August 14, 2016 - Saint Maximilian Kolbe


August 14, 2016 - Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe
200 Tuckahoe Road, Marmora, NJ 08223
Phone: 609-390-0664
Fax: 609-390-8717
Religious Education Program: 609-390-2203
August 14, 2016
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Lord, forgive so much cruelty”
Pope Francis
Church of the Resurrection
200 West Tuckahoe Road
Marmora, NJ 08223
Mass Schedule:
Daily Mass 8:30am
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am,
11:00am& 5:00pm
Wednesday 5:30-6:00pm
Saturday 3:00pm
Saint Casimir Church
304 Clay Street
Woodbine, NJ 08270
Mass Schedule:
Daily Mass 7:30am
Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday 9:00am,
10:30am Spanish Mass
Saturday 5:15pm
Bishop McHugh
Regional Catholic School
2221 Route 9 South
Cape May Court House
(Ocean View) 08210
2016 Mass Schedule:
May 21- September 11
Pope Francis prays in the underground prison cell where
Catholic Saint, Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Catholic friar
who sacrificed his own life during the war, was martyred
to save the life of another man.
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday 10:00am
Saturday 3:30pm
by appointment, 390-0664
A View From the Rectory Window
On July 29, 2016, Pope Francis walked in the footsteps of his two predecessors as he visited the former
extermination camp at Auschwitz. During his visit, Pope Francis paid silent homage to the more than one
million victims, mostly Jews, who perished there during the Holocaust.
Right before his visit, Francis said he “would like to go to that place of horror without speeches, without
crowds.” He said he intended to go “alone, enter, pray,” adding, “and may the Lord give me the grace to
Francis was the third pope to visit Auschwitz. Pope John Paul II visited on June 7, 1979, declaring “No
more war!” and “Only peace!” Pope Benedict XVI, who as a young man was inducted unwillingly into the
Hitler Youth and the German Army, went on May 28, 2006, and asked: “Why, Lord, did you remain
silent? How could you tolerate this?”
Francis made his way to the infamous Block 11, an inconspicuous brick building where Nazi guards had
tortured prisoners.
The pope entered the basement, which housed 28 dark cells. He stopped in a cell that had once housed
Father Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish priest who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in 1941 and was
canonized in 1982. Francis sat in a chair in the middle of the cell, bent his head and prayed for some time.
Leaving the cell of Father Kolbe, Francis, the first pope from Latin America, signed the Auschwitz guest
book, writing in Spanish: “Lord, have mercy on your people. Lord, forgive so much cruelty.”
In this Holy Year of Mercy, in a world that is still beset with so much terror and unimaginable acts of
cruelty, on the 14th of August, crowds will gather at the former concentration camp of Auschwitz, near
Krakow, Poland. They will commemorate the 75th anniversary of Father Maximilian Kolbe’s heroic death,
judged by the Church to be a “martyrdom of charity.” When the Nazis accepted Maximilian Kolbe’s offer
to die in place of another prisoner, little could they have known the impact that Fr. Kolbe’s supreme act of
charity and mercy would have. An age desperately needing signs of God’s love would see in
Fr. Maximilian’s sacrifice a witness to the loving mercy of God, still alive and operative in the world.
May Saint Maximilian Kolbe continue to pray for us and inspire us.
Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Mass Intentions
Church of The Resurrection
Saturday, August 13, 2016
4:00pm The Lang/Cosgrove/Sims Family by Barbara & Pat
Sunday, August 14, 2016
8:00am Joanne Lovette Tropeano by Classmates from OCHS
Class of 1960
9:30am Frank Szczepanski, Sr., 6th Anniversary by Frank, Jr.
