Danske Apps - Get Mobile game


Danske Apps - Get Mobile game
Danske Apps
Alle Danske Apps hjlper dig med at finde danske apps til din Android telefon.Appen
lister mere end 800 + Danske apps - ingen udenlandske apps - ny apps dagligt. * Top
Betalt Danske Apps * Top Gratis Danske Apps * Nye Apps * Kategorier: Bger,
Penge/Finansiering, Vrktj, Trafik/Rejser, Sport, Sociale Netvrk, Reference,
Produktivitet, Nyheder og Magasiner, Musik, Livsstil, Fitness & vgttab, Spil,
Underholdning, Uddannelse, Medicinsk * Del med andre: Facebook / E-mail /
Twitter ... * Skriv kommentarer til de enkelte apps. * Kun DANSKE apps - ingen
udenlandske apps ---- This helps to find Danish apps for your Android phone. The
app lists more than 800+ apps and is available only in Danish (Denmark).
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Dark Incursion
Side scrolling hack and slash game with old school pixel art and stereoscopic 3DDark
Incursion is a side scrolling, hack and slash game that combines the old school pixel
art with the stereoscopic 3D experience. It takes place in an alternate reality in the
late 1800s, amidst an industrial revolution and a world war. The player is the
character, Anya, who is one of the few who know about a secret military laboratory
developing biological weaponry that could devastate the entire planet if it got out of
control.In Dark Incursion, players have a multitude of bio-engineered weapons at
their disposal with which to eradicate the abominations from the city. Weapon and
ability upgrades will get more powerful the deeper players get and the more advanced
the monsters become.Features: Stereoscop...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Android WebDAV ServerDavDrive is a WebDAV server which allows the sharing of
files between the mobile phone and PC via Wi-Fi.Supported operating systems are
Mac OS X, Ubuntu and Windows.More information about the setup:http://davdriveandroid.fun2code.de/Full version:- HTTPS- Digest Authentication- Filesystem selectStart on boot- Windows 7/Vista support- Widget- Tasker and Locale Plug-in
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Death Text Prank
Nosey boyfriend or girlfriend always reading your text messages? Well now it's time
to teach them a lesson with death text prank. GUARANTEED TO SCARE THE
SOCKS OFF EVERYONE! Simply set the timer and place your phone down. When
the "victim" come along and tries to read your text message, they'll be in for the scare
of their life. Features: - Scary sound and visuals - Guaranteed to scare everyone Teach your boyfriend or girlfriend a lesson - Creepy little girl
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Deep3D Live Wallpaper 3d
This live wallpaper creates 3D depth effect with any image using phone's
accelerometer - no need for gyroscope!To activate: long press on your screen ->
Wallpapers -> Live wallpapers -> Deep3dThis app's 'wow factor' greatly depends on
your eyes' depth perception ability. If you can't see it - try closing one eye and you'll
see it (and smile - your eyes are awesome!)This live wallpaper has been tested on
following launchers:- Go Launcher EX- ADW Launcher- LauncherProKWS: 3d
effect, live wallpaper 3d, accelerometer, 3d depth
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Delingo Pro
Guess the hidden word!Try to find the hidden word! Each correct attempt entered in
the grid will provide you clues like letters correctly and wrongly placed. But watch
the clock!This full version lets you play with all our dictionaries, from 5 to 11 letters,
in all game modes: Quick Game, Time Attack and Duel... and more modes coming
soon!Ask for the definition of any word using the contextual menu integrated into the
game grid.This Lingo game is provided by Flowing Edges.(Keywords: lingo, motus,
word, letter, game, mastermind, demotus)
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Depicus Wake On Lan
Depicus Wake On Lan allows you to remotely wake a computer or other device that
comply with the Wake On Lan protocol either on a local network or over the
internet.Full information about Wake On Lan can be found at
http://www.depicus.com/wake-on-lan/welcome.aspxNB: Wake On Lan and Wake On
Wan will not work to wake up a computer using only wifi although you can use this
application to wake up machines if you are connected to wifi or 3g. Also note that
some Mobile Operators block UDP over their networks, try using a higher port
number e.g. 4343
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Design suite PRO
This app enables advanced features and removes adds in all of our 8 apps!This
professional, cost-effective app enables advanced features and removes the ads in all
of our 8 engineering apps for the price of just a few beers!The suite includes the
following apps:* FrameDesign2D* Engineering libraries* Steel design* Concrete
design* Weld design* Circle of Mohr* Parallelogram* Channel designIn addition it
contains a Widget to quickly access four of our most frequently used apps.Please be
aware that this app does nothing (except for a congratulations screen, a widget and a
button to all our apps), but it is needed to remove ads and access pro features in our
apps.Should you encounter any problems then please do not hesitate to contact us.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Destroy Gunners SP
DGunsSP brought out the limitation of the performance of the newest
smartphones.Destroy Gunners SPAs Memorial Event of New release of Destroy
Gunners SP / ICEBURN!!,we started limited time special price offer of"Destroy
Gunners SP"!Special Price:400Yen(tax included)!Usual Price: 800Yen(tax
included)DescriptionDestroy Gunners SPbrought out the limitation of the
performance of the newest smartphones. This title is new generation 3D action
shooting game that exceeded any past game machines. A player can control realistic
armed robot intuitively by touch panel control and any player can experience
impressive battle scenes easily. To accomplish missions, the player destroy numerous
enemies with get arms. the player can customizes player's robot(armed destroyer) t...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Deutsche Apps
Deutsche Apps hilft Ihnen, die besten deutschen Apps fr Ihr Androide im
Marketplace zu finden. Die App fhrt mehr als 2000 Apps in deutscher Sprache auf.
