Eagles Soar to 3A State Baseball Championship!


Eagles Soar to 3A State Baseball Championship!
Santiam Christian Schools News Publication
Eagle Eye
Eagles Soar
to 3A State Baseball
Photo by Jesse Skobou of the GT
4santiam breaks ground
on new building!
4the oregonian cup –
Santiam Honored Again!
3News Briefs
Sports NEWS
5 New Building Q&A
6 Founders Focus
6 Faculty Focus
7 Alumni News
8 Coming events
VOL. 10
| NO. 3 SUMMER 2010
From Stan Baker Superintendent
Dear Friends,
The 2009-10
school year is
now history and
it was a fantastic
year. Thank you
to our teachers, parents, and students
for another awesome year.
Class of 2010 I would like to pay
special tribute to the 74 graduating
seniors of the Class of 2010. You have
blessed our school immensely, and
we pray God’s richest blessing upon
you in the next phase of your life.
The baccalaureate and graduation
ceremonies were just outstanding.
The memories of that night will live
long in my memory.
Board Elections Our school board
elections were held at the Annual
Parent Meeting on May 26. Two
board members are stepping down
and we thank them for their faithful
service to Santiam Christian: Greg
Ropp (9 yrs.) and Bart Hendrix (3
yrs.). Newly elected members are
Darryl Amick and Dave Mendenhall,
and re-elected board members Bill
Chambers and Sally Faddis. We are
grateful for the leadership team God
has brought together.
Good-byes As this year ends, we will
say good-bye to some very special
teachers: Elementary Teachers: Dody
Misek (13 yrs.), Debbie Herrold
(6 yrs.) and Susan Bailey (1 yr.).
Secondary Teachers: Virgil Gosser
(16 yrs.), Jacki Ford (24 yrs.), and Bill
Ford (30 yrs.). Support Staff: Jocelyn
Beck, Ruth Quiring, Linda Hellesto,
Tara Tuepker, and Annette Harvey.
Thank you for your ministry and
servant’s heart. We will miss you!
Next Year It appears that our
enrollment for 20010-11 will again
be affected by the economy and may
result in some further down-sizing
and re-alignment of staff. While these
times are uncertain, our faith is firmly
planted on the rock, Christ Jesus.
Our best days are still ahead. We
will come through these economic
challenges stronger than before.
Ground Breaking - New Facility
Our next project is the construction
of a Library/Science/Community
Building which will add some
major improvements to our campus.
The 12 to 14 new classrooms will
include science labs, a drama
practice facility, a media center, and
much more. We believe it will be a
tremendous stimulus to our academic
Development News
From the Director of
Now is the time! Over $3.4
million has come in to build
our new Library/Science/
Community Building; a first
in Santiam history. Take a
look at Taylor’s story on page three. Do you
have the same vision to complete what God
has brought to us? Can you “Leave your
Mark” on Santiam Christian for the future?
There are many ways you can be involved in
leaving a legacy, such as a monthly pledge,
buying a square foot for $145, or bricks for
the courtyard.
If you would like more information about
how to leave your mark on our school, email
or call me. What a great time to be part of
God’s history making at Santiam Christian!
May God richly bless you,
Liz Doyle
Liz Doyle - Director of Development
Email: development@santiam.org
Phone: 541-745-5524, Ext. 242
New Property On May 24, the
Adair City Council approved SC’s
application for annexation into the
City of Adair. We praise the Lord for
the completion of this next step in
the process.
Have a wonderful summer,
Stan Baker, Superintendent
Golden Eagle Award
Fifth grade teacher, Kim McLain and
high school Spanish teacher, Quentin
Haase were given the Golden Eagle
award this year. These two distinguished
teachers were chosen by their peers
based on their outstanding service. Mrs.
McLain has taught at Santiam for twenty
years and is also the volleyball coach.
Quentin Haase has just completed his
eighteenth year at Santiam and has also spent many years on the mission field
in South America. Mario Pastega was on hand, representing the Mario and Alma
Pastega Family Foundation, to honor the “finest of the finest” as he loves to call
© 2010 Santiam Christian Schools
Wilbur Starr leaves his mark on
the new building project
News Briefs
In Memory of Connie Henricks
Nine young men competed in calendar
sales, car washes, and an unforgettable
leg-waxing in the first ever Mr. SC
pageant. Their goal was to raise money
for Samaritan Albany Cancer Resource
Center in memory of Connie Henricks,
a Santiam parent who died of cancer
last June.
