Introduction to our Religion
Introduction to our Religion
Introduction to Hindu Religion by Kajal G Patel & Nerali Patel Part 1 Prayer Puja Aarti Introduction to Swaminarayan Sampradaya Moral Codes Niyams Literature Temples Acharayas Prayer What is the meaning of Prayer? Pray: to address a prayer to the holy spirit of God; to make an appeal to God with great emotion Prayer: a reverent petition made to God; an act of reverent petition to God; a specifically worded form used to address God Prayers The 6 Main Types of Prayers: Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Sunday Prayer (usually in mandir) Prayer for Safe Arrival Prayer for Rain Prayer for the Sick to Get Well Puja What is the meaning of Puja? Puja is the act of showing reverence and the process of making a spiritual connection with God through addressing Him with prayer and worship. We can bring ourselves closer to God by concentrating all of our senses on our representation of God. Puja Procedure before starting Puja: Wake up early, before sunrise Visualize God in your mind Go to the bathroom, and then wash your left hand ten times, and then both hands seven times Brush your teeth Take a shower Wear clothes that are clean Puja Procedure of doing Puja: Sit on a piece of clean cloth, facing east or north Touch your right middle finger to your right thumb Place a spoonful of water into your right hand Hold your left hand underneath the right hand Sip the water, then repeat process three times Men: Place Tilak Chandlo on forehead, heart and both arms Married women: Place Chandlo on forehead Puja Mansi Puja process: Chant the welcome mantra: Utisthatistha Govinda, Utistha Garudadvaja, Utistha Kamalkanta, Trailokyam Mangal Karu, Agachchha Bhagwan, Svasthaan Parmeshvar, Aham Pujam Karisyami, Sada Tvsm Sammukho Bhava While you’re still sitting on a cloth and facing either east or north, lay another piece of cloth on the floor in front of you and place pictures of God on it. Chant Asht-akshar mantra given by Acharya Maharajshree Do Mala, five minimum Puja Mansi Puja process continued: Chant Ashtakshar mantra given by Acharya Maharajshree Do Mala, five minimum Stand up and balance on right foot and do Tap Mala Do minimum of five Pradixina (walking around puja) Do six Dandvat (men) Ladies - Bow down while sitting instead of dandvat Sit back down and read minimum of five Shloks from Shikshapatri Offer Prasad to God Puja Mansi Puja process continued: Chant Kshama (Pardon) Mantra: Aparadh Sahastrani, Krintedarnish Maya Dasosayamiti, Man Matva Kshmasva Purushotam Chant Visarjan Mantra Svasthanam Gachh Devesh, Poojamaday Mamkim, Eastkamprasidhyarth, Punaragamanch Take Prasad. Gather up Puja materials. Say Jay Swaminarayan to all your family members. Aarti Translation of our Aarti: I respectfully salute to Sahajanand Swami who has many names. I fold my hands together and show respect at your lotus feet. I bow down to your feet. All my miseries have been taken away. Lord Narayan, you were born in a Brahmin family. You have liberated innumerable souls. Everyday, you perform new acts and you are eternal. All sixty-eight pilgrimage holy places rest at your feet. Bowing down to your feet provides results that are far greater than visiting Kaashi a thousand times. Those who visualize you will be relieved from the cycle of birth and death. They, along with their family, will be relieved from the cycle of birth and death. Lord, you are very gracious and kind. You have shown us an easy path of liberation in order to reach your abode (dham). Introduction to our Sampraday The Swaminarayan Sampraday is about two hundred years old. Since the beginning of Hinduism, there was always the forecast of the creation of the Swaminarayan Sampraday and the birth of Lord Swaminarayan. There were even references made in past sources showing the forecasted birth of Lord Swaminarayan. Introduction to our Sampraday In these references, the Swaminarayan Sampraday was originally known as the Uddhav Sampraday and it was founded by Shri Ramanand Swami, an incarnation of Uddhavaji. Later on, Ramanand Swami gave diksha to Nilkanthvarni at Piplana in 1857. Moral Codes/Basic Vows What are the main moral codes, or Panch Vartman, for the followers of our religion? No drinking (alcohol, caffeine, liquor) No eating meat No theft of any kind No adultery Don’t defile others, or get defiled by others Moral Codes/Basic Vows What are the main moral codes FOR THE SAINTS of our religion? No drinking No eating meat No theft of any kind No adultery Don’t defile others, or get defiled by others Be lustless: Don’t have feeling of desire Be greedless: Unattached to worldly possessions Be tasteless: Don’t be tempted by taste Be prideless Be affectionless Niyams There are 11 Niyams that each devotee of the Sampraday should follow: Be non-violent by any means Do not have any kind of