& Ginni
11:00am Ann Tarabcik by her Grandchildren & Great
4:00pm Deceased Members of the DiCicco & Giammanco
Families by the Family
Monday, August 15, 2016
8:30am Eddie Chiappini by Ginny
7:00pm Ruth Hughes by David & Nadine Dempsey & Children
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
8:30am Ruth Hughes & Marie McInnes by the Brewer Family
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
8:30am Elizabeth M. Gallagher by Joanne & John Haynal
Thursday, August 18, 2016
8:30am Special Intention for Liz Luck by Ted Klepac
Friday, August 19, 2016
8:30am The Sommer Family by Rosemary
Special Intention for Robert Labaczewski by Mr. &
Mrs. Nicholas Radano
Bill Cashman by Connee & Ed Kennedy
Jean Dinwoodie by the Carlson & Kelleher Families
Kurt B. Seidel by Dian & Ed Walker
Saturday, August 20, 2016
4:00pm Caroline O’Donovan by Pat & Barbara
Sunday, August 21, 2016
8:00am Frank Kostecki by Bob, Janis & Christina Smith
9:30am Dana Corcione by Marie Turnbull
11:00am Genevieve Willis by Barbara & Tom Weber
5:00pm Patti Strauser, 4th Anniversary by Brother, Frank
Szczepanski & Family
The Feast of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, August 15
Mass Schedule
Sunday, August 14
Resurrection Church–4pm
Monday, August 15
Saint Casimir Church-7:30am
Resurrection Church-8:30am & 7:00pm
Mass Intentions
Saint Casimir Church
Saturday, August 13, 2016
5:30pm Stephanie & Philip Oziminski by Theresa
Ruszkowski & Family
Sunday, August 14, 2016
9:00am Joe Bry by Jack & Nancy Weston
10:30am Spanish Mass-Our Living & Deceased Parishioners
Monday, August 15, 2016
7:30am Mary Ann Spina Linnington, 18th Anniversary by Rose
& Family
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
7:30am Our Living & Deceased Parishioners
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
7:30am Liz Ward by the Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Thursday, August 18, 2016
7:30am Barbara Thomas by the Thomas Family
Friday, August 19, 2016
7:30am Inez Bogushefsky by Millie DeLanzo
Saturday, August 20, 2016
John & Genevieve Ruszkowski, Sr. & Linda
Ruszkowski by Theresa Ruszkowski & Family
Sunday, August 21, 2016
9:00am Patricia Keltz by Lil & Norris Justis
10:30am Spanish Mass-Our Living & Deceased Parishioners
Mass Intentions
Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School
Saturday, August 13, 2016
4:00pm Robert Watt by the Dougherty Family
Sunday, August 14, 2016
10:00am Marty Mayshura by Mary Mayshura
Saturday, August 20, 2016
4:00pm Patrick Nugent by Linda & Jim McMahon
Sunday, August 21, 2016
10:00am Reverend James P. Rush by Chris, Chrissy &
Jake Alexander
The Pharisees saw this and said to His
disciples, “Why does your teacher eat
with tax collectors and sinners?”
He heard this and said, “Those who are
well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go
and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not
sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinner.”
Matthew 9:11-13
God, who is merciful, desires our mercy. Following are some
ways to practice mercy during this Jubilee Year. Try to
randomly select one act each week and put it into practice.
1. Take the Eucharist to the homebound in your
2. Lead a bible study at a local prison.
3. Volunteer with a hospice program.
Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Pray for the Sick
May the Lord bring healing and
renewed strength to all the sick
and bless those who care for the sick. Amen
Fred Baker, Fred Becker, Susan Bomberger, Edie Cannata,
Joseph Costello, Stephen Demcher, William J. Evans, Jr.,
Marie Kaufmann, Frances Letko, Mary & Michael Lloyd,
James McCloskey, Terry McKenna, Agnes McMenamin,
Loretta Musso, J. P. O’Brien, Karen Prendergast, Jason
Switek, Helene Tolson, Amerigo Vittorini, Margaret Vittorini
and all the people in our Community and Parish Family who
are in need of healing prayers as well as those people who
have no one to pray for them.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving
hands. Protect them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of
need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord.
Please pray for Private Andre Alampiev, Devin Bradley,
Francis Campbell, Airman First Class, AJ Caruso, Chaplain
Joseph L. Coffey, James J. Duggan, Brandon Farrell, SPC
Erin Gleason, Michael Hagan, Jr., DDFN Vinny Iannace,
Jake Johnson, Kevin Kennedy, Nicholas Kling, CW3 Jeff
LaFrance, PFC Alicia Magill, Major Stephen Martenz, PFC
Brendan Meyers (Reserves), David Matthew Murray, Douglas Philip Murray, Max O’Sullivan, Nick O’Sullivan, Ellen
Pfeifle, Stephen Townsend, Michael Quirk, and Captain
Matthew Speed.
Our Clergy
Father Peter M. Joyce, Pastor
Reverend Jose Ainikkal, C.M.I.
In Residence, St. Casimir Church
Monsignor John Conahan
Retired Associate
Reverend Leonard Peterson
Retired Associate
Reverend Peter M. Idler
Part Time Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry
Baptism: Third Sunday of the month. Baptism
Preparation Classes First Thursday of the month. Call parish
office to schedule at (609) 390-0664.
