good quality while maintaining a crisp feel to the final document. > Parascan Technologies Ltd (1280) Unit 9 Moons Park, Burnt Meadow Rd North Moons Moat Redditch, Worcs B98 9PA, United Kingdom http://www.parascan.com will launch Qxp Technology, a new software and systems range, for the man- newspaper techniques September 2002 agement of prepress workflow solutions for the newspaper industry. – Qxp Management Information System: tracks production progress, meeting of deadlines, workload per client, etc. Parascan says the system provides a comprehensive range of production statistics/reports, based on an SQL-server, exportable to ERP Systems for accounting/financial purposes. – Qxp Production Planner: integrates planning between Editorial/Print and Prepress production of films and plates. The company says this module is particularly relevant for output to CTP units especially production of multiple editions over multiple press units. – Qxp Device Manager: integrates all components of the prepress workflow, allows for set up of all processes, is accessible via a browser from any location, allows operators to manage production remotely e.g. remake of plates driven from the press room, output devices can be connected or disconnected etc. In addition, Parascan will present its Q-Manager workflow, Visualiser Proofing and Ink Pre-setting solutions. Parascan also offers advice on how their solutions can benefit potential users through a Site Audit and Recommendations Report without further obligation. Perretta Graphics Corp. (0645) 40 Violet Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, United States of America http://www.perretta.com (See Graphic Web Systems BV.) Picdar (1249) Sandridge Park, Porters Wood St. Albans, Herts AL3 6PH, United Kingdom http://www.picdar.com will feature its DAM solutions, which the company says enable newspaper publishers to improve operational efficiency and reduce prepress production time for all digital material. Picdar offers a range of solutions based on its core digital asset management (DAM) product, Media Mogul. From entry-level hosted solutions to fullscale workflow DAM suites, Picdar says Media Mogul features efficient workflow tools and integrates seamlessly with other publishing systems. Media Mogul serves as an integral part of the newspapers' publishing process, handling active pictures and copy throughout the publishing cycle from asset input and modification, to linking assets with publishing history. With en- hanced XML interfaces, wide-ranging NewsML support, and new XML-controlled Quark XTensions that enhance workflow efficiencies, Media Mogul powers streamlined newspaper workflows. The company says its solutions result in cost reductions and the creation of new revenue streams. Picdar customers include Trinity Mirror, The Economist, The Guardian, Financial Times, BBC Worldwide, Hasbro and Tui. picturesafe media/data/bank GmbH (1236) Lüerstr. 3 30175 Hannover, Germany Workflow Optimisation … mpo/Ads Ad order entry Accounts management WYSIWYG editor Sales prompts Integration of display advertising Invoicing Contract management Commissions Collective advertising http://www.picturesafe.de specialises in multimedia data and its logistics as well as the organisation of work, information and communication processes. The company offers services and products for the introduction and operation of digital asset management systems (DAM). This includes consulting and software development, up to Application Service Providing (ASP). DAM covers all necessary activities for production, collection, development, refinement, supply and distribution of digital data. picturesafe offers the myCONTENT media asset management system as a media solution. This system gives information suppliers, publishing houses or photo and news agencies the possibility to market contents and rights of use to text, image, audio and video material via the internet, both up-to-the-minute and in accordance with customer requirements. At the same time, myCONTENT acts as an archiving and production supporting system. The automated methods of picture and document administration help rationalise production and increase productivity. myCONTENT supports the supply of information from different sources. Sophisticated user groups and rights-assignment mechanisms ensure a system of graded access. Pira International Ltd Copy editing WYSIWYG editor Wire editing Image integration Image processing Production control Internet export/import News gathering via the internet mpo/Planning Product planning Page makeup WYSIWYG display mpo/Internet Ad search/managment Display ad input … via high integration. (0627) Randalls Rd Leatherhead, Sy KT22 7RU, United Kingdom http://www.piranet.com is a leading consultancy business with major publishing and conference activities, serving the printing, publishing, paper and packaging industries. Pira Book Sale: the company will be exhibiting its range of publications – journals (Digital 65 mpo/Editorial MediaSolutions GmbH phone: +49-341-922-2300 E-mail: info@mpo-mediasolutions.de Internet: www.mpo-mediasolutions.de IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 Demand, the only international journal looking at digital production technologies for the print-publishing supply chain), books (e.g. Introduction to Digital Print, The Print and Production Manual, Digital Prepress) and market intelligence reports (e.g. The Future of Newspaper Advertising). PLANATOL Systems International GmbH (0920) Fabrikstr. 30-32 83101 Rohrdorf, Germany http://www.planatol.de will show high-speed gluing for newspaper, semi-commercial, rotogravure and illustration printing presses in three versions: intermittent longitudinal gluing and fold-softening at up to 20 m/sec. (Opimatic Combijet and Softjet), cross-web gluing at up to 60,000 cylinder revolutions/h (Opimatic), and attaching of cards and Post-it notes at up to 80,000 copies/h (ElectroCard). The adhesive for fold-gluing is produced by PLANATOL. The product range of the colour ink supply division offers all customary pumps for cold-set, heat-set, oxidative-drying and UV inks and also ink level regulators for single and divided ink ducts are manufactured. As an innovation for longitudinal and cross-web gluing and colour ink supply, PLANATOL now offers Intermodus 8MOD to its customers. According to PLANATOL, Intermodus stands for online start help, online operator instruction, online fault detection, online fault diagnosis, and is the global link to customers. > ppi Media GmbH PLANATOL Systems International will show its various gluing and ink supply solutions. tionalisation potentials are fully utilised, production times and costs significantly reduced. Maximum safety and transparency is achieved with GlobalTrack, the browserand IfraTrack-based tracking system as well as the DataShop data warehouse designed for the special requirements of publishing companies and printing houses. Some 70 publishing houses worldwide, including in the U.S.A. and India, have gone with this concept during the past 18 years. Under the name PrintNet, ppi Media is developing a production management system especially for printing houses. As a CIM solution, PrintNet is intended to fully integrate and modernise production processes on a JDF basis in the printing house. A pilot version will be shown at IfraExpo 2002. Presse Edition (0975) (0534) 22, rue des Reculettes Hindenburgstr. 49 75013 Paris, France 22297 Hamburg, Germany is a journal published by Faits de Sociétés, a publishing group specialising in the communication industry. With eight issues per year plus supplements and one annual “Le Guide Presse Édition," Presse Édition covers the press, communication and publishing markets for its readers: production managers and buyers, as well as all their commercial partners in the graphic production chain. http://www.ppi.de is a software specialist for newspaper publishing companies and printing houses. ppi Media will present its production management system that incorporates the entire newspaper production process – from page planning (PlanPag) and ad production (AdMan) via ad page make-up (AdPag), page assembly (ProPag) and printing forme production (ProMan) up to the press – into an integrated, highly automated workflow. ppi Media says the classic programme, with optimised interfaces to all standard external prepress, press and mailroom systems, is designed to allow an open and integrated operation. According to the company, ra- newspaper techniques It has more than 40 members operating in the publishing, commercial printing and packaging sectors worldwide. The vision of PrintCity is to provide complete, open-system printing solutions to raise the productivity of its customers. Its members are drawn from every process phase of the industry, from