PIC - Esperanza High School
PIC - Esperanza High School
PIC President: Sondia Buscaino Editor: Laura Deutsch Esperanza High School 1830 N. Kellogg Drive Anaheim, CA 92870 (714) 986-7540 EsperanzaHS.com Principal: Dr. Ken Fox New Vaccines Required To help protect your children and others from whooping cough, a new California law now requires students to be vaccinated against whooping Cough by receiving Tdap. All students entering 7th—12th grade will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough boosters before starting school. Students who do not have proof of receiving a Tdap booster will not be not be able to start school in the fall. The end of the year is quickly approaching. On June 6th over 200 seniors were recognized for their efforts at Esperanza over the last four years. We awarded approximately 85 seniors with scholarships which totaled $2,544,368. The class of 2011 has the following stats: 165 CSU, 101 UC, 138 Private or out of state, 52% 4yr school, 44% 2yr school/trade school, 96% total college, 2% military. With approximately 780 seniors graduating on Wednesday, June 15th at Bradford Stadium they have a lot to look forward to in the weeks to come. Senior week activities start Monday, June 13th with the seniors going to Disneyland and Tuesday, June 14th is the senior breakfast and cap and gown distribution. We are so proud of this senior class and we wish them the best of luck in the future. There are many other things taking place at Esperanza. We just had our Distinguished Scholar luncheon on May 25th for all the in 9th- 12th grades who are on track to graduate with this recognition. We have a new online school store at www.b1selfshop.com/ezhs where Esperanza receives 20% from every purchase. Construction is still progressing on the gym, front office, and music rooms. We are looking for these rooms to be completed by the beginning of the school year or shortly there after. Finally we have a 2011-2012 school calendar, this can be accessed on the Placentia –Yorba Linda Unified School District website at http://www.pylusd.org/ home.asp. Have a great summer and see you in the 2011-2012 school year. Dr. Ken Fox, Principal Important Aztec Registration Dates Seniors August 22 8:00am—Noon Juniors August 23 8:00am—Noon Sophomores August 24 Noon—4:00pm Freshman August 25 8:00am—Noon Make-up August 26 8:00am—Noon Page 2 It is really hard to believe that the year is almost over. June is here and we are about to send another graduating class off from high school to many other wonderful opportunities in the big world! Congratulations to the Class of 2011 and to all of your accomplishments and achievements during the last four years at Esperanza! Provide activities from our PTSA Student Leadership group: Taste of Esperanza, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, Staff Treat Day and Recognition Events and Leadership 101 training for all clubs on campus. Fundraise to support our programs and events: through Drive One 4 Your School, Taste of Esperanza, Orange County Register Subscription Program, Mustache Mike’s Lemonade and eScript. I would like to start my final President’s Message by saying a heartfelt thank you to our wonderful 2010-2011 PTSA Board. We are extremely fortunate to have many dedicated parents and students serving in our PTSA group and offering our school the benefits of their time, their talent and their commitment to Esperanza. I am very pleased with the amount and breadth of programs we were able provide this year and my congratulations go out to everyone who had a hand in making this possible! In addition to these events, we re-did our PTSA Bylaws and Organizational Structure for the upcoming year to fully integrate parents and students working under one structure. This year, even in light of our reduced PTSA budget, we The leadership potential that Esperanza PTSA offers to stuwere still able to bring Esperanza all of the great programs dents is unparalleled in our district. I would like to thank that we have had in the past. This was made possible by the the Student Board from this year: Alli Heller, Chrystie dedication