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21 BRAHM AN June 2012 2012 Junie BRAHM AN 22 Tackling delayed puberty in Brahmans Research shows genes associated with late-onset puberty in heifers are also the same as those associated with late-onset puberty in bulls. This means that selecting either bulls or heifers for earlier puberty will also reduce age at puberty in their half-sibs There are major differences in cattle reproductive rates in northern and southern Australia, in part because the hardy Bos indicus breeds that dominate beef production in the tropics reproduce more slowly than the temperate Bos taurus breeds, particularly when they are suckling a calf. In the harsh tropical environments where these breeds evolved, this was a desirable survival mechanism to ensure survival of the breed. However under current production systems in northern Australia, where management practices such as weaning of calves and supplementary feeding can be implemented, the poorer reproductive rates now represent a major inefficiency for the beef industry. Beef CRC and CSIRO PhD researcher Marina Fortes says the major beef breed in Australia’s north, the Brahman, is much better adapted than the taurine breeds to high temperatures and humidity, parasites such as ticks, worms and buffalo flies and seasonally poor pasture quality during the dry seasons. Under these conditions Brahman bull calves typically do not reach puberty before 18 to 24 months of age, much later than the taurine breeds. Tropical composite breeds like Belmont Red, Charbray, Santa Gertrudis, Brahman crossbreds and Senepol, comprising various admixtures of indicus and taurine genes and grazed at pasture in the tropics also reach puberty later than British bulls reared in temperate environments. Ms Fortes studied veterinary science as an undergraduate at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, and came to Australia in 2008 with husband Laercio Porto Neto, who had won a PhD scholarship to work with Dr Bill Barendse at the Beef CRC. Initially she worked for a year as a research assistant in the Animal Genetics Laboratory (AGL) at the University of Queensland, before successfully applying to also undertake PhD studies with the Beef CRC, supported by Meat and Livestock Australia. Marina says reducing the age of puberty in Bos indicus and crossbred bulls to less than 12 months has potential to improve productivity, reduce production costs, and, by shortening the generation interval, accelerate rates of genetic gain for other desirable traits. But achieving rapid gains requires a radically new breeding strategy, based on highprecision genomics. “As part of my PhD project, I used data from two herds of cows bred by the Beef CRC, one comprising of 843 Brahmans and the other 866 Tropical Composite cows,” Marina said. “CRC researchers from the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU) had previously found there was a large variation in the age of June Her research has confirmed that some of the genes associated with lateonset puberty in heifers are also the same as those associated with late-onset puberty in bulls. This means that selecting either bulls or heifers for earlier puberty will also reduce age at puberty in their half-sibs. BRAHM AN Ms Fortes is passionate about her research, because of its potential to boost the productivity of the beef industry in northern Australia, and in other tropical areas throughout the world. 2012 Delayed puberty in Brahman and Tropical Composite breeds, in combination with the harsh production conditions, means most Brahman cows do not produce their first calves until they are at least three years old. 23 puberty, particularly in Brahman heifers, indicating strong potential for genetic improvement.” They had also found that age at puberty was highly heritable and related to other traits such as weight gain and body composition traits. In addition to this field data, the CRC used the Illumina 50K SNP chip to genotype each animal. More recently, Beef CRC researchers used the Illumina 800K SNP chip to screen selected Brahman and Tropical Composite cows, as well as some bull calves born to the Brahman cows. Ms Fortes then crossmatched their SNP data with 22 measured traits recorded as part of the AGBU analyses to identify candidate genes for early puberty. She found several SNP markers on chromosome 14 that were associated with the concentration of growth-promoting Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF1) in blood samples of both the experimental bulls and heifers. Cattle chromosome 14 turned out to be highly prospective: it carried several candidate genes for early puberty, known rather cryptically as PLAG1, XKR4, MOS and PENK. PLAG1 is a transcription factor gene – a master regulator gene – that may control serum levels of IGF1. The PENK gene codes for an opioid receptor in the brain, known to be associated with fertility, while mice lacking a functional MOS gene are infertile. Ms Fortes says the genes cluster within a 2-megabase (2 million DNA “letters”) region of chromosome 14, where the SNPs used for genotyping are too sparse to indicate which of the genes is the key player in early puberty. So the researchers are re-analysing the region with the high-resolution 800K SNP chip to see if they can pinpoint the exact gene causing the differences between animals in age at puberty. BRAHM AN Junie 2012 The X chromosome is another hotspot for earlypuberty genes, especially genes that influence sperm quality and scrotum circumference, another predictor of early puberty. “It’s funny to think that the female