design to post-printing. For publishers in every sector of the industry there are challenges, and PrintCity has a wealth of companies with expertise to provide the answers that publishers need. In the newspaper sector, for example, newspapers will have to focus on specialised target groups by producing smaller, special interest editions. PrintCity says it can call on companies with world-leading solutions to address this market. Likewise, magazines must become even more segmented to hold their own against growing competition. According to the alliance, PrintCity offers practical advice on how publishers can get the best from their printing departments, and increase productivity by reducing the overall cost per copy of print runs. tph The Printers House Pvt. Ltd (0950) 10, Scindia House, Connaught Place New Delhi, 110001, India http://www.tphorient.com is a manufacturer and exporter of web offset printing machines in India in the single-width, single-circumference category. Its Orient range of products include Mono Units, 3-colour satellites, Stack units, 4-Hi towers, and Folders, in models Standard (16,000 cph), Super (30,000 cph), and 35,000 cph, in cut-off sizes 508 mm, 533 mm, 546 mm, 560 mm, and 578 mm. With ISO 9001 certification, and manufactured in a CNC facility, Orient machines are exported to more than 35 countries, besides having a major market share in India. The company says quality, versatility, ease of operation, compact design, and compatibility with other makes make the Orient presses reliable and cost-effective. > Protec SA (0435) Julián Camarillo, 29 Edific. Protec PrintCity GmbH + Co. KG (0960) Sebastianstr. 29h 86153 Augsburg, Germany http://www.printcity.de is a strategic alliance of independent companies from the graphic arts industry. 66 28037 Madrid, Spain http://www.protec.es will present AD-on-LINE, the company's new advertising management and orders contracting solution for newspapers targeted to B2B and B2C. The company IfraExpo 2002 Protec will show products related to its MILENIUM Cross Media solution. Among their products are MILENIUM Publishing Web, CICLON for advertising production and ARCANO for multimedia digital archiving. says it fully integrates internet/extranet technology as well as standard management tools (Excel, Word) and a wysiwyg editor for actual production of advertisements at the same time of contract. It is included into MILENIUM Cross Media solu- September 2002 tions environment, but Protec says it can work autonomously and be integrated with other financial and editorial solutions. – MILENIUM Publishing Web is also a new product to control the production of printing newspapers through browser and web. Also being shown are new versions of other MILENIUM Cross Media suites: – CICLON for advertising production; – MILENIUM for editorial content workflow; – ARCANO for multimedia digital archiving; – COMMS for communication management; and – PRESSFLOW for PS or PDF pages workflow for press printing. The new versions highlight the cross media use of these solutions, which are designed to manage contents and formats separately and their broadcast for any media: paper, web, digital radio, SMS. More than 60 newspaper companies are editing and producing their content with MILENIUM Cross Media. newspaper techniques For the first time, Q.I. Press Controls will exhibit its Intelligent Edge Detection System IED. > Q.I. Press Controls (0195) Everdenberg 26 4902 TT Oosterhout, The Netherlands http://www.qipc.com will exhibit for the first time their Intelligent Edge Detection System IED. This system is based on the Intelligent Register System technology and can measure the newspaper techniques September 2002 IfraExpo 2002 width of the web, thereby enabling the system to control fanout, turner bars or splicers. The company says the patented “fish-eye" technology eliminates the need to laterally pre-set the scanner. All data processing is done within the camera housing and intelligent software compensates for distortion and paper dust. Also on display will be the IRS, which combines automatic colour register, cut-off and side-lay control into one system. One, virtually invisible (0,04 mm2), set of register marks is enough for the IRS to monitor and control register completely. The IRS can be expanded with the new Intelligent Quality Management System (IQM). According to the company, all production data, including colour register information, can be monitored by the production manager at his own desk. The production data is stored in a database, and there is the possibility to set alarm levels that can be forwarded automatically to the production manager via SMS on his mobile phone. The company says claims for compensation in case of miss register can easily be investigated. Web-tension, drive problems, paper characteristics, ink/dampening problems, all information can be analysed. Like all QIPC systems, this will be tailor-made to customer specifications. QTI Quad/Tech Inc Washing in a workflow: FULLY-AUTOMATED ! Blanket cylinders Impression cylinders Guide rollers for newspaper presses Visit us at IfraExpo 2002, Stand 0870 (0547) N64 W23110 Main St, Sussex, WI 53089-5301, United States of America http://www.qtiworld.com a manufacturer of auxiliary controls for the web offset printing industry, QTI's latest innovation is the RGS Vector, which the company says features the fastest register camera technology available. QTI says this speed results in reduced makeready time and waste, and superior process control. Its small mark size (0,18 mm) is virtually indiscernible and requires less white space. For accurate fold and cut off register, the Ribbon Control System (RCS) 4000 automatically registers ribbons, both circumferentially and laterally, ensuring consistent quality throughout the press run. It has recently been modified to provide dual mark register control for a newspaper application. Both the RGS Vector and RCS reside on the new ICON platform. According to QTI, this platform offers increased flexibility and efficiency by allowing multiple QTI products to be controlled from one operator control station. The company says this results in reduced training time and quicker job setups. For closed loop colour control, QTI says its Color Control System (CCS) controls by midtone dot gain and three-colour grey balance in addition to solid ink density. > Quark Solutions Unique and patented console integration for the widest variety of requirements. From the "one for one" washing unit through the "one for two" washing unit for simultaneous washing of blanket cylinders close together, up to the "6 o'clock" washing unit for impression cylinders, plus the on-the-fly "impression-on washing" and guide roller washing. (0375) Eglosheimer Str. 41 71636 Ludwigsburg, Germany http://www.euro.quark.com To succeed in today's demanding publishing environment, organisations need sophisticated systems for storing, searching, re-purposing and publishing content. Quark says it is positioned to meet these challenges by unifying media-independent publishing with database-driven content management and workflow solutions on an enterprise scale, calling this “enterprise publishing." Quark, known for its layout and workflow solu69 Every dimension in washing! Unique solutions from ... OXY-DRY Maschinen GmbH Boschring 19 D-63329 Egelsbach, Germany Phone +49 (0)6103 4007-0 Fax +49 (0)6103 4007-70 IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 ful flat blankets such as Editor 10 for neutral paper feed; Editor 20 for positive paper feed; and Royal Web K2, all available also in the NO PAK thickness. With such a wide product range, the company is able to cover all market needs. According to the company, printers running high-speed web presses will appreciate Vulcan blankets' consistency, especially over long periods of time. Reeves says that its partnership with local agents combined with the presence of application specialists, assure immediate assistance to printers whenever required. newspaper techniques batch collection; turntable with greater format flexibility and integrated pressing plates, intelligent, servo-driven ejector and fold-down delivery table for gently and controlled bundle delivery, large hinged hoods, central format adjustment and touch screen increase user friendliness. Video and multimedia presentations of further applications will also be shown. > Rosetta (1150) Prins Hendrikkade 164 C 1011 TB Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://www.rosetta.net > RIMA-System (0320) Monschauer Str. 1 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany RIMA-System’s new RS 32 compensating stacker integrates numerous innovative features. http://www.rimasystem.com is a manufacturer of post-press solutions, ranging from the simple counter stacker up to