Media Cover 09.crtr - West Virginia Daily News
Media Cover 09.crtr - West Virginia Daily News
Effective 05-01-13 and Medi aPack Ef f ec t i v eMay1,2013 200 South Court Street PO Box 471 Lewisburg, WV 24901-0471 Phone: 304-645-1206 Fax: 304-645-7104 Advertising Email: Editorial Email: This contract means the Advertiser agrees to run a minimum of fifteen (15) column inches of ROP (Run On Page) advertising per calendar month for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months in the Advertiser’s choice of the following programs: 1. The West Virginia Daily News 2. The Greenbrier Valley Ranger and/or any of its ROP zones; 3. The Greenbrier Valley Ranger and The West Virginia Daily News in combination, which is viewed as a single ROP advertisement for contract purposes. 4. The West Virginia Daily News at one time in the month, and The Greenbrier Valley Ranger at another as two separate advertisements totaling 15 column inches or more. The Advertiser is then eligible to receive an earned rate according to the volume (number of inches) and the corresponding Contract Rate according to the appropriate Rate Sheet(s). If contract is not fulfilled, Advertiser will be billed, and will pay, the difference between the Contract Rate and the Open Rate for all space previously run during the term of the Contract. Pre-printed inserts and “flat rate” (single charge) advertising shall not be construed as fulfillment of this ROP Contract. This contract shall automatically be renewed at the end of one year from another year, and shall be renewable from year to year for like periods thereafter unless either party shall cause the same to be terminated by the giving of notice to the other, in writing, thirty days in advance of the anniversary of this Contract. Greenbrier Daily Newspapers, Inc., reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement submitted. Greenbrier Daily Newspapers, Inc., will not be responsible for typographical errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the item. This contract may be terminated without notice by Greenbrier Daily Newspapers, Inc., if the Advertiser becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for benefit of creditors, is adjudged bankrupt, or a Receiver of the property is appointed; in any of which cases, the rate earned shall apply for advertising used. Due to unusual circumstances, Greenbrier Daily Newspapers, Inc., reserves the right to amend the terms, conditions, rates, etc., specified in the Contract upon thirty days’ notice. If said revision is not acceptable to the Advertiser, Advertiser shall have the right to terminate this Contract on date of change without penalty. In the event any tax is imposed on newspaper advertising, such as tax or taxes shall be added to all invoices and paid by the Advertiser. Space cannot be accumulated. Billing is made monthly. All bills are due by the 30th of the month following publication. Contract or earned rates do not apply where unpaid balance remains unless specific arrangements are made with the business office. DEADLINES: One (1) working day before publication. Extra Composition, two (2) days. BANNER ADVERTISING Premium placement at an affordable investment. Your ad HERE! • Your advertisement will receive top of page placement. • Ad sizes ranging from 6X2 to 6X5.5 • Rates $7.25 pci in $11.25 pci in the or take advantage of our combo rate $15.25 pci for both publications. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT AT 304-645-1206. Effective 05-01-2013 Full Page 6 Col. X 21 1/2” *$1935.00 combo rate 3/4 Page 1/2 Page 6 Col. X 16 1/2” 3 Col. X 21 1/2” *$1485.00 combo rate *$967.50 combo rate 1/4 Page 3 Col. X 10 1/2” *$472.50 combo rate 1/8 Page 3 Col. X 5” *$225.00 combo rate 1/2 Page 6 Col. X 10 1/2” *$945.00 combo rate 1/16 Page 3 Col. X 2 1/2” *$112.50 combo rate 304Effective 05-01-2013 Our Best Value - Consistency Counts! STANDING CARD Ad Rates The West Virginia Daily News 2X2 $ 00 WVDN 270 67 per column inch $ 50 GVR Runs for one (1) month, Everyday, Average 21 days Greenbrier Valley Ranger 7500 per column inch $ Runs for one (1) month, Every Wed. & Sun., Average 8 runs 1X2 WVDN $13500 $ GVR 15000 Effective 05-01-2013 2X7 WVDN $94500 $ GVR 105000 30000 $ 200 South Court Street PO Box 471 Lewisburg, WV 24901-0471 Phone: 304-645-1206 Fax: 304-645-7104 Advertising Email: Judy Steele, Publisher - Susan Linton, Advertising Manager Effective May 1, 2013 Published Monday through Friday, AM $7.00 PER COL. INCH $7.00 PER COL. INCH (Political and Transient Advertising must be paid in advance.) $15.00 PER COL. INCH $6.25 PER COL. INCH $120.00 PER COLOR, FULL COLOR NOT AVAILABLE $50.