WORLD BRIEF DO YOU NEED PRESS COVERAGE FOR EVENTS OR PROMOTIONS? William and Kate show off royal baby boy -page 4 SHOWBIZ Intimate scenes still a challenge for Lovi Poe -page 13 See page 6 for full details. WWW.SF-POST.COM VOL. 1 ISSUE 26 JULY 25, 2013- JULY 31, 2013 SC affirms electoral sabotage case vs Arroyo M ANILA, Philippines—With a vote of 13-2, the Supreme Court affirmed Tuesday the findings of the Department of JusticeCommission on Elections (DOJ-Comelec) that former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo be prosecuted for electoral sabotage. The 13 justices are Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, Associate Justices Diosdado Per- Former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and husband Miguel By Tetch Torres-Tupas alta, Presbitero Velasco, Lucas Bersamin, Teresita Leonardo De Castro, Bienvenido Reyes, Jose Catral Mendoza, Estela Perlas Bernabe, Jose Perez, Mariano Del Castillo, Marvic Leonen and Martin Villarama. The two dissenting justices are Associate Justice Arturo Brion and Roberto Abad. The high court, in its ruling, said Mrs. Arroyo who is now a Pampanga lawmaker already pleaded not guilty to the case that is currently PROUD MEMBER pending with the Pasay City Regional Trial Court. “The Court took judicial notice that Arroyo not only entered a plea of not guilty, she also filed a motion for bail, which was granted. She benefitted from the RTC order; she has in fact chosen to seek judicial remedy before the RTC where the electoral sabotage case is pending instead of the executive remedy of going back to the Joint Committee for the submission of (Cont. on Page 5) IGLESIA NI CRISTO COMMEMORATES 99TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY By Don Orozco N Isaiah 43:5 of the New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Scripture states “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west”. Thus on July 27, 2013 The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) will celebrate its 99th year I of re-establishment in the east (Philippines) and 45th year in the west (Hawaii/ San Francisco, USA). The Church was officially registered in the Philippine government by the late Brother Felix Y Manalo; known to all members of the Iglesia as their last messenger of God. Today; the Iglesia Ni Cristo, who is known for its unity and discipline and has presence all over the 50 States; have marked the occasion by way of Thanksgiving Worship Services all over the world highlighted by a Church Dedication in Wahiawa, Hawaii, USA and officiated by its current Pals raising fund to repatriate Pampanga nurse slain in US MANILA, Philippines–The friends of a Filipino nurse who was shot and killed Saturday as he rode his car to work in Memphis, Tennessee, began raising money to bring his remains back to the Philippines, his aunt in Angeles City said on Wednesday. Angelina Geronimo said the body of her nephew, Eraño Catap Santos, 33, could not yet be brought home because the investigation has yet to be completed. “There are no suspects yet,” Geronimo said of the probe in the United States. A report from ABC News Radio (http:// cited witnesses as telling investigators that Santos “was shot during a physical altercation” in the parking lot of the Stonebridge Crossing Apartments. (Cont. on Page 4) Executive Minister Eduardo V Manalo and beamed thru satellite feed in 45 locations from Hawaii to all over mainland USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia and in the Philippines. The occasion will also serve as a kick-off for the Iglesia’s centennial year celebration in 2014. (Cont. page 5) Biazon: Bureau of Customs revamp up day after President Aquino admonished the Bureau of Customs (BOC) in his State of the Nation Address (Sona), Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon said a major revamp would be implemented in the bureau soon. A “The coming revamp in the BOC shall cover all levels and this will not be influenced by politicians and other power blocs,” Biazon said as he warned all bureau officials and employees to heed the President’s call for reforms in the agency. He said the President’s warning to BOC personnel engaged in smuggling should send a strong message for them to shape up or resign. In his fourth Sona at the opening of the 16th Congress, (Cont. on Page 4) USD to PHP Rate $1.00 = P43.20 as of July 24, 2013 Mabuhay at Maligayang Pagbati sa pagsapit ng ika-99 Taong Anibersaryo Ng Iglesia Ni Cristo METRO PAGE 2 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 Fatal Tenderloin shooting victim identified as 24 YO man SAN FRANCISCO — A San Francisco man who was killed Saturday night in a shooting in the city’s Tenderloin neighborhood was identified the next day as 24-year-old Melsar Godoy, according to the medical examiner’s office. Godoy was among two groups of males involved in a shooting in the 800 block of O’Farrell Street at about 9:40 p.m., Sgt. Dennis Toomer said. Godoy was pronounced dead at the scene, Toomer said. A second victim was transported to San Francisco General Hospital with life-threatening injuries. During the incident, a responding officer fired at one of the armed suspects, but did not hit him, according to police. The suspect fled on foot, and the officer pursued him and took him into custody, according to Toomer. His name had not been released by Sunday. Two guns were recovered from the scene, Toomer said. It has not been determined if the shooting was gang related.KTVU/ Wires Reward for information about poisoned meatballs up to $5K SAN FRANCISCO — A reward for information about suspects who left out hundreds of poisoned meatballs throughout San Francisco, leading to one dog’s death last week, has risen to $5,000, a spokeswoman for the Animal Legal Defense Fund said. The animal defense organization was teaming with VegNews Magazine and Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman to offer the reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of perpetrators in the crime. “The citizens of San Fran- cisco are up in arms over this sadistic crime,” Animal Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Stephen Wells said in a statement. He said the group was hopeful that the increased reward money might prompt someone to come forward with information. Police discovered the taint- ed meatballs in San Francisco’s Diamond Heights and Twin Peaks neighborhoods earlier this month. Police said the meatballs contained strychnine and believe they were left out in a malicious plan to kill dogs. Oskar, a dachshund who ate one of the poisoned meatballs, died earlier this month, according to San Francisco Animal Care and Control spokeswoman Deb Campbell. Anyone with information about the identity of the person or people responsible for distributing the meatballs was asked to call police or the Animal Legal Defense Fund at (707) 7952533, ext. 1010.KTVU The San Francisco Post The San Francisco Post South Bay chiropractor arrested for alleged sexual battery CAMPBELL — A chiropractor was arrested on suspicion of sexual battery in Campbell on Friday, police said. Dr. Manfred Alkhas, 46, of San Jose, was arrested following an investigation into allegations of inappropriate actions toward a patient at his office at 280 E. Hamilton Ave. in Campbell, according to police. During the investigation, it was determined that the crimes of sexual battery and penetration with a foreign object had been committed, police said. Campbell police investigators are working to determine if Dr. Alkhas inap- propriately touched other patients. Police are urging anyone who has concerns regarding D. Alkhas or who has knowledge of other potential victims to contact Sgt. Gary Berg or Det. Mark Cutler of the Campbell Police Department at (408) 871-5190.KTVU NATIONAL Pentagon chief can’t offer hope in budget cuts JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) health care and other services for the uni-- The audience gasped in surprise and gave formed military, which has stopped some a few low whistles as Defense Secretary training missions and faces equipment Chuck Hagel delivered the news that fur- shortages due to the budget shortfalls. loughs, which have forced a 20 percent pay Troops were told this month they will no cut on most of the military’s civilian work- longer receive extra pay for deployments to force, probably will continue next year, and 18 former global hot spots no longer conit might get worse. sidered danger zones. “Those are the facts of life,” Hagel told Troops already are facing force reductions, about 300 Defense Department employees, and the Army alone has announced plans to most of them middle-aged civilians, last trim its ranks by 80,000 over the next five week at an Air Force reception hall on a years. military base in Charleston. Officials agree that the military has underFuture layoffs also are possible for the gone cycles of expanding and shrinking of department’s civilian workforce of more the force over generations. Hagel said this than 800,000 employees, Hagel said, if time is different, and worse, however, beCongress fails to stem the cuts in the next cause of what he described as a “very dark budget year, which starts Oct. 1. cloud” of uncertainty hanging over the On the heels of the department’s first fur- Pentagon as Congress considers whether to lough day, and in three days of visits with reverse $52 billion in spending cuts that are members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and set to go into effect in 2014. Marine Corps, At the Naval Air Hagel played the Station in Jackunenviable role sonville, Fla., of messenger to Hagel told an a frustrated and estimated 100 fearful workcivilians gathforce coping ered in a buswith the inevitatling jet mainbility of a spendtenance hangar ing squeeze at that the military the end of more had not been than a decade prepared for the of constant and $37 billion in costly war. cuts that took The fiscal effect this year, crunch also lays In this photo taken July 17, 2013, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, flanked forcing the furAir Force personnel, walks down the rear ramp of a C-17 at Joint Base bare the politi- by loughs. While Charleston near Charleston, S.C., on the last day of a three-day trip to visit bases the Carolinas and Florida. When Hagel told civilian Department of he said he was cally unpopular, Defensein workers on the base that job furloughs, that have forced a 20% pay if perhaps nec- cut on most of the military’s civilian workforce, will likely continue next year, deeply sorry for and may get even worse, the audience softly gasped in surprise and gave essary, need to a few depressed low whistles. He said that if the department has to absorb the strain the $52 billion in cuts next year because of the federal sequester, there bring runaway another crunch has put will likely be layoffs instead of furloughs. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith) military costs in on families, he line with most said he would of the rest of the American public that has not slash troops’ training or other readiness struggled economically for years. budgets any further to prevent huge gaps in “Everybody’s bracing for the impact,” national security. Army Master Sgt. Trey Corrales said after “I’m sure you realize how disruptive the Hagel spoke with soldiers during a quick furlough is to our productivity. So I’m hopstop at Fort Bragg, N.C. ing that we’re not going to do it again next Corrales’ wife, a military civilian employ- year,” Elizabeth Nealin, a research and enee, is among those furloughed, and they gineering manager at the navy base’s fleet have cancelled their cable TV and started readiness center, told Hagel. carpooling to work to save money. “Have you planned for a reduction in “The effects of the economy have started force?” Nealin asked bluntly. to hit the military,” Corrales said. “It was Hagel said if the $52 billion cut remains in late in coming to us.” place, “there will be further cuts in personThe furloughs have hit about 650,000 nel, make no mistake about that. civilian employees but also have slowed “I don’t have any choice,” he said. AP BUSINESS & FINANCE Income taxes may be discharged in bankruptcy by: Atty. Crispin C. Lozano Income taxes may be discharged in bankruptcy if certain requirements are met. Most people mistakenly believe that taxes are never dischargeable in a bankruptcy. This myth is absolutely wrong! Although there are certain criteria that must be met, bankruptcy relief is often the best way to solve a serious tax problem and stop IRS collection activity. The filing of a bankruptcy case automatically and immediately stays (stops) IRS bank account levies and wage garnishments, and enables the taxpayer to either obtain a discharge or reorganize his or her tax liabilities. The IRS is not just any creditor because it has the ultimate power to do things other creditors cannot do. However, if you hire a lawyer before the situation gets worse, there are options and possible solutions available. Tax Debts in Chapter 7 To qualify for an income tax debt discharge, all of the following must be satisfied: • The taxes are income-based. Income taxes are the only kind of debt that Chapter 7 is able to discharge. The tax debt must be for federal or state income taxes or taxes on gross receipts. • The return was due at least three years ago. The taxes must be from a tax return that was due (including all valid extensions) at least three years before you filed for bankruptcy. For example, if taxes were disclosed in a 2005 income tax return for which extensions to file the return expired on October 15, 2006, the tax return due date test will be satisfied if the bankruptcy petition is filed after October 15, 2009. • You filed the return at least two years ago. You must have filed the tax return at least two years before filing for bankruptcy (having the IRS file a substitute for return will not satisfy this requirement). To avoid additional objections from the taxing authority, you must make sure the return is properly signed, mailed, and sufficiently complete to be deemed a tax return. In continuing with the example above, if extensions to file the 2005 return expired on October 15, 2006, you filed the return on April 15, 2008, and you filed for bankruptcy on October 15, 2009, you won’t be able to discharge the debts. You will have satisfied the tax return due date test, but not the tax return filing date text. In this scenario, you must wait until two years after April 15, 2008, or until April 15, 2010, to file for bankruptcy. • The taxes were assessed at least 240 days ago. The taxing authority must have assessed the tax (entered the liability on the taxing authority’s records) against you at least 240 days before you filed for bankruptcy. This time limit may be extended if there was an offer in compromise between the taxing authority and you or if you had previously filed for bankruptcy. • No fraud or willful evasion. The tax return must not be fraudulent or frivolous and the you cannot be guilty of any intentional act of evading the tax laws. If you file a joint return, the taxing authority must prove that both you and your spouse committed an act of fraud related to the applicable return or willfully attempted to evade the tax in order for the court to deny the discharge of the tax debt. • Tax liens. The IRS has not recorded a lien on your property for the tax assessment made. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge of income taxes wipes out the personal obligation to pay the tax and prevents the taxing authority from going after your bank account or wages. However, tax liens, also known as secured taxes, will remain attached to your property. This rule applies only to tax liens recorded against your property before you file for bankruptcy. This means that although you might not be personally liable for the tax debt, you’ll have to pay the lien from any profits when you sell the property. Tax Debts in Chapter 13 If you are not qualified to file for a Chapter 7 or have decided that Chapter 13 is your best option, non-dischargeable tax debts can be included in your repayment plan. In addition, bankruptcy’s automatic stay applies to the IRS as well, meaning all collection efforts pending against you will be stopped. Filing for Chapter 13 will also accomplish two other very important things: 1. Penalties that the IRS has tacked on your tax debt will be discharged, and 2. No new penalties or interest will accumulate while you are in Chapter 13. Note: This is not a legal advice. The Law Office of Crispin Caday Lozano can help in discharging income tax debts in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Basics 1. Bankruptcy will actually improve your credit within one year because your unsecured debts are discharged. Although the bankruptcy will be in your records for 10 years, not filing bankruptcy will make your credit even worse until most your debts are paid. 2. If you are being sued by your creditors, most money judgment can be eliminated in bankruptcy. 3. Collection actions continue and you can be sued if you are in debt settlement. 4. Chapter 7 will eliminate all unsecured debts. If you are near retirement age, you must eliminate most of your debts. 5. Bankruptcy will stop foreclosure actions. If your trustee sale date is 10 days before, you can still file for bankruptcy. Governments to Pursue Action Plan to Address Multinational Tax Avoidance by: Alvin C. Maglan, CPA T he international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has produced an action plan at the request of the G20 finance ministers to address the problems of base erosion and profit shifting that are depleting corporate tax revenue as multinational companies transfer their profits to low-tax countries. In introducing the OECD’s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, the OECD noted Friday that national tax laws have not kept pace with the globalization of corporations and the digital economy, leaving gaps that can be exploited by multinational corporations to artificially reduce their taxes. The action plan was produced at the request of the Group of 20 and introduced at the G20 Finance Ministers’ meeting in Moscow. It identifies 15 specific actions that will give governments the domestic and international instruments to prevent corporations from paying little or no taxes. The OECD had produced a report in February, also commissioned by the G20, on the problem of base erosion and profit shifting, or BEPS (see OECD Calls for Curbs on Tax Avoidance by Multinationals). The action plan recognizes the importance of addressing the digital economy, which offers a borderless world of products and services that too often do not fall within the tax regime of any specific country, leaving loopholes that allow profits to go untaxed. “This action plan, which we will roll out over the coming two years, marks a turning point in the history of international tax cooperation,” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría in a statement. “It will allow countries to draw up the coordinated, comprehensive and transparent standards they need to prevent BEPS. International tax rules, many of them dating from the 1920s, ensure that businesses don’t pay taxes in two countries— double taxation. This is laudable, but unfortunately these rules are now being abused to permit double non-taxation. The action plan aims to remedy this, so multinationals also pay their fair share of taxes.” In introducing the OECD’s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, the OECD noted Friday that national tax laws have not kept pace with the globalization of corporations and the digital economy, leaving gaps that can be exploited by multinational corporations to artificially reduce their taxes. The action plan was produced at the request of the Group of 20 and introduced at the G20 Finance Ministers’ meeting in Moscow. It identifies 15 specific actions that will give governments the domestic and international instruments to prevent corporations from paying little or no taxes. The OECD had produced a report in February, also commissioned by the G20, on the problem of base erosion and profit shifting, or BEPS (see OECD Calls for Curbs on Tax Avoidance by Multinationals). by: Maggie Castillo PAGE 3 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 5 Ways Older Americans Can Protect Their Homes From Foreclosure your expenses. 3. Look into refinancing your loan. One way to avoid foreclosure is to refinance your loan. Seek help from, a program of the Departments of the Treasury and Housing and Urban Development designed to help homeowners get mortgage relief and avoid foreclosure. Through the Making Home Affordable program (MHA), you can explore financing options to take advantage of today’s low mortgage interest rates and reduce your monthly mortgage payments. You might qualify for MHA’s Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), which would enable you to refinance from a high 10 or 11 percent rate down to today’s average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage of approximately 3.5 percent. “Even if you’ve been down the road of a loan-modification process two or three years ago, they’ve now shifted,” says Susan Wachter, a professor of real estate and finance at the University of Pennsylvania. “Loan-modification programs are far more borrower-friendly now than they were in 2009. So it’s worth it to try again.” “If you can lock a low rate down to refinance for the next 30 years—anything below 4 percent is amazing,” says Svenja Gudell, senior economist for Zillow, an online real estate database. Gudell adds that many markets where older Americans have been hit with foreclosure warnings, such as California and Florida, are beginning to see a turnaround. “Home values are going back up in those areas,” she says. “A lot of people that aren’t far underwater in their homes will soon be in positive equity territory again.” Staving off foreclosure with a loan refinance is one way to buy yourself more time to wait for the housing market to rebound. 