Mid-Valley Chapter


Mid-Valley Chapter
Chapter Officers
Bill Nyara 541-401-9559
Vice President
Larry Bell 541-337-5427
Roger Kroening 541-928-1472
Ken Vaughn 541-967-9030
Past President
Rick Kopf 541-367-8056
Mid-Valley Chapter
Association of Northwest Steelheaders
PO Box 421
Albany, Oregon 97321
November 2011
Volume MMXI, Issue 11
http://Groups.yahoo.com/group/ANWS Albany
Board of Directors
Ken Winebrenner 541-926-2909
Nancy MacHugh 541-740-3941
Bob Durfee 541-926-4549
Bill Pavlisick 541-619-7638
Ken Selby 541-258-7711
Member Catch of the Month
Banquet Chair
Bill Pavlisick 541-619-7638
Volunteer Coordinator
Marv Antrim 541-926-9826
Derbies Chair
Bob Durfee 541-926-4549
Membership Chair
Ken Selby 541-258-7711
Programs Chair
Ken Winebrenner 541-926-2909
Raffle Chair
Steve Christensen 541-258-8159
Door Prizes Chair
Don Heintzman 541-928-5729
Refreshments Chair
Ellen Compton 541-981-0031
Communication Director
Vicky Heintzman
Association Website
Pete Butler and his nephew Pete. Story on Page 4.
October 2 Chapter Meeting
7 PM Albany Senior Center
Oregon Hatchery Research Center
The Research Director and Hatchery Manager will be updating us on what has been
going on at the OHRC for the past 3 years and what their plans are for the future. If you
haven’t had the opportunity to visit this facility yet, this will give you a great preview. It is
of interest to all age groups.
Future Programs
December - Joe Schwab
Some of you may know of writer Joe Schwab, a retired Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife officer of 25 years. His first book Outlaws on the Big River was published in 2010 and
covered fish and wildlife enforcement on the Columbia River. His latest book Outlaws in
the Big Woods tells his many stories of game enforcement in northwestern Oregon over
his career. This should prove to be an interesting program and something different.
January—Curt Currey, professional guide. Curt has been guiding since 2004. He runs a
17’ Koffler drift boat and a 21’ Koffler slad. He fishes the Siletz, Coquille, Umpqua,
McKenzie, Siuslaw and Coos Rivers.
February—Rick has opened a new store at 680 Main St. in Lebanon. He has many years
fishing experience and a great selection of fishing equipment used in the area. He is very
willing to do Special Orders and carries many brands such as Lamiglas, Fenwick, Okuma,
Shimano, Penn, Daiwa, R & K Kokanee Tackle.
Calendar of Events
November 2
Chapter Meeting
Albany Senior Center 7 PM
November 8
Board Meeting
Appletree, Lebanon 7 PM
December 7
Chapter Meeting
Albany Senior Center 7 PM
December 13
Board Meeting
Elmer’s, Albany 7 PM
South Santiam River Report
The South Santiam is still fishable for summer steelhead. I’ve talked to folks who have fished it
this time of year and they report that the summers are big and feisty and there is virtually no fishing pressure.
- Don Heintzman
North Santiam River Report
By Bill Sanderson
October 24, 2011
The river is still a little high but clearer and there are many reasons to have lots of fun drifting
along the North Santiam.
Fall colors are in full bloom right now and we have brilliant reds and golds to go along with all the
muted colors and falling leaves. This may be the most beautiful time of year to run the river, but we need
to be careful to avoid days with heavy rain. We do keep track of the daily forecasts.
River trips downstream from Stayton may enjoy some of the fall colors as well as some of the
newly arriving Coho (silver salmon). Green’s Bridge is a good place to look for both on the lower river.
River temperatures are very favorable for fish this week and a few new fish are coming upstream
from Willamette Falls every day. The steelhead and salmon already in the river do some daily travelling,
so there is a chance to find prime fish in all the different drifts.
Fall mushrooms are still available and the Chanterelles are especially tasty. They may be dried
for use all year around. Deer and elk frequent the growing areas. Tragically, a hiker was mistaken for a
bear last week near Silver Falls and was show. The hiker had dark clothes and the hunter did not look
closely enough for a positive identification. We should wear visible clothing when walking in remove areas.
Bill Sanderson—North Santiam River Trips—503 897 3301
Welcome to our new advertiser, Dr. Mark Burdell! Thank you for your support of our chapter.
The Winter Steelhead Derby will start at the November meeting and the Summer Steelhead
Derby will end.
The Fall Salmon Derby will end at the January meeting. Signups for all derbies are $3.00. All entrants will have a ticket placed in a bucket for a drawing at the end of each derby for a prize. See Bob at
the raffle table for entry slips.
- Bob Durfee, Derbies Chair
Pete Butler & Nephew Enjoy Alsea Fishing Adventure
(This note from Pete Butler to Bill Nyara tells the story so well. Enjoy! -vjh)
Hi Bill,
Just wanted to say a special thanks for your help in locating and booking a guide for the Alsea!! I
took your suggestion and made a wild guess amongst the lists of guides and found your man in Jim Sehl.