Keine auslndischen Apps. Neue Apps werden tglich hinzugefgt. * Die besten
kostenpflichtigen deutschen Apps * Die besten kostenlosen deutschen Apps * Neue
Apps * Kategorien:
Netze,Referenz,Produktivitt,Fotografie,Nachrichten,Musik,Lifestyle,Gesundheit und
Fitness,Spiele,Unterhaltung,Bildung,Medizin * Screenshots, detaillierte
Beschreibung, Bewertungen fr jede App. ---- This app helps you to find the best
German apps for your Android phone. The app is available only in German.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Diamond Blaze Theme
Themes are not directly executable, you need a home application that supports
themes. We recommend using "91PandaHome" for this theme. Should be compatible
with all "aHome" compatible home applications.Get this weed styled theme for your
Android device.wallpaper: 640x480 Version 1wallpaper2: 640x480 Version
2wallpaper3: 854x480 Version 1wallpaper4: 854x480 Version 2hiphop, urban, blaze,
hood, trees, 4:20
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Diamond Hearts Live
Diamond Heart Live Wallpaper customizable with multiple user-choice
settings.Personalize this Diamond Heart Live Wallpaper! Works on tablets! Major
upgrades to all features and settings!* Digital"rain" of diamond hearts* Individually
select each heart to display* Choose from white, pink, blue, purple, or mix them up!*
20 hearts to choose from* 10 backgrounds included or set your own from the gallery
or your SD card directly!* Touch the hearts; "pop" them into tiny sparkles and
hearts* Turn background sparkles on/off* Set your own text message, color and size*
Select quantity of hearts with slider* Set Speed of hearts with slider* Set the
direction to rise or fall* Save to SD card option to save phone space* and more!
Perfect Valentine's Day Heart Live Wallpaper!This...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Diamond Pink Butterflies
Diamond Pink Butterflies Live Wallpaper to decorate your phone. Multiple optionsA
beautiful pink butterfly live wallpaper to personalize your phone with sparkly, glitter,
pink diamond butterflies.* Digital "rain" of diamond pink butterflies* Individually
select each butterfly to display* 16 butterflies to choose from (8 new)* 10
backgrounds included (4 new) or set your own from the gallery or your SD card!*
Opposing flower on/off selectable* Touch the butterflies and "pop" them into tiny
flowers* Turn background sparkles on/off* Set your own text message, color and
size* Select quantity of butterflies* Set Speed of butterflies* Set the direction to rise
or fall* Save to SD card optionThis wallpaper will automatically install upon
download. Look for it under Menu>Wal...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Dicey Dice Pro
Highly addictive and easy to learn dice game. Try it today!Dicey Dice is a game of
luck, skill, and awesometude. Keep the dice rolling and your score could climb to
heights that make your opponent cry! But each step you climb has the dicey chance of
causing you to fall that much further and making you the loser! So how will you play
the dice? One Player and Two Player (hot seat) modes available. Good for a quick
and simple downtime game. My neighbor's kids distinctly said it was addictive! So
there you go: scientific proof that you should download our game! What are you
waiting for??
