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View Here - Carharrack News
THE CARHARRACK NEWs With the compliments of Carharrack Parish Council ISSUE 49 Free Publication Winter 2015 Please Take One November 2015. Storing for Winter in Tehedy Woods. Photo: RLBenney The Parish Council and the editorial team would like to take this opportunity to convey seasonal greetings and best wishes for a very happy Christmas and new year. Suez is pleased to support the Carharrack News CONTENTS Page Major Item(s) Page Major Item(s) 1 Front cover Issue 49 27 Communication Electronics 2 Contents (This Page) 28 Neighbourhood Watch 3 Parish Council Report 29 Foot Care 4 Parish Council Contacts 30 The School Governors 5 Cornwall Councillor Report 1 31 Oil Distributor 6 Cornwall Councillor Report 2 32 General Info. 7 Colouring For Young Readers 1 33 Learn to Dance 8 Colouring For Young Readers 2 34 Home Library Service 9 Allotments Comp. Winner 35 Building Service 10 Carharrack Players/Editor 36 Dial a Ride 11 Other Contacts 37 Animal Feeds 12 Fibreglass Roofing/Farm Shop 38 Pensioners Club/Quiz Answer 13 St Pirans Church 39 Vent. Systems/Where is it 14 Carharrack Social Club 40 Drumming Tuition 15 Kernow Property/Lawnmower 41 ICE 1 16 Cornwall Info Service 42 ICE 2 17 Benson’s B & B/Butchers 43 Estate Agency 18 Doctors Surgeries 44 Solicitor/Mobile Butcher 19 Christmas Cake/Bun Appeal 45 Christmas Fair 20 Solicitors/Building Services 46 Logan Rock 21 SUEZ/Post Office 47 Odd Christmas Traditions 22 Blue Box/Advert Rates/Library 48 Jan Tregeagle 23 Christmas Lights 49 Where is it Answer 24 Sunny Days/St Day WI 50 Carharrack News Issue 1 25 Home Improv./Motor Repairs 51 Carharrack News Issue 1 Cont. 26 Christmas Quiz 52 Welding Service etc. Page 2 CARHARRACK PARISH COUNCIL Consel An Blu Kergarrek Welcome to the Winter edition of the Carharrack News Another year has passed and its Christmas time again. I would like to give a big thank you to all the people who make Carharrack a village to be proud of throughout the year. The Firework display by ICE was a great success with a really good turn out and I hope that a good time was had by all. I hope to see you all at the lights turn on the 2nd December at the Methodist Church and the Christmas Fair at the Mills Hall on the 5th December. Please keep a look out on the notice boards for all up-coming events. With possible bad weather around the corner could I ask everyone to make sure your neighbours are well. Finally I would like to wish you all a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year. Regards, Brenda, Parish Council Chair. The Present Parish Council Backrow: Geoff Garbett, Brenda Williams (chair), Tony Reynolds (clerk) Front Row: Val Aldridge, Jenny Gardener, Val Chown, Joy Constable The vice chair, Carl Martin, was in France when the picture was taken, his only absence from our monthly meetings this year. Thanks to Geoff Garbett for supplying the picture and text. Page 3 Return to contents CARHARRACK COUNCIL CONTACTS Councillors: Brenda Williams [Chair] 42 Tresithney Road, Carharrack 01209 821058 Carl Martin Sparry Farm Cottage, Sparry Bottom, Carharrack 01209 821080 Jenny Gardiner Newsham, Higher Albion Row 01209 821972 Valerie Chown 29 Tresithney Road, Carharrack 01209 821012 Joy Constable 2 Croft Row, Carharrack 01209 821690 Geoff Garbett Hillside Cottage, Hillside Road 01209 820800 Also on LinkedIn Val Aldridge 36 Tresithney Road 01209-821544 Clerk to the Council: Mr Tony Reynolds Lower Chacewood Cottage, Chacewater 01872 560740 The Parish Council meetings this period will be held on the ln the Mills Hall, where there is a public clinic. GENERAL Welcome to the Winter edition of the Carharrack News which is intended to carry useful information relating to the Parish and other items which you may find of interest. The next edition, Spring 2016, will be published and printed for delivery on, or close to, 1st March 2016. Please ensure that items for potential inclusion are with the Editor by 10th February 2016 Please note that any pictures must be sent by email as a jpeg attachment and are sent with the sender’s agreement that the picture(s) are free of any copyright restrictions. (See page 10) The Carharrack News is published by Carharrack Parish Council and is distributed free of charge to each property located in the Parish as part of the Council’s aim for wider community involvement. The printing & associated production costs of the Carharrack News are part met by SUEZ (See also the SUEZ [Formerly SITA UK] article on page 21). An independent Editor is responsible for the content, layout and preparation of the Carharrack News and the views expressed by contributors do not necessarily represent the views of the Parish Council. Return to contents Page 4 CORNWALL COUNCILLOR Dear Resident School Parking There is an ongoing issue with parking at the school no one should be driving along this narrow road to the school gate or car parking area unless they have been issued a permit from the school or if you are one of the few residents that live down this road. This scheme was introduced for the safety of parents and children and has been working relatively well up until now. The police have recently been to the school to help with the enforcement of this parking restriction and have in some case been confronted by angry parents who disappointedly refuse to take any notice. I will be meeting with the Head teacher and the Police to help resolve this problem, the permit system has worked well in the past, what we need to do now is to educate the parents that are causing the problem. Fly tipping continues to be a problem and the reported cases on council owned land in the St Day area have increased by over 40% following the new charges that were introduced at the Household Wastes Recycling Centres 12 months ago. There is a mine shaft just outside of St Day which is over 600 feet deep which is now all most full of tyres and other rubbish, it is a real worry that once this is full where will they fly tippers go next. Policing Devon and Cornwall Police have announced that they will be closing a number of police stations in Cornwall our nearest police station is Redruth which they say will be closing in 2016. I have challenged the Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg and our MP George Eustace over the Conservative funding cuts forced upon the police and the community. The mining villages have been very well served by PCSO Paul Ferris and the proposed funding cuts will do away with all PCSO’s and many front line police officers. It simply cannot be right that the Government takes no account of the impacts of tourism on policing and it has done little to reflect non-crime demand on the police such as road safety and mental health issues. The Government has also failed to take on board key points about the additional cost required to police rural areas. In fact, the revised proposals reinforce the myth that police activity is largely generated by the factors present in difficult urban areas. …… Cont. over….. Return to contents Page 5 CORNWALL COUNCILLOR Cont. If implemented, the Government’s proposals would mean: 1. Devon and Cornwall Police is one of the worse hit police forces in the country – losing over 8% of our national funding. Only three forces face higher reductions than us; Cumbria, the Metropolitan Police and Lancashire. 2. Total funding loss to Devon and Cornwall Police is £13.5m. 3. A £13.5 million cut equates to a loss of 370 police officers and staff. 4. Devon and Cornwall police have already cut 860 posts over the past 5 years (500 officers and 360 staff) as part of their work to save £58m. The projected staff numbers for 2015/16 are 3050 police officers, 2100 staff (including over 350 PCSOs) I have just been informed that the government has put on hold the planned funding cuts until next year while they review the funding formula Events Around the Clock celebrations focusing on the refurbishment of the St Day Town Clock and the history of the village, took place on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th of October. St Day and Carharrack school children had created some fantastic artwork displays which were projected onto the clock tower, and the school choir performed on the stage alongside the many other talented singers from the area. Well done to everyone involved with the organising of the event Fund raising On the 1st of October I was the auctioneer at the Cornish Arms at Frogpool Harvest Festival the evening raised £730 for the Merlin MS Centre, so thank you for all of you that came along to support such a good charity. Kind regards Mark Cornwall Councillor Mark kaczmarek Tinner’s Lodge Pennance Road Lanner Redruth TR16 5TF Email Tel 01209 211366 mob 07791746210 Return to contents Page 6 A FEW FOR YOUNGER READERS TO COLOUR IN Return to contents Page 7 COLOUR THEM ALL IN Return to contents Page 8 Carharrack Parish Council Allotments Competition Winner This years winner was Charlotte Marno, pictured here with her daughters Isabella, aged 3, and baby Eleanor, 5 months. Charlotte, from Redruth - she won the shield last year too - works hard on her allotment, which she has had for about 8 years; in fact she was working on it only hours before giving birth to Eleanor in July! It’s a real family affair, because husband Jason does all the digging and Isabella has her own little patch, complete with mini water feature. “I love coming here” said Charlotte, who this year grew sweet corn and pumpkins as well as soft fruit and flowers. “When lots of people are here, there is a lovely family atmosphere.” Councilor Jenny Gardiner asks: Does anyone know anything about these ploughing marks which I found near the ruined Consolidated Mines clock tower? At least they look like old ploughing marks, but are they? How did they get there and when? If you know, please give me a ring on 01209 821972. I'd love to solve the mystery. The Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) is a national charity that provides impartial advice, information and training on daily living aids Telephone 0300 999 0004 Return to contents Email Page 9 The Carharrack Players. Hello everyone This year we will be putting on Aladdin in the February 2016 half term week as normal and it will be directed by Rose Dawes. We will be joined by a new musical director Nigel Baker, as Jason has moved on to pursue his career, so we all wish him the very best, and, of course, we welcome Nigel with open arms. For additional information please contact us on 01209 215109. Seasonal greetings and best wishes to all from The Carharrack Players. Did you know: The story of Aladdin was thought to have originated in Turkistan but In the United Kingdom it was first dramatised in 1788 by John O'Keefe for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden and it has been a popular subject for pantomime for over 200 years. THE EDITOR of the NEWS contact details are: By phone: 01209 842177 By email: By post: RL Benney, 8 Forthvras, Illogan Downs, Redruth TR15 3XQ Please send items for potential inclusion to the editor by post, or, preferably, by email as a WORD document, and include any pictures as an attachment in JPEG format, reduced in pixel size for emails. Return to contents Page 10 OTHER CONTACTS George Eustice MP - House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 0207 219 7032 Fax: 0207 219 1058 email: web: web: Mark Kaczmarek - Carharrack Cornwall Councillor Tel: 01209 211366 Mobile: 07791746210 email: Police - Local desk Tel: 01209 202324 Non-emergency Tel: 101 Emergency Tel: 999 Neighbourhood Watch - Chris Cottell Tel: 01209 820125 web: Under management. Hope to be on line in the near future Carharrack Parish Website - Mills Hall Bookings - Tel: 01209 821181 Jason Williams - Dog and noise nuisance - Tel: 01209 616990 Roger Benney - Editor Carharrack News - Tel: 01209 842177 email: Did you know? The famous poem ‘For The Fallen’ contains the immortal lines "They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old." They were written on the cliffs above Polzeath (near Padstow) by the poet Laurence Binyon in 1914. Return to contents Page 11 WADHAM-SMITH FIBREGLASS ROOFING NEW & REPLACEMENT FLAT ROOFS GARAGES & EXTENSIONS FASCIAS, GUTTERS & SOFFITS CALL RICHARD FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 01209 710965 / 07966 756170 Orders are now being taken for Christmas. Please contact us for details of our range of special offers Return to contents Page 12 St PIRANS CHURCH A past President of the United States once said: “Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. If we think on these things, there will be born in us a Saviour and over us will shine a star sending its gleam of hope to the world.” In the world we live in this can be difficult to take seriously, unless we are fully paid up ostriches – heads in the sand, determined to keep our hopes and ideals for a better world well separated from the real world in which we live and work and watch TV. Peace on earth and goodwill to all would be nice – but it isn’t part of the real world. But that, of course, is just the point of Christmas. We do live in the real world – and so did God, in the person of Jesus, come to walk alongside us, to share in our human experience and to shine the star of hope into our lives all the year round. If Christmas is a state of mind then it doesn’t have to be confined to a time or a season and we can take that state of mind with us through the beginning of the New Year and on into the weeks and months ahead. Christmas as a state of mind is timeless – as timeless as the values of peace, goodwill and mercy that the Christ-child came to show us. I do hope that as you read this article your state of mind leans more towards these sentiments than along the paths of stress and overbusyness and lists and worries that can too often take us over at this time of year. And as I wish you every blessing in the Christmas and New Year season, I also hope and pray that the Christmas state of mind may flourish in all our hearts and minds throughout the season of goodwill and on into the year ahead. Rev’d Elly Sheard Rev’d Elly Sheard is one of the priests serving the Eight Saints Cluster of Churches which includes Carharrack, Chacewater, Devoran, Feock, Gwennap, Perran-arWorthal, St Day and Stithians Return to contents Page 13 Carharrack Sports and Social Club Function Room available for private hire: Birthdays Weddings Christenings Parties and Celebrations Maximum capacity: 250 people Marquee-style backdrop available Private bar Ample free parking Call 01209 820722 for more details Return to contents Page 14 Kernow Property Improvements All aspects of CARPENTRY, property & garden maintenance & improvement work – including :Cleaning or Replacement of Fascia/Soffits & Guttering Decking. Fencing. Building & Fitting of Garden Gates. Mowing, Strimming & Garden Upkeep Wall & Floor Tiling, Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting (& Supply) Windows & Doors Internal & External Roof & Chimney Replacement or Repair Supply & Fit of Wooden/Laminate Flooring Painting Internal & External … Job too small Free no obligation quote CALL SIMON GOLDSWORTHY on 07528 523031 or 01209 820458 Tresithney Road, Carharrack. Email: Return to contents Collection and delivery Breakdown callouts Reasonable Rates No job too small Page 15 CORNWALL ENQUIRY AND INFORMATION SERVICE Unit 17, Threemilestone Industrial Estate, Truro TR4 9LD Freephone: 0800 032 2345 (or phone 01872 272702) E-mail: Live Chat: Ask a librarian and get an answer live from the Libraries front page of the Cornwall Council website at Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Cornwall Enquiry and Information Service is part of Cornwall Libraries, and is accessible to everyone. You don’t need to be a library member to use it. Whatever the nature of your enquiry, ring free of charge, e-mail, write to us or use “live chat” and we will provide an answer. You might want for example: A method of contact for a local club or evening class. An obscure piece of historical information which you can’t find online. A section from an Act of Parliament, or access to legal cases. A residential or business phone number for anywhere in the country. Help finding out how to get grant funding for individuals or groups. To find help, with tackling a consumer problem or even how to borrow a book not in Cornwall stock. The Enquiry and Information Service is here to help you, and the service is free. We only charge for printing and postage, if required. We have a team of information professionals dedicated to finding an answer to your enquiry. Where we don’t have the information ourselves, we will always try to direct you to someone who does. Your combined efforts at keeping the park free of litter and debris is very much appreciated by all the other users and the Parish Council. Return to contents Page 16 BENSON’S Bed and Breakfast Too many visitors and not enough room ? Perhaps we can help. Ring Sue Beveridge or check out our website. Benson’s has two en-suite rooms with TV, Tea/Coffee making facilities, Mini Fridge - all the comforts of home! Why not call round and see for yourself Tel: 01209 820298 email: web: B.C.BRADDON Established 1918 QUALITY BUTCHERS 17 Scorrier Street, St Day Tel: 01209 820296 Probably the Best Traditional Butcher in the area Fresh local chicken, geese, turkeys and ducks Fresh Gammons, cooked hams and fresh game Local Cornish fresh beef, pork and lamb from Truro Market. Chris and the staff look forward to seeing you soon!! Return to contents Page 17 DOCTORS SURGERIES Chacewater Surgery Chacewater Truro TR4 87QS Tel: 01872 560346 website: Devoran Surgery Quay Road Devoran, Truro TR3 6PW Tel: 01872 562200 Mon 8.30am to 6.00pm Tue 8.30am to 6.00pm Wed 8.30am to 6.00pm Thur 8.30am to 6.00pm Fri 8.30am to 6.00pm Sat 8.30am to 11.30am (Sat: Pre-booked appointments only) Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 8.30am to 6.00pm 8.30am to 6.00pm 8.30am to 6.00pm 8.30am to 6.00pm 8.30am to 1.00pm website: St Day Surgery 17 Scorrier Street, St Day , Redruth TR16 5LH Tel: 01209 820518 Mon 9.30am to 1.00pm 3.00pm to 6.00pm Tue 8.15am to 1.00pm Wed 9.30am to 1.00pm Thurs 8.15am to 1.00pm 3.00pm to 6.00pm Fri 8.15am to 1.00pm Any URGENCIES or EMERGENCIES call 999 Also - NHS Direct is available In the case of out of OUT OF SURGERY HOURS or for NON-URGENCIES you can call NHS Direct (Phone 111) or view the website By phone you will speak to a triage nurse where your needs will be assessed and advice offered or arrangements made for you to see a doctor. Return to contents Page 18 THE CHRISTMAS FAIR Will be held in the Mills Hall Saturday 5th Dec 1 till 4 Please, can you make it, bake it and donate it ? Cakes and buns are needed for the Christmas Fair. If you can help, please bring