He was,in short, a superb choice!! My nephew Peter had a trip of a life- time, no doubt, and if I may, I will
send you the pictures I took to memorialize it.
As a retired army pilot and Vietnam vet, Jim was very much interested in Peter's being on active
duty service and they chatted up a lot on military stuff to my greatest delight. Jim was absolutely the best
in all ways, especially trying to teach us the techniques of bobber and eggs fishing, which was totally new
to both of us.
Anyway, Peter caught and landed three very nice Chinooks, a buck(29) and two hens(24 & 20),
and he was on cloud nine! I was so happy and proud for him, too, you bet, no lie there!
So, Bill, I am indebted to you, and I thank you again for recommending Jim for our trip. He has to
be a living legend on the Alsea as he has been guiding for twenty-nine years thus far and shows no signs
of slowing down! And you were right; he knows EVERYBODY by their names and they of course know
him. He's just the best, no question!
Pete Butler
Government Contacts
Washington DC
Representative Greg Waldenhttps://walden.house.gov//index.cfm?
DC Phone 202- 225-6730
Representative Peter DeFazio https://forms.house.gov/defazio/IMA/contact.html DC Phone
Senator Jeff Merkley
Senator Ron Wyden
DC Phone 202-224-3753
Representative Kurt Schrader http://schrader.house.gov
DC Phone 202-225-5244
DC Phone 202-225-5699
Governor Kitzhaber
Message Line 503-378-4582 http://governor.oregon.Gov/contact.shtml
Association Raffle Ticket Sales
At this writing, outside raffle ticket sales have been scheduled for Saturday, November 5. A
signup sheet will be circulated at the meeting and hopefully will be filled. The shifts are two hours each,
two people on each shift. If the slots aren’t filled Don Heintzman will be calling you to help.
See Steve Christensen at the meeting to pick up books of tickets for purchase or sale.
This is our only fundraiser for the year and we need to have members step up and support the
- Steve Christensen, Raffle Ticket Sales Chairman
Mid-Valley Chapter
Northwest Steelheaders
October 11, 2011
Meeting called to order by President Bill Nyara at 7 PM at Elmer’s Restaurant
Present: Roger Kroening, Bill Nyara, Ken Vaughn, Bob Durfee, Ken Winebrenner, Nancy MacHugh, Don
Heintzman, Vicky Heintzman, and Ken Selby.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer reports balance of $8,114.01 less the $70 for room rent paid last month.
Programs: Ken Winebrenner reports updated program schedule to include Oregon Hatchery Research
Center for November; Joe Schwab-author for December; Curt Curry-guide for January; Rick Dey from
Lebanon for February; and a potential steelhead program for March.
Communication: Vicky asked all to continue to send in your pictures and reports for the newsletter.
Membership: at least 1 potential new member at this time. No updated membership list since May.
Raffle: No report
Cheadle Lake: No report
Rendezvous 2012: No report
Kokanee Tournament: plans still coming together; further information will be coming.
Parade Float: still interest in putting together a float for area parades. A volunteer is needed to serve as
chair to bring this together. Nancy will contact ODFW about a fish costume.
Chapter Website: approved last board meeting; hope to implement by 1/1/2012.
2012 Operating Budget: President Bill presented a draft budget for review. It was amended in the expense portion by adding $200 contingency fund. Projected surplus as amended would be $1322. Budget
Foster Lake Trail: no report
Other Chapter Business: Ken Vaughn suggested Association contact Cabela's in Springfield for a contribution to support the raffle. Via copy of these minutes to Russell Bassett, the suggestion is made to the
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Roger Kroening with Tillamoook and Nehalem
Tillamook Bay & Nehalem Bay Fishing
September 28 & 29
My Arizona buddy and I fished Tillamook Bay Wednesday and Nehalem Bay Thursday. We
caught 3 on at TB including the 20 pounder pictured along with an 18 pound chinook as well.
On Thursday we went to Nehalem Bay and put in at town of Nehalem, I had never been there before. It’s a nice river. We landed the 27 pounder pictured as well as a 10 lb coho. We had a .total of just
3 bites there. So, 10 hours fishing 6 bites. We found out later that Nehalem was hot Wed...and TB hot on
Thursday....guess had it ass backwards..oh well.
Weeds were terrible at Tillamook so we couldn't keep lines out more than 5 minutes without cleaning off the weeds...but managed those bites in spite of it...no weeds at Nehalem, but the water was dirty
which impacted results.
Have been having terrible luck at Yaquina so far...3 trips...2 coho. Lots of weeds..high
tides..should be better next week!
Roger Kroening
Ken Selby Does Diamond Lake
Dressing up like a duck
and fishing in the rain pays
Gorgeous! The fish, not the guy.
Don & Diane Wenzel with Siletz Silvers
Don caught his fish on pink spinner with 2 oz weight at tide change. His weighed
about 9 lbs. and Diane’s was approx 11 lbs. Way to go, Diane!
Published by:
Mid-Valley Chapter
Association of Northwest Steelheaders
P.O. 421
Albany, Oregon 97321
Got a fishing report or a picture of your catch? Send it to the newsletter publisher at the email address on page 1.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!