Woman`s Club of arroyo Grande bulleTIn


Woman`s Club of arroyo Grande bulleTIn
Woman’s Club of arroyo Grande bulleTIn
fun, friends and Community Service
December 2015
Message from President Karen Lujan
Well, I’ve finally come up for air after a wonderful celebration of our
veterans at the November monthly meeting and the hugely successful
Artisan’s Faire the following day. Many thanks go out to Alison and a slew
of WCAG volunteers, beginning with the set-up crew on Friday, the kitchen
ladies and delicious food, our very own artist vendors, and ending with the
take-down crew. Robyn Dunne did a bang-up job with publicity, drawing
big crowds that made the event a huge success. Everyone outdid themselves….again!
We are now entering the holiday season! Spirit Night offers us a great opportunity to get
together to celebrate friendships and raise money for many deserving projects in the
community. Think about purchasing a child’s gift for Santa Cop this year (see info later
in the newsletter) or attending the Melodrama holiday program with a group of WCAG
ladies. Finally, be sure to come to our December tea for festive music and wonderful
- Karen
December Tea— December 11th @ 12 noon
(doors open at 11:30)
Loretta Newman and Ginnie Howells
welcome you to a festive meeting. Get out
your cheery holiday duds and listen to the music of
the Kindred Spirits, all while sipping tea and coffee in
our beautiful china cups and enjoying tea sandwiches, pumpkin bread with cream cheese, Christmas
canapés, roast beef roll with veggies, ham roll with
veggies, deviled eggs, fruit, scones with cream cheese,
and, of course, cookies. Come early to socialize,
meet someone new and get a good seat!
YES, I plan to attend the
December Tea!
Mail your $12 check by
December 7th to:
Ginnie Howells
306 Nelson
Arroyo Grande
SANTA COP! The Ar r oyo Gr ande
Police Department is asking for donations of Christmas gifts and/or money
for local children this year. If you
would like to participate, bring your
unwrapped gift or monetary donation
to the WCAG Board Meeting (at the
clubhouse) between 10:30 and 11:30 on
Wednesday, December
2nd or you can drop off
your gift at the AG Police
Department if you prefer!
November Luncheon—
Honoring our Veterans!
What an inspiring luncheon! Co-chairs
Barbara Vasquez
and Barbara
Schieffer along with
their committee did
an amazing job of
decorating to celebrate Veteran’s Day.
Forty-seven members were graced with
the presence of 6 local veterans who
have each sacrificed to make our country a safer place for us to live. Barbara
Vasquez gave a wonderful introduction
for these “extraordinary citizens.”
While we had no new members for this
meeting, next month we will be introduced to 3 new members.
Our outstanding publicity chairperson,
Robyn Dunne, reports that we have our
FACEBOOK page up and running —which promises to keep us informed
and connected.
The Opportunity Drawing was won by
Diane Krajsa who went home
with a red, white and blue lunch
box and $98. She probably is
on her way to Club Chumash as
we speak!. Many thanks to all the
generous members who purchased
tickets to help our club as the other $98
is added to our coffers!
For the second month in a row, Sally
Payne was selected for the
free lunch. (she may be
joining Diane). You go, girl!
Dessert by Board — $5
Sept. 11
Catered Luncheons - $12
Jan. 8
(2nd Friday)
Feb. 12,
Past President’s Lunch-$0
Feb. 12
Dec. 11,Apr.
Past President’s
March 11
Potluck —$0
Joint Board/Officer Installation June (TBA)
Scholarship Awards
May 13
Sept 224(4pm-close)
@ 10am
Music Talent Showcase (Sun) Jan. 31 @ 2pm
2 (4pm-close)
Bingo Night
(Sat) (Wed)
Concert (Sun)
Show (Sat)
23@ 2pm
Bingo (Sat)
March 16
Fashion Show (Sat)
April 23
Watch for
future Out
and About
Thirteen WCAG members traveled to
Cambria on October 29th — a perfect
day: sunny and just warm enough; scarecrows of all sizes and shapes, scary and
cute; a little time for shopping; and lunch
all together. It really was just plain fun . .
. Judi
Charlie Hanna and friends are
still collecting egg cartons for the
Food Pantry. Egg cartons provide a way to easily distribute
eggs to needy families. Call Charlie to donate your
empty egg cartons: 481-3503 or bring
them to the next meeting!
Where is Alison?
Unfortunately she was too
quick to be caught on camera,
running from place to place to
insure things went smoothly.
A huge “thank you” Pattie Sackman of La
Bella Olives who donated $100 towards
our scholarship fund!
Gayle Quain won the
raffle prize, a gorgeous gift box of Laeticia Vineyards wine.
A Big “thank you” to
Laeticia Vineyards and
RaboBank for their
generous support
through donations to
our event!
Dana Pojas made our advertising easy
with her wonderful and artsy poster advertising the Artisan’s Faire.
Amy Joseph/Central Coast Photography
Cathy Downing (knits and jackets)
Julie Grimes/Julietta's Natural
Susan Tucker (jewelry)
Donald Audet (wood and metal art)
Patti Sackmann/La Bella Olives
Cheryl Carlsen Designs (jewelry)
Sue Ammirato (birdhouses)
Lorri Trogdon (painted ceramics etc.)