and commitment of our PTSA Board. This year, Nguyen, Eric Arellano, Jessica Duong and Victoria Bonwe were able to: fanti for their many hours spent leading the student group and for many hours invested in the PTSA programs and Sponsor activities that celebrate achievements of our events. students and community: My special thanks goes out to all of the Esperanza PTSA Creative Arts Awards Board and Chair’s for this years activities: Virginia Park Reflections (Aztec University), Connie Francis (Aztec Pride Day), Bi Student of the Month jal Patel (Corresponding Secretary), Anita Cordell and Senior Scholarships Nadine Elwood (Career Day), Sandee Van Oyen (Creative Distinguished Aztecs Academic Recognition Arts Awards, Reflections), Nadine Elwood and Cindee Toy (Distinguished Aztec Academic Recognition), Laura Honorary Service Awards Deutsch (Epic Newsletter and Provide educational programs for our parents and Website Editor), students: Dan & Sue Gold Aztec University parent information nights (Honorary Service Career Day for our students to explore different career Awards), Diane choices Van and Sharise Publishing our on-line Epic newsletter to keep our Es- Noorbom peranza community informed on upcoming activities and (Hospitality), Debra events DeMent, Chonlada Offering Mock SAT/PRA/ACT Testing opportunity to Woointranon and help our students prepare for these critical tests Chrystie Nguyen 2011 Teacher Appreciation (Membership), Marina Luncheon sponsored by the Hubl, Lucy Huerta and PTSA . Provide support for school activities, including: 8th Tori Chylinski (Summer Grade Parent Night, Aztec Pride Day, CAHSEE testing, Mailers Summer Mailers and “Taking Care of Business” week. Support Esperanza with financial assistance for our Earthquake Preparedness Program and for our district-wide Pathways to the Future event. (Continued on page 3) Page 3 Continued from Page 2 and “Taking Care of Business Week”), Cindee Toy (Scholarships), Annette Gunnin and Caroline Wahlstrom (Student of the Month), Teresa Cepeda (Volunteer Coordinator), Margaret Bell (Ways and Means), Chrystie Adams (SCAC & Advocacy Representative) and Sandee Van Oyen, Connie Francis and Miryam Vasquez (Student Leadership Advisors). I would also like to express my gratitude to the 2010-2011 Executive Board who served this school alongside of myself: Caroline Wahlstrom (1st VP), Sandee Van Oyen (2nd VP), Susanne Hidalgo (Recording Secretary), Ann Marie Rees (Treasurer), Sandy Jara (Auditor), Dana Logue (Historian) and Julie Nibali (Parliamentarian). It has been my pleasure to serve with such a great group of ladies who are all dedicated to bringing the best educational and artistic programs to our school and our students. Also, I greatly appreciate the time and commitment our Principal, Dr. Fox has spent supporting our PTSA events. He has always been at our meetings to share updates on what is happening at Esperanza and has always been extremely supportive of our programs and events. 2011 PTSA Installation Dinner: Left to Right— Sondia Buscaino, outgoing PTSA President, Sandee Van Oyen 2011-2012 PTSA President, Caroline Wahlstrom 2011-2012 PTSA 1st Vice President Well, I can say that this year has truly gone by fast. I guess that is usually the case when you have a Senior and you are reviewing the entire four years that you have spent at one school. All of the memories, friendships and wonderful things that go along with High School are all relived again upon graduation when you realize this wonderful chapter of your child’s life is coming to a close! My time here at Esperanza has been fantastic. I did not have any experience with the public school system since my child came to Esperanza from a private school. But, I must say that I am “sold” on Esperanza and on our school district. There are so many great things about Esperanza. There is something here for every student whether you are an academic achiever, a creative or artistic student or an athlete! Clearly, one of the most rewarding things for me about the last four years was getting involved with the PTSA. For me, it was a way to “understand” the