complete mailroom systems. The various finishing steps of conveying, cutting, compensating stacking, blocking, strapping and palletising are configured to complete solutions and automate finishing between folder delivery and dispatch. The company says the RS 800 rotary cutters are of interest to all newspaper printers who want to offer trimmed printed products. According to RIMA-System, special options, such as high-frequency product alignment before trimming (Hexbrator Technology), knife cooling and zero gap adjustment, flexible selection of carbide metal and segmental knives (Multi Knife Technology) ensure cutting quality, exact cutting geometry and a long useful life also with newspaper products. Shown as an IfraFirst will be the new high-speed/highvolume RS 32 compensating stacker, a further development of the RS 31SL. New features include a high, slightly inclined three-stage prestacking basket to facilitate tions, says it has developed an enterprise publishing platform built on the scalable, modular Quark Digital Media System (QuarkDMS) architecture that can be extended and integrated with existing systems to drive efficiency enhancements and cost reductions at every organisational level. Quark provides a wide selection of integrated application modules (such as Editorial Clients, SOAP Integration Framework, WebCopyDesk, WebSite Management sophisticated Workflow Engine etc), that augment QuarkDMS with new capabilities. Quickcut Europe (0625) Robert-Mayer-Str. 48-50 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany http://www.quickcut.com (See MacDermid Printing Solutions.) Reeves Spa (0883) Strada Provinciale 140 26855 Lodivecchio (LO), Italy http://www.reeves.it is a manufacturer of offset printing blankets with a comprehensive product line. According to Reeves, each of its Vulcan blankets has been developed to satisfy a specific need in the market, and most of the biggest newspaper companies in the world are customers. To address the growing high-speed web market, the company introduces its newly engineered Vulcan Synthesis, the cylindrical blanket for MAN Roland gapless presses; Vulcan Genesis, the cylindrical blanket for the Mainstream; Vulcan Metal, the metal back blanket for newspaper printing, as well as the success- designs and creates classified advertising, recruitment, motoring, property, community and e-commerce web sites by integrating newspaper and magazine ad booking systems with Rosetta System 6, an XML based network database publishing application. Using System 6, advertisers can purchase ads for both online and print publication using structured online data entry forms or by agency advertising management system upload. Some of the frontend features of the System 6 include: user personalisation, automatic e-mail/SMS notifications, online booking forms for advertisers, image upload, template based semi display ad creation, and an advanced pricing and up-sell engine. System 6 can publish to print, web, e-mail, SMS, WAP, Digital TV, Palm and other PDA devices. Featuring an integrated back-end suite of browser-based advertising and publishing components, the company says System 6 can manage multiple publications, editions, users and pricing schemes within one userfriendly, use-anywhere interface. Rosetta adds that System 6 allows users to set up regular conversions between two or more data formats and enhance this data by using parsing and expansion, while advanced workflow editing facilities let users control any incoming data. Rosetta was founded in Amsterdam in 1995 and powers classified and community sites for some of the largest publishers across Europe. rotoclean GmbH (0245) Basler Str. 115 79115 Freiburg, Germany rotoclean of Germany will feature its blanket and satellite washing system. 70 will present its blanket and satellite washing system. The company says it orients its products towards user requirements, i.e. innovative technical design, simple operation and accessibility in the IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 tion, which can be used to sell and distribute all types of media products across all delivery channels. It supports direct sales and sales to resellers. Conventional channels or the internet can be used for subscriptions, billing, commissions and other media business processes. – mySAP Media Advertising Management includes functions for all processes associated with the sale, booking and billing of ads in every medium. It handles business relationships with a newspaper's partners and integration with web-based processes, call centres, and technical systems. – mySAP Business Intelligence for Media supplies information that is tailored to the media industry and responds to the needs of employees working within the media sector. – mySAP Customer Relationship Management includes features and functions that enable a company to identify, attract and retain customers. The company says this means that press. rotoclean says its supply and disposal concept makes an important contribution to satisfying increasingly strict ecological regulations – by no-maintenance, high-level recycling of the used washing agent. The company says it attributes its positive development, among other things, to the fact that customers who invest in a rotoclean washing system are assured of a short payback period. SAP AG (0720) Neurottstr. 16 69190 Walldorf, Germany http://www.sap-ag.de The comprehensive mySAP Media solution supports business management processes and includes functions for financials, human resource management and logistics, in addition to media industry-specific functions. The suite of solutions includes: mySAP Media Sales and Distribu- newspaper techniques improved products and services that are highly personalised can be delivered. mySAP CRM includes marketing, sales and service functions. SAP Systems Integration AG (0720) St. Petersburger Str. 9 01069 Dresden, Germany http://www.sap.com (See SAP AG.) Sauer Walzenfabriken GmbH & Co. KG (0624) Gutenbergstr. 5 30966 Hemmingen, Germany http://www.sauer-roller.com The Sauer group of companies, with a total of 10 sites in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria and the U.S.A., is a worldwide supplier of roller technology. The Sauer product programme consists of solutions for the areas of coldset, commer- Please vis it us durin g IFRA lona, 14. –17.10.2 002, boo th 0955 in Barce ® Your partner for newspaper quality and leading manufacturer of photopolymer plates for F L E X O (including CTP) LETTERPRESS NAPP Systems (Europe) Ltd. NAPP Systems Inc. Branch Office Oberursel Fuellerstrasse 4 D-61440 Oberursel/Ts. Tel.: (0 61 71) 5 70 79 Fax: (0 61 71) 5 32 68 E-mail: wgerza@compuserve.com 260 S. Pacific San Marcos, Calif. 92069-3886, USA Tel.: ++1/760/7 44 43 87 Fax: ++1/760/4 71 69 82 www.nappsystems.com 72 A company of newspaper techniques PRINTER’S PROGRESS September 2002 Ink supply from PLANATOL? cial offset, anilox offset, sheet-fed offset, flexo, letterpress and packaging gravure printing. Complementary products, such as washing and equipment maintenance products, are optimally matched to the used materials. A growing distribution network of qualified agents forms the basis for on-site customer service in Europe and the United States. Sauer, in close cooperation with leading press manufacturers, has vast experience in the development of own materials and is an acknowledged first equipment supplier in the OEM area. The Sauer group of companies will present new roller technologies for reducing ink mist and the patented concept of a web guide roller that is in use at selected customer operations. SAXoTECH AS (1243) Hobrovej 42D 9000 Aalborg, Denmark http://www.saxotech.com is showing the next releases of SAXoPRESS CMS & Publicus Online Publishing System. – SAXoPRESS R6 includes new features such as: MacOS X & Windows XP clients: SAXoPRESS provides native support for the latest operating system technologies from Apple and Microsoft. – New unified user interface: The user interface unifies and simplifies all editorial functions into one content management “workbench." – Oracle 9i & use of Oracle interMedia technology: SAXoPRESS is provided with a suite of services to develop and deploy print, web and wireless applications that include rich media. – Media neutral formatting system: An XML-based, media-neutral text formatting and page markup system, which the company says makes the stylebook system more flexible and simplifies cross-media publishing. – Publicus Web browser client for SAXoPRESS: Within Publicus you can access the SAXoPRESS print production database. – Publicus R6 includes: Linux & Apache support: The Publicus application server is ported to run natively on Linux and to utilise the Apache Web server, which SAXoTECH says improves the speed and security of the system and lowers the total cost of ownership. – Oracle 9i, MySQL database support: Choose from 3 SQL database technologies (MS SQL Server 2000, Oracle 9i, and the open source MySQL). – Tansa Text Proofing System integration: Now Tansa's advanced proofing system is accessible from Publicus. Scangraphic PrePress Technology GmbH Naturally. Planatol has the complete Fold Gluing Fold Softening Card Gluing product range for ink supply. Ink Supply Ink Pumps Level Control Proven production lines, the Planatol Quantity Measurement Adhesives Service plus and all from one source. Service Visit us at the IfraExpo 2002, Stand 0920. (0680) Hafenstr. 