February 2016 - Lancaster Ski Club
February 2016 - Lancaster Ski Club
P FEBRUARY 2016 29TH ANNUAL LSC CLUB RACE AND FAMILY SKI DAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, 2016—ROUNDTOP RESORT LSC RUSH BURNETT MEMORIAL RACE 11:00 AM REGISTRATION 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM FOR BOTH RACES AT SKI SCHOOL DECK IN LEARNING CENTER BUILDING More race information on Page 3 Jack Kalasky Memorial Auction February 18, 2014 - Membership Meet & Greet Sherwood Ballroom, Heritage Hotel! Next to Loxley’s, Centerville Road, Lancaster Auctioneer Services by Luke and Clarke Witman Asking for Gift Certificates (ask for them where you eat out, at ski & bike shops), gently used ski clothes, art work, crafts and collectibles to be auctioned. Benefits Lancaster Co. Special Olympics Ski Program & Other LSC Charities! Contact Kathy Burnett if you have items (by Feb 17th) or questions: Ph: (717)799-6462 or kcburnett@dejazzd.com CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS SKI CLUB MEETINGS/EVENTS SKI CLUB TRIPS 2016 HAPPY HOURS 1/29‐ Bully's 2/5‐ Annie Bailey's 2/12‐Prudhomme’s Lost Cajun Kitchen 2/19‐ Stockyard Inn 2/26‐ Ciro's 3/4‐ 915 Café 2/07 ‐ LSC Club Race ‐ Ski Roundtop 2/18 ‐ Jack Kalasky Auction ‐ Loxley’s 3/17 ‐ Membership Mtg ‐ Loxley’s 4/23 ‐ Spring Dance ‐ Bent Creek CC January 8‐10 ‐ Mt Snow, VT January 29 ‐ Elk Mtn Day Trip February 12 ‐ Blue Mtn Day Trip February 20‐27 ‐ Jackson Hole, WY March 4 ‐ Seven Springs Day Trip March 10‐13 ‐ Loon/Cannon Page 1 The Prez Sez: About the Newsletter: Dear LSC Members, The ski season is officially underway! Our Mount Snow and Elk trips went out in January, and we have several more trips coming up in February and March. Jackson Hole is waitlist only at this point, but there is still room on our Loon/Cannon, Blue Mountain, and Seven Springs trips, so get signed up today. Another big event coming up is our Club Race and Family Ski Day at Ski Roundtop on February 7. If you have never raced before, don't let the race scare you away from enjoying a great day with us. We have racers of all ages, sizes, and shapes. As long as you can ski down an intermediate slope, you should join the race. And even if you don't want to race, you are welcome to join us for the day and enjoy the benefits of a group rate lift ticket and after race party. One of my favorite evens of the year is coming up on February 18th. Our annual auction has benefited the Lancaster Special Olympic Ski Team, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and other charities. We're always looking for items to auction off at the event. If you have something to donate, please contact Kathy Burnett at 717-799-6462 or kcburnett@dejazzd.com. Please let Kathy know what you will be donating at least a couple days before the auction, so she doesn't have to make a lot of last minute adjustments to the list. It's also not too early to get signed up for the spring dance, so please check out the details on that here in the newsletter. Brian Leatherman President, Lancaster Ski Club BCLeatherman@gmail.com | (646)584-8161 Visit our website: www.lancasterskiclub.net for the web newsletter, download application forms and for more information on all trips and social activities. And don’t forget to check out LSC on Facebook!!! The print version will be mailed to all members every other month beginning May, 2013 however the web newsletter will be updated monthly.. If you have any suggestions regarding the newsletter please contact Roger Brubaker at rbrubaker@wilcoelectric.com Find us online for updates & announcements: www.lancasterskiclub.net - or join us on facebook! We are under “Lancaster Ski”. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS (FOR THE FIRST TIME!!) Kathy Butz Scott McGillivray & Lynn Strazzo Margaret Handley Charlotte Louise Handley Upon joining the club, please visit the LSC Peddler. Simply redeem your coupon at one of the regular club meetings to receive your complimentary gift. LSC membership runs from March 1 through April 30 of the following year. If you changed your mailing and/or email address, please send your new information to: Kris Miller / Membership Chair, so you can continue to receive the flyer & update emails: kmdoman@live.com. LSC MONTHLY BOARD MEETING LSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS LSC COMMITTEE CHAIRS President: Brian Leatherman 646-584-8161 bcleatherman@gmail.com Vice-President: Patrick Lever 887-2263 ptlever@comcast.net Secretary: Sandra Cauler 201-9372 scaul@yahoo.com Programs: Don Benninger 390-0622 dhbenninger@verizon.net Treasurer: Bruce Rhine 203-3226 Bruce.rhine55@.yahoo.com Membership: Kris Miller 575-3835 kmdoman@live.com Flyer: Roger Brubaker 629-6837 rbrubaker@wilcoelectric.com Trip Chair: Jon Doman 572-3457 jkdoman@aol.com Social: Tess Hollingsworth 917-0055 TessH427@gmail.com Past President: Devera Kazmerski 371-1178 devykaz@aol.com Web Master: Jim O’Brien 618-8449 jtob1@comcast.net Peddler: Maynard Bacon 475-0000 ambaconiii@yahoo.com Public Relations: Jay Mast 592-8992 jayandjason@gmail.com EPSC Rep: Roger Brubaker 629-6837 rbrubaker@wilcoelectric.com Race Coordinator: Gee Kalasky 533-4262 gkalasky@gmail.com Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Host: Meeting will be held at Jackson Hole!! Exact Date and Time TBD Whoohoo!! Board meetings are open to all LSC members. Please contact the board president to let them know you are planning to attend. Page 2 29TH ANNUAL LSC CLUB RACE AND FAMILY SKI DAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, 2016—ROUNDTOP RESORT LSC RUSH BURNETT MEMORIAL RACE 11:00 AM INTER-CLUB TROEGE'S CHALLENGE CUP RACE 12:00 PM REGISTRATION 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM FOR BOTH RACES AT SKI SCHOOL DECK IN LEARNING CENTER BUILDING Don't miss this big celebration of LSC's 29th year of bringing members, families and guest together for a fantastic day of skiing, racing, and partying at Roundtop Mountain Resort. Everyone is welcome and can purchase a DISCOUNT LIFT TICKET and register for the races and party at the SKI SCHOOL DESK up at the LEARNING CENTER BUILDING. The club race is for current members of LSC and is just $5.00. The Inter-Club Troege's Challenge Cup Race is $10.00. For non racers the party is $5.00. Plan to come early to get in lots of skiing before the CLUB RACE at 11:00 AM at the NASTAR course on EXHIBITION. The race is designed for current member skiers from novice to expert level, including those who are first time racers. It's a fun time for everyone. Medals will be awarded in the WOMEN, MEN, SENIOR and JUNIOR division, as well as NASTAR medals, The fastest skier will take home the RUSH BURNETT MEMORIAL CUP. The Inter-Club Troege's Challenge Cup Race will immediately follow the LSC Club Race. Members of all ski and snow board clubs are welcome and must register at the ski school desk. Racers, as well as guest, may purchase discount lift tickets. Our 29th CELEBRATION PARTY will take place immediately following the Race in the Competition Center at the base of Exhibition (Finish line of race course) . We will have great food and beverages for kids and adults. The awards ceremony will follow with the presentation of medals, the TROEGE'S CHALLENGE CUP, and the RUSH BURNETT MEMORIAL CUP, which, as always, will be presented by Kathy Burnett. Gee Kalasky - Race Coordinator 717-533-4262 gkalasky@gmail.com Race Day Contacts—Joe Hershey (717-413-0657) and Roger Brubaker (717-629-6837) www.altatileandinteriors.com Page 3 Trip Committee Update: Wow, what a Blizzard! We hope that everyone had the chance to get out and enjoy all the new snow!. We would like to thank everyone that