Hello, precious Primetimers!
Hello, precious Primetimers!
Hello, precious Primetimers! Primetime Post Guess what I did recently. Okay, I’ll tell you: I watched The Sound of Music. Have any of you watched it since we had our guest, Dan Truhitte, who played the part of Rolf, at our September dinner? There have been rave reviews flying around, which leads us to believe a good time was had by all. It certainly was a wonderful evening and it was quite interesting to hear some of the stories Dan shared. For example, Captain von Trapp and Mother Abbess did not sing their songs. Really? “Climb Every Mountain” and “Edelweiss” were sung by unknown singers? Yes, sir! Then, to hear how Dan’s parents sacrificed so much for him to be able to have the training that has taken him where he is today was heartwarming. Another thing we learned was there were 500 young, blonde men who wanted to audition for the part of Rolf. Well, it was simply God’s plan for Dan to have that part. Dan Truhitte has been given a wonderful platform from which to share the love of Christ and further the kingdom of God, and he does it well! How blessed we were to have him share with us. Coming in October: Pastor and Sandra Livingston. We look forward to a fun evening centered around “The Andy Griffith Show.” If you don’t have tickets yet, you can get them, as always, at the welcome center, church office or online. Why not invite a new friend or neighbor for good food, lots of fun and great fellowship! A special thank you to those who volunteered to write notes to baptismal candidates and parents who had their babies dedicated. This is a great way for Primetimers to reach out and be encouragers to part of our church family. It’s not too late if you would like to participate. The more, the merrier! Be sure to see the “save the date” section of The Post. We have some wonderful things coming up. May God bless you and yours. I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon. october2015 Much Love, Pam Meet a Primetimer Introducing Carol & Ken Syfert Carol and Ken Syfert met in Milwaukee, WI, where they were neighbors, but they were married in Oklahoma City, OK where Ken’s parents lived. After they were married in November of 1974, they moved to Chicago, IL where Ken worked for Ralston-Purina. Carol was an airline stewardess until Ken convinced her to become a stay-at-home mom. After Ken was caught up in a downsizing at Ralston, they moved to Charlotte, with Ken working for Bunker Hill. After Ken lost his job at Bunker Hill due to another downsizing, Carol went to work as an office receptionist until she, too, was caught in a downsizing. During the difficult times that followed, God always provided, sometimes at the eleventh hour, but He was always faithful. Carol and Ken have two sons and five grandchildren, four boys and one girl. Two of their grandsons and their granddaughter live in Saint Louis, while their other two grandsons live in Charlotte. While they were dating, Carol and Ken were enjoying Thanksgiving dinner at Ken’s parents’ home when Ken’s younger brother, age fourteen at the time, flicked a spoonful of mashed potatoes and they landed in Carol’s long blonde hair. Everyone, including Carol, laughed. She realized then that she had been accepted into the family. Her brother-in-law still laughs over the incident. After moving to Charlotte, they looked for a church for two years. They purchased a Honda Civic from a man who attended Central. Once they learned that it was a Pentecostal church, they hesitated. The man who sold them the car kept after them to visit Central. Finally they agreed, and they went to the “safe” balcony. Carol still remembers that Bill Pleasants sang “Almighty” that morning. They realized that day that they were where they were supposed to be. Finally after twenty years they moved from the balcony to the first pew of the center section on the main floor. Until illness prevented him from attending services, you could always see Ken and Carol sitting together on that first row. Because of his prosthetic leg, Ken sometimes had difficulty standing, and it seems that someone in the congregation would come up and stand on Ken’s right, with Carol standing on his left, both helping Ken stand during praise and worship. Even during the times that Ken was using the prosthesis, his sense of humor would be shown, such as the time he showed up on Sunday morning wearing his “hair hat.” Be sure and ask Carol about that. Children have a special place in their hearts for Carol and Ken from the time they taught the “barely twos” Sunday school class. Ken used to make origami frogs for the children, and many of those children still have those frogs. Carol and Ken loved those children, and the children loved Carol and Ken. When asked about their favorite characteristics, Carol replied, “Ken is kind, an encourager, an amazing father and husband, very unselfish, and he makes me laugh.” Ken said, “She took care of our children. Her family is her priority, and she is well organized. She loves people, and she’s a hugger!” Because of Ken’s illness, he is unable to get out much, but Carol is still able to do so. When you can, try to get to know them. They are wonderful people, and you will be blessed. Author, Ed Johnson, book signing at the October dinner, “Bermuda-Pathway to Terror”! Prayer Requests Written by Ed Johnson Please remember these in prayer: Jean Crocker & Mildred White. Our love and sympathy to: Don Moore in the death of his brother and to Judy Terrell in the death of her sister. october birthdays& anniversaries