4. Consider a reverse mortgage. People older than 62 often qualify for a reverse mortgage. With a reverse mortgage, you receive money from your lender and generally don’t have to pay it back for as long as you live in your home. The loan, plus accrued interest, is repaid when you die, sell your home, or when your home is no longer your primary residence. The proceeds of a reverse mortgage are generally tax-free, and many reverse mortgages have no income restrictions. However, a significant downside of reverse mortgages is that they come with high closing costs, which often exceed the closing costs of a standard home purchase. As such, they can substantially reduce the value of your home. Nonetheless, this may still be a good option for older Americans who have maintained a substantial amount of equity in their home, says Linda Fisher, a law professor at Seton Hall University who specializes in foreclosures. Fisher recommends talking to a HUD-approved housing counselor or a reverse mortgage counselor. A reverse-mortgage counselor may charge up to $125, but Fisher says it’s a “minimal expense” for being able to keep your home. 5. Be wary of foreclosure scams and fraud. A growing number of scammers are trying to take advantage of people looking for foreclosure help, so be wary of predators. “Senior citizens, in many cases, can be more trusting because of the era that they grew up in,” says Patrick Butler of Butler says to beware of anyone who asks for upfront fees, which is illegal. t a time when they should be looking forward to retirement, many older Americans are facing the looming possibility of foreclosure. According to a recent report from AARP’s Public Policy Institute, more than 1.5 million homeowners age 50 or older have lost their homes to foreclosure since the mortgage crisis began in 2007, raising the foreclosure rate among this group from 0.3 percent in 2007 to 2.9 percent in 2011. Those 75 or older are in the worst shape: In 2007, one of every 300 homeowners in this group was in foreclosure, and that number has since increased to about one in 30, according to the report. Fortunately, there are steps older Americans can take to protect their homes from foreclosure. U.S. News spoke to real estate and financial experts, who outlined these preventative measures: 1. Don’t panic—take action. If you’re realizing you can no longer afford to pay your mortgage, instinct might tell you to crawl under your bed or hide under the covers, but don’t give into the initial panic. “Take action immediately when you feel like things are going south,” says Jean Setzfand, AARP’s vice president of financial security. Contact your lender right away to find out what assistance programs you’re eligible for, and what the best course of action is. 2. Shrink your expenses with a government-approved counselor. Significantly slashing your budget As of Wednesday, July 24, 2013 may enable you to continue paying your mortgage. DOW 15,542.24 -25.50 Go through your monthly NASDAQ 3,579.60 +0.33 budget with a fine-tooth comb to determine what S&P 1,685.94 expenses can be shrunk, OIL 107.00 -1.85% and then shift those extra GOLD 1,321.20 -0.99% funds toward your mortgage payments. If you need US 10 YEAR NOTE 2.588 +0.072 budgeting help, the U.S. Department of Housing and US 30 YEAR NOTE 3.653 +0.061 Urban Development can US 3 MOS. LIBOR 0.27% connect you with a HUDapproved housing counselor, who can offer free advice on how to reduce A STOCK MARKET NATIONAL PAGE 4 June 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 Senate Gang Orders Lobbyists to Target House GOP ohn McCain and his fellow immigration gangsters called about 50 business lobbyists to the Capitol with a simple message: Pony up and fight. Delivering some of his famous “straight talk,” McCain told them they weren’t spending enough money and were losing the battle for comprehensive immigration reform. What’s needed, McCain said, was a national, coordinated campaign to push the House to act on immigration reform. “This is a political campaign. We’ve gotta have communications. We gotta have coordination. We gotta have advertising. We gotta have a real political campaign with the goal of winning an agreement from the House to sit down and negotiate with us with a bill. That’s our goal,” McCain told National Journal. But the marching orders managed to anger and alienate both the lobbyists in the room and House Republicans they are supposed to be targeting. Neither group wants senators telling them J how to do their jobs. “Wow, these people are really trying to [screw] us,” one House GOP aide said of the meeting. House Republicans are in no mood to be targeted by McCain, Democrat Chuck Schumer, and other mem- bers of the Senate “Gang of Eight,” the bipartisan coalition that pushed immigration reform through the chamber. “These people are wasting their money. They’re wasting their time, because the House is going to do what the House is going to do,” said a House GOP leadership aide. And most likely, that means the House will take up bills dealing with border security, agriculture, and high-tech visas, and, maybe, providing the so-called Dreamers, children brought to America illegally, a legal option for staying in the country, aides say. But a pathway to citizenship for most immigrants in the country illegally, like the one included in the Senate bill, is probably a nonstarter. In an interview, McCain said they’re trying to “persuade” House Republicans. “It’s not a hardball or attack-ad kind of thing. We’re not trying to alienate any member of the House. The last thing we want to do is alienate any member of the House,” he said. “But we do think that we are not getting our message across in as effective a fashion as we can if we mount a real campaign.” Supporters of comprehensive immigration reform are losing the grassroots battle to opponents who are describing the Senate bill as amnesty, McCain told the group, according to people in the room. McCain told the lobbyists not to push for the Senate bill, but to advocate for all its component parts. NU The San Francisco Post The report said Santos’ vehicle was seized. Geronimo said Santos’ friends are raising $10,000 (P432,200) to bring him home for a burial in Angeles City. (Cont. from page 1...PALS) Comic-Con International 2013 Fashion Photos: It’s Not All Costumes in San Diego, You Know Comic-Con is known for attracting the most dedicated, fearless fans who dress up in costume. But among the Superwomans and Spider-Mans and Katniss Everdeens at this year’s event, there were also designer pieces by Versace, Proenza Schouler, Wes Gordon, and more trudging through San Diego’s Convention Center. Stars left their done-up, straight-laced ensembles at home and opted for playful styles, embrac- ing prints and midriff looks with complete abandon to promote their new sci-fi, fantasy and action flicks. One trend we spotted: Micro shorts as seen on Nina Dobrev (in Sachin + Babi), Lily Collins (in Paper London) and Elizabeth Olsen (in Balenciaga), who styled them with mixed prints, trapeze tops and cropped tanks. Click to see more memorable fashion moments. WORLD BRIEF William and Kate show off royal baby boy ONDON—Britain’s Prince William, his wife Kate and their newborn baby son were spending their first day at home as a family Wednesday, a day after the royal couple showed off the future monarch to the world. A smiling Kate told the massed ranks of international media on Tuesday that motherhood was “very emotional”, while William said they were still choosing a name and revealed that he had already changed the baby’s nappy. The new thirdin-line to the (An Employees owned Publication) Distributed weekly in Northern California throne raised a tiny hand 1290 B Street, Suite 203, above his white Hayward, CA 94541 blankets but reTel # 510-885-8827, Fax # 510-538-7115 mained peaceful, despite deafenTeresita Estanislao ing cheers from Editor-in-Chief & CEO well-wishers and the shouts Crispin C. Lozano of photograGeneral Counsel phers outside St Mary’s Hospital Rose Paquette in London. Advertising / Communications Manager “It’s a special time,” said the 31-year-old Don Orozco Duchess of CamBureau Chief, Silicon Valley bridge, who was L wearing a cornflower-blue dress with her brunette hair loose. “I world. think any new parent would know what this feeling feels like.” The Duchess initially held the baby as the royal couple emerged The duke, also 31, told reporters that “he’s got her looks, thank- from the front door of the hospital’s exclusive Lindo Wing, befully” as Kate playfully demurred, then fore passing him to her husband, who was added: “He’s got a good pair of lungs on dressed in a blue shirt and jeans. him, that’s for sure”. The scene was reminiscent of when WilThe royal baby’s birth at 4:24pm (1524 liam was introduced to the world by his GMT) on Monday sparked a global meparents Prince Charles and Princess Diana dia frenzy, fuelled by the fascination that outside the same hospital wing in 1982. has surrounded the couple ever since they Balding William joked that, despite the married in April 2011. baby boy’s own thin wisps of hair, “he’s The first photographs of Britain’s new got way more than me, thank God”. prince dominated newspaper front pages Asked about changing the nappies of his on Wednesday, with the sapphire ring forson, who weighed in at a healthy eight merly belonging to William’s late mother pounds six ounces (3.8 kilograms) when Diana conspicuous on the hand of new he was born, the prince said: “We’ve done Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, carries her new born son, that already”. mother Kate. the Prince of Cambridge, who was born on Monday. into Many of the papers, including the Dai- public view for the first time. “He’s done his first nappy already,” addly Mirror, the Daily Mail and the Times, ed Kate. The traditional names George carried a picture of the day-old baby apparently waving to the and James have been favored by bookmakers as fit for a king, but throng of photographers and well-wishers on Tuesday. the royal couple gave nothing away. “Baby’s first royal wave” said the Daily Mail’s “magical picture “We are still working on a name so we will have that as soon souvenir” edition, while the Daily Mirror ran a similar headline: as we can,” William said. After speaking briefly to the press, the “Royal wave? I’ve cracked it mom.” royal couple re-emerged from the hospital with their son in a car The Daily Telegraph argued that the birth had secured the mon- seat, which William secured in their vehicle before driving his archy “for another century at least.” new family back to their home at Kensington Palace. Congratulations have poured in from around the globe for the The baby will be titled His Royal Highness, Prince (name) baby, a great-grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II, who is set to one of Cambridge — the blank to be filled in when his name is anday reign over Britain and the Commonwealth realms around the nounced. PDI Alvin Maglan Controller Inquirer.Net Content Syndication Partner San Francisco FilAm Post, LLC Aquino (Cont. from page 1...BIAZON) s i n g l e d out personnel of the BOC, Bureau of Immigration and the National Irrigation Administration for their incompetence, Publisher of San Francisco Post & SF Filam Post The San Fancisco Post 1290 B Street, Suite 203 Hayward CA 94541 Ph: (510) 885-8827 Fax: (510) 538-7115 Email: The San Francisco Post will be happy to hear from you. Comments, letters to the editor, contributions, story/picture submissions can be sent via email to or via snail mail to: ATTN: San Francisco Post, 1290 B Street, Suite 203, Hayward, CA 94541. All submissions are subject to editing for style and accuracy. All Rights Reserved. SUBSCRIPTION FORM 12 MONTHS FOR ONLY $80 Please include check with this form when mailing. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS San Francisco Post reserves the right to refuse any advertising not in keeping with the publication nature of San Francisco Post,, and all or any other material published under Sf FilAm News, a Limited Liability Company. For Corrections: Advertisers agrees to verify the corrections of the advertisement. San Francisco Post will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion. Any error must be reported immediately. For Damages: Advertisers agrees San Francisco Post, and all or any other material published under the company shall not be liable to the customer for damages resulting from failure to include in the advertisement any item of advertising or from errors in spelling or grammar or omission printed or not printed in the advertisement in which the error or omission occurred, including but not limited to the loss of business by Advertiser. For Content: Advertisers assumes full responsibility containing the right to use any name, address, trademark, service mark, trade name, or other copy in any advertisement. Advertiser assumes full responsibility for determining that the advertising will conform in all respects to all applicable laws, including but not limited to, all licensing requirements of federal, state or local licensing authorities. saying they had no place in government. “Where do these people get the gall?” he asked, referring to BOC officials and employees who abetted the smuggling of goods, drugs and arms, among other items, into the country’s ports. Aquino warned that such practices had no place in Name: _________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________ City: ___________________ Zip: __________________________ Business Name (if applicable): _____________________________ Phone (required for cc payments):________________________________ Email (required for receipt): ____________________________________ government. “If you can’t do your job, you do not deserve to remain in office,” he said. Biazon immediately offered his resignation to the President after his speech, but he said Aquino assured him of his continued confidence in him. Responding to Biazon’s offer to quit his post, Aquino said in a text message: “Ruffy, we both know the difficulties in the agency you are trying to reform. My confidence in you remains the same.” Biazon said he faced a moral dilemma. “Do I continue to fight for what I believe in, which is reforming the bureau, or do I simply give up? But the President said he has confidence [in me] so I take it as a continuation of the marching order he gave me when he appointed me,” he told reporters. Biazon said he did not offer an irrevocable resignation because he was considering the efforts that he had already made to reform the bureau. But he also expressed ambivalence, noting that he is thinking if keeping the post “is all worth it.” Asked to comment about some people’s impression that he was being kapit tuko (clinging to his office), Biazon said: “I offered my resignation after Sona. Is that kapit tuko?” He said he would take the President’s continued confidence in him as his inspiration to pursue his vision of a reformed BOC, even as he explained that there were other factors that may influence his stay in the bureau. PDI PAGE 5 PHILIPPINE July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 FRONT Are either Revilla or Pangilinan buying Philippine Star The San Francisco Post Napoles defenders of OFWs? Bantay OCW rejoiced when OFW Family Club (OFWFC) party-list got two seats in Congress. Former Ambassador Roy Señeres, who chairs the OFW Family Club, worked as a labor attaché of the Philippine Embassy in the United Arab Emirates during the administration of the late President Corazon Aquino. He was ambassador in Washington D.C. during the Ramos administration and chair of the National Labor Relations Commission during the Estrada term. Based on his experience and credentials as a lawyer, Señeres Sr. we believe he is well qualified to represent OFWs. But who are behind this party-list group? The OFWFC had cited five nominees: Señeres Sr., followed by Juan “Johnny” Revilla, Roy Señeres Jr., Hannah Señeres Francisco and Melchor Rosales. Señeres Sr. told us he was rushing to file the list of nominees as required by the Comelec and he could not immediately think of other names so he simply listed his children who are OFWFC officials themselves. He said he has planned to change the nominees at another time. Revilla said that when their group won two seats in the House, Roy Jr., Hannah and Rosales were asked to resign. The Señeres children then nominated Jo Christine Napoles, the daughter of Janet Lim Napoles of JLN Trading who is implicated in a P10billion pork barrel scam. Jo Christine’s name cropped up before the alleged scam hogged the headlines, Señeres Sr. said. According to Señeres Sr., his children and the young Napoles have been friends since college days. Revilla was ousted from the group due to a citizenship issue. Revilla claims he renounced his American citizenship even before the OFWFC submitted his name to the Comelec. Señeres, however, says Revil- T h e Church is currently on phase for completion of the Philippine Arena which started construction last August of 2011. The Philippine Arena, which was designed by Kansas City based Populous, an internationally renowned architectural firm specializing in the design of sports facilities and convention centers; is a multi–purpose indoor arena being constructed at Ciudad de Victoria (City of Vi c t o r y ) , a 75-hectare tourism enterprise zone in Bocaue, Bulacan, Philippines. With a capacity of up to 50,000, it will be the largest indoor domed-arena in the Philippines and in the world upon its completion. It is one of the many centennial projects of the Iglesia Ni Cristo for their grand celebration next year. The arena is expected to cost US$213 million (P9.2 billion). Currently, other than the Arena the Church is also constructing for its centennial celebration; the olympic size New Era Sports Complex and Stadium, a 330-bed Erano G Manalo Medical Center, non-sectarian New Era University (all in Bulacan) and the EVM Convention Center in Central Avenue, Quezon City. According to their Executive Minister, all of these are “for the Glory of God, in honor of our country and for the sake and welfare of our kababayan”. (Cont. from page 1...IGLESIA) (Cont. from page 1...SC AFFIRMS) her counter-affidavit and countervailing evidence,” High Court said. The high court added that the conduct of preliminary investigation against Arroyo was proper because it was done in accordance with the Rules on Criminal Procedure. “There was no denial of Arroyo’s right to due process when her right to inspect documents was denied; the documents she requested were not submitted to the Joint Committee and therefore could not be provided her,” the high court said. la has not shown him proof of this citizenship change. When Bantay OCW also asked Revilla to show proof that he indeed renounced his citizenship, he asked us to just wait for the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal decision. But the question is, are Revilla and Napoles legitimate OFWs? According to Señeres, Revilla used to be an engineer in the United States while Jo Christine came from The Hague, Netherlands. Revilla it turns out is a consultant of Placewell Agency. According to Migrante International, Placewell Agency has been implicated in illegal recruitment, contract substitution and other contract violations against OFWs. On March 2013, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration cancelled the license of Placewell Agency but then lifted the ban this July, giving them another three years to operate. PDI At the same time, the Iglesia Ni Cristo has continued to build houses of worship from ground up as well as purchase restoration of edifices all over the world. There are currently 124 structures being built to serve as houses of worship for members of the church worldwide. The Executive Minister has informed the congregation in his homily that as of January to July Manuel V. Pangilinan. trolling stake in BusinessFILE PHOTOMANILA, World. Philippines—The group Pangilinan controls TV5 of businessman Manuel V. and Cignal TV. He already Pangilinan said it expects to close within this year a deal that would give it controlling interest in the broadsheet Philippine Star. The group is looking to increase its shares in the broadsheet to 80 percent, said Mike Toledo, head of the MVP group media bureau. “The transaction (is) to be sealed within the year,” he said on Saturday. The transaction is said to be valued at a little less than P5 billion. Manuel V. Pangilinan “The group will also control affiliates of the Star,” Toledo said. has a minority stake in the It was previously reported Philippine Daily Inquirer that the MVP group was (10 percent) through Meworking to acquire a con- diaQuest Holdings Inc., officially recognized here in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Spain and Russia. The FYM Foundation extended their helping hands to our fellow Americans in New York and New Jersey with 10,000 relief bags and made a total donation of $150,000 held at Times Square, New York to the New York City Police Foundation, the FDNY Foundation and 2 other hospitals to those who were devastated by mega typhoon Sandy. In Moore, Oklahoma, the Church provided 1,500 relief bags to victims of the tornado and presented $50,000 checks to Moore’s police department, fire department and Mayor’s office (for school band) plus 250 iPads for two other schools. It is currently in the Guinness Book of World Records for; 1. Most Blood Pressure Readings a subsidiary of the PLDT Beneficial Trust Fund. The majority of Philippine Star is currently owned by the Belmonte family while the estate of the late journalist Max Soliven accounts for over 20 percent, based on industry estimates. Owned and published by Philstar Daily Inc., the Philippine Star group was founded in 1986 by veteran journalists, including Soliven, Betty Go-Belmonte and Art Borjal. The MVP group also made previous attempts to buy GMA Network Inc. (GMA 7), the latest of which was for an estimated price of P52.5 billion but talks collapsed last year due to regulatory “risk-sharing” issues. PDI taken in 8 hours, 2. Largest Dental Health Check and 3. Most Numerous Blood Glucose Level (BCL) test in 8 hours. Thus far, today, the membership of the