The Summer edition - Ohio Valley Ski Club


The Summer edition - Ohio Valley Ski Club
The Summer edition
Summer 2016
Inside this Issue
Word from the President –
Summit Overview
The ‘Wheels to Wings’ OVSC Summit
2016 was an awesome weekend, hosted
by the Dayton and Kittyhawk clubs. A
big round of applause to Dan Hapner,
Jim Liken, Harvey Lehrner, Vicki
Adams, and all the great volunteers
from Dayton & Kittyhawk.
Upcoming Events
Club Spotlight:
From the National Si
Council Newsletter
OVSC Summit photos
Silent Auction benefitting
Internal Controls / Audit
Training Summary
One of several airplane centerpieces
made by a US Veteran. We made a
video of the crowd standing,
applauding, and he as very touched by
the support he saw. Sadly, he lost his
battle with cancer Wednesday, June 8th.
There were several break-out sessions,
and below are the highlights:
At the President’s meeting, we talked
about ways to improve communication
between the Council and the clubs, and
things the clubs would like to see from
the OVSC (earlier Summit, earlier
OVSC trip dates and destinations, trip
vacancies posted/blasted.) A request
was made regarding insurance, so the
survey results from 2014 were sent to
all the club presidents for updating.
Trip Training A to Z: Have a good trip
leader, one that is approachable, can be
related to and give good information.
Expectations of the trip participants
were also discussed: pay on time; if
signing up as a single, you might have
to pay the single price up front, be on
time; follow instructions and directions.
How to pack for a trip, any trip, taking
only a carry-on and one personal item (a
backpack or over –filled but no more
than 50 lbs. ski bag). Check out the
website,, for the list.
That was followed by a presentation
from Kirsten Sciara, Holiday Valley
Resort, on how to ‘Use Weekend Trips
to Recruit New Members’. Decide
what group of individuals you are trying
to recruit: Generation X’ers and
Millennials differ, but have similarities
in what they are looking for. There is a
12-page power point handout. If you
would like to have a copy, let me know
and I will send it out to you.
Jeopardy, anyone? Those attending the
North American Trips session got a bit
noisy while paying their games! Gayle
Anderson, Columbus, Stu Pray,
Cincinnati and Doug Loughman,
Dayton were the lucky contestants in
the game based on the upcoming 2017
OVSC trips to Big Sky and Banff.
Doug had a come from behind victory
with a Double Jeopardy wager, and won
a 3-day lift ticket to Big Sky, Stu placed
second, winning a 2-day lift ticket to
Big Sky, and Gayle came away with a
Banff gift bag full of goodies.
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Summer 2016
The Website / Newsletter breakout
group agreed that the clubs have moved
away from printed newsletters and are
now digital, emailing the information it
link to the website, or creating a
newsletter and emailing as an
attachment. Some use Meetup, but are
not sure this turns Meetup members into
actual members. Club Express was
discussed at length, and how its
capabilities can resolve the dilemma of
websites, whether managed by a single
administrator or by the individuals
responsible for that function.
Club Express was on site at the Trade
Show, offering assistance to those clubs
that already utilize them and to
highlight what they can do for your
club. I forwarded the email Steve Raftis
sent me to all the club’s OVSC Reps, so
hopefully that information has made its
way to your Board for discussion. The
Cincinnati, Dayton and Louisville clubs
already utilize their services, so if you
have any questions, chat them up. The
OVSC Council is looking at this as
The Membership session centered
around the need to increase membership
among the Generation X’ers and the
Millennials. Thoughts were to increase
the number of activities that would
attract them, using local outdoor sports
in the spring, summer and fall, using
non-meeting outings that include
bicycling, hiking, pub crawls, and the
like. The club night also consider using
social media more, as those youngsters
e are searching for frequently utilize this
source looking for new activities in
which to participate.
