daiLies - West Virginia Press Association
daiLies - West Virginia Press Association
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N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a forth in Chapter 59, Article 3 in which governmental agencies and others can be compelled by court order to publish a required Legal Advertisement which has not been published. charge for Legal Advertisements are set by the state Legislature. These rates are based on the paid circulation of the qualified newspapers. Rates in effect on January 1, circulation of 1,000 or less. 5,000. determines how many successive weeks the ad must run – Class I, one week; Class II, two weeks; and so on. the week except Sunday. publication of a particular Legal for publication to a qualified newspaper published in the publication area, and can only be placed in a newspaper outside the publication area if no newspaper in the area will accept the ad. Legal Advertisements containing white space 29,999. more. Legals published more than one time are charged on the basis of 100% for first publication and 75% for each subsequent publication. determine the number of words to the inch of type-set Legal Advertisements and convert the total space used to words, for purposes of charging for legals. Legal advertisements also are posted on DEADLINES! w w w. w v l e g a l s . c o m WV pRess Life membeRs N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a Life Membership is the highest recognition the membership of the West Virginia Press Association can bestow upon individuals for outstanding service over the years to the newspaper industry and to WVPA. Roy Owens*, Sistersville Phil Fourney*, Ravenswood Guy Stewart, Morgantown Richard Ralston*, Buckhannon Jane Price Sharp, Marlinton James S. Buzzerd*, Berkeley Springs Harry Hamm*, Wheeling Linda Benson, Kingwood Delbert Benson, Kingwood Newspapers adam R. keLLy p R e m i e R J o u R n a L i s t aW a R d G. Ogden Nutting, Wheeling Cecil B. Highland, Jr.*, Clarksburg Meade Dorsey, Shepherdstown Ralph Turner, Huntington W. F. Childress, Charleston George & Mariwyn Smith, Parsons * Deceased a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a The Adam R. Kelly Premier Journalist Award is the most prestigious award presented by the West Virginia Press Association. The award was established in 1991 in memory of the late Adam R. Kelly, former owner and editor of the the Tyler Star-News, Sistersville, who was known nationally for his outstanding service to newspapers. A committee of past presidents of the Press Association selects the honoree from nominations made by journalists or other persons. Announcement of each year’s winner is made during the awards ceremony at the annual WVPA Convention. Past Winners: 1991, Phil Fourney, Ravenswood 1992, Jack Maurice, Charleston 1993, Charles K. Connor Jr., Beckley 2002, Robert DeFrancis, Wheeling 2003, Jim McGoldrick, St. Marys 2004, Thomas J. George, Wayne 1995, Jane Price Sharp, Marlinton 1996, James M. Myer, Wheeling 1997, Linda Benson, Kingwood 1998, Cecil B. Highland, Jr., Clarksburg 2006, John Veasey, Fairmont 2007, Bill Fouch, Petersburg 2000, Warren Buzzerd, Berkeley Springs 2001, Fran Hollendonner, Parkersburg 2009, Nanya Friend, Charleston 2010, Ogden Nutting, Wheeling 2011, George Wallace, Wellsburg 2012, Frank Wood, Beckley 3422 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, WV 25302 daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a bLuefieLd daiLy teLeGRaph - bLuefieLd, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: Shipping Address: Phone: Fax: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-327-2800 other iNformatioN: Editor: Advertising Director: Accounting Manager: Website: Published: Circulation: Sunday Circulation: Circulation: Facebook: Twitter: Parent Company: WWW.bdtonLine.com chaRLeston neWspapeRs, chaRLeston, WV chaRLeston daiLy maiL the chaRLeston Gazette 304-348-5140 304-348-5100 GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: Shipping Address: Daily Mail: Phone: Fax: Gazette: Phone: Fax: Website: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: President/General Manager Daily Mail: Publisher: other iNformatioN: Daily Mail Editor: Gazette Editor: Daily Mail Managing Editor: Advertising Director: Circulation: Published: Daily MailGazette: Gazette-Mail: Circulation: Facebook: Twitter: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.cnpapeRs.com, WWW.daiLymaiL.com, WWW.WVGazette.com, WWW.sundayGazettemaiL.com daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a the daiLy athenaeum, moRGantoWn, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: County: Address: Publisher: 304-293-4141 other iNformatioN: Editor: Phone: Fax: Website: Published: Advertising Mgr: Parent Company: Circulation: Circulation: WWW.thedaonLine.com Accounting Manager: Facebook: Twitter: the dominion post, moRGantoWn, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-291-9425 other iNformatioN: Address: Editor: Geri Ferrara Phone: Fax: Website: Advertising Director: Accounting Manager: Circulation: Circulation Manager: Facebook: Twitter: Parent Company: WWW.dominionpost.com the exponent teLeGRam, cLaRksbuRG, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: President: Publisher: Shipping Address: Editor: Phone: Fax: Website: Published: Circulation: Ad Manager: Ad Sales Manager: Circulation: Business Manager: WWW.cpubco.com Facebook: Twitter: 304-626-1400 other iNformatioN: TMC: Zoning: daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a the