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) WEEKLY $52.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) 1-2 TIMES PER MONTH $55.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) OTHER FREQUENCIES (Run On Page) COL. IN PER MO. 2-29 30-54 55-84 85-109 110-144 145-179 180-249 250-349 350-499 500-599 600-774 775-1149 1150-1499 1500 PLUS RATE PER IN 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.35 5.30 5.25 5.20 5.10 5.05 4.95 4.85 4.75 4.65 4.55 $67.50 PER INCH PER MONTH Page Size: 6 cols X 21.5 inches (13”X21.5), SAU Column size Noon one (1) day prior to publication Unusual or Extensive Composition and Legal Advertising: Noon Two (2) days prior to publication 4,337 Eastern Greenbrier County and Northern Monroe County. 200 South Court Street PO Box 471 Lewisburg, WV 24901-0471 Phone: 304-645-1206 Fax: 304-645-7104 Advertising Email: Judy Steele, Publisher - Susan Linton, Advertising Manager Effective May 1, 2013 Published Sunday and Wednesday $11.00 PER COL. INCH With one insertion in the WV Daily News: $15.00 PER COL. INCH $11.00 PER COL. INCH (Political and Transient Advertising must be paid in advance.) $10.50 PER COL. INCH $120.00 PER COLOR, FULL COLOR NOT AVAILABLE $50.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) WEEKLY $52.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) 1-2 TIMES PER MONTH $55.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) OTHER FREQUENCIES (Pre-prints zoneable by ZIP Codes, minimum 4,000) (Run On Page) COL. IN RATE PER MO. PER IN 2-29 9.25 30-54 9.20 55-84 9.15 85-114 9.10 115-154 9.05 155-199 9.00 200-299 8.95 300-399 8.90 400-499 8.75 500-599 8.65 600-699 8.60 700-799 8.55 800-899 8.50 900-1009 8.45 1100-1299 8.40 1300-1499 8.35 1500 PLUS 8.30 Combination with one (1) insertion in the WV Daily News: add $4.00 per COL. INCH $75.00 PER INCH PER MONTH Runs every Wednesday and Sunday for one (1) month Page Size: 6 cols X 21.5 inches (13”X21.5), SAU Column size Sunday Edition: Noon Thursday Wednesday Edition: Noon Monday 21,834 Effective 05/01/2013 (CAC Audited) All of Greenbrier County, northern Monroe County and Southern Pocahontas County 200 South Court Street PO Box 471 Lewisburg, WV 24901-0471 Phone: 304-645-1206 Fax: 304-645-7104 Advertising Email: Judy Steele, Publisher - Susan Linton, Advertising Manager Effective May 1, 2013 Published Sunday and Wednesday $4.75 PER COL. INCH With one insertion in the WV Daily News: $8.75 PER COL. INCH $4.75 PER COL. INCH (Political and Transient Advertising must be paid in advance.) $4.25 PER COL. INCH $120.00 PER COLOR, FULL COLOR NOT AVAILABLE $50.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) WEEKLY $52.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) 1-2 TIMES PER MONTH $55.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) OTHER FREQUENCIES (Run On Page) COL. IN RATE PER MO. PER IN 2-29 3.40 30-54 3.35 55-84 3.30 85-114 3.25 115-154 3.20 155-199 3.15 200-299 3.10 300-399 3.05 400-499 3.00 500-599 2.95 600-699 2.90 700-799 2.85 800-899 2.80 900-1009 2.75 1100-1299 2.70 1300-1499 2.65 1500 PLUS 2.60 Combination with one (1) insertion in the WV Daily News: add $4.00 per COL. INCH Page Size: 6 cols X 21.5 inches (13”X21.5), SAU Column size Sunday Edition: Noon Thursday Wednesday Edition: Noon Monday 2,673 Effective 05/01/2013 (CAC Audited) Northern Monroe County 200 South Court Street PO Box 471 Lewisburg, WV 24901-0471 Phone: 304à 645-1206 Fax: 304-645-7104 Advertising Email: Judy Steele, Publisher - Susan Linton, Advertising Manager RATE INFORMATION Valley Zone Effective May 1, 2013 Published Sunday and Wednesday NATIONAL, POLITICAL AND LOCAL OPEN: $9.00PER COL. INCH With one insertion in the West Virginia Daily News $13.00 PER COL. INCH TRANSIENT: $9.00PER COL INCH (Political and Transient Advertising must be paid in advance.) NON PROFIT: $8.50 PER COL INCH COLOR: $120.00 PER COLOR. FULL COLOR NOT AVAILABLE PRE-PRINTED INSERTS: $50.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) WEEKLY $52.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) 1-2 TIMES PER MONTH $55.