genetics - National Science Teachers Association
genetics - National Science Teachers Association
CORN SNAKE GENETICS Students learn about the fundamentals of Mendelism by studying corn snakes Kristin King I n an attempt to generate student enthusiasm on the subject of genetics, I developed a Punnett square activity centered on the genetics of corn snakes to teach students about Mendelism and genetic diversity (Figure 1). As we began the activity, however, some unexpected twists occurred that allowed for investigation into corn snake anatomy and behavior. Overall, this turn of events enhanced the study of genetics and provided student opportunities for independent research, laboratory investigations, and long-range data collection. Engaging students While researching textbooks and reminiscing about my own college days working with fruit flies, I contemplated many ways to teach genetics to my students. The study of pea plants, although a necessary component of teaching genetics, did not seem exciting enough to captivate my freshmen students. In search of something more engaging, I considered teaching genetic traits using my bearded dragon, Pagona vitticeps. I ran the idea past a local pet store owner who suggested corn snakes as a better fit for studying varied traits in the classroom. We discussed the phenotypes of heterozygous and homozygous dominant and recessive traits in various specimens of corn snakes. He indicated that varied morphs are becoming more common as herpetologists practice selective breeding. I thought about this idea for a month or so before I took action and went wild with the concept. Live specimens Keyword: Punnett squares at Enter code: TST010403 50 When I first introduced the idea of studying Mendelism through corn snake genetics, we had no live corn snake specimens in the classroom. Therefore, as a supple- T h e S c i e n c e Te a c h e r ment to the activity in Figure 1, I provided a PowerPoint presentation (available online at Mendelism_files/frame.htm) with visual images of different corn snake phenotypes along with a deck of identification cards labeled with snake phenotypes and trade names (Figure 2, p. 52). Before beginning the activity, however, something unexpected occurred. The morning the lab was scheduled to begin, a group of students brought an injured wild type (Normal) corn snake into the classroom, which had apparently been run over by a vehicle. After great attempts to revive this snake, it died leaving us with a unique opportunity—preservation. I postponed the onset of the activity to take advantage of the opportunity at hand and to teach students about anatomy. The following morning, I, along with another teacher who is an expert in skinning snakes, removed the snakeskin and made an incision around the neck. We both used gloves as a safety precaution. While gently pulling back the snakeskin we noticed the trachea was visible for 5 cm to 6 cm. We thought it was exposed due to the snake’s accidental demise; however, we later found out this was not the case. We had difficulty removing the skin at first, but after we passed the damaged region it peeled back with ease. We then placed the remains on a large porcelain dissecting tray and dried the carcass in the hood in my classroom. Later in the day as class began I held up the snakeskin for my students to view where the actual damage had taken place. (Again, I wore gloves and did not allow students to touch the skin.) Bloodstains embedded in the skin, ranging approximately 16 cm to 27 cm, appeared in regions along the snake’s body. We discussed how the anatomy of the snake differed from other creatures. For instance, while dissecting the snake it became clear that the flesh on the FIGURE 1 Corn snake genetics activity. Students become novice corn snake breeders and try their newfound knowledge at developing their own corn snake stock. Equipped with knowledge of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, corn snake identification cards, and a morphology tracking chart (available online at, each lab group embarks on the hidden world of heredity. Directions N N N N N N Use the cards provided to select your mating pair. Determine and record the genotype, phenotype, and trade name of each snake, P1. Make a Punnett square to show what your possible outcomes (ratios) will be for all your offspring, F1. What might you expect in the F2 generation? Pick any two genotypes from the F1 square and breed them. What are the gamete combinations? State whether each snake is homozygous dominant, heterozygous dominant, or homozygous recessive in all matings. Refer to the Punnett square matrix below and label each snake using trade names and including proper prefixes: hyper-, hypo-, a-, and an-. Method Step 1. Choose two snakes using the deck of corn snake cards. Determine the genotype of both sexes using the rubric below. Make a dyhibrid cross of the P1 using algebra skills to determine phenotypic ratios of F1. Male: Anerythristic, Bbrr. Male: Br Br br br N Female: BR BR bR bR N Male: BR Br bR br N Female: bR bR bR br N Repeat the process for the Punnett square. N Determine the phenotypic ratios for F2 and compare them to the corn snake cards. • Female: Normal, BbRR. N Step 3. BbRr × bbRr BbRR, 3 (Normal); BbRr, 3 (Normal); Bbrr, 2 (Anerythristic); bbRR, 3 (Amelanistic); bbRr, 4 (Amelanistic); bbrr, 1 (Snow). Punnett square matrix Genotype Phenotype Trade name Br Br br br BBRR Black, Brown, Red, and Orange Normal (wild type) BR BBRr BBRr BbRr BbRr BbRR Black, Brown, Red, and Orange Normal (Hypo ?) BR BBRr BBRr BbRr BbRr BBRr Black, Brown, Red, and Orange Normal (Hyper ?) bR BbRr BbRr bbRr bbRr BbRr Black, Brown, Red, and Orange Normal bR BbRr BbRr bbRr bbRr BBrr Black or gray, occasionally with yellow Anerythristic Bbrr Black or gray, occasionally with yellow Anerythristic bbRR Red and Orange Amelanistic bbRr Red and Orange Amelanistic bbrr White, occasionally with yellow Snow Step 2. From this acquired information, determine the phenotypes of the F 1 generation. Choose two snakes from the F1 to breed and duplicate the same process as Step 1 to conclude the F2 generation results. ventral side was disconnected all the way from the esophagus to the end of the tail. After thinking about this phenomenon from dissection day we realized this is how snakes are able to eat and swallow such large prey whole. This unique feature allows a snake to expand its body’s width without tearing its dermis. For visual effect I showed the class a photograph from the Encyclopedia of Animals (Cogger 2002) of an African rock python swallowing an impala. The class could not believe a snake could eat something so large. We discussed not only the January 2004 51 FIGURE 2 PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR Samples of snake identification cards. Amelanistic and Anerythristic Albino Greenish Snow Hypomelanistic and Anerythristic Type A Ghost should always be fed in their tanks, never in the open. The new snake has been a wonderful addition to our classroom and an integral part of our studies in corn snake behaviors, eating habits, benefits to pest management, and their interactions with the environment. After our little detour, we made our way back to studying Mendelism. With all of their newly acquired knowledge on snakes, students conducted the activity in Figure 1 (p. 51) and learned how to set up Punnett squares and interpret the phenotypic ratios to determine genetic diversity in corn snakes. The activity I began the activity by discussing Gregor Mendel and his famous pea plants. In addition, we reviewed the meaning of the terms dominance, recessiveness, segregation, and independent assortment and then applied this knowledge to coloration in corn snakes. The class viewed the PowerPoint presentation “Mendelism Through Corn Snake Genetics,” which includes genetic terminology, step-by-step instructions for calculating Punnett squares, and photographs of various genotypes and phenotypes of corn snakes (Elaphe guttata). StuHypomelanistic dents also studied the deck of 27 Albino Amelanistic Normal identification cards labeled with snake Heterozygous for Snow phenotypes and trade names (Figure 2). When the lab was complete, each group had their P1 gametes from the cards they chose, an F1 Punnett square with genoway the snakeskin stretches but also how the jaw of the types, phenotypes, and trade names, and an F2 Punnett snake dislocates during feeding and then snaps back into square with genotypes, phenotypes, and trade names. If place once the muscles have forced prey down toward for some reason students came up with a morph that had the snake’s stomach. not been discovered, they had the privilege of naming it. Several days later one of my students found a beautiful The twist in the lesson was for students to keep in mind Hypomelanistic female corn snake in his back yard, which that iridophore cells in a corn snake’s skin are like wild measured 93 cm in length. We waited several days for the cards that combine with the snake’s three basic pigments snake to become accustomed to its new home before feed(melanin/black, erythrin/red, and xanthin/yellow), which ing it for the first time in captivity. Many times wild corn create stunning morphs. This phenomenon causes unexsnakes will not eat in captivity and must be force-fed, but pected coloration differences like white, blue, green, rainthis snake ate its first small mouse without hesitation. As a bow, and other unique combinations that change the basic safety precaution, I fed the snake instead of letting pigments