relationship with women other than your wife Do not eat meat Do not drink products that contain alcohol Never touch widows you aren’t related to Never commit suicide Do not steal Never blame others for something you don’t know about Never bad mouth any God or religion Never listen to holy stories from person who doesn’t believe in God or doesn’t follow the rules established by God Never eat someone’s food if they don’t follow the other niyams Literature Lord Swaminarayan wrote the Shikshapatri while on earth in order to leave literature behind that would help guide all of his followers along the right path. The Shikshapatri includes all of the various moral codes for followers, saints and Acharya Maharajshrees to live by. By following the rules in the Shikshapatri, we can work towards achieving Akshardham. Temples What is a temple? A temple, or mandir, is a place to worship God. In temples, God’s idols, or murtis, are installed through a Vedic process There are two types of temples: Hari mandirs Shikharbandh Mandirs. Temples Lord Swaminarayan established six temples while on earth, installing his idol as well other God’s idols. The first temple was built in Ahmedabad. The second was built in Bhuj. The third temple was built in Vadtal. The fourth was built in Dholera. The fifth temple was built in Junagadh. The sixth and final temple was built in Gadhada. Lord Swaminarayan established monotheism. Acharya Maharaj Before departing earth, God established two dioceses and put his two nephews in charge of them. 1st Vadtal Acharaya – Raghuvirji Maharaj 1st Amdavad Acharaya – Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj The Ahmedabad diocese is on the 7th Acharya Maharajshree. The Vadtal diocese is on the 9th Acharya Maharajshree. Current Vadtal Acharaya – Rakeshprasadji Maharaj Current Amdavad Acharaya – Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj Part 2 Table of Contents Our Symbols Karma Janmangal Namavali Scriptures Hindu GODS Hindu Festivals Our Symbols - Kanthi • A necklace of beads symbolizing OUR SURRENDER to the creator of the universe (GOD) o Swaminarayan Bhagwan authorized two Acharyas and Saints to give Guru Mantra • when offering kanthi, acharya/saints put water in right palm of person who is accepting the kanthi and chant the ‘Sharnagat Mantra’ – ‘sacred words of surrender’ consist of two strings • • 1st String: represents the SOUL 2nd String: represents the SUPREME Lord Our Symbols - Kanthi • After wearing the kanthi one take 5 vows: o I will NOT Consume alcohol o I will NOT Eat meat o I will NOT Steal o I will NOT Commit adultery o I will NOT Accept food or water served by a person not approved by age old convention o In other words – I will NOT be converted into doing the above 4 things • • • • Our Symbols - Tilak Chandlo An auspicious ‘U’ mark on the forehead with circular mark inside It signifies that we obey instructions from GOD and that we surrender to God with devotion It also symbolizes that Swaminarayan Bhagwan is always with us Men apply the ‘U’ mark on their forehead, upper arms, and chest o the mark is made from powder of holy wood called “Chandan” o the round mark in the center is made from “Kumkum” but only applied on the forehead o Women apply only the round mark with Kumkum o * Widowed women do not apply any mark KARMA KARMA • • = what we have done + what we are what we will doing now + do in future In Hindu philosophy, “KARMA” means actions. Three kinds of KARMA 1. “Sanchit Karma” : accumulated actions 2. “Kriyaman Karma” : current actions 3. “Prarabdha Karma” : ripe or fructuous action Acronym to remember what KARMA means: K: ‘Know’ your karma and ‘Know’ GOD A: ‘Action’ Good or Bad R: ‘Re-Incarnation’ our future life M: ‘Moksha’ liberation from Birth and Rebirth A: ‘Akshardham’ Janmangal Namavali • • • • 108 Names of our Swaminarayan Bhagwan Reciting the Janmangal absolves the sins and purifies those who recite them The reciter attains the four ends of worldly life: o Dharma- the religious merit o Artha- the acquisition of wealth o Kama- the fulfilment of wishes and desires o Moksha- the ultimate release from the cycle of birth and death The number 108 is symbolic 1: you are worshipping God as being only one as Swaminarayan Bhagwan 0: when you recite these names, your sins, evil thought are reduced to zero 8: you get eight types of miraculous powers to fulfill all your noble desires Vachanamrut • “Vachan” means knowledge given through speech by Swaminarayan Bhagwan • “Amrut” means eternal, live forever and Liberation from Birth and Death Cycle • In the last ten years of his stay on Earth, Lord Swaminarayan started giving his knowledge to his devotees through speeches • o while he gave speeches, SAINTS TOOK DETAILED NOTES o notes taken by Muktananda Swami, Nityananda Swami, Gopalanand Swami and Sukhanand Swami were compiled in the form of a book Each