Iglesia Ni Cristo comprises at least 114 nationalities. It maintains about 104 ecclesiastical districts in the Philippines and in 100 countries and territories in the six inhabited continents of the world. On July 27, the Filipino community all over the world will share the victory of this radiant church the Iglesia Ni Cristo as it endeavors to share the gospel of salvation written in the bible to as many people as possible. From the Far East to the Far West, greetings and Happy 99th Anniversary to all members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Praise be unto God. (for comments please email me at NOW! of 2013 alone, there were 92 new chapels dedicated to God of which 44 are new local congregations, 376 new ordained ministers with 4,700 enrollees for the ministry in the Philippines of which 197 are from overseas. He also added that there are more than 250,000 non-members that are undergoing bible studies in 14 out of several Districts and are ready to embrace the faith. Other than spiritual, the Iglesia Ni Cristo is also involved in some humanitarian activities with their Lingap sa Mamamayan ( Aid of Humanity), INC Giving and their FYM Foundation. All of these are their efforts to enhance the quality of life for individual and community development, a global commitment to share faith through acts of kindness. The FYM Foundation is Second Preference F-2A may adjust status • Priority date is current for August 2013 but may retrogress if not filed by August 2013 • Must have valid stay or beneficiary of Sec. 245(i) For more information: 1-877-456-9266 Law Offices of Crispin C. Lozano 1290 B St., Suite 205 Hayward, CA 94541 PHILIPPINE FRONT PAGE 6 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 Dummy NGOs have fake addresses, says NBI National Bureau of Investigation agents have so far failed to track down officials of dummy nongovernment organizations (NGOs) allegedly used by Janet Lim-Napoles to defraud the government of P10 billion in ghost projects. NBI spokesman Cecilio Zamora said Tuesday the addresses provided the Securities and Exchange Commission when the NGOs applied for registration were “manufactured or nonexistent.” Zamora said agents who were tasked to issue subpoenas to the 20 NGOs identified by the whistleblowers of the state funds scam failed to issue the invitations because “the addresses of the NGOs were fake.” “It’s either the address is nonexistent or if the ad- dress is correct the occupants were different,” he said. Zamora declined to disclose the addresses of the NGOs involved. He said that the heads and incorporators of these NGOs would be asked to shed light on the alleged P10-billion racket involving at least five senators and 23 members of the House of Representatives who were said to have given access to Napoles to their Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF), or pork barrel. Zamora explained that due to the nonexistent addresses, the NBI agents would have to track down the individual incorporators of the dummy NGOs. A source in the NBI also said that fashion designer Eddie Baddeo had given a statement to the investiga- tors on what he knew about the supposed illegal activities of Napoles, who has denied any wrongdoing. The NBI is looking into allegations of the whistleblowers, who are former employees of JLN Corp., owned by Napoles and her brother Reynald Lim, that the trading company had cheated the government of some P10 billion over the past 10 years by using these dummy NGOs. JLN Corp. allegedly used funds from the pork barrel of lawmakers and various government agencies for scores of ghost projects. These NGOs were supposedly the ultimate recipients of the state funds, but the money went to Napoles, according to the affidavits of the six whistle-blowers. HiTECH Apple testing bigger iPhone, iPad screens Apple Inc. is testing larger screens for its smartphones and tablets as it attempts to answer increasing concerns about its product lineup and competition from Samsung Electronics Co. People at Apple’s suppliers said it asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than its current iPhone in recent months, and has asked for screen designs for a new tablet measuring slightly less than 13 inches. Whether the designs will make their way to market is unclear, but they could lead to Apple phones and tablets that are larger than the current 4-inch iPhone 5 and 9.7-inch iPad. An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment. Reuters earlier reported Apple was investigating larger screen sizes for its iPhone. The screen tests come as Apple is set to disclose third fiscal-quarter earnings on Tuesday and provide insight into how the company’s existing lineup is selling. In April, the Cupertino, Calif., company reported profits contracted for the first time in a decade despite strong demand for the iPhone and iPad. Apple routinely tests different designs for its products as it refines them during development. The company also changed its iPhone and iPod offerings last year to include larger screens, while adding a “mini” variant of the iPad with a 7.9-inch screen. Do you need promotions for your business? Want to make important announcement? Coverage for Wedding, Debut, Graduation, Anniversary? We provide packages for all kinds of Events, Promotions & Publicities! Please call or email the following: Rose Paquete : Advertising & Communications Manager 510-885-8827 / Don Orozco : San Jose Silicon Valley 408-667-1641 / The San Francisco Post The San Francisco Post The 28-year-old also talked about his desire to improve aspects of his game and leaving a legacy after his career is over. “You will see a better LeBron James next season,” he vowed. “I’ve got a lot more to prove, a lot more to accomplish. It’s too early to discuss about a legacy. Hopefully, when I decide to hang up my shoes and jersey, my game, my resume, my accomplishments will speak for itself.” Together with Gilas-Pilipinas players, a selection of collegiate stars and the PH Under-16 team, James went through individual and team drills supervised by national coach Chot Reyes. A 10-minute scrimmage that pitted the UAAP aces and Gilas-Pilipinas turned out to be the icing on the cake as James, acting as playing-coach for the UAAP stars, regaled the crowd with a dazzling display of shooting and dunking. James played five minutes, but missed two potential game winning shots—a jumpshot and a layup as Gilas came away with a 2927 win. That wasn’t enough to take the luster off what had been a spectacular show, though. He hit a pair of triples upon his entry with five minutes left, before completing a dazzling alley-hoop dunk off an assist by Ateneo star Kiefer Ravena. James drove the lane and executed a back dunk on Ranidel de Ocampo, who took turns with Marc Pingris in guarding him. “We feel blessed to have played with him,” said Pingris, part of the Gilas-Pilipinas squad bidding for a World Championship slot in the Fiba Asia tournament starting Aug. 1 at MOA Arena. “He’s an MVP; he’s humble and his mere presence inspired us.” James left Manila Tuesday, but not before promising to come back soon. PDI HEALTH Shortage of Men Results in Low Birth Weight SUNNY SIDE UP By: Josh Lucas The gays and lesbians may not agree with what I’m about to say but women need men to have healthier babies. Yes, it’s not women need women or men need men (if that’s even possible to produce a biological baby), but women need men, and it’s built on thousands of years of evolution. What am I talking about? Before the swearwords come flying through the air or be plunged into my back, allow me to explain that it is not my conclusion that I came about with this information, but Science has “scientifically” proven the claim. Let me illuminate. In a study conducted by University of Michigan School of Public Health, it was revealed that women tend to give birth to underweight or premature babies in places where the female species outnumber the male species. What’s worst is these babies, being premature or underweight, are at greater risk for heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. This study was published in the American Journal of Human Biology and reported by Time Magazine. In this study conducted in 2000, birth records were compared from over 450 counties from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) against the 2000 Decennial Census figures. Apparently, the researchers found a direct association between low birth weight or underweight babies in counties around the country where, for one reason or another, men are scarce. …. Seriously, researchers believe that this specific occurrence support the “life history tradeoffs” principle in the evolutionary cycle of life. Now this is getting too “sciency” for comfort. What this theory simply means is that when there is a shortage in the balance or a disturbance in the force (like shortage of good men), nature tends conserve on other “stuff” to compensate for the scarcity and then use whatever resources saved up for when the circumstances require it. A good example is when you save up on your daily expenses so you can spend on a cruise at the end of the year or you try to diet and exercise to reduce your waistline in order for you to be able to wear that thong bikini and pig out on the cruise. How does this apply to birth weight? Researchers surmised that since there is a lack of men in the general area; subconsciously, women are “saving” up on birth weight because their body knows that when the baby is born without the necessary backing,- a supportive male partner- there will be more saved up “stuff” to expend once the babies start crying. And researchers said this subconscious regulation of babies’ low birth weight outcome came about through thousands of years of evolution. I guess that’s why women tend to seek support in the same sex because they are, maybe, unconsciously trying to compensate, but unfortunately, nature requires the male species. Yes. In this case men rule! YUH! …. What do I get out of this? I just want to know which counties women outnumber us men so that I can direct this nation’s men of low self esteem (ergo losers) to go there to improve their chances with women. You know, supply and demand. Low supply, high demand; I’m sure my fellow species are more than willing to supply the demand. Lol!!! PAGE 7 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 What shall I do if my priority date is current under F-2A? By August SUCCESS STORIES 1, 2013, the King James came, conquered They came to witness history. Turns out, just like them, basketball superstar LeBron James was also left in awe. “I’m at a loss for words; this is unbelievable,” said the four-time NBA Most Valuable Player and twotime NBA champion in front of an adoring throng at Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City. Serenaded by chants of “MVP! MVP!” James emerged from the makeshift stage, marveled at the adulation showered on him and put on a spectacular show of his basketball prowess. The Miami Heat star made his first visit to the country and witnessed first-hand what his Filipino-American coach, Erik Spoelstra, had been raving about this basketball-crazy country. “Coach Spoelstra has been telling me how basketball is in this country and now I know why,” said James. “I didn’t know what to expect, but this is something I will never forget.” It was a busy day for James who faced the media shortly after lunch, made a quick stop at Nike’s flagship store at Bonifacio Global City, where he saw another huge crowd braving the rain just to see him, before finally making his way to MOA Arena for the “Witness History” show. “I’m humbled and overwhelmed,” James told the appreciative crowd at BGC. Throughout his tour, James acknowledged his role as an inspiration to kids and the youth to become winners in their own right. Aside from his basketball exploits, James has also dabbled in civic work with his own foundation that benefits underprivileged kids in the United States. “I’m glad I’m in a position to inspire people to always strive to be great,” he said. “Thank you, guys, for allowing me to inspire you.” IMMIGRATION PATH TO IMMIGRATION by: Atty. Crispin C. Lozano priority date for F-2A for Spouses and minor children of permanent residents will be current. We will discuss the actions necessary to take advantage of this opportunity. Beneficiary is in the United States 1. If the beneficiary is in the United States and he or she is in valid immigration status then she or he can adjust status. Valid status means the I-94 has not expired. 