37 22880 Wedel, Germany http://www.scangraphic.de (See alfa media Partner GmbH.) Scholpp Montage GmbH (1270) Am Mittelkai 20 70327 Stuttgart, Germany http://www.scholpp.de will inform about the mechanical and electrical assembly, disassembly and re-assembly of printing presses, up to their commissioning, as well as complete moves of printing operations, including accompanying mailroom installations, with 73 PLANATOL® Systems International GmbH P. O. Box 62 · 83099 Rohrdorf · Germany Telephone +49 80 31 720 - 0 · Fax +49 80 31 720 - 157 e-Mail: info@planatol.de · Internet: www.planatol.de IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 content from multiple sources through the editorial process to print and web publishing, to archiving and to the digital repurposing of content. It uses today's standard tools and provides an open, flexible work environment (based on and written in XML/Java) that enables the reuse of content for multiple destinations, separating content creation from the media to which it is delivered. SeiNet has more than 17 years experience providing editorial solutions. Xtent is sold and supported in Europe, the United States and internationally. electro-hydraulic hoisting gantries (individually matched to suit the hall height, width and hoisting performance) and reprogramming of SPS controls. The company operates throughout Europe, with its own transport vehicles (specially designed for transporting printing units), fork-lift trucks (up to 20 tonnes) and cranes (up to 650 tonnes hoisting capability) as well as overseas (international forwarding). Schur Packaging Systems AS (DK) newspaper techniques (0750) Fuglevangsvej 41 Among other services, Scholpp Montage will inform about its electro-hydraulic hoisting gantries. 8700 Horsens, Denmark > Setanta-Media (1237) Schoenhauseralle 126 http://www.schur.com is a supplier of mailroom and postpress technology solutions for newspapers. The company says it has a complete standard product portfolio and extensive competencies in engineering and project management, a platform from which they are capable of delivering complete customised mailroom solutions to the newspaper industry. Schur's product programme covers: conveying systems with single copy gripper, storage systems, inserting systems, a complete range of stackers covering all customer needs, on-line bundle addressing systems, packaging lines with film wrapping, side welding and a wide range of cross strapping machines. Loading bay solutions and a range of palletising systems also form part of Schur's product programme. The TMS production control system ties all functions and gives the customer a unique set of production facilities. ...sim plify the com plexity Seinet Media Digital Asset Management System (0840) C/ Caleruega, 67 – 7th Floor 28033 Madrid, Spain http://www.seinet.es More than just data management – our @DAM solution is a developer of open cross-media publishing solutions. The company is launching Xtent Publishing Suite V2. SeiNet describes Xtent as a true XMLbased publishing solution offering real cross-media benefits to the newspaper and magazine industry, reducing costs and increasing ROI. This next-generation application is claimed to optimise the entire process of digital asset management – content handling, management, storage and publication, and is described as a complete editorial and publishing solution. The Xtent product suite includes the all-enhanced Xtent Editor, Catalog, Print Publisher, Web Publisher, and the workflow tool, XFlow. The suite is accessed via a single web browser displaying the personalised services defined by the user. A common workflow and content management tool is shared by all applications, managing myCONTENT production, archiving and distribution of text, images, audio and video Visit us at IfraExpo 2002 at Barcelona, Stand 1236 Contact: picturesafe media/data/bank/ GmbH phone: +49 (0) 40 - 37 41 27 – 70 e-mail: info@picturesafe.de Internet: http://www.picturesafe.de 74 10437 Berlin, Germany develops workflow and content management solutions for the media industry. The company sells its products in Europe and North America. – Setanta Workflow Manager provides electronic planning, tracking and control of media production activities. – PostStrip Professional is a modular suite of PDF workflow management tools. Key modules include an automated pagination system capable of building pages from PDF page elements via a unique “double burn" technique, and a web browser based page assembly status tracker. – PostStrip Enterprise enhances PostStrip Professional to provide a distributed PDF workflow management solution via Setanta Workflow Manager. Standard web server technology enables the routing of files and work across various sites, providing central and local tracking and control of all work activities. – A new version of the Setanta Advanced Workflow Engine, Setanta 4, to be available in 2003 will be announced at IfraExpo. Setanta-Media says Setanta 4 will provide performance enhancements to the company's workflow engine, as well as integrating the workflow engine with the industry standard Apache Web Server, and CORBA solutions. SetantaMedia also will announce its new picture sales system, enabling publishers to sell pictures from their databases via publicly situated kiosks, and on the internet. Sicpa-Sinclair BV (1075) Didamseweg 142 6902 PE Zevenaar, The Netherlands http://www.sicpa.com as part of the Swiss multinational Sicpa, Sicpa-Sinclair is the specialised newspaper techniques September 2002 IfraExpo 2002 manufacturer within the Sicpa Group of inks for the newspaper industry. The company says it keeps an eye on environmental affairs, and for that reason, it continuously examines raw materials that are better for the human race and the environment. Sicpa-Sinclair says that new raw materials and their own developments in the binder area permit them to adjust the inks with a good rub-resistance, press behaviour and recycling properties for the paper industry. According to the company, recently developed NewsTECH inks give the printer the possibility to reduce the water amount on the press. Sicpa-Sinclair adds that this results in very fast-setting, excellent set-off properties and even with a high ink-loading are perfectly suitable for the newest insert systems such as Müller Martini and Ferag. Due to the reduced water-amount on the press, these inks have extremely bright colours for brilliant printed matters. The new NewsTECH inks are suitable for all types of high-speed machines and specially developed for the great demand in colour inks in the newspaper industry at the moment. Siegwerk Druckfarben AG “With most new ideas, I take a ‘wait and see’ attitude. But, when QTI offers something new, I want to be one of the first to have it. Over the years, QTI’s innovative products have helped us improve quality and productivity—and save money. They understand my business and know how to help me keep ahead of my competition.” (0170) Alfred-Keller-Str. 55 53721 Siegburg, Germany http://www.siegwerk.com By changing its legal status to a public limited company, Siegwerk Druckfarben AG says it has realigned its corporate strategic policy. The company also says it has set itself the goal of offering customers optimum product quality cost-efficiently and customer service without equal in the printing industry. At its headquarters in Siegburg near Cologne, Germany, more than 200 employees work in research, development and application technology. In close cooperation with customers, the company develops products for newspaper printing. The company's new slogan is: “your ink experts." On display at the stand will be: – Waterless newspaper printing, a development project with KBA. – Mist-free inks, which prevent process faults due to soiling. – Optimised free running behaviour is guaranteed by printing inks and fountain solutions from one supplier. – Intelligent colour management for the representation of customer colours from 4C. Siemens AG Automation and Drives Motion Control Systems (0460) Frauenauracher Str. 80 91056 Erlangen, Germany http://www.siemens.com/printing is a supplier for automation- and drives solutions for the printing industry. Siemens offers integrated solutions ranging from the supervisory level to the automation level to drives and motors. The access to the automation units Simatic S7 and the drives Simovert Masterdrives via remote diagnostics as a standard function is possible. Shaftless printing presses for newspaper-, commercialand package printing are equipped with the drives system Simovert Masterdrives Motion Control. The drives are synchronised via Simolink and communicate with the automation level via Profibus DP. Servomotors are available with air and water cooling as well as explosion proof. At QTI, we draw from an in-depth knowledge of the printing business to develop products that create advantages for our customers. Our latest innovation, the Register Guidance System (RGS) Vector™, uses the most advanced camera on the market to rapidly locate our small register marks. The result is the fastest, most accurate capture rate ever. Residing on our advanced networkbased ICON™ platform, the RGS Vector™ is a giant leap forward in providing printers the added speed and control they need. Tel: +31 294 496222 Fax: +31 294 431016 email: sales@qtiworld.com Web site: www.qtiworld.com 75 Seamless Solutions. Infinite Innovations. IfraExpo 2002 > Sinapse Graphic September 2002 > Sinedita Srl (0430) International (1160) Via Pianezza, 212 Bat. Epicure – Les Algorithmes 10151 Torino, Italy Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers http://www.sinedita.it 91194 Saint Aubin Cedex, France will be presenting a renovation of its publishing front-end system, which the company describes as a sophisticated system infrastructure that allows the move beyond the traditional editing and paginating, a combination of modules to ensure the highest flexibility in matching the users' needs. The use of standard software such as Oracle, MySQL, XPress, Windows 2000 and MacOs, complemented by Javabased user-applications, supports a suite of solutions for the modern newsroom. Sinedita says their goal is to give publishers easy-to-use tools to optimise and simplify the content management process, and to better adapt it to various scenarios: print, online and wireless. For the first time, the company says, it will show Javabased modules such as Publication Planning, to properly distribute editorial and advertising content across a publication, and handle the complexity of multi-edition processes; – Information Collection to gather in one repository any kind of information from news agencies, remote offices, http://www.sinapsegraphic.com offers training and diagnostic software for newspaper printing. This interactive software simulates running a printing press (in the same way as an airplane flight simulator). It reproduces a wide variety of printing conditions and problems that can be used for assessment, training, performance enhancement and press analysis. The company says the process is so effective that many users feel that they are “virtually printing." The only difference is that there is no paper, ink or press costs. The simulators can be used alone or directly driven by a press console. While the pressman does all the adjustments on the console, the results can be viewed on a screen. In this way, the company says, the pressman really feels as comfortable with the simulator as he would be in front of a real press. The IPSS line of knowledge management software lets users add their own information about production problems and solutions. newspaper techniques correspondents, and to manage the multitude of free-lancers distributed on the territory; – Archive system, to preserve published and valued material of any kind, and to facilitate its reuse thanks to a sophisticated, language-sensitive search engine. Sinequa (0639) 51, rue Ledru Rollin 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France http://www.sinequa.com has been at the service of the information industry, and especially newspaper publishers, for 15 years. The company specialises in software programs and services for intelligent information access and automatic language processing. Its offer covers three areas: semantic search and navigation engines, intelligent catalogues, semantic components. Every day, iPaper, Sinequa's archive and editorial flow solution, participates in a circulation of 1,617,000 copies to an audience of 6,175,000 readers for the leading French daily newspapers (Le Monde, Ouest-France, Le Télégramme, Le Midi Libre). The company says iPaper, based on Intuition technology, is a solution that allows the completely automatic re-publishing online of a newspaper's archives and production in a re-usable way (XML) and in their original form. iPaper creates an online library containing the archives and “hot" production, accessible via any web navigator through the internet or the newspaper's intranet. With iPaper, users can directly search for articles or photos and obtain the desired results, displayed in their relevant context (article, photo, page, edition, newspaper). > Sitma Machinery SpA (0380) Via Vignolese 1927 41057 Spilamberto (MO), Italy http://www.sitma.com Sinapse offers training and diagnostic software for newspaper printing that simulates the running of a press. 76 specialises in printed media distribution systems, and will exhibit some of its latest technology in the automation of mailrooms for newspapers, magazines, commercial printing and bindery. In the bindery sector, Sitma has expanded its poly and paper wrappers for single copies, adding solutions and on-line systems such as a product accumulator. Bundle wrappers, stackers and dedicated feeders are also part of its range. Design accuracy and reliability of products are backed up by a professional staff of 250 people, including IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 of critical products directly after the stacker. The line consists of an Air Inline (Ai1) inline strapping machine for a safe strap application in conveyor direction without any obstructing mechanical strap tracks. Integrated into this machine are the PF1 positioning guide for controlled bundle entry directly behind the stacker, also the top sheet applicator DBA. This top-performance packaging line is completed by a SMB strapping machine of the company's N3 generation and the newly developed Delta 2000 film-wrapping machine with integrated side-sealing, manufactured by the company's cooperation partner, Cyklop International. SMB specialists and representatives of the company's cooperation and sales partners will be on hand on their stand for discussions. 55 engineers. All Sitma products are marketed worldwide through subsidiary companies in France, the United States and Japan, and more than 65 agents. Sitma will exhibit the following products: – HighSpeed Inserting line rated at 18,000 cph, suited for magazines and newspapers. The configuration has a feeding module with main product feeder, a vacuum-controlled page opener or plow opener, four rotary feeders for inserting and a compensating stacker. – GM1 Quarter Folder which has been designed to reduce the newspaper format from A3 to A4 and can be either used as a stand-alone or connected to automatic wrappers. – 978/B Feeder, designed for the synchronised picking up and deposit of rigid or flexible items for a variety of applications. newspaper techniques to 40,000 cph segment; and – D240 and D300: versatility for vertical and horizontal heatset web leads. Solna also features the new generation of the press control system Solna PPC, described by Solna as one of the most advanced and flexible systems available in the market. Solna says it produces fast, reliable presses with advanced control systems that provide high quality, short make-ready and maximum output. Stehlin + Hostag AG Druckfarbenfabriken (0855) Breitenstrasse 20 8853 Lachen, Switzerland http://www.stehlinhostag.ch (See Michael Huber München GmbH.) Stora Enso (0150) PO Box 309 SMB Schwede Maschinenbau GmbH Söderqvist Printing Industry Partner AB (0490) Markgrafenstr. 