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Spring 2011
Number 431
Inside this issue
• Annual Conference 2011
• Branch and County News
• The Spitfires
Spring 2011
Number 431
From Head Office
Message from the National Chairman
Mrs Cecilia Harper
Charity No.219279
Annual Conference 2011
The Spitfires
Fun Run Sponsorship Form
Branch and County News
Annual Conference 2011 Agenda
Annual Report
Pink Financial Booklet
Donations Received for 2010
2011 Stick Pin Pre-order Form
The Royal British Legion
Women’s Section Circular
Spring 2011
Haig House,
199 Borough High Street,
London SE1 1AA
Tel: 020 3207 2181
Fax: 020 3207 2358
Sarah Thomas
Tel: 020 3207 2188
Circular production by
Bluepoint Cambridge 01223 472400
Welcome to our pre Conference edition of the
Circular, please let your members have sight of
the contents as some of our ladies do say they
never see the branch copy.
By the time we get to Conference, Sarah, who
edits the circular will have had her baby, and I
am sure we all wish her well. We also had
another baby surprise before Christmas when
James Sheridan’s wife had her baby earlier than
expected, she is a lovely girl called Zara and
James quite rightly is a very proud Dad.
In January we had our annual seminar at
Head Office. Because we had a problem with
overcrowding last year, it was decided that
Central Committee need not be there and it
appeared to work as every one commented how
much more room there was. However some
Counties were not happy that Central were not
there and decided not to come.
The ladies that came enjoyed it and said how
much more discussion took place and they had
had their say, so much so that we over ran
slightly on the morning session, but, as we were
discussing the thorny issue of Standard Bearers,
I thought it was better to do so. There was
criticism that we started late but
only by 5 minutes, think about
it, 50 ladies, 2 toilets, and late
trains. I think we did the best
we could in the circumstances,
but thank you for filling in our
survey forms.
We discussed a number
of issues, including the composition of
Conference and Finance Committees which are
taken into consideration by the Audit Committee.
The fact that the only officer there by right on
conference committee is the County Secretary
seems not to be known widely; County Chairman
by invite only; County Presidents never; County
Vice Presidents never. Finance should be chaired
by the Treasurer, County Chairman should be
present as should County Secretary. No
President, no Vice Presidents. If you need any
more clarification please contact Head Office.
There was a question raised, as to the
expense of 3 officers coming from a County with
travelling difficulties. It was suggested they might
like to take it in turns to come and give a full
report to their fellow officers on return.
The position of a National WS Chairman on
Board of Trustees was raised in view of reorganisation by the RBL. The answer given by me has
been confirmed by Mr Farmer, RBL National
Chairman in his letter to his members last week,
WS will be represented on the Board of Trustees.
The order of precedence of National Awards
came up. The highest award is Gold, it is not for
long service but for Exceptional work done over
and above normal expectations. Life membership
is not above Gold. If someone gets a National
Chairman’s Certificate then they do not qualify
for a Merit or Gold award.
This synopsis of meeting is, by necessity,
brief, but if you feel you need more detail please
contact me at Head Office and I will oblige.
Farewell ...
Val Gould was an integral part of the Women’s
Section and after 16 years of service to the
Royal British Legion she retired on 21
December 2010. Over the years, Val led
projects to augment funding at each Woman’s
Section National Conference for Women’s
Section Welfare. This has not gone unnoticed
and as a parting gift the staff and National
Officers awarded her with a Certificate of
Appreciation for all of her hard work. She was
also given a beautiful Waterford crystal bowl
which we hope she will appreciate. As we say
goodbye, we remind ourselves that farewells
are not forever, nor are they the end as Val will
go away with links to fast friends. Val has been
a mother hen and friend to many in both the
Women’s Section and the RBL and will be
missed very much.
We wish Val many happy adventures,
fantastic new friendships, amazing experiences,
and a lifetime of wonderful journeys.
Our Ambassador of Song Claire Madden was
one of the guests at Warwickshire’s County
Conference. She was warmly welcomed by Ann
Pickering, County Chairman and her Committee
and was delighted with the opportunity to meet
the Mayor, Councillor Ian Courts, the RBL County
Chairman Philip Wilson, and delegates and
members from her home county.
Claire outlined her role with the Women’s
Section and performed two numbers which
resulted in immediate sales of her fund-raising
CD, With Each Sunset. This photo was taken of
Claire with the Warwickshire County Standard
Bearer Beth Slade.
