midterm exam review
midterm exam review
Prayer What is the meaning of Prayer? Pray: to address a prayer to the holy spirit of God; to make an appeal to God with great emotion Prayer: a reverent petition made to God; an act of reverent petition to God; a specifically worded form used to address God Puja What is the meaning of Puja? Puja is the act of showing reverence and the process of making a spiritual connection with God through addressing Him with prayer and worship. We can bring ourselves closer to God by concentrating all of our senses on our representation of God. 8 Sat-sastras approved by Swaminarayan Bhagwan in Shikshapatri 4 Vedas Vyas Sutra Shreemad Bhaagvat Shreemad Bhagavat Gita Vidur Niti Yaag-na-val-kay Smruti Vasudev Ma-haat-miya Vishnu Sa-has-tra-naam Introduction to our Sampraday In these references, the Swaminarayan Sampraday was originally known as the Uddhav Sampraday and it was founded by Shri Ramanand Swami, an incarnation of Uddhavaji. Later on, Ramanand Swami gave diksha to Nilkanthvarni at Piplana in 1857. Moral Codes/Basic Vows What are the main moral codes, or Panch Vartman, for the followers of our religion? No drinking (alcohol, caffeine, liquor) No eating meat No theft of any kind No adultery Don’t defile others, or get defiled by others Niyams There are 11 Niyams that each devotee of the Sampraday should follow: Be non-violent by any means Do not have any kind of relationship with women other than your wife Do not eat meat Do not drink products that contain alcohol Never touch widows you aren’t related to Never commit suicide Do not steal Never blame others for something you don’t know about Never bad mouth any God or religion Never listen to holy stories from person who doesn’t believe in God or doesn’t follow the rules established by God Never eat someone’s food if they don’t follow the other niyams Our Symbols - Kanthi • A necklace of beads symbolizing OUR SURRENDER to the creator of the universe (GOD) o Swaminarayan Bhagwan authorized two Acharyas and Saints to give Guru Mantra • when offering kanthi, acharya/saints put water in right palm of person who is accepting the kanthi and chant the ‘Sharnagat Mantra’ – ‘sacred words of surrender’ consist of two strings • • 1st String: represents the SOUL 2nd String: represents the SUPREME Lord • • • • Our Symbols - Tilak Chandlo An auspicious ‘U’ mark on the forehead with circular mark inside It signifies that we obey instructions from GOD and that we surrender to God with devotion It also symbolizes that Swaminarayan Bhagwan is always with us Men apply the ‘U’ mark on their forehead, upper arms, and chest o the mark is made from powder of holy wood called “Chandan” o the round mark in the center is made from “Kumkum” but only applied on the forehead o Women apply only the round mark with Kumkum o * Widowed women do not apply any mark Vachanamrut • “Vachan” means knowledge given through speech by Swaminarayan Bhagwan • “Amrut” means eternal, live forever and Liberation from Birth and Death Cycle • In the last ten years of his stay on Earth, Lord Swaminarayan started giving his knowledge to his devotees through speeches • o while he gave speeches, SAINTS TOOK DETAILED NOTES o notes taken by Muktananda Swami, Nityananda Swami, Gopalanand Swami and Sukhanand Swami were compiled in the form of a book Each Vachanamrut describes the place, time and clothes that Lord Swaminarayan was wearing Shikshapatri • • • • a book containing 212 Shlokas • it lists duties by categories like Devotees, Acharya, Sadhus, Acharya Wives, Kings, Brahmins and others by caste, and gender • it teaches the way of living a social and spiritual life at its highest a SHLOKA is a verse or hymn in Sanskrit it is the book of guidance the master key for worldly peace, prosperity, happiness and final salvation after death Lord Swaminarayan • Lord Swaminarayan incarnated at 10:10pm on the second of April in 1781 in Chhapaiya • Lord Swaminarayan assumed a mortal human form as the son of Dharmadev and Bhaktimata • He has nine names: • • Ghanshyam, Hari, Krishna, Harikrishna, Nilkanth Varni, Sarjudas, Narayan Muni, Sahajanand Swami, Swaminarayan Bhagwan After fulfilling His mission of establishing the Bhagavata Dharma and the task of rejuvenating and revitalizing the ancient Vedic path, He left His mortal body at Gadhpur on the 10th day of the bright half of Jeth month of Vikram Samvat 1886 HENOTHEISM – worship one God without denying the existence of other Gods. GOD incarnated to this world in different forms. The devotees pray to which ever form they have faith in. The devotees of different forms of GOD are called