your cakes and buns along to the Fair on the day. Did you know there are no plums in plum pudding! Plum was the medieval name for raisins. When making a plum pudding (or Christmas pudding) it is traditional for each family member to stir the ingredients in an East to West direction to remember the journey of the three wise men. Return to contents Page 19 WADHAM-SMITH BUILDING SERVICES ALL BUILDING WORK UNDERTAKEN RENOVATIONS - EXTENSIONS - BLOCKWORK PLASTERING CARPENTRY-MAINTENANCE ROOFING - WINDOWS DECORATING ETC CALL RICHARD FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 01209 710965 / 07966 756170 INCORPORATING PORTHTOWAN PLASTERING Return to contents Page 20 SUEZ By Editor: Many thanks must go to SUEZ (Formerly SITA UK) who make a large contribution to the cost of, and continue to print our news magazine. This constitutes a helpful and very generous offer which is very much appreciated. In addition to the local Household Waste Recycling Centre at United Mines, SUEZ also manages a further 12 centres across Cornwall on behalf of Cornwall Council. They operate the landfill site at Connon Bridge, near Liskeard, and plan to build the Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre at St Dennis where residual waste will be put to good use, producing enough energy to power the equivalent of 21,000 homes. SUEZ promotes the importance of reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering value from waste and runs an education programme for schools, colleges and the public from their visitor centre and Material Recovery Facility in Bodmin. Contact the SUEZ helpdesk on 08456 300 300 for more information. ST DAY POST OFFICE OPEN: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9.00am - 12.45pm & 1.45pm - 5.30pm Wed & Sat: 9.00am - 12.30pm CAR TAX & COMMISSION FREE FOREIGN CURRENCIES PHOTOCOPYING & TRAVEL INSURANCE ON DEMAND FLOWERS BY POST, STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS COUNCIL GARDEN RUBBISH SACKS Banking Services: Alliance & Leicester, Lloyds, Barclays, Co-Operative, Cahoot, Smile & Natwest A warm and friendly welcome awaits you Return to contents Page 21 BLUE BOX COLLECTIONS (Carharrack - The Park) December 3rd, 17th & 31st January 14th & 28th February 11th & 25th THE NEW MOBILE LIBRARY The mobile library will now be in Carharrack at The Park, on the dates shown on THURSDAYS, between 11.00am to 11.35am and at St Day Clock between 10.20am to 10.50am December 10th January 7th February 4th Further info can be obtained on 0800 032 2345 or the Library HQ on 0300 1234 100 Further library service see page 34 ADVERTISING RATES Full page advertisement……...£12.50 per edition Half page advertisement……..£ 7.50 per edition Block Bookings Full page adverts for 1 year (4 editions)……… £45.00 Half page adverts for 1 year (4 editions)….….. £27.00 Leo Burnett, a famous advertising executive, quotes: Make it simple, make it memorable, make it inviting to look at, make it fun to read. Return to contents Page 22 THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS The Carharrack Christmas Lights switch on this year will be at the Methodist Church on Wednesday 2nd. Dec at 6.30pm. All are welcome for a sing along and refreshments. Johnny Marks wrote the lyrics to 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' in the 1940s after his brother in law Robert May created the character in 1939. His mission was to produce a ditty that would appeal to children. The idea was for Father Christmas to give away a poem as children left a Department Store's Christmas Grotto. 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' was a great success in 1948, and just about every year since. In 1949 Gene Autry, the singing cowboy, recorded the first version of the song. Return to contents Page 23 Sunny Days Nursery We have a new and friendly team at Sunny days and welcome children aged 0-5 years and can accommodate 2, 3 and 4 year old funding. We have recently purchased new play equipment with funds kindly raised for us within the community, which the children are thoroughly enjoying. If you are interested or would like to know more about us, please feel free to pop in and see Gemma or Lisa or contact us on 01209 821868 or email St Day W I As there is no WI branch in Carharrack, the St Day W I extend a welcome. Ladies we are a very friendly and welcoming group. We have an interesting programme with visiting speakers on a wide variety of subjects, hopefully something to suit everyone. We also have various social events held throughout the year. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except June. We meet in the church hall at 7.00 p m. We would love to see you , so why not come along and find out what it's all about. Return to contents Page 24 P.A.WEBSTER For Your Home Improvements Specialists in: U.P.V.C Windows, Doors Conservatories, Soffits Fascia, Guttering And general building work Tel: 01209 212939 Mobile: 07967 750477 REPAIRS SERVICING, WELDING USED CAR SALES CRYPTON TUNING ALL MECHANICAL WORK FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN MOTs NORTH HILL MOTORS CARHARRACK MONDAY - FRIDAY 9.00am to 5.30pm SATURDAY 9.00am to 1.00pm Tel: 01209 820375 anytime AUTO SAFE - QUALITY ASSURED Return to contents Page 25 THE CHRISTMAS QUIZ. 1. Who was the first British monarch to broadcast a Christmas message to the nation? 2. Child star Jimmy Boyd sang which hugely popular 1950's Christmas song? 3. Who are the four ghosts in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol? 4. What is the popular name for little baked sausages wrapped in rashers of streaky bacon? 5. Which of the Wise Men was said to have brought the gift of gold for the baby Jesus? 6. Traditionally at Christmas, and particularly in Germany, what sort of food is stollen? 7. The Christmas period of 1813-14 saw the last what in London? 8. How many gifts are given in total in the song The Twelve Days of Christmas? 9. Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean is a territory of which country? 10. John Callcott Horsley designed what first commercial Christmas item in 1843? 11. In Victorian England which people were popularly called robins because of their red uniforms? 