school and to give back, but I in turn gained so much more…friendships, wonderful experiences and involvement in bringing programs and events to support our Esperanza students and community. With this, I thank you for letting me serve as your 2010-2011 PTSA President. I will miss this school, but will really always be here to support, cheer-on and promote the greatness of Esperanza! Sincerely, Sondia Buscaino PTSA President Important End-of-Year Updates From the Finance Office Please note that all purchases/payments at the Finance Office will be CASH ONLY for the rest of the 2010-2011 school year. NO CHECKS will be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation. 6th (Mon) 7th (Tues) 7th (Tues) 13th (Mon) 14th (Tues) Senior Awards Yearbook Distribution Mr. Aztec Seniors to Disneyland Senior Breakfast Finals Bell Schedule 15th (Wed) Graduation Finals Bell Schedule 16th (Thurs) Last Day of School Page 4 Our PTSA student group has been hard at work over the past couple of months. In addition to electing our adult board members Christie Nguyen, Eric Arellano, Sam Chang, Tiffany Lee, and myself, we have selected our chairmen for the 2011-2012 school year. We would like to welcome Edward Kim as TOE and Fundraising Assistant, Bijal Patel as Communications Assistant, Andrew Chang as Leadership Chairman, Ryan Heller and Tiffany Le as Bonding Co-chairmen, Ashley Kim as TCOBW and HSA Chairman, Sadaf Lakhia and Ariane Ang Lee as MIUL Co-chairmen, Jessica Duong as Membership Assistant, Miranda Koster as Community Service and Aztec Pride Day CoChairman, Kevin Beck and Kathleen Dinh as Staff Appreciation Co-chairmen, Katy Edgerly as Back to School Night Chairmen, Adam Toy as CAA and DAAR Co-Chairman, Delia Choi as 8th Grade Parent Night Chairman, Mariam Giugius as Aztec U Co-Chairman, Mojan Deriss as Media Chairman, and Distinguished Aztecs Academic Recognition, co-chaired this year by Mariam Giurgius, was a huge success as we recognized students with high GPAs. Our Staff Appreciation luncheon, co-chaired by Katy Edgerly and Tiffany Le, was made possible by the donations of ethnic food from PTSA students. We are currently planning for our first Leadership where we will develop leadership skills and plan for our 2011-2012 school year. Taste of Esperanza meetings and planning are already underway as the date is set for Saturday, October 1, 2011. Save the date! Thanks for a great school year and can’t wait to see you in the Fall! ~Alli Heller PTSA Student Member End of Year Dinner PTSA Student Volunteers for Teacher Appreciation Luncheon More photos of all the EHS PTSA events can be seen on the EHS website www.esperanzahs.com. Click on PTSA page under Photo Albums. Page 5 Esperanza PTSA Creative Arts Awards A special thanks to Sandee Van Oyen for chairing this program and awards night and submitting this article. On Monday, March 28th, the Esperanza High School library was transformed into an art gallery for the 4th Annual PTSA Creative Arts and Reflections Award Ceremony. This program was developed to recognize and honor the artistic talents of Esperanza students. The parents, students, teachers and members of the community in attendance enjoyed an exhibit of over 200 Visual and Language Arts pieces. Members of the EHS Orchestra, Stephanie Shin, Justina Wong, Kyle Bague, and Connor Bogenreif, performed a selection of pieces as the guests arrived. We would like to thank Kay Crask and her students for providing this special touch to our evening. A reading of the “First Place” and “Best of Division” entries in the Language Arts division and a power-point presentation featuring all the winning Visual Arts pieces were included in the ceremony. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place students were awarded ribbons and cash prizes and all entrants received certificates of participation. Projects that placed in the PTSA Reflections program were also showcased, with entries from the Visual Arts, Photography, and Musical Composition on display for all to enjoy. The Visual Arts “Best of Division” award went to Ruba Nawfal, for her piece entitled “Smile”. Krystal Rankin was honored with the Language Arts “Best of Division” award for her short story entitled “Bloody Palms”. Following the ceremony, a recording of the EHS Jazz Ensemble entertained guests as they enjoyed a light reception and admired the art. Krystal Rankin “Bloody Palms” Ruba Nawfal “Smile” LANGUAGE ARTS Best of Division Krystal Rankin “Bloody Palms” Category: Prose Stephanie Tu “A Single Step” Joey Victor “The Beauty of an Abyss” Category 2 Drawing (Color/Other Media) Christopher Chin “The Knight and the Dragon” Conner Bogenreif “Bell Peppers” Jessica Weifenbach “Hot As Fire” Category: Poetry Maxwell Ellington “Broken Boy” Stephanie Tu “Strong” Erick Engelby “From the Heart True” Category 2 Painting (Watercolor/Tempera) Ana-Alicia Roberts “Stark” Willy Choi “Hypno-Toad” Lauren Davidson “Iris” VISUAL ARTS Best of Division Ruba Nawfal “Smile” Category 1 Drawing Cielo Marasigan “Still Life with School Supplies” Taylor Stewart “Everything went Black” Sarah Badiee “Shades of Grey” Category 2 Painting (Oil/Acrylic/Airbrush) Michelle Gibbons “Flying a Kite” Jack Bazan “Witness” Kristen Negron “Deceived” Category 1 Painting Chad Andersen “Monopoly” Stacy O’Neil “Lizard” Gabby Devlanovich “Flying Butterfly” Category 2 Drawing (Black and White Media) Kassandra Vasquez “My Mother” Ellen Kang “Broken Cuckoo” Sara Ledford “Portrait of Lisa Category 3 Sculpture (Ceramics) Kaylynn Haynes “Aurora” Austin Zwick “Dining with Nature” Lauren Smithson “Fish Box” Category 3 Sculpture (3D Art and Design) Megan Suresh “Funny Faces” Rylee Wilmeth “Like Mother, Like Daughter” Daisy McMurry “Street Sharp” Page 6 … of the students of Esperanza High School and to promote appropriate activities among its members. To qualify, students must earn 10 points from a variety of college prep classes. Students must participate in 100 service hours to wear a stole at graduation. Sealbearers are CSF members for four semesters based on grades earned in the tenth through twelfth grades. Congratulations to the many students receiving recognition for their time Collegiate Scholars (a district honor)-advisor Nadine Elwood-paid triband hard work. The last quarter has been a whirlwind of awards cereute to their scholars. The purpose of the Collegiate Scholar Program is monies, honors, and certificates. to prepare academically talented and motivated students for admission to a four-year university program. Enrollment in the program is based Beginning in May we honored our 334 9-11th grade students that moved upon criteria which include scores among the top 15% of students in the up at least one level on their CST/STAR exams. Another 560 9th-11th nation on the STAR Tests, an overall, unweighted, cumulative (9-12), students remained proficient or advanced like in previous years! In the academic GPA of 3.50 and to have completed at least 8 honors/AP EL Department 56% of the student Reclassified or were designated courses. This group represents the top 7% of the students in the Pla“fluent” in English. The students were honored with certificates for their centia-Yorba Linda Unified School District. hard work. The Distinguished Aztecs Academic Recognition ceremony was held May 16 at the Vineyard in Anaheim. 180 fantastic students were honored for carrying a 4.0 or better. The Distinguished Aztecs Academic Recognition is a program that was established by the PTSA of Esperanza to recognize the top scholars of the year. Each spring, the administration submits names of honorees to the PTSA. The criteria used for selection is based on a 4.0 or better grade point average or weighted 4.0 grade point average for those involved in honors or AP (Advanced Placement) classes. Seniors were celebrated based on their cumulative grade point average for their three and a half years at Esperanza. It was very exciting to hear about the accomplishments of the seniors and the universities and colleges that they have chosen. Special thank you to the EHS counselors and administration, Cindee Toy, Nadine Elwood, Cheryl Heller, Caroline Walhstrom and Sondia Buscaino. National Honor Society-advisor-Michael Fenton- recognized their