2 Hönekullavägen 13 95497 Goldkronach, Germany 435 44 Mölnlycke, Sweden http://www.smb-strap.de http://www.soderqvist.se will present the Air pack packaging line, which offers a safe bundle transport (0535) http://www.storaenso.com The company's goal is to offer safe and cost-effective production solutions worldwide. The newspaper industry constitutes their largest area of business, but they also work alongside heatset and sheet printing houses. Söderqvist says that thanks to their close collaboration with both customers and suppliers, the preconditions are excellent for continually analysing trends and seeing opportunities in the future. Their key staff will be on the stand to present the company's knowledge, resources and experience within the graphic industry. Solco NV Sun Chemical Ltd (1280) 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium 1 Datapoint Business Centre, 6 South Crescent http://www.solco.be London E16 4TL, United Kingdom (See Fuji Hunt Pressroom Chemicals.) Solna Offset AB (0240) Veddestavägen 13 175 26 Järfälla, Sweden http://www.solnaoffset.com has product ranges for both newspaper and commercial production in the single-width sector. Solna will be showing a completely new product range. The newspaper product line consists of: – D400: a fast printing unit for vertical web leads. – D340: the most advanced product in the up 78 Stora Enso Press Selection offers publishers, retailers, printers and merchants a complete range of WEB paper grades. The portfolio addresses eight areas of communication and quality challenges with corresponding brand categories. The LibroPress, ExoPress and NewsPress categories of Stora Enso Press Selection offer standard, improved and coloured newsprint and newsprint speciality papers for newspapers, supplements, advertising leaflets, telephone directories, hard cover and pocket books. The company says the Service Bridge symbolises Stora Enso's ambition to enhance a customer’s overall operative speed, flexibility and quality by bringing their global resources and service practises directly to your business. (1040) Zwaluwbeek 14 Solna will be showing a completely new product range for its single-width printing press sector. 00101 Helsinki, Finland http://www.sunchemical.com is promoting the “Matrix" concept, which the company describes as a logical product arrangement. Within the Matrix are inks such as Classic, Polar, Superset, UniWeb and the waterless special ink Shark. The company says these offer the printer ease of use with good rub resistance and sharp bright colours for high quality. More specialised products include the UniWeb inks for heatset and coldset printing and the Newsflash black and colours that give minimum set-off and misting. Within IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 newspaper techniques its peer group, Sun Chemical is working along side all the major press manufacturers developing inks for waterless applications, plus close relationships with paper manufacturers developing inks for the “enhanced" grade papers. More details of Sun Chemical's research and development throughout the printing industry can be discussed with a large European Coldset team at the stand. Synapse Management (1170) 79, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière 75009 Paris, France http://www.synapse-mgt.com Synapse Management, a developer and integrator of information management systems for the advertising sector, Datox, the leading supplier of prepress solutions in France, and Plurimind, a consulting company specialising in content distribution via the internet, have agreed to combine forces in the area of compiling, managing and distributing multimedia content. The result of this is an offer of comprehensive service to the newspaper and publishing industries, though also to administrative authorities and large corporations (content and information management). At IfraExpo, the new group of companies will present its “product": XMContent, a multimedia content and make-up management system (workflow); SysDoc, a digital database for multimedia objects; YA2, content collection and creation solutions; Publicom, a software package for managing display and classified ads, based on open application modules (Java, XML) that can be used together with standard programs (QuarkXpress, InDesign, etc.). The group also offers a range of additional services: consulting (definition of requirements, feasibility studies, accompanying the change, etc.), engineering (integrating products into existing systems, specific developments, etc.), services (third party maintenance for application software, systems and network maintenance, etc.). Techniweb (0937) 26/38 rue du Gal Malleret Joinville 94405 Vitry-sur-Seine, France Techniweb blanket cleaners use the web of paper for cleaning blankets on every web offset press (newspaper, commercial, and forms presses). Two spraybars before the first unit spray a cleaning agent 80 newspaper techniques September 2002 Techniweb of France will feature its solutions for cleaning blankets on newspaper, commercial and forms printing presses. on the web that consists of solvent and water. The blankets are cleaned by friction between the blankets and the impregnated web. The cleaning programs are automatically triggered during the print run, or manually at the end of run, at start up, or at any moment. On newspaper presses and form presses, the techniweb cleans the web paths, the guide and the inking rollers and makes start-up easier and flying splice more efficient through web lubrification. On commercial presses, flying splices are also more efficient due to the techniweb, with all dryer safety guarantees. The company says the installation of spraybars is outside the printing units, with access to blankets, plates and webs, and providing easy fitting / removal. According to the company, low maintenance is required. Only two spraybars per web makes the techniweb a low cost project with fast return on investment due to time saving, improved quality, and fewer web breaks and wraparounds. technotrans AG (0665) Schwalbenstr. 7 86391 Stadtbergen, Germany http://www.technotrans.de will present its know-how of liquid technology for offset printing presses. Devices for dampening solution circulation, ink supply, spray dampening and washing agent recycling will be shown. ecoclean.line was designed for recycling contaminated washing agent internally in the printing company. The company says the recycling unit is able to recycle 95 percent of 100 percent contaminated liquid (mixture of washing agent and water). As a rule, according to the company, the amortization period is less than a year. The opera- tion and advantages of the spray dampening system microspray.line are demonstrated by means of an original spray dampening system. The combination of microspray.line with a well-suited dampening solution circulator, the gamma.sd or delta.sd-line, optimises the complete system, which was developed together with the operators to help guarantee problemfree productions. The rycospray spray dampening unit has been integrated into the product range and has extended the product offering considerably, technotrans says. As far as ink supply is concerned, well-established versions of customer-specific ink supply systems and bulk systems for all kinds of offset printing companies are presented. A container pump will be exhibited at the stand to demonstrate the advantages of this development with regard to technique and design. > Tecnavia SA (1275) Via Cadepiano 28 6917 Barbengo (Lugano), Switzerland http://www.tecnavia.com will be demonstrating new tools in the picture desk (PCPSF) for image-optimising with RGB – CMYK and RGB – sRGB conversions that increase the flexibility of the photo editor. The company says this unique Auto-Enhancement Module calculates the required sizing and conversion data while showing how the system is working and whether further calibration is needed. In addition, the Swiss-based company presents its classic innovative, scalable editorial tools with improved features: – e-Binder: which the company describes as a true value-for-money multimedia archive that allows users to experience the response time when accessing Tecnavia's million-object database of articles, images, and full formatted pages. The all-new NewsMemory, based on the PDF-Module, is a service that makes the most valuable asset of the publishers, their printed newspaper, available in an easy-to-use, intuitive web format. – Atelier: a production tool for workflow and asset management, has been expanded with several new features, including the enhanced Upload Module, with an Order Management Module that increases the workflow of images within the newspaper. – NewsDesk: a news agencies manager, made by and for media professionals, incorporates all of the company's 81 September 2002 newspaper techniques modules for handling wire services and picture agencies. Tensor Group Inc (0785) 10351 Rising Court Woodridge, IL 60517, United States of America http://www.ustensor.com is a U.S. manufacturer of singlewidth web offset press systems for commercial, insert and newspaper markets worldwide. Units are stackable to 4-high, at speeds of 45,000 iph. Jaw folders are designed for high page count newspaper applications or precision commercial folding applications at speeds of 50,000 iph. > Tera Digital Publishing Spa (1060) Via Gallarate 200 20151 Milano, Italy http://www.teradp.com has been developing, selling and supporting integrated solutions for the editorial industry since 1990. The company says its experience helps to understand the complex demands of its customers, and therefore the applications it develops are capable of performing complex tasks while at the same time make the customers' everyday tasks simpler. Tera Digital Publishing's portfolio includes editorial (GN3 – GN3XML), archiving (Tark – FilePrimer), advertising (Gate) and prepress solutions, all aimed to deliver the highest performance, in terms of reliability, flexibility and low operating costs. Tera stresses its ability to deliver flexible and configurable solutions to users within a compact installation time and with the least possible disruption on the organisation, never requiring users to change their habits, unless demanded by their business. The company says its strategy is focused on growth, achieved through geographical and product range expansion, supported by strong sales volumes and recurring revenues from maintenance. Tera says it believes that when publishers invest in technology they want the best, but they also need the solution that will last and support their needs for years to come. tesa AG (1228) Quickbornstr. 