12. Yorkshireman William Strickland is believed to have brought the first what to Britain from North America in 1526? See page 38 for the answers. Return to contents Page 26 Return to contents Page 27 CARHARRACK NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH We have an active Neighbourhood Watch with nine co-ordinators who aim to keep our village a safe place to live. POLICE URGENT : 999 POLICE NON-URGENT : 101 If you would like to become a co-ordinator for your neighbourhood in the village, please contact Anne Evatt, the group chair (822507) or Chris Cottell, the group secretary (820125). The group meets in the Mills Hall, every 3rd Thursday of each month. Co-ordinators report any suspicious behaviour, keep in touch with their neighbours, and liaise with other co-ordinators and the local police. D Cardy, Railway Terrace C Cottell, Higher Albion Row A Evatt, Park Area C Fletcher, Albion Road J Haines, United Road L Lusty, Trevince Park P Nield, Polkerris Rd. J Pooley, Brokenshires Corner and Poldory View S Sanders, Church Street H Tye, Squire Lane T Venton, Trevince Park 821596 820125 822507 821660 821454 822708 820940 821181 820809 821458 820843 Please keep an eye open for elderly neighbours, some of whom may be vulnerable to persuasive cold callers at their door. Some home insurance companies offer a discount on insurance policies to members of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Does yours? Return to contents Page 28 Return to contents Page 29 ST DAY AND CARHARRACK SCHOOL - THE GOVERNORS Many people may be slightly confused by the term 'Governors' in relation to a school. However, schools have been required to have a set of governors for some years now. Many years ago that was not quite the case and there were differing terms used for this body of people who seemed to drift in and out of school declaring, much as 'Old Mr. Grace' did, 'Well done everybody.' The role of school governor has changed greatly in the last 35 years. So what do governors do and who are they? Governors of schools have wide and varied roles and it is often about who they are that determines what they do. Many governing bodies are made up of elected and co-opted people from differing professions, jobs and walks of life. Some are retired and have supposed time on their hands, others are working and supporting families. But the make up of the governing body must include parents, teachers and support staff so that all views are represented. Some governors bring a specific skill to the table such as finance, education, management, business, community, local authority, whatever the skill governors are there to help, support and advise where required. Governing bodies meet at least once a term formally to receive a report from the school about pupil progress, staff and pupil welfare, projects, the site and buildings, finances and staff training. Governors also make a point of regularly visiting school to see for themselves and learn from first hand experience, thus ensuring children and staff have a good working relationship with the governing body. The governing body also is organised into a number of committees that help and support the head teacher in the management of the school. The sub-committees range from finance ( the school is responsible for setting an annual budget which is ratified by the full board), pay and conditions, site and buildings, performance management of the head teacher and, with the head teacher and staff, how well the children are learning and making progress. So it is not only a complex and rewarding commitment it is also fun, because in supporting our local school we get invited to all the wonderful activities that school is engaged in – a list that is too long for this article but includes concerts, celebrations of fabulous work, trips and activities that enable the children to develop academically and as free thinking individuals who are our future. Being a school governor is fulfilling and we all feel that we are contributing not only to our school but to our community. Richard Carter Vice chair of governors. Return to contents Page 30 Designed to enable you to browse our lubricant stock, Find out more about us and what we do, Download various data sheets, order online and pay your bills through our secure online payment system Email: Independent fuel distributers Agricultural diesel Competitive rates Domestic heating oils Industrial and marine fuels Suppliers of plastic fuel tanks Authorised distributors for Exol quality lubricants Specialist small tanker operations for difficult access 01209 820274 Plots 3 - 6, UNITED DOWNS INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, ST DAY, REDRUTH, CORNWALL, TR16 5HY A MEMBER COMPANY OF THE FEDERATION OF PETROLEUM SUPPLIERS Return to contents Page 31 GENERAL CONTACT INFO FOR VARIOUS SERVICES Family Information Service The Family Information Service is the only source of all registered childcare in Cornwall as well as holding a wealth of information for parents, carers, children and young people up to the age of 19. It can provide details on all children’s centres, leisure activities, extended services, family support, benefits and debt services, health services and much more. Call the FIS free on 0800 5878191 National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247 NHS Dental Helpline – 01872 354375 Redruth Health Visitors – 01209 881850 Camborne Health Visitors – 01209 318500 Community Midwives – 01209 886579 Counselling Service A new one-to-one counselling service available to users of the Children’s Centre and their families. Feeling a bit down? Struggling to cope? Like to talk to someone in complete confidence? If you feel this new service is for you, please phone on: 01209 310000 SUsie Project The SUsie Project works with women who have experienced domestic abuse and who have left their partner. We help rebuild self esteem and confidence, initially through outreach, and then drop in support groups. We also run a Recovery Toolkit which examines the impact of domestic abuse and helps women move forward. Contact 01209 699241 Return to contents Page 32 HAVE FUN & LEARN TO DANCE THIS WINTER At The Gemini Dance Studios, Lanner, TR16 6JD Do you want to get some gentle exercise this winter and make some new friends in the process? Then why not come along and join one of our classes. Beginners Ballroom & Latin American