Royal Air Force choir
The Spitfires are a
voluntary Royal Air Force
choir that was founded just
over a year ago to provide
an opportunity for
personnel to sing together.
Across the services music is highly valued, not
only for ceremonial occasions but also as a means
of expressing military life. The National Anthem or
The Last Post for example are deeply moving for
all those who serve of have served our country.
Singing however has not gained such a high
profile. A good choir can stir the same patriotic
feelings and provoke emotions that only music
seems able to elicit. To hear a choir sing an A
Cappella piece of music such as ‘For the Fallen’ in
uniform, by candle-light is a very special moment.
The journey from foundation to performing at
our launch concert in stunning St Clement Danes,
has been tumultuous but immensely rewarding. A
chance conversation between myself and the
charismatic Air Commodore Ian Stewart during my
Officer training at RAF Cranwell, triggered our
desire to give the RAF a decent choir. On
completion of training I contacted Nigel Hayward
(a civilian director of music) who volunteered to
help audition, rehearse and perform with the choir.
Auditions were highly amusing (I dread to think
some of the comments Simon Cowell would have
made!) but also enlightening; the talent hidden
away within the RAF was startling. From hundreds
of applications, we auditioned around 50 and
eventually selected around twenty for the initial
choir. Realising their potential immediately, I
contacted Sir John Major in the hope that I could
also turn the choir into a force for good, through
raising the profile of The RAF Charitable Trust and
The Little Princess Trust. Incredibly he accepted
which boosted the profile of the choir immediately.
The creative vision that I had for the choir was
to sing music that moved people and reminded
them of the sacrifices we have made throughout
our history. Each concert starts in darkness with
the sound of a spitfire; as the spitfire flies away a
poignant piece is sung. ‘For the Fallen’ is
performed with the Last Post by candle-light in
contrast to the fun ‘Oh Happy Days’ or ‘Oh when
the Saints’ towards the end of the programme.
There have been many battles. With the justified
‘forward thinking’ attitude of RAF I had to fight to
keep our name ‘The Spitfires’, wanting to honour
our past and heritage. The wearing of uniform and
logo was also heavily debated. To say that blood
sweat and indeed tears went into creating and
remaining stoic to our vision for the choir, would
be no exaggeration. However, true to our
namesake every obstacle was overcome and we
have recently been heavily invested in by The RAF
Charitable Trust. Due to this investment we will
now have our own uniform designed specifically
for the choir, a future album and many other
opportunities. In addition we have received
support from Dame Vera Lynne and many civilian
choir directors who have expressed a desire to
work with the choir in the future.
On a personal note I have lived and breathed
music prior to joining the RAF, from the privileged
position of Wells Cathedral Chorister to the offer of
a semi-professional recording contract for singerwriting. To be working now with a group of such
committed, passionate and talented individuals is
a great blessing. I have also sung with many
choirs and can honestly say that this is the most
exciting one that I have worked with. I hope that
with the RAF Charitable Trust’s generous input and
continued enthusiasm from the choir members,
that the future is bright.
Written by Flight Lieutenant Harriet Tadikonda
Multi-functional Brush, Mirror &
Sewing Kit. A “must have” for every
woman... Or man!
Birthday cards come in packs of 6
assorted cards with matching
NEW FOR 2011
to be released for sale in
May 2011
Photo shows
both sides of the
coin (not two
different coin
“With Each Sunset” Women’s Section’s
Official CD featuring our Ambassador
of Song, Claire Madden.
Price is for National Conference
ONLY. Normal price if you
would like the mug posted is
Document Bag made of good quality
fabric with sturdy black plastic
handles. Ideal for all your documents
Suit covers are on Special Offer
for a limited time only. Save 40%
on normal price.
The 90th Anniversary
Pin will be released
for sale at our Annual
Conference in May.
You can pre order
using the form
enclosed with this
issue. Please note
that pre orders will
not be sent in the post
until the last week of
April. Please make sure
that we require payment
up front for postal orders.
Orders for WS Merchandise should be sent to
Women’s Section Haig House 199 Borough High Street London SE1 1AA
Alternatively you can send your request to
Email: Telephone: 020 3207 2189
on 7 & 8 MAY 2011
Saturday 10.00am - 12.30pm
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Sunday 9.30am - Close of Conference (approx. 12.30pm)
Stalls from the Women’s Section,
including a stationery stall, and from
many outside organisations will be on
display in the Congress Suite. A small
Women’s Section Goods stall will be set
up in the Congress Foyer during the
Standard Bearers Competition on Friday
6 May.
Women’s Section stationery will be on
sale and samples of publicity literature
will be available.
