PD3d-87 Completion Report-Addendum, 19 November 1991
PD3d-87 Completion Report-Addendum, 19 November 1991
FINAL PROJECT EVALUATION ADDENDUM OF PD 3.d/S7 Proposals for Action ln Favor of Lesser known Species: Measures In Support of the Lesser Vnown Species of Africa and Latin America/Caribbean Submltteci by: November 19, 1991 Table of Contents I. Final Project Evaluation Summary 1 11. Analysis of Progress Since Evaluation Completion 11. 1. Rationale for the Interim Evaluation Addendum 1 1 11. 2. 2 Issues to be Reviewed, as Stated in the Project Evaluation 11. 3. Review of the Issues 2 Ill. Further Evaluation Addendum 4 IV. 1. Appendices IV. 1. a. Appendix 1: Cover letters and Questionnaires IV. 5 1. b. Appendix 2: Summary Results of the Questionnaire 11 Mailed to Recipients of the Atlas and Technical Sheets IV. 1. c. Appendix 3: Mailing list for the questionnaires 18 I. Final Project Evaluation Addendum Summary Project Number: PD 3.d/87 Project Title: Proposals for Action in Favor of Lesser Known Specles: Measures in Support of the Lesser Known Species of Africa and Latin America/Caribbean Type of Project: I nter'-regi onal Area Covered by Project: Latln America. count.ries Africa, Permanent Committee: Forest Industry Implementing Agency: CTFT Nogent-Sur-Marne Total International Contribution : ITTO : Implementing Agency Date of Initial Evaluation: April Date of Final Evaluation Addendum: & Consuming US$ 242,000 US$ (In ~:::ind) 14 through May 9, November 19, 1991 1991 Period Covered by this Final Evaluation Addendum: May 9, November 19, 1991 191 to Participants in Evaluation Addendum: France: CTFT Nogent-Sur-Marne 1"I"TO SecrE·tar-lat Various recipients of the publications 11. Analysis of Progress Since Evaluation Completion 11. 1. Rationale for the Interim Evaluation Addendum This project has been completed, so the following update is of an informational nature only. It is only intended for use by the Secretariat in monitoring the projects, and the implementing agencies for their information. It is up to the discretion of the Secretariat to summarize or dlsseminate this informatlonal report to others, such as members of the Forest Industry Committee, or members of the Council. In the Project Evaluation for this project, it is stated that t.wo items will be reported on in November, 1991. The reason why this Addendum is necessary is t.hat time constraints did not permit the results from a questionnaire to be reported in the original evaluation. Letters and surveys were mal led out, but there was insufficlent tlme to include the responses. 1 11. 2. Issues to be Reviewed, as Stated in the Project Evaluation The follow1ng is a reprInt from Project Evaluation PC SectIon Ill. 2. i. Evaluation~ Ill. 2. i. 1. Project Evaluation Addendum: QUOTE A project evaluatIon addendum will be presented in November~ 1991 which will include the following: ~.d/87. a. Results from a questionna1re sent to a representative group of Individuals who have receIved both the Latin American Wood Atlas. and the Technical Sheets. The questionnaire asks, Inter al1a, the 1mpact the publlcat10ns have made on the recipients, Including any purchas1ng decisions (See Appendix 3). The questlonnaire WIll be sent In English~ Spanish, and French. b.. r::m updated cm-hand st Dck of r'egi~:H1/1anr;Jl.l2\ge E~ach at tt-'Ie ITTO Ser:t"f?tar-iat, pub I i cat 1 on by and the implementing a(;:Jf:?ncy .. UNOUOTE 11. 3. Review of the Issues 'n'le resul t,s of the sur"./E?y bl~ I ng to 1 i, ght some issues that should be consIdered in future projects of this nature. Each ql.lesl:,,:inn from the quest.ionnair'E:.- ItJill b8 repeatE-d below~ followed b y 1'''~21 evant commerlts. Fot- a det"u led r"ecapi tul at i on of the que~tlonnaire results, see Appendi~ 2. 