July 2013 Newsletter


July 2013 Newsletter
International Brotherhood of Magicians
The Victor St. Leon Ring 192
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Issue Number Seven
July 2013
Sacramento, California
July 10th Club Performance Theme:
Emcee Magic Tricks for the Master of Ceremony
Ryan Allen acted as emcee for this night’s
entertainment. The performance theme for
this evening was "Paper or Plastic."
Performers were as follows:
1. Dale Lorzo started off the evening’s
entertainment with a card spelling effect.
He showed us several cards with letters on
them and magically linked them together
to spell MAGIC. Dale next performed a
Cut and Restored Rope routine in which a
single rope is cut into 3 even lengths;
changes into short, medium and long
lengths; is tied together into one long rope
again and magically restored when the
knots are pulled off the rope.
2. Bob Brown performed Micro Psychic where
a nut, screwed onto a bolt by a spectator,
magically spins off the bolt on its own!
3. Bill Devon performed Alxel Hecklau’s
Spoonaround, an illusion where a spoon,
placed inside an envelope, magically turns
into a fork after being pierced by a knife.
4. David Wright also performed his version
of Spoonaround using a table napkin instead
of an envelope. He next performed Dan
Harlan’s Starcle where a table napkin is
folded and torn into two pieces, one
forming a circle, the other a star!
Performers at the June meeting (left to right starting from top):
Ryan Allen (MC), Dale Lorzo, Bob Brown, Bill Devon, David
Wright, Gary Berard (assisted by Ryan Allen), and Ryan Allen
Continued on Page 2
For information about IBM 192, contact President Bill Devon | 916-764-4740 | email: topclassmagic@hotmail.com
The Victor St. Leon IBM Ring 192 Newsletter
Continued from Page 1
5. Gary Berard performed a card trick
using a mini-plunger. He first showed
how the mini-plunger could lift 1, 12, 26,
and 52 cards off the table. He next
showed how the mini-plunger could find
a spectator’s chosen card!
6. Ryan Allen magically changed a credit
card into cash by placing the credit card
inside three folded pieces of colored
paper, said the magic word and reopened
the paper to reveal a $100 bill!
On April 8, 2013, Peter Reveen passed away
peacefully at his Las Vegas residence. For several years
Reveen was battling from both diabetes and dementia.
"Peter James Reveen" most commonly referred to as
"Reveen", "The Great Reveen", "The Man they call
Reveen", or "Reveen The Impossiblist" was a
husband, a father, an entertainer, a business man, an
historian, a teacher, a hypnotherapist, a mesmerist, a
mentalists, a diplomat, an ambassador, a scholar, a
powerful entertainment manager in Las Vegas, and a
trusted friend to hundreds of people all over the world.
He was unquestionably one the most extravagant
illusionists in magic, and of course he was the most
successful, the most respected, and the most famous
“concert hypnotist recorded history.”
Born in Adelaide, South Australia in 1935, his career in the entertainment industry began
as a magician at the early age of 8 years old. By 1955 (at the age of 20) he became a full
time entertainer by profession.
Although his fame as a hypnotist would quickly rise and continue to eclipse his
achievements as an illusionist, his passion for the “art of magic” was a predominant force
that influence and shape his career.
As a professional concert hypnotist, Reveen’s success throughout the twentieth century
remains unequalled everywhere he performed. No other concert hypnotist ever experienced
a level of success on a similar scale.
Throughout his career Reveen performed approximately seven thousand live performances
frequenting many parts of the world, Australia, New Guinea, Fiji, New Zealand, Hawaii,
mainland United States, Canada, Bermuda, Scotland and England.
The majority of Reveen’s performances were performed in Canada where more than 60%
of his shows occurred. During the twentieth century, Reveen single handedly played to
more Canadian’s than any other theatrical artist coast to coast in Canadian history.
The 85th I.B.M. Convention
will be in Phoenix, Arizona
in July. Book now.
Officers for 2013
Bill Devon, President
Mary Mowder, Vice-President
David Wright, Secretary
Dick LaVergne, Treasurer
Tom Allen, Sergeant at Arms
Ryan Allen, Member at Large
Dues for 2013
IBM 192 membership are $25
for the year. To pay your dues
by mail, make a check out
to: Victor St. Leon Ring 192
and mail it to:
Dick LaVergne
699 Morris Way
Sacramento, CA 95684
IBM 192 website:
[This Broken Wand exert posted on The Magic Newswire.]
For information about club membership, contact Treasurer Dick LaVergne | 916-482-4640 | email: bmagicl@sbcglobal.net
The Victor St. Leon IBM Ring 192 Newsletter
2013 Event Calendar and Meeting Themes
Date Performance Theme
Post‐Mee2ng Ac2vity/Loca2on
July 10th
Emcee Magic ‐ Tricks for the Master of Ceremony
Discussion on Strolling Magic
August 14th
Annual IBM / SAM Stand‐up CompeDDon
Mission Oaks Community Center
September 11th
Wallet Wonders
Bill Brooks Tribute / Celebra2on
September TBD
Carmichael Founders Day Strolling Magic
Carmichael Park
October TBD
Annual Mission Oaks Community Show
Mission Oaks Community Center
October 9th
Linking Ring(s) Magic
Social Mixer
November 13th
Art Gross Night
Art Gross Magic Teach‐In
December TBD
Annual RMH Toy Run ‐ Strolling Magic 1‐3PM
Ronald McDonald House
December 4th
IBM/SAM Holiday Mixer
Ronald McDonald House
December 12th
No Club MeeDng
December TBD
Annual Dale & Elaine Lorzo Holiday Party
Dale & Elaine Lorzo Residence
Support your local magic shop!
The International Brotherhood of Magicians | http://www.magician.org/portal/en/node/26