The year-long contest came to a close
with a talent show that had the crowd
roaring for more. Connie’s husband, Ed
Henricks crowned Matt Scruggs as Mr.
SC and a check to the Cancer Resource
Center for $8,670 was presented to him
and daughter Victoria.
Student Leaders Multiply Grant!
The Student Leadership Class was
given a $1,000 grant this year by Mario
Pastega to award to local non-profit
organizations. A generous donation
and student council funds brought
the total to $4,000. They spent the
year learning about organizations
that assist people in need. Mike Hill,
advisor, commented that the students
were astonished to discover how many
worthy organizations there are in our
communities. The class presented Teen
Challenge, Benton County Furniture
Share, Corvallis Community Outreach,
and Operation Home Front each with a
$1,000 grant.
Locks of Love
Sixteen girls sported stylish short
haircuts this spring. It wasn’t just
a fashion
statement; all of
these girls had
donated their
long tresses to
Locks of Love,
an organization
that makes wigs
for children who
have suffered
Photo by Scobel Wiggins
of the GT
hair loss. Hannah Warner encouraged
other girls to participate by having her
hair cut in front of the entire student
body. She waved her shorn braids in
the air and said, “It will grow back! I’m
just happy to share with someone who
really needs it!”
Sold Out Goes to New York
Santiam’s evangelism and drama team
traveled to the streets of New York City
Sold Out,
by Bible
made up of twelve students, whose
goal was to minister in song, dance and
drama as well as interact with those in
their audiences. The team had many
opportunities to share the Gospel and
also experienced a few challenges.
Santiam Elementary
Sweeps First Place
Awards in Math Olympics!
Last April, students
from twelve
different schools
around Oregon
gathered at Santiam
for the ACSI
Math Olympics.
Over 300 third
through eighth
graders competed in Reasoning and
Computation categories. A highlight
of this year’s event was that Santiam
students swept the first place awards
in the Computation category. “We had
14% of the participants at this years’
event, but won 42% of the first place
medals,” said Steve Woods, elementary
SC Thumbprint
Distinguished Student of the Year
Austin Williams was named
“Distinguished Student of the Year” by
the Albany Chamber of Commerce.
He played varsity basketball and
soccer at Santiam, was the president
of the National Honor Society and has
participated in missions trips to Mexico
and China. “Austin is a soft-spoken
gentle giant,” said Jacki Ford, guidance
counselor. “His character, work ethic
and servant’s heart make him a natural
FFA Goes to State!
Santiam is the only Christian school
in the state with an FFA chapter. Led
by agriculture teacher, Carrie Carson,
the team went to state where the Farm
Business Management Team placed first,
qualifying them for nationals in the fall.
Four students, plus three SC graduates
on the team, received their FFA State
DECA Goes to Nationals
DECA took six students to nationals
where freshman Rachel Maupin placed
in the top ten in the nation in Principles
of Finance.
The “Santiam Thumbprint” is a brief
look at the students and staff that
set us apart.
When 2nd grader, Taylor Holder
was asked what he wanted for his
birthday, he said, “Money!” But
Taylor didn’t want the money for
himself, he wanted it for “my new
school building.” His friends gave
him over $250 and his parents
agreed to match that. Taylor
presented a check for $500 for the
building fund and is challenging
other students to follow his lead.
Taylor and his parents are another
example of the dedicated people
who make up the Santiam family.
If you have heard a “thumbprint”
story about one of our staff or
students, drop us a note at:
Sports News
Baseball Wins 3A State Championship!
Going into the final game of the state play-offs, Eagle fans
were expecting a nail-biter. But no one was complaining
when SC grabbed the lead with four runs at the top of the
first. Josh Wonsley allowed only six hits and struck out eight
batters to hold Valley Catholic, who had already won three
games at state, to a single run. Connor Schehen and Kaz
Dyer both delighted the fans with home runs. The Eagles
didn’t let up and eventually pounded out 17 runs to seize
the championship.