1. Old you receive The Tropical TImber Atlas of LatIn American ::iI'ld Tecrn1 i (,' c.\ 1 shE-e t, s on 2() Sel ectE?d L_esser f:"nown Speci es? The Importance 0f haVIng access to current and accurate mailing 11stS for this type of project 1S illustrated by the following figures. Overall, only 47% of the intended recipients say they received the publicat10ns mailed. Only 33% of those polled in the US say they received the publications, which brought down the overall average. A significant amount (12%) of the questionnaires sent to US addresses were returned as undeliverable~ with no forwardIng address. Some of the or"gan:i z at ions that say they did not r"ecf:?i ve the pub 1 i cat ions most probably dId receive them, however due to personnel changes, the new people are not aware of the publicat1ons. The r"esponse rat.e to mai l€~d questionnail'''es in evaluations, as w811 as 1n the projects themselves 1S poor at best, and should only be used as add1tional Information, not as a primary source of informatIon. The overall response rate for these q"'E's'~::i()nnait"'es was.:; 28.2'/:, \!~h:i.c:h 1'5 a quite r'espectable result for th]s type of survey. The questionnaire and accompanying cover 2 letter were mailed out In English~ French and Spanish to increase the response rate. The reason why the English response rate was higher than the French and Sp~nish can be attributed to enclosing a pre-paid return envelope. which could only be done in the consultant's home country~ given the resources at hand. What language was It ln~ All but one person received the publications in the approprlate language for their' country, given th~t the publications were only published in English~ French and Spanish. 3. Were you aware of these species before you saw the literature? The results of this question show that the better terrni nol ogy I s "Lesser-used", r-ather- than "I esser-known" speci es. The questionna1re results show a maJority (81%) of the respondents who received the publIcations were aware of at least some of the species in the publicatIons. On the average, those who had previous lnowledge of some of the species were aware of 53% of the species in the publications. 4. Dld you fInd the information useful for your field of work? The publications proved to be highly relevant for the target intended. Most (95%) of those polled found the il"lfI'Jr'111<::Ition relevant to their' field of work. In addit10n~ the publlcat10ns were praised for their clarity and thoroughness of the tOP1C covered. mar~et 5. Did you find the literature accurate? No inaccuracies have been pointed out by any of those polled. Most (73%) felt the publlcation was accurate, while 26.6% were not in a position to know if the facts contained in the publIcations were accurate, or not. 6. Did you find the literature relevant to your country? Vlrtually everyone (93.3%) polled felt that the literature was rele~ant to their country. One respondent mentioned that "In t 1 me vJe wi 11 update enrj-LtSe categor- i es" ~ meani ng as moy"e LKS ar-e ue.:;ed, and for' differ"ent applications, they would like to see this upd~tE~d il"l the publlcat,ions. 7. Has either of these publications assisted you, or do you know of It assisting someone else, 1n the marketing of any of these 3 Que.tionnaire re,ardin, The Tropical Timber Atla. of Latin American and Technical .heet. on 20 Selected Lea.er Known Specie. Please circle the correct response, and print any comments (use back of questionnaire or additional page, if necessary) 1. Did you receive The Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin American and Technical sheets on 20 Selected Lesser Known Species? Yes No Comments: 2. What language was it in? English Spanish French 3. Were you aware of these species before you saw the literature? Yes