The Canyon Weekly


The Canyon Weekly
75 cents
The Canyon Weekly
October 9, 2014
Your purchase helps us keep your news
fresh and local. Thanks for helping us
grow the North Santiam Canyon!
Volume 5, Issue 41
Your local news source for the North Santiam Canyon
Serving the communities of Lyons, Mehama, Elkhorn, Mill City, Gates, Niagara,
Detroit, Breitenbush, Idanha and Marion Forks
Check us out online for free in full color!
Santiam Canyon Young
Professionals group
brings energy and vision
They’ve got a hashtag and they’re not afraid to use it
By Nicole Miller
It’s 8 a.m. on a warm summer day in
the scenic Santiam Canyon. Cars are
pulling in to the parking lot of Trexler
Farm Café in Stayton, Oregon. Twentyand thirty-somethings are hopping out
and bustling into the quaint farm store
café’s “boat room,” where they gather
for the newly formed North Santiam
(NS) Young Pros meet-up, coordinated
by GROW EDC, on the third Thursday
of each month at 8 a.m.
Young men and women greet each other with excitement in their voices and
smiles upon their faces. While some
have attended the NS Young Pros meetups before, there are always new faces. “YP Selfie”: NS Young Pros selfie with Grady Hardage,
With a variety of professionals rang- Janai Hill, Emily Gooch, Eli Justman, Chad Seegmiller,
ing from banking managers to race car guest speaker Paula Newman, Elaina Turpin, Nicole
drivers, and non-profit (cont’d on page 4) Miller, Jennifer Sandberg, Julie Hilty and Jason Burns.
Mayoral hopefuls interviewed live on KYAC
Upcoming events include a council candidate forum on October 15; Read the letters from both
Mayoral candidates stating more about their political
platforms on Page 2 of this issue
Mill City Mayoral candidates Tim Kirsch (left) and
Thorin Thacker, (middle) held a pleasant forum of “on
the air” questioning moderated by Ken Cartwright
(right) and Tim Widmer (not pictured).
This past Wednesday night
the two candidates for the
position of Mayor of Mill
City were interviewed live
on the air by Ken Cartwright
of KYAC FM during the
Mill City Mayor Candidate
Forum. It will be re-broadscast on the community funded radio station on Saturday,
Oct. 11 at 1pm and Sunday,
Oct. 12 at 8am.
Next, on Wednesday, October 15 at 7pm, KYAC will host the Mill
City candidates for city council, live on
the air.
Ken Cartwright and Tim Widmer will
moderate the forum by asking 6 questions to each candidate followed up by
closing statements from each candidate.
There are seven candidates in all running for three seats for the Mill City,
city council. Two of those candidates
are current city council members and
wish retain their seats.
“Time permitting, we will take
calls from residents of Mill City if
they have further questions for the
candidates,”said Ken Cartwright.
Listen live at 94.9 FM or online at
The Canyon Weekly
PO Box 52 Mill City, OR 97360
The Canyon Weekly is published weekly each
Wednesday by Karen Widmer/ The Canyon Weekly
150 N. 1st St, Mill City, Or, 97360 P.O. Box 52 Mill
City, OR 97360. Subscription price: $38 annually.
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Canyon
Weekly, PO Box 52, Mill City, OR 97360.
Phone: 503-990-3037.
US Postal Permit Number 5610
Letters to the Editor may be edited for space or
content and are printed as the opinion of the author.
Karen Widmer
Owner, Editor, Publisher, Billing, Subscriptions,
Advertising Sales, Photography, Reporter
Tim Widmer
Printing & Circulation, Online Subscriptions
Web Content/Online Web Guru
Advertising Design, Photography, Billing
Contributing Writers
Michelle Gates
Contributing Photographers:
Michelle Gates
Shanna Hall Photography
Shyla Ann Herrmann
Dr. Keri Sanders
November 20% off canine
spays. December 20% off
canine neuters..
New hours on Thursdays from 1-2
pm on a walk-in basis.
Companion Animal Practice
833 NW Santiam Blvd
The Canyon Weekly would like to invite all candidates running for public office in the
North Santiam Canyon to submit a statement of their political intentions. We ask that
your statements remain under 300 words, and we will not be able to edit for content or
space. Please send to: or The CW, PO Box 52, Mill City,
97360 no later than 10/27/2014. The Canyon Weekly officially does not endorse any
candidate and continues to remain neutral.
Tim Kirsch, Current Mayor of Mill City
name is Tim Kirsch and I am the Mayor
Mill City. I am again running for Mayor
of our beautiful city.
While serving as Mayor I have been
instrumental in several much needed upgrades to our city’s livability, some of
which are; the addition of a one million
gallon water reservoir, the rehab of the
south reservoir, rebuilding of all three
sewer pump stations, two drinking water
wells, the transference of our surface water rights to those wells that allowed our
city to keep its senior water rights while
reducing the chemical treatment of our
water, replacement of thousands of feet of
antiquated or inadequate water transmission lines, restrooms and play equipment
in Kimmel Park, the building of a new
City Hall, a sidewalk on Fairview street
from 1st street to Kimmel park, improvements in other parks,,improvements at our
sewer plant, and equipment upgrades.
In the last 10 years the City’s net worth
has increased approximately two million
dollars. We have consistently received a
“strong” rating by our financial auditors.
We haven’t raised water or sewer rates
since 2008-2009, and have never increased
property taxes while I have been in office.
These are all things that I have advocated
for, and the list goes on.
When re-elected I will serve in a manner
that continues to upgrade our infrastructure, and enhance the livability of our community. I am asking that you look at our
community’s forward movement and vote
Tim Kirsch for Mayor.
Thank you for your past and future
support,Tim Kirsch, Mayor of Mill City.
Thorin Thacker, Mayoral Candidate
Like us on Facebook!
Check us out online!
Ark Animal Care
Candidate statements:
Mill City Mayoral Race
My name is Thorin Thacker, and I’m
running for Mayor of Mill City.
I believe our first responsibility in taking an elected position is to give representation to the ones we’re suppose to
be representing. That includes fortifying
Council with an active role, and making decisions as a collective. It’s not our
place to vote FOR you, it’s our duty to
vote for YOU!
I believe in transparency of government
and communication. I have a reputation
of asking the hard questions during council meetings, and in my professional career, a reputation of being efficient and
very effective. I believe in customer service and treating our citizens with dignity and respect. Asking for solutions
from the ones with the issue, and working to find a resolve that is amicable to
I believe in community service, being
involved and interacting with our citizens and community.
I consider myself fiscally conservative,
but also understand the importance of
spending the money we’ve budgeted.
That’s how we take care of our town,
do repairs, preventative maintenance,
and to make our town more pleasant and
livable. It’s so very important we spend
wisely and get the most out of the money
budgeted as possible.
My goals as Mayor are heavily influenced
with cleaning up Mill City with strong focus on H.W. 22. I also plan on getting to the
bottom of the issue with ODOT’s H.W. 22
project. Finally putting to rest the rumors
and concerns, finding the facts and/or timeline, and give the needed reassurance to our
businesses so that they may move forward
with much needed repairs without fear of
ODOT taking their building or access.
I’m very motivated to work with and help
our business and the economic development of Mill City, getting the most out of a
tourist initiative to bring more money into
our town, and make us more of a destination.
I plan to work with Council, spending
special attention to code enforcement, specifically the one’s concerning our image.
Working on the curb appeal of our town
and the result it will have on our pride of
In short, my goals as your Mayor will
reflect honest representation, fortifying
Council, and cleaning up our town to reflect the place it deserves to be.
Please Vote Thor-IN
Lyons Fire chili cook off brings out the crowds
The line for the chili and salsa tasting was filled with eager
judges; the classic car show brought in a record number of participants, said organizers (photo by Shanna Hall Photography);
Olivia and Maddi Gulstrom were selling handmade knitted hats; Michelle Gates was selling
her Bigfoot T-shirts, as a partial fundraiser for the department. Photos by Michelle Gates.
The Lyons Fire Department’s annual
Chili Cook Off and Car Show was a resounding success, said event organizers.
It’s one of the few fundraisers that the
department puts together, and has grown
every years since the volunteers began.
“We would like to thank everyone that
came out to support our event,” said organizers. “Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you all for your support.”
•1st - #7 Teressa Donahue
The winners, by category:
•2nd - #9 Cord Deck
Car Show •Best Dodge: #7 Jerry Mumper ‘37 Ply Se- •3rd - #10 North Santiam School District
Salsa Competition dan Delivery
•Best Ford: #52 Ken McMackin ’56 Ford •People’s Choice: #10 North Santiam
School District
•Firefighter’s Choice: #6 Patty Fief
•Best GM: #3 Mike Peterson ’62 Impala
•Best in Show: #54 Terry & Jackie Wells
’32 Ford Coupe
•Sleeper: #36 Brett Bartlett ’79 Chevy
•Chief’s: #66 Dennis & Sandra Tiernan
’50 Chevy Pick-up
Chili Competition People’s Choice:
•Dept: Lyons Fire Dept
•1st - #10 North Santiam School Dist.
•2nd - #9 Cord Deck
•3rd - #7 Teressa Donahue
Firefighter’s Choice:
Marion Forks
closing for now
We are sad to inform you that June and Wayne,
the owners and operators of Marion Forks Restaurant will be retiring at the end of October.
There are no current plans for Marion Forks
to remain open at this time. The family corporation that owns the buildings will be working with realtors to find a successor manage the
Thank you for your years of great service and
great food June and Wayne and crew! We hope
you enjoy your retirement thoroughly!
The Canyon Weekly would like to invite all candidates running for public office in the North Santiam Canyon to submit a
statement of their political intentions.
We ask that your statements remain under 300 words, and we
will not be able to edit for content or space.
Please send to: or The CW, PO
Box 52, Mill City, 97360 no later than 10/27/2014.
The Canyon Weekly officially does not endorse any candidate
and continues to remain neutral.
Mountain Coffee House
7-5 m-sat 8-5 sun Hwy 22 Mill City (503)897-2378
“These are our heirs apparent, the thinkers and doers who are making an investment of their time, energy, money.”
(cont’d from page 1) directors to local entre- gion-wide, further anchor the investment
preneurs, they all share these young people have made in our coma common bond: They are under 40, doing munities and provide an active forum for
business in the Santiam Canyon. “Hashtag- them to do business their way,” says GROW
NS Young Pros!” they shout. The group EDC executive director Allison McKenzie.
loves using their hashtag
“My favorfor organic marketing and
ite part is that
social media, especially
these young
NS Young Pros member
pros have deNicole Miller, a public
signed these
relations consultant who
thrives on all things marthemselves.
This is an or“I always look forward
ganic process
to our ‘hashtag-NS Young
diPros’ group,” says U.S.
rectly from the
What: North Santiam Young Pros
Bank Small Business Regroup, and is
Who: People 40 & under who live and/or
lationship Manager Chad
probably more
work in the Santiam Canyon, from Aums- m e a n i n g f u l
Seegmiller, smiling. “I not
ville/Scio up through Marion Forks
only get to network with
as a result,”
When: Third Thursdays of the month,
other young professionsays McKen8-9:45a.m.
als in the area, but there is
zie. “That’s
Where: Trexler Farm, 20146 Ferry Road
always something really
why we have
SE, Stayton, OR 97383
valuable for me to learn.
speakers, for
My favorite topic so far
example, and
was time management. I can directly apply other similar groups don’t. That’s why we
that to my life and job. Who knew that time meet in the morning during a work-week-management is so powerful?”
-many people with young families want this
These are our up-and-coming business and to be business-focused so they can keep their
community leaders (some are already). They family or evening social time sacred.”
haven’t had a forum to speak together with
“These are our heirs apparent, the thinkone voice or come together to network with ers and doers who are making an investment
and learn from each other. This new group of their time, energy and even money in our
will provide that opportunity.
communities. They have a unique way of
“Our hope is that making connections doing business and getting things done, and
among folks in this age group will inspire we want to support them in that effort,” says
larger economic development projects re- McKenzie.
The Young Pros have chosen a meeting
format that includes networking time, a featured young pro spotlight and a speaker on a
topic of their choice. Topics so far have included negotiating various personality types,
conflict resolution and time management.
Many speakers tend to be baby boomers.
“We’ve gone this route because we want to
help the young pros build more solid relationships with the people who came before
them. Baby boomers and millennials have
a lot in common, particularly their interest
in volunteerism, community building and
bringing passion to causes they believe in.
We want to make sure they have an opportunity to interact together in a meaningful way
while the baby boomers are still in the work
The October 16 speaker topic is about the
latest and greatest tips on social media for
business with Nicole Miller of Word’s Out
PR in Stayton. While Miller is not a boomer,
she is a millennial who can speak on a topic
of great interest to these young pros.
“Through the Young Professionals group,
I have learned skills that are so valuable. I
have met new people and have connections
that I wouldn’t have had without this awesome group,” says Elaina Turpin, assistant
director of the Stayton/Sublimity Chamber
of Commerce. “The best part is, this group
doesn’t feel like just another meeting, it’s
one I look forward to attending. I love being
surrounded with forward-thinking, futureoriented, community-minded people. We’re
always looking for new people to join our
group. ”
Giovanni’s Mt. Pizza
We offer over 50 types of beer, and
gluten free options too!
Highway 22
(503) 897-2614
Mill City, OR
Volunteers clean
up 2,400 pounds
of garbage from
Detroit Lake
Courtesy of the North Santiam Watershed
Thank you to the 70 plus amaz­ing vol­un­teers
who came out to the First Annual Detroit Lake
line & River­
side Clean-Up event on
Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 27, 2014. We col­lected
mately 2,400 pounds of trash from
along the Detroit Lake Shore­line and along the
Bre­it­en­bush River. And Just in time for the
Detroit Lake Mud Run this Saturday!
Special thanks to our Event Planning Committee: Detroit Lake Recre­ation Area Busi­
ness Asso­ci­a­tion, Fed­eral Lakes Recre­ation
Com­mit­tee for Detroit, North San­tiam Water­shed Coun­cil, Ore­gon SOLVE, Ore­gon State
Parks, US For­est Ser­vice — Detroit Ranger District.
And to our Event Sponsors: Cas­cade Pacific RC&D, City of Detroit, Detroit Lake
Recre­ation Area Busi­ness Asso­ci­a­tion, Fred Meyer (North Salem Loca­tion), Kane’s
Marina, Korner Post Restau­rant & Steel Wheels Lounge, KYAC 94.9 FM, Com­mu­nity
Radio, Mar­ion County Pub­lic Works, Moun­tain High Gro­cery, Ore­gon State Parks, Ore­
gon SOLVE, Pacific San­i­ta­tion,
Inc, US For­est Ser­vice — Detroit
Ranger District.
Congratulations to Santiam Elementary
September Students of the Month!
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living. If you are looking for a
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SES Tigers of the Month for September 2014 are (in no particular order): Ace Aerni, Eva Sloan,
Mason Lindemann, Rose Lyness, Avyn Beattie, Gracie Saari, Audrey Weir, Abigail Allen,
Emma Larson, Aolani Gouveia and Aiden Meola.
Tour today to learn more about
our current specials!
(503) 769-3200
2201 3rd Ave., Stayton
“Santiam Canyon
Tune in to local community radio 94.9 fm KYAC to learn
about local events, community interviews, and much more!
Respected farrier dies of
heart attack while hunting
Members of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue team and the Mounted
Posse with assist by an Oregon Air National
Guard Helicopter, were called out Monday
morning in search of a reported missing hunter.
The hunter was identified as 37 year old Corey Fred, an experienced outdoorsman who
lived nearby. He had last sent a text on Saturday at 6am saying he was hunting on his property on Old Mehama Rd. SE, which abuts up
against forest land.
Monday evening the searchers found Mr. Fred
dead. The state medical examiner determined
he died from natural causes. It was deemed he
had a heart attack and fell hitting his head on a
rock while hunting.
Corey Fred was well known in the area as a
well respected farrier who had a natural love
and respect for horses.
“He was a great guy, very kind & easy for
everyone to get along with,” said Shyla Ann
Herman who used Mr. Fred’s farrier services
for years. He leaves behind a son, who is in
first grade.
Members of the Fred family are planning
funeral services for this Saturday, October
11, 2014 at 1pm at Cascade High School,
10226 Marion Rd SE, Turner, OR 97392.
Anyone who may be interested in making
donations to the Fred family can go to www. and search for “In memory of
Corey Fred.”
Virgil Dean Payne Sr.
Dec 7, 1941 – Sept 30, 2014
It is with deep and heavy sadness that we
announce the death of Virgil Dean Payne,
Sr., Virgil was born in Konawa, Oklahoma
to Clyde and Gladys Payne.
He met Lucille Fleming in Stayton, Oregon
when she was only 13 years old, and they
eventually married on March 11, 1962 in
Konawa, Oklahoma.
They had three children, Denise, Quonna,
and Virgil, Jr.
Virgil and Lucille moved to Oregon 1965.
Virgil worked for William Wallace in farming operations for 12 years. He later worked
for Young and Morgan Trucking as a diesel
mechanic for 25 years.
Virgil enjoyed his family, camping and
cars. His favorite car was a 1951 Mercury.
He loved to travel with his wife; together
they saw much of the United States as well
as going on many cruises.
Virgil is survived by his wife of 52 years,
Lucille, children; Denise and Roy Pallett,
Quonna and Alan Bender; Virgil Payne,
Corey Fred was a well respected farrier.
Photo courtesy of Shyla Ann Herrmann.
Jr. and Janel Page, grandchildren; Caitlin
(Joshua) Coyle, Luke Pallett, Paul ( Alicia)
Bender, Emilee (Matthew) Kadell, Kellee (Cody) Coonrod, Julee Bender, Aaron
Bender, MacKayla Payne, great grandchildren; Hailey; Rowan, Clora, William, Olivia.
Virgil was a devoted and loving family man
with a wonderful sense of humor and a kind
heart when it came to babies and animals.
His family, extended family and friends
feel very blessed to have had him in their
lives. He will truly be missed.
North Santiam Funeral Service
Our Family serving yours.
Locally family owned and
owner operated
224 N. 3rd Avenue ~ Stayton
RC club works hard to
clean up Davis Air Field
By Bruce Brunstad
A newly formed local RC Club,
the “Cascade Cloud Clippers” has
gotten permission to fly their RC
(Radio Controlled) model aircraft at
Davis Field in Gates. During times
of clear weather and low wind (typically in the mornings and evenings,)
the brightly colored model aircraft
can often be seen looping and diving over the flying field - their pilots Before and after the blackberry clearing
always watchful for full sized
aircraft on approach for landing.
On Saturday, October 4th,
a group of RC aircraft enthusiasts took part in clearing
blackberry bushes that had
completely engulfed a parked
full size aircraft. The parked
aircraft is a twin engine Piper
Aztec, located outside the
from the RC club for being allowed to fly
hangar at Davis Field. The aircraft is
their aircraft at Davis Field. It is possible
not currently in flying condition and
that other maintenance activities could be
has been parked for many years.
ers fly them? Contact Gene Slye, owner of Popscheduled in the future.
This blackberry-clearing project
Interested in joining an RC club and flying pa Al’s at 503- 897-2223 and get more informawas meant as a show of appreciation
model RC aircraft? Or of simply watching oth- tion on flying times.
Classified Ads
Lost and Found
Found Ring on September
12 between the Mill City
Christian Church and Mill City
Presbyterian Church. Please
call to identify. leave a message
including name, phone number
and a description of the ring.
NEW PRICE $30,000!! Single
wide older manufactured home
for sale on a 50 x 100 foot lot
in Mill City. 2 bedrooms with
a built on addition. Ready to
Classified Ad Rates
words for $5/week.
move in today. Info: Mike or
mon. + dep. Mill City. Call 503- Photo:25
25 words + photo $10/
Pam Wright 503-897-3206, 503- 897-2249.
Addtl words: .20 each
Rideshare ads are FREE!
BUSINESS FOR SALE Wanted: Home Care for 89
Lost & Found ad are FREE!
Antique Mall Business for
max 25 words
year old. Limited care needed
Deadline: Saturday noon for the
sale. ODDS N ENDS Antiques but needs someone to spend
following Wednesday publication.
in Mehama includes computer
the night, manages own meds,
Submit your ad to
phone signs office supplies
and life! Still works, does not
Checking account for $2000.
Drop Box Locations:
always need 24 hour. Not bed
Inventory extra. 503-798-3914. ridden, in wheelchair but active.
Mehama True Value
Kelly Lumber, Mill City
Gates Post Office
Home For Rent 2 BR/2 BA
Office/BR, Large kitchen w/
nook & pantry. Backyard with
beautiful mtn view. $750.00/
Handgun Safety Class
with local experts Bob and
Shane Pedroli. Range classes
are ongoing. Oregon and
Utah/Arizona multistate
We’re Moving October 1st!
certifications available.
Mill City Baptist Church is becoming Mill City Baptist Home
503-580-9397 www.
Fellowship and you won’t see us at our location on the highway
anymore. All our normal services and activities are still happening oldwestprosconcealandcarry.
though and we’d love to see you there! Please call for more
CPR/AED/First Aid
information or check us out on
Classes: American Heart
Facebook @
Association certified classes
Pastor Richard Cole 503-277-3586
for Public and Healthcare
Youth Pastor Derek Ownby 865-310-1230
Providers. Contact instructor
Publishers Notice: All real estate
advertising in this newspaper is
subject to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise
any preference, limitation, or
discrimination based on color,
race, sex, religion, handicap,
familial status or national origin,
or an intention to make any
such preference, limitation or
discrimination. The Canyon Weekly
will not knowingly accept any
advertising that violates this law. All
dwellings advertised are avail on an
equal opportunity basis.
Kurt Hueller at 503-859-3575 or
North Santiam Canyon Events
Event submissions are printed FREE! The Canyon Weekly cannot guarantee placement; however,
priority is given to emailed submissions, and events occurring in the North Santiam Canyon
(Lyons/Mehama to Marion Forks). Submit your event to:
Coming Soon!
teams from 1998-99. Family, friends, and
community are all invited. Tickets: $20
adults, $10 students K-6. Checks payable
to Santiam Hall of Fame. RSVP’s must be
made by October 22. Info: 503-897-2311
or There
will be no sales at the door.
Santiam Valley Grange Annual Haunted
House Opens October 17 - Nov 1, (varied
hours around 6pm-9pm) at 1140 5th Street,
Lyons. Bigger and better every year! Appropriate for all ages. Either go through spooky
for younger children if they don’t like to get
really scared, or go through scary for bigger kids and adults...if you dare! Admission
Thursday, October 9
price is $3 or 3 cans of food or nonperish7pm
Readers Book Club welable food items. Proceeds benefit Grange
and outdoor writer
Hall upkeep and the Lyons Fire department
Farm Restaurant
annual toy and food drive.
to discuss his books Follow the River and
On Saturday October 25th Ark Animal Care Lost and Found. Copies of his books can
in Mill City is holding a special discounted be purchased through Amazon or contact
clinic for feline neuters /spays $20 neuters Herb Bastuscheck -
(unlimited spots) $50 spays (8 spots avail- or 503-859-2668. Signed copies are available). There are also discounted vaccines, able from Jerry for a special $10 each plus
flea prevention, and deworming. Cash only $3 postage. Home cooked dinners will be
available at 6pm, or come to book discusplease! Please call (303) 897-6004.
sion at 7pm.
“Keep On Keeping On” is the theme for
this years Santiam Alumni Tournament 7pm The Mill City/Gates American LeNovember 7th-9th. For more info write: gion (Post 159) meets today and on the 2nd
Thursday of every month (Nov 13, Dec 11)
EventsThis Week
12th annual Santiam Canyon School District Hall of Fame Banquet November 8,
7pm in the high school commons. Enjoy
this special evening to recognize Damien
Ramirez (90), Gerald (Jerry) Long (82),
and Kurt Carpenter (73), former staff member Mike McClain, and the girls basketball
7pm Football Santiam VS Kennedy at
Davis field in Mill City. Can’t make
it to the game? Listen to it live on 94.9
FM KYAC, or stream it online at www.
See our web site at
Helen Merrill 897-2689 Nancy Kelle 897-2590
Linda McAlister 859-3076 Sandy Lyness 897-2142
Kathy Power 881-6680
280 NE Santiam Blvd. ~ Mill City
and get details as www.runwildadventures.
com. Sponsored in part by the Detroit Lake
Recreation Area Business Association.
9am-3pm Mill City Craft Fair sponsored
by and located at Liberty Fellowship Church,
between Mt. Edge Café & Circle K on Hwy
22 in Mill City. New vendors welcome.
10x10 for $10, table only for $5. Inside and
outside spaces available. Upcoming events
are on Oct 11 & 25, Nov 8 & 22, Dec 13 &
20. Info: Cindy Mudrick at 503-198-0070 or
10am-2pm The Mill City Historical Society is having an open for the public at the
building on Wall Street next to the museum
from 10 am to 2 pm. Everyone is invited
to came and see the rejuvenated oldest commercial building in Mill City. Weather permitting there will also be several old cars on
13th Annual Santiam Canyon School District Scholarship Banquet and Auction to
raise funds for the senior class. October 11,
doors open at 4pm. Dinner served at 5:30pm.
Located at the Salem Elks Lodge No. 336,
Saturday, October 11
2336 Turner Rd. SE. Dinner tickets are $35
9am – Detroit Lake Mud Run
each, sponsorship - $250 Early Bird Raffle
Run Wild Adventures returns to
Tickets must be purchased by 10/6/14 are $2
bring their downright dirty running each. Dinner is Prime Rib, Herbed Chicken,
event to our community. Register Roasted Red Potatoes, Rice Pilaf, Salad,
Veterans Outreach
provides local help
If you are a Veteran and need an appointment with ODVA or the Salem Vets
Center, we can provide numbers to be called. If you are unable for some reason
to make an appointment yourself, we will make it for you. If transportation is a
problem, we may be able to help whether going to Salem Vets Clinic or the VA
hospital in Portland.
If hunger is the issue, we can connect with agencies providing emergency food
baskets. If a person finds themselves in crisis, we want to help. We especially want
to hear from the homeless vet. We are local veterans providing help to veterans.
If you’re a veteran and in need of assistance we urge you to phone one of the
volunteers listed here.
Tom White 503-897-2139, Oregon Veterans Motorcycle Assn. Jim Gulliford
503-897-2872, Disabled American Veterans. Jan Jones 503-559-3352
Mill City
Sunday Worship
Ted Buck, Pastor
236 SW
of Siena
Mass on
Church of Christ
“..reaching the canyon
for Christ.”
Mike Stair, Minister
Worship Service 10 AM
40070 Gates School Rd
716 S. 1st Ave
Mill City
Seasonal Vegetable, Rolls, Dessert and
Beverage. Sponsorships and Auction items
needed! Info: contact the District Office,
Alexis Winn, Stacie Cook or Nicole Miller. 897-4143.
North Santiam Watershed
Council meetings are held at the
Stayton Community Center at 400
Monday, October 13
7 pm Lyons Library Board Open House at West Virginia Street on the 2nd
279 8th St., Lyons. Featuring the grand prize Thursday of every month except July/
drawing for an Apple I-Pad from the Adult August at 7pm. 503- 930-8202 or www.
Summer Reading Program.
Join the Canyon Gleaners. Learn
more about how low-income families
Tuesday, October 14
can participate in a local food sharing/
gathering program. For more info call 5036 pm High School Girls VolleyBall.
Santiam VS Regis. Home Game for
251 SW 3rd St, Mill
Mill City
Sunday Worship
10 am
Mill City
Wednesday, October 15
6:30 PM. The Fall meeting of the Federal
Lakes Recreation Committee for Detroit
Lake (FLRCDL) will be held at the new
Gates FD (140 E Sorbin St., Gates) which is
by the bridge crossing the N Santiam river.
(Not the Ranger Station)
This will bring us up to date on projects
that are proposed, completed, or in progress
at Detroit Lake.
Thursday, October 16
6 pm High School Girls Volleyball.
Santiam at Western Mennonite.
Weekly Events
Lyons Library is located at 279 8th St.
Hours: Tue/Thu 1pm-6:30pm, Fridays 1- 5
pm (new hours!)
And Sat: 10am3:30pm, Sun-Mon-:
Closed. Info: 503859-2366
Mill City Library
is located at
250 SW 2nd
Ave. Hours: 1012/1:30-3:30pm
on Tues-Fri. Sat
10-12. Closed Sun
& Mon. Info: 503-
7pm Santiam Canyon Community
Chorus rehearses at the Canyon Arts
Center on Hwy 22. Joanne Hebing 503859-342
10am-2pm Quilting Club Canyon Bible
Fellowship, Lyons 910-4918
12pm Meals on Wheels, Senior Meals
Fellowship Hall, MC Presbyterian. Meals
on Wheels. Ruth:503-897-2204. $3.50
donation recommended.
7:30pm Santiam Al-Anon, Mt. View
Church, Aumsville. Newcomers welcome.
Call before you Burn!
The Backyard Burn Information Line is
877-982-0011 and is updated daily at 8am.
7:30pm AA Meeting at Idanha City Hall.
10am-3pm North Santiam Quilters, Gates
Church, all levels! 503-897-2102.
12pm Meals on Wheels, Senior Meals.
MC Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.
Ruth: 503-897-2204
12-4:30pm Food Distribution Day at
Canyon Gleaners in Mill City.
5:30-8pm Youth Night Ages 10-18 Mill
City Christian Church. Kids MUST be
picked up by 8:15. Free. Not held on weeks
with Friday school.
6pm Bible Study at Living Water Church
of God, Sorbin St. Gates.
7-9pm Bingo with the Idanha Detroit
Fire Dept, every other Thursday at the
Detroit City Hall meeting room.
7pm AA Meeting at Gates Community
Church of Christ
1pm Canyon Senior Center Pinochle
7pm Youth Bible Study 9th grade-age 25 at 844 S First St. Mill City 503 897-4176.
Baptist Home Fellowship. Bible study and
snacks. 1095 SW 1st Ave., Mill City.
11am Gates Community Church of
Christ 32 week series The
Story at 40070 Gates School
Road. The Story takes the
Bible, puts it in chronological
order, and reads like a novel.
Info: 503-897-3210.
4-6pm Youth Group at
Mehama Community Church
11336 Morris St. Grades
6-12; games, music and bible
studies. Info: 503-859-2849
or Facebook.
Linn County Sheriff’s Office Police Log: Sept 28 - Oct 4
Date: 09/28/14 Time: 9:00
Caller reporting that a female
called this morning and identified herself as an investigator
w/the courts for custody. She
called this morning and wanted
to speak
Date: 09/28/14 Time: 9:24
Mill City Caller advising that
someone has been using a blow
dart gun in the area and they
have been finding them in their
yard. Caller found another one
this morning.
Date: 09/28/14 Time: 10:58
City Caller states that a female
who has been staying with her
just said she was going to leave
and drive herself and her kids
into the river.
Date: 09/28/14 Time: 17:46
Caller was at the location this
morning and was talking to the
residents to check on the children as they prepare for school.
Date: 09/28/14 Time: 18:05
100 Block GROVE ST Mill
City dog has been barking all
day next door Owners are not
home Dog is currently in the
side yard.
Date: 09/29/14 Time: 7:33 CIV
City Contact caller by phone
regarding a civil issue between
him and the landlord
Date: 09/29/14 Time: 11:16
shop was broken into last night
Date: 09/29/14 Time: 11:36
on property who will not leave
The suspect, and is leaving now
Date: 09/29/14 Time: 14:23
Mill City male is back at the
property, causing a scene and
has kicked the door in.
Date: 09/29/14 Time: 15:20
FRAUD IVY ST Linn County
someone has a loan application
filled out in callers name. Caller
would like contact
OCTOBER BARGAINS from a deputy
of the
MONTH ® Date: 09/29/14
Time: 16:43 CHILD
While supplies last.
Mill City KING2-In-1, 24-In. Squeegee Push Broom
W 565 582 B4
APTS assign immediate response The
info being reported
is in regards to the
physical abuse to
both kids by the
9.5W Dimmable LED Light Bulb
E 180 867 B4
father There is currently an open CW
20-Lb. Wild Bird Food
Date: 09/29/14 Time:
L 501 272 1
20:01 SUSP-CIR-
Qt. Motor Oil
SPRING ST Mill City PR says
that there are people over at
listed location moving things.
PR says that deputies were out
at location today so she does not
know if anyone should be there.