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Diffraction Calculator
Diffraction Calculator was developed to calculate the diffraction angle or spacing
between diffraction planes for both x-ray and electron diffraction. It uses Bragg's Law
to determine the angle or spacing based on inputs of order, wavelength.A lookup
table provides common wavelength values for a variety of x-ray sources (including
copper, chromium, iron, cobalt, molybdenum and tungsten) and electron accelerating
voltages (80, 100, 120, 200, 300, 400).This app will be extremely useful to anyone
involved in electron microscopy, materials characterization, crystallography, x-ray
diffraction, solid state physics, semiconductors, etc.If you have any suggestions for
improvements or enhancements to this app, please contact us via our web site or
email address.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Diggin Xmas donate
Now you can always get into the Xmas spirit. Every day. All year round.Remind
yourself that Christmas is always Nigh with this beautiful 3D wallpaper of a winter
scene.Watch those natural-looking Christmas ornaments that have been carefully laid
out on a snow-covered table, while snowflakes are gently falling in the background.
All rendered in real time 3D with lighting and reflections!Rest assured that this Live
Wallpaper won't annoy you by making icons and text on top of it hard to see. Simply
set the wallpaper brightness on the settings screen to your own liking.This is my first
wallpaper on Android Market, and I'm proud to say I did everything myself! It should
work great on. any Live Wallpaper capable device, new or old, and it won't be
draining your battery. It'll jus...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Digi iMobile
Digi iMobile Full Version(Support the System setup, PTZ control and Playback)This
application supports DHU600 series.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Dink Smallwood HD
Dink Smallwood HD is the newly remixed mobile version of the classic PC RPGIt all
began in a world where dragons roamed the land and knights fought with valor and
honor.And then there was Dink. Can a simple pig farmer thrust into an epic journey
of magic and adventure save the world?Dink Smallwood HD is the newly remixed
mobile version of the classic PC RPG brought to you by the original creators! Now
also optimized for the Xoom and other tablets! Multiple input methods including on
screen dpad, drag to move, trackball and keyboard Full in-game support for
downloading and installing Dink add-on modules (DMODs) Installs to SD card by
default (2.2+) Save/load anywhere Auto-save feature Supports multi-touch on
capable devices Speed-up button feature to fly through dia...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Dino Madness Pinball
A fast-paced Pinball game featuring realistic gameplay and stunning HD visuals.An
amazing, fast-paced Pinball Board Simulator featuring super-addictive gameplay,
stunning HD visuals and state-of-the-art physics simulation.Beat the T-Rex, crack the
Egg and save the Baby Dino!Features:- Challenging missions in addition to
traditional hiscore hunting- Stunning 3D visuals using the latest graphics technology
(OpenGL|ES 2.0)- Multiball feature (up to 4x)- Flexible portrait and landscape
support with seamless pinch-zoom from dynamic action view to classic overviewOriginal music score and sound F/X- Realistic physics simulation- Nudge/tilt using
the accelerometer- Innovative ball trail makes it easy to follow the action even on a
small display- XPERIA PLAY Optimized
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Dinosaur Flash Cards
High quality Dinosaur flash cards with audio voice playback of all the names.High
quality Dinosaur flash cards with audio voice playback of all the names!Check out
the reviews!:* Son Loves It!* Great for young dino-loversMy 3yr old daughter loves
this, maybe I should uninstall, just to get my phone back.* My daughter loves this
app* My daughter loves going through these cards.* My 3 year old daughter loves
this app! I like how you can click on the picture & the word is repeated! Totally
worth the money!* My son loves this app so worth the money.The images are high
quality 3-D renderings of all your favorite dinosaurs, from Allosaurus to
Zuniceratops. Includes Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Velociraptor and many more.
About 60 dinosaurs in all are included.A high quality voice recording i...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
DioDict 3 ENG-KOR [Galaxy Tab]
DioDict 3 for Galaxy Tab is a tablet PC app optimized for use on Samsung Galaxy
Tab as well as other devices with a screen resolution of 1024 x 600. The app may not
be displayed properly if installed on a device with a different resolution.* The app is
best downloaded using a WiFi connection.The All New DioDict 3 for Android !