No Comments: If yes, what percent of them were you aware of? In the Atlas 1. Comments: 1. In the Technical sheets: 4. Did you find the information useful for your field of work? Yes No Comments: 5. Did you find the literature accurate? Yes No Do not know If no, please specify what was inaccurate: 6. Did you find the literature relevant to your country? Yes No Comments: 7. Has either of these publications assisted you, or do you know of it assisting someone else, in the marketing of any of these species? Yes No If yes, what species?: 8. Are you aware of trade in any of these species that occurred as a direct result of these publications? Yes No Comments: 9. If you know of other individuals, or organizations who would find these publications useful, but have not received them, please print their names on the back of this questionnaire. 6 Le)e Intematlonal 3515 SoN Barbur Blvd. #0-2 Portland. Oregon USA 97201 R'lone: (503) 22&-8594 Fax: (503) 228-1819 26.08.91 Cher Monsieur/Che.re Kadame, Vous avez re~ il y a quelque temps des publications de l'Or,anisation Internationale des bois tropicaux (OIBT) et du Centre Technique Forestier Tropical (CTFT), qui vous ont ec~ adressees ,ratuitement. 11 s'a,it des publications suivantes: Atlas des bois tropicaux d'Aa~ique Latine 20 fiches techniques d'essenees secondaires d'Afrique et d'Aa~ique Latine J'ai ettf charge par I'OIBT d'r.raluer 1 'utilite pratique de ces publications. L'OlBT envisale de diffuser dans l'avenir de nouvelles publications a titre gracieux. aussi votre appr~iation sur les publications ci-dessus aidera-t-elle • amtfliorer la qualite et la contenu des futures publications de l'Organisation. L'un des elements de mon mandat est de r~iser la liste d'adresses par l'OIBT et le CTFT. Afin d'assurer que vos .nom et adreBse soient 4 jour et ne soient pas rayes de la liste, veuillez inscrire votre nom et votre adresse postale compldte. ainsi que votre nume.ro de tt11ecopie, au dos du questionnaire. Vos rsponses resteront confidentielles. en effet je fais cette ~aluation pour le compte de l'OIBT a titre de consultant ind~ndant. d'ou l'adresse postale differente. utils~ One prompte reponse de votre part au questionnaire ci-joint sera et l'OlBT vous en remerciera en vous inscrivant sur la liste d'envoi de publications ,r.tuites. si vous le desirez. appreci~, Si you. avez des questions. poser. n'hesitez pas. le faire par telecopie. appel tt11ephonique. ou en inscrivant une note au dos du questionnaire. Je vous prie d'alr~r. cher Monsieur/chere Madame, I 'expression de a.s sentiments les meilleurs. 7 Questionnaire concernant l'Atlas des bois tropicaux d'Amerique latine et les Fiches techniques sur 20 essences secondaires s~lectionn~es Veuillez encercler la reponse correcte et, le cas echeant, indiquer toute observation pertinente en caracteres d'imprimerie au verso du questionnaire (ou sur une feuille separee). 1. Avez-vous re~u l'Atlas des bois tropicaux d'Amerique latine et les Fiches techniques sur 20 essences secondaires selectionnees ? Non Observation : En quelle langue les avez-vous 3. Connaissiez-vous ces essences avant de voir cette documentation? Oui Non re~us? Anglais Espagnol 2. Fran~ais Observation : Dans l'affirmative, quel est le pourcentage de celles que vous connaissiez et qui figurent % dans l'Atlas dans les Fiches techniques 4. % Les renseignements donnes vous ont-ils ete utiles dans votre travail? Non 5. Observation Observation : Avez-vous trouve que les renseignements donnes etaient exacts? Non Observation : Dans la negative, veuillez indiquer en quoi ils etaient inexacts. 