joined us on our first trip of the year to Mt. Snow. All things considered with the weather before the Blizzard, our day of skiing/boarding on Saturday was surprisingly good and conditions were much better than anticipated. The day trips to Blue Mt. (Fri.Feb.12th) with Jason Frederick and the trip to Seven Springs (Fri. March 4th) with Doug Helman still have a few openings so please send your checks ASAP to get signed up. The Loon/Cannon (March 10-13) weekend trip still has space available. This trip is now open to all members within the EPSC. Don’t miss the opportunity to ski TWO New Hampshire mountains in ONE weekend. Contact Jon Doman to sign up. Remember: Buses depart for trips from the Skyline Pool Parking lot on Eden Road (across from the Eden Resort). Please remember to park in a grouped area assigned by the trip leader at the Skyline Pool parking lot. The Trip Committee has started working on trips for next year and we would love to get your input. Please fill out the trip surveys to help us with future planning of trips. Here’s a glimpse at some of the destinations that we are looking at for next season: Whistler/Blackcomb and the EPSC Carnival trip to Lake Placid/ Whiteface, NY. If one of those locations appeals to you, your family and friends, please make a special note on the trip surveys or reach out to someone on the Trip Committee and let us know your thoughts. Trip committee members: Roger Brubaker, Dean Vitatoe, Devera Kazmerski, Don Benninger, Kris Miller, Patrick Lever and Jon Doman. If you have any questions concerning the trips, trip application, sign up policy or would to participate on the trip committee or be considered for a trip leader, please contact me directly. Jon Doman, Trip Chairperson jkdoman@aol.com or 717-572-3457 2015-2016 Day Trips: Elk. Mt. – Friday January 29, 2016 (Note date change) Price: $98.00/person ( 1hr. luncheon included ) Trip Leader: Kris Miller, 1124 Willow Street Pike, Lancaster, PA. 17602 717-575-3835 or kmdoman@live.com Blue Mt. – Friday February 12, 2016 Price: $69.00/person Trip Leader: Jason Frederick 843 Hillaire St., Lancaster, PA. 17601 717-371-5792 or jayandjason@gmail.com Seven Springs – Friday March 4, 2016 Price: $79.00/person Trip Leader: Doug Helman 108 Wabank Rd., Millersville, PA. 17551 717-872-0374 or helmandoug@aol.com A non-refundable deposit of $40/person (check made payable to the Lancaster Ski Club) is needed to reserve your seat on the bus along with a signed trip application form. Trip price includes: bus transportation, lift ticket, limited snacks on the bus and bus driver tip. Please feel free to bring your own snacks & beverages. Coolers are permitted, but should be reasonably sized and cannot obstruct the aisle. All day trips will depart Lancaster at 6:00 AM. The Elk and Blue Mt. trips will depart the mountain at 5:00 PM and the Seven Springs trip will depart the mountain at 7:00 PM. Your Seven Springs day lift ticket is valid until 7:00 PM. Page 4 Wyoming February 20 – 27, 2016 $1499 per person/dbl. occ. Trip Leader: Don Benninger, 56 River Bend Park, Lancaster, PA 17602 Email: dhbenninger@verizon.net Phone: (717) 390-0622 LOON/CANNON New Hampshire March 10-13, 2016 $539.00 per person/ dbl.occ Features: - Roundtrip Bus Transportation - 3 nights lodging at the Kancamagus Lodge - Breakfast Daily - 2 day Loon lift ticket /1 day Cannon lift ticket - Dinner Saturday night - Snacks/Non-Alcoholic drinks on the bus Any fuel surcharges/taxes and or supplements added after the initial pricing of the trip at signup are the sole responsibility of the trip participant. Make checks payable to the Lancaster Ski Club and mail along with your signed Trip Application to: Jon Doman, 260 Carmen Drive, Collegeville, PA. 19426 Please read and sign the sign-up policy before making your deposit. Page 5 2016 LSC Spring