2. If the beneficiary is in the United States and he is the beneficiary of Sec. 245(i) eligibility, he can adjust status. To be eligible for Sec. 245(i) the beneficiary must have a petition or labor certification filed on her behalf before January14, 1998. After January 14, 1998. she must be physically present in the United States on December 21, 2000 if the petition or labor certification was filed on or before April 30, 2001. 3. If the beneficiary is in the United States and his status expired and he has no eligibility under Sec. 245(i), he cannot adjust status and will have to wait until the petitioner becomes a U.S. citizen. This is because the unlawful presence can be waived if the petitioner is a U.S. citizen 4. Same sex couples where the petitioner is a Lawful Permanent Resident may get married and adjust status provided the beneficiary has Sec. 245(i) eligibility or her I-94 has not expired. Beneficiary is outside the United States If the beneficiary is outside the United States, the petitioner may follow up the processing of his petition with the National Visa Center and the U.S. Consulate in Manila. Priority Dates for August 2013 The Department of State will be processing the following petitions with priority dates earlier than indicated below. Family Based Preferences: 1. First Preference Unmarried Sons and Daughter of Citizens - Jan. 01, 2001 2. Second Preference: A. Spouses and Minor Children of Permanent Residents - CURRENT B. Unmarried Sons and Daughter 21 years and over of Lawful Permanent Residents - Dec. 22, 2002 3. Third Preference Married Sons and Daugh- 1. On July 11, 2013, we received an approval from the Immigration Court for a waiver of misrepresentation for a green card holder who entered the U.S. as single but actually married at the time of entry. The grant of waiver stopped his removal and allows him to apply for naturalization. 2. On June 3, 2013, we received an approval from USCIS of a petition that continued despite the death of the petitioner under Public law 111-83. 3. On May 8, 2013, we received an approval of adjustment of status for a client who has a problem with entry document but has Sec. 245(i) eligibility. 4. On January 25, 2013, we received an approval from the Immigration Court for an adjustment of status for an alien who originally entered as a Philippine Government Official under A2 visa. 5. On November 30, 2012, we received an approval from Immigration Court of waiver for use of different name upon entry to the U.S. and adjustment of status. 6. On October 25, 2012, we received an approval of green card from the Immigration Court based on Cancellation of Removal of a client under the Violence against Women Act. She originally entered under a Fiancée visa but the marriage did not worked and she ended up filing a self petition. 7. On October 23, 2012, we received an approval of green card for a client whose petitioner has already died. She took care of her petitioner father before he died 10 years ago. She thought this will never be possible until the new law came into effect. 8. On September 21, 2012, we received approval of adjustment of status and waiver of misrepresentation for a client who used a different name or passport upon entry to the U.S. ters of Citizens - Dec. 01, 1992 4. Fourth Preference Brothers and Sisters of Adult Citizens Jan. 08, 1990 B. Employment Based Preferences: 1. First Preference – Priority Workers - Current 2. Second Preference – Advanced Degree Professionals - Current 3. Third Preference – Skilled Workers & Professionals - Oct. 22, 2006. Unskilled – Other Workers - Oct. 22, 2006. Scheduled A Workers - Oct. 22, 2006 Note: This is not a legal advice. You will need to consult with an experienced Immigration Attorney about the specifics of your case. Crispin Caday Lozano is an active member of the State Bar of California, the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the National Association of Consumers Bankruptcy Attorneys. He specializes in immigration law and bankruptcy law. He earned his Juris Doctor at Western State University College of Law in Fullerton, California. He is also a Certified Public Accountant, a Real Estate Broker and a Bachelor of Business Administration Cum Laude graduate. He has offices in Hayward, San Jose, and Cerritos, California. You can contact him at 1-877-456-9266. Email questions to Visit our website at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Immigration Success Story Rene Tagle was granted waiver of misrepresentation by the Immigration Judge. Atty. Crispin C. Lozano represented his case with the USCIS and Immigration Court. He is now eligible to apply for naturalization. Mabuhay at Maligayang Pagbati sa pagsapit ng ika-99 Taong Anibersaryo Ng Iglesia Ni Cristo PAGE 8 June 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 The San Francisco Post The San Francisco Post PAGE 9 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 PAGE 10 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 AROUND TOWN The San Francisco Post High Street South: A revolutionary district rising in Bonifacio Global City in Taguig H ome is a place that follows you wherever you go, yet it still welcomes you upon your return. This is the district vibe that characterizes homes within dynamic communities in highly urban locations. Despite the fast pace of lifestyle among the world’s top cities, wellthought residential spaces still maintain a special feel of home that engulfs the senses even after a long day at work. This kind of living ideal-dynamic and passionate-is what makes Bonifacio Global City (BGC) the country’s fastest emerging mixeduse district today, a fitting destination for urban dwellers. Known as the “home of the passionate minds,” BGC provides a unique environment to engage urban denizens in the passions that define the kind of people that they are. This becomes even more evident as Alveo Land continues to showcase its vision for living innovations through developments that provide genuine opportunities for passionate and dynamic living. A commitment to redefine the BGC landscape Carrying Ayala Land’s heritage and thrust for dynamism, Alveo Land is now redefining the concept of modern urban developments through an exclusive district project that provides people with more opportunities to shape their lifestyles: High Street South. “For most people living in the city, it is quite easy to forget the joys and simplicity of life due to the constant demands of work and the rare opportunities to link with their surroundings and with others,” says Jennyle Intimate scenes still a challenge for Lovi Poe By Norman Henson topaz, Project Development Group Head of Alveo Land. “Alveo Land recognizes just that, which is why we have recently unveiled an iconic and a pioneering township development that aims to foster the ideals of dynamic living by urban people.” High Street South as BGC’s cultural district, is a premier urban district, is a premier urban district that plays host to various lifestyle hubs such as retail shops, leisure and recreation venues, business establishments, and open spaces for diverse interests, Alveo Land will provide urban residents and visitors with a dynamic community experience through a constantly evolving township development that will redefine the BGC landscape in the next 25 years. Providing living innovations that offer modern conveniences, a vibrant street life, and a multi-faceted community atmosphere, High Street South further emphasizes Alveo Land’s expertise in understanding the future ideals of modern and dynamic living. “Alveo Land’s commitment to offer the vibrancy of a well-connected community is best exemplified by High Street South” adds Tupaz. “It will be a distinct urban district development-the first of its kind and scale by Alveo-that will exude a lively, cosmopolitan vibe. It will also be characterized by uniquely evolving architectural designs that radiate a memorable sense of place, thus delighting urbanites with an inviting and multifaceted city experience. Towers that will comprise the 7.6-hectare development, the first two floors of One and Two Maridien and the recently launched The Verve Residences will be exclusively apportioned for retail outlets and parking spaces, while the third level will house all of the property’s amenities, such as themed function rooms, a lounge area, a gym and fitness center, children’s play area, and swimming pool with view deck. For The the following Alveo Land’s International Verve Residences amenities, it will showcase Marketing Team for USA headed by Noran infinity pool, board room, entertainment man Henson (415)-758-8120 with his team studio, kid’s room, pocket and landscape gar- members, Nikki Vargas (415)-612-0387 dens and a glass bridge designed by a well- who are currently based in San Francisco renowned interior designer in the Philippines. and Jarwin Urisantos (213)-321-4877 and “High Street South is a revolutionary ideal JM Valde (213)-359-0282 who are presin city living that takes inspiration from the ently in Los Angeles, California. finest living experiences among the top cities of the world,” Tupaz shares. “it presents all the available options and avenues for a well-rounded live-work-play lifestyle right within arm’s reach.” With today’s urban Denizens engaged in very demanding lifestyles, most of the simple things in life, such as enjoying your own private space and the vibrancy of a neighborhood, are now considered luxuries. Truly a hotbed of cultures, Alveo Land High Street South will not only deliver the promise of an ideal home for urban residents but, more importantly, a July Birthday Celebrants. Happy Birthday