NYCHSRO/MedReview Newsletter Volume 17
NYCHSRO/MedReview Newsletter Volume 17
A Publication of NYCHSRO/MEDREVIEW VOLUME 17, NO. 2 July - December 2014 NYCHSRO/MedReview 40th Anniversary N NYCHSRO Celebrates NYCHSRO/MedReview 40th Anniversary 40th Anniversary YCHSRO/MedReview, the oldest health care peer review organization in New York, celebrated its 40th anniversary on September 15th at the Down Town Association near Wall Street. Hundreds of wellwishers joined a celebratory reception in honor of the occasion. The Organization honored longtime employees, 11 of whom worked there for more than 20 years and another 25 who had been there for more than 10 years. Joseph Stamm, the organization’s CEO and President, stated MedReview evaluates the cost and quality of health services paid for by its clients, who in- “We have laid a solid, clude labor strong, sustainable union, govfoundation and are ernment agencies ready to start building and managed-care for the next 40 years.” companies. It now operates in 15 states and has saved its clients more than $1 billion “postreview” since 1974. Stamm dedicated the evening’s celebration in memory of Dr. Lowell Bellin, who was the NYC Commissioner of Health and Chairman of the School of Public Health at Columbia University. Dr. Erin Bellin, Lowell’s son, told the gathering that his father had been inspired to fight Medicaid fraud when he read a patient’s chart and found the doctor had prescribed an expensive set of orthotics for “foetida pedibus”,Latin for “smelly feet”. Other speakers included Mitra Behroozi, Director of Local 1199 SEIU’s National Benefit Fund; Spencer Young, Senior Vice President for Clinical Operations at HDI (Health Data Insights); Arnold Saperstein, M.D., President and CEO of MetroPlus Health Plan; and Rabbi Joseph Potasnick of the New York Continued on page 5 NYCHSRO/MedReview 40th Anniversary (Above): Spencer Young (left), Senior Vice President f Data Insights, speaks at the reception; at right is M Joseph Stamm. (Above): Spencer Young (left), Senior (Left, Vice President for Clinical Operations at Health l-r): New York State Assembly Members Richard Data Insights, speaks at the reception; at right is MedReview CEO and President Alec Brook-Krasny and Denny Farrell present Stamm Joseph Stamm. (Left, l-r): New York State Assembly Members Richard Gottfried, Steven Cymbrowitz, Alec Brook-Krasny and Denny Farrell present Stamm with a proclamation. (Above): Spencer Young (left), Senior Vice President Clinical Operations at Health butions fortowards ensuring that Data Insights, speaks at the reception; at right is MedReview CEO and President New Yorkers receive the quality Joseph Stamm. health care they deserve.” (Left, l-r): New York State Assembly MembersThe Richard Gottfried, Steven Cymbrowitz, reception was attended by a Alec Brook-Krasny and Denny Farrell present Stamm with a proclamation. wide range of elected officials; a number of them presented the organization with proclamations. They included New York State butions towards that Assembly Membersensuring Alec BrookNew Yorkers receive the quality Krasny, Steven Cymbrowitz, Denny health care they deserve.” Farrell, Gottfried, Rhoda Jacobs reception was Also attended by a andThe Linda Rosenthal. in attenwide range elected officials; dance were ofBrooklyn Borougha number of them presented the President Eric Adams; Queens organization with Melinda proclamations. Borough President Katz; They included New York State City Council Members David Assembly Members Alec Greenfield, Andy King andBrookMark Krasny, Steven Levine; formerCymbrowitz, State and Denny City (Clockwise from above): Mitra Behroozi, director of Local 1199 SEIU’s National Benefit Fund, with Stamm; Dr. Arnold Saperstein, president and CEO of MetroPlus Health Farrell, Gottfried, Rhoda Jacobs H. Carl McCall and Plan, with Stamm; Richard N. Gottfried, Chair of the New York State Assembly Committee on Health, with Stamm; Dr. Eran Bellin speaks at the event; and Comptrollers and Linda Rosenthal. in attenBill Thompson; and Also former City musical performance by Nina Bogomas. dance were Michael Brooklyn C. .Borough Nelson. Top row: (L-R) NYS Assemblymembers Richard Gottfried, Steven Cymbrowitz, Alec Brook-Krasny Councilman and Denny Farrell President Eric Adams; Queens (Clockwise from above): Mitra Behroozi, director of Local 1199 SEIU’s National Benefit Fund, with Stamm; Dr. Arnold Saperstein, president and CEO of MetroPlus Health Additional were Spencer Young , Senior VPofatthe HDI. iddleState rowAssembly : (L-R) MCommittee itra Behroozi , Director at Local SEIU’ sproclamations NBF, Borough President Katz;and Plan, with Stamm; Richard N. Gottfried, Chair NewMYork on Health, with Stamm; Dr. 1199 Eranreceived Bellin speaks at Melinda the event; from NYS Comptroller Dr. Arnold Saperstein, President and CEO of MetroPlus. City Council Members David musical performance by Nina Bogomas. Tom DiNapoli and NYC Public Greenfield, AndyJames. King Bottom Row (L-R): Musical performance by Nina Bogomas, Dr. Erin Bellin, Assemblyman Richard GLetitia ottfried . and Mark Advocate Levine; State individuals and City Among former the numerous (Clockwise from above): Mitra Behroozi, director of Local 1199 SEIU’s National Benefit Fund, with Stamm; Dr. Arnold Saperstein, president and CEO of MetroPlus Health ComptrollersMedReview’s H. Carl McCall and Plan, with Stamm; Richard N. Gottfried, Chair of the New York State Assembly Committee on Health, with Stamm; Dr. Eran Bellin speaks at the event; and recognizing “leaderBill Thompson; City musical performance by Nina Bogomas. ship, commitmentand andformer dedication Councilman Michael C. Nelson. to improving the quality and cost Additional proclamations were effectiveness of health care” were received fromCharles NYS Schumer Comptroller U.S. Senators and Tom DiNapoli and NYC Public Kirsten Gillibrand of New York Advocate Letitia James. and Mark Warner of Virginia; many Amongof theCongress; numerous New individuals members York recognizing MedReview’s “leaderBill de Blasio; New York YCHSRO/MedReview, the dent, stated, “We have laid a solid, celebration in memory of Dr. Behroozi, director of Local 1199 Mayor ship, commitment and dedication oldest health care peer review strong, sustainable foundation and Lowell Bellin, who was the NYC SEIU’s National Benefit Fund; State Senate Majority Co-Leader, to improving quality cost Skelos; the New YorkandState organization in New York, celebrat- are ready to start building for the Commissioner of Health and Spencer Young, Senior Vice Dean effectiveness of health care”Silver; were Speaker Sheldon Chairman of the School of Public President for Clinical Operations at Assembly ed its 40th anniversary on Sept. next 40 years.” U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and MedReview evaluates the cost Health at Columbia University. HDI (Health Data Insights); New York City Council Speaker 15th at the Down Town Association Kirsten Mark-Viverito; Gillibrand of New York New York near Wall Street. Hundreds of well- and quality of health services paid Dr. Eran Bellin, Lowell’s son, told Arnold Saperstein, M.D., president Melissa and Mark Warner of Virginia; many wishers joined a celebratory recep- for by its clients, who include the gathering that his father had and CEO of MetroPlus Health City Comptroller Scott Stringer; members of other Congress; various State New and York City tion in honor of the occasion. The labor unions, government agen- been inspired to fight Medicaid Plan; and Rabbi Joseph Potasnik of and Mayor officials. Bill de Blasio; New York Behroozi, director ofof Local celebration in read memory of Dr. the dent,the stated, “We have laidcompaa solid, YCHSRO/MedReview, the cies Behroozi, director of Local 1199 celebration inNew memory Dr. 1199 dent, stated, “We have laid a solid, YCHSRO/MedReview, elected York Boardof Rabbis. fraud when he