6. Les descriptions donnees vous ont-elles semblees correctes pour votre pays ? Oui 7. Non L'une ou l'autre de ces publications vous a-t-elle ete d'une quelconque assistance ? Non 8. Non a Dans l'affirmative. pour quelles essences? Savez-vous si l'une quelconque des ces essences a fait l'objet d'un commerce en consequence directe de cette documentation? Non 10. Dans l'affirmative, pour quelles essences? Connaissez-vous quelqu'un que ces publications auront aide commercialiser l'une quelconque de ces essences? Oui 9. Observation Observation : Si vous connaissez des personnes ou des organisations a qui ces publications seraient utiles et qui ne les auraient pas encore re~ues, veuillez indiquer leurs noms au verso de ce questionnaire. 8 Leje International 3515 SN Barbur 8Ivd. #0-2 Portland. Oregon USA 9720 1 R'\one: (503) 228-8594 Fax: (503) 228-1819 20.08.91 Estimado senor: Me dirijo a usted en relaci6n con las publicaciones que la Organizacion lnternacional de las Maderas Tropicales (OIMT) 0 el Centre Technique Tropical <CTFT} le han enviado en forma gratuita. a saber: Atlas de Maderas Tropicales de America Latina 20 Pliegos tecnicos de las especies menos concidas de Africa y America Latina La OlMT me has encomendado evaluar la eficacia de estas publicaciones. porque planea enviar m's publicaciones gratuitas en el futuro y sus opiniones sobre las ya enviadas ayudara a mejorar la calidad y el contenido do otras publicaciones futuras de la Organizacion. Parte de mi evaluaci~n consiste en revisar la lista de direcciones utilizada por la OIMT y el CTFT. Para asegurar su inclusibn en la lista actualizada, slrvase escribir su nombre. su direccion postal competa y su numero de facsfmil al dorso del cuestionario. Sus requestas tendr~n car~cter confidencial. ya que soy un asesor independiente a quien le han encomendado esta evaluaci6n para la OIMT; de allr que las direcciones sean diferentes. Le agradecer!amos ,u pronta requesta al cuestinario adjunto. La OIMT demostrara su agradecim ento incluyendolo en la lista de envlos de futuras publicaciones gratuitas. si usted aSl 10 desea. Si tiene alguna pregunta. no dude en communicarse por facsfmil telefono. 0 incluya una nota al dorso del cuestionario. Lo salude atentamente. L 9 J. Jimerson 0 Cuestionario referente al Atlas de Maderas Tropicales de America Latina y a los Pliegos Tecnicos sobre 20 Especies Secundarias Seleccionadas. Encierre en un clrculo la respuesta correcta, haga los comentarios que desee,(para esto utililice la parte de atras del cuestionario 0 una pagina adicional si es necesario). 1. lRecibi6 el Atlas de Maderas Tropicales de America Latina y los Pliegos Tecnicos sobre 20 Especies Secundarias Seleccionadas? 2. lEn que idioma los recibi6? Ingles 3. Comentarios: No Si Espafiol Frances lConocla usted estas especies antes de verlas en la literatura enviada? Comentarios: No Si Si su respuesta fue afirmativa, lque porcentaje de estas especies conocla? En el Atlas En los Pliegos Tecnicos 4. % lEncontr6 usted esta informaci6n util para su area de trabajo? No Si 5. %Comentarios: Comentarios: lEncontr6 usted esta literatura precisa? Si No se No Si su respuesta fue negativa, aclare lPor que era imprecisa? 6. lEsta literatura era pertinente para su pais? Si 7. a) No lAlguna de estas publicaciones ha sido util para usted? Si b) No lSabe usted si esta informaci6n le ha sido util a alguien en el mercadeo de estas especies? No Si 8. Si respondi6 afirmativamente, indique las especies: lSabe usted si ha habido comercio de algunas de estas especies como resultado directo de estas publicaciones? Si 9. Comentarios: No Comentarios: Si sabe de alguien 0 de alguna organizaci6n que pueda encontrar util estas publicaciones, pera que no las han recibido, par favor indique los nombres de estas en la parte de atras del cuestionario. 