Coach Matt Nosack was named 3A State Coach of the Year
and Josh Wonsley was voted as PacWest Player of the Year.
Included in the All-State First Team were Josh Wonsley,
Connor Schehen, Bryan Bremer, Kyle Alexander and Cole
It was gratifying to see the boys play their best baseball in their
biggest game,” said Nosack. “It is one thing to have talent. But
Softball Beats 3-Time State Champions
Whitney Hightower scored a magnificent grand slam and
Quincey Davis hit a home run to help the SC softball team
win over Valley Catholic. The Valiants were three-time state
champions with an experienced team. Coach Bill Ford said,
“This is as big as anything we have done in my 27 years of
coaching. It was truly amazing!”
to develop that talent, to focus, and to trust yourself so you
can perform at a high level is rare in an individual and even
rarer still in a team. These young men were champions before
they ever stepped on that field.” Watch the championship
highlights at: http://bit.ly/c1y3gX
Tayla Woods made SC history when she was named girls 3A
Player of the Year for two different sports - basketball and
volleyball. Basketball coach, Mac McLain said, “Many athletes
choose to focus on one sport and give up others, for which
they also have a talent. Tayla had signed up to play Division I
volleyball, but did not sacrifice her basketball season. She has
worked harder than any player I have ever seen in order to
succeed.” Jeremy Bittner (‘07) was awarded 3A Player of the
Year for both football and basketball in 2007.
The boy’s golf team placed 2nd in districts, qualifying for
state for the second year in a row. They placed 7th overall at
state. In girl’s golf, Taylor Tuepker placed 3rd in district and
then went to state as an individual at Eagle Crest where she
placed in the top third. She has signed on to play with Corban
University next year.
Sara Almen Leaps to 3A State Championship
The Eagles placed 2nd in league play and lost out in the
second round of state play-offs. Coach Ford said the team was
young, but they were dedicated and built unity and skill this
year and it was remarkable that they made it to state.
Three SC Girls Sign to Play Division I Sports
Sara Almen, Tayla Woods and Anna Wruck have all signed
to play NCAA Division I volleyball. Junior, Anna Wruck,
has signed to play for Tulane in New Orleans. Sophomore,
Sara Almen, and Senior, Tayla Woods, will play for Oregon
State University in Corvallis. All three girls had a vital role in
helping win the 3A volleyball state championship this spring.
Sara and Anna have full-ride scholarships this year and Tayla
will “red shirt” her first year and have a full-ride scholarship
the next year.
Sara Almen was determined
to bring home the first place
trophy this year and she did
just that with a clearance of
5’4” to land the number one
spot at the state championships
held at Western Oregon.
Sara’s winning jump was
among the highlights of the
Santiam Christian track team
this year. Coach Peter Ness
said she also set a new school
record in high jump at 5’7”.
Joe Pelley broke the SC record in pole vault, as did Emma
Carlson in the 800m run winning them a place at state. Both
4X400 relay teams also went to state.
Building Q&A / Graduation
Building Q&A
Construction has already begun on
the new Library/Science/Community
Building. Many of the following
questions have been asked about
this project. If you have any further
questions, please contact Stan Baker,
superintendant, or Steve Roderick,
board chairman.
Q: Why don’t we use some of the $3.4
million to fix the budget problems?
A: Funds given for a capital project
are restricted by law and cannot
be used for other expenses such as
operating costs. The budget issues,
driven by a reduced enrollment due
to the economy, are real, but we
are committed to stay within our
enrollment revenues.
Q. Why are we building now? Why
don’t we wait until we have all the
money to finish the whole project?
A: Current construction costs are at an
extreme low. Companies are bidding
aggressively to keep their crews busy.
By moving forward now we will save
more than $1 million over our previous
cost estimates. In addition $800,000
of the money that has been raised
so far had a timeline attached to the
donation. We have already requested
and received an extension, but we
need to begin construction soon or risk
losing the money.
Q. How much of it can be built with
the current funds?