heRaLd-dispatch, huntinGton, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Cabell Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-526-4000 other iNformatioN: Executive Editor: - Shipping Address: Advertising Director: Phone: 304-526-4000 Fax: Website: Published: Circulation: Circulation Director: Accounting Manager: Parent Company: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.heRaLd-dispatch.com the inteR-mountain, eLkins, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-636-2121 other iNformatioN: Ad Manager: Shipping Address: Parent Company: Phone: Fax: 304-636-2620 Website: Published: Weekday Circulation: Circulation: Editor: Accounting Manager: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.theinteRmountain.com the JouRnaL, maRtinsbuRG, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: Address: Shipping Address: Phone: Fax: 304-263-0503 Website: Published: Circulation: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-263-8931 other iNformatioN: TMC: Editor: Advertising Director: Circulation: Accounting Manager: Facebook: Twitter: Parent Company: WWW.JouRnaL-neWs.net daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a the LoGan banneR, LoGan, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-752-6950 other iNformatioN: Address: Ad Manager: Shipping Address: Editor: Parent Company: Phone: Fax: Website: Published: Circulation: Ad Manager: Circulation Manager: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.LoGanbanneR.com mineRaL daiLy neWs-tRibune, keyseR, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-788-3333 other iNformatioN: TMC: Shipping Address: Circulation: Managing Editor: Phone: Fax: Website: Published: Circulation: Ad Director: Accounting Manager: Parent Company: Facebook: WWW.neWstRibune.info the moundsViLLe daiLy echo, moundsViLLe, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: Advertising Manager.: Shipping Address: Phone: Fax: Published: Circulation: Circulation Manager: Accounting Manager: 304-845-2660 other iNformatioN: daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a the paRkeRsbuRG neWs and sentineL, paRkeRsbuRG, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-485-1891 other iNformatioN: Editor: Shipping Address: Ad Director: TMC: Phone: Fax Website: Published: Circulation: Circulation Manager: Parent Company: Accounting Manager: Lisa Kelley Facebook: Twitter: WWW.neWsandsentineL.com the paRthenon, huntinGton, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Cabell Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Advisor: 304-696-6696 other iNformatioN: Ad Director: Editor: Phone: 304-696-6696 Fax: Facebook: Twitter: Website: Published: Circulation: WWW.maRshaLLpaRthenon.com point pLeasant ReGisteR, point pLeasant, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-675-1333 other iNformatioN: Managing Editor: Shipping Address: Circulation Manager: Facebook: Phone: Fax Website: Published: Circulation: Parent Company: WWW.mydaiLyReGisteR.com 20 daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a the ReGisteR-heRaLd, beckLey, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: Shipping Address: Phone: 304-255-4400 Fax: Website: Published: Circulation: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-255-4400 other iNformatioN: TMC: Zoning: General Manager & Executive Editor: Advertising Manager: Commercial-Printing: Circulation: Parent Company: Business Manager: Facebook: Twitter: Register_Herald WWW.ReGisteR-heRaLd.com times West ViRGinian, faiRmont, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-367-2500 other iNformatioN: Address: Editor: Shipping Address: Advertising Manager: Phone: Fax: Website: Published: Circulation Director: Production Manager: Circulation: Business Manager: Parent Company: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.timesWV.com the WeiRton daiLy times, WeiRton, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 800-526-7987 other iNformatioN: TMC Zoning: Editor: Shipping Address: Advertising Director: Phone: Fax: Circulation: Parent Company: Accounting Manager: Website: Published: Circulation: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.WeiRtondaiLytimes.com daiLies N e w s p a p e r s a r e g o o d b u s i n e s s i n We s t Vi r g i n i a West ViRGinia daiLy neWs & GReenbRieR VaLLey RanGeR, LeWisbuRG, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-645-1206 other iNformatioN: TMC: Editor: Bill Frye Shipping Address: Ad Director: Phone: Fax Website: Published: Circulation: Accounting Manager: Circulation: Parent Company: Facebook: Twitter: WWW.WVdaiLyneWs.net WheeLinG neWs ReGisteR & the inteLLiGenceR, WheeLinG, WV 304-233-0100 GeNeral iNformatioN: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Shipping Address: Advertising Director: County: Phone: Fax: Website: Website: Published: Circulation: Publisher: General Manager: other iNformatioN: TMC: Circulation: Executive Editor: Parent Company: Managing Editor: Accounting Manager: Facebook: Register Twitter: WWW.neWs-ReGisteR.net, WWW.theinteLLiGenceR.net WiLLiamson daiLy neWs, WiLLiamson, WV GeNeral iNformatioN: County: Address: Shipping Address: Phone: 304-235-4242 Fax: Website: Published: Circulation: CoNtaCt iNformatioN: Publisher: 304-235-4242 other iNformatioN: Advertising Director: Circulation: Editor: Parent Company: Facebook: WWW.WiLLiamsondaiLyneWs.com 22 River Cities Printing FULL SERVICE COMMERCIAL PRINTER 946 Fifh Avenue, Huntington, WV | www.rivercitiesprinting.com FULL COLOR PRINTING BUY ONE SPOR TCOA * & GET THE SECO T ND FOR 1¢ BUY ONE PAIR OR PANTS* & GET THE SECO ND PAIR FOR 1¢ 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