Mondays 8.30pm - 10pm. In this 11 week course you will learn basic steps of the Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Waltz and Quickstep. Beginners Argentine Tango Tuesdays 8pm - 9pm Beginners Rock & Roll Tuesdays 7pm - 8pm Learn authentic 1950’s style Rock & Roll basic and moves. All classes are 11 week courses and start the week commencing Monday 14th September 2015 Don’t miss out book now. Not a beginner – Then discuss with Chris which class would suit your requirements. Hall for hire – This hall is the perfect venue for other keep fit classes, parties etc. For details please contact us. For more details of all our classes, practice sessions and social events visit: Email Phone 01209 218531 Return to contents Page 33 CARN MARTH FLOODED QUARRY Return to contents Page 34 First Aid for your Driveway. We can offer a service cleaning and repairing Driveways, Patios, and Decking If it is outside, we can clean it! We can also offer a repair service for sunken brick driveways, paving and re-sanding. Please call for a FREE no obligation Quote today. Return to contents Page 35 Return to contents Page 36 C a rh a r ra c k A n i m a l Fe e d s West Trevarth Farm. Lanner, Redruth, TR16 5TJ We have moved into a bigger store! To find us, take the road that goes up behind the old premises, then approx 1 mile to the traffic calming at the top of the hill, and we are on the left. Tel: 01209 820191 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.30pm Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm A huge variety of all animal feeds. Bedding and accessories Small quantities available. Special orders always taken Horse bits and a Tack Room. Delivery to your door Monday to Friday Friendly and knowledgeable staff available to help Return to contents Page 37 Hello from the Pensioners Club Hi Everybody Monday 14th December - Christmas Dinner from 11.00am at the Lowenac Hotel, Camborne. For booking, prices & further details please contact Ellen on 01209 202577, Janet on 01209 822070 or Marlene on 01209 821095 Do try and come to join our club, we are a very friendly group and everyone enjoys a natter over a cup of tea. We would like to wish you all the compliments of the season and hope that you have an enjoyable Christmas break and a happy new year. Until the next Newsletter, best wishes to you all. Ellen Baskey Secretary. ——————————————————————————————— Answers to the Christmas Quiz: 1. George the Fifth (in 1932) 2. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus 3. Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas Yet to Come, and Jacob Marley 4. Pigs in blankets 5. Melchior 6. Cake 7. Christmas Fair on a frozen River Thames (known as a Frost Fair) 8. 364 9. Australia 10. Christmas card 11. Postmen 12. Turkey Return to contents Page 38 Mould/Condensation problems? Contact KPVS for an instant cure! We are BPEC registered installers for the UK’s leading low cost, low energy positive ventilation units. Call Simon or Tracy Goldsworthy on 07528 523031 or 01209 820458 email: 39 Tresithney Road, Carharrack, Redruth, TR16 5QZ Or visit our website at Where was it found and what is its significance ? If you need a Clue, Think: back 2,000 years or so. Answer: See page 49 Return to contents Page 39 DRUMSENSE Kevin Cook - Drum Tutor Professional, local drummer/tutor available for private one-to-one lessons In your home or at my practice studio Fun, friendly and informative lessons. Beginners to Intermediate. Call: 01209 820938 or email: Return to contents Page 40 IMPROVING CARHARRACKS ENVIRONMENT I.C.E. Chairperson's Report. THE LATEST NEWS FROM I.C.E. I'm writing this article in the days following the latest I.C.E. Firework Display. This year's was the biggest yet and it was great to see so many people, particularly families, enjoying the evening. The weather was so awful during the day that we were getting worried, but in the end it dried out and there were even stars showing! People were very generous with their donations and we raised more than ever before, (around £200- thank you so much) which will all go towards putting on next year's display. Each year we enjoy going out to buy the fireworks, but as you know, they are VERY expensive and we also have to pay a hefty whack for insurance, so every penny that you donate is very gratefully received! Many thanks, as usual, must go to Sue and Mike Beveridge for the use of the field and to Mike, Richard and Ian for co-ordinating the setting off of the fireworks. They have ideas afoot for making next year's even slicker, so there should be fewer delays. The next thing on the I.C.E. Agenda is the putting up of the Christmas lights in the village. Many people comment on how pretty the village looks at Christmas and we would love to extend the display, so if you would like some on your house, give us a ring and we'll try to see what we can do. However, as I am sure you realise, it is a pretty lengthy job putting them all up and last year we ran out of time to place them everywhere that wanted them, so if you are able to help, which would be fantastic, please contact Ian or Joanna- phone numbers at the end of the article. We would be very grateful to anyone who is able to lend a hand, even if it is just for an hour or so. You might even have fun! Return to contents Page 41 ICE Continued The Turning-On Of The Lights Ceremony will take place at the Methodist Chapel on Wednesday 2nd December at 6.30pm. It is always lovely to see a good crowd come to watch and enjoy music and singing from the children of St Day and Carharrack School and the Band, so do come along. The turning on of the lights will be hotly followed by the Christmas Fair in the Mills Hall on Saturday 5th December, starting at 1pm, with the usual stalls, homemade mince pies and festive merry making, not to mention Father Christmas, who will be dropping in to visit the magical Christmas Grotto and see the children. It is always a great event and we look forward to seeing you there. Details of all the attractions will be on posters around the village. Again, another plea for help- sorry- If you are able to donate a cake for the Cake Stall to help boost our funds, we'd be very grateful. Please bring them in on the morning of the Fair. We will be there setting up from about 10am. As