10 Appendix 2: Summary Results of the Questionnaire Mailed to Recipients of the Publications Questionnaire regarding The Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin American and Technical sheets on 20 Selected Lesser Known Species (~~~ Please circle the correct response, and print any comments Q~~k_QE_g~~~£iQ~~~i~~_Q~_~~~i£iQ~~l_Q~g~~_iE_~~~~~~~~Y) 1. Did you receive The Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin American and Technical sheets on 20 Selected Lesser Known Species? Yes ENGLISH Quito rail o '0 3 ~ 3 11 33.3~ Comments: No 1 I need to know more about Tropical timber & how the rain forests are utilized; We have had a change of personnel- Don't know where literature is; Did not receive, as far as I am aware; Please send; This had been requested some time ago, prior to publication, but so far not received. 66.6% Number of questionnaires mailed Number of completed questionnaires returned Number of questionnaires returned, not deliverable Response rate of received questionnaires 50 15 5 ~O~ ~1 of the above 50 questionnaires were mailed to addresses in the US and had a postage-paid return envelope enclosed. SPANISH Quito Mail 1 Interesting, very useful ~ 55.5~ Number of questionnaires mailed Number c~ completed questionnaires returned Number of questionnaires returned, not deliverable Response rate of recei\'ed questionnaires 11 13 ~ o 30.8~ FRENCH Gluito Mail 1 3 100% o o Onl~ received the Atlas 0% Number of questionnaires mailed Number of completed questionnaires returned Number of questionnaires returned, not deliverable Response rate of received questionnaires TOTAL 15 % Lf6.9% 17 Call Languages) 53.1% 2. What language was it in? English ENGLISH Gluito Mail Lf SPANISH Gluito Mail FRENCH Gluito Mail TOTAL % 3 French Spanish 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 8 Lf Lf 50% 25% 25% 12 15 3 0 20% 3. Were ~ou aware of these species before Yes No ENGLISH Quito Mail 3 1 3 SPANISH Quito Mail 1 Y: 0 0 FRENCH Quito Mail 1 3 0 0 TOTAL % saw the literature? Comments: o Balsa onl~j We have started to import a number of LKS. So we are graduall~ becoming aware of an increasing no. of these speciesj I was aware of the high standard of publications from earlier publications Part I- Africa and Part II- Australasia/Asiaj Somej the maJorit~j 3 18.8% 13 81% If ~ou ~es, what percent of them were ~ou aware of? In the Atlas % Comments: ENGLISH Quito Mail 35%, 100% no comments SPANISH Quito Mail 30, Y:5, 70, 80 FRENCH Quito Mail 80% 30, 30, AVERAGE 52% 100 13 In the Technical sheets: ENGLISH Quito Mail 3S% J 100% no comments SPANISH Quito Mail 20 J 20 J FRENCH Qui to Mail 80% 30% AVERAGE SLt·~ Lt. Did ~ou 70 J % 80 find the information useful for Yes No ENGLISH Quito Mail 3 3 0 1 SPANISH Quito Mail 1 Lt 0 0 FRENCH Quito Mail 1 3 0 0 TOTAL is % 93.8% ~our field of work? Comments: No. Not at this time; Info is ver~ clear & well presented. Excellent publications. Important aspects & characteristics covered 1 6.2S% 1Y: 5. Did you find the literature accurate? Yes Do not know No ENGLISH Quito Mail 2 1 0 0 1 3 SPANISH Quito Mail 1 Y: 0 0 0 0 FRENCH Quito Mail 1 2 0 0 0 0 TOTAL % 0 0% 11 73.3% ,hat was inaccurate: please specif!:; If no, Y: 26.6% 6. Did \:jou find the literature relevant to \:jour country? Yes ENGLISH Quito Mail 3 0 2 1 SPANISH Quito Mail 1 Y: 0 0 FRENCH Quito Mail 1 3 0 0 TOTAL % Comments: No lY: 1 93.3 6.6% In time we will update end-use categories. Yes; enough; Industry 15 Especially for 7. Has either of these publications assisted ~ou, or do ~ou know of it assisting someone else, in the marketing of an~ of these species? Yes No ENGLISH Quito Mail 3 2 2 SPANISH Quito Mail Lt FRENCH Quito Mail 1 2 TOTAL 1 13 81. 