Eagle Happenings Newsletter 04/18/16


Eagle Happenings Newsletter 04/18/16
Week of April 18-24, 2016
In this Issue:
* Character Education at SC
* Elementary Spring Concert
* Eagles’ Flight 5k/10K Run/Walk
* SC Auction
* Annual Parent Meeting
* Financial Aid Applications
* FFA Plant Sale
* Feed My Starving Children
* Achievement Testing
April 17-23
April 18-21
April 22
April 23
April 30
April 30
Washington DC Trip
Elem. Achievement Testing
Math Olympics (no school)
FFA Awards Banquet
Eagles’ Flight 5K/10K Run/Walk
FFA Plant Sale
May 5
May 6
May 6
May 7
May 7
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 13
May 16
May 17-20
May 21
May 26
May 26
May 26
May 29
May 30
May 31
AP Calculus Exam
AP US History Exam
4th Grade Walks Oregon Trail
SC Auction
FFA Plant Sale
Annual SC Parent Meeting
AP Government Exam
AP English Lang. & Comp. Exam
AP Statistics Exam
Elem. Track Meet
JH Musicale
HS Serve Day
6th grade Outdoor School
Junior/Senior Banquet
Senior Awards Assembly
Baccalaureate Practice
Senior Sign Out
Memorial Day (no school)
Senior Trip
June 2
June 2
June 3
Kindergarten Graduation
8th grade Celebration
HS Awards Assembly
Character Education Topic - Loyalty
For the month of April, we are emphasizing the character trait of
loyalty: demonstrating commitment to others.
This week’s verse is Ruth 1:16 “But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me
to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and
where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your
God my God.”
Please review the emailed information each week from Mr. Villers
and be looking for ways to emphasize the monthly topics in your
discussions at home.
Achievement Testing
Elementary achievement testing will take place during the week of
April 18-21 for students in grades 1st-6th. Please make sure students
are well rested, have had a healthy breakfast, and are prepared to
test on those days. Please try not to schedule appointments during
those days which will result in your student missing testing.
APRIL 30, 2016
10k - 5k Run/walk and
1 Mile Little Eagle Fun Run
Saturday, April 30, 2016
S TA R T T I M E :
8:30 am
Santiam Christian Schools Campus
FREE 5k for Girls
on the Run girls
with the paid registration of an adult
Thank you to our Silver Sponsors:
Santiam Christian FFA wins at District Floriculture Event
More than 50 high school students from 5 schools around the Mid
Willamette Valley participated in the Upper Willamette District
Floriculture Career Development Event in Central Linn last Thursday.
Santiam Christian FFA took both a Beginning & Advanced Team to the
contest. Advanced Team Members included: Missy Elils, Mikayla Manzi,
Whitney Mendenhall, and Eva Mitts. Beginning Team Members
Gabby Paul, Tommi Villers, Emma Roth, Kaia Bolster, Crystel Cheyne, and
Allaire Gilder. SC FFA Members have been blessed with the opportunity
to work with Dona Coon, professional florist and Ag Advisory Board
Member, for the past 3-weeks in preparation for this event.
The competition, geared at preparing students for a potential future career in the floral industry, included a
lengthy knowledge exam and face-to-face interaction with a customer complaint. Each student also created
a corsage, a dish garden, identified of more than 50 plant species, disease & pest disorder diagnosis, and a
media-selling exercise.
Santiam Christian FFA ended up 2nd in the Advanced Division with Missy Ellis placing 2nd
High Individual and Mikayla Manzi placing 5th High Individual. The Beginning Team won their
division – with Gabby Paul as High Individual & Tommi Villers 2nd High Individual.
Congratulations SC FFA Floriculture Teams!
Congratulations to the newly elected 2016-17
Santiam Christian FFA Officer Team!
President: Mikayla Manzi
Vice President: Matthew Buhrkuhl
Secretary: Gracie Krahn
Treasurers: Cole Setniker & Matthew Mehlschau
Reporter: Emma Roth
Sentinel: Eva Mitts
Historian: Allison Bellando
Parliamentarian: LR Burns
SC Annual Parent Meeting - May 9
The Santiam Christian school board would like to invite you to the Annual Parent Meeting on May 9, at
6:30 p.m. in the New Gym. As members of Santiam Christian Schools, you are encouraged to attend.