Fitness, Health & Ski Industry: Scott
Knisley, a certified trainer,
demonstrated how to roll out knots in
the muscles of the body, how they affect
how you feel and perform during your
sport. Yuri Freudenschuss, Valleywood
Ski Shop owner, discussed equipment
trends, highlighting that wider skis
under foot (84-115 cm), designed for
all-mountain, groomers or powder are
the trend.
The Internal Controls – Auditing
Session provided information and
training basics to club treasurers on how
to establish and maintain an effective
Upcoming Events:
OVSC Board Meeting
Sep 18, Place TBD
For more information, contact Juli Brace,
Jan 21 – 28, Big Sky
Feb 11 – 18, Banff
Contact Bob LeValley,
March 3 – 11
Japan, with pre & post trips TBD
Contact Dan Hapner,
Summer Trip: Galapagos & Machu Picchu
Contact Dan Hapner,
Winter Ski Trip:
Breckenridge, Jan 27 – Feb 3
Contact Bob LeValley,
system of internal controls and how to
reduce the potential of fraud. The
information provided is too important to
try and give the highlights, so I will
attach the entire summary at the end of
the newsletter.
The Lafayette Ski and Snowboard Club
has been providing quality skiing and
snowboarding trips for affordable prices
for people in greater Lafayette, Indiana
since the 1970's. We usually take two
one-week trips to the Rockies during the
winter: one that covers MLK weekend
and another that coincides with nearby
Purdue University's spring break. Given
the increases in rates over MLK
weekend, the timing of our first trip
may vary in the future.
As for Midwestern trips, we usually
take a day bus trip to Swiss Valley,
Michigan in February that is geared
toward beginners but welcomes
skiers/snowboarders of all ability and
experience levels. This year, we
partnered with the International Student
Center at Purdue and filled three
chartered buses to capacity. A couple of
injuries notwithstanding, the trip went
very well, and we'd like to continue this
partnership. In addition, some members
attend a 3-day ski improvement clinic
held at Chestnut Mountain in Galena,
Illinois in January. Individual members
and families sometimes take their own
day trips to other resorts, namely Perfect
In recent years, we've been doing more
year-round activities to keep
membership (roughly 50, give or take a
few depending on trip participation in a
given year) involved and get newcomers
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summer 2016
on board. While we've always held
meetings at the same place (currently
Sgt. Preston's of the North) on the first
Wednesday of the month from
September-May, we've added summer
outdoor dining at various area
restaurants in June, July, and August. A
day canoe trip, a potluck picnic at
Prophetstown State Park, a campfire at
locally owned Exploration Acres corn
maze, going to a baseball game (usually
Indianapolis Indians, but soon it will be
Lafayette Aviators of the Prospect
League, who debut this summer), and
participation in the Lafayette Christmas
Parade have become annual events.
The 2016 World’s Largest Ski Lesson took
place January 8th, with more than 150 locations
teaching an estimated 6,000 lessons. Ski Utah
partnered with the US Forest Service to bring
nearly 500 school children for a free first-time
lesson. Burton Snowboards gave nearly 100
elementary children their first snowboard lesson
Our club is a good mix of families,
couples, and singles. We have a great
deal of fun together both on and off the
slopes and will continue to do so.
From the National Ski
Council Newsletter:
*Vail purchased Wilmot Mountain, 65
miles north of Chicago, 50 miles
southwest of Milwaukee, with plans to
transform the on-mountain and base
area experiences
*Swiss-Italian Ski area is planning to
add a link with Monterosa Ski in the
Italian Aosta Valley, which would
overtake the Swiss Verbiers 4 Vallees
(420m) and compare with France’s Les
3 Vallees (600 m)
*Whistler plans to invest $345 million
on upgrades in 3phases focused on
making the resort a more year -round
*There are 97 US ski resorts that offer
free skiing to seniors.
65 is the
“youngest”, at 6 of those resorts.