seniors graduating with honors too. The function of the National Honor Society is to develop character, scholarship, service, and leadership in students to promote lifelong learning and community involvement. Enrollment in the program is based upon maintaining a 3.50 unweighted GPA and completion of 32 hours of designated community service. The end of May brought a luncheon for Dr. Fox’s new Distinguished Scholar Program, a one-of-a kind program in the district founded at Esperanza. This program-rich in AP rigor-is designed for the most academic student-meant to challenge the best students and to prepare them for the university. Dr. Fox treated the scholars in grades 9-12 to a luncheon and thanked them for their work and dedication. Seniors will wear distinct colored gowns at graduation to draw attention to this great feat. On May 19, seniors were honored for graduating with honors under the On June 6 over 200 seniors were recognized for their efforts and various academic organizations at Esperanza. achievements during their four years at Esperanza. Over 2.5 million California Scholastic Federation-advisor-Rosalind Slack-honored their Sealbearers. The purpose of the California Scholarship Federation is to dollars was awarded in national and community scholarships . foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part Esperanza High School Scholarships Support Class of 2011 Graduates The following scholarships were made possible by the faculty, staff, booster clubs and members of the Esperanza community exclusively for EHS students. Esperanza High School Memorial Scholarships Chad Bussararkons Memorial Scholarship— Scott Rice In memorandum of Chad Bussararkons. Ryan Bousquet Memorial Scholarships—Ladan Amiri, Christopher Collins In Memorandum of Ryan Bousquet, Esperanza Cross Country Phil Armentrout Memorial Scholarship—Mason Miller, Bradley Sweetser In Memorandum of Phil Armentrout, Esperanza Football 2010 Esperanza High School Scholarships Esperanza Faculty Club Scholarships—Kayla Bremser, Emma Griffie, Kristen Laymon, Cassandra Raichel Lewis, Semegran, Seguin Education Scholarship— Kaitlyn Bourdreau, Clementine Eckert, Melody Eliason, Emma Griffie, Callie Kolb, Cassandra Raichel, Holly Victor Esperanza Women’s Volleyball Boosters Scholarships— Kelsey Barritt Esperanza Women’s Basketball Boosters Scholarships—Megan Hanson, Emily Littleworth Esperanza Cheer & Song Alumni Scholarship—Alexandra Martinez Esperanza PTSA Scholarships—Brandon Buscaino, Jack Fixa, Ellen Kang Page 7 EHS March Students of the Month Advincula, Audrey / Mrs. Stout Ang Lee, Ariane / Ms. Nguyen Badillo, Felix / Mrs. Elwood Berkley, Chris / Mr. Perez Borden, Alexis / Mr. Pendleton Boxley, Kylie / Mrs. Koutzoukis Delaney, Kayla / Mrs. Gigliotti Dembek, Andrew / Mrs. Stremiz Freda, Sara / Ms. Nguyen Gatsios, George / Mr. Shellman Ha, Bryan / Mrs. Marshall Jafari, Majid / Mrs. Slack Ketzel, Emily / Mrs. Castro Kossick, Ryan / Mr. Hill Lee, Kevin / Mrs. Elwood Lin, Melanie / Mrs. Murphy Loftquist, Nicholas / Mrs Hernandez Ludy, Jasen / Ms. Newell Magana, James / Mrs. Castro Mallory, Brock / Mrs. Vanderhook McDaniel, Holli / Mrs. Kieffer Milbery, Jacob / Mrs. Koutzoukis Quilici, Alix / Mrs. Yarruhs Radak, Chase / Mrs. Gigliotti Rajpara, Anjali / Mrs. Lukach Ruecker, Blake / Mrs Shulman Sargent, Aaron / Mrs. Hernandez Steinmetz, Michael / Mrs Vanderhook Tracy, Jenna / Mrs. Marshall Woo, Jordan / Mrs. Stremiz Yarbough, Paige / Mrs Winters Yedinak, Portia / Mr. Peck EHS April Students of the Month Thomson, Michael / Mr Shellman Siegall, Max / Mrs Vanderhook Kittredge, Katie / Mrs Vanderhook Rice, Megan / Mrs Gehringer Naranjo, Jose / Mrs Marshall Harkins, Hayley / Mrs Marshall Nieves, Stevie / Mrs Marshall Fain, Kelly / Mrs Marshall Eppens, Allen / Ms Newell Tebay, Amy / Mrs Easton Brugman, Brett / Mrs Easton Human, Austin / Ms Nguyen Le, Daniel / Ms Nguyen Gongloff, Tyson / Mrs Stout Casella, Nicholas / Ms Leonard Cobain, Nick / Mrs Hernandez Mitchell, Blake / Mrs Hernandez Saunders, Brianne / Mrs Kieffer Dy, Timothy / Mrs Elwood Yousef, Hira / Mrs Elwood Castillo, Natalie / Mr Peck Evensen, Robyn / Mrs Murphy Chester, Cody / Mrs Yarruhs Cuellar, Eddie / Mrs Yarruhs Zavala, Alyssa / Mr Pendleton Garcia, Mitzi / Mr Hill Martinez, Olivia / Mrs Lukach Gomez, Jasmine / Mrs Koutzoukis Tiqui, Kara / Mrs Koutzoukis Whitcomb, Zachary / Mr Nordwick Bockman, John / Mrs Winters Halopoff, Hannah / Mrs Othmer Peck, Madeline / Mrs Gullotti Cole, Blake / Mr Hale Tumlinson, Mark / Mr Hale Tuerffs, Matthew / Mrs Castro Christian, Charlotte / Mrs Castro Hales, Micah / Mrs Stremiz Hernandez, Melody / Mrs Stremiz Nestor, Jackson / Mrs Stremiz Hecht, Patrick / Mrs Slack Ayala, Courtney / Mrs Slack Anderson, Danielle / Mr Perez EHS May Students of the Month Ampudia, Sierra / Mrs Marshall Bell, Caleb / Mrs.Vanderhook Biedebach, Joey / Mrs Elwood Casey, Brannan / Mrs Yarruhs Chou, Jasmine / Mr Hill Dahlstrom, Kimberly / Mrs Murphy Deriss, Mojan / Mrs Marshall Eckert, Arthur / Mrs Elwood Edwards, Cedra / Mrs Yarruhs Evans, Sabrina / Mrs Leonard Garcia, Cory / Mrs Elwood Grange, Kary / Mrs Yarruhs Griffie, Emma / Mr Hale Ho, Tammy / Mrs Elwood Hock, Taylor / Mr. Perez Jackson, Cuan / Mrs Yarruhs Lee, Christopher / Mrs Stout Lucio, Andrew / Mrs Kieffer Marquez, Tristan / Ms Nguyen Miller, Drew / Mrs. Vanderhook Moreno, Amy / Mrs Gehringer Morgan, Christopher / Mr Peck 2011-2012 PTSA Executive Officers President: Sandee Van Oyen 1st VP: Caroline Wahlstrom 2nd VP: Eric Arellano 3rd VP: Ann Marie Rees 4th VP: Christie Nguyen 5th VP: Alli Heller 6th VP: Sam Chang Treasurer: Debra DeMent Recording Sec: Susanne Hidalgo Dep. Recording Sect: Tiffany Lee Auditor: Maria Kline Historian: Laura Rossman Newberry, Catherine / Mr Shellman Nguyen, Kristen / Mrs Marshall O'Neil, Leslie / Mr Hale Poirier, McKenzey / Ms Nguyen Reed, Greg / Mr Nordwick Reynoso, Angelica / Mrs Winters Shah, Shalini / Mr Pendleton Stout, Jonathan / Ms Newell Tatnall, Rachel / Mr Nordwick Vanderhook, Noelle / Mrs Marshall Thank you to all our PTSA volunteers. Our school wouldn’t be the same without you! Page 8 Distinguished Aztecs Academic Recognition Scholars 2011 The Distinguished Aztecs Recognition is a program that was established by the PTSA of Esperanza to recognize the top scholars of the year. Each spring, the administration submits names of honorees to the PTSA. The criteria used for selection is based on a 4.0 or better grade point average or weighted 4.0 grade point average for those involved in honors or AP (Advanced Placement) classes. Class of 2011 Saghar Badiee Michelle Bagge Kristen Baldoz Cameron Baradar Connor Bogenreif Alexis Borden Danielle Brown Stephani Buchholz Melissa Burdi Brandon Buscaino Antonio Calavitta Janice Chang Michael Chia Taylor Coe Adrian Cotta William Dalessi Taylor De Ley Matthew DeJong Chelsea Erickson Kelsey Espera John Fixa Ashley Fleck Munib Francis Andrew Giurgius Stephanie Greenberg Lauren Haigh Hannah Halopoff Megan Hanson Molly Hanson Andrea Heck Jessica Hernaiz Amanda Herrera Amy Hidalgo Vivian Hu Timothy Huddy Tyler Ice ILSeok Jeong Nicholas Johnson Alyssa Kallman Kacie Kesler Chien-Yu Ko Callie Kolb Alyssa Kramer Megan Lancaster Sarah Langdon Vivian Lin Thomas Lindblom Emily Littleworth Annie Liu Alexandra Macedo Laura Mergelmeyer Karl Muster Elliot Myers Richard Ngo Jessica Nguyen Jacob Nielsen Karli Ogren Sun Woo Oh Jean Okamoto Eu-Jee Ooi Nicole Repasky Matthew Ripley Mark Salmans Sur Samtani Oranicha Sangwattanarat Jacqueline Sardina Paul Selstad Stephanie Shin Olutosin Sonuyi Bradley Sweetser Daniel Taylor Michelle Torrens Kirtan Upadhyaya Christian Vannasdall Shayna Wagner Vanessa Weaver Lindsey Whitley Ryan Williams Justina Wong Chonlada Woointranon Annaleigh Yahata Class of 2012 Kellie Amano Kevin Beck Samuel Chang John Christensen Jared Cruz Kirsten Dahlberg Lauren Davidson Gilles De Prevoisin Kathleen Dinh Jessica Duong Ryan Flynn Apryl Fuentes Hannah Guild Paige Hancock Allison Heller Daniel Hennagin Katherine Higashida Kayle Karzen Sehyun Kim Patrick Kim Sarah Martin Olivia Martinez Cyrus Modarres Amanda Nguyen Christie Nguyen Irene Park Amy Rich Courtney Rinden Alison Scharkey Maggie Shepard Andrew Simecka Stephanie Tu Mark Tumlinson Kinnari Valand