a patient’s and managed-care organization honored longtime State Senate Majority Co-Leader, SEIU’s National Benefit Fund; Lowell Bellin, who was the NYC strong, sustainable foundation and oldest health care peer review National Benefit Bellin,Richard who was the NYC andthatLowell oldest care peer nies. review A congratulatory journal Fund; of N. Gottfried, ChairSEIU’s of chart and found the doctor It nowstrong, operatessustainable in 15 states foundation employees, 11 health of whom worked Deanthan Skelos; New was York State Spencer Young,State Senior Vice more Commissioner of Healthsetand are ready to startitsbuilding for the had organization in New York, celebrat135 letters presentthe New York Assembly prescribed an expensive of and has saved clients more there for more than 20 years and Young, Sheldon SeniorSilver; Vice Commissioner of forHealth and Spencer are ready to start building for theSchool organization in Newon York, celebratAssembly President Clinical Operations at ed Chairmanfor of “foetida the of Public next 40 ed its 40th anniversary Sept. to all in Speaker attendance. on Health, said, pedibus” — Committee $1years.” billion “post-review” orthotics another 25 who had been there for than President for Clinical Operations at Chairman ofHDI the School ofData Public nextevaluates 40 years.” ed atthan itsthe10 40th anniversary on Sept. New Council Speaker (Health Insights); Healthforat“smelly Columbia MedReview the cost Latin 15th Down Town Association For York moreCity information, visit Stamm and his executive feet.” University. “Joseph 1974. more years. Joseph Stamm, since Melissa Mark-Viverito; New York Arnold Saperstein, M.D., president Dr. Eran Bellin, Lowell’s son, told and quality of health services paid near Wall Street. Hundreds of (Health Data Insights); HealthMitra at Columbia University. MedReview evaluates cost included 15th at the Down Association team have made enduring contriOther the speakers Stamm dedicated the evening’s the organization’s CEOTown and presiCity Comptroller Scott Stringer; and CEO of MetroPlus Health the gathering that his father had for by its clients, who include wishers joined a celebratory recep14 WORLD Hundreds • OCTOBER 10-16, 2014 and quality of health services paid Dr. Eran Bellin, Lowell’s son, told Arnold Saperstein, M.D., president nearJEWISH Wall Street. of welltion in honor of the occasion. The labor unions, government agen- been inspired to fight Medicaid Plan; and Rabbi Joseph Potasnik of and various other State and City CEO officials. of MetroPlus Health thea patient’s gatheringthethat his Board fatherof had by its clients, who when include wishers joined a celebratory recepNew York Rabbis.and elected he read and for managed-care compa- fraud organization honored longtime cies Rabbi Josephjournal Potasnik A congratulatory of of been inspiredRichard to fight Medicaid labor unions, government N. Gottfried, ChairPlan; of and tion in honor the occasion. The chart and agenfound that the doctor It now operates in 15 states employees, 11 of of whom worked nies. more than lettersof was presentthe New York State Assembly had prescribed an expensive set of and has saved its clients more there for more than 20 years and Board Rabbis. organization honored longtime cies and managed-care compa- fraud when he read a patient’s the New York135 another 25 who had been there for than $1 billion “post-review” orthotics for “foetida pedibus” — Committee on Health, said, ed to all in attendance. Richard N. Gottfried, Chair of that the doctor in 15 states chart and found employees, 11 of whom worked nies. It now operates For more information, visit “Joseph Stamm and his executive Latin for “smelly feet.” more than 10 years. Joseph Stamm, since 1974. the New York State Assembly had prescribed expensive set ofcontriand hasthesaved its clients more included there for moreCEO than yearsStamm and dedicated made enduring Other speakers Mitra teamanhave evening’s the organization’s and20 presi- N N NInside This Issue.... w NYCHSRO Celebrates 40th Anniversary...1 w Healthcare Headline Summaries....2 w Congressional Ceremony Honoring Raoul Wallenberg...3 w Joseph Stamm CEO Honored by NY Academy of Medicine...4 w Special Anniversary Supplement...5-15 w NYCHSRO/MedReview Hosts Letitia James...16 w Political Roundup...4 than $1 billion “post-review” orthotics w Organization Farewell to Rhoda on Jacobs...17 Health, said, for “foetidaBids pedibus” — Committee “Joseph Stamm and his executive Latin for “smelly feet.” more than 10 years. Joseph Stamm, since 1974. w News in Review Profile: Annevictoria Palumbo...5 w 2014 Summer Outing...17 Other speakers included Mitra team have made enduring contriStamm dedicated the evening’s the organization’s CEO and presi- 14 JEWISH • OCTOBER 10-16, for 2014 another 25WORLD who had been there 14 JEWISH WORLD • Joins OCTOBER 10-16, 2014BOD...3 w Bill Thompson NYCHSRO w Year End Holiday Party 2014...18 w Joseph Stamm CEO Invited to White House...4 w 2014 Year in Review...19 w Client Relation Activities...20 butions New Yo health ca The re wide ran number organiza They in Assembl Krasny, S Farrell, and Lind dance w Presiden Borough City Co Greenfie Levine; Comptro Bill Tho Councilm Addition received Tom Di Advocate Amon recogniz ship, com to impro effective U.S. Sen Kirsten and Mark members Mayor B State Se Dean S Assembl New Yo Melissa City Co and vari elected o A co more tha ed to all For m Bracing for the Falls of an Aging Nation – NY- Times 10/30/2014 - As the population ages and people live longer in bad shape, the number of older Americans who fall and suffer serious, even fatal, injuries is soaring. In response, the retirement communities, assisted living facilities and nursing homes where millions of Americans live are trying to balance safety and their residents’ desire to live as they choose. Those who study and manage retirement facilities and nursing homes say there is heightened attention to preventing falls. Trying to anticipate hazardous conditions, retirement facilities like The Sequoias hire architects and interior designers, some of whom wear special glasses that show the building as an old person would see it. The dangers are real. The number of people over 65 who died after a fall reached nearly 24,000 in 2012, the most recent year for which fatality numbers are available — almost double the number 10 years earlier, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The rate of severe falls has been increasing for Americans over the age of 65. Researchers say that there has also been a rise in diseases linked to falls: diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and Parkinson’s disease. In some cases, the medication to treat the disease can increase the risk of falling. More than 2.4 million people over 65 were treated in emergency departments for injuries from falls in 2012 alone, an increase of 50 percent over a decade. All told, in the decade from 2002-2012, more than 200,000 Americans over 65 died after falls. Falls are the leading cause of injuryrelated death in that age group. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, nearly 17 percent of nursing home residents in the United States, or 220,000 people, experience a fall. Of those, 70,000 are injured. Medicare currently will not pay to treat an injury resulting from a fall in a hospital, and many health policy experts believe the agency should institute the same policy for nursing homes. A Debatable Fix for Young Eyes With Myopia – NY Times – 11/3/2014- Myopia has become something of a minor epidemic: More than 40 percent of Americans are nearsighted, a 16 percent increase since the 1970s. People with so-called high myopia - generally, blurry vision beyond about five inches - face an increased likelihood of developing cataracts and glaucoma, are at higher risk for retinal detachments that can result in blindness. Some research indicates that “near work”: reading, computer work, playing video games, and using tablets and smartphones, is contributing to the increase. A number of other studies show that children who spend time outdoors are less likely to develop high myopia. Beyond corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses, there has been little parents can do for nearsighted children. Now optometrists are offering a treatment called orthokeratology- ortho-k, for short. Myopia occurs when the eyeball elongates. Ortho-k contact lenses apply pressure to the cornea, flattening it. After wearing the lenses all night, patients have clear vision that lasts for one full day, after which the cornea returns to its natural shape. The lenses have been around since the 1940s but caught on only recently in the United States, partly because of long-term clinical trials demonstrating that they may slow down the progression of myopia. Ortho-k is not just for children: adults can wear the lenses too, but the long-term benefits are limited. Because myopia tends not to progress after patients reach their early 20s, the lenses are not really preventive. But some clinicians are skeptical of the lenses and worry that the risks may not be worthwhile. “The studies do show that it seems to slow the progression, but it’s not a slam dunk,” said Dr. David Hunter, an ophthalmologist at Harvard University and Boston Children’s Hospital, “especially in young children, where the risk of infection is high.” Low Vitamin D Tied to Higher Death Risk - NY Times – 11/24/2014 - Many observational studies suggest that low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk for disease, but it is not clear if low vitamin D is a cause or an effect of poor health. Now a new study, using a technique called Mendelian randomization, provides persuasive evidence that low serum vitamin D itself increases the risk of death. For the study, published in BMJ, researchers used data from Danish government health records on 95,766 subjects. All were tested for a genetic variant that reduces their vitamin D levels, and 35,334 also had their vitamin D serum levels measured. There were 10,349 deaths over the course of the study, from 1981 to 2013. By studying two large populations, of which one has the genetic variant for low vitamin D and the other does not, researchers were able to virtually eliminate the impact of confounding factors like other diseases, habits and behaviors that might be contributing to poor health. These traits would be evenly distributed in the populations studied, leaving only the genetic difference between them. The scientists found that having the genes associated with lifelong low vitamin D increases the risk of cancer death by more than 40 percent and the risk of death from any cause by more than 30 percent. They found no effect on cardiovascular disease death. Antibiotics May Not Raise Asthma Risk-NY Times – 12/8/2014 - Studies have suggested that antibiotic use in pregnancy and childhood may increase the risk for asthma, but a large Swedish study has found strong evidence that there is no such connection. Researchers followed 493,785 children, including 180,894 siblings, from the start of their mothers’ pregnancies to school age. More than 20% had been exposed to antibiotics in utero and 62% during childhood. Overall, 6% had asthma. The study, published in BMJ, initially found an apparent link between antibiotic use and later asthma, but the association disappeared when researchers looked at siblings. They found no difference in asthma development between siblings who had taken antibiotics and those who had not, suggesting that other environmental or genetic factors are at work. Asthma, they write, may be misdiagnosed as a respiratory disease and then treated with antibiotics. When asthma later appears, the antibiotics are incorrectly identified as the cause. Poor Sleep Tied to Brain Changes of Dementia – NY Times – 12/15/2014 - Poor sleep in older adults may be linked to brain changes associated with dementia, a new study has found. Researchers studied 167 men who underwent sleep tests in 1999 and died by 2010. The study in Neurology recorded sleep duration, periods of waking up and episodes of apnea, and used pulse oximetry to measure oxygen saturation of their blood. On autopsy, they found that those in the highest one-quarter for duration of sleep at oxygen saturation of less than 95% were almost 4x as likely to have higher levels microinfarcts, small areas of dead tissue caused by deprivation of blood supply, as those in the lowest one-quarter. Compared with those in the lowest 25% for duration of slow-wave (deep) sleep, those in the highest one-quarter were about a third as likely to have moderate or high levels of generalized brain atrophy. “Prior studies have shown an association between certain types of sleep disturbance and dementia,” said the lead author, Dr. Rebecca P. Gelber, an epidemiologist with the Veterans Administration in Hawaii. “These lesions may help explain the association.” 2 Joe Stamm Attends Congressional Ceremony Honoring Raoul Wallenberg N YCHSRO/MedReview CEO, Joseph Stamm, attended a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol where Leaders of the U.S. House and Senate posthumously presented a Congressional Gold Medal to Raoul Wallenberg in honor of his heroism during the Holocaust. A luncheon was held prior to the ceremony, attended by Senators Blumenthal, Cardin, Cruz, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Isakson, Kirk, Levin, and Members of Congress Goodlatte, Harper, Hultgren, McDermott, McGovern, Meeks, Paulsen, Pittenger, Schakowsky, Schneider and Van Hollen. The ceremony was attended by House Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, Senate Majority Leader Reid, Republican Leader McConnell, and Democratic Whip Hoyer. Nina Lagregen, Raoul Wallenberg’s sister accepted the medal on his behalf. Mr. Joseph Stamm CEO noted that “It was a moving ceremony, and afforded people the opportunity to see Raoul Wallenberg’s remaining family, and some of the survivors that were saved by Wallenberg. His legacy is that at great risk to himself, he did the right thing and saved tens of thousands of lives.” The Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission was established by Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group which advocated for the Bill’s passage. William (Bill) Thompson Joins the Board of Directors of NYCHSRO/MedReview Inc. N YCHSRO/MedReview is proud to announce the election of former New York City Comptroller, William C. Thompson, Jr. to its Board of Directors. Bill Thompson is a dedicated advocate for innovation, diversity and progress in the public and private sectors – a proven Chief Executive with a long-term record of success leading complex organizations in finance, Board and government roles. He joined the Board of Directors of NYCHSRO/MedReview at the end of 2014. Mr. Thompson has served as an active member on a number of for profit, not-for-profit and government Boards. In February 2010, New York State Governor David Paterson named him to serve as Chairman of the Board of The Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority, a position he held until 2012. He also serves as a Trustee Emeritus at Tufts University, and was a Board Member of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation. Governor Andrew Cuomo selected Mr. Thompson to Chair his MWBE (Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises) Task Force and to serve on the New York State Gaming Facility Location Board. Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Thompson resides in Harlem with his wife, Elsie McCabe Thompson, and their children. “Bill’s experience in profit, nonprofit and government will be an enormous asset to NYCHSRO/MedReview Inc. We’re honored to have him join our board.” said Mr. Joseph Stamm, President and CEO. News In Review Profile: Annevictoria Palumbo, RN,BSHS,CCM Our News In Review Profile this edition features NYCHSRO’s Director of Utilization Management, A n n evi c t o ri a Palumbo. Ms. Palumbo joined NYCHSRO/MedReview in 2013, serving as the Assistant Director of Utilization Management. A little over a year into her tenure, she was promoted to Director. As Director, Ms. Palumbo is responsible for overall operations of NYCHSRO/ MedReview’s URAC accredited Health Utilization Management program. This includes supervising and managing the staff of UM and Case Management nurses, performing quality assurance of all departmental activities, working closely with clients, reviewing and monitoring appeals and participating in Quality Management activities. Annevictoria received her RN degree from St. Vincent’s Medical Center of Richmond - School of Nursing and subsequently earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Human Services (BSHS) from Thomas Edison State College. Her role as Director of Utilization Management puts her in the center of NYCHSRO/MedReview’s URAC accreditation activities. Her attention to detail and close supervision help the organization maintain the outstanding quality standards required by URAC. Prior to coming to NYCHSRO/ MedReview, Ms. Palumbo served as the Manager of Utilization Management for Healthfirst. Her previous experience also included serving as the Assistant Director of Case Management at Staten Island University Hospital and working as the Clinical Manager for Medical management at Touchstone Health. Since assuming the position of Director, Ms. Palumbo has revamped staff training and processes to ensure that the program continues to meet quality standards as it undergoes a period of growth. The organization looks forward to the continued growth of the Utilization Management program under Annevictoria’s guidance. 3 NYCHSRO/MedReview CEO Invited to Chanukah Party O n Wednesday, December 17, the President and Mrs. Obama welcomed members of the American Jewish community including NYCHSRO/ MedReview C.E.O. Joseph Stamm, to the White House to celebrate Chanukah. Guests at the ceremony represented the breadth of the Jewish community, including leaders from a wide range of local and national Jewish organizations, state and local elected officials, Administration officials, Members of at the White House Congress, academics, musicians, authors, and other prominent members of the Jewish community. The President and Mrs. Obama joined guests in the Grand Foyer for the ceremonial candle lighting program on the first day of Hanukkah. The President delivered remarks celebrating the story of Hanukkah. The President took the opportunity to announce that in the spirit of Hanukkah miracles, U.S. aid worker Alan Gross had been released after five years in a Cuban prison. The President allowed men in attendence to use the Red Room for afternoon prayer services. Mr. Stamm summed up the special event noting “It was a special and unique opportunity to be a part of the Chanukah celebration in the White House, participating with such an esteemed gathering and lighting Chanukah candles with the President of the United States. It was a memorable event for all who attended.” Joseph Stamm Honored by The New York Academy Of Medicine O n November 6, 2014 NYCHSRO/MedReview CEO, Joseph Stamm was honored as a 30 Year Fellow by the New York Academy of Medicine at its Annual Meeting of the Fellows and the 167th Anniversary Discourse and Awards. The presentation recognized Mr. Stamm for reaching this milestone and thanked him for all of the support that he provided to NYAM over the years. In response Mr. Stamm thanked Academy President, Jo Ivey Boufford, MD and The New York Academy of Medicine for the special honor. He also thanked Dr. Boufford for her contributions to the organization, suggesting that she and her administration are the soul of the organization, and ended by saying that “I am honored to be a 30 year fellow of this prestigious organization and I reaffirm my commitment to the organization and its’ guiding principles of: • reducing racial disparities in health care, • disease prevention and • creating an environment that is sensitive to healthy aging.” The program was held at the magnificent NYAM auditorium and attended by many of NYCHSRO/MedReview’s senior staff and Board members. The program also featured a keynote address on “The State of the Academy” by Dr. Boufford, discussing the institution’s future direction and the substantial progress in the strategic planning process. A reception followed the award ceremony. (L-R) Key Staff with Joseph and Anne Stamm. Dr. Jo Ivey Boufford and Joseph Stamm. NYCHSRO Board Members with Joseph Stamm. Joseph Stamm Receiving his award. 4 special supplement Clients and Friends Acknowledge NYCHSRO/MedReview on its 40th Anniversary “NYCHSRO/MedReview is a key leader in keeping down health care cost and protecting the benefits of working men and women. Mr. Joseph Stamm, president of MedReview, is an innovator deploying strategic audits often saving thousands of dollars for families who have been hit with unreasonable hospital charges.” -Lou Gordon, Director of BALCONY “Teamster Center Services congratulates our partners at NYCHSRO/MedReview on the celebration of your 40th anniversary. Congratulations on 40 years of clinical excellence in helping your clients keeping their medical cost down while never compromising care.” -Andy Johnson, Fund administrator TEAMSTER CENTER SERVICES “Over the years we have seen your organization morph forward to keep abreast with the changing technologies that so rapidly occur and to provide timely and accurate services to meet our needs. Your company’s ability to provide us Continued from page 1 with services is exemplary and a model for others.” -Gary Klein, Managing Attorney WEITZ & LUXENBERG “During these past 40 years, NYCHSRO and MedReview have worked hard to establish a sterling reputation and to be respected for its countless activities over the years that have enhanced the quality of health care in our country. It is an accepted fact that the health care industry is no longer a small and modest enterprise. These challenges have to be met with hard work and dedication to doing what’s right. NYCHSRO/ MedReview has raised the bar for the health care community by delivering, competent, honest and caring results.” -Arthur Jerry Kremer, President Empire Gov’t Strategies “The word CONGRATULATIONS would generally be the appropriate sentiment for your contribution to the Healthcare arena, but truly not strong enough to adequately THANK YOU. You have set the tone for cost effective, quality care in the New York marketplace and beyond. Your forward thinking and action has truly impacted our world in the most positive of ways.” -Joel Landau, Chairman, CARE TO CARE “Since the earliest days of the Professional Standards Review Organization enabling legislation and implementation, the New York County Health Services Review Organization (NYCHSRO) has served as a national exemplar of the highest standards and practice of clinically based medical review services that have protected individual patients and assured the responsible payment of health benefit dollars. The organization’s record of steady growth and achievement and its reputation for unassailable integrity assure a bright future.” -Michael R. McGarvey, MD, Board of Directors NYCHSRO Celebrates 40th Anniversary New Yorkers receive the health care they deserve.” The reception was attended by a wide range of elected officials; a number of them presented the organization with proclamations. They included NYS Assemblymembers Alec BrookKrasny, Steve Cymbrowitz, Denny Farrell, Richard Gottfried, Rhoda Jacobs and Linda Rosenthal. Also in attendance were Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, City Councilmembers David