Branch Secretaries are requested to ask
their delegate to collect order forms and
samples to show to their Branches. Preorders will be available for collection.
6 May 2011
commencing at 10.00 am
in the Floral Hall
Admission once the Competition has
started will be at the discretion of the
The Wreath-Laying Ceremony will take
place at the War Memorial on Friday 6
May following the Standard Bearer’s
The Standard Bearers’ Parade will take
place on Sunday 8 May at 12.30 along
Eastbourne Seafront followed by a Drum
Head Service and Afternoon Tea in the
Floral Hall.
Also to celebrate our 90th year we are
organising a Balloon drop.
We look forward to seeing you all at the
Evening Entertainment to be held in the
Floral Hall.
Abba Tribute and 50, 60, 70’s Evening.
Fun Run
The 10 current Regional Standard Bearers
are organising a sponsored fun run along
the promenade of Eastbourne at the 2011
National Conference to help celebrate our
90th Birthday.
The event is currently planned to take
place on Friday the 6th May at 4 o’clock
in the afternoon, but do look out for
confirmation nearer the time. We hope
that all members will support the girls not
only with sponsorship but also on the day
with as much encouragement as possible.
Alternative Routes
To avoid Birmingham from north: Try
DERBY or Wolverhampton
To avoid Victoria: Go to ST PANCRAS,
get South Eastern Trains. Travel to East
Croydon. Change on same platform
usually 5 mins later onto Eastbourne train.
Women’s Section Welfare Seminar
There will be a Welfare Seminar during national conference at Eastbourne
Please cascade this information to all Women’s Section Caseworkers in your area
Date: Thursday, 05 May 2011 Time: 16:00 to 18:00
Location: The Gold Room
To RSVP please contact Jessica Cooper, Welfare Advisor
on: 020 3207 2182 or at:
Photograph courtesy of Eastbourne Tourism Department
Flying the Red Duster
Morris Beckman
To be published: March 2011, £12.99,
paperback original, 978-0-7524-5900-4
Battlefield/Memorial/Pilgrimage/Heritage Tours
The War Research Society
A merchant seaman’s first voyage
into the Battle of the Atlantic 1940
Great Service – Great Value – Great Tours
Morris Beckman’s moving personal account of the
Battle of the Atlantic is based on his diaries,
diligently written despite the harsh conditions and
frequent terrors of his days as a Merchant Navy
Seaman during the Second World War. With
extraordinary skill he evokes what it was like to cross the Atlantic at the
height of the battle for the sea lanes.
Following the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940, Britain was at her most vulnerable.
Germany had control of ports from the Arctic to the Mediterranean and Nazi U-boats
swarmed beneath Britain’s coastal waters. The Royal Navy was stretched to the limit and
the country was reliant on the supplies carried by the civilian Merchant Navy. Constantly
under threat from the Kriegsmarine, the Merchant fleet and its brave crewmen enabled
Britain to avoid capitulation. This enthralling work allows the reader unique access to a
time which is fast slipping from living memory.
Example Tours for 2011
World War 1
Somme, Ypres,Western Front, Arras,Verdun, Gallipoli
World War 2
St Nazaire, Berlin, Krakow, Cockleshell Heroes, Dieppe, Colditz, The
Eagle’s Nest, Normandy Arnhem, Battle of the Bulge, Monte Cassino,
Jersey, Malta, Wolf’s Lair, Sicily, Crete, Egypt, Libya, Hong Kong,
Singapore and River Kwai Burma,Tunisia,Great Escapes, Moscow.
• Previously unpublished photographs
• The Merchant Navy is among the least recognised of the services that fought for
Britain in the Second World War
Morris Beckman served in the Merchant Navy in the Atlantic and the Middle East. He
was a founder of the 43 Group of Jewish ex-servicemen which attacked and destroyed
Mosley’s Fascist party in the 1940s. He is the author of the acclaimed The Jewish Brigade:
An Army with Two Masters 1944-45 and Atlantic Roulette. He lives in London.
South Africa, Crimea, Russia
Tailor-made journeys our speciality.
Prices from only £370 per person
Requests for review copies, images and interviews
contact Helen Bradbury on 01453 732505, email:
To book or to receive a brochure please contact:
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Sponsorship Form
Women’s Section
Royal British Legion
(Charity No.219279)
Pyjama jog
To celebrate our 90th Anniversary I am running a mile along Eastbourne sea front in my pyjamas on the 6th May 2011.