A. With the $3.4 million that we
have in the bank, we should be able to
build the shell of the entire building
and finish the ground floor. The board
voted to move forward with the funds
that we have. If we do not have enough
funds to finish the entire ground floor
we will finish as much as possible with
the funds available. We are beginning a
capital campaign to allow our Santiam
Christian families to participate in order
to raise enough funds to complete both
Q. When will the new building be
ready to use?
A. Our current construction schedule
would allow us to use the first floor
in the fall of 2011. Construction has
begun and they will be working hard
to complete as much of the site-work
and structural shell as possible before
school starts this September.
Q. Where did the money come from?
A. We received more than $800k
from the Ford Family Foundation and
an anonymous donor gave us more
than $2 million. Various other donors
account for the remaining amount.
Q. What about the property sale? Can
that money be used to help build this
A. The property was officially annexed
into the City of Adair in May, but the
money from the sale is not yet in our
pocket. Given the current housing
market there may still be an extended
delay between now and when the sale
of the land closes.
Q. How was the general contractor
A. The board formed a contractor
selection committee made up
of the following members: Bill Chambers, Russ Williams, and Dave
Morris. The committee solicited
proposals from a number of general
contractors. A few companies
declined to submit proposals, but
three companies chose to submit
proposals. The lowest cost proposal was
submitted by T. Gerding Construction. The committee recommended T.
Gerding as the general contractor
for our new building and the board
voted unanimously to follow that
The Class of 2010
The Santiam gym was
wreathed in flowers and smiles
as the 74 graduates marched down the
aisle on June 5 to receive their diplomas.
Family and friends were there to celebrate
this talented group of young people, many
of whom have attended Santiam since
These outstanding students have made their
mark through high academic achievement
and service to others. Forty five of them
graduated with honors, sixteen of those with
a 4.0 grade average. A record 96 percent
of them are enrolling in four-year college
programs this fall. The class, as a whole,
received over four million in scholarship
Heather Hambley
was class
valedictorian and
Ellen Chambers
was salutatorian.
Hannah Warner
and David
Faddis were
recipients of the
Timothian award.
The Timothian
recognizes godly
character based
on 2 Timothy 2:2
and is the highest
honor that can
be received at
SC. Cousins Tayla
Woods and Kyle
Alexander received
the Scholar Athlete
Award presented by
Bill Ford on behalf of the United States Army.
Senior parent, Paula Hendrix noted, “This
class was full of giftings, but the wonderful
thing is that they know these talents come
from the Lord and will use them for his
glory!” The staff and faculty agree that this
was one of the finest classes ever to graduate
from Santiam and believe that they will have
an eternal impact on the world.
Founders Focus / Faculty Focus
Dan and Dorie Roth–Mission
“Hard workers!” said Stan Baker, when asked to describe Dan
and Dorie Roth. “They were involved in everything during those
early years, always ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
In fact, nearly every building on campus holds a reminder of
that hard work - many counter tops, cabinets, and shelves were
installed by Dan and made at
Lemons Millwork where he
As their three children, Scott
(’90), Karla (Roth) Pearson (’93)
and Tim (’96), reached junior
high age, Dan and Dorie felt
God calling them to Santiam
Christian, and it is a decision
they have never regretted.
“We knew our children were
receiving a quality education in
a Christian environment,” they
said “and were being taught
by a staff who had a genuine
concern for their well-being.”
Dan was the auction chairman for many years and he and Dorie
helped it grow into a major fund-raiser. They played a big role in
transforming the old OSU book storage building into a sparkling
new junior high. They recall the exhausting job of hauling books
across campus and lining up to pass the last book from person to
person to its final destination.
Running the concession stand, cooking pre-game meals,
painting, polishing gym floors, and even helping coach
basketball, the Roths did it
all. They fondly remember the
work parties, school events,
and even the board meetings,
and realize that many of their
good friends today are people
they met while at SC. Dan
and Dorie own Roth’s Nursery
near Lebanon and Fairview
Mennonite has been their
home church most of their
lives. Their children and eight
grandchildren all live nearby
and they love spending time
with them. They also look
forward to traveling when they
Dan Roth served on the school board for ten years and was
chairman from 1992 to 1994. Enrollment exploded during those
years and Dan helped guide a rapidly changing SC through
its growing pains, where his quiet leadership lent a steady
hand. He remembers the acquisition of the school property
as a miracle of God’s provision. “It was a process that seemed
almost impossible,” Dan said, “but God worked through many
circumstances and people, and in God’s time, it happened!”