to Dr. Librada C. Yamat, destination to celebrate DDS (right), daughter Cathy Cotaco (2nd from left) and grand daughlife at its finest. ter Francesca Novilos, 2 yrs. old (not in picure). Alveo Land Corp. sets the benchmark for innovation in Ayala Land. Armed with sharper foresight, unparalleled excellence, and total commitment, Alveo Land Corp. is a real estate company that doesn’t just find the means to provide the most innovative homes, it looks for ways to make you live the life you deserve. For more information, you may call Alveo Land’s Marketing Partner in USA, Ms. Carolynn Bernabe of Twelve Pillars Realty, through her hotline (877)-798-9388 or email or contact More July Birthday Celebrants, Annie del Rosario and Meanne Bassig. Happy Happy Greetings! Happy Greetings! ….. Did you notice the gowns worn by our celebrities and politicians durLET’S HAVE COFFEE ing the SONA. By Who wore it Don Augusto Orozco best? Former First Lady and Ilocos Norte he 4th SONA Representative or State Of the Imelda Marcos, Nation Address Cavite Representaof PNoy took 1 tive Lani Mercahour and 43 mindo-Revilla, Senautes. It is believed tor Nancy Binay, to be the longest Leyte 4th District SONA ever made Congresswoman by a President. Lucy Torres GoThe speech was mez, Heart Evanhighlighted by his gelista, Shiela Israultimatum to govel, Senator Cynthia ernment entities Villar. Make your that are currently choice. Happy mired with controHappy Greetings! versies more spe….. cifically the Bureau Warring brothers of Immigration no more. Senator (BI), the Bureau JV Ejercito was of Customs (BOC) reported to have and the National mad a courtesy call Irrigation Adminto his older brother istration (NIA). and senior senator The Presidents Jinggoy Estrada. first public speech This was made in his inauguration possible through was anchored by the proddings of “Daang Matuwid” their father newly , nevertheless the elected Mayor of people around BI, Manila Joseph BOC and NIA says “ERAP” Estrada. happy days are Happy together. here again. Happy T Happy Happy Greetings! ….. As expected and as I reported earlier, Senator Franklin Drilon was elected Senate President while Congressman Feliciano Sonny Belmonte was voted House Speaker. What is surprising was to see San Juan Representative Ronaldo Zamora bagging the Minority Leader over Congressman Martin Romualdez. Will he be an opposition or will he just be in a good position. Happy Happy Greetings! ….. By the way, we at the San Francisco Post are contemplating on a namechange. Our paper is considering to expand in Southern California. Maybe the best person to ask will be our faithful readers. Ano ba ang say niyo mga readers? What do you suggest would be the best name for the paper. Happy Happy Greetings! ….. Happy Happy Greetings to all members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Our paper has the exclusive story for the Church 99th anniversary. They even have an advertisement for the Evangelical Mission. Well, try going to San Jose as I see it will be an All Day INC Evangelical Mission. Happy Happy Greetings! ….. ERAP JOKE: Inside the Commission on Elections Office in Manila, ERAP, Fidel V Ramos and Mirriam Santiago was seated side by side and filling the form to file for candidacy. When the COMELEC asked candidates on Sex, ERAP glanced left to see FVR’s answer and saw his answer is M. He then glanced on his right and saw Mirriams answer was an F. So ERAP decided his answer was more honest and truthful and wrote MWF. SHOWBIZ The San Francisco Post ovi Poe, who has starred in several sexy movies, says she still feels uneasy about doing intimate scenes. “Filming a love story is always a challenge for me. Believe it or not, I’m not very comfortable doing scenes with guys. I still get shy,” she tells Inquirer. “I’m more comfortable with family drama or even horror films. For me, love scenes are always hard to make. That’s the beauty of this project—it’s different from other romantic films I’ve made.” Lovi is referring to the Jerrold Tarog romantic movie “Sana Dati,” which also features Paulo Avelino. It is an entry in the Directors’ Showcase category of the 9th Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival, which begins on July 26. According to Lovi, “Sana Dati” tells the story of a girl who is about to get married but changes her mind when, on her wedding day, she meets another guy who reminds her of her L true love. “I like this very much because Paulo and I were very spontaneous here,” she volunteers. “Jer- rold is the type of director who doesn’t want anything more, or less, than the natural thing. If a scene came across as too rehearsed, or if our reactions seemed unnatural, he would ask for a reshoot. He’s good that way.” Lovi worked previously with both Paulo and Jer- rold in the horror-thriller “Aswang” (2012). “Paulo is a very smart actor. He knows exactly what to say and how to say it,” she says. “I’m lucky that he’s very respectful of me as his coactor.” No pressure The actress is excited to be participating in the Cinemalaya fete again this year. She appeared in the 2010 entry “Mayohan,” by Dan Villegas and Paul Sta. Ana. The project won a best actress trophy for her. She refuses to feel pressured to surpass her previous Cinemalaya victory. “I’m just here to enjoy and hopefully give justice to the character I’m portraying,” she says. “Winning for ‘Mayohan’ was really unexpected. That was the last thing I thought would happen.” On the small screen, Lovi is busy working on two drama projects—“Akin Pa Rin ang Bukas,” which will premiere on GMA 7 on July 29; and “Titser,” an original series that will soon air on GMA News TV. PDI Docu to open Cinemalaya or the first time in its nine-year history, a documentary, Baby Ruth VillaramaGutierrez’s “Jazz in Love,” will open the Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival on July 26 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. It’s a fitting homecoming for the docu, which was part of the fest’s 2012 Manila Film Financing Forum, where it received the Regal Prize (which comes with P25,000) from producer Lily Monteverde. “I’m happy and humbled that docus are now being allowed to shine,” she told the Inquirer. “But I’m nervous, too.” The significance of a docu opening the annual fest is not lost on the filmmaker. “It lights another candle of hope on how we share Filipino stories.” For a docu “to open a festival that mainly features fiction films” somehow bridges the gap, “unifying two cinematic forms.” (Acclaimed films like Jeffrey Jeturian’s “Kubrador,” Brillante Ma. Mendoza’s “Foster Child” and Adolfo Alix Jr.’s “Adela” opened the fest in previous editions.) She considers this development a “celebration of Filipino documentarians like Nick F Deocampo, Ditsi Carolino, Kidlat Tahimik, and Kiri and Sari Dalena, among others.” Although not as popular as fiction films, docus are slowly but surely making waves at the Cinemalaya. Last year, among the most talked-about premieres in the fest were docus: Benito Bautista’s “Harana,” Michael Collins and Marty Syjuco’s “Give Up Tomorrow” and Lyca Benitez-Brown’s “Dance of My Life.” “These films are not the weekly docus we see on TV and yet they are some of the best… I hope this world premiere will open the minds of viewers … to look at things differently from now on,” she said. Gutierrez, who worked in ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs for six years, admitted that she herself had “to learn and unlearn” not a few things when she started work on “Jazz in Love,” which was a product of the French-German-Filipino documentary workshop spearheaded by the Goethe-Institut, the Film Development Council of the Philippines, the Philippine Independent Filmmakers Multi-Purpose Cooperative and other agencies. PDI Miley Cyrus Does ‘Damage’ During Chanel Spending Spree oes Miley Cyrus need to check herself into shopaholics anonymous? The “We Can’t Stop” singer couldn’t stop from splurging big time on nearly a dozen purchases from Chanel while shopping on London’s Bond Street. The 20-yearold pop star, who is currently on a promotional tour in the UK, dished to BBC Radio 1 on July 19 that she was already planning to partake in some major retail therapy during her London visit. “I’m here for four days, then have two days off. I’m going to lay in bed, catch up, and do some shopping. I’m going to take my friends to the London Eye,” she shared. “I’m going to take them inside some stores, like the Chanel in Lon- D don and Topshop. It is different, the Topshop in London to the one in the US.” But who knew the former Disney queen would practically buy out the entire Chanel store? The pop star posted a snap of her loot, which included six large bags and five small bags, on Twitter with the caption, “The damage is done.” Miley, who has been a long- time fan of the brand and regularly steps out in the famous fashion house’s dresses and jumpsuits, posted another snap from inside the chic store where she got cozy on a black leather couch with a pal and gushed about her Chanel play day. “Dolls in Londawwwn. @ Chanel, thank you for taking such good care of us :) best part of my trip by far.” While Miss Miley likely spent a hefty sum on the high-end purchases, she probably didn’t break the bank. The twerking teen is worth an estimated $120 million, after all.Sometimes a girl has just gotta shop, right? Omg PAGE 11 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 Showbiz Weekly Post Superman is coming back, and maybe with Batman S AN DIEGO— Superman is coming back, and he may have a caped co-star. “Man of Steel” director Zack Snyder announced Saturday at San Diego’s Comic-Con that he was making another Superman film, then dropped a hint it may be with Batman. He declined to reveal many details, saying the script is just being written, but he invited an actor onstage to read a passage to hint at the story line. “I am the man who beat you,” read Harry Lennox, before an image of the Superman logo, backed by the Batman symbol, flashed on the screen. AP/PDI This film publicity image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Henry Cavill as Superman in “Man of Steel.” AP Karel Marquez talks about love, sibling rivalry and career I’m a certified “My Husband’s Lover” (MHL) fanatic. With the brilliant acting and superb camera work, watching the soap makes me feel like I’m a voyeur in search of that certain kind of thrill that only forbidden love can bring. For other “MHL” diehards out there, here’s good news relayed to me by GMA 7’s top honchos Annette Gozon-Abrogar and Joey Abacan. They will soon release DVDs of the hit teleserye with a bonus feature of scenes which were edited out. They are also toying with the idea of making a movie version of “MHL.” Never too much of a good thing, huh? The three lead stars— Carla Abellana, Tom Rodriguez and Dennis Trillo—are making waves. But equal credit should also be given to the supporting actors like Karel Marquez, who portrays Evelyn, the troubled and hard-up sister of Lally (Carla Abellana). Après tout, the main stars won’t shine as much without the help of the rest of the