Sukkot - Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
Sukkot - Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
E v e r y t h i n g y o u a l w a y s w a n t e d t o k n o w a b o u t . . . COMING SOON SUK K O T YOU DID WHAT TO MY COMICS? Art Gallery Opening Reception Sukkot 9/9 • 4pm HARVEST FESTIVAL NEW CENTURY CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 9/23 & 12/16 • 5pm Sunday, SUNDAY,September SEPTEMBER22 30 “Designing Tomorrow, The Emerging Future” 9/27 • 5:30pm 7pm 10/11 5774 Jewish Year / Sundown Sep 18-25 CONNECTED - Film Screening and Discussion with Director • The Other Café Comedy Showcase Presents AN EVENING OF POLITICALLY ORIENTED COMEDY 10/20 • 8:30pm AT THE OSHER MARIN JCC free entrance | all are welcome | food from miller’s deli ENTRANCE IS FREE | All are welcome! | Food for purchase Bring yourWe friends—and experience Osher Marin invite you to celebrate the joyfulthe holiday JCC Fitness Center & pools for free fromroots 11:30am-5pm! of Sukkot commemorating our agricultural and the 40 years ancient Israelites roamed the desert. Wander the JCC and experience our center for free all day! BEN SIDRAN There Was a Fire: Jews, Music & the American Dream 10/21 • 4pm 9:30am-11:30am FAMILY CONNECTIONS RABBI HAROLD KUSHNER The Book of Job: When Bad Things Happen to a Good Person For families with kids birth to 3 and their siblings. Sukkah decorating party! Music with Mimi Greisman, art, healthy snacks, and parent education. 11/4 • 7pm 10:00am-12pm THE BUDDY CLUB - Fun Family Performances ZUMBA PARTY! 11/4 & 12/2 • 1-2pm Zumba is the wildly popular form of Latin aerobic exercise that Please bring new men’s to donate. combines Merengue, Cumbia,white Reggaeton, socks Salsa & more! MILL VALLEY PHILHARMONIC - Music from the Nordic SUKKOT HARVEST FESTIVAL • For families w/kids 0-3 + siblings Learn about Sukkot & win prizes • Create corn husk dolls Sukkah decorating, snacks & parent Decorate music, the sukkahhealthy with Mexican tissue paper flowers education. RSVP to Do the lulav & etrog shake • Hear the buzz on the importance of bees 11/18 • 7:30pm 12/3 • 8pm What is Sukkot? THE OTHER CAFÉ COMEDY SHOWCASE New Year’s Eve Comedy Celebration 12/31 • 8pm The Hebrew word Sukkot (plural of sukkah) M A Rbooths. I N J C CIn. Oour R Gbackyards, on our means porches, and outside our JCC, Jews mark the fall harvest by building sturdy, yet fragile, structures out of natural materials, symbolizing both human vulnerability and God’s protection. Reminiscent of camping in the temporary booths or shelters that Jews occupied during the exodus, building a sukkah gives us a chance to be in nature (you must be able to see the stars through the roof), entertain guests (hakhnasat orekhim), and feel gratitude for the bounty of our lives (blessings said with the lulav and etrog). Discover the mystical origins of wiggly worm composting zumbathon • 9:30am-11:30am • $10 • Ages 13+, 12 w/parent Attend a “Healthy Aging” seminar •A wildly popular form of Latin fitness combining Merenque, MARINJCC.ORG/HARVEST Cumbia, Reggaeton, Salsa & more! Sukkot Harvest Festival NEWMAN• 11:30am-2:30pm • All ages URJ ® Camp Wilderness Torah •Help our community’s less fortunate with Adopt A Family, JCRC, JFCS, Ritter Center, and St. Vincent de Paul Society •Hear the buzz on bees with Marshall’s Farm •Meet & learn how to raise chicks with Mill Valley Chickens •Craft folk art flowers and paper cuts with Be’chol A tradition of the holiday is playingLashon Dreidel, a gambling game played with a The square top. The traditional explanation of this game is that during the time of •Read Sukkot stories & make sukkah craftsthose with Library Greek oppression, who PJ wanted to study Torah (an illegal activity), would conceal their activity by playing gambling games with a top (a common and l •Paint pots & spin the wellness wheel with LIFT activity), whenever an officialLevántate or inspector was within sight. •Shop for local, organic produce at the Marin Community Farm Stand How to Play... •Taste treats from & meet step the1 Dole authors ofsoNosh out the tokens that each on playerThis—Glutenhas the same amount. 2 Each player American places one token inKitchen the center. This is the pot. Free Baking Classics fromstep a Jewish step 3 Select a player to start. This player will be the first to spin the dreidel. •View anneed: exhibit on a sukkah made entirely from homeless signs! Things You’ll Designed by Rael San Fratello Architects of Oakland for Sukkah A Dreidel Cityis marked 2010with four A dreidel Hebrew letters: Nun, Gimel, Hay •Create corn husk dolls & get your face painted with JCC Kidcare and Shin. These letters stand for nun shin the Hebrew phrase Nes Gadol •Form seed balls with Camp gimel Newman Hay If the dreidel If the dreidel If the dreidel If the dreidel Hayah Sham, a great miracle lands on Gimel lands onwith Hay theInterfaithFamily lands on Nun lands on Shin the happened there,paper referring to doll sukkah ushpezin •Make (guests) the player takes player takes half the player gets