of the corn snake’s skin. This information my students feed it. Snakes become active and go caused confusion within the groups. For that reason we on the hunt in the evening around dusk. I usually stuck with the basic color combinations listed in the go into my classroom on a Friday evening and feed Punnett square matrix (Figure 1, p. 51). the snake once a week. If snakes feel threatened (i.e., viStudents were surprised to discover the variations that brations from students banging around the lab stations) occurred in the F2 generation of their snakes. Many students asked for help setting up the Punnett squares and determinthey will regurgitate their food. To eliminate this factor I ing the correct phenotypes. After one class period students feed the snake in the evening, allowing the snake a chance seemed to have the concept of genetic crosses mastered and to digest its food before the “vibrations” occur. Snakes 52 T h e S c i e n c e Te a c h e r PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR Students study the snake identification cards. wanted to try breeding another set of snakes. Students could not believe all the possibilities and were eager to breed real snakes (only through actually breeding these snakes would we be able to determine what recessive traits are being masked). In this lab, students learned the fundamentals of setting up Punnett squares and how to interpret the phenotypic ratios from the data collected to determine genetic diversity in corn snakes. We discussed what the students might want to know about a breeding pair and offspring if they were corn snake breeders. We also discussed how these results might affect the buying habits of the consumer. The genetics activity expanded into lessons on active and passive immunity and how knowledge of venomous and nonvenomous snakes contributes to medical practices. Our discussions also involved careers in corn snake breeding and genetics. We discussed reptile (snake) anatomy, morphology, and taxonomy. We were able to incorporate a lab on endothermic/exothermic reactions in the ecosystem and how it applies to warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals as well as discuss where snakes lie in the hierarchy of the food chain. My class participated in the entire scope of the corn snake study (both the planned and unexpected aspects) with enthusiasm, and most students thoroughly grasped the concept of Mendelism, Punnett squares, and genetic diversity. Students continue to come into class before and after school just to talk about snakes. Occasionally, I see students in the local pet store, which I visit on a frequent basis, looking at reptiles. Some students have expressed interest in careers as biologists and herpetologists as a result of this project. What a wonderful beginning! As a result of this successful study, I purchased three more corn snakes with different phenotypes to add to our classroom: Albino Anerytheristic Ghost (male), Albino Amelanistic Heterozygous for Snow (male), and Greenish Snow Corn (female). My ambition is to have future science students predict the F1 and F2 generations using Punnett squares, observe the F1 and F2 generations through selective breeding, track and graph their growth rates, and calculate mass differences over time. Snakes in Florida only breed once or twice a year, therefore this process will take some time to determine the F2 in the bloodlines. The freshmen I taught in this first year of corn snake genetics will most likely not see the results until they are juniors. The ongoing research will be quite interesting and will give many students the opportunity to participate as they check and recheck each other’s data over time. I am excited about the development of reptiles in my classroom and the teaching of Mendelism through corn snake genetics. I have noticed many positive results in my students’ grades, not to mention many engaged, smiling freshmen faces!n Kristin King is a teacher at Eau Gallie High School, 1400 Commodore Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32935; email: References Cogger, H. 2002. Encyclopedia of Animals. New York: Barnes and Noble Books. National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. On the Web Connecting to the Standards The corn snakes genetics activity addresses the following National Science Education Standards for grades 9–12. NSES Teaching Standards A and B (NRC 1996, pp. 30, 32); NSES 9–12 Content Standards A, B, C, E, F, and G (NRC 1996, pp. 173–204); N NSES Program Standards B and D. (NRC 1996, pp. 212, 218). N Corn Snake Genetics Primer: Corn Snake Morphs: Florida Museum of Natural History: Reptimania: N NSTA Connection Visit for NSTA’s position statement “Guidelines for Responsible Use of Animals in the Classroom.” January 2004 53