The Women’s Section has been providing care and support for the ex-service/serving community by means of various welfare work schemes for 90
years. Our extensive welfare programme provides financial help to service personnel, wives, widows & widowers of serving & ex-service personnel and
their children. Our help is needed today more than ever.
Please help us to make our 90th year a very special one by sponsoring me.
Please read carefully before donating:
We who have given our names, addresses and ticked the box entitled ‘Gift Aid’ want the charity to reclaim tax on the donations detailed below, given on
the date shown. We understand that each of us must pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax reclaimed by the charity on the donation.
Full Name
Joe Bloggs
1 High Street, Anytown, Anywhere
Amount Amount Date
Pledged Collected Given
Gift Aid
Please tick
Sponsorship Form
Women’s Section
Royal British Legion
(Charity No.219279)
Pyjama jog
To celebrate our 90th Anniversary I am running a mile along Eastbourne sea front in my pyjamas on the 6th May 2011.
The Women’s Section has been providing care and support for the ex-service/serving community by means of various welfare work schemes for 90
years. Our extensive welfare programme provides financial help to service personnel, wives, widows & widowers of serving & ex-service personnel and
their children. Our help is needed today more than ever.
Please help us to make our 90th year a very special one by sponsoring me.
Please read carefully before donating:
We who have given our names, addresses and ticked the box entitled ‘Gift Aid’ want the charity to reclaim tax on the donations detailed below, given on
the date shown. We understand that each of us must pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax reclaimed by the charity on the donation.
Full Name
Joe Bloggs
1 High Street, Anytown, Anywhere
Amount Amount Date
Pledged Collected Given
Gift Aid
Please tick
New Role
Mrs Sharron Littleford is the
new Branch Standard Bearer for
Sandiway, Cuddington & District
Branch. Well done Sharron.
Come together
This photo was taken of St. Anne’s on Sea Branch with their parcels which they sent to Mrs Warburton’s son and some of
his men who are serving in Afghanistan and have no one. Mrs Warburton is pictured on the far left of the photo.
Past and Present
This photo was taken of past and present Standard Bearers for Wallasey Branch. From left to
right are: Mrs L Clinch, newly elected and promoted from Deputy Standard Bearer, Mrs M
Campbell, Mrs B Clinch, Mrs C Bell, Mrs E Kenny, and Mrs F Rimmer (shown in order of
“retirement” date).Six of the best, you might say!
This photograph was taken of an exhibit which Miss Audrey
Manchett, Ramsey Branch Vice-Chairman set up and entered
in the local Methodist Chapel’s Flower Festival which she
titles “Remembrance”.
Here is Mrs
Maguire from
pictured with
her Golden
certificate and
badge. Well
done Dorothy.
Newport Branch
Members of Newport Branch, Shropshire are pictured here at their cake and produce stall at
their local Autumn Fair where they sold their goods to raise money for the Women’s Section
Benevolent Fund.
Branch and County News
Is this a First – Twins carry both the
RBL and Women’s Section Standards
Tilehurst Branch
Members are pictured enjoying their Halloween night at their Branch Meeting. Don’t they look “spooky”?
Connor and Charlotte Tickhill are 18 year old twins
who both had the task of carrying the Standards at
Louth Town Remembrance Sunday Parade. Charlotte
is the new Branch Standard Bearer for the Women’s
Section which they have not had for the past five
years. Connor carried the RBL Branch Standard as a
member of Louth ATC affiliated to the Louth Branch.
80th Anniversary
Members of Allestree Branch are now the second Branch in
Derbyshire to celebrate their 80th Anniversary. Mrs Angela
Swift the County Chairman praised the Branch Members for
reaching the 80-year milestone and said that they should
be so proud of what they have achieved. Mrs Middleton has
been the Chairman of the Branch since the 1950s and can’t
believe so many decades have been and gone. Well done
ladies for all your hard work and dedication.
Wardley Branch
Here are three members of Wardley Branch, County Durham enjoying a great day out at the
Eden Camp with a friend.
East Denbighshire County
Pictured at the East Denbighshire County Conference are: Mrs Mary Jones, County Secretary, Councillor Mr
Ian Roberts, Deputy Mayor of Wrexham and his wife Mrs Hillary Roberts, Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Dot Moran,
County Chairman, Mrs Vera Wineyard, County Treasurer, Mrs Pat Chrimes, Central Committee
Representative and Mrs Gwyneth Roberts who was their guest and opened the conference with a prayer.
