February - Temple Ner Tamid
February - Temple Ner Tamid
TEMPLE NER TAMID 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 532-1293, Fax: (978) 532-0101 Website: www.templenertamid.org E-mail: templenertamid@verizon.net Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Peabody, MA No. 63 The Conservative Congregation of Peabody, MA Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism FEBRUARY 2016 SHEVAT/ADAR I 5776 “OR CURRENT RESIDENT” Save The Dates! Friday, February 5 “Sinatra Shabbatra” Saturday, February 6 “Giggles Comedy Night” Sisterhood & Men’s Club Event Sunday, February 7 MC “World Wide Wrap” Saturday, February 20 “Havdallah Hav - Deli” Wednesday, February 24 Sisterhood Card Party More info inside! TNT SERVICE HOURS Sunday Sunday - Thursday Friday (unless otherwise noted) Saturday 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM Our Temple staff members and volunteers are happy to help you by phone or email Cantor: Stephen Abramowitz Temple Ext: 203 cantor@templenertamid.org Synagogue Administrator: Beth K. Hoffman Temple Ext: 200 office@templenertamid.org President: Eric Richman Cell (617) 908-2434 pres@templenertamid.org Vice Presidents: Harvey Dragoon hardra535@aol.com Adele Lubarsky lubarskya@hotmail.com Alan Titelbaum alan@asmallcreation.com SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, February February February February 5 12 19 26 Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 4:44 4:53 5:02 5:11 PM PM PM PM 5:20 5:28 6:36 6:44 PM PM PM PM 1st Night of Passover Friday, April 22 2nd Night of Passover Saturday, April 23 Bookkeeper: Linda Swears Temple Ext: 202 ltswears@comcast.net Sisterhood President: Sue Callum scallum16@gmail.com Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky lmalatzky@gmail.com Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy Home: (617) 686-7470 suesavy@comcast.net “One Brick at a Time” Ponn Family Pathway Buy a brick to recognize special people or milestones in your life, or just honor someone you love! Please join Temple Ner Tamid as we secure our future while we build a solid foundation! Contact: office@templenertamid.org We accept OFFICE CLOSED MasterCard Visa Discover Monday, February 15th for your Donations & Payments Presidents Day Please call the office and we would be happy to help you! Cantor Stephen Abramowitz Across the Parting Sea “In in the case of our next Musical Shabbat (February 5th) and recently penned PurimSpiel (performed March 23rd), we will engage in melodious celebration channeled through Sinatra and Elvis! Your unfailing love You will lead the people But unlike the Israelites and the Jews of Belarus, You have redeemed. In Your strength You will we can choose which direction to take. We have guide them to Your holy dwelling.” our Executive Board and a diverse and talented Search Committee to assume the Midrashic role Exodus: 15:13 SONG OF THE SEA of Nachshon Ben Aminadav, who took the first Israelite steps into the sea. We certainly have At the time I am composing this article, I have the dynamic Tracy Cranson and her wonderful just chanted Shirat Hayam, the powerful and lyr- Religious School staff, who will prepare our ical “Song of the Sea”, depicting the Israelites’ children to dance and play those timbrels when dramatic escape from the Egyptian chariots at we reach the other side. We have the priestly the Sea of Reeds. While G-d’s “outstretched class --Men’s Club and Sisterhood--to provide hand” is undeniable in the text, many modern guidance during our longer trip through the wilscholars attribute this sea-parting miracle to a derness. And we have the Israelites at large, our marshy area at low and high tide. amazing congregants, who are constantly moving TNT forward without looking back (that Many events in Jewish history have been com- much). And with some faith (G-d certainly has pared to this miraculous moment of redemption. an overarching role here), we will collectively A cherished teacher and colleague, Rabbi Sally make the right decision to move Temple Ner Finestone of Wayland’s Congregation Or Atid, Tamid forward for the