3% If ~es, what species?: o No. Not at this time; Angelim/Cedro/Tornillol Sucupira Preta/Car~ocar spp.1 Sande/Eschweilera spp.1 Cachimbo/Copaiba o o Dalbergia spruceana CRosewood) Carapa guianensis, Ocotea rodiaei CGreenheart), Centrolobium spp. CArariba) o Tauari - Cedrorana 1 3 18.75% 16 8. Are you aware of trade in any of these species that occurred as a direct result of these publications? Yes No ENGLISH Quito Mail 1 1 2 3 SPANISH Quito Mail 0 1 1 3 FRENCH Quito Mail 1 2 0 1 TOTAL ~ 6 37.5~ Comments: We are using this info to promote these species to end-users. The publications are helping us to sell. Need more time to obtain results; It is considered that the availability of this information may well have assisted in positive trade results; Tauari - Cedrorana 10 62.5~ 9. If you know of other individuals, or organizations who would find these publications useful, but have not received them, please print their names on the back of this questionnaire. General comments: Thanks for the book- Will keep it on hand Names and addresses of those who would like to receive the publications, but have not, has been given to the ITTO Secretariat separately. 17 Appendix 3: Mailing list of Questionnaires to recipients of publications ENGLISH National Kitchen & Bath Assn. 12Lf Main St. Hackettstown, NJ 078LfO Baer Executive Vice President IHPA PO Box 1308 Alexandria, VA 22313 Wend~ American Pl~wood Association PO Box 11700 Tacoma, WA 98Lf11 Architectural Woodwork Institute 2310 S. Waiter Reed Dr. Arlington, VA 22206 Bernard Tomasko Executive Vice President WMMPA PO Box 25278 Portland, OR 97225 Western Wood Box Assn. PO Box 670 Turlock, CA 95381 Western Wood Products Assn. Yeon Bldg. 522 SW 5th Ave Portland, OR 9720Lf Anderson Door Co. 19106 Miles Ave. Cleveland, OH LfLf128 18 Sioux Veneer Panel Co. 2000 Yamhill Rd. Boise, ID 83706 Architectural Millwork Inc. Y:01 S. Adams Hutchinson, KS 6750Y: Lianga Pacific Inc. PO Box 1355 Tacoma, WA 98Y:01 High Point Face Veneer Co. Y:11 Tomlinson St. PO Box 1007 High Point, NC 27261 Foreign and Domestic Woods Inc. PO Box Y:Y:9 Bowling Green, VA 22Y:27 Barbara Douglas Ecological Trading Compan~ LTD Lesburg Read Newcastle upon T~me NEG 5LB ENGLAND Mr. R. De Witt Box H South Gale, California 90280 Mr. Kelderman Bunnings PTY LTD 255 Adelaide Terrance Perth Western Australia 6000 John Robertson Limited 15 Hamilton Square Birkenhead, Nerse~side LY:1 GA7 ENGLAND 19 TRADA Stocking Lane Hugberdem Valley High Wldcombe Suckinggansbire NP1~ AND ENGLAND Mr. A.J. Robld DDNRI Central Ave. Chatham Maritime Kent NE~ ~TB, ENGLAND Japan Plldwood Manufacturers' Association Meisan Building 18-17, Nishi-Shimbashi 1-chome Minatu-ku TokldO 105, Japan USSR State Forest Committee NDVDCHERIDMUSHKINSKAIA Str. 69 Moscow, 117Lf18 USSR Mr. M.J.L. Albaladejo The International Trade Centre 5~-56, rue de Monbrillant CH 1202 Geneva Switzerland Mr. Nana Yaw Dwusu Ghana Timber Association P.D. Box 339 Kumasi, Ghana Mr. Dka Director General of Forestrld Ministrld of Env. & Forests Parldavaran Shaven, CGO Complex Lode Road, New Delhi 110003, India Mr. Phairote Suwannakorn Director-General ROldal Forest Department Paholklothin Rd. Bangkhem, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Dr. Ing. Efransjah Min. of For., Bur. of For. Coop. Gd. Manggala Wanabakti 3rd Floor Jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia & Pub. Rel. 20 Mr. Peter J. Eddowes Acting Executive Director Forest Industries Council of PNG P.D. Box 1829, Port Moresb~ Papua New Guinea Co. 111 W. Division St. Ridgefield, WA 986~2 Niederme~er-Martin Baker Furniture Co. 171 E. 2~th St. Holland, MI ~9~23 J.F. Mill & Lumber Co. Inc. 1032 N. Cedar St. New Castle, PA 16102 Southeastern Corp. P.D. Box 877 Mount Gilead, NC 27306 Commercial Cabinet Corp. 375 E. 163rd St. Bronx, NY 10~51 Hardwood Pl~wood Mfgrs. Assn. 1825 Michael Farada~ Dr. Reston, VA 22090 American Hardboard Assn. 520 N. Hicks Rd. Palatine, IL 60067 Northeastern Lumber Mfgrs. Assn. 272 Tuttle Rd. P.D. Box 87-A Cumber