by different names based on which form of GOD they worship. For Example…. Devotees of Lord Vishnu – Vaishnavas Devotees of Lord Shiva - Shaivas Devotees of Goddess Parvati – Shaktis MONOTHEISM - All Hindus believe in one Supreme God who created the universe. He is all-pervasive. Bhagwan incarnated to this world in many different forms. THE SOURCE OF ALL INCARNATIONS IS ONE GOD… 84. My followers shall regard the five deities named here, with reverence – VISHNU, SHIVA, GANAPATI, PARVATI, AND THE SUN How it was Initially Started AKSHARDHAM So first Bhagwan tells Akshar, who orders the muktos of Akshardham to create a person named pradhan purush. Part 2 Pradhan Pursh then creates maha-tatva (chitt), which then creates the three ahankars. These ahankars then make certain traits or people. Part 3 These traits then form into virat purush, who then makes Brahma ( this is the person that the universe is inside of). Brahma then creates Marichi Prajapati, who create Kashyap Prajapati. Viraat Purush [ This is the person that the universe is inside of ] Part 4 Kashyap Prajapati then creates all the Devs, Demons, Humans, Animals, Trees, and Mountains on the loks. Types of Temple Shikhar Temple Bhagwan’s Murti is made of Stone or Five Metals Have Shikhars (Pinnacle or Steeple) on the outside Hari Mandir Bhagwan’s Murti is made of Painting Have Shikhars on the inside on The Dome and Steeple Steeple – Shikhar (Summit) Represents the mythological ‘Meru’ or the highest mountain peak. Often the form of the trident of Shiva Dome Shape varies from region to region The Inner Chamber ‘Garbhagriha’ or ‘womb-chamber’ Image or Idol of the diety (murti) is placed Visitors cannot enter this area. Only temple priests are allowed inside. The Temple Hall Usually decorated with painting of gods and goddesses Used to sit, meditate, pray, chant or watch the priests perform the rituals The Front Porch Area where a big metallic bell hangs from the ceiling Devotees ring this bell to declare their arrival and departure Reservoir filled with water Used for rituals Used to keep temple floor clean May also be used for ritual bath before entering the holy abode The Walkway Around the walls of the inner chamber Used by the devotees to walk around the deity ‘Pradakshina’ – mark of respect to the temple’s God or Goddess. Sabha-Mandap* Generally seen in Swaminarayan Temples Used by saints to conduct katha for a large number of devotees Used during festivals for celebrations Temples Lord Swaminarayan established six temples while on earth, installing his idol as well other God’s idols. The first temple was built in Ahmedabad. The second was built in Bhuj. The third temple was built in Vadtal. The fourth was built in Dholera. The fifth temple was built in Junagadh. The sixth and final temple was built in Gadhada. Lord Swaminarayan established monotheism. BHAKTI There are basically two major types of Bhakti: Falaroopa - A leaf, flower, fruits or water is gladly accepted by me if offered with devotion and level of mind as explained in Gita. Sadhanroopa – This is again split into nine type known as “Navadha Bhakti” as described in Satsangi Jeevan, 1st Prakaran, 36th Adhyaay. NAVDHA BHAKTI Shravan Kirtan Smaran Archan Paadasevan Vandan Dasatva Sakha Atmanivedan Muktanand Swami was the one who made the aarti, “Jay Sadguru Swami..” As in most of the kirtans, somewhere in the things there will be the name of the swami who has compose the product. “Muktanand kahey mukti…” that is the line where it list the swami’s name. Which in this case its Muktanand Swami. Shikhar mandirs perform aarti 5 times › Mangala Aarti – Dawn ~ 5am – When the Deities offer the first darshan of the › › › › day, signifying the auspicious beginning of the day for devotees Shangaar Aarti ~ 8am – after Deities are dressed in new clothes and adorned with ornaments Rajbhog Aarti – Midday – After the Deities have been offered their midday meal Sandhya Aarti – Evening – Sunset – When the Deities offer their special evening audience Shayan Aarti – Bedtime – When the Deities are about to retire for the night Hari Mandirs perform aarti 2 times a day, Shangaar and Sandhya Muktanand Swami wrote the aarti on November 5, 1802. The village name was KAALVAANI What is Shree Radha-Krishna Ashtaka? The Radhika Krishnashtaka (also called the Radhashtak) is a hymn. It is composed of eight verses, so is called as Ashtak (Ashta means eight). It is said that the person who recites this ashtak can get Darshan of Lord Krishna through chanting this. In Swaminarayan Sampraday, we recite this daily after the aarti with great love and devotion, as it is