Greenfield, Andy King, and Mark Levine; former State and City Comptrollers H. Carl McCall and Bill Thompson; and former City Councilman Michael C. Nelson. Additional proclamations were received from NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli and NYC Public Advocate Letitia James. Among the numerous individuals recognizing MedReview’s leadership, commitment and dedication to improving the quality and cost effectiveness of health care were U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand of New York and Mark Warner of Virginia; many members of Congress; NY Mayor Bill deBlasio; New York Senate Majority Co-Leader Dean Skelos; New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver; New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito; New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer; and various other State and City elected officials. A congratulatory journal of more than 135 letters were presented to all in attendance. For more information visit 5 NYCHSRO/MedReview Staff NYCHSRO Early Days The following NYCHSRO/MedReview staff members have served for 10 years or more with the organization. EmployeeYear of Service “Congratulations to you and the entire NYCHSRO/MedReview organization on the celebration of your 40th Anniversary! What a remarkable landmark representing years of pioneering work and accomplishments in evaluating the quality and monitoring the cost of medical care. You initiated processes that are the standard in the industry and have developed a model of honesty, integrity and excellence unsurpassed.” -Anthony C. Mustalish, MD, MPH, Board of Directors “As an observation, your company is well known for instilling confidence in each employee. As a result, your entire team wants to pursue excellence in everything they do, by completing the job well, and on time; in a positive environment of teamwork, and energizing by a can-do approach. In fact, for forty years, in an industry with constant shifting and rules changes, you are a steady model for success. You personally commit that everyone in your company reflects an intrinsic high character, with a focus on values. This formula works, and stands the test of time.” -Patrick L. O’Malley, President, VEE TECHNOLOGIES USA “For the last four decades, NYCHSRO/MedReview has been a leader in the fight to maintain high-quality healthcare services while controlling cost. Through innovative programs such as ambulatory precertification review, coding validation, and readmission review NYCHSRO/MedReview has saved its client over $1 billion dollars. This distinguished record has improved both healthcare outcomes and cost savings.” -Scott M. Stringer, NEW YORK CITY COMPTROLLER Joseph Stamm, CEO/President 37 Linda Patterson, SVP/COO 36 Helen Mutchler, EVP/CFO 31 Rudolph Moise, Assistant Director 29 Louisa Noel, Bookkeeper 26 Deborah Greenberg, DRG Reviewer 25 Edward Prunier, Local Medical Director 24 Robert Stoller, Local Medical Director 24 Patricia Black, Receptionist 22 Irwin Katz, Sr. Director 21 Danielle Moise, Administrative Assistant 20 Deborah Coyne, Sr. Director 19 Robert Rosenbloom, Vice President 19 Marina Shamis, Sr. Programmer 19 Martin Bharath, Local Medical Director 19 Mildred Lecoin, Assistant Director 19 Cesar Reyes, Local Medical Director 19 Patricia Butler, Supervisor 18 Rafaela Rosario, Assistant Director 16 Anita Aisner, Medical Director 15 Margaret Mitchell, Vice President 15 SylviaTillery, Administrative Assistant 15 Harriet Starr, Vice President 14 Denise Patterson-Kerr, Director 13 Marian Cohn, Report Coordinator 13 Mary Jones, Administrative Assistant 13 Diane Raghunanan, Document Coordinator 12 Debra Poenisch, Supervisor 12 Juanita Evereteze, VP/Medical Director 11 Rita Fredell, Nurse Investigator 11 Nancy Garcia, Nurse Investigator 11 Angela Puglisi, Social Worker Inspector 11 Mariya Safyanovskaya, Bookkeeper 11 Steven Rush, Physician Reviewer 11 Joan Winstock, Director 11 Lesli Cutler, Social Worker Investigator 10 Rosalind Marcus, Review Clerk 10 Susan Mejias, Special Review Nurse 10 Ihab Girgis, Supervisor 10 6 NYCHSRO 1980S “The oldest health-care peer-review organization in New York, the NYCHSRO/MedReview has saved labor unions and other organizations more than $1 billion since 1974, by monitoring the cost and quality of the health-care services they pay for.” “NYCHSRO and MedReview continue to develop new services to address the needs of a rapidly changing industry, while striving to maintain their reputation for integrity and innovation.” -Neal Tepel, Publisher of LABORPRESS -Thomas P. DiNapoli, NEW YORK STATE COMPTROLLER 7 NYCHSRO 1990S “The contribution of you and your team of dedicated professionals has profoundly impacted the healthcare experience of millions of people not only in New York, but across our great country. I can only imagine all of the individual lives your services have touched through your numerous audits and medical reviews, and how that interaction has benefited our health system through the improvement of quality, enhancement of access, and management of costs. Your company has truly made a positive difference. -Joel Portice, Division President , HMS “NYCHSRO/MedReview has conducted well over 1 million chart reviews for our Medicaid, HIV SNP, Medicare and other lines of business. They have also assisted us by providing Concurrent Review Services, Coding Validation Audits, and Cost Outlier evaluation services.” -Dr. Saperstein, President /CEO, MetroPlus Health Plan 8 NYCHSRO/ MedReview 2000S “Over the years, the Benefit Funds have utilized many of the professional services provided by NYCHSRO/ MedReview and we have consistently received criteriabased, clinically sound reviews that help us ensure that our members receive the highest quality of care while preserving their benefit dollars.” -Mitra Behroozi, Executive Director, 1199SEIU BENEFIT AND PENSION FUNDS “As NYCHSRO/MedReview celebrates this milestone anniversary, its reputation for quality, fairness and integrity is truly well deserved. I wish you continuing success in the years to come.” -Richard N. Gottfried, Chair of New York State Assembly, Committee on Health 9 Congratulatory Letters - 40th Anniversary NameCompany NameCompany Alan Abramson Abramson & Morak Attorneys at Law Bruce D. Agins, MD, MPH NYS Dept. of Health AIDS Institute Edgar Altcheck, MD Board Member Tony Avella The New York Senate State Scott W. Barnes Intergrated Computing Services, LLC Mitra Behroozi 1199 SEIU Benefit & Pension Funds Eran Bellin, MD Montefiore Information Technology Peter Berg, MD Downstate Ophthalmology Associates Keith Berkowitz, MD PC The Center for Balanced Health Robert J. Bishop Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin, LLC Richard J. Bonforte, M.D. Board Member Jo Ivey Boufford, MD The New York Academy of Medicine John G. Bowen Careers Nationwide, LLC Pamela Brier Maimonides Medical Center Christopher Burgher Sungard Availability Services Collwyn A. Butler Home Attendant Contract Services Karim Camara The New York State Assembly Thomas H. Canty Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Pat Celli UnitedHealthCare of New York, Inc. Wm Lacy Clay The United States Congress James E. Clyburn The United States Congress Andrew Cohen The New York City Council Joseph Crowley The United States Congress Michael J. Cusick The New York State Assembly Holly Cunningham OPTUM Steven H. Cymbrowitz The New York State Assembly Joseph E. Davis, MD, MPH Board Member Bill de Blasio The Mayor of the City of New York Charles H. Debrovner NYS Department of Health Ruben Diaz Jr. Bronx Borough President Inez E. Dickens The New York City Council Thomas P. DiNapoli The NY State Comptroller David N. Dinkins Columbia University Daniel Dromm The New York City Council Michael Eisner Medyear Embelm Health Embelm Health Eliot L. Engel The United States Congress Mathieu Eugene The New York City Council Herman