24 20253 Hamburg, Germany http://www.tesa.com will present EasySplice PrintLine, a programme of tapes developed especially for flying reel change at newspaper print- newspaper techniques September 2002 ing operations. The new variation, tesa EasySplice PrintLine Detect, will be shown as a further development. The company says this product features an aluminium foil to determine the exact splicing point, therefore permitting a reliable control of the reel splicer and waste switch. This allows the elimination of identifying labels as well as possible positioning errors. The manufacturer emphasises the safe and process-optimised identification of the splicing point, paper-saving control of the waste switch and improved efficiency in the printing process as the advantages of EasySplice PrintLine Detect. Tieto Enator Media Systems AB (1020) Älvsjö Ängsväg 4 125 86 Älvsjö, Sweden http://www.tietoenator.com will show its fully integrated system, MPress, including MPress Web, MPress Advertising with XML, MPress Editorial, production systems, and MPress Circulation (distribution system). The MPress system can be installed as a single system or as a complete integrated workflow from CRM to publishing. TietoEnator has products for interfacing the internet, both collecting data and for publishing. The company will show how the customers themselves can book an ad on a newspaper's web page, and how ads are automatically published on the internet and in the newspaper. TietoEnator has two alternative typographical engines to choose from, QuarkXpress and InDesign. The company will show its PDF-archive online for advertising as well as MPress with an integrated database where the ads, the dummy and the editorial pages are handled by the Oracle SQL database. All changes on pages can be reported back to the database and new formats can be applied to the newspaper. TKS Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho Ltd (0480) 26-24, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-8375, Japan http://www.tks-net.co.jp will be represented on an information stand. The company will feature its Color Top 7000CD shaftless tower offset printing press with 2:5:5 jaw folder. The press is powered by the Super Drive System (SDS), a couple-to-couple shaftless drive system that increases production capabilities and provides more control of web tension at a maximum printing speed of 85,000 cph. The press' registration is controlled by Super Register Device (SRD), which eliminates the adverse effect of fan-out. The press also incorporates flying plate change, flying page change and flying web change. TKS will preview, through a video monitor and display panels, its new technology, and will also introduce peripheral equipment of its TKS Group companies, such as newly designed press control system, roll handling system, mail room equipment. > Tolerans AB (0940) Studiovägen 8 135 26 Tyresö, Sweden http://www.tolerans.com produces in-line stitching systems. Tolerans designs and manufactures advanced technology in-line stitching systems for 83 IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 the newspaper and commercial printing industries. In business since 1947, the company supplies a broad range of in-line stitching systems and services to worldwide markets. TRENAL SA (1025) Rue René Magritte 165 7860 Lessines, Belgium http://www.trenal.be Tolerans will present its in-line stitching systems. will present a range of web offset coldset, heatset and sheetfed inks. The company recently enlarged their coldset colour capacity to 15,000 tonnes of ink/year. Their total capacity reaches 40,000 tonnes of ink/year and have as such one of the major production units in Europe. Trenal exports more than 75 percent of its turnover and has subsidiaries, agencies and/or representatives in nearly all European and African countries, and in various countries in Asia, Central and South America, Australia and New Zealand. For the new generation of printing machines with ultra short inking systems, Trenal features its Key-Less ink series. Building on its vegetable-oil based inks knowledge, Trenal has developed the Eco-Flow series and is permenantly updating its formulas to the high speed presses. Trenal also developed a series called Mix-Press HICO. The MixPress series combines the technologies of vegetable and mineral ink research. The Mix-Press HICO series has a high pigment concentration. For black inks, they have several series. Their latest development in black inks is the ORCA black series, especially designed for actually used papers. Trias Développement products for a QuarkXPress environment. Trias actively cooperates with Datox (a solutions supplier and integrator to the French newspaper industry), and also jointly develops automatic ad management and tracking systems with Synapse. As specialists in editorial systems, the company has 11 years of experience in the development of Xtensions for QuarkXPress, for which purpose it has created the TCL control language. Trias markets these various Xtensions as packages: NcEdit, TimeLogger, PageMakeUp, 4D PageLink, Lindexeur, Permrefs, Xpub, Justification Verticale. Trias Développement offers to develop all specialised applications running on a Macintosh or Windows platform. newspaper techniques ering: basic technical and financial analysis of current and future needs, feasibility studies/requirement analysis, production layout and logistics, budgeting, specification of production equipment, contract management, engineering aspects of both construction and production equipment, project management, site management, take-over procedures, optimisation of production, system integration, and maintenance of systems. Unico is a consultant partner with no ties to any supplier of equipment or consumables. Unico has a staff of some 50 highly professional engineers, architects and financial experts. Since its first newspaper printing plant project in 1972, the company has accumulated a vast amount of experience. Focusing on the Scandinavian markets, the company has been working with some 60 newspapers and printing plants. The company also says its web-based data exchange system is often used in projects. Unisys Italia Spa (0760) Via Benigno Crespi 57 20159 Milano, Italy http://www.unisys.com/media provides an extensive set of solutions, services and technologies to the meHenrik Wergelandsgate 29 dia industry. At IfraExpo 2002, Unisys will 4662 Kristiansand S, Norway showcase its full range of XML and stanhttp://www.unico.no dards-based solutions for news content is an independent consultant compa- management, news gathering, media asset ny specialising in printing industry proj- management, advertising management, ects. The company works closely with pagination and tracking, which provide a clients through all phases of a project, cov- solid foundation for media organisations to meet their current needs for extreme flexibility and efficiency while ensuring a smooth transition to a multichannel publishing system. Moreover, Unisys will unveil the features and functionalities of its next-generation solutions that will provide media organisations with a rapid and easy entry into a convergent environment. Unisys will showcase its full range of XML- and standards-based solutions for Designed to intenews content management, news gathering, media asset management, advertising grate the news management, pagination and tracking. Unico AS (1170) 2 avenue Normandie-Niemen 91700 Sainte Genevieve Des Bois, France http://www.trias.fr is a DP engineering company founded in 1991 that specialises in the development of products for the graphics industry. As specialists for national and regional newspaper