G uara ntor Signatu re >< Pri nt Na me _


G uara ntor Signatu re >< Pri nt Na me _
Jeffrey W Drawdy Email: Jdrawdy@Santander.US
831 Whitfield Walk
Zebulon, GA 302-5
Phone: 770-567-5514 Fax: 770-567-5516
Business Information
Applicant Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _____City:_ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ State _______ Zip ____ _ _ _ __ _
Business Telephone Number:
Mobile Telephone Number:
Fax Number: _________________________________
E-mail : Bi lling Address _________________________________________ City: _____________________
BUSiness structure:
LLC 0 Partnership
Sole Proprietor
Has t he Business (or you, if a so le proprietor) ever declared ba nkruptcy7
State ____ _ _ _ Zip In bUSiness Since _____________________Federa II.D .# Yes
If yes, when 7 (date) Equipment/Financing Description
Amount Requested $ _ _ _ __ Term Requested (n umber of months)
Fleet Size: ____ _
Replacem ent _ _____ Additlon
Equipment Description: _________________________________________________________________ Quantity :_______________________
Vendor Contact : ________________________________________________________________ Telephone Nu mber: ___________________________
Bank Reference (Installment Debt/Leases)
Name of Bank ___________________________ Accounts Open Since :
Telep ~ one
Bank Officer __________________ ______
Check ing Account Number: ___________ _ _ _ _ _ Loan Number:_____________ _______________
Finance References Firm Name
Applicant Principal/Guarantor Information
Accou nt Open Since Telephone Number
Contact Name
Please provide the follOWing Information regarding the principal>iowner>iguarantors of the Applicant (attach additional sheets if necessaryl
Principal 1 Name:
Percent Owned ________________________ __
Home Address wi th Zi p Code __________________________________________ _________________ Date of Birth .
Telephone Number:
Is PrinCipa l 1 gOing to be a Guarantor 7 0 Yes
USA or 0 Other
SOCial Security Number.
If yes, has Pnnclpa l 1 ever declared ba nkruptcy7
Yes 0 No
If you intend to apply for joint credit (including as a Guarantor), please initial here and sign below as a Guarantor.
Principal 2 Name _______________________________________
If yes, when) (date) _______________
Percent Owned ______ _ _ _ Home Address with Zip Code: ___________________________________________________ _____ Date of Blrth ._______ __ Citizensh ip : 0 USA or
Telephone Number:
Is Principa l 2 going to be a Guarantor 7
Social Security Number
If yes, has Principa l 2 ever declared bankruptcy7
If you intend to apply for joint credit (including as a Guarantor), please initial here and sign below as a Guarantor.
If yes, w hen) (date) ___________________
The undersigned prlnc lpal(s) certify that he/she has full authority to act on behalf of the applicant. The applicant (if a sole proprietor), pnnClpals, and guarantors each certify that all of the Information conta ned In :his application and or
each document requ ired to be submitted in connection herewith are true and complete. The applicant (If a sole proprietor) and each guarantor hereby authorize Santander Bank, N.A. (" Santander Bank ") to obta in hiS/her cred it re port
from t he national credit bureau(s) for the purpose of considering thiS credit applicat ion and any subsequent update, renewal, collection or additional credit. A photocopy or faCSimile of thiS au thorization shall be as valid as the anginal
Further, the applicant and guarantors hereoy authorize each bank and finance reference listed In thiS credit application to release Information about the appl icants and guarantors to Santander Bank, as requested by Santander Bank If
you r aDplicat lon for business credit is denied you have the right to a written statement of the specific reasons for the denial by writing to Santander Bank, CommerCial EqUipment and Veh icle Finance DiVision at 3 Huntington Quadrangle
SUite 1C1N, Melville, NY 11/4 7-46 16, Mad Code: NY1·MLV·01 ·01 , 0 1 call 1-800·238-4009, wltrdn sixty (60) days from the date you are notified of our deCISion. Santander Bank Will send you a written statement of :he reasons iOI the
denial within thirty (30) days of receiving your request for the statement.
The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit app licants on the basis of race, color, religion, national orrg ln, sex, marrtalstatus, age (provided the applicant has the capac ity to enter Into a
binding contract); or because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Cons umer Credit Protection Act. The Federal Agency
that admin isters compliance with thiS law concerning th iScreditor IS the Office of the Comptroller of the Cu rrency, Customer ASSistance Group, 1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3450, Hous ton, Texas 770 10·9050
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, rederallaw requires all finanCial Institutions to obtain, verify, and record informatlof' that Identifies each person who opens an account. This means
that when you open an account, Santander Bank w ill ask you for your name, address, date of birth, and other Information that will allow us to Identify you. Santander Bank may also ask to see a government issued 10 such as a driver's
license, non-d river's 10, passport, cr other identifying documents.
If you Intend to act as a Guarantor for the credit of one or mOle primary applrcant(s) and are prOViding Information to Santander BanK for that purpose, please be adVised that If Santander Bank deter Mines that you do no t meet Its
star dards of credltvvorthlness fO I the amount and/or kind of credit deSired by the prrmary ap plrcant, Santander Bank IS requrred by law to prOVide the speCifiC reasons for such advelse action to the prrmary applicant and NCT to you. Unless
IOU are Willing to share the speClfrc reasons for adverse action based upon your credit history v"lth the prrmary applrcant you should not sign tnrs application or submit a Pelsonal Financial Statement to Santandel Ban k.
Applicant by ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title: _________________ Date ___ __ __ _ __ _ _ __
Applicant by: _________ _ _ _ __ _ _ _______Title ______ __ _ _ _ __ ____ Date _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _
Guarantor Signature
><____________________________________ Print Name:
__________________________ Date _____________________.
Guara ntor Signatu re
><____________________________________ Pri nt Na me
_ ___________________
Date. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __
San ta nder Bank, N. A. is a Member FDIC and a wholly owned subsrd iary o! Banco Santander, S.A. ©20 13 Santander Bank, !\i.A Santander and its logo are reg istered trademarks of Banco Santander, S.A. or ItSaffil iates or subs idlarres
In the United States and other countries .