OCTOBER 16, 1959 VOL. XXVIII, No. 6 TISHRI 14, 5720 SUKKOTH IN OUR SYNAGOGUE A Week To Remember Now that the High Holy Days are past, we turn to the Harvest Festival of Sukkoth. The solemn and ponder¬ ous moods of the Days of Awe fade the background as the joy and gaiety of Sukkoth fill our hearts. The holiday of Sukkoth begins this Saturday, October 17th and will last into for a full week. What kind of a week will it be at Kehilath Jeshurun? KIDDUSH IN It will be a completely THE NEW SUKKAH week which will find new Sukkah on our ises. The entire congregation invited at the close of every prem¬ will be service, partake of Kiddush in a harvest setting, embellished by appro¬ priate floral decorations. During the week, the Sukkah will be visited by the students of Ramaz. The children in our Park East Religious School will also have an opportunity to learn at first hand the significance of the central symbol of the holiday. green CLUB AND LUNCH As ON SISTERHOOD SUNDAY announced previously, meals will be served in the we catered you neglected to make a reserva¬ tion for meals in the Sukkah, there still be by the time this Call the Syna¬ gogue Office without delay, and we shall try our best to accommodate you. may bulletin room reaches you. LULAV AND ETHROG PROCESSION Sukkoth will be a week not only devoted to the symbol of the Sukkah, but also concerned with the Lulav and Ethrog. Since the holiday begins a to MEN'S If Synagogue Sukkah on Friday evening, Saturday noon, and Sunday noon. The Sunday noon lunch has been de¬ signated as "Men's Club and Sister¬ hood Lunch". On that occasion we expect to have many members of these congregational affiliates enjoy¬ ing the atmosphere of gaiety in the Sukkah. Naturally, the special guests in the Sukkah will be the children, who usually contribute as much joy to all the adults as they gain for themselves. on the Sabbath when the Lulav and Ethrog are not carried, the use of these sym¬ bols begins on Sunday. On that day the outstanding feature of the services will be the grand march around the main floor of the Synagogue with the Lulav and Ethrog. This procession has always been an inspiring one, and it becomes more so from year to year, worshipers acquire these holiday symbols. Again we stress that the time is late. But if, by chance, you overlooked ordering a Lulav and Ethrog, call the office immediately and as more Ritual Director will try to accom¬ modate you. our SPECIAL ON On SUKKOTH CLASS SATURDAY Saturday afternoon, one hour before Mincha, a special class will be conducted by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein on the Laws and Significance of Suk¬ koth. This will be the final class of a series devoted to the fall holidays. Among other topics, this class will explain why Rosh Hashanah and Suk¬ koth never begin on a Sunday, a Wednesday, or a Friday. (Continued on page 2) KEHILATH 2 JESHURUN BULLETIN ADULT EDUCATION WEEKDAY SERVICES (Continued from We would like to remind ADVANCE 1) page our wor¬ shippers that Sukkoth lasts a full week. During that time special services will be held every morning which will include the appropriate prayers. The services will begin at 7:15 and will last approximately one hour. Friday, Hoshanah Rabbah, A meeting of the Adult Education Committee the NOTICE held last week under was tus chairmanship of Martin Markson. that meeting, a complete prospec¬ was approved for adult education at Kehilath Jeshurun this year. At A tradition, however, it occupies an im¬ portant place on our religious calendar. complete brochure will reach you shortly. The entire program will also be fully explained in a future bulletin. For the time being, Mr. Markson an¬ nounced that this year the Adult Institute was sparing no effort to im¬ prove on its magnificient record of Inasmuch as it constitutes the terminus of the Penitential Season. The Cantor dons a white "kittle" and the Congre¬ added to the gation makes seven time in the main a On ices will begin at 6:45 A.M. In hustle and bustle of weekday life, serv¬ the this day is often overlooked. In Jewish circuits around Synagogue with Lulav and Ethrog. The by breakfast in the Sukkah will bring to a close a glorious holiday week; a week of joy, and a week of prayer; a week of gaiety, and a week of inspired religious activity. OUR SPECIAL THANKS Worshippers in our Synagogue dur¬ ing the High Holy Days could not fail to be impressed by the order and decorum which prevailed in the House of God. The planning of the service and its execution by the Synagogue officials, naturally contributes greatly to the dignity of our services. There is, however, a group in the Synagogue which works quietly and unobtrusively to insure the proper mood during the services. We have reference to the Senior and Junior Ushers. We are anxious to express our thanks to them for a job well done. take names as a pleasure in listing their public expression of grati¬ tude to those who have served the cause of public worship faithfully. Senior Several new over Ushers Eugene Alpert, B. Warren Brown, Hyman I. Bucher, Gerald Goldstein, Nico de Graaff, Maurice N. Jaffe, features program. have a month women, on been For the first two decades there special class for three times Hoshanah Rabbah Service, fol¬ lowed We