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) OTHER FREQUENCIES (Pre-prints zoneable by ZIP Codes, minimum 4,000) COL IN PER MO. 2-29 30-54 55-84 85-114 115-154 155-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900à 1009 1100à 1299 1300-1499 1500 PLUS RATE PER IN 8.00 7.95 7.90 7.85 7.80 7.75 7.70 7.65 7.60 7.55 7.50 7.45 7.40 7.35 7.30 7.25 7.20 Combination with one (1) insertion in the WV Daily News: add $4.00 per COL. INCH MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Page Size: 6 coIs X 21.5 inch”. (13ê x21.5), SAU Column size DEADLINES: Sunday Edition: Noon Thursday Wednesday Edition: Noon Monday CIRCULATION INFORMATION : 15,041 Effective 05/01/2013 (CAC Audited) COVERAGE AREA: Eastern Greenbrier County and Southern Pocahontas County 200 South Court Street PO Box 471 Lewisburg, WV 24901-0471 Phone: 304-645-1206 Fax: 304-645-7104 Advertising Email: Judy Steele, Publisher - Susan Linton, Advertising Manager Effective May 1, 2013 Published Sunday and Wednesday $5.50 PER COL. INCH With one insertion in the WV Daily News: $9.50 PER COL. INCH $5.50 PER COL. INCH (Political and Transient Advertising must be paid in advance.) $5.00 PER COL. INCH $120.00 PER COLOR, FULL COLOR NOT AVAILABLE $50.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) WEEKLY $52.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) 1-2 TIMES PER MONTH $55.00 PER THOUSAND (BASE) OTHER FREQUENCIES (Run On Page) COL. IN RATE PER MO. PER IN 2-29 4.25 30-54 4.20 55-84 4.15 85-114 4.10 115-154 4.05 155-199 4.00 200-299 3.95 300-399 3.90 400-499 3.85 500-599 3.80 600-699 3.75 700-799 3.70 800-899 3.65 900-1009 3.60 1100-1299 3.55 1300-1499 3.50 1500 PLUS 3.45 Combination with one (1) insertion in the WV Daily News: add $4.00 per COL. INCH Page Size: 6 cols X 21.5 inches (13”X21.5), SAU Column size Sunday Edition: Noon Thursday Wednesday Edition: Noon Monday 4,120 Effective 05/01/2013 (CAC Audited) Western Greenbrier County GREENBRIER VALLEY RANGER 5/1/13 ZIP CODE LIST P.O BOX 471 LEWISBURG WV 24901-0471 PHONE: (304) 645-1206; FAX (304) 645-7104 PART I - THE VALLEY ZONE ZIP CODE PART II - MONROE COUNTY ZONE TOWN NAME 24901 LEWISBURG 24986 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS 24970 24916 24910 24925 24938 24966 24957 RONCEVERTE ASBURY ALDERSON CALDWELL FRANKFORD RENICK MAXWELTON CO. GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR AMOUNT ZIP CODE 24983 UNION 2595 24980 SWEET SPRINGS 1921 206 1491 365 24941 24918 24945 24951 GAP MILLS BALLARD GREENVILLE LINDSIDE 24976 24974 FORT SPRINGS SINKS GROVE SECOND CREEK 89 MON 421 30 24985 WAYSIDE MON 116 24991 WILLIAMSBURG GBR 173 24954 MARLINTON POC 1697 24929 BUCKEYE POC 263 24946 HILLSBORO TOTAL ZONE POC MON MON MON MON MON TOTAL ZONE 105 GBR MON CO. MON AMOUNT 1105 291 107 400 235 535 476 539 PART III - RAINELLE ZONE 24936 TOWN NAME 3999 555 15041 ZIP CODE 25962 25958 25981 24943 RAINELLE TOWN NAME CHARMCO QUINWOOD GRASSY MEADOWS 2673 CO. GBR GBR GBR GBR AMOUNT 2061 366 100 119 24931 CRAWLEY [Clintonville] GBR 425 25972 LESLIE GBR 86 25984 RUPERT GBR 796 24977 SMOOT GBR 167 TOTAL ZONE TOTAL SYSTEM 4120 21834 The West Virginia Daily News/Greenbrier Valley Ranger PO Box 471 • Lewisburg, WV • 24901 Company Information Amount of Credit Requested:______________ Business Name Parent Company Address Owner/Manager Name Social Security Number Date Business Opened Business Address Telephone Fax Parent Company Name Registered with Secretary of State? Cell yes no Filing Date Business Credit Reference (please complete all information) 1. Name Address Phone Fax Account Number 2. Name Address Phone Fax Account Number 3. Name Address Phone Fax Account Number The West Virginia Daily News/Greenbrier Valley Ranger PO Box 471 • Lewisburg, WV • 24901 Name of Bank Account Number Checking Savings Loan Type of Account Please Check All That Apply Mortgage I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct. I hereby authorize The West Virginia Daily News and Greenbrier Valley Ranger to make inqueries neccessary to investigate the credit and financial references I have supplied on this form. signature of officer or principal title date If granted credit with The West Virginia Daily News and Greenbrier Valley Ranger, I agree to remit payment when the invoice is rendered. signature of officer or principal title date
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