Marriage: Arrangements may be made with the
pastor one year in advance. Call parish office to
schedule an appointment.
First Communion & Confirmation: Please call
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director,
Agnes Bross at 390-2203.
RCIA Program & Anointing of the Sick: Call parish
office for appointments.
Twenty-Eighth Annual Camden
Diocesan Charismatic Conference
October 7-9, 2016
Theme: “...with deep love I will
take you back.”
Wildwood Convention Center
Boardwalk and Burke Avenue
Wildwood, New Jersey
Diocesan Marian Pilgrimage
To the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.
October 1, 2016
In Honor of Mary, Mother of Mercy
More information coming soon.
Rosary Prayer Group
Tuesday at 7pm in Resurrection Church Library
Miraculous Medal Novena
Tuesday at 9am in Resurrection Church
Legion of Mary
Tuesday at 9:15am Resurrection Church, Room 2
Charismatic Prayer Group
Tuesday at 9:15am Resurrection Church, Room 3
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Wednesday at 6:30pm Resurrection Church
Wednesday at 3:00pm Saint Casimir Church
Bible Study/Discussion Group
Monday evenings, 6:30pm at the home of Dot Nagle in Seaville.
Through the years, they have discussed the Gospels, New
Testament letters, books from the Old Testament, studies on
Mary, the Eucharist, papal encyclicals, C.S. Lewis, and the
Lord’s Prayer to mention a few. The group frequently uses the
Catechism of the Catholic Church and commentaries on the
Bible by Scott Hahn.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Bill Brewer,
938-1665, email:
or Dot Nagle, 390-1718, email:
Do You Have the Gifts to Serve Christ as a Deacon?
The Office of the Diaconate is hosting an “Information Meeting”
Tues., August 16 7pm-St Joseph Church, 44th & Landis
Avenue, Sea Isle City
For more information, or to register, contact the office
of the Diaconate: 856-583-2858 or email:
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish
50/50 Money Raffle
Will we make it?
Parish Religious Education Program
Prep Director: Agnes Bross Office Phone: 390-2203
Bible Story Hour
Toddlers, pre-k, k-2 are welcome to gather with
a parent in the pavilion at Church of
the Resurrection to listen to a Bible story,
play games, do crafts, and learn songs!
Story Hour will take place twice daily on
Tuesday, at 11:30am and 6:30pm,
August 16 (Last Session)
Volunteers Needed
5 Winners, each receiving 10% of Gross Proceeds
Please Note:
Due to our publishing deadline (Tuesday, 12 Noon),
the current 50/50 raffle total is not
reflected in this bulletin.
Please listen for totals during the Mass announcements!
Thank You!
St. John of God Community Services
St. John of God Community Services offers Religious Education
Classes on Sundays at Saint Casimir Church. This program is
for children with special needs. The classes meet from 11:30am12:30pm. Please contact Brother Thomas Osorio O.H. at 856848-4700, ext. 1142 at Saint John of God Community Services.
for additional information.
Supporting the Men and Women of our Armed Forces
The Knights of Columbus, Council 9113 sends “Care” Packages
to service members stationed away from
home, veterans hospitals, homes and/or clinics, and to troops
through the USO.
Please help by donating items below and/or providing names
and addresses of service members stationed away from home.
Paperback Books
DVD’s & CD’s
Hand Sanitizer
Foot Care Products
Writing and Note
Paper & Pens
Personal Items
T-Shirts (New)
Sweatsocks (New)
Protein Bars, Snacks
Powdered Creamer
Baby Wipes*
Body Wash*
Female Deodorant*
Please place donated items into the marked container in the
church gathering area. If you would like to add a name to our
service member’s list, please call the parish office, 390-0664.
Our program can always be strengthened.
Join our religious education faculty as a
catechist, assistant catechist, substitute,
service team member, or assist with our youth ministry and
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, vacation bible school volunteer,
or project team member.
You can make a difference in the faith of others.
If you wish to serve in this ministry in our parish please call
Agnes Bross, 390-2203.
Knights of Columbus
Monsignor Zegers/Resurrection Council 9113 meets on the 2nd
Wednesday of the month at 8:00 pm. Please call John Olansen,
732-691-1191 for information.
Monsignor Robert B. Ervin/Saint Casimir Council 14291 meets
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at
7:30 pm. Please call Ed Thomas at 302-750-9687.