Our very own Mike Green will provide a riveting, edge-of-your-bleacher financial review. Board and
administration will share updates with you on some exciting things that have been happening at our school.
The board will be asking the parent body for permission to move forward with two land transactions, one
involving the sale of school property, and the other the purchase of acreage next to the school. You will
learn more about these deals before the meeting.
Also, we will present you with opportunities to vote on board member nominations. Please see the
information below provided by each the candidates running for the school board. There are four candidates
(three up for re-election and one new) vying for three seats.
Jenny Sparks
My name is Jennifer Sparks. I have been married to my husband Ryan for almost 18 years and we have three
children. We currently have a child in each school, and we have attended Santiam Christian for 10 years.
Our children are Sam (9th) Sophia (7th) and Harrison (2nd). I attended OSU and OHSU and have a Bachelors
Degree in nursing from OHSU. I was a trauma and ER nurse but stopped working in that field at the time of
the adoption of my youngest son. For the past 7 years I have managed payroll and accounts payable for my
husband’s dental office. We attend The Well Covenant Church in Corvallis.
I love Santiam Christian Schools and the influence it has had on our family and children. I love the people
my children are becoming at this school. I love that teachers and friends will pray for and with my children.
We have felt the love and support of the school in so many ways. We have developed a family at Santiam.
My favorite thing about Santiam is watching how staff, students and parents solve problems and conflicts
with prayer and Biblical principles. I appreciate the sense of empathy and love for the greater word that the
school is fostering in my children. I am passionate about retaining prayer in the school as well as preparing
our children academically to function in this secular world.
David Mendenhall
David Mendenhall has been serving as a board member for the last six years. Julie, David’s wife, volunteers at
the school in many capacities from being a class communicator to driving sports teams to games. Julie and
David have two children attending Santiam. Whitney will be graduating this spring and Ryan is currently a
sophomore. David and his family have been at Santiam for 10 years.
David is a CPA and a Financial Advisor. He is a shareholder of the firm Tax & Wealth Management, LLP in
Corvallis. He has been with this firm since 1989.
Kraig Hills
Kraig and Connie have been married for 22 years and have three children: Riley (SC class of 2014), Oren (SC
class of 2015) and Elsie (6th grade). Since moving to Albany from Iowa, the Hills family has been involved at
SC for five years and intends to be involved for another six years until Elsie graduates. After a 29 year career
in banking, Kraig retired two years ago and has focused on serving God, family and SC. Kraig has been on
the board for one term and currently is working on SC the principal search and real estate projects. Connie
has worked in the SC elementary library for four years. The Hills family attends Suburban Christian Church
in Corvallis. SC has been a big part of our family’s growth and he would like to continue serving on the SC
board to serve to God and continue improvement in the school for all of SC’s families.
Fred Preston
Fred, Jennifer, Rebeka and Amanda moved to Oregon in 2002 and have been at Santiam Christian since
2011. He has coached Jr. High track here at SC for the past 4 years. Fred earned his bachelor’s degree from
Colorado Christian University. He was ordained as a minister in 1992. Fred has served as High School Pastor,
Associate and also Lead Pastor. He has participated in and led many short term mission trips. Currently, he
is a Chaplain for hospice which he has been doing 6 years. He has served one term on the board and is a
member of the Policy Committee. Fred provides spiritual support to the board and staff sharing monthly
Plant Sale
Proceeds benefit Santiam Christian FFA
Friday 3 pm – 6 pm
April 29 & May 5,
9 amHigh
– 3school.
April 30 & May 6
Vegetables, Herbs, Bedding Plants, Mixed
Patio Planters, and Hanging Baskets!
Planted, Grown, and Sold by
Santiam Christian School students.
Located in the Greenhouse adjacent to
Santiam Christian High School
7220 NE Arnold Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97330
Questions? Contact Amy Krahn, FFA Advisor
Re-Enrollment for 2016-2017
If you have not already done so, please turn in the reenrollment form and fee to the SCS Business Office to
reserve your student(s) spot for next year.
Re-enrollment forms for the 2016-17 school
year are available on the SCS website at www.
reentrollmentform.pdf (fillable pdf) or pick up a hardcopy in the HS or Elementary office.
