Here - Tribes and Nations Outreach


Here - Tribes and Nations Outreach
Prayer Focus
Prayer Focus
On the 25th of April, Nepal experienced a magnitude 7.8
earthquake with its epicenter in Barpak, Gorkha district
which claimed the lives of 7,000 people and injured more
than 14,000. The quake caused multiple avalanches in
Mt. Everest and multiple aftershocks which reached magnitude 6.
Let us continue to pray for the safety of our partner
churches and other Christian churches in China. Despite the seeming acceptance of Christians in the country, many churches are still facing dangers daily. Last
year, our partner churches in China finished their Cell
Leaders’ Training (CLT) in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
Let us ask the Lord for wisdom and strength as the CLT
graduates continue to win souls and grow their own cell
groups for Christ.
We are grateful for the Lord’s protection upon our contact
persons and their families in Nepal. However, many families have lost their loved ones and homes due to this calamity. As part of Christ’s body, let us combine our faith
for the nation of Nepal, as many people were left mourning, sick, homeless and hopeless. Let us pray for the our
Mighty God to move in their midst so that they may come
to know Him as their comforter and provider especially in
this time of need.
If the Lord is leading you to help Nepal, send us an e-mail
Praise the Lord for a successful Good News Series
(GNS) and School of Workers (SOW) Module 1 training
held on the 27th until the 30th of April in Orissa, Kandamohal led by Pastor George Pega and his team. Around
40 Pastors and leaders from 25 different Churches attended the seminar. The attendees were excited to have
this kind of training and were blessed. At the end of the
training, they decided and planned to have next session
in the last week of August for the Trainer’s Training and
SOW Module 2, the last week of November for FAITH
Gardening and Natural Farming (FGNF), second week of
February 2016 for SOW Module 3 and convocation. They
have assured us that they will apply this strategy right
now in their churches. We praise the Lord His movement
in Orissa and for sustaining the team during their entire
Our country coordinator from India, Pastor Johnson, along
with his team will be in Sri Lanka from the 20th until the
24th of May for a Local Church-Based Training Center
(LCBTC) Orientation Seminar and School of Workers
(SOW) Module 1 in cooperation with our Sri Lankan coordinator Pastor Mahesh Demelo. Join us in praying for
anointing, provision and divine protection especially for
those who will minister to our brethren in the country. We
believe that the Lord will use this team mightily in advancing His Kingdom.
Issue #2/ MAY 2015
Millions of Filipinos—away from their home and families— are working in the Middle East. Despite their
desire to give a better life for their loved ones in the
Philippines, many of them are in distress and maltreated. Let us pray for the Lord to bless our OFW-Kabayan
chapters in countries like Qatar, UAE and Bahrain so
that Filipinos who need help can come to them for
help. With this, let us also remember the Christian
churches in this region who are also working towards
the expansion of God’s Kingdom in a Muslimdominated region. We pray for our Lord’s anointing
and wisdom to be upon the leaders as they lead many
to Christ.
Visit to see urgent prayer requests and
updates from the mission field.
Go on a mission with TNO!
Be a part of Tribes and Nations Outreach’s missions
through the AFP500. The Asia
Family Project 500 (AFP 500)
is a networking opportunity
being offered by TNO to partner with us in the mission field
through financial support and
prayer. The goal is to challenge at least 500 individuals,
churches, and/or organizations initially to commit to give
a minimum of Php 500 (US$10) every month towards
cross-cultural mission involvement and other related
activities with TNO.
For more information, visit
Reaching out to Asia and beyond
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
70 Legaspi St., Project 4, Quezon City,
Asia Prayer Link +
Issue #2/ May 2015
From the Mission Field
Vietnam FGNF Updates
The Global University invited me for a second
time to be with them during the visitation of their partner churches in Vietnam from the 16th until the 26th of
March. I presented the FGNF technology in Saigon on
the 16th of March, 18th of March in Danang, and in Hanoi on the 20th of March among the Bible school graduates, pastors and workers from different churches. The
attendees totaled to approximately 150 people.
From the 23 until
the 26th of March, I conducted
a training among the Hmong
Tribe at the San Sa Ho
church in the Y Ling Ho Village. The Hmong tribe is one
Hands-on activity with the semiof the largest tribes in Hanoi
nar attendees.
but they are also very poor
and sometimes treated as a
tourist attraction. The Hmongs are also farming community.
Seventeen churches and 8 districts were represented during the training. There were 23 pastors out
of the 60 participants
that were part of the
training coordinated by
the Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA).
They were also
able to do hands-on
gardening and the making of the different biofertilizers and pestiStarting off the program with the
cides. The group was
very active during the
hands-on and they
were very eager to learn these new things that they
know will help them a lot since they are all farmers.
The host pastor was very thankful that we
came because he knows that this will be a big help for
their farming community. He told me that this will be a
big help for them since they do not have and know
Vietnam FGNF Updates
technologies in organic and natural farming so
most of them are using chemicals.
Here are some of the testimonies:
“I have been a Christian for ten years. I learned the
Bible but this is the first time I learned about this kind of
training. My pastor told me to attend the training. Happy
to learn how to protect my garden. The FGNF technology is very inspiring. I believe that this will help my family
and my village. I hope and pray for the team to return
so I can learn more.”
“If I will apply this technology, there will be no need
for me to do tourist guiding. I can concentrate on children and building our home”
I believe that God sent me there to help the
underprivileged tribe. The Lord reminded me in
Luke 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me;
he has anointed me to tell the good news to the
poor...” The Lord
also assured me that
I was sent there to
preach the gospel to
the poor through biblical farming. Our training was good news to
them because they
were introduced to a
technology that can
uplift their living
standard, their eyes
were opened that
Pastor Dennis with kids from the
there is an alternative Hmong tribe
way in farming which
is a big favor to them
from the Lord.
To God be the glory!
By Pastor Dennis J. Tungol
FGNF Techno-trainer
March 2015
For a longer version of this story and more photos,
Asia Prayer Link +
Issue #2/ May 2015
Our Mission Stations
PO Box 251 , Zip code 1135
Araneta Center
Cubao, Quezon City
Tel: 632-913-8057
Fax: 632-913-8058
138 Banksfield Cres.
Stoney Creek Ontario L8JOB9
P.O. Box 2174
Pasadena, CA
91102 USA
31 First Street, Krishnadoss
600 012 TN
Tel. # 0091-044-2662 0212
PO Box 224
Chiang Mai 50000
Tel. & Fax # (66)53-244753
212 Blackwall Rd., Chuwar
QLD 4306, Australia
Tel: 0438-013-878
Get Involved!
Have a heart for the nations? You can help fulfill this
command by helping us. Here’s how:
Prayer travels a great distance, reaching unreached
areas almost without cost. Prayer links us to the Lord
of the Harvest.
Vision must be translated into action. With your financial support, God's vision for Asia will become a reality.
Your personal involvement will mean more feet to go,
more hands to work, more mouths to speak to bring
Christ to the people of Asia, and brings a change in
your own life as well.