player puts one the miracle of the oil. all the tokens the tokens from nothing. token in the pot. •Do the lulav & etrog shake with Congregations Kol Shofar and from the pot. the pot. Tokens You Rodef can use geltSholom (money or step 4 Each time the pot is emptied out, each player puts in a token and the game continue chocolate coins), poker chips, •Decorate tzedakah “homes” with JCC step 5 Play continues for aPreschool set number of rounds or until one player is out of tokens. raisins or small candies like Dreidel game The one with the most tokens at the end of the game is the winner. M&Ms. community hanukk ah celebr ati the osher marin jcc presents... Join the Osher Marin JCC for the biggest & best Hanukkah Party ever! 9:30-11:30am • Family connections • Yad B’Yad room – 2nd floo Free for Families with children ages 0-3 and their siblings. Music, art, cooking & schmoozing. RSVP to Melody at Bou nc e se ic Art i sA A nM Art rk e Ac tp l e s & crAFts Including: Hanukkah latkes, brisket & sufganiyot (donuts) 12-3pm • Games, Crafts & shows • Hoytt Theater • Make menorahs & eco-friendly crafts... make a pedal-powered smoothie... play dreidel, and engage in Hanukkah-themed fun • 1pm: Drake High School Jazz Band • 2pm: Jewish Community High School “Jew Man Group” A Capella Performanc 12-3pm • hanukkah stories & sonGs • Gallery • Holiday stories co-sponsored by The PJ Library • 12pm & 1:30pm: Klez California presents Yiddish Musician & Storyteller Gerry T • 12:45pm & 2:15pm: Isaac Zones & Brady Gill perform a special Hanukkah show 9:30-11:30am FAMILY CONNECTIONS 12-3pm • artisan marketplaCe • Lounge & Atrium Buy all of your holiday gifts from local vendors and artisans • Check out handmade Judaica, fused glass, jewelry, mixed media collages, printed scarves & much more! • Enjoy a FREE 5-minute chair massage from a JCC Massage Therapist 11:30am-2:30pm Festival of Lights • Watch Chanukah on Planet Matzah Ball on the hour 12-3pm • Kid zone (ages 8 & up) • Gym – 3rd floor li d Mu s F r e e 11:30am-3pm • delicious Food For purchase Ho t Ay li v e Ho u ts reA sto BLAME SALLY - Eclectic, acoustic folk-rock li n g YEMEN BLUES - Yemenite Jazz, Blues & Funk 11:30am-2:30pm FAMILY CONNECTIONS • 9:30-11:30am ryt el 11/11 • 2pm • Bounce House and Hanukkah-themed games 12-3pm • miraCle of liGht dark room • Teen Lounge – 2nd floo • Explore quirky animated cartoons of classic Jewish texts from G-dcast sundaysave ,,dec. 11the @ 12-date: 3pm All Ages - Free Sunday, Nov 24 parkinG shuttle • 11am-3pm MArinJcc . org / HAnukkAH picK-up at the Marin Community Foundation parkin 45 san pablo ave. to the Osher Marin JCC. E v e r y t h i n g y o u a l w a y s w a n t e d t o k n o w a b o u t . . . The traditions of Sukkot... During this holiday, Jews are instructed to build a sukkah, a temporary structure in which to eat meals, entertain guests, relax, and even sleep. Decorating a sukkah with strings of lights, hanging fruit, and other ornaments is a lot of fun for adults and children. It is customary to invite friends and family into your sukkah to enjoy a meal together. If you do not have a sukkah, consider purchasing a kit and decorating it with your family and friends. The Torah commands us to gather together the Four Species — lulav, myrtle, willow, etrog — during Sukkot. What is a lulav? A lulav is a palm branch which is bundled with myrtle and willow branches and ceremonially shaken, along with an etrog in the sukkah. What is an etrog? An etrog is a yellow citrus fruit similar to a lemon, identified as “the fruit of a goodly tree.” blessings for Sukkot Before waving the lulav and etrog, recite the following blessing: Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha-olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al n’tilat lulav. Praised are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who has made us holy by Your commandments and has instructed us to take hold of the lulav. Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha-olam, she-he-cheyanu v’kimanu v’higianu laz’man ha-zeh. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who has granted us life, Who has sustained us, and Who has enabled us to reach this festive occasion. Before reciting the kiddush or eating a meal in the sukkah, recite the following blessing: After the blessing: Hold the lulav in your right hand and the etrog in your left, with the two touching on another. Facing East, shake three times in each direction: in front of you, to your right, over your shoulder and to your feet. Shake it above you and finally, below you. The first time each year you celebrate Sukkot, add the Shehecheyanu blessing to celebrate arriving at a new season or occasion. Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha-olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvo tav v’tzivanu leishev ba-sukkah. Praised are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who has made us holy by Your commandments and has instructed us to dwell in the sukkah.
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