*China has announced plans to build the
highest ski resort as part of the
country’s 13th 5-year plan, built in
Tibet. The area would be near Tibet’s
capital, Lhasa
*The National Ski Club Newsletter is
for sale. Bob Wilbanks is retiring. If
you know of anyone who might be
interested, please contact Bob at 303689-9921, or to
discuss the details
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summer 2016
OVSC Summit:
Golfers: Jim Luken, Frank Brooks, Jeannie
Brooks, Kermit Tackett, Eric Zeiher, Alyssa
“Lala” Cartmill (Steamboat), Rick Kruse,
Marty Baldwin & Kevin Bracken (Sun Valley)
A huge thank you to all of our
sponsors who made all this happen
Working together on a shot ski: Gene Brouillard,
Linda Gorman, Janet Jones, Jim Luken
Summit mascot
Trade Show action
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Summer 2016
We had a Silent Auction, with proceeds going to TAASC, The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition. TAASC brings outdoor
activities such as alpine skiing and snowboarding, water skiing, kayaking, cycling, fishing, sailing, ice skating, and other sports
opportunities to children and adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. Below is sampling of the many baskets offered.
Vice President:
North America:
Juli Brace, Cincinnati
Janet Jones, Lexington
Keely Paul, Cincinnati
Hew Wells, Kittyhawk
Dan Hapner, Dayton
Bob LeValley, Dayton
Rick Mygrant, Cincinnati
Still Wanted:
News and events from your club to be “published” in the OVSC Newsletter.
Excerpts from your newsletter that you want the other 16 OVSC clubs to know about: ski trips, events and outings, club
anniversaries. Photos from your trips and outings, with names, places, dates, etc.
Let me know, please.
Juli Brace
OVSC President
Don’t just dream of having an exciting life –
Join a ski club and make it happen!
Summer 2016
Internal Controls/Auditing Training Session
 An effective system of internal controls requires (at a minimum) three separate processes/people.
 Critical control processed include:
o Payment (i.e., Check writing, etc.)
o Approval (Check request or approval form) for receipts. Valid receipts must be:
 Authentic (Real)
 Approved by an appropriate authority (President, board member, etc.)
 Authorized
 Reasonable
o Reconciliation (i.e., Bank statements)
 An additional (but critical) process to enhance internal controls is Audit.
o Performed by an independent person
o Qualified/proper/y trained person preferred (CPA, CFE, CIA, etc.)
o An audit does not have to be performed by a CPA (except if the organization uses or manages
“public” funds, i.e., have shareholders, etc. – The CPA verifies the organization complies with GAAP.
Most private groups and clubs not required)
o An audit was performed only if a report is presented and signed. A qualified person must attest on
the accuracy of financial statements –many clubs say they have had an audit but no report was
provided – then in actuality no audit was done.
o An audit of accounts is not required in Ohio.
 Types of Audit Reports
o Unqualified (Desired) – Means auditor has problems (qualification)
o Qualified – Auditor believes controls are adequate with some exceptions (qualifications)
o Adverse – Controls are bad and need improvements
o Disclaimer – No opinion.
 Clubs can perform audits themselves
o Establish an audit committee of 3 -4 independent members
o Get trained by a qualified person (CPA, CFE, CIA, etc.)
o Issue a report signed by the committee chairperson
 Club board members, trustees, and treasurers can be held liable for stolen funds/fraud
o Board members, trustees, and treasurers have a fiduciary responsibility (have positions of trust)
o Treasurers usually carry a greater level of trust and responsivity – Pecuniary. And, can be held
financially liable to errors and frauds. Treasurers for that reason should be Bonded (an insurance to
cover liability)
o Liability is usually only enforced in acts of negligence.
o Most club by-laws require and annual audit. If it’s not performed and fraud occurs -- that is
negligence. (remember - audit occurred only if there is a signed report)
o Check by-laws, if you don’t plan on performing an audit (it’s not required in Ohio) take the
requirement out of club by-laws.
o Good internal controls and audits protect the club funds from errors, misuse and abuse. Regardless
if an audit is required, it’s the only way to assess the controls of the club.
o Provided attendee with 10 quick and easy tests that can be performed to test the clubs system of
internal controls.
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