land Center, ME 0~021 21 Lenderink Inc./House of Cards 1267 House St. Belmont, MI ~9306 Cornelius Cabinet Shop 1022 Baseline P.D. Box ~1~ Cornelius, OR 97113 Goebel Woodwork Inc. 2563 HW\d. 32 Port Washington, WI 5307~ E-J Industries Inc. 1275 S. Campbell Ave. Chicago IL 60608 Soderquist Custom Cabinet Co. N. Main P.D. Box 326 Axtel, NE 68S2~ ~07 Portfolio Contract Furniture 7879 Jackson Ann Arbor, MI ~8106 Custom Crafted Door Rte. 1, Box 1lf8 El Paso, IL 61738-9801 Bradford Veneer & Panel Co. Bradford, VI 05033 Inc. Southeast Ohio Timber Products Inc. 135 S. Kensington Ave. South Zanesville, OH ~3701 22 National Door Co. Inc. 5 Summer PI. Saranac Lake, NY 12983 Iille~ Lumber Co. P.D. Box 396 Fuqua~-Varina, NC 27526 Industrial Woodcrafts Inc. 1700 Hw~. 72 E. P.D. Box 228 Athens, AL 35611 Ha~s Gilbert Int'l Inc 1LfOO E. Berr~ Fort Worth, IX 76119 Custom Woodworks 9Lf35-G Washington Blvd. Laurel, MD 20707 Viking Clock Lf51 Pecan Ave. P.D. Box 1139 Fairhope, AL 36533 Robert Shaw Mfg. Co. 2820 Br~an Ave. Fort Worth, IX 7610Lf Metropolitan Furniture Corp. 2Lf5 E. Harris Ave. South San Francisco, CA 9Lf080 Wood Products Inc. Lf603 35th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98126 Ka~mar 23 Harbor Millwork Inc. 1015 5th Ave P.D. Box 617 Hoquiam, WA 88550 Just M~ Size Furniture Inc. Rio Rancho Dr. Rio Ranch, NM 8712~ 13~ FRENCH R.D.L. BP 205 1730~ Rochefort Cedex FRANCE S.A. Verpoort - Lagneau 180, rue de la L~s B.P. 52 58~31 Halluin Cedex France Balter S.A. 61 rue La fontaine 75016 Paris FRANCE Mr. J. M. Algrot 63/105 av Carneot 52000 Chaumont FRANCE Mr. Walker S. N. B. 6. 255 rue 8 Homore' 75001 Paris France Mr. Netter SIBT 78 Bd de le Reine 78000 Versai lles FRANCE Mr. Konan Konan Denis Ministere des Eaux et Forets B.P. V 9~ Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire Mr. Temgoua Engelbert Directeur General de l'oNADEF oNEDEF B. P. 13'1:1 Yaounde, Cameroon Mr. Denguet-Attiki Alexandre Presidente Directeur General Office Congolais de Bois Pointe Noire, Congo UCBT Siege administratif Rue Ro~ale, 109 1000- Bruxelles Belgium SoDEFoR 01 B.P. 3770 AbidJan 01 Cote d' Ivoire Societe Nationale de Bos du Gabon B.P. 67 Libreville, Gabon des Industries du Bois CSPIB) 01 BP 318 AbidJan 01 Cote d' I voire S~ndicat African Timber Organization CATo) B. P. 1077 Libreville, Gabon Institut de Recherches Agronomiques et Forestieres CIRAF) B.P. 22'1:6 Libreville, Gabon SPANISH Instituto Nacional Forestal ~ de Fauna Direccion de Investigacion Forestal ~ de Fauna Natilio Sanchez 220 Apartado Postal 11578 Lima 11, Pef:1d 25 Mr. Ivan Tomaselli Professor Titular, UFPR R. Bom Jesus, 650-Cutitiba Parana ~~~~il Associacao das Fabricantes de Moveis do Brazil Av. Rio Branco, 37 Sala 302 Centra - CEP 20.090 Rio de Janeiro - RJ ~£~~ll Fundacao de Ensino, Tecnologia e Pesquisa Rua Hans Dieter Schmidt, 879-Baivo Centenario C.P. 333 - CEP: 89:290 Sao Bento do Sui - SC, ~£~~ll Mr. Joaquim Alves de ArauJo Vianna Neto Assoc. Bras. De Produtores de Madeira CABPM) Rua Lasier de Toledo 220 - l1Q - CEP: 010~8 Sao Paulo -SP, ~L~~il I. N. R. N. R. A. Diagonal 3~ No. 516, piso 2Q Subgerencia de Basques ~ Aguas Apartado Aereo 13~58 Bogota 1, ~Ql~~Qi~ Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales Carretera del Norte Apartado Postal No. 2 Siguatepeque, Coma~agua ~Q~~~L~~ Asociacion Industriales Madereros Avs. Amazonas ~ Republica Edif. Las Camaras ~to Piso Quito ~£~~gQ£ Asociacion Espa ala de Importadores de Maderas Flora 3-2, E-Madrid 13 ~~irr Sociedade Brasileira de Silvicultura Av. Paulista 2006 120 Andar Sao Paulo 26 Mr. Edgar Landivar L. Presidente Camara Nacional Forestal Santa Cruz Bolivi~ Ministerio de Agricultura ~ Ganaderia Avs. Amazonas ~ Elo~ Alfaro Gluito ~~ld~Q.Q.L IBAMA Av. L-~ Norte - S.A.I.N. 70.000 Brasilla - D.F. §£§~ll 27