D. Farrell, Jr. The NY State Assembly Daniel L. Feldman John Jay College of Criminal Justice Steven M. Fink The Fink Law Firm, P.C. John J. Flanagan The New York State Senate Daniel R. Garodnick The New York City Council Kirsten Gillibrand The New York State Senate Terry Gipson The New York State Senate Lou Gordon BALCONY Richard N. Gottfried The New York State Assembly David G. Greenfield The New York City Council Aileen M. Gunther The New York State Assembly Colleen W. Hanabusa The United States Senate Dov Hikind The New York State Assembly D. Bernard Hoenig Hoenig and Hoenig Attorneys at Law David Hoos David Hoos, MD, MPH Pascal James Imperato SUNY Downstate Medical Center Rhoda S. Jacobs The New York State Assembly Letitia James The NYC Public Advocate Andy Johnson Teamster Center Services Fund Melinda Katz Queens Borough President Barbara Kelman Care to Care Joe Kennedy III The United States Congress Peter T. King The United States Congress Gary Klein Weitz & Luxenberg Jeffrey D. Klein The United States Senate Brian M. Kolb The New York State Assembly Peter Koo The New York City Council Karen Koslowitz The New York City Council Arthur Jerry Kremer Empire Government Strategies Norman H. Kupferstein,MD Norman H. Kupferstein, MD Joel Landau Care to Care William J. Larkin, Jr. The New York State Senate “Congratulations on NYCHSRO/MedReview, Inc. being recognized for their consistently high quality of service. We appreciate the opportunity we have had to do business with you over the years, and offer our best wishes for your continued success.” -Pat Celli, President/CEO, UNITED HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY & STATE “You and your team have been excellent colleagues and consistently demonstrated professional standards in your work, showing adaptability in managing a diverse portfolio of work in the HIV field.” -Bruce Agins, M.D. Medical Director -Richard E. Birchard Admin. Director NY STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 10 Congratulatory Letters - 40th Anniversary NameCompany NameCompany Alan Levin Marvin Lieberman Nina M. Lowey Chad A. Lupinacci Carolyn B. Maloney Melissa Mark-Viverito Stefanie Mazlish, MBA H. Carl McCall John T. McDonald III Donovan Richards Samuel D. Roberts Michael R. McGarvey Norman B. Medow, MD Mike Miller Lin H. Mo, MBA, MPH Don L. Morchower Anthony C. Mustalish,MD Michael C. Nelson Michael New Daniel O’Donnell Patrick L. O’Malley Kevin Parker David A. Paterson Amy R. Paulin Richard N. Pierson, MD Joel Portice Rabbi Joseph Potasnik David C. Pulver, MD Kenneth E. Raske Mark Ravesloot Linda B. Rosenthal Donald Rubin C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger Alan J. Saperstein Arnold Saperstein, MD Neil J. Savasta Diane J. Savino Bradley S. Schneider Michael D. Schoffman Charles E. Schumer Paul Shainheit Sheldon Silver Michael Simanowitz Dean G. Skelos David Smith David B. Snow, Jr. Daniel Squadron Toby Ann Stavisky Kive I. Strickoff, CPA Scott M. Stringer Neal Tepel Matthew J. Titone Bill Thompson Les S. Thompson Eric A. Ulrich Chris Van Hollen Mark R. Warner Jerry Weissman David I. Weprin Mark Weprin Robert Wittman Dorothy A Wolfe Spencer Young Lee M. Zeldin Humana Board Member The United States Congress The New York State Assembly The United States Congress New York City Council The Solution Lab, Inc. The State University of New York The New York State Assembly New York City Council The New York State Assembly Board Member Montefiore Hospital Medical Center The New York State Assembly Mount Sinai Beth Israel Brooklyn DLM Associates Board Member The New York City Council Sephardic Nursing & Rehab Center The New York State Assembly Vee Technologies USA The New York State Senate Governor of the State of New York The New York State Assembly St. Luke’s Hospital HMS Holdings, Inc. New York Board of Rabbis (NYBR) The IMA Group Greater NY Hospital Association Commercial Real Estate Service (CBRE) New York State Assembly The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation The United States Congress Four Seasons Nursing & Rehab. Center MetroPlus “Over the years, I have seen firsthand how NYCHSRO’s comprehensive services have helped your clients improve the appropriateness, quality, and cost-effectiveness of their health care delivery services. And as NYCHSRO’s Chief Executive Officer/President since 1985, you have played an indispensable role in the organization’s remarkable growth and success.” -Kenneth E. Raske, President, GREATER NEW YORK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Savasta and Company, Inc. The United States Senate The United States Congress Michael D. Schoffman Att. at Law The United States Senate Emvision Strategic Financial, LLC The New York State Assembly The New York State Assembly The New York State Senate TekScape Cedar Gate Partners The New York State Senate The New York State Senate Strickoff Financial Services, LLC The New York City Comptroller LaborPress The New York State Assembly Siebert, Brandfork, Shank & Co. Les S. Thompson & Co. LLP The United States Congress The United States Congress The United State Senate Omni Managed Health The New York State Assembly The New York City Council The United States Congress Health Benefits Program for NYC Health Data Insight (HDI) The United States Senate “I applaud NYCHSRO and MedReview for its strong commitment and dedication to providing health care assessment services that assist clients in improving the appropriateness, quality, and cost-effectiveness of health care.” - US State Senator Kirsten E. GIllibrand 11 “NYCHSRO and MedReview have developed many outstanding services over the years and now operate in 14 states, assisting a diverse client base that includes government agencies, labor unions, and insurance companies. With headquarters here in New York, these organizations have also helped to strengthen the five boroughs, creating jobs and other opportunities for our residents.” -Bill deBlasio, MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY This is a formal acknowledgement to you and your dedicated staff for the special attention you have given over the years to ensure quality services, in the appropriate settings, for the intended cost. -Alan J. Saperstein, FOUR SEASONS Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 12 “NYCHSRO has effectively contributed to improving and strengthening health care services. In the past four decades those of us who manage hospitals and provide healthcare services have witnessed revolutionary changes to the delivery or healthcare, and yet, we were always able to rely on NYCHSRO and MedReview to guide our delivery systems for care.” -Lin H. Mo, President MOUNT SINAI - BETH ISRAEL BROOKLYN “For the past several years, I have been Medical Coordinator at the New York State Department of Health Office of Professional Conduct. I have personally utilized NYCHSRO and MedReview reports in the course of my own investigations. I have found them to be excellent and extremely helpful. -Charles H. Debrovner, MD Medical Coordinator, NYS DOH 13 NYCHSRO/ MedReview 2010S “In my previous role at UnitedHealthCare, MedReview was the leading provider of cost containment programs related to Coding Validation, Cost Outlier Review and Readmission Reviews for the Medicaid line of business. Your ability to provide these services on both a prospective and retrospective basis separated you from the other companies that perform work in this space.” -Spencer Young, SVP Clinical Operations Health Data Insights “Over the past four decades you have expanded your business capabilities, breadth of operations and geographical reach. You have built a world-class peer review organization- and you have done this with determination, confidence and talent.” -Thomas H. Canty, VP and GM Gov’t, Labor and Special Accounts EMPIRE BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD 14 NYCHSRO/ MedReview