Change of Officers for Durham
Pictured from left to right are Mrs Alison TIndale,
New County Secretary, Mrs Deborah Stevenson
New County Chairman and Mrs Rhona Richardson
who has handed over the reigns of Chairman.
Branch and
Christmas Celebrations
Diss and Dickleburgh Branches
This photo was taken of members from Diss and
Dickleburgh Branches holding stalls selling homemade
cakes and savouries and various other items together
with a Tombola to raise funds to help with transport
costs for members to attend the County Conference.
Croxley Green Branch holds fundraising dances six times a year. The Club has a good-sized dance
floor and so these events are often attended by 60 to 70 dancers or people who just come along to
watch, listen or sing along to the music. Ballroom, sequence, line and party dances are all fitted into
the evening and the Women’s Section is fortunate enough to be supported by the Branch Vice
Chairman, Milson Watkins, who so ably plays the music. The photo shows some of the dancers at
the Christmas Dance, who – when not dancing – enjoyed a Christmas buffet followed by Christmas
pudding and mince pies. Dances for 2011 are scheduled to be held on 12th February; 9th April; 11th
June; 13th August; 8th October; 3rd December
Golden Awards for Stratford upon Avon members
Northop Branch
Pictured from left to right are Mrs Val Summerton, Mrs Ann Pickering, County
Chairman and Mrs Margaret Hastie, Val and Margaret are being presented
with their Golden Awards. They were very proud and overwhelmed to receive
such prestigious awards.
Mrs Nia Frowen, the youngest Member of the Branch is pictured here laying a
wreath at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday. Mrs Frowen’s husband
who serves in the R.W.F returned from Afghanistan in 2010
Haverfordwest Branch
This photo was taken of the Haverfordwest
Branch Poppy Appeal launch with the Women’s
Section Standard Bearer Trish Hall and
members including the Mayor, Deputy Mayor
and the Town Sheriff. The Women’s Section
organised this years Poppy Appeal concert with
the Landsker singers as well as holding a
Christmas Bingo Evening.
Branch and County News
Informing the Guides
Moira Campbell made the visit to 1st Comberbach Guides,
accompanied by Mrs Pat Chrimes. They had a very pleasant
evening with the guides and guiders, and were made most
They had a short PowerPoint presentation showing the work
of the County for the last year, took some displays of photos
to show them, together with some photos and information
about Moira’s parents during the war years, and allowed
them time for questions. They left some membership
booklets for them (they do know they can’t become
members until they are 16 years old) for them to check out
the website or even the group Facebook site for Cheshire
County. The photo was taken of the guides and guiders
along with Moira who is hidden in amongst them.
Merit Award
Boxing Day Dip 2010
Mrs Betty Kenny, Cheshire County Treasurer receiving a
much deserved Merit Award from the National Secretary
at their County Conference in November.
Once again the extremely daring Deborah Stevenson, Durham County Chairman and her daughter
Hannah Stevenson from Norton Branch took part in the Boxing Day Dip at Redcar to raise funds for the
Women’s Section. Well done ladies, I do hope you managed to escape having a cold for the New Year.
in memory of…
We regret to inform you that sadly these ladies have passed away:
Mrs Florence Cohen – Branch President
A founder member of Lowfield Heath Branch, Florence served on the committee, then as Vice-Chairman and
Chairman and becoming President in 1995 until she passed away aged 85. She was an inspiration to all of
the Branch members and will be sorely missed.
Dolly Tindall – Market Rasen and Tealby Branch Member
Dolly joined the Women’s Section in 1955 and became Branch President in 1984. she liked to be involved in
Fundraising and Social Events, Dolly passed away just a few days before her 101st Birthday and will be
sadly missed.
Mrs Thyrza Robinson – Gresford Branch Member
Thyrza passed away at the age of 90, she was the oldest member of the Branch and
their only Life Member and served the Women’s Section and East Denbighshire
County for over 50 years. Mrs Robinson will be very sadly missed by all.
Mrs Jean Artis – Great Wakering Branch
Mrs Artis who was the Branch Chairman for 4 years having to step down in November
due to ill health, she was also a committee member for 15 years and a Branch
member for over 30 years. A good hardworking member who will be sadly missed by
all the Branch.
Happy 90th Birthday
Mrs Connie Macrae is pictured here celebrating
her 90th Birthday, Connie is the Branch
President of Corfe Castle Branch and was
thrown a party by the Branch Members.