Dance April 23 6-11 PM Bent Creek Country Club 620 Bent Creek Drive, Lititz Pa. 17543 Mama Tried Band $60.00 per person Soup & Salad Soup du Jour Wild Mushroom Ravioli & French Bean Salad with white chucks tuna, feta cheese, tomato tarragon vinaigrette Bent Creek House Salad Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable & Pasta Salad eggplant, zucchini, artichokes, roasted red pepper, asparagus, cured olives, lemon, pesto vinaigrette. Entrees Grilled Angus Top Sirlion Medallion—Chasseur sauce Proached Lemon Sole Herb Crusted Chicken—red grapes, carmelized shallots, Marsala wine Horseradish‐Crusted Atlantic Salmon –sweet corn ratatouille, yellow pepper coulis Vegetable, Potato & Grain Chef’s Seasonal Medley Horseradish Dauphinoise Potatoes Wild Rice & Long Grain Pilaf with Dried Fruits Desserts Assortment of Brownies, Bar Cookies & Homestyle Cookies Coffee & Tea Buffet Dinner @ 6:30pm ‐ Cash Bar entire evening Send payment to: Tess Hollingsworth, 246 E. Glenn Road, Hershey, PA 17033- tessh427@gmail.com Payment Due by April 14th MEET YOUR LSC LEADERSHIP TEAM Name – Tess Hollingsworth Current LSC Position – Social Chairperson Other Positions Served – Flyer Married? Kids ? – Single – 1 Son and 1 Granddaughter Occupation – 10 years at LGH & 35 Years at Hershey Medical Center, currently functioning as data manager for Heart & Vascular Institute for Clinic Quality Outcome Reporting Where do you live? – Hershey, PA. Where did you grow up? – Columbia, PA Do you have any pets? What Kind? – A dog ‐ Nick. Favorite place you have skied – Just got back into skiing after 10 years off, at the present time Mt Snow and thus my decision to run the weekend trip there in Jan. What are you doing when you're not on the slopes? – Biking, exercise, kayaking, spending quality time with my partner Dave and last but not least – renovating our properties. Page 6 http://www.lancasterskiclub.net/merchandise.html Contact Maynard Bacon for more information: ambaconiii@yahoo.com New merchandise is in stock. T-Shirts w/LSC on front and "Think Snow!" on the back Short sleeve (heather) $10 Long sleeve (navy) $13 Bandanas (red) $8 String Backpacks (navy) $5 LSC PEDDLER - “The Ski Wear Guy” Page 7 Eastern Pa Ski Council NEWS/EVENTS: Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council (EPSC) is dedicated to the promotion and fellowship of winter sports for over 60 years in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware and Maryland. EPSC is a not for profit organization with 36 member clubs representing over 10,000 skiers and snowboarders. The Lancaster Ski Club is a long standing member of EPSC which allows LSC members access to all the Council’s activities and resources. Discount lift ticket program - A benefit of your ski club's membership in Council is the opportunity to purchase lift tickets to a variety of ski areas in the Poconos, New York, and Vermont at a substantial discount, such as: Big Boulder/Jack Frost, Blue Mountain, Bear Creek, Elk Mountain, Camelback, Montage, Bromley, Belleayre, Gore, Whiteface, Jay Peak, Killington, Mount Snow, Okemo, Pico, Stowe, Stratton, and Sugarbush. See EPSC website for more details or to download voucher request form. Must have valid LSC Member ID Card! There are separate voucher forms for the Pocono Mountain areas and the New England area resorts. EPSC Council Cup Race - This event has been cancelled for 2016 but is planned again for 2017. Stay tuned! EPSC Carnival Dates: 2016-Big Sky, 2017-Lake Placid, 2018-Breckenridge (National Ski Council Carnival) See Website details www.easternPAskicouncil.org Roger Brubaker - EPSC Representative rbrubaker@wilcoelectric.com Page 8
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EPSC Rep: Roger Brubaker 629-6837
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Race Coordinator: Gee Kalasky 533-4262