“The staff viewed SC as their mission.” said Dan recently. Then
he added, “Dorie and I considered it our mission as well.” This
attitude is the key to the success of Santiam Christian and we are
thankful for families like the Roths who saw the school not just as
a service they were purchasing, but as their own ministry where
they could pour out their hearts and lives.
FACULTY FOCUS - Jill Martinson
Jill has a passion for Christian education and considers it a
serious responsibility to be entrusted with the lives of her
students. Fellow teacher, Peggy Bruner commented, “She loves
the Lord with all her heart. It is her desire that her students will
find God’s love and want to serve Him every day of their lives.”
“Sixth graders keep me
young at heart!” laughs Jill
Martinson, but teaching at
Santiam Christian was not in
Jill’s original vision. Born and
raised in Hawaii, she enjoyed
the island life where she
taught for six years. However,
while visiting friends in
Corvallis, they took her to
see “the wonderful Christian
school” their son was
attending and she realized
God was leading her here.
A few months later, she called
Santiam to inquire about a
position, and discovered that the board, just the night before,
had voted to add a combined 5th and 6th grade class. Amazed at
God’s timing, she arrived on campus in the fall of 1991.
The lively Bible discussions with her students are a favorite part
of Jill’s day. She also cherishes the many music programs she has
directed and will never forget her 6th grade boys dancing in grass
skirts as she taught them the hula for a school fundraiser.
A few years ago, on a Santiam mission trip to Uganda, Jill’s life
was changed forever. She became “Mama Jill” to Vanessa, a
young orphan she sponsors through Show Mercy International. In
July, Jill will make her third trip to visit Vanessa, who is now six.
God has blessed Jill with a special love for children and is using
her gifts and talents to bless students at SC and around the
world. Whatever she does and wherever she goes, excellence,
faithfulness, and love are evident in her life, as she serves God’s
Alumni News
’85 Lesley (Mesdag) Nylin is a student at
OSU and LBCC, preparing for the nursing
program at Linn-Benton. She is employed in
the College of Forestry at OSU and lives in
Corvallis with Emma (11) and Caleb (9).
’96 Mary (Dekker) Baker and her
husband, Dustin, returned home this fall
from Mongolia where they have served for
five years. They live in Vale, OR, on a family
farm where Dustin is developing irrigation
projects and making other improvements.
Mary home schools Kase. “Thank you to
all who supported God’s call on our lives
and were a part of our team as we served in
Mongolia.” dustin_mary@juno.com
’98 Heather Doud and Lieutenant
Commander Adam Goffrier of the United
States Navy were married on January 15,
2010 in San Diego CA. They now live
in Newport, RI, where Adam is getting a
master’s degree at the Naval War College and
Heather is substitute teaching.
’00 Carrie (Gray) Carson graduated from
OSU with a master’s degree in Ag Education.
She returned to SC as a teacher, where she
has started an FFA program. She also teaches
agricultural science, marine biology, and PE.
She and Josh attend Life Community Church
in Corvallis. carsonc@santiam.org
’00 Casey Gray and his wife, Anna,
welcomed their first child, a beautiful baby
girl, Emma Lynne, born April 10. Casey and
Anna live in Beaverton, where Casey works
for Intel.
’01 Airman Seth D.
McLagan, recently
graduated from basic
military training at
Lackland Air Force Base,
San Antonio, TX where he
earned distinction as an
honor graduate. This summer he is finishing
tech school as an air traffic controller and
will be going to his first duty station in July.
’01 Dennis & Candice (Perlenfein)
Kramer of Albany, OR, welcomed their
third child, Beckham James who joins older
sisters, Brooklyn Rose (5) and Bailey Sage (2).
Dennis is a Project Coordinator for Regence
Blue Cross in Salem. Candice is a full time
mother and loves her job!
’06 Brendon Hart graduated magna cum
laude from George Fox University where
he received the Most Outstanding Biology
Student award for 2010. He is applying to
medical school and currently attends Zion
Lutheran in Corvallis.