Zack Hanna (wine barrel art)
Lisa Roland (wire/bead jewelry)
Kathie Matsuyama (succulents and pots)
Mary Carson (paintings and drawings)
Janice Lorincz (origami boxes)
Marion Hasbrouck (hats/scarves)
Deanne Coons/The Luffa Farm
Carole Browne (cards and paintings)
Judy Uffens/ Lisa Forman (jewelry/scarves)
Lani Briceland (art and jewelry)
Claudia Wagemann (silk scarves /jackets)
Ellis Charm and Design (jewelry and art)
Lauren Butler/Artisan Beverages
Western Rock Creations (jewelry)
Michelle Ewing (photography)
Pat Hermenegildo (jewelry)
Beverly Cavaliere/Pink Martini Jewelry
Annette Smith (jewelry)
By the time you read this, ladies, the 8th Annual Artisan Faire will be history
and hopefully was an enormous success. This is one of four major fundraisers
for our Club this year and we look forward to a banner year in terms of funds
raised for our scholarship awards and charitable organization donations. Many
thanks to the many wonderful ladies who stepped up to help with and at the Faire, especially to
the Faire Cafe Crew who put in hours and hours of planning and creating and serving, and to
those who helped set up and break down and sell raffle tickets and cashier at the Cafe. I want to
thank Robyn Dunne for her outstanding efforts in publicizing the Faire - she worked tirelessly to
contact local media and created the wonderful signs that brought people in from Grand Avenue
and West Branch. Robyn took on a big job and did it flawlessly - please let her know how much
she is appreciated by the club!
The next major fundraiser is our first annual High School Music Talent Showcase, on Sunday,
January 31st, 2016 at 2 PM in our clubhouse. This will be an extremely enjoyable concert
featuring local high school age performers in both music and dance. Tickets will be $10 each
and available by mid-December (call me and I can mail them out or drop them by as needed)
Since space is limited, please plan to get your tickets early. The entire ticket price will go to fund
our new music-centric high school scholarship which will go to a graduating student who plans
to make music or dance the focus or significant part of their college studies and future career.
We will serve refreshments... so any of you that would be able and willing to make cookies,
brownies or blondies, please let me know! Please mark this date on your calendar and
encourage your family, friends and neighbors to attend. We would like to "kick off" this new
scholarship fund with a sold out concert!
Last but not least, start saving items that we can use for raffle and bingo prizes for our upcoming
March Spring Fling Bingo. Anything new that you get over the holidays and have no use for will
be extremely welcome and you can always bring items to the club meeting and I will be happy to
store them in anticipation of the event itself. Happy holidays and thank you all for your generous
spirit in making our club such a vital force for good locally!
Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer
for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes
I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights". I'm
just very wise.
Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.
Don’t throw out those Christmas
coffee cups you have lying
around after the holidays. Toni
Kelly is collecting them for a lady who
gives them to needy children as part of
her holiday tradition. Drink all the cider
and hot chocolate you want; then bring
them to Toni at the January meeting for
the 2016 Christmas season.
Group News
ART: Mondays, 10 a.m. until mid-afternoon.
Bring your art supplies & a sack lunch. All levels
welcome. Contact: Mary Carson, 473-5801 .
HAND & FOOT CANASTA #1: 11 a.m. , third
Wednesday of the month. Bring sack lunch and
drink. Call Patti Roberts at 474-0444.
HAND & FOOT CANASTA #2: 11 a.m., fourth
Wednesday of the month. Bring sack lunch and
drink Contact: Gretchen Weckstein: 473-1366
HAND & FOOT CANASTA #3: 10:30 a.m.,
fourth Monday of the month. Bring sack lunch and
drink Contact: Suzy Anderson: 473-1819
CRAFTS: 9:30 a.m.—12 noon, third & fourth
Wednesdays. Contact: Karen Lujan 489-2895
OUT & ABOUT: We are looking for ideas for
future “Out and About” activities. Have an idea or
want to sponsor an outing? Contact a Board
Toni Kelly
A “thinking of you” card was sent to Bettie
Gates. Get well cards were sent to Carol
Browne and Donna Barkdull. A sympathy
card was sent to Lorraine Preston as her
husband passed away in October.
Snooks Powers will be having shoulder
surgery later this month; husband George is
feeling better. Snooks reports she is sick of
doctors and appointments.
Please let me know of anyone in need of
cheering up. I’ll do my best to send them a
smile. — Toni
Contact Toni at 474-4850 or tonik@pacbell.net if you
have Sunshine info to share.
new Additions/changes *
Caroline Blewitt
Alison Stuart
Sherrie Siegel
Judi Boudreau
1161 Rose Court, Grover Beach (new address)
kalimom@sbcglobal.net (correction to yearbook)
805-931-8055 (new)
408-316-3747 (correction to yearbook)
DO YOU HAVE NEWS? Would you like to submit an article? Please call or email news to put in the bulletin by
the 15th of the month to: Cindy Moreno, editor at 441-5803 or cmoreno595@hotmail.com