prescribed in the Satsangi Jeevan (P.4, A.48). Also it is found that Sadguru Gunatitananda Swami used to recite this ashtak every day after sandhya aarti till he left this planet. Who is Goddess Laxmi? ● Laxmiji is the goddess of wealth and prosperity ● She is the daughter of… Bhrigu Rishi – one of the Sapta (7) Rishi Marriage of Shree Laxmiji to Lord Narayan ● When Laxmiji got at the age of marriage, Laxmiji’s father asked NARADJI to find him a good proposal for Laxmiji. ● Naradji said to Laxmiji that “Laxmi, you should chant the hymn “Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevay” Marriage of Shree Laxmiji to Lord Narayan ● Laxmiji went to forest and stood under a Berry Tree and meditated on Lord Narayan and chanted the mantra “Om Namo Bhagvateh Vasudevaay” given by Naradji ● Narayan got pleased of Laxmi and gave her two boons First: to be united with her in marriage o Second: to stay with her at this place for o everafter. Where did Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan install the murti of Shri Laxminarayan Dev? Shri Laxminarayan is installed in Vadtal EXACTLY where the BERRY TREE used to be located in the village of Vadtal. The murti was installed in November 3rd, 1884 WHICH DEMON DID THEY DEFEAT? Evilness was taking over on the earth through the DEMON KUNCHI. Kunchi wanted to be powerful so he meditated on Brahmaji or The Sun-god. Brahmaji was pleased and gave Kunchi one wish. Kunchi wanted to be immortal and live forever but Brahmaji could not give him that wish. So Kunchi asked for 1000 protective shields of armour. If someone wanted to BREAK ONE SHIELD, they would have to meditate for 1000 years and then battle him for 1000 years. This would have to be continuous or the shield would not break. This is not possible to be done by one person. Bhagwan incarnated as TWINS – Shree Nar and Shree Narayan. Bhagwan Narayan first meditated for 1000 years then battled Kunchi for 1000 years. While that battle was going on, Bhagwan Nar meditated for those 1000 years. Then they switch off. Bhagwan Nar would go into battle and Bhagwan Narayan would meditate. When 999 shields were broken, Kunchi ran to Suryadev for protection. Re-Birth Suryadev protected him until Mata Kunti (Mother of the Pandavas) asked for a son Suryadev gave Kunchi as Kunti’s first son who was named Karna who was born with one shield of armour which made him invincible. Arjun was also born to Kunti by wish of Lord Indra. Krishna was born to Vasudev and Devki. Karna was the most generous man who ever lived. He would give anything he had to anyone who asked for it. The final shield of Kunchi or Karna was gifted to Lord Indra when he came as the form of a brahmin and begged for it before the battle of Mahabharat. Lord Krishna (Shree Narayan) drove the chariot and Arjun (Shree Nar) was the person who battled Karna (Kunchi) and defeated him. Nar=born as arjun Narayan=born as krisna. WHAT CURSE DID DURVASA MUNI GIVE TO THEM? the curse that Durvasa Muni had given them was to get born again in Bharatkhand. That was the reason they had re-birth. After the Curse… Shree Nar-Narayan Dev took birth in the village near Ayodhya called Chhapaiya. His name was Ghanshyam and today is known as Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan Shree Narnarayan Dev - Amdavad Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan installed the murti of Shree Narnarayan dev in Amdavad (The first Swaminarayan temple in the world) on February 24, 1822. Shree Narnarayan Dev were also installed in Bhuj on May 25, 1823. Shikshapatri Shlok 143• No transactions relating to land or money shall be entered into even with a son, or a friend or others except by a written document daily attested by witnesses. Shikshapatri Shlok 145• Expenses shall ever be incurred in proportion to their income. They shall bear in mind that they shall surely meet with great difficulty if they spend more than what they earn. Shikshapatri Shlok 146• They shall daily write accounts legibly in their own hand after recollecting both the amounts received as income and spent as expense in the course of economic dealings during the day. Shikshapatri Shlok 147• The Satsangi Householders shall offer to the lord one-tenth of their earnings, in terms of money or food grains, from their own profession or business. Those who are economically weak shall offer only onetwenthieth part of their earnings. Shikshapatri Shlok 152• They shall pay agreed wages in cash or kind to the servants employed by them. If the debt is repaid, the fact of repayment shall not be kept secret.
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