’06 Josh Warner, graduated from Corban
University with a degree in business
management this spring. He will be working
as an admissions counselor and assistant
baseball coach next year at Corban while
working on a second major in accounting.
’06 Kris Asleson graduated from Whitworth
College in Spokane, Washington with a BA
in Business.
‘07 James Choi works for United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees “It’s very
interesting to work in this organization.”
James said. “It’s similar to missions’ trips I
went on, but I am learning another side of
humanitarian aid. Just a few years ago when
I was a high school student in the process
of maturing, who would have thought
I’d be working for the United Nations!”
2010 Alumni Blast – Alumni Games Were
Great Fun!
Brock Keen, Grant and Wade Knowles, Ken Taylor, Sam
Owre, Eric Templeton, Nathan Menges, Erika Sickendick,
and Heath Sewell and their families were just a few of
the people that attended an event that featured food,
fun, and alumni games coached by Coach Nosack and
Coach Nick McWillliams. Dennis McClain and Chris
Wiggington were also in attendance and promised an
even better event for next summer! Mark your calendars
for ALUMNI BLAST 2011 JUNE 25!!
Class Reunions
Class reunions are exciting and
fun. Did you know that when you
plan your class reunions around
the date of the Alumni Blast,
activities and food can be planned
for you?
If you are interested in planning a
reunion, please call or e-mail the
school. We will gladly provide
you with names, addresses, dates,
etc. Be sure to visit the alumni
area for reunion news on Santiam
Christian’s website at:
Keep in Touch With Us on
Send us your new contact
information, updates and stories
for publishing in this section
by joining Alumni of Santiam
Christian on Facebook. In return,
we keep you informed of all the
current events here at school. We
will be offering free tickets to some
of our events so please join the
Join Us!
The attached
envelope has
been provided
so you can
“Leave Your
Mark” on SC. Please enclose your
gift or ideas about supporting SC
financially or if you want more
You can also call 541-745-5524,
ext. 244, if you have questions or if
we can be of any help.
Coming Events
The Oregonian Cup
Santiam Christian was awarded the Oregonian Cup this spring for the tenth time.
This cup is awarded each year to recognize overall excellence in academics,
activities, and athletics. Introduced in 1999 by the OSAA, it is given in each of the
six divisions for both public and private schools. Santiam won the award as a 2A
school for the first seven years, 1999 - 2006. SC became a 3A school and narrowly
lost to Burns in 2007, but came back to win for the next three years.
Robotics Competition
July 17
School Office Opens
August 18
Registration August 24-30
School Begins Sept 7
Pursuit Sept 7 - 9
This year’s award was announced by Bill Ford, the retiring Athletic Director at SC,
as one of his last duties. “The Oregonian Cup speaks of the consistent quality and
character of our students, as well as the foundation of excellence that teachers,
coaches and parents have laid.”
Harvest Celebration Sept 17
Grandparents Day October 22
Homecoming October 22
Auction October 23
End of First Quarter Nov 10
Come See the Robotics Team at DaVinci Days!
The robotics team is looking
forward to participating in
Corvallis DaVinci Days. This is
a great chance to be introduced
to robotics, and have fun
meeting our team and driving the
robot. The competition will be
Saturday, July 17, from 3-5 pm.
For more info on our robotics
team email
SC Auction
Mark your calendars for the SC Auction on October 23! Our new building is under
construction and this would be a good time to “Leave your Mark” on Santiam
Santiam Christian Schools
7220 NE Arnold Avenue
Adair Village, Oregon 97330
Return Service Requested
Eagle Eye
Stan Baker, Superintendent
Wilbur Starr, HS Principal
Steve Bittner, JH Principal
Steve Woods, Elem. Principal
Bill Ford, Athletic Director
Joanna Haugen, Business Admin.
Liz Doyle, Development
Editorial Board
Susan Canfield, Editor
Liz Doyle
Peggy Fletcher
Stacy Rogers, Layout
Subscriptions to The Eagle Eye are available to alumni, donors,
and friends of Santiam Christian Schools at no charge. If you
would like to be included or removed from our mailing list,
please contact us at:
541-745-5524, ext. 242 or

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