next 56 years. compares Shirat Hayam to the recent film “Defiance”. This film depicts the true story of a As for Nachshon Ben Aminadav, who first regroup of 1,200 Jews in Belarus who defied the ceives mention as the brother of Aaron’s wife Nazis, survived in the forest, and created their Elisheva, he is among the 70 elders (from the own society. At a crucial point in the film, the ruling tribe of Judah) to be conferred Moses’ Jews had to cross a marsh to escape approaching Nazi soldiers. Though many could not swim, spirit, and the very first to bring an inaugural one of the group’s leaders, brothers Zus and Tu- sacrifice to the emerging tabernacle. May we all via Bielski, requested that everyone remove their have the strength, wisdom, fearlessness and belts and tie them together, thereby creating a quick decision-making ability of Nachshon, as human chain. Through this bond of leather and we approach our wilderness, the next chapter in twine, the Jews crossed the marsh and fled to the history of Temple Ner Tamid. safety. Ultimately, among these 1,200 Jewish partisans, an amazing 1,150 survived the Holocaust. I bring this story to our attention because on a much less perilous (but equally existential) level, Temple Ner Tamid is heading toward our own Sea (or marsh) of Reeds. We are navigating spiritually uncharted waters, as we forge a path toward welcoming our next Rabbi. With frequent assistance from Rabbi Bernie Horowitz, I have attempted to bridge the spiritual abyss, by leading the community in prayer and song. And Religious School, Tracy Cranson Sisterhood Dear friends and families, Thank you all for your continued good will and support. I am not a big fan of winter. I don’t ski, don’t like the cold, and get nervous about driving in ice and snow. That being said, the month of February has a lot going for it. Most importantly, February is a short month, even with this year being a leap year. We only have to get through twenty nine days to bring us that much closer to spring. Furthermore, there’s a school vacation in February, giving me one less week where I may be obligated to drive in snow. February is a relatively quiet month. There are no major Jewish holidays requiring extensive preparations or large scale family gatherings. Since it’s cold outside, many of us choose to stay at home, protected in our cocoons from winter’s chill. However, just because February is a short, often dreary, month, doesn’t mean that Sisterhood remains idle as we await the end of winter. In addition to the year round routine activities of preparing for weekly Friday night Onegs, maintaining the Judaica shop, and providing support for the Jewish Theological Seminary through our sale of Torah Fund cards, Sisterhood is offering two wonderful indoor activities to keep us busy during the month of February. The first one occurs on February 6 when Sisterhood and Men’s Club join together to sponsor a fun night out at Giggles Comedy Club, located at Prince Pizza in Saugus. The evening includes a dinner of pizza, salad, and soft drinks as well as the comedy show. The second social event occurring in February is the February 24th Sisterhood Game Night. Instead of getting together at someone’s house to play Mah Jongg, Rummikub, cards, or any game of your choice, bring your group to the Temple. Sisterhood will provide a light supper and dessert. No food prep, serving, or house cleaning required on your part! What better deal can you get than that? During the month of February, committees will also be working on upcoming events for the spring. These include the April Hogan School program which will bring disabled people into our midst for a day planned especially for them, and our May 18th Ladies’ Night Out, which promises to be a very special and enjoyable evening. In the dead of winter when the weather can often make us feel down, Sisterhood offers opportunities to beat the winter doldrums by getting out and spending time with Temple friends and acquaintances. I encourage you to join us. You’ll be glad you did! B’ahava, Tracy Cranson Esther Kaufman Recording Secretary