Steve Russell ......................01 Suzann Smith ......................01 Brenda Richardson ..............02 Debra Lineberger..................03 Geri Burrell ..........................04 Daphne Mintz ......................04 Jennifer Parsons ..................04 Margaret Scanlon ................04 Ray Armbruster ....................05 Ron Brown............................05 Ken Curtis ............................05 G. Simone Brown..................06 Margaret Carter ....................07 Willie Goforth ........................07 Peggy Utley ..........................07 Sylvia Beasley ......................08 Deborah Baker ....................09 Maria Raptis ........................09 Frank Bridges ......................10 Nina Guinez..........................10 Donna Idol ............................10 Jean Stines ..........................10 Daisy Lindsey ......................11 Nancy Russell ......................11 Bonnie Labadie ....................12 Gayle Byrd............................13 Katherine Ewing ..................13 Barbara Bernier ....................14 Bible Study by Louise Douglas We can make all our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (Prov. 16:9). Who of us has never been hurt or betrayed by a trusted friend? Or – hasn’t let Satan fool us into thinking that God has left us alone or doesn’t care anymore, or thinking like Job – “I looked to the east, west, north and south, and he [God] isn’t there.” Three boys with top grades skipped out on an exam. Their excuse to the professor: “We had a flat tire.” He decided to give them a make-up. Hope Stephens ....................14 Joan Stokes..........................14 Carol Aitken ..........................15 Margie Benzmiller ................15 Marie Towkan ......................15 Jacqueline Davis ..................16 Judy Morgan ........................16 Bill O'Neal ............................16 Gwen Hoover........................17 Teresa Patterson ..................17 Deborah Webster..................17 Brenda Shearin ....................18 Margaret Fox ........................19 Raymond Peeples ................19 Nanette Vallecillo ..................19 Lib Bowling ..........................20 Frances Henson ..................20 Leia Barbosa ........................21 Daniela Nasui ......................22 Doris Schmiel ......................22 Bernard Beaty ......................23 Alan Bodman ........................24 Ora Carte ............................24 Dianne Moseley ....................24 Collette Mullis ......................24 Gary Sabaugh ......................24 Debbie Mapes ......................25 Ruby Williams ......................25 Ruth Cato ............................26 Sandy Clifford ......................26 Glenn Israel ..........................26 George McKenzie ................26 Ober Pauley ........................26 Jennie Johnston ..................27 Jay Landers ..........................27 Ray Williams ........................27 Kay Carnes ..........................28 Marge Loeffler ......................28 Rosemary Perez ..................28 Larry Thomas ......................29 Betty Curtis ..........................30 Michael Harris ......................30 Anne McManus ....................30 Kathy Beatty ........................31 Jacqueline Hilton ..................31 Jim Parnell ..........................31 Michael & Yoshi Collins ........01 Dub & Pat Hope....................02 Barney & Carol Lisk ..............02 Gary & Glenda Holman ........04 Ken & Carol Lowery ..............05 John & Teresa Patterson ......05 Bill & Betty Pegram ..............10 Campbell & Shelia Wall ........10 Ted & Sheena Fogel ............15 Harold & Frances Minford ....15 James & Gina Whitlow ..........16 Bettye & Eirthley Govan ........18 Dannie & Deborah Webster ..20 Bob & Kay Pressley ..............23 Ted & Shirley Mills ................25 He put them in separate rooms and gave them their question: “Which one?” God doesn’t need to question us. He knows, always, what we are up to. He never leaves us; He wouldn’t do anything like that. God cares more than we do about what happens to us. You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail (Prov. 19:2). But oh! What light and glory, Would shine on all our way, If we always would remember That He means just what He says. – Copied Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3061 Charlotte, NC 28205 5301 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270 704.364.5003 www.centralnc.org Primetime Post A Publication for Primetimers Pam Macaluso—Director Larry Macaluso Greg Baker—Staff Advisor Barbara Bernier Geri Button Jean Crocker Marion Flint Steve & Carol Ingram Ed & Gail Johnson Elwyn & Chris McSwain Tim & Nannette Norton Jesse & Kathleen Sneed Joyce Southern Carol Syfert Dan & Mildred White Les & Sherry Worden Primetime Events PRIMETIMERS’ DINNER S AV E T H E D AT E : 6:30PM IN WEATHERBY HALL Day trip to Greenville, SC to view the NOVEMBER 3, 2015 GET YOUR $8 TICKETS The Ed Sullivan Show, Central style! Central Church members will entertain us for this “variety show.” Tickets go on sale October 6. You may sign up for these events at the October dinner. DECEMBER 4TH • 9AM-8PM C h r i s t m a s L i v i n g G a l l e r y, D a w n i n g Light. DECEMBER 9TH • 10AM-12:30PM Assemble sympathy baskets and have lunch together in Coffee Central. DECEMBER 15TH • 9AM-1PM Vo l u n t e e r a t O p e r a t i o n C h r i s t m a s C h i l d and then have lunch together at The Flying Biscuit, Park Road Shopping C e n t e r.