applications, Trias has configured specific editorial management systems for major French daily newspapers, including L'Est Républicain, ParisTurf, Le Figaro, WeekEnd, etc. Trias says it accompanies its customers from the stage of project definition up to the taking into production of the system, including providing assistance and training. For this purpose, the company says it has developed a range of XML 84 (0115) newspaper techniques September 2002 planning, the gathering process and content management across departments and distribution channels and to exploit synergies in content acquisition, production and archival across the enterprise, the solutions will include Unisys components as well as best-of-breed third-party applications to support cross media asset management. UPM-Kymmene Printing Papers (0160) Eteläesplanadi 2 00130 Helsinki, Finland http://www.upm-kymmene.com will present an extensive range of papers for classic coldset-offset production. In addition to newsprint, the comprehensive selection of MFS, SC, MFC, LWC and woodfree papers tailored to suit the different end-uses and printing methods is on show. The company says that one of its highlights this year is UPM Matt, a coated paper for standard newsprint presses, which has generated great interest within newsprint circles. UPM-Kymmene is the largest manufacturer of printing papers. In newsprint, the company is one of the leading manufacturers in Europe. Turnover in 2001 was 9.9 billion euros. The UPMKymmene Group employs 36,000 people. VEGRA GmbH (0947) Industriegebiet II Otto-Hahn-Str. 1 84544 Aschau am Inn, Germany http://www.vegra.de will focus attention on newly-developed environmentally friendly fountain solutions for newspaper and web offset/heatset. The products are VOC-free and, in accordance with the EU draft regulations, not subject to identification. Equipped with a new generation of corrosion inhibitors, the company says they satisfy the strict criteria of the corrosion test for fountain solutions. In addition, VEGRA will show the further developed Rapid Wash products, free of aromatic substances and water miscible. Due to their high cleaning efficiency and dirt-absorption capacity, the company says that they are suitable for use as universal cleaning agents for blanket washing systems as well as for manual cleaning of blankets, inking rollers and ink ducts. The used cleaning agents can be recycled. VEGRA also offers its own recycling concept as a contribution to the active environmental protection. Easy-Cleaner for cleaning foun- IfraExpo 2002 September 2002 tain solution from the circuit of printing presses filters automatically up to a particle size of approx. 0.2 µm. Remaining dirt and oil particles, usually 1 percent of the fountain solution waste material, can be disposed of as special waste. The company says the filtered product can automatically be fed into the circuit. The plant can be integrated into existing fountain solution circuits or used as stand-alone unit. VEGRA says the use of Easy-Cleaner means a reduction of 99 percent of the disposal costs. Viptronic GmbH demonstrations of the DiamondSetter 610S2P CTP Laser Platesetter system will be held. Also being exhibited are the DiamondPlate 85 Laser Plate Processor and the new DiamondVision Optical Punch Bender – Side Load unit. Westland Gummiwerke GmbH & Co. Westlandstr. 6 49324 Melle, Germany http://www.westland-worldwide.de is a manufacturer of rubber coatings for rollers for the graphics industry and is headquartered in Melle, near Osnabrück, Germany. Westland also has manufacturing subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Poland, and more than 30 representatives and licensees worldwide. Westland recommends the following qualities for rubber-coated rollers for newspaper printing: Werograph inking rollers, Weronews inking rollers, Werodahl damping forme rollers, Werodamp damping transfer rollers. (0125) Via J. Kravogl 3 39042 Brixen-Bressanone, Italy http://www.viptronic.com will show: – ICMD: an On-line densitometer that the company says goes beyond handheld and scanning solutions to address the following difficulties: – A web to web printing process does not allow the taking of measurements with external devices without stopping the press, cutting out a piece of paper and restarting the press. This is an inefficient way of quality control and the only practical solution is an On-line Densitometer or Spectrophotometer. Key items of the ICMD include: high-speed sensors conforming to DIN 16536-2, Ansi Status I, Reflection with polarisation filter, 45°/0° geometry, CMYK. Viptronic says ICMD enables the customer to check the actual press situation and to document the job. It contains the following functions: – A job database containing a simple customer database, job parameters, and job measurement data. The job database interface manages the definition of reference values and tolerances, the restart of measurements storage after the set-up time, and reports and printouts of measurement data. – Visualisation of the actual measurements as Density/Ink key (Bar diagram), Statistic/Ink key (Box plots), Trend/Ink key and Table of Density numbers. - The software enables the operator to start and stop the measurement process. System warnings, errors are displayed to the operator. Western Lithotech (0923) Maschinenfabrik WIFAG (0425) Wylerringstrasse. 39 3001 Bern, Switzerland http://www.wifag.ch continuously pursues sustainable new solutions for the optimum economic customer benefit that include the latest technology available. WIFAG has been a partner for publishers with press projects of all sizes over many years. WIFAG says that based on proven modular hardware and software solutions, it can show how the flow of information can be integrated almost seamlessly in the computerized business process of the highly productive newspaper printing house in the future. > X-Rite Méditerranée (1450) Parc du Moulin de Massy, 35 Rue du Saule Trapu 91882 Massy Cedex, France http://www.xrite.com will show the new 939 spectrodensitometer as well as latest versions of its 500 Series hand-held spectrodensitometers for prepress and pressroom quality control. The premium 528 and 530 models now include a new colour match feature including storage of colour recipe information. It also features ColorMail technology for distance data transfer. X-Rite has begun customer (0463) 3433 Tree Court Ind Blvd St Louis, MO 63122, United States of America http://www.westernlithotech.com manufactures automated plateroom systems for newspapers worldwide. Live 86 newspaper techniques shipments of its new Auto Tracking Densitometer (ATD) News. According to the company, pressroom operators using ATD News are able to monitor critical colour feedback on a continuous basis via a single, simple touch screen computer. A visual alarm indicates when CMY densities are out of balance for each column. The colour is assessed from a universally used grey balance bar. Typical ICC colour management test images incorporate patches that are 1/4-inch by 1/4-inch. In contrast, Spectrofiler2 technology supports patches that measure only 1/16-inch by 3/16- inch. Now associated to Monaco “Profiler" and "Proof" solutions, X-rite also offers complete CMS bundles. Xyleme (0639) 6, rue Emile Verhaeren 92210 Saint-Cloud, France http://www.xyleme.com says it enables intelligent access to XML (extensible markup language) content for publishers that need to improve content integration and enhance the value of their multi-sourced content. Xyleme says their cutting-edge solutions truly leverage the potential of XML. The company describes Xyleme News & Publishing as a powerful, reliable and fully featured XML solution specifically designed for content providers. Xyleme News & Publishing enables all content, whether it is produced internally, licensed from a third party, or sourced from the web, to be stored in a native XML repository. Xyleme News & Publishing: – Gives publishers the means to create new revenue streams via online premium services and web access to news archives to a larger audience. – Offers documentalists the ability to efficiently manage all the company's valuable content assets. – Provides journalists with a homogeneous view of all the newspaper's documentation even if defined in different schemas and formats. – Enables editors to increase productivity through fast and precise search & retrieval features. – Allows IT managers to cut costs through seamless integration of the solution to any editorial systems and through the distribution of content to multiple formats and platforms (print, web site, PDA). Xyleme News & Publishing is used by Le Monde Group, Le Moniteur Group and AFP and ensures a positive ROI within 12 to 18 months. <
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