chromosome is associated with male reproductive traits, but this is what we found,” Ms Fortes said. 24 Each key gene will contain at least one unique variation (a marker) in its DNA sequence that distinguishes it from all other variants of the same gene: i.e. the mutation that originally caused the functional change contributing to early puberty. A gene-testing kit to detect these markers will allow breeders to screen their breeding line for animals carrying the gene variants once they are identified. Ms Fortes says the impact on herd reproduction rates from these advances in genomics will not be immediate. But beef producers in northern Australia will benefit as superior herd bulls selected for early puberty and high fertility progressively increase the calf output in their herds. - Beef CRC, Bulletin, Q1 2012. USING THE 800K CHIP Genomics, the study of the organisation and function of a species’ full DNA sequence, allows molecular geneticists to pinpoint the very source of the differences between individuals of the same species, or breed. Most genetic variation between individuals of the same species, or breed, traces to tiny differences in DNA sequence which subtly alter the function of the protein encoded by a gene, or change the way the gene functions. Most of these variations involve single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs – pronounced “snips”): singleletter substitutions that accumulate over evolutionary timescales through mutation. Genomics technology company Illumina’s BovineSNP50 chip carries an array of 50,000 short DNA sequences from the spectrum of known SNPs from individual cattle. Beef CRC researchers have used it to screen the DNA of more than 10,000 animals in a technique called a genome-wide association study, or GWAS. Whenever a DNA sequence on the chip detects a matching sequence in the DNA of one of the cows or bulls in the sample herd, the tiny patch of the chip carrying that SNP changes colour, confirming the cow has inherited that particular variation in the DNA sequence. The chip reveals which variants or “alleles” of the DNA sequence every animal has inherited in 50,000 spots (SNPs). This reflects the extent to which the animals have inherited the same gene variants. Checking shared SNP alleles against measurements of the full range of different carcase and meat quality, feed efficiency and reproduction traits in the test herds reveals associations between a particular trait, and particular SNPs that occur at high frequency in animals exhibiting the desirable aspect of the trait. The location of every SNP on the chip is known accurately, from a chromosomal map of the cattle genome. When several SNP alleles from the same region of a particular chromosome consistently appear in animals that for example, reach puberty early but not in animals with delayed puberty, geneticists know an anonymous gene involved in early puberty lies nearby. The closer the SNP to the desirable gene variant, the more likely they are to be inherited together. Rarely, a SNP marker will actually lie within the gene of interest, so its presence guarantees the animal carries the “gold standard” allele of the gene. It is readymade for inclusion in a commercial genetesting kit to rapidly identify animals with the potential to produce early-breeding progeny. 25 BRAHM AN June 2012 26 BRAHM AN Junie 2012 Rooiwater/Redwater in Suid-Afrika/South Africa Rooiwater is ’n protosoïese bosluisoordraagbare siekte van beeste wat van die grootste verliese by veeboere in Suid-Afrika veroorsaak. Twee tipes Rooiwater kom in SuidAfrika voor, naamlik Afrika Rooiwater (Babesia bigemina) en Asiatiese of Europese Rooiwater (Babesia bovis). Asiatiese Rooiwater word slegs deur die Asiatiese bloubosluis, Rhipicephalus microplus, oorgedra, terwyl Afrika Rooiwater deur die Afrika bloubosluis, Rhipicephalus decoloratus, sowel as die Asiatiese bloubosluis oorgedra kan word. Die rooipootbosluis, Rhipicephalus evertsi, kan ook ’n rol in die oordraging van Afrika Rooiwater speel, maar die rol wat dié bosluise speel is baie laer as in die geval van bloubosluise. Die bosluise word vektore van die siekte genoem. Redwater is a protozoal tick-borne disease in cattle that causes major economic losses to stock farmers in South Africa. Two types of redwater occur in South Africa: African redwater (Babesia bigemina) and Asiatic or European redwater (Babesia bovis). Asiatic redwater is only transmitted by the Asiatic blue tick, Rhipicephalus microplus, while African redwater can be transmitted by both the African blue tick, Rhipicephalus decoloratus, and the Asiatic blue tick. The red-legged tick, Rhipicephalus evertsi, can also be instrumental in the transmission of African redwater, but the contribution of these ticks is far less significant than that of blue ticks. The ticks are called vectors of the disease. Die verspreiding van beide Afrika en Asiatiese Rooiwater in Suid-Afrika word geassosieer met die verspreiding van die onderskeie vektore. Gunstige toestande vir beide bloubosluisspesies is tradisioneel warm, vogtige toestande, maar die bosluise het deur die land versprei deurdat boere diere aangekoop het wat met bosluise besmet was. Die bosluise het dan ook aangepas om te oorleef in hierde “niegunstige” toestande. The dissemination of both African and Asiatic redwater in South Africa is associated with the distribution of the different vectors. Favourable conditions for both blue tick species is traditionally warm, humid climatic conditions, but the purchasing of tick-infested animals by farmers caused the ticks to be spread right across the country. The ