Winter 2011 - Santiam Christian School


Winter 2011 - Santiam Christian School
Santiam Christian Schools News Publication
Eagle Eye
Santiam Christian Wrestlers
Win Big at State
Cody Manzi is State Champion
photo by: Bradley Tedrow
VOL. 11
| NO. 2 WINTER 2011
From Stan Baker Superintendent
Dear Friends:
We are now in the second semester of the 2010-11 school
year and everything is going well. Our staff and students are
the cream of the crop! Our enrollment has also stayed strong,
which impacts our budget. It has been a fantastic year and we
thank God for His daily blessings.
Winter Sports and Activities
We are just now completing another great winter season in the sports of basketball,
wrestling, cheerleading, and the activities of DECA, robotics, drama, and choir. I
want to express my personal thanks to the head coaches and advisors, Anthony
Baugher, Melissa McLain, Joe Pearson, Jade Purdy-Stevens, Jay Barton, Paul Carlson,
Rolf McEwen, and Chuck Perry, for their leadership. Special thanks go to all our
coaches from high school, junior high, down through our grade school programs.
Without the incredible gift of your time and talent to teach and inspire our young
men and women, these valuable programs would just not happen. Thank you! (For
specifics, see elsewhere in this edition.)
Development News
When I walked through
the campus this winter,
I couldn’t help but take
in the expanse of our
new building; it seems to
dwarf the ones around it.
I marvel that the beginnings of this incredible project came from
the miraculous gifts of people with no previous ties to our school. Those massive concrete walls strengthen my faith that Santiam
Christian Schools will continue to do His
will in educating future generations.
There is work to be done to see this project to completion. Now is the time to roll
up our sleeves to contribute in some way
towards the hard work of finishing the job.
Will you join us in praying, giving, and
working to get this job done?
March is the month of re-enrollment for all of our existing families. Plan now to
complete the necessary forms to secure your place for next year. We want you to be
a part of the great things that are happening on our campus, as every day our dedicated teachers minister to the needs of your children.
Serving Him with You,
New inquiries regarding admission should be directed to Raelyn Riedlinger, our Director of Admissions.
Liz Doyle - Director of Development
Phone: 541-745-5524, Ext. 244
Annual Parent Meeting, Thursday, May 12
This is your opportunity to learn the latest information regarding current happenings
on campus, vision for the future, etc. At this meeting you, as parent stake-holders,
will elect four board members to represent you in school governance.
Campus Development
In a surprise announcement last month, the DR Horton Company elected to terminate their offer to purchase the Santiam Christian property to the south of our campus. Although this was a surprise to our board, it was no surprise to God and we are
at peace, trusting in his leadership. God apparently has a better plan for us.
Serve Day
On May 9, SC students, under the direction of Mike Hill and the student council,
will disperse throughout our area to share the love of Jesus by completing practical needs for the disabled, senior citizens, and others who need a hand. This list
of needs is still being compiled, so if you know of a family needing help, please
contact Mike Hill at the high school office (541-745-5524) or
From My Heart
In these times of economic uncertainty, we must not allow the media and their focus on negativity, to undermine our faith. God is our source, our strong tower, and
our provider. As Christians, He has not promised to shield us from tough situations,
but has simply promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will walk
with us, and in Him, we have the victory!
Liz Doyle
Future Eagle Eye
The Eagles go to Cyberspace!
To better serve you (and be good stewards
regarding postage), we are making your
Eagle Eye Newsletter and other communication available online, starting with our
Fall issue.
If you would like to receive a hard copy of
the Eagle Eye Newsletter, please contact
us at or contact
Lisa Reichmuth 541-745-5524 ext. 244.
If we don’t hear from you, you will no longer
be receiving a hardcopy of the Eagle Eye.
ALSO - if you have updated family or
contact information for you or someone in
your family, please contact us as soon as
We need your help to keep everyone “in
the loop.”
Stan Baker, Superintendent
Front cover image: Front row: Jacob Howard (5th),
Riley Hills (5th), Michael Fanno (4th) – Middle row: Cody
Manzi (State Champion), Hayden Tedrow (4th) – Back row:
Head Coach Joe Pearson, Statistician Dave Morris and Tad
SC Thumbprint
News Briefs
Students to Minister in Germany
During Spring Break
Katelyn Lang enjoys the students
Santiam Cadets Practice Their Skills
Students in Mrs. Steiling’s cadet teaching
class had a rare opportunity to showcase
their abilities when they teamed with
the OSU finance major students and
OSU Federal Credit Union to present
a financial literacy program in grades
K-6 at the SC elementary school. Junior
Achievement (JA) was directed by Anissa
Arthenayaka, the Director of Community
Education at OSU Federal Credit
Union. Normally just the OSU students
or business associates teach for this
program, but this time each SC student
taught one or two of the five units in
the program. Funding for the materials
came from grants obtained through OSU
Federal Credit Union and fundraising
done by the OSU students.
“This is not a sight-seeing trip,” said
team leader, Barb Hoffman, “but an
amazing opportunity to spread the
seed of the Gospel!” A group of sixteen
students including two SC alumni are
traveling to St. Aloisius Catholic School,
in Bonn, Germany which is considered
one of the most prestigious boarding
schools in Germany.
Under the supervision of teachers Barb
Hoffman and Joe Cook, the SC missions
team left on March 16. They will be
performing dramas on the streets of the
city. Western Europe is one of the leastchurched regions of the world, so this is
a wonderful opportunity for our students
to join with the Father in His work.
The Thumbprint is a brief look at the
students and staff that make Santiam
unique and set it apart as a caring
Elementary Speech Meet
Santiam Elementary students walked
away with high honors at the recent
ACSI Speech Meet in Salem. Fifty eight
students competed against seven other
Christian schools in a competition
that is designed to encourage effective
speech in a public setting. Santiam
had twelve students earn “Superior”
standing including seven who earned
medals for being first in their category.
Christopher Smith, 4th grade, said, “It’s
one of my favorite things about school.
I’ve participated the last 3 years and I’m
happy to have won a medal in poetry.”
Court of Hearts
Brad Herbert and Elle Coon were
crowned as royalty at the Court of
Hearts ceremony in February. The
crowning capped a wonderful week
of crazy dress-up days and spirited
competition between the classes.
King Brad Herbert and Queen Elle Coon
Back row, Kaylee Neumann, Abby Riedlinger, Isabelle Gatien – Front: Naiya Yokochi, Elana Gatien
and Emma Yarbrough (not pictured Chris Smith).
Amos Boshart was a standout on the
football team this year, until he ruptured his spleen in a game. Determined
not to miss basketball season, he made
a remarkable recovery from major
surgery and joined the team where
his all-out effort helped them get to
state. Amos is a formidable force to be
reckoned with on the field, but every
morning students and staff at Santiam
witness another side of Amos. The six
foot, two inch senior can be seen walking patiently, hand in hand, with his
tiny niece, Tayla Yost. Amos picks up
Tayla each morning, carefully strapping
her in the pink booster seat he keeps in
his car, and then drives her to school
where he delivers her to her classroom
Amos is the last of Stan and Lori
Boshart’s five children to graduate from
Santiam Christian, but don’t expect
them to disappear anytime soon. Tayla
is their first grandchild to attend Santiam. She is the daughter of David and
Ola (Boshart) Yost (‘99). Tayla, whom
Amos calls ‘Bubba,’ adores her uncle
and likes to wear Nikes because Amos
wears them. She poured out her heart
in precious prayers when Amos was in
the hospital and that may be part of the
reason his recovery was so miraculous.
Sports News
Wrestling – State Championship
Cody Manzi came away with a 10-9 decision Saturday, February 26, to win the 3A
state title at 189 pounds at the Memorial Coliseum. Cody, in his characteristically
humble fashion, said he was thrilled but stunned when he realized he had won
the championship. “It was a God thing, because I wasn’t expecting to win. All I
did was show up and wrestle.” It has been eighteen years since SC has had a first
place winner and the first time as a 3A school.
photo by: Mark Ylen Democrat Herald
Boys’ Basketball
The SC boys’ basketball team place 4th
in the state.
Coach Joe Pearson was pleased that all five state qualifiers placed in the top five.
Mike Fanno and Hayden Tedrow won 4th, and Jacob Howard and Riley Hills
placed 5th. The guys had strong team dynamics and worked incredibly well
together, wrestling the best ever at state. “This was a very special year of breaking
records for wrestling at SC,” said Coach Pearson. “We seem to have turned a
corner with the program and look forward to more success in the future.”
The team also raised over $7,000 for
Mason MacRostie and Brandon Atkins,
two boys with life-threatening diseases,
to help cover medical bills.
Girls’ Basketball
The Santiam Christian Eagles advanced
to the quarter finals of the 3A state tournament in Coos Bay. After losing their
opening game, the team rebounded to
win their next two games. The Eagles
finished the season 22-7 and won their
second fourth-place trophy in three
The Santiam Christian girls’ basketball
team placed fourth in the PacWest
league, ending the season with a 15-10
record. Janelle Land and Darci Woods
were named to First Team All-League.
Coach Melissa McLain (‘96) said her
team had a lot of character and enjoyed
working together. She added a new
player to the McLain team as she and
husband Dennis (‘96) and 2 year old
Reagan welcomed daughter, Kinley Kate
on March 17.
“Our goal was simple but sometimes
hard to achieve. We wanted to glorify
God in all of our actions; our play, our
effort, how we conducted ourselves on
and off the court, and how we treated
our teammates and community. It was
a job well done.” Coach Baugher said.
Santiam Alum Wins Johnny
Carpenter Award
Tayla Woods (‘10) won the state’s top
sports award within the 4A-3A-2A-1A
female division of the Johnny Carpenter
Prep Athlete of the Year. Woods was
an outstanding athlete in volleyball
and basketball and was the state player
of the year in both sports her senior
year. She helped lead the Eagles to
the state volleyball title and the third
place trophy in basketball. Tayla is
currently attending OSU on a volleyball
Sara Almen, a junior this year at SC
was also a finalist for the award. She
was the 2010 3A volleyball player of
the year and won the first place title for
high jump at the state competition. Sara
has given a verbal commitment to play
volleyball for the Beavers in 2012.
Elementary & Junior High Sports
Girls on the Run
Fifteen elementary girls have joined the Girls on the Run
program. Girls on the Run® is a 501(c)3 positive youth
development program which combines interactive learning
with running to inspire self-respect and healthy lifestyles in
pre-teen girls. This is the first year for Santiam Christian girls
to participate. The season ends with a 5K event in which the
girls participate with their team on June 3, 2011 at the OSU
Campus. Fifth grader Kristina Groome, “I’m looking forward to
running and being physically challenged and having a spiritual
Junior High Girls’ Basketball
Junior High Girls’
Basketball Team Wins
Valley League Championship.
13-0 in league,
15-8 season
Drama / Alumni News
Charley’s Aunt by Brandon Thomas
In Charley’s Aunt, two young Oxford students, Charley Wykeham (Dustin Edin)
and Jack Chesney (Matt Maupin), need
a chaperone so they can entertain Amy
Spettigue (Vicky Nelson) and Kitty Verdun (Kaylee Roderick). Charley learns
that his aunt, Donna Lucia d’Alvadorez
(Ari Nunez) a rich widow from Brazil
(“where the nuts come from”) whom he
has never met, is coming to visit, so they
invite Amy and Kitty to lunch to meet
When the aunt’s visit is delayed, they
persuade their friend Lord Fancourt
Babberly (Brad Herbert) to impersonate
her. This sets a series of events in motion
that quickly make a delightful mess of
everything. The play, directed by Rolf
McEwen, was performed at the Majestic
Theater in November.
The Perils of Lulu by William Gleason
Tornadoes, hurricanes, killer bees,
and international terrorists! Little Lulu
Barnes only wanted to deliver a basket
of goodies to her granny, but the sweet,
charming girl encounters inconceivable
disasters along the way. The Santiam
Christian Junior Players performed The
Perils of Lulu, in January at the Majestic
Theater in Corvallis.
Lulu, played by Briana Ellis, races
through a panorama of terrifying chaos
of floods, fires and sinking ships but is
rescued time and again by her sweetheart, Lance (Wil Sutherland) who is
longing for his first kiss. In hot pursuit of
Lulu’s secret recipe for magma protons,
is a Russian spy, Ludmilla Linski (Jennifer Worotikan). Radio show host,
Walter Winslow (Nathan Maupin), only
adds to the confusion as he tries to track
Lulu and her gang on this whirlwind of
This play was chosen, cast and directed by senior drama students, Dustin
Edin and Matt Maupin, both of whom
developed their passion for drama as
Junior Players. Mrs. Susan Canfield is the
program director.
You Can’t Take It with You
by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart
You Can’t Take It with You, directed by
Jeenie Balkins, is the story of the humorous encounter between a wealthy but
unhappy family and the unconventional
but very happy household of Grandpa
Martin Vanderhof who is played to perfection by Brad Herbert. The family of
peculiar individualists amused the audience with their energetic antics and their
wholehearted pursuit of happiness.
Tony (William Whitley) the attractive
young son of the Kirby’s, falls in love
with Alice Sycamore (Ashley Balck) and
brings his parents to dine at the Sycamore house on the wrong evening. The
Kirbys are shocked by the shenanigans
of Alice’s family and Alice decides that
marriage is out of the question. Tony,
with the help of the entire Sycamore
clan, conspires to win her back.
‘02 Janelle Steiner married Joshua
in December
2010, and
they are
living in
OR. Janelle
in nursing
from Bethel
College in
Kansas and
is currently working on her therapy
degree. They attend Valley Christian
Center in Albany.
‘02 Seth and Evie Steiling welcomed
Bella Coquill, born February 18, who
joins big sister Elina Clarice (2 1/2).
They live in a nearly 100 year-old
house in the Monteith District of
Albany, OR. Seth works as Marketing
Manager for NaturalPoint in Corvallis;
Evie is a stay-at-home mom. They
attend Family Bible Community
Church in Brownsville.
‘07 Britni Steiling is graduating
in May from Northwest Christian
University in Eugene, OR with a
BA in communications. During the
past 4 years at NCU, she has held
the student position of Community
Outreach. Britni started a street drama
ministry called Parable, and launched
The Touch Project, an outreach for
the homeless. Starting this fall she
will be the assistant for the NCU
Campus Pastor, and also hopes to
find an additional job connected
with advocacy for the homeless or
underprivileged in the Eugene area.
‘08 Jonathon Bachman is a Lance
Corporal in the Marine Corps. He was
deployed February 22 with the 13th
Marine Expeditionary Unit. The MEU
is the world’s 911 ready force and will
arrive at any natural disaster or war in
24 to 48 hours so Jonathan could be
sent anywhere in the world.
Donor Focus / Faculty Focus
Donor Focus: Mark Rose
To say that Mark Rose is a successful businessman would be
an understatement, but he humbly gives the credit to God. He
believes that his success as a businessman is only because of
what God has provided. He sees his business as a calling to
help others.
Mark moved from Corvallis to Alaska as a young man and
began work installing wireless gear in airplanes and helicopters
as well. When the need for underground voice communication and wireless data in underground tunnels arose, Mark’s
company invented a solution and Tunnel Radio was born. The
company has grown rapidly
and now son Scott Rose (‘00),
who started working for the
company at 14, is Director of
Production. They are currently working on a system to
enhance helicopter safety and
daughter Caitlin, a sophomore at Santiam has been
Caitlin Rose at work.
involved in this.
Alissa, have attended Santiam during their high school years.
“We wanted our children to experience God in a glorifying environment and we loved the relationship they could have with
the staff and other kids. Under Stan Baker’s leadership I have
seen the school really mature into a class organization that has
hit challenges head on,” Mark commented. “I feel SC is making
a huge impact on this world through the youth affected for God
in a great and effective way, including my kids!”
Mark met his wife Mona while in Alaska and they returned to
Corvallis in 1990 where they have raised their six children.
They homeschooled their children in the younger grades, and
four of them, including Scott, Caitlin, Stephanie (‘02), and
“Any time we have given,” said Mark, “God pours it back in
material and spiritual ways beyond measure.” Santiam Christian
is thankful for families, like the Roses, who make the ministry of
the school possible.
Faculty Focus: Tim Eby
As head of the science
department, Mr. Eby
has a vision for the
entire school working
together so there is a
smooth flow of instruction and experience
from kindergarten to
graduation. He believes
the new science building will greatly increase Mr. Eby shows Ashley Phillips how to handle
Copernicus, the classroom snake.
the value of our program with a formal environment dedicated to the sciences.
“Mr. Eby is one of the nicest, funniest, scariest, coolest teachers
I have,” said eighth grader Maria Rasmussen, echoing the sentiments of many of his students. Tim Eby, who has taught science
at Santiam Christian for ten years, graduated from Westmont
with a degree in biological science and planned to work in
research, but soon realized he wanted to teach. He earned his
California teaching credentials and taught public school in
Bellflower, but when his wife Rachel was hired to teach second
grade at Santiam Christian, Tim applied for the junior high science position. Mr. Bittner, junior high principal, realized what
a find Tim was and immediately hired him.
Mr. Eby teaches junior high life and earth science and high
school biology. His field trips to Mount St. Helens and to the
coast for whale watching are eagerly anticipated. During April
he can be found at the local park for his famous rocket launch.
Tim makes use of technology in his classroom with a Smart
Board and a digital overhead and camera. According to Steve
Bittner, “Mr. Eby is one of those amazing teachers who uses
every second of every class period to its fullest, infecting kids
with his love of science. He is a remarkable educator!”
“Junior high students are not what you might think,” said Tim,
“They are curious and full of excitement. I admire their work ethic
and their compassion. Every morning I look forward to teaching
at Santiam.” He loves the focus on Christian values and character
and the support he gets from both parents and staff.
Liz Doyle, Director of Development said, “Mark truly has a servant’s heart. His love for Stan, our staff and administration goes
deep and he is a generous supporter of Santiam Christian.”
Last summer Tim was chosen to participate in BioLogos at Point
Loma, all expenses paid. The program is designed to bring outstanding Christian middle and high school teachers together to
discuss current, cutting edge research in the field of science.
Mr. Eby is the head coach for cross country which he describes
as the perfect sport for someone who loves to run. He enjoys
walking to work from his nearby home where he lives with
Rachel, Anna (8) and Benjamin (5). They are expecting another
son, Caleb who will arrive in May.
Although they tease him about his booming voice, Tim’s fellow
teachers admire his enthusiasm and dedication to his job. “I
have never heard a student make a negative remark about Mr.
Eby,” one of them commented. And the students do love him!
“He seems to know everything,” said Josh Swigart-Risinger,
“You almost WANT to learn in his class.”
Faculty News / Alumni
Teachers go to School!
Santiam teachers do more than give
homework - they go to school as well! It
has been a busy and productive year for
teacher in-service and training and many
teachers have attended seminars and
workshops to enhance their professional
knowledge and teaching methods. Over 24
teachers participated in more than 20 training sessions, using over $11,000 in grants
and Title I funds.
All teachers attended the October ACSI
conference in Portland where they attend a
variety of workshops. In January, the entire
Santiam staff took a workshop on social
media protocol.
Tim Eby (Science) was awarded a stipend,
plus expenses to attend a one week class
through the BioLogos Foundation at Point
Loma University on Biological Development last August. He returns for a followup course this summer.
Matt Nosack, Peter Ness, Eric Peterson,
Carrie Carson, Jennifer Headrick, and Tim
Eby (All Science) attended the state Science
Teachers Conference.
Rolf McEwen (English) attended a weeklong AP English Language training session.
Maria Steiling (Marriage and Family) attended several workshops on Differentiated
Learning Techniques through the Corvallis
School District.
Diana Hale (First grade) attended a workshop presented on students at risk.
Chuck Dayton (Woodworking) went to the
Woodworking Show in Portland to see the
latest tools and attend seminars.
Susan Canfield (English) attended an Excellence in Writing workshop. The EIW team
is scheduled to hold an intensive two day
campus-wide workshop for all Santiam
Christian writing teachers (particularly
English, social studies, and elementary) in
June, 2011.
Juli Fleener (Sixth grade) and Susan Canfield (English) attended Willamette University’s Oregon Writing Project workshop.
Paul Carlson (Robotics) attended a Lego
Robotics seminar in Portland last summer.
Attention Class of 1991!
A twentieth reunion is being planned
for the weekend of August 6 this coming
summer. If you are interested in attending
or in helping with the planning, contact
Chad Madron at
Attention Class of 2001!
A ten year reunion is being planned.
Contact Charissa Walson at for more information.
Mary Beth Eberle (English) completed an
online course on the New Testament Parables through Northwest Nazarene University and ACSI. The cost for this was covered
by a grant from the Murdock Foundation.
Misty Herbert (Fourth grade) was a presenter for one of the ACSI seminars, sharing
what she had learned from her master’s
thesis on strategies for enhancing vocabulary instruction.
Kelly Cudney, Eric Peterson, Drew Reinhardt, Kim McLain, and Jill Martinson (All
Math) attended a CollegeBoard workshop
on Vertical Team Planning in Mathematics.
Tim Eby (Science) attended a CollegeBoard
workshop on Inquiry-Based Laboratories.
Susan Canfield (English) attended a CollegeBoard workshop on English Composition.
Esther Knaupp (Elementary Yearbook Advisor) and Peggy Bruner (Elementary Yearbook) attended Jostens’s yearbook workshop in the fall.
Class Reunions
Class reunions are exciting and
fun. Did you know that when you
plan your class reunions around
the date of the Alumni Blast,
activities and food can be planned
for you?
If you are interested in planning a
reunion, please call or e-mail the
school. We will gladly provide
you with names, addresses, dates,
etc. Be sure to visit the alumni
area for reunion news on Santiam
Christian’s website at:
Alumni Keep in Touch With
Us on Facebook!
Send us your new contact
information, updates and stories
for publishing in this section by
joining “All Alumni Students, Staff
and Families of Santiam Christian
Schools” on Facebook. Mark your
calendar for the Alumni Blast June
25. We will keep you informed of
all the current events at SC.
Invest in Our Future
Join us and help complete the
New Library/Science/Community
Building. Here are ways you can
Tracy Bartholomew (Counselor) and Sami
Beam (Registrar) attended additional Career Information System training in Salem.
•Sponsor a Square Foot $150
•Sponsor Specific Materials*
•Sponsor an Entire Room*
Tracy Bartholomew (Counselor) attended
a two day seminar called Applied Suicide
Intervention Skills Training.
Please, prayerfully consider your
financial gift. Please enclose your
gift in the attached envelope.
Karen Sisler (Foods) and Kelly Cudney
(Math) have both taken on-line classes
through Northwest Nazarene University
and the Murdock Foundation.
*Please call us if you would like
more information or you are
interested in sponsoring a room or
materials. Call 541-745-5524,
ext. 244
Misty Herbert (Fourth grade), Becki Borg
(Fifth grade), and Julie Fleener (Sixth grade)
attended the Mean Girls K-12 Conference
in Portland in March, which focused on
relational aggression (emotional bullying).
Santiam Christian Schools
7220 NE Arnold Avenue
Adair Village, Oregon 97330
Building Update
Coming Events
New Building – A Miracle in Progress
Heritage Circle Breakfast
The new building is progressing on schedule. According to Bill Chambers, School Board
construction representative, “The exterior doors and windows are installed, and the heat is
on.” As you peer inside, so many things are taking a new shape. The expansive, wide open
spaces are becoming a library, drama room, community room, and classroom,” Bill states.
“We are installing sheet rock, roughing in
the HVAC, electrical, and plumbing. For
any outside progress we need good weather for landscaping and exterior painting.”
The contractor’s goal is for SC to be able to
move into the new library before the end
of the school year. In this way, students can
be a part of the move.
Work continues on raising the remaining
$1.2 million dollars to complete the second floor. As money comes in, construction on the second floor will continue.
Completing the second floor in conjunction with the first floor will save thousands
and thousands of dollars. As we approach
press-time for this article, we are at a critical phase in the building program. Funds
continue to come in but we need an infusion of cash to allow us to take advantage
of the “bargain” construction costs. Join us
in prayer for another miracle that only God
can provide. We look forward to providing
tours of the building soon.
Future Eagle Eye Newsletters: We are making your Eagle Eye Newsletter available online,
starting Fall 2011. If you would like to receive a hard copy of the Eagle Eye Newsletter, please
contact us at or contact Lisa Reichmuth 541-745-5524 ext. 244.
April 19
SC Players Perform Pygmalion
April 21 - 23
Kindergarten Graduation
May 26
High School Baccalaureate May 28
High School Graduation
June 5
High School Mini-sessions
June 6 - 8
Alumni Blast
June 25
Eagle Eye
Stan Baker, Superintendent, Elem. Principal
Wilbur Starr, HS Principal
Steve Bittner, JH Principal
Anthony Baugher, Athletic Director
Joanna Haugen, Business Admin.
Liz Doyle, Development
Editorial Board
Susan Canfield, Writer, Editor
Liz Doyle
Peggy Fletcher
Steve Roderick
Stacy Rogers, Layout
Joanna Haugen
Photos: Bradley Tedrow & Esther Knaupp
Sports & Events Photographer: Kris Reichmuth (Skippy’s
World Photography)
Subscriptions to The Eagle Eye are available to alumni,
donors, and friends of Santiam Christian Schools at no
charge. If you would like to be included or removed
from our mailing list, please contact us at:
541-745-5524, ext. 244 or
© 2011 Santiam Christian Schools

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