cast. A good recipe won’t work if you don’t have the right mix of ingredients to begin with. They thrive on each other’s energy and passion, which makes the teleserye all the more powerful. Karel is at her finest on “MHL.” (Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @ iamkarelmarquez). Here she bares her heart as an actress, single mom and as a woman in love. What do you think makes “My Husband’s Lover” such a phenomenal success ? Well, to be honest, making such an uncommon theme for a regular soap opera in the Philippines was a risk for GMA 7 to do. It’s not just concentrated on the “lover’s story” but also about family and how to deal with our everyday lives… and the fact that it happens… [and there are] gay lovers. And since it’s a first for Philippine tele- vision, thank God, people accepted it—all genders. I know there are soaps like this in other countries at dahil we’re still known to be a conservative Catholic country, hindi rin siyempre tanggap ng lahat ng tao. We can’t please everybody. But the bashing and the praises are both part of the success of the show. And like any movie about love, drugs, fighting, killing, we are just telling a story… a beautiful one. In what ways has your role in “MHL” help you improve as an actress? In “MHL,” people ask, “Why do you cry so easily as if gripo lang? Or, “[Bakit] mukhang totoo ang pagdeliver mo ng mga linya? My answer is: In real life sobrang babaw ng luha ko. I don’t know if it’s already a skill because I can cry anytime. I read a scene and pretend I’m the character. I feel her pain… I break down in tears, say my line with all my heart and soul. For me it’s harder to internalize and play the villain. So it’s refreshing for me to be Evelyn in “MHL”… a typical ate with ups and downs. I try to beat my own self in every project/role that I do and become better. This is my passion. And no one can ever take that away from me. PDI LESBIANS and GAYS may apply for green card 1. The Supreme Court ruling now allows lesbian and gay partners to apply for green card 2. If you are married in California or in one of the 13 states that allow same sex marriage. 3. You can prove that your marriage is in good faith 4. You are a U.S. citizen and would like to have your partner in the Philippines come to the U.S. as fiancée and get married. We can help you achieve your goals. Call 1.877.456.9266 Law Offices of Crispin C. Lozano 1290 B St., Suite 205 Hayward, CA 94541 PAGE 12 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 The San Francisco Post The San Francisco Post PAGE 13 June 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 Greetings to all members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo of Northern California Maligayang Bati sa Lahat ng Kaanib sa Iglesia Ni Cristo sa pagsapit ng inyong Ika-99 na Anibersaryo TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE IGLESIA NI CRISO Happy 99th Anniversary Warmest Greetings & Happy Anniversary to all members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo All Over the World Greetings from Datuin / Sagabaen Family San Jose, California MARYFE DATUIN SAGABAEN Mark Alouni, D.D.S., Connie I. Kais, D.D.S. certified LANAP Provider Arpy Hernando, R.D.A.E.F. office manager Pacheco Realty DRE # 01703967 Tel # 408-717-0345 Congrats and Greetings to all INC of Northern California Mabuhay ang mga Kapatid sa Iglesia Ni Cristo Malugod na Pagbati sa inyong Ika-99 taong anibersaryo at 45 na taon sa Estados Unidos Warmest felicitations to all members of the Church of Christ in Northern California It is my pleasure to greet members of the INC on your 99th Year Anniversary I am proud to serve you all CLASSIFIED PAGE 14 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 PROMO: Classified Section: Only $30 for 4 issues! Cards & Coupons: Only $50 for 4 issues To advertise, call (510) 885-8827 or email us at PROPERTY LOT 4 SALE Bani Pangasinan 24 hectares at P60 (pesos) per sq meter Call Tess at (562) 841 0047 FOR SALE Lot by Owner Vista Verde Executive Village, Cainta City 350 sq. meters USD $62,000 or best offer Call (510) 363-1048 FOR SALE ANTIPOLO LAND (NEAR HILLTOP) Call Rose at (510) 885-8827 PROPERTY JOBS House & Lot For Sale PART TIME CAKE DECORATOR Experience required Hayward area. Email resume. Visit our website at in Pacdal, Baguio City, Phils. 144 sq.m. 2 Sty Det Hse. Steel-gated enclosure. 2 car garage near St. Joseph Church close to Mansion Hse. $150K or best offer Call Siony/Zosimo (650) 952-2340 AGRI LOT/NIPA HUT IN PAMPANGA A perfect retirement farm place in Floridablanca, with Mango Orchard & lots of diff fruit trees asking : php 280.00/sqm.. Nice residential lotin Bataan -Php 2700.00/sqm Contact: 209-407-9899 165 sq. m. (overlooking Ortigas) Close to Antipolo Church The San Francisco Post LOOKING FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS CALL US NOW AT (510) 885-8827 INDEPENDENT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Experience in sales / marketing is a must. Great commission and allowance packages. Call (510) 885-8827 WANTED IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY or email: Email: JOBS USED CARS WANTED SELLING YOUR USED CARS? BANKRUPTCY ATTORNEY Send Resume to: RCFE in Fremont looking for an experienced live-in or non-live-in caregiver . Good pay. Good working environment. Call (510) 673-8687 WANTED CAREGIVER Male / Female Fulltime Loraine Guest House TAX SAVERS PRO Looking for Accountants & Licensed Income Tax Preparers *Must have experience preparing tax returns CALL (510) 538-7115 The San Francisco Post Greetings to all Iglesia Ni Cristo on your 99th Anniversary Celebration PAGE 15 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 To all members of The Church of Christ Happy 99th Anniversary & 45th Year in the USA ADVERTISE NOW! 2ND HAND CARS FOR SALE! ADVERTISE NOW! LOT FOR SALE Venice Subdivision Block 5 lot 21 Area: 419 sqm Price/sqm: P 8,500.00 It is back of the lake and part of culde-sac. The Lakeshore is residential, commercial and recreational project of Central County Estate, Inc. It has 10 hectares man-made lake where you could go fishing, kayaking and boating (all non-motorized activities). The 350 hectares development is compose of 10 villages. It is a 30-45 mins drive from North Luzon Expressway, 5 minutes drive from SM & Robinson’s Malls and 10 minutes drive from Diosdado Macapagal Airport. It is located at KM 71 North Luzon Expressway. BEST WISHES ON THE 99TH YEAR OF THE IGLESIA NI CRISTO AND 45TH YEAR IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Contact: (707) 344-8695 (leave message) CARDS & COUPONS HOLIDAY INN OAKLAND AIRPORT 77 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621 For reservations, call: Tony Molina at 510.633.6285 What the Fork Filipino Restaurant 2940 Delta Fair Blvd., Antioch, CA 94509 (925) 776-5187 AUTOWEST TOYOTA For good deals on cars, call Johnny Tavares at (510) 395-6533 / (925) 766-7246 10% OFF TAX PREPARATION For your mobile Notary needs call Don Orozco Email and call us at: FEES Call 510-538-7188 GET 15% OFF FORT MCKINLEY RESTAURANT 10% OFF IMMIGRATION FEES 101 Brentwood Drive, South San Francsico, CA 94080 (Applicable for whole and half page ads only) (For limited time only) Call 510.885-8827 For event reservations, email: FILAM CAREER CENTER CORP. PR & Professional Translation Services English / Tagalog & vice versa For inquiries: 1.800.390.8879 13756 Doolittle Drive (cor. Fairway Drive) San Leandro CA TAX SAVERS PRO T 408-667-1641 when you advertise your business in SF Post! NEW SANG CHONG MARKET LAW OFFICE OF ATTY. LOZANO Call 510.538-7188 HONDA OF HAYWARD 21919 Mission Blvd. Hayward CA 94544 (510) 582-1300 Look for Ella Villafuerte Email: GAMES & ENTERTAINMENT CROSSWORD PUZZLE SUDOKU To solve a Sudoku puzzle, place a number into each box so that each row across, each column down, and each small 3x3 square within the larger diagram (there are 9 of these) will contain every number from 1 through 9. In other words, no number will appear more than once in any row, column, or smaller 3x3 square. Working with the numbers already given as a guide, complete each diagram with the missing numbers that will lead to the correct solution. HOROSCOPE Aries March 20 - April 18 You probably aren’t going to feel like socializing even though friends want you to go out with them. Your patience could be worn a bit thin, Aries, and you may get annoyed at incidents that normally wouldn’t bother you. Taurus April 19 - May 19 Uptight is the mood for today. You might be the center of attention at some point. While you normally wouldn’t mind, Taurus, today it might make you nervous. When everyone looks at you and expects you to say something, say it. Gemini May 20 - June 19 Noise and requests that don’t usually bother you might irritate you, so it’s best to spend some time alone and make the effort to be your usual considerate self when with others. Take a brisk walk to relieve the tension. Cancer June 20 - July 21 Money worries might have you more on edge than usual, Cancer. While you may be doing well, you could still be insecure enough to think that your funds might not stretch far enough. Consider the situation objectively. Leo July 22 - August 21 More than usual, you’re probably craving solitude today, Leo. Although you may have committed to attending a party or get-together, now the idea may seem irritating. Virgo August 22 - September 21 Although you’re normally a sociable person who feels most comfortable in the company of others, Virgo, today you may prefer to be alone. You could feel a little under the weather, or you could be stressed from job-related worries. Libra September 22 - October 21 You tend to enjoy solitude, Libra, but today you might feel more reclusive than usual. Friends could invite you out, but you aren’t likely to accept the offer. Scorpio October 22 - November 20 There might be tension in the air for no discernible reason today. Family members might seem preoccupied with problems they can’t define. Your natural inclination could be to try to cheer them up, Scorpio, but it probably won’t work. Sagittarius November 21 - December 20 You might feel a bit more nervous than usual, but that should go away if you take a walk or get some other exercise. If you’ve been thinking about doing some writing, this is the day to start. Capricorn December 21 - January 18 Confusion over money matters might arise, Capricorn. You may need to check your records to shed light on past transactions. Don’t worry. All should be well once you ascertain the facts. Aquarius January 19 - February 17 Confusion over money matters might arise, Capricorn. You may need to check your records to shed light on past transactions. Don’t worry. All should be well once you ascertain the facts. Pisces February 18 - March 19 Relations with others might be a little strained, necessitating some communication about how you’re feeling. Try to work off the tension by taking a brisk walk or perhaps working out at the gym. Mabuhay at Maligayang Pagbati sa pagsapit ng ika-99 Taong Anibersaryo Ng Iglesia Ni Cristo PAGE 16 July 25, 2013 - July 31, 2013 The San Francisco Post