Re-Enrollment Fees:
Kindergarten through High School
Re-Enrollment Fee Deadlines:
Balance Paid in Full – Family Cap $500
Fee Increases to $250/per K-12 student
Family Cap Increases to $700
Family Fee Cap:
Family CAP if paid in full by 4/30/16
$500 per Family
Family CAP if paid after 4/30/16
$700 per Family
Tuition & Fees:
2016-17 Tuition & Fees
Questions? Email Michelle Riley at rileym@santiam.org.
Financial Aid/TWA Applications
A Unique Opportunity to Bless Children!
Who: You and your family could volunteer!
What: Packing meals for children in third world countries.
(visit www.fmsc.org for video and information)
When: Friday Evening, May 6 or Saturday, May 7
(Five 2-hour shifts to choose from)
Where: Benton County Fairground.
How: Register Now at –
500 hundred volunteers are needed to pack
100,000 meals for ministry to children physically
and spiritually.
Ages 5 & up with adults are welcome to volunteer.
Each meal costs only 22 cents - $22,000 in
donations are needed.
Our Donation Drive will come to an end on Friday, April 29.
We will present these gifts for Feed My Starving Children to
Joyce Meyer in our elementary chapel on April 29.
What’s for Lunch?
You can view our weekly/monthly lunch
menus by clicking on the following link
SC Lunch Menus.
Policy requires all current and potential Financial
Aid applicants to fill-out and submit an application
through FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment (online.
factsmgt.com/aid) no later than May 1, 2016. If
you are interested in Tuition Work Aid (TWA) - an
application must be submitted to Joanna Haugen by
May 1 to be considered for your current TWA position.
More information available at www.santiamchristian.
Ways You Can Support SC
Scrip = Tuition
Scrip orders are due on MONDAY. Orders placed by
8:30 a.m. on the order day will be filled and returned
to you that week by Thursday. Orders placed after
8:30 a.m. may be delayed until the next order date.
For a copy of the Scrip order form, please click on
this Scrip link. Order forms with payment should be
turned in to the school office. Online ordering can be
done by clicking on the link provided above.
Elementary Library
Garage Sale
The elementary library
is accepting donations
for the garage sale they
will have this summer.
They will be collecting items until the end of the
school year during library hours. They will take any
clean sellable household items, décor, toys, furniture,
and children's clothes. If there is a problem getting
the donations to the school, contact Becki Alexander
at school: 541-745-5655 ext. 182 or by cell 541-6195493, and she will arrange to pick the items up.
Spirit Wear on Sale
Spirit Wear is available for a few more
months! We have some fun new
additions and remaining stock on
hand as well as specials all month
long! Store hours will be Tuesday and Thursday
from 2:30-3:15 p.m. in the Development Office
(Administration Building).
Substitute TWA Position Available
The JH/HS Cafeteria is looking for a subsitute kitchen
assistant. If you are interested, please contact Joanna
College Information Sessions
SC’s College and Career Center has
scheduled representatives from the
following colleges to be on campus this fall to meet
with interested SC students. (Unless otherwise noted,
sessions are held in the MAP room during 8th period.)
For more information contact Mrs. Schaffner.
Grand Canyon University Information Session
at Lunch in College & Career Center. Pizza will be
served. Sign up in College & Career Center.
Community Notices
STEM Academy Summer Day Camps
STEM Academy is hosting a broad range of Science
& Engineering Summer Day Camps for students
entering 3rd - 12th grades in the Fall of 2016. Topics
include: Computing, Biochemistry, Engineering,
Lego Robotics, Forestry, 3D Printing, Bioinformatics,
Bioenergy, and Minecraft. For more information, or
to register online, please visit http://stemacademy.
oregonstate.edu. For questions, call 541-7378139 or email STEM.academy@oregonstate.edu.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE for many of our camps!
Theater Camp
CSD Theaters and Corvallis High School are pleased to
present their eighth annual STAGES Theater Camp for
kids entering grades 1st – 12th. The positive and fun
training will provide education in theater skills while
raising the student’s appreciation of the arts. For
more information, see their website:
Eagle Happenings Newsletter
This all-school newsletter will be published each Monday afternoon.
If you have something to submit to the newsletter, please e-mail your
copy-ready announcement to beams@santiam.org by 9am on Monday
morning. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, content, length, etc.

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