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is
reborn with Android. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI
optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for
you!* Dictionary ContentsEnglish-Korean Dictionary-DIOTEK's digital dictionary
contents are based on the New Ace English-Korean/Korean-English dictionaries of
Kumsung Publishing Co. Ltd., which is a specialty publisher wi...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Direktor is an app which let you download videos files and manage it offline.List of
features:-Download unlimited files-Manage your files-Private web browsing-Grant
access with a password
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Disney Soundboard Collection
----------TABLETS NOW SUPPORTED------------This is the BEST sound and
ringtone app on the market. A complete collection of over 40+ clips from "Now
That's What I Call Music, Disney 1".All are in superb quality and you can set as
ringtone and as a notification. if you like this app check out Disney Soundboard
Collection 2!Clips from movies such as...-The Lion King-Pinocchio-The Little
Mermaid-The Jungle Book-Pocahontas-Toy Story-Enchanted-Beauty and The BeastAlladin-Pirates of the Carribbean-Cinderella-Hercules-Sleeping Beauty-The
Aristocats-Mary Poppins-Lady and the Tramp-Alice in Wonderland-Winnie the
Pooh-Nightmare Before Christmas-Toy Story 2-Song of the SouthTo set as a sound
just long press on the button you'd like to save, choose the option and enjoy!!Press
menu to...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Disney Soundboard Collection 2
----------TABLETS NOW SUPPORTED------------This is the BEST sound and
ringtone app on the market. A complete collection of over 40+ clips from "Now
That's What I Call Music, Disney 3".All are in superb quality and you can set as
ringtone and as a notification.Clips from movies such as...-Snow White-Hannah
Montana-Dumbo-Mulan-Toy Story 3-Enchanted-Beauty and The Beast-Mickey
Mouse Club-Lady and the Tramp-Cinderella-Hercules-Princess and the Frog-101
Dalmations-Mary Poppins-Bambi-Lion King-Fox and the Hound-James and the
Giant Peach-Sleeping Beauty-Mickey Mouse Club-Pocahontas-The Jungle Book-The
Goofy Movie-Winnie the Pooh-Huntch Back of NotreDame-Peter Pan-Robin
HoodTo set as a sound just long press on the button you'd like to save, choose the
option and enjoy!!Press menu...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Diva Chic Fashion Deluxe
Do you have what it takes to be a Diva Chic?One of the Most Popular Dressups from
Dream-Maidens that has over 1 million plays online is now on the Android!!!Do you
have what it takes to be a Diva Chic? Dress up the model with lots of cool,
fashionable outfits. Very easy to play. Make youself, make your friends, or just make
some other person. Be creative! This is the full complete version of this game with
more clothes and accessories than the first version and its Ad-free! You can also save
and share with friends.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk
The return of the most fantastic eggventurer of all time!The return of the most
fantastic eggventurer of all time, with gorgeous HD graphics and glorious gameplay.
Lead Dizzy on his ultimate quest to awaken Daisy and bring peace to the
Yolkfolk.The eponymous egg-shaped have-a-go hero returns in familiar form,
complete with red boxing gloves and his trademark rolls and somersaults as he
ventures forth on an eggciting journey into a magical world packed with collect-andsolve puzzles. As ever, his friends, the Yolkfolk, are in trouble and need saving from
danger. Our hero in a whole shells girlfriend, Daisy, has been trapped in mysterious
castle while our hero has been locked in an underground dungeon by Rockwart the
troll on orders from Evil Wizard Zaks.By running, rolling and somersault...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Do! - Best Simple To Do List
The easiest way to use To Do List in the iPhone. Do not miss any schedules by
using Do!, which provides an easy and quick organization! A realistic ball pen, paper
sound effect! Arent you tired of complicated To Do Lists? So, I made this app for you
guys. Do not waste any more time in organizing To Do List. It is not suitable for
people who want complicated functions! You don't need to study this app. just
follow your instinct. No more stiff basic fonts! Simple completion check! Now
simply double tap! - When you double tap, it will be completed in To Do List.
Features!! - Extremely simple input, simpler than any other To Do - Realistic font as
if directly writing on note - Password function for privacy protection - Realistic i...
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Donate to JCase/TeamAndIRC
Do not uninstall for 30 minutes after purchasing, if you intended to make a donation.
This is an application solely to 'donate' to jcase from TeamAndIRC.It does nothing at
this point, but I'll probably add a clock widget for the lulz later.Please do not uninstall
this app, for at-least 30 minutes after purchasing, or the market will refund the
donation.I put this app up after rooting the Kindle Fire, as I did not have one and both
my wife and I wanted one.Donation is entirely voluntary. After we get enough for our
Kindles, any excess will go to stuff for my kids, or for whatever charity I am
supporting that week. I will be adding in app billing shortly, for those that wish to
donate more.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Donation to Adrian
You can support me by buying this donation app.The application itself does nothing
(it won't even show up in the launcher and uses only about ~20kb of space on your
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com
Doodle Biker
Race your way through dozens of levels in this physics based doodle racing
motorcycle game.Tilt your device to lean your doodle rider left and right. It may look
nice and easy but the levels get very intense. You'll have huge jumps, giants drops
and many doodle helicopters to contend with. Try to avoid the doodle copters or they
will smash you into pieces. Try to get your doodle biker from the start to the finish as
quick as possible and in one piece.
ZGroup Mobile, http://www.zgroup-mobile.com, +1 (504) 233-2335, contact(at)zgroup-mobile.com