Current “I’m writing to congratulate you and everyone at NYCHSRO on your 40th anniversary as the oldest healthcare services peer review organization in New York State. As the market and environment impacting health care delivery evolves, the importance of high quality and effective health care delivery cannot be underestimated. We are happy to have you as our partner in these efforts and look forward to our continued work together.” -Pam Brier, President, Maimonides Medical Center “Congratulations NYCHSRO/MedReview on 40 years! Your collaboration & partnership with UnitedHealth Group over the last 8 years speaks to the level of excellence your organization represents. As a valued vendor partner, we look forward to many more years of continued growth & success with NYCHSRO/MedReview!” -Holly Cunningham, Manager Vendor Management,OPTUM 15 n NYCHSRO/MedReview Year End Holiday Party 2014 Once again, NYCHSRO/MedReview was determined to bring the year to a close on a high note. We had a lot to celebrate; the organization was entering its 40th year, and the anniversary celebration was still fresh in our minds, and it was the end of another successful year. Unfortunately our regular party spot, Moran’s, had a conflict and so we shifted venue to the very prestigious private club at the India House (Garden View Room) at 1 Hanover Square, which also had the added advantage of being a five minute walk from the office. The event hit all the marks and was a rousing success. The India House hosts went out of their way to make the event special. The music was lively, the food was good and the ambiance was serene. They even had a fireplace to enhance the holiday spirit and remind us of Moran’s. As usual, the room was packed with staff members from the main office and all the City and State offices as well as clients and friends. NYCHSRO/MedReview guests included many of the organization’s-public service friends including Public Advocate Letitia James and the speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver. Also in attendance were State Senators Martin Golden, Kevin Parker, and Assemblymembers Steven Cymbrowitz, Rhoda Jacobs, Alec BrookKrasny, and Walter Mosley as well as New York City Councilmen David Greenfield and Mike Nelson. While dinner was being served, and the drinks were flowing the D.J. kept the entertainment going and it wasn’t long before the dance floor was packed. A good time was had by all and we look forward to next year’s holiday party. n 6 16 A NYCHSRO/MedReview Bids farewell to Assemblywoman Rhoda Jacobs ssemblywoman Rhoda Jacobs recently retired after 36 years of representing her Brooklyn community, the 42nd Assembly District which includes Flatbush, Ditmas Park and Midwood. Assemblywoman Jacobs said that she’s proud of her role as a lawmaker who fought for issues including health care, education, affordable housing and economic justice. On behalf of NYCHSRO/MedReview, CEO, Joseph Stamm and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Norman Medow presented a plaque to Assemblywoman Jacobs on her retirement, recognizing her major contribution to the Assembly, to her constituents and to entire State of New York. Mr. Stamm expressed gratitude for her friendship over the last many years and for the special relationship she had with him personally and with the entire organization. J The plaque read: “On the occasion of your retirement from the New York State Assembly after 36 years of outstanding service to the community and your constituents. The organization recognizes your leadership in the Assembly, serving as Assistant Speaker, and thanks you for your initiatives, particularly in the healthcare arena that have improved the lives of all New Yorkers and for your friendship throughout your years in public service.” Presented December 15th 2014 Ms. Jacobs was a regular guest at the NYCHSRO/MedReview offices and a regular attendee at organization events. She was always available to discuss the concerns of our clients and address the critical healthcare related issues presented. The entire organization wishes her well in her retirement. She will be missed in Albany but hopefully will continue to attend NYCHSRO/MedReview events. Subsequently the community honored Rhoda Jacobs for her years of service as well. Summer Outing 2014 uly 10th 2014,“We had a great time! The weather was beautiful and everyone was very happy!” proclaimed Johanny Torres, Director of HR and Summer Outing Coordinator. That was the consensus as the entire staff of NYCHSRO/ MedReview returned to Chelsea Piers to circle lower Manhattan for a luncheon cruise. The weather was ideal and the NYCHSRO/ MedReview staff enjoyed it to the fullest. Once again the World Yacht team sang, danced and fed us for three hours. There was even a roving photographer provided disguised as Joe Stamm. The summer outing is always one of the bright spots for the NYCHSRO/MedReview staff. We knew what to expect and we weren’t disappointed. The luncheon cruise allows us to have fun together away from the stress of a typical work day and is an invaluable way to build unity and morale. It also takes full advantage of the organization’s home city of New York, allowing everyone to appreciate the spectacular views in and around New York. The staff experienced the full range of activities and services provided. Some people preferred sitting on the open air top deck to take full advantage of the beautiful weather and the spectacular New York City views. Others made themselves at home on one of the interior decks where the buffet was served and where the entertainment was provided. There was constant music and dancing with a DJ and when everyone was done eating and needed a break from dancing, the ship’s staff put on a show. When we returned to port, staff members lined up for their photos and their chocolate chip cookies, already anticipating next year’s outing. 17 O NYCHSRO/MedReview Hosts Public Advocate Letitia James n October 28, 2014 NYCHSRO/ MedReview was honored to host a lunch meeting featuring New York City’s Public Advocate, Letitia James. The luncheon was attended by numerous clients, board members and senior staff of the organization. NYCHSRO/MedReview CEO, Joseph Stamm thanked Ezra Friedlander, CEO of “The Friedlander Group” for arranging the meeting, and welcomed the Public Advocate to the office. Mr. Stamm presented Ms. James’ biography, noting that she was born and raised in Brooklyn and began her career in public service, starting as a public defender in the Legal Aid Society. She was elected to the City Council in 2003 where she distinguished herself as a fearless and effective advocate for social and economic justice. As a member of the New York City Council, Ms. James introduced and helped pass the Safe Housing Act, which became City law in 2007. This ground-breaking bill ensured that thousands of families in rental buildings receive prompt and full repairs to their apartments. Ms. James also helped preserve afterschool programs and childcare slots. In the General Election, Ms. James won the most votes of anyone running for office in New York, making her the fourth Public Advocate of New York City. Mr. Stamm then briefly introduced the organization to Ms. James and touched on some of the organization’s highlights as it celebrates its 40th anniversary. Ms. James described her personal history and then discussed her vision and dreams for New York City. She had time for questions and answers and for a few pictures before she left. The event was very warmly received by all in attendance. Public Advocate Letitia James with NYCHSRO/MedReview Staff and Board Members MedReview Sponsors Agudath Israel Pre-Election Legislative Breakfast M edReview was co-sponsor of the November 2014 Agudath Israel Pre-Election Legislative Breakfast. MedReview CEO, Joseph Stamm had the honor and privilege to introduce a good friend of MedReview, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz. Mr. Stamm told the attendees about the outstanding record compiled by Ms. Katz, noting that she has been a dedicated public servant for nearly 20 years, serving in key governmental positions on both the city and state level. During her tenure, Melinda authored and helped pass 16 laws, including requiring HMO’s to provide women with direct access to critical gynecological services. As an Assembly Member, she also served as Chair of the Assembly’s Urban Health Sub-committee, and was responsible for bills that increased penalties for various forms of domestic abuse. Melinda also sponsored and passed the historic Kendall’s Law, which helps prosecutors pursue cases of long-term, repeated child abuse. Mr. Stamm added that Melinda Katz served as a City Council Member where she rose to Chair the influential Land Use Committee. As head of the Land Use Committee, she championed zoning measures that would pave the way for major redevelopment projects in neighborhoods in all five boroughs, while safeguarding communities from over development. 