Women’s Auxiliary-Knights of Columbus meets on the 2nd
Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm. Please call Donna Mruz,
425-2882 for information.
The Engaged Encounter is a
weekend away with other
engaged couples which allows
plenty of time alone as a couple to dialogue honestly and
intensively about their prospective life together.
Weekends are held at Pope John Paul II Retreat Center
Vineland, NJ. All weekends start promptly at 8pm Friday
evening and close by 3pm on Sunday.
All meals and accommodations are included in the
reservation fee of $395.00.
Upcoming 2016 Weekend: November 11-13
Visit the Diocese of Camden website for registration procedures.
Info.: 856-583-6132 or
Our Lady of the Angels
Marriage Preparation Pre-Cana Program
2016 Date: October 15 2017 Dates: January 21,
April 22, July 15, October 21, 2018 date: January 20
35 Mechanic Street, Cape May Court House-St. Gabriel Hall
Registration required, Fee-$50
Please note: Due to space constraints we can only accept 30
couples and sessions fill up quickly. Please register early to
reserve your spot.
For more information, contact Bob & Michelle Dooley
609-287-9205 or 609-827-2127
Parish and Community News
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish
Food Pantries
Resurrection Church Food Pantry is open
every Wednesday from 2pm-5pm.
Saint Casimir Church Food Pantry is open
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 9:30am-Noon. For an
emergency food request, please call 609-861-5992.
Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop at Saint Casimir Church is open
Tuesday through Saturday 9am-1pm.
The Thrift Shop will be closed August 16-18 for restocking, and
will reopen on Friday, August 19.
The Food Pantry at Resurrection Church is collecting book
bags and supplies (pencils, crayons, glue-sticks)
for the 2016-17 school year.
Donations can be placed in the Food Pantry box
in the gathering area of the church.
If you are interested in donating excess fruits,
vegetables or fresh eggs to our food pantries,
call the parish office, 390-0664.
American Red Cross Blood Drive Tomorrow
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish
Monday, August 15, 2016--2:00-7:00pm
Saint Casimir Church, Woodbine
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Monsignor Robert B. Ervin/Saint Casimir Council, 14291
All You Can Eat
Family Breakfast at Saint Casimir’s
Sunday, August 21
Time: 8:00am-11:30am
Lunch, Golf , Dinner & Prizes
Hosted by the Knights of Columbus
Council 9113
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish
Gift Cards
Gift Cards ar e available for the following:
Shop Rite, Acme, Crab Trap,
Island Shore Chinese in Marmora, Asian Shore Chinese in
Ocean View, L’s Restaurant , Mama Mia’s Restaurant,
Soprano’s Pizzeria, Tuckahoe Inn and Reflections. Purchase
cards after all Masses or in our Parish Office at Resurrection
Church, during weekdays.
Volunteers are needed to sell cards after all Masses. Please
call the Parish Office at 609-390-0664 to volunteer for a
Saturday or Sunday Mass.
Credit Cards now accepted at Church of the Resurrection.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine
If you are interested in
ordering a paver, please
visit or call the parish office, 390-0664
Enjoy scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, creamed chipped beef
on toast, home fried potatoes, fruit salad,
coffee, tea, and orange juice.
$7 for adults, $3 for children
(Sponsored by the St. Casimir KOC Council 14291)
*Blood Pressure assessment by our
Parish Nurses is available
Learn more about adult spiritual/theological
formation, which is always exciting and in
service of your family and the
community in which you live.
Consider applying for Georgian Court University’s Master of
Theology degree, which is offered in conjunction with the
Diocese of Camden. This is a 30 credit program, with most of
the classes offered in Woodbury.
Please contact Sr. Mary-Paula Cancienne, RSM, Ph.D.
732-987-2334 or
The Sisters of Mercy 22nd Annual Golf Classic will take
place Tuesday, October 18 at Spring Lake Golf Club. For
details, call Linda Cavallo: 908-756-0994
This event benefits their retired sisters.
12 Step Programs ~ AA
Resurrection Church
Classroom area, Marmora
AA, Alanon & Alateen Meetings
are held every Thursday Night at 8pm
Saint Casimir Church
St. Joseph’s Building, Woodbine
AA Meetings are held:
Every Monday at 10:00am
· Every Thursday Night at 7:30pm
· Every Friday Night at 6:00pm
Please join us or call 609-390-0664 for information