last year. will be meeting Monday morn¬ ing. There will be a new Sabbath class inaugurated in the beginning of November. A special speed up course meeting twice a week for four weeks will be available for those of our readers who would like to learn to read Hebrew in the briefiest period possible. The Lecture Series, of course, be held again this year, on a new topic which will be of interest to every thinking Jew. For the present, this is all the in¬ formation we can supply. Watch the will bulletin and the mails for further de¬ tails. Gerald Kaufman, Abraham Kirshon, Klein, Lawrence Kobrin, Edward Lebowitz, William Lebowitz, Benjamin Leifert, Dr. Jack Lieberman, Martin Markson, Jack Perlberger, Ralph Perlberger, Stuart Perlman, Arthur Rosen, Charles Rosen, David Rosen, Elgin Shulsky, Lewis Siegel, Dr. Ned WachMartin tel. Junior Ushers Herbert Abrams, Alice Gross, Alfred Kaplan, Deborah Kaplan, Elliott Lebow¬ itz, Menorah Lebowitz, Naomi Lebow¬ itz, Harvey Leifert, Alan Shapiro, Mar¬ vin Shulsky. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN SCHEDULE OF SUKKOTH SERVICES Friday, October 16th, Sukkoth Eve Lighting of Candles Evening Saturday, October 17th, Sukkoth 1 Morning Sermon by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein at 11:00 Evening Conclusion of Sabbath DAILY 9:00 6:00 6:45 7:15 5:45 RABBI JOSEPH A NAME? December the 3rd Have you heard? Rex and Roddy in sparkling style, Will bring theatre-goers an earto-ear smile, with laughter you'll rock, To: FIGHTING COCK" TICKETS IN THE MAIL, WILL NOT TARDY, FOR THE MEN'S CLUB THEATRE PARTY. TO OUR FAMILY BirthdaysMany happy returns of the day to Mrs. Harry Abramson, Alfred S. Casner, Mrs. Alfred S. Casner, Sidney Horwitz, Mrs. Edward Lebowitz, Jo¬ seph Nash, Samuel Rosen, Mrs. Meyer Texon, Mrs. Herman Wouk, Mrs. Frederick Zuckerman. Anniversaries- Warmest greetings to Mr. & Mrs. Jack Nash, and Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Trautman. H. LOOKSTEIN ADDRESS OPENING SISTERHOOD MEETING On Monday, October 26th, at 12:30 new year of Sisterhood Activ¬ ity will be inaugurated. The occasion P.M., a will be the first Open Meeting of the 1959-60 As season. has been customary for many Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein will be the guest speaker at the opening meeting. Although his topic has not yet been announced, those who have years, heard him address the Sisterhood in know that the Rabbi's always combines depth of insight and sparkling wit. past years message A WITHIN 6:00 SERVICES There's been a change in name, But the date's the same, BE 9:00 11:00 at Morning Evening "THE 5:55 5:45 6:45 Sunday, October 18th, Sukkoth II Morning Sermon by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein Evening Friday, October 23rd, Hoshanah Rabbah Morning WHAT'S IN 3 delicious precede served at the dessert Luncheon will meeting and will be twelve thirty. Please, there¬ fore, be prompt. The Personal Date Book listing a IU Sisterhood events for the year will reach you very therein shortly. You will find wonderful program designed to meet the tastes of discriminating women. Mark down the dates in your calendar and make a mental note to attend all the Sisterhood functions a during the coming season. Start out on the right foot by coming on October 26th to the opening meet¬ ing of the year. KEHILATH 4 JESHURUN BULLETIN Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun 117-25 New K. J. CALENDAR East 85th Street Saturday: York 28, N. Y. CLASS IN SAcramento 2-0800 SUKKOTH LAWS Editor Joseph Glatt Lookstein BOARD Vigocia Rosenberg Joseph Glatt A. Exec. Director J. Etra Samuel A. SISTERHOOD HAPPY DAY FUND Vice-President Marcus P.M. Guest Speaker President Phillip Goldsmith SYNA¬ SISTERHOOD OPEN MEETING SYNAGOGUE SOCIAL HALLRabbi Joseph H. Lookstein — Ritual Director Officers of the Congregation Max - 6:30 Tuesday: October 26: Visiting Cantor Israel D. MEETING GOGUE SUKKAH Rabbi Rabbi Ass't Samuel P.M. MEN'S CLUB EXECUTIVE Synagogue Officials Joseph H. Lookstein Haskel 5:00 Tuesday: Treasurer Joseph Roth Secretary Elgin Shulsky Pres., Men's Club Mrs. Meyer Texon Pres., Sisterhood We acknowledege with many thanks contribution to our Happy Day Fund from Mrs. Robert Wallach and Mrs. Bertha Lebowitz. Members are urged to share their a joyous occasions with others, by making a gift to the Happy Day Fund. Contributions YAHRZEITS Mrs. Robert H. October 17 JACOB 17 E. MERKIN HARRIET 18 MILTON 19 LUBEL'L NATHAN BILLIG ANNA 19 RACHEL EINSTEIN 20 WEISBERG ROSE 20 Street, the Happy Day Fund Chairman. Riverside Wemonaf KRAM JACOB FELDBERG CHENA GOLUB 21. 22 ISRAEL ONISH 22 23 to BODINE H. 19 23 sent MOSHE TILBOR 17 23 be should Zessman, 12 East 87th EDWARD RUBIN Funeral 76th ST. AND CHARLES MORRIS GOLDERICH GROSSMAN SOLOMON HEYMAN Ckape( Directors AMSTERDAM AVENUE ROSENTHAL, Director ENDICOTT 2-6600 GOLDIE LIPSTADT MEMORIAL COMPANY Monuments STERN'S 370 AMSTERDAM Near KOSHER PASTRY SHOP NEW YORK Delicious Cakes and Cookies Free 490 Delivery Class TR $6.00 over 3-2040 Postage paid at Closed New York, N. 24, N. Y. 4-6843 Serving the Congregation AMSTERDAM AVENUE TR Second over AVENUE 78th Street Y. June and Saturdays This Bulletin is published bi-weekly thereafter 25 years Open Sundays weekly from September through