18 Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. A number of other memorable events occurred in 2014: Senior Executive staff participated in inaugural festivities for newly elected Mayor Bill de Blasio, Public Advocate Letitia James, and New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer. Senior Executive staff were invited to attend several significant political events including: The State of the State address by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the100 day in office Address he year 2014 will undoubtedly go down in as one of the most by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and a Town Hall meeting with memorable years in NYCHSRO/MedReview’s history. The year Councilman Jumaane Williams chaired by Joe Stamm. included several unique special events which stand out: The organization gave a farewell tribute to retiring Assistant The celebration of the organization’s 40th anniversary- HunSpeaker of the Assembly, Rhoda Jacobs at the company’s holidreds of people including many notable dignitaries came to day party. pay tribute to this remarkable achievement (see News In Review MedReview also participated in a number of special 40th anniversary supplement). trade shows and professional business organi NYCHSRO/MedReview’s President/CEO, zation events in 2014 which included the IFEB, Joseph Stamm was invited to the White (International Foundation of Employee Benefits House by President Obama to celebrate Plans) in Boston, Massachusetts, the Teamsters the achievement of the Affordable Care Center Services Health Benefits Expo, The Act and to join the President and First Lady LaborPress, and Balcony Business and Labor in celebrating the holiday of Hanukkah. Coalition featuring New York State Comptroller Congress paid tribute to Mr. Stamm at the Tom DiNapoli. Jewish American Heritage Month event In keeping with its practice of maintaining with a presentation being given to him by a close, hands on relationship with its clients, United States Senator John McCain. NYCHSRO/MedReview held meetings with Mr. Stamm was invited to attend two adNYCHSRO/MedReview’s expansion many client groups both in New York and ditional special events in the U.S. Concontinued reaching a total of 25 States around the country. Among others, meetings gress- the presentation of two Congreswere held with 1199 National Benefit Fund, sional Gold Medals, one to the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, and the second one posthumously to The New York City Office of Labor Relations/Municipal Labor ComRaoul Wallenberg for the role he played in saving a hundred mittee and Optum Health in Minneapolis. Additional meetings were held with City and State public officials thousand Jews in Europe. The New York Academy of Medicine bestowed honors on Jo- to advocate on behalf of our clients. Key issues addressed included seph Stamm for becoming a 30 year fellow at this prestigious transparency in relation to healthcare review activity and attempts to restrict utilization management reviews. institution. Year 2014 could not officially end without the organization’s two NYCHSRO/MedReview was honored to host New York City Public Advocate Letitia James for a meet and greet luncheon in major events; its annual summer outing and of course its holiday party. It will be hard to match a 40th anniversary celebration but the office. In 2014, NYCHSRO/MedReview’s expansion continued, reach- 2015 is already shaping up to be an even greater year than 2014 ing a total of 25 States where the organization performs review if that is possible. activities. The states Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, T year in review 19 C NYCHSRO/MedReview Client Relations lient Relations is always a critical concern at NYCHSRO/MedReview. The second half of 2014 saw a flurry of client activity which allowed the organization to introduce itself to potential new clients as well as meet with existing clients to ensure that their ongoing needs are being met. On October 12-14, 2014 NYCHSRO/MedReview participated in the 60th Annual Employee benefits Conference held by the International Federation of Employee Benefits in the Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts. The conference brings together numerous health benefit fund leaders from across the country to discuss critical issues relating to the delivery of health care benefits. NYCHSRO/MedReview had a booth at the event, giving it the opportunity to meet with health benefit fund representatives in attendance. NYCHSRO/MedReview also conducted a raffle, awarding Kindle Fires to the lucky winners, Michael W. Smith from the Great Plains Labor District Council and Monette Carranceija from the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. On October 24, 2014 NYCHSRO/MedReview also participated in the 21st Annual Health Benefits Expo at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. The Expo provides a forum for; Business, Labor, and Healthcare vendors to exchange current and new approaches to enhance the delivery of healthcare services. Once again, NYCHSRO/MedReview had a booth at the event, giving it the opportunity to meet with representatives from leading labor groups and insurance providers in the New NYCHSRO/MEDREVIEW 199 Water Street, 27th Floor New York, NY 10035 York area. NYCHSRO/MedReview also conducted another raffle and awarded another Kindle Fire. Senior management continued its efforts to maintain ongoing contact with its client base. Meetings included a field trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota to meet with United Health Group and Optum. There was also a local meeting with New York City’s Office of Labor Relations to reintroduce the organization to Claire Levitt, previously of Alicare, who recently assumed the position of Deputy Commissioner of Health Care Cost Management. There were also meetings with key staff from 1199SEIU- National Benefit Fund, HDI, MetroPlus, Care to Care and VNS. These meetings are important to the clients and the organization allowing us to keep in touch with their needs in the ever-changing healthcare environment. NYCHSRO/MedReview also conducted its 2014 Clients Survey. The organization was pleased to once again receive scores from its clients on the survey that validated the efforts of its review and administrative staff. The survey has proven to be a useful tool for understand ing the issues and concerns that impact on clients in normal review activity. The past few months were busy but the future promises to be even busier as NYCHSRO/ MedReview has a full slate of client meetings and activities scheduled for 2015.
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NYCHSRO MedReview Newsletter Vol. 16 No. 1
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