usual, all the proceeds will go towards Improving Carharrack's Environment As always I.C.E are constantly looking for new ideas to carry on with the improvements in our great village, so if you have got any brainwaves, please let us know and we'll see what we can do! Ian and Joanna- Joint Chairs. Contact numbers: Joanna Phone: 01209 822079 email: Ian email: Return to contents Page 42 Can’t seem to find the right property for you? Is no-one coming to view your home? Why not try something new with our innovative online TV channel. Lewis Haughton Wills TV markets properties using professional full colour videos with voice-over and background music. Buyers can view in video from the comfort of their own home 24/7. Bringing properties to life in full colour and audio Return to contents Page 43 Specialists in: FAMILY, CRIMINAL and EMPLOYMENT LAW 11 Edward Street Truro Cornwall TR1 3AR DX 81208 Truro Tel: 01872 222688/Fax: 01872 222740 Email: Web: CREEGBRAWSE FARM BUTCHERS MOBILE SHOP Our family has been farming at Creegbrawse, near Chacewater for over thirty years. We have been selling meat from the farm for six years via our mobile shop, we are now pleased to offer customers old and new the flexibility of ordering online. All our meat is free range and local. We offer a fast friendly service and top quality Cornish produce. FRESH LOCAL MEAT, FRESH FRUIT AND VEG, WEEKLY VEG BOXES, EGGS CAKE ETC, BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR AT SENSIBLE PRICES, NO ORDER TOO SMALL, LOOK OUT FOR US AROUND THE VILLAGE OR CALL PAUL ON 01209821574/7935281658, VISIT FOR FURTHER DETAILS Return to contents Page 44 THE CARHARRICK CHRISTMAS FAIR To be held in the Mills Hall on Sat. 5th December 1.00pm to 4.00pm Santa will be arriving at 1.30pm Come along to the fair and meet him in his Grotto There will be face painting, tombola and assorted cakes. Refreshments will be available. The Grand Christmas Raffle, organised by ICE, will be drawn at 3.30pm 1st Prize £100 cash 2nd Prize £50 cash 3rd Prize Luxury Hamper Plus many other great prizes If you would like to donate a prize for the raffle please bring it along on the day Remember, the proceeds from the raffle will go towards improving the village amenities. Rudolph was added to Santa’s reindeer team one Christmas Eve during a bad snowstorm. Santa’s 8 reindeer could not see to fly through the storm. Rudolph with his glowing red nose lit the way for Santa’s sleigh. Return to contents Page 45 LOGAN ROCK Not so much a legend but a forgotten fact. The story of the Logan Rock of Treen is unusual to say the least. The Logan Rock is a massive granite rock weighing about 80 tons. It lies perched on the cliffs about a mile from the small hamlet of Treen near Porthcurno on the south coast of Penwith. Due to the action of erosion over the countless centuries since the formation of the cliffs the rock lay finely balanced. In its original state the rock could be rocked by applying only a little pressure at the correct point. 'Logan' or 'rocking stones' are not uncommon, being found mainly in areas of granite moorland and limestone. However the claim to fame of this one is that it has been replaced after being pulled down by one infamous Lieutenant Goldsmith in April 1824. For many, many years the Logan Rock had been a tourist attraction. With the advent of trains and more particularly the Great Western Railway, tourist trade grew and so did the mystery of the Logan Rock. Lt. Goldsmith was a Royal Navy sailor in charge of the cutter HMS Nimble. He was sent to attach a warning buoy at the nearby Runnelstone Reef off Gwennap Head. After several other failed attempts Lt. Goldsmith and his crew were successful. Why they now turned their attention inland is unknown. Did they wish to 'make a name for themselves' who knows? Lt. Goldsmith and some of his crew set off to view the cliffs around Treen ostensibly to look for smugglers hideouts and caves. Why they took with them a number of bars and levers is unknown but their intention soon became very clear. Arriving at the Logan Rock they set about rocking the huge boulder, making it sway until finally it fell from its pivot and crashed down the cliffs. The people of Cornwall horrified by such an act, asked the Admiralty to strip Lt. Goldsmith of his commission unless he promised to reinstate the rock to its former position 'at his own expense'. The Royal Naval base at Plymouth offered to help the lieutenant with his task so as to quell the considerable local unrest about this act of 'vandalism'. It took several months and scores of local riggers and labourers to build the structure to replace the rock. It is known that the rock was finally replaced at 4.20pm on Tuesday 2nd November 1824. The rock may have taken a few minutes to dislodge but the whole enterprise of replacing the rock took at least 60 men almost SEVEN months to do. The cost in 1824 was over £130 what would it cost these days? Return to contents Page 46 Some Strange Christmas Traditions "Wassail" comes from the Old Norse "ves heill" - to be of good health. This evolved into the tradition of visiting neighbours on Christmas Eve and drinking to their health. A traditional Christmas dinner in early England was the head of a pig. After a soaking in brine, it was boiled and prepared with a coating of mustard. According to a survey some years ago, 7 out of 10 British dogs get Christmas gifts from their owners. During the ancient 12-day Christmas celebration, the log burned was called the "Yule log". Sometimes a piece of the Yule log would be kept to kindle the fire the following winter, to ensure that the good luck carried on from year to year. The Yule log custom was handed down from the Druids. After "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens wrote several other Christmas stories, one each year, but none was as successful as the original. Although many believe the Friday after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year, it is not. The Friday and Saturday before Christmas are the two busiest shopping days of the year. Charles Dickens' initial choice for Scrooge's statement "Bah Humbug" was "Bah Christmas." but was changed on request. Don’t try this at home, but Christmas trees are edible. Many parts of pines, spruces, and firs can be