As you are taking the time to read this, our second term at the Religious School is into full gear. Both teachers and students were eager and excited to come back to school after the December school vacation break. I hope every one had a safe New Year 2016! Speaking of new years - each class, learned about the holiday of Tu B’shvat – the New Year for Trees. This celebration of trees and the environment is a time for students to learn ways to appreciate Earth, nature and being “Greenconscious”. Aside from the American tradition of having a seder service, where attendees enjoy tasting the different tree and plant products from Israel, the Jewish National Fund each year and throughout the year, encourages treeplanting in Israel. Each family should have received an order form and I encourage you to participate. You can plant a tree in someone’s Honor or Memory. Every tree counts!!!! On January 22nd, the 6th grade students participated in the Friday night service held at TNT. Along with three Rabbis and two Cantors, the children held their own! As their teacher I can attest to the time and effort they put in to lead the prayers, even if most of it happened in the final two weeks prior!!! I am proud of them and a special thank you to the parents/families for sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat. The family style dinner was lovely thanks to the combined efforts of caterer extraordinaire Todd Levine and volunteers under the leadership of Sue Savy, my mother. We had a traditional Shabbat dinner and added vegetarian options for those who preferred. It was a close knit group but a lovely way to welcome Shabbat. Upcoming happenings: Friday, February 26th - 4th grade lead Shabbat at Temple Tifereth Shalom and Birthday blessings Thursday, March 10th – Purim Celebration at Brooksby Village for grades 4-6 (stay tuned for details) Sunday, March 20th – Purim Carnival at Temple Tifereth Shalom (more information to follow) Head of School Save the date Wednesday, May 18 Sisterhood of TNT HAWAIIAN luau Boutiques, raffles and dinner Mark your calendars for a wonderful evening! Men’s Club, Larry Malatzky The Men’s Club has already been active this year and we are planning many events for the upcoming months. The Men’s Club provided the refreshments for the Temple general meeting in January. Thank you to the folks that helped setup and cleanup. Some other notable events in the coming months will include: March – Men’s Club Shabbat and our Texas Hold-em tournament April – Hogan School program w/ the TNT Sisterhood; Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle program May – our Annual Mother’s Day Brunch; Men’s Club regional leadership program; Foxwoods bus Trip Please check out the TNT website and Facebook page for details. Our next Men’s Club event will be the World Wide Wrap. Please join the Men’s Club as we Join Hundreds of Congregations Globally in the uniquely Jewish spiritual experience and tradition of Tefillin on Sunday morning February 7th, 2016 for break- We welcome any affiliated or Unaffiliated Jewish fast and minyan. We have invited the congrega- man in the area to join the TNT Men’s Club. tions from the other surrounding temples to join us. Please join us! Details can be found on the TNT website. Please don’t miss the Sisterhood and Men’s Club L’Shalom, “Night at Giggles” on Saturday February 6th. We also have kicked off our annual Men’s Club Larry Limited Raffle. A limited number of tickets will be sold! There are 5 prizes with the top prize of $1500. The drawing will be at the May general meeting but don’t wait as tickets are going fast! Save the Dates! Social Action Committee Presents Friday Evening Speaker Series Friday Evening Service - 8:00 PM Friday, March 4 Family Promise of the North Shore Assistant Director, Julie Dillard Friday, April 1 - TBD Friday, May 6 - TBD Oneg Shabbat to Follow MAZEL TOV! Andrea & Alan Titelbaum’s son, Jason, is engaged to Carolyn Buckson Arlene Titelbaum’s grandson, Jason, is engaged to Carolyn Buckson Malvina & Reuel Liebert, welcome a new granddaughter, Flora Elizabeth GET WELL Al Fogel