Vachanamrut describes the place, time and clothes that Lord Swaminarayan was wearing Shikshapatri • • • • a book containing 212 Shlokas • it lists duties by categories like Devotees, Acharya, Sadhus, Acharya Wives, Kings, Brahmins and others by caste, and gender • it teaches the way of living a social and spiritual life at its highest a SHLOKA is a verse or hymn in Sanskrit it is the book of guidance the master key for worldly peace, prosperity, happiness and final salvation after death 8 Sat-sastras approved by Swaminarayan Bhagwan in Shikshapatri 4 Vedas Vyas Sutra Shreemad Bhaagvat Shreemad Bhagavat Gita Vidur Niti Yaag-na-val-kay Smruti Vasudev Ma-haat-miya Vishnu Sa-has-tra-naam Other Scriptures Satsangi Jivan Ramayan Gopalanand Swami ni Vato Gunatitanand Swami ni Vato Bhakta Chintamani Lord Ganesh • • • Ganesh was created by Parvati Devi • • Ganesh has two sons names, Labh and Shubh His brother’s name is Kartikeya Ganesh has two wives names, Riddhi and Siddhi Every Swaminarayan temple has Ganesh installed at the main entrance o • • this indicates that devotees should leave all evils such as lust,anger,greed,jealousy, etc. outside Lord Ganesh is the Lord of good wishes He is always worshipped first in any Hindu religious ceremony Lord Shiva • Shiva is one of the Hindu Trinity, o Brahma= the creator o Vishnu= the preserver o Shiva= the Destroyer and Re-Producer of Life • Shiva is also known as Mahesh , Mahadev and Nataraj • He is portrayed as sitting on a tiger skin, and he has poisonous snakes around his neck, his hair and his body • Lord Shiva has a third eye in the center of his forehead along with a crescent moon • • His powerful weapon is the Trishul, the trident His favorite vehicle is the sacred bull called Nandi 24 Incarnations of Narayan Bhagwan Sankandik Nrusinh Varah Vaman Yagna Hanas Haygreev Narayan Nar-Narayan Dev Manvantar Kapil Bhagwan Parshuram Dattatreya Ramchandraji Bhagwan Rushabh Dev Vyas Pruthu Shri Krishna Bhagwan Macch Buddha Kacch Kalki Dhanvantari Hari Lord Swaminarayan • Lord Swaminarayan incarnated at 10:10pm on the second of April in 1781 in Chhapaiya • Lord Swaminarayan assumed a mortal human form as the son of Dharmadev and Bhaktimata • He has nine names: • • Ghanshyam, Hari, Krishna, Harikrishna, Nilkanth Varni, Sarjudas, Narayan Muni, Sahajanand Swami, Swaminarayan Bhagwan After fulfilling His mission of establishing the Bhagavata Dharma and the task of rejuvenating and revitalizing the ancient Vedic path, He left His mortal body at Gadhpur on the 10th day of the bright half of Jeth month of Vikram Samvat 1886 Hindu Festivals Makarsankranti • A kite festival also known as “Uttarayan” that occurs on the 14th of January every year • In Gujarat, it is celebrated by flying kites and preparing various items from sesame seeds • The moral of this festival is to become soft like sesame seeds, forget the past ill-feelings and hostiles and remain friends. • This festival helps maintain the social relationships within family, caste and community • You should also donate generously on this day Ram Navmi • • Ram Navmi celebrates the birthday of Lord Ram • In our Sampradaya, we celebrate Ram Navmi as well as Hari Jayanti on the same day which is the birthday of Swaminarayan Bhagwan • This festival is celebrated in every Swaminarayan temple all over the world • Many devotees stay awake the night before Ram Navmi and sing kirtans of Lord Ram Lord Ram was born on the ninth day of Hindu month Chaitra in Treta Yuga Vasant Panchami • The festival marks the first day of spring • Vasant Panchami was when Lord Swaminarayan gave the great gift of the Shikshapatri to his disciples • This festival is dedicated to Saraswati, the goddess of learning • Vasant Panchami is full of religious, seasonal and social significance with a new sense of optimism Holi – Dhuleti - Fuldolutsav 1. HOLI – marks the day when Narayan Bhagwan protected his devotee PRAHALAD from being burnt up in a bon fire 2.DHULETI – Festival of Colors 3.FULDOL UTSAV – Celebration of the birthday of Nar – Narayan Bhagwan Diwali • • • Diwali is the last day of the Hindu calendar It is the festival of Lights The festivities last twenty days o • it all starts on Dusshera- Lord Rama killed Ravana The Diwali festival itself last five days: o Day 1 Dhanteras: ‘Dhan’ means wealth and ‘Teras’ means thirteen o Day 2 Kali Chaudas: ‘Kali’ means dark or evil and ‘Chaudas’ means fourteen o Day 3 Dipawali: ‘Dip’ means light and ‘Awali’ means row o Day 4 New Year: the first day of the new year o Day 5 Bhaibij: a symbol of love between sisters and brothers Other Hindu Festivals Maha-Shivratri Janmastami Rath Yatra Summary Hindu Religion is very diverse Difficult to cover all topics in 30 minutes THIS WAS A VERY BRIEF SUMMARY OF OUR RELIGION Thank you for your time Jay Swaminarayan
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