eaten. The needles are a good source of vitamin C. Pine nuts, or pine cones, are also a good source of nutrition. In Britain, the Holy Days and Fasting Days Act of 1551, which has not yet been repealed, states that every citizen must attend a Christian church service on Christmas Day, and must not use any kind of vehicle to get to the service. Return to contents Page 47 JAN TREGEAGLE An early seventeenth century magistrate, Jan Tregeagle, was known widely for his cruel ways. He is said to have made his fortune by robbing an orphan of his estate and it was also rumored that he murdered his wife. His ghostly wails have been identified with the cries of the wild hunt over Bodmin moor, and there are many versions of how he came to haunt the area, in penance for his earthly crimes. Some time after his death there was a dispute over some land, said to have been obtained illegally by Jan Tregeagle by forging some papers. The case was all but over and the Judge was about to sum up when one of the parties asked for a further witness to be called. Permission was granted and Jan Tregeagle was summoned to the bench by the orderlies. There was raucous laughter among the court members, stilled when a shadowy figure began to manifest in the witness stand. The shade of Jan Tregeagle stood before the court, a translucent representation of his living form. Some people fled from the court in terror, but in a calm steady voice the judge began to question Tregeagle, who explained that in life he had deceived the defendant of his rightful possession. The verdict went in the defendant's favour, but the ghost of Jan Tregeagle would not be dismissed so easily, not wishing to return to his earned place in some corner of hell. After some discussion it was decided that he should be set impossible tasks so as to keep him occupied for all eternity, and to keep him safe from the hell hounds, who would drag him down to their infernal region. With ceremony and ritual Jan Tregeagle was bound to the task of emptying Dozmary pool (at that time believed to be bottomless) on windswept Bodmin Moor, with a leaking limpet shell. The hell hounds and a host of demons would always be waiting to drag him to back hell if he ceased in his task. One night, many years after the court case, a terrible storm blew over Bodmin moor, whipping the still waters of Dozmary pool into huge waves. Jan Treageagle, either terrified or seizing an opportunity to escape, fled from the scene of his torment across the moor to Roche Rock. As soon as Jan Treageagle ceased in his toil, the demons were on his trail mingling, their ghastly cries with the rending roar of the storm. More Info Follows: Return to contents Page 48 JAN TREGEAGLE Cont: Upon Roche Rock, thrusting skyward like part of the living rock, a fourteenth century chapel dedicated to St Michael stands. Jan Tregeagle saw this place of Christian refuge, and crashed into the East window in a bid to gain access to this place of sanctuary. His head became stuck in the stained glass, and his spirit shoulders would not pass through the arched window, in this way he hung, his head inside the church, and his body at the mercy of the clawing demons and the raging storm. His howls of torment brought forth the local priest, who called on the aid of two saints to transport the wretched spirit of Tregeagle to Gwenvor Cove (or, in some versions of the tale, to Padstow). Here he was set the task of weaving a rope from the beach sand. When completed this rope had to be taken to Carn Olva. Of course the task set was meant to be impossible and to keep him occupied for eternity but one very cold night Jan completed his task by pouring icy water over the rope, so that it froze solid. His success was short lived, as a group of local exorcists and holy men gathered and bound him to the task of weaving the sand rope at Gwenver, under the condition that this time he was not allowed to approach water. It is said that on dark nights, when the cold Northern winds scatter the sand far across Whitsand Bay, his howls of frustration can be heard mingling with the wind. Answer to ‘Where is it’ .This granite mynheer (Long Stone) is one of 5 in Cornwall inscribed by the Romans as a milestone. This particular one was dated between AD238 - 244 and was placed during the making or repair of a road some 300 metres East of Gwennap Pit and the road is thought to be about 1 metre below the present ground level. It was found upright in a field during ploughing in 1942 and was thrown into a hedge until its significance was noted in 1946. It was moved to a nearby farm, erected and listed as a grade II monument. It stands 1.06 metres high. The inscription is an abbreviated form of Latin and says "IMP CAES ANT GOR DIA NO PIO FEL" meaning: For the Emperor Caesar Antonius Gordian Pious Fortunate. The little stone figure at the base was found during refurbishments at the farm, in a cesspit but thought not to be as old ! Return to contents Page 49 THE FIRST CARHARRACK NEWS. By Editor: The inauguration of the Parish Council item in the last issue sparked some interest and David Hayes, who was the first Parish Chairman, has sent in a copy of the first Carharrack News which comprised of one A4 sized sheet. I have scanned it here but scaling it down to A5 has not gone well ! Apologies for the poor quality of the reproduction. Return to contents Page 50 THE FIRST CARHARRACK NEWS. Cont.….. Dolcath Mine in 1890 ==================================================================== Many thanks to Geoff Garbett for sending in these two local area pictures. The first picture shows the tailing pool and old engine houses in September. The second, the old tramways bridge on the Redruth to Chacewater Railway. The granite sets that the rails were once attached to can be clearly seen. Return to contents Page 51 EMLYN STONE FABRICATIONS All types of welding Aluminium, Brass, Cast Iron, Lead, Steel Established 1982 If you can’t buy it, we’ll make it We weld/repair anything from M.O.T failures to gates and railings Specialised Aluminium, Cast Iron and Brass etc. AIR DEAL AIR PRICE AMILY BUSINESS REE QUOTATION For a free quotation: Phone: Office 01209 820990 Mobile 07767 792434 Fax: 01209 821736 email: SUEZ is pleased to support the Carharrack News Return to contents Page 52