Ron Generrazo Bruce Borr Jane Mulsman Martin Margolis Murray Simons KIDDUSH & ONEG SPONSORS Sisterhood & Men’s Club To share your news or if you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon in honor of a special occasion, Contact: office@templenertamid.org ************************************************************************************** TNT SPRING FUNDRAISER Looking for ideas for this years major fundraiser Please contact: Steve Ring - sring@mitre.org Alan Titelbaum - alan@asmallcreation.com Every Monday Evening 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz Co-sponsored by Temple Ner Tamid & NSJCC Only $5.00 per class Call Arlyne Greenspan at 978-471-5520 for more info. ISRAELI DANCE GROUP TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:00 PM DONATION $1.00 ALL ARE WELCOME! HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AT TNT FOR EVERY SERVICE AND PROGRAM IN OUR SANCTUARY & SOCIAL HALL SEE GREETER FOR HEADPHONES The Pransky Financial Group ARE YOU TRAVELING?? PROBLEMS HAPPEN… Now offering Worldwide Travel Insurance from one of the leading global providers for information… Contact Alan Pransky alan@pranskyfinancial.com 617-538-0058 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakwood Terrace, IL), rated “A-“ (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. We are still Collecting! Save Cancelled Postage Stamps For the Holocaust Stamps Project! Students, staff, parent volunteers, and friends of Foxborough Regional Charter School have been saving, trimming, and counting cancelled postage stamps since 2009 as part of a Community Service Learning initiative, the Holocaust Stamps Project. Five years ago, an ambitious goal was set – to collect 11 million stamps to visually illustrate the enormity of that number of children, women, and men having been killed as a result of prejudice, racism, and discrimination by the Nazi regime. Six million Jewish people and five million others considered by Germany’s dictator to be “enemies of the State” are being honored and memorialized by each of the collected stamps. Thousands of the stamps are being used, by small groups of talented middle and high school FRCS students, to create a series of 18 unique collage pictures that reflect causes and effects of the Holocaust. Long-term plans are for a public venue to be found where the entire collection of stamps can be permanently displayed in a custom designed acrylic sculpture, along with the whole collage series. As of mid-November, more than 6,611,500 stamps had been counted, but there is a long way to go before the goal is reached. WE’RE CELEBRATING AGAIN! IT’S W.A.G.’S SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY AND WE’RE GOING BACK TO THE FUTURE All Jewish widows and widowers are invited to join us as once again we revisit the scene of our first event and relive the wonderful time that was had by all on that fateful Sunday in February 2009. The only difference is that we’re not going bowling this time! The consensus of opinion at our recent gatherings was that we should skip that portion of the afternoon. When? Where’ll we meet? Where’ll we dine? What’ll it cost? Who’s taking reservations? Sunday, February 21st, at 2:00 PM At the restaurant Sugar Cane on Main Street in Peabody The cost will be determined by what you order for dinner Leah Allman at 978.535.3665 Although no prepayment in required, please call by February 14th to let us know how many places to set at the table. The Jewish Widows and Widowers Activity Group has had seven years of enjoyable events. Many new friendships have been made. This is certainly a cause for celebration and we look forward to having you join us. New members are welcome! THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS ARNOLD DOLLIN SCHOLARSHIP BACH FAMILY In Memory of beloved mother, Frieda by PAULA DOLLIN & FAMILY BRAND FAMILY In Deepest sympathy on the loss of your father by PAULA DOLLIN BUILDING FUND ARLENE TITELBAUM In Loving memory of Morton C. Titelbaum father of Mark Titelbaum and grandfather of Merrin Titelbaum by MARK TITELBAUM MRS. GETTIE