Jessica Van Oyen Marissa Yeandle Class of 2013 Harrison Ahne Rachel anks Gino Calavitta Wesley Chin Brandon Cotta Katherine Edgerley Brett Fuller Kaitlyn Heck Edward Kim Woo Suk Kim Brian Le Anderson Lee Victoria Lim Ryan Llamas Lauren Melendres Megan Otsuka Jillian Parker Bijal Patel Jenilee Pinson Kyle Raftogianis Peter Reim Shane Sato Ji Hong Shin Austin Wagenknecht Cameron Watkins Class of 2014 Audrey Advincula Sierra Ampudia Ariane Ang Lee Caleb Bell Taylor Bianco Carly Biddlecomb Brenna Buchanan Nicholas Casella Esther Chan Andrew Chang Sara Freda George Gatsios Alyssa Gutierrez Bryan Ha Ryan Heller Michelle Hoang Woo II Jeong Justina Johnson Connor Jordan Kaitlyn Jung Caroline Larson Nicolas Magana Tristan Marquez Kristen Mc Donald Brook Mc Ilwain Katie Mullings Catherine Newberry Kristin Nguyen Ryan Ozenbaugh McKenzey Poirier Arpan Shah Emily Sklencar Adam Toy Jenna Tracy Jordan Woo Ronald Yu Page 9 Thank You To Our eScrip Participants! Esperanza PTSA wishes to thank VONS and Pavilions for their continued dedication to education. Likewise, we would like to extend our thanks to our EHS students, parents and faculty for their support in the VONS/Pavilions eScrip program. Thank you for your commitment to helping make these fundraisers successful. A Big Thank You To All Who Participated In Our Drive One 4 Esperanza Fundraiser! Esperanza PTSA would like to thank Fairway Ford for their commitment and dedication to education. As well, we would like to thank our EHS students, parents and faculty for their support in the Drive One 4UR School Fundraiser. We greatly appreciate your dedication to ensure Esperanza PTSA is able to fund many different school activities and programs for the students and staff. Thank you to everyone for your help and support! D id you know ... The Esperanza High School Dance Team brought home the title of Dance Division Overall Grand Champions from the Aloha International Spirit Championship in Honolulu Hawaii April 1-2. Teams competed from Japan , Canada , Australia and the US in various dance categories. Esperanza Dance Team was awarded first place in each of the 5 categories they entered (2 lyrical, 2 jazz and 1 hip hop) and were honored with the Overall Grand Championship title based on the judges choice. 16 girls, 3 coaches and 11 family members traveled to Oahu and enjoyed 4 days of competing, sightseeing and shopping. This was the final competition for the 2010-11 Esperanza High School Dance Team – what a way to say Aloha to the season ESPERANZA GRAD NITE 2011 The Place to be on Graduation Nite is at Boomers with all your fellow Grads for an evening you will never forget! The Grad Night Committee has organized a safe and sober spectacular event! The evening begins at 9:00 pm after our graduation ceremony when our graduates check-in at the EHS Gym. Then they will travel to Boomers in Irvine to enjoy a memorable night of fun ! There will be a wide variety of activities including games, a rock wall, laser tag, Bumper Boats, miniature golf, race car track, DJ, Dancing, CRAZY HAIR. a hypnotist, lots of fun prizes and so much more! Food and drinks will be available throughout the evening till the break of dawn! They will return to EHS at 5:00am. Our sincere appreciation to all the families and businesses for their donations. The Grad Nite committee would like to thank all who have given their time and talents to make this event a success! If you have any questions regarding donations or information please go to the Grad Nite web site at ehsgradnight2011@yahoo.com The Senior Class of 2011 would like to THANK Our Sponsors who helped make this years's Grad Night a huge success !! City Of Yorba Linda Laticrete International The Los Angeles Dodgers San & Helen Chin Tom & Patricia Shea RKA Consulting Group Rick Shepard M.D. Thomas & Karen Lindblom Laticrete International Jim & Pattie Bagge Concouse Bowling Blake's Place Cheesecake Factory Howard's Costco And many more...... The Grad Nite Committee of 2011 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2011 Sandy Chylinski Karen Dougall Judy Hale Amanda Massie Chris Carpenter Jeri Bergman