Date: 09/29/14 Time: 20:32
ST Lyons Dog at the last house
on Birch street is charging caller
and her family. The dog is in
a white house. Date: 09/29/14
Time: 21:34 SUSP-CIRCUMSTANCES 100 Block 3RD AV
Mill City PR says that he thinks
someone just tried to climb over
his fence. PR would just like the
area checked tonight and does
not need contact.
Date: 09/30/14 Time: 12:13
CEDAR ST Lyons Currently on
the property. Caller states that
their have been verbal threats
with a firearm. Last time this
occurred the subj did have a
firearm with
Date: 09/30/14 Time: 13:29
SEX OFFENSE Concerns that
6 yr old was sexually abused
by 12 year old cousin when the
cousin came for a visit.
Date: 09/30/14 Time: 13:39
MILL CITY DR Linn County
Concern for 7 yo sister as there
was a recent disclosure her 12
yo brother sexually abused a 6
yo cousin Date: 10/01/14 Time:
15:20 VEH-STOLEN 200
Block SANTIAM BV Mill City
callers reporting someone has
moved a motor home that they
own. He initially reported tried
to report it as stolen but they
Acoustic Guitar
Choose from HD-30, 10W-30, 5W-30 or
10W-40. H 151 604, 608, 610, 612 F12
Sale ends
©2014 True Value® Company.
All rights reserved.
11267 Grove ST.Mehama Or.
503 859 2257
did not have a title to the motor
home at that time.
Date: 10/01/14 Time: 15:25
Caller is requesting deputy
check the location for someone living in the manufactured
home in the fenced area. Caller
advises he got information that
his step daughter
Date: 10/02/14 Time: 15:16
RESALE Caller states that he
found a police flash light laying
outside near his store. He thinks
someone may have set it down
when they were out in the area
dealing with a bike
Date: 10/02/14 Time: 18:28
Lyons Caller reporting when
she came home today there was
dog waste in the driveway so
she put it back in the neighbors
yard and they put it back into
caller’s yard.
Date: 10/02/14 Time: 19:20
SPRING ST Mill City Caller
reporting she has evicted tenant
from the listed property, and he
should have been out by now.
Caller states he is at the location
now with at least
Date: 10/03/14 Time: 6:08
800 Block 1ST AV Mill City
short heavy set thinning hair
female running around the area
of the market. Looks like she
might have been having a mental episode. Caller does not see
her anymore and
Date: 10/03/14 Time: 10:09
Date: 10/03/14 Time: 12:38
Call Now
Private Lessons
Taught in Mill City
by Professional Musician
Tom Cole
Flat & Finger Picking
of Stoddard and Cole
Singing and Playing
Music/Comedy Duo
Local Business Directory
Autobody & Paint
•Canyon Auto Rebody 21916 Ferry Rd.
SE, Mehama 503-859-3247
Auto Repair
•Mike’s Auto Repair and Diesel: Small
engines & motorcycles at 27860
N. Hwy 22, Mill City. 503 897-6061
•Odds and Ends Antiques and
Collectables at 11227 Grove St., S.E.
•Lyons Timbertown Resale: Home
accessories, gifts, more. 1313 Main St.
Lyons. 503-859-4054; 503-983-5277
Business Development
•GROW EDC: Free & confidential
business & non-profit consulting. Info@ 503-871-5188
Clothing Resale Boutique
•Santiam Treasures
228 Broadway St, Mill City
(301) 904-7217
Computer Services
•WidmerWeb Design 503-569-1229
•Hueller Construction Inc. CCB #114169
503-859-3575 Facebook
Firearm Instruction
•Old West Enforcement Professionals
NRA#1787-91947 BCI# 1102466
•Camp Firewood at Hardwood
Components at 20573 Hwy 22 in
Mehama 503-859-2144
Health and Wellness
•Chiropractic Physicians Clinic and
Wellness Center 11247 Grove St.,
Mehama 503-859-2181
•Mill City Dental 503-897-2353
•Mill City Pharmacy 218 S.W. Broadway,
Mill City 503-897-2331
•Santiam Medical Clinic 280 S. 1st Ave.
Mill City 503-897-4100
Heating and Cooling
•Focus Heating and Construction, Inc.
(503) 428-2591
Golf Courses
•Elkhorn Valley Golf Course 32295 North
Fork Rd SE, Lyons (503) 897-3368
•Mountain High Grocery and Gifts
220 D St. Detroit 503-854-3696
•Detroit Market and Supplies 100
Detroit Ave. N. 503-854-3767 Facebook
•Mill City Market Place 829 1st Ave. Mill
503-897-2006 Facebook
•Siegmund Landscape, Excavation and
Supply 503-769-6291
To get your business seen in the directory,
call Karen at 503-990-3037
NE Santiam Blvd, Mill City www. 503-897-4500
Restaurants: Mill City/Gates
•Giovanni’s Mountain Pizza 146 N.W.
Santiam Blvd., Mill City 503-897-2614
•J and S Deli & Pub 100 SE Juniper St.,
Mill City (503) 897-2997 facebook
•Curt’s Place Rental Suite in Gates
•Mountain Edge Cafe 320 N.W. Santiam 503-897-6126
•Oak Park Motel 112 E. Central St. Gates, Blvd., Mill City 503-897-2741
Affordable pricing and clean rooms. 503- •Poppa Al’s Famous Hamburgers 198
N.E. Santiam Blvd. Mill City
•Adventure Vacation Homes 528 N.E.
•Rosie’s Mountain Coffee House 647
Santiam Blvd, Mill City 503-897-6500
N.E. Santiam Blvd., Mill City
2378 Facebook
•Elkhorn Valley Inn B&B 33016 North
•Sierra Restaurant and Market 302 N.
Fork Road S.E., Lyons 503-897-3033
Santiam Hwy, Gates 503-897-2210 Facebook
•Lodge at Detroit Lake
Restaurants: Lyons/Mehama
175 Detroit Ave, Detroit 503-854-3344
•Trexler Farms 20146 Ferry Rd. SE,
Mehama 503-859-4488
•All Seasons Motel 130 Breitenbush Facebook
Road, Detroit 503-854-3421
Restaurants: Detroit/Idanha
•Korner Post Restaurant 100 Detroit
Avenue, Detroit 503-854-3735
•The Cedars Restaurant and Lounge 200
•Detroit Lake Marina 115 Breitenbush
N. Detroit Ave, Detroit 503-854-3636
Road, Detroit 503-854-3423
•Sandy’s Lakeside Coffee 1487 N.
Santiam Hwy, Idanha
•Kane’s Marina 530 Clester Rd., Detroit
•Idanha Grill and Store 183 Hwy 22,
503-854-3362 Facebook
Idanha 503-854-3354
Meat Processing Facebook
•Gene’s Meat Market 21991 Fern Ridge
•Marion Forks Restaurant and Lounge
Road SE, Mehama 503 859-2252
34970 Hwy 22, Idanha (at Marion Forks)
503-854-3669 Facebook
•River’s Run Deli~Fuel~Groceries
105 Breitenbush Rd, Detroit
RV Repair
(503) 854-3039
•Santiam RV Service
Mole and Gopher Removal
•LandCare: Learn more at
Signs & Graphics 503-897-5200
•White Water Signs and Graphics 503804-3613
Outdoor Excursions
•Kayak the Santiam 503-569-1229
•Independent Security Solutions
Business and Residential CCB#202956
•North Santiam River Trips with Bill
503-580-3299 or Facebook
Sanderson 503-897-3301
Sporting Goods/Liquor Store
•Santiam Sports Center 250 NW 9th Ave.
•The Oregon Experience: Fishing, rafting Mill City ( 503) 897-2881
drift-boating. 503-897-3291
•Kelly Lumber Company
757 Hwy 22 East, Mill City
•Leading Edge Painting, Interior &
exterior painting, staining, woodworking. •Mehama True Value 11267 Grove St.
Mehama 503-859-2257 ww3.truevalue.
Pets and Animal Care
•Ark Animal Care Veterinary Services
Taverns/Bars 503-897- •Red Barn Bar and Grill 916 Main St.,
6004 Facebook
Lyons. 503-859-2826 Facebook
•Trio Tavern and Food 815 SW Linn Blvd.
•Gregory J. Johanson, M .Div, Ph.D., NCC Mill City 503-897-3380 Facebook
Director, Grace Counselling Center. 503Towing
•STR Santiam Towing and Recovery
Real Estate
•Green Mountain Real Estate 280
Still Only
Now is the perfect time to purchase a ductless
mini-split system. Many tax rebate incentives available.
Call Jason for more information! 503-428-2591 ccb #168985
That’s just 3 Quarters!
As the cat move
stealthily through
the forest, Rich
decided to take
a shot. In all his
years of hunting
he had never seen
a cougar out in the woods before. This would be his first
attempt. The cat continued towards them from down wind,
Rich Cole said the woods were “completely silent” as not looking in their direction,
and not seeming to be aware
the 125 pound animal advanced toward them
of the two hunters.
On opening day of deer season this past
Rich Cole set his sight, he
Saturday, Pastor Rich Cole of the Mill City
could see the hind end of the animal clearly. He would hit
Baptist Church was out in the woods first
the hind quarter first, he planned, then have an extra shot
thing in the morning hunting with his son,
for the top.
As he set the safety on his rifle to off the distinct “click”
They were quietly combing the hills southdisrupted the silence. The cat and Rich Cole locked eyes.
west of Frank Lumber company. The entire
He took his shot, and it landed as planned. Within that
morning they had not seen even a trace of a
second, the hunt was over.
deer, and they found out that was maybe for
“I tell you, from what was in his stomach there was notha good reason.
ing, he was hungry. He was an old tom cat, missing some
After a morning of no luck they opted to
teeth, and weighed in
take a break. As they sat in silence, munchat 125 pounds,” said
ing on their snack of peanut butter and jelly
Rich Cole.
sandwiches, the two kept careful watch for
The night watchany activity, but there was none. The woods
man at Frank Lumwere absolutely silent.
ber Company menAfter about half an hour they heard a twig
tioned to Cole that
snap down wind from them.
he had been noticing
“Doug saw it first - it was
a big cat, a cougar, about
40 yards away, making it’s
way through the tall timber towards us,” said Rich
Both Rich and Doug were
wearing No Scent, an effective product to mask the
scent of a human; however,
they think that perhaps it
was the peanut butter gave
away their resting place.
“It was the eeriest thing
I’d ever seen. We could
see the cat advancing in
our direction quickly. He
was maneuvering through a
landmine of dried twigs and
leaves, yet the woods remained completely silent,”
said Rich Cole.
Doug didn’t have a cougar
tag, but Rich did.
Local hunter takes
down old tom cougar
there had been no deer coming around to the edges of
the property like usual for a
couple weeks prior. Since Saturday’s hunt however the deer
are back, 3-5 of them every
night now, and Tuesday night
there were 7.
Subscribe to
The Canyon Weekly
and give to the
Mill City Skate Park
at the same time!!
For every digital $15 PDF
subscription ordered through
our website
before October 31, 2014,
$10 will be donated
to the Skate Park fund.
Order yours today!!