CUSHING AND FAMILY In Memory of William Gershlak by JANICE GERSHLAK GENERAL FUND THE KRONBERG FAMILY In Memory of beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother, Fannie Kronberg by THE SHERMAN & GONICK FAMILIES KITCHEN EDWARD PIBENS In Honor of your special birthday by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE JERRY NUSBAUM Wishing you a speedy get well by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE SARITA PICKARD MEMORIAL In Loving Memory of William Copans father of the late Sarita Pickard by BARBIE & BERNIE PICKARD In Memory of David Greenstein beloved father of Barbie Pickard by BARBIE & BERNIE PICKARD Yahrzeit Fund in memory of ALFRED KLEIN (Father) by Jo Anne Appelstein ANNE BORNSTEIN (Mother) by Gloria Cohen ANNIE WAISBERG (Great Aunt) by Roberta Solar ARTHUR SPARR (Father) by Gary Sparr BENJAMIN ELI BECKER (Father) by Frederick Becker BERTON H. GOLDSTEIN (Husband) by Sylvia Goldstein CELIA KANE (Mother) by Gloria Simons EDWARD WEBBER (Father) by Stewart Webber FRIEDA GERSON (Mother-in-law) by Harold Block HELEN SOLAR (Mother) by Roberta Solar HERBERT M. ARNOLD (Father) by Marsha Goldstein IRVING PRANSKY (Father) by Alan Pransky JOSEPH SHUMAN (Father) by Sidney Shuman LEO SIMONS (Father) by S. Murray Simons LOUIS WAISBERG (Great Uncle) by Roberta Solar MAURICE BAND (Father) by Richard Band MILDRED KARAS (Mother) by Irene Gustat MORRIS KRAVETZ (Father) by Bethann Baskies PAUL LEHMAN (Father) by Alan Lehman PHILIP DANTOWITZ (Father) by Howard Dantowitz PHILIP DANTOWITZ (Husband) by Charlotte Dantowitz PHILIP SOLAR (Father) by Roberta Solar SADIE BURNIM (Mother) by Barbara Lowy SAMUEL SIEGEL (Grandfather) by Arthur L. Goldberg SARA CUSHINSKY (Mother) by David Cushinsky SARA GOLDSTEIN (Aunt) by Grigory Taska SARAH WALLMAN (Mother-in-law) by Dorothy Wallman HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS! Don’t see your FEBRUARY birthday? Make sure the office knows the date. Sue Callum Shirley Cole Lisa Finn Wendy Gershlak Ed Gustat Herbert Kahan Debra Krinsky Ethel Madnick Marty Margolis Al Newman Jim Norcross WHY SCHELP TO BROOKLINE? VISIT THE SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP FOR ALL OF YOUR SHOPPING! Roy Pincus Jacques Potash Deborah Pransky Mark Rudin Jeff Schultz Barry Silverman Jane Tolpina Dorothy Wallman Steve Wisotsky Matt Wulf Elisa Zimmerman SOCIAL ACTION Next Meeting Tuesday, February 16th, Following evening Minyan TNT will be serving and preparing meals at “Haven From Hunger” third Thursday of every month For more info, Contact Elliot Wyner: efwyner@aol.com FEBRUARY YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Benjamin L. Adelberg [father of Harriet Feinstein] Jacob Annis [father of Paula Dollin] Boris Avers Mary D. Avram Eileen Bacherman William Baker [father of Lawrence Baker] Anna Bluestein Irving Bornstein Frances Borr [mother of Bruce Borr] Edythe Bregman [mother of Martin Bregman] Beatrice Bronstein [mother of Ruthann Remis] Roger F. Chamuel [father of Steve Chamuel] Ida Cheplowitz [aunt of Susan Salkovitz] Morris Cherkas [father of Joseph Cherkas] Allen Joseph Cohen [husband of Janet Cohen & father of Jennifer Peary] Betty F. Cohen William Copans [father-in-law of Bernard Pickard] Leonard Cowan Minnie Diamond [mother of Arlene Generazzo] Ruth Doniger [sister of Marian Bromberg] Martha Epstein [mother of Merle Shuman] Melvin L. Epstein Samuel Falkoff [Father of Barry Falkoff] Rose Simons Feinstein [mother of S. Murray Simons] Frieda E. Frank [mother of Burton Friedman] Joseph B. Fromer Manuel H. Gaman Harvey Gershlak [husband of Janice Gershlak & father of Mark Gershlak] Abraham Gesson Mollie Gillman Mary Hill Ginsberg [mother of Barry Ginsberg] Harold Goldberg [brother of David Goldberg] Pearl Goldberg Stefanie Goldberg [daughter of Stephen & Lois Goldberg] Henry Goldman [father of Shirley Lipman] Ruth Goldstein [mother of Gail Falkoff] Bernard Gordon [father of Sharon Bregman] Mary Gordon David Greenstein [father of Barbara Pickard] Gertrude Greenstein Martin Joskowicz Mildred Karas [mother of Irene Gustat] Samuel Kaye Jean Kemp [mother of Alexander Kemp] Edith Mazer Kisloff Alfred Klein [father of Jo Anne Appelstein] Isabelle Krasker [mother of Nanci Hodge] David Lashin [father of Rena Zellin] Lavana Licha [mother of Laila Chamuel] Maurice Litner [father-in-law of Sandra Litner] Saul Margolis [father of Martin Margolis] Harris Marlin Frederick C. Miller Gertrude Nacht Maurice Parad [Father of Charlotte Dantowitz] Frieda Pessaroff [mother-in-law of Mona Pessaroff] Morris Phillips [brother-in-law of Barbara Phillips] Helen Prager Norman Prince Max Rabinovitch [husband of Irene Rabinovitch] Victor Rabinovitch [uncle of Irene Rabinovitch] Harry Reichek [uncle of Marvin Jacobson] Morris Rogosa [father of Martin Rogosa] Morris Louis Romotsky Samuel Rosenblatt Elizabeth R. Rosenthal Eva Roth [aunt of Martin Rogosa] Alice Schneider [mother of Rhona Weiner] Harry Scholnick [father of Celia Levine] Minnie Scholnick [mother of Celia Levine] Dorothy Schulman [mother of Irving Schulman] Anne M Schwartz [mother of Arlene Titelbaum, grandmother of Alan Titelbaum & David Titelbaum] Minnie Schwartz [Mother of Sylvia Toby] Sarah Shaw Bessie Swartz Sherman [sister-in-law of Annabelle Swartz, aunt of Suzanne Swartz] Harry B. Sherr Ted Lawrence Siegel [nephew of Edward Goldberg] Samuel Joseph Silverman Bernard Spigel [uncle of Todd Levine] Louis N. Swartz [father-in-law of Annabelle Swartz] Louis N. Swartz [grandfather of Suzanne Swartz] Morton C. Titelbaum [husband of Arlene Titelbaum, father of Alan Titelbaum & David Titelbaum] Anntsy Tolpina Berman [grandmother of Jane Tolpina] Raymond Wallman [husband of Dorothy Wallman] Moses Wasserman Sally Weiner [mother of Elaine Rothstein] Helen Weisman [mother of Susan Comak] William Wolarsky [father of Marian Bromberg] Samuel Wyner [father of Elliot Wyner] Glen Yanco [husband of Audrey Yanco, brother of Rhonda Zero] Samuel Yanco [grandfather of Rhonda Zero & Audrey Yanco] Israel Zamansky Ida Zellin [mother-in-law of Rena Zellin] Tillie Zide [mother-in-law of Bea Zide] Morris Zigman Condolences to: Allen Talewsky On the loss of his mother, Caroline Talewsky JF&CS Family Table (Kosher Food Pantry) IS IN NEED OF Canned Vegetables & Tuna Fish Please drop off your donations in the bin located in the TNT Coat Room Food Pantry Distribution at Temple Sinai, Marblehead on Sunday, February 21, 2016 TNT BOOK CLUB Sunday, February 28 Following 7:30 PM Minyan Everyone is welcome! Poxl West fled the Nazis' onslaught in Czechoslovakia. He escaped their clutches again in Holland. He pulled Londoners from the Blitz's rubble. He wooed intoxicating, unconventional beauties. He rained fire on Germany from his RAF bomber. Poxl West is the epitome of manhood and something of an idol to his teenage nephew, Eli Goldstein, who reveres him as a brave, singular, Jewish war hero. Poxl fills Eli's head with electric accounts of his derring-do, adventures and romances, as he collects the best episodes from his storied life into a memoir. He publishes that memoir, Skylock, to great acclaim, and its success takes him on the road, and out of Eli's life. With his uncle gone, Eli throws himself into reading his opus and becomes fixated on all things Poxl. But as he delves deeper into Poxl's history, Eli begins to see that the life of the fearless superman he's adored has been much darker than he let on, and filled with unimaginable loss from which he may have not recovered. As the truth about Poxl emerges, it forces Eli to face irreconcilable facts about the war he's romanticized and the vision of the man he's held so dear. Daniel Torday's debut novel, The Last Flight of Poxl West, beautifully weaves together the two unforgettable voices of Eli Goldstein and Poxl West, exploring what it really means to be a hero, and to be a family, in the long shadow of war. For more information or to RSVP contact: Barbara Kuhn bkuhn01960@yahoo.com Malvina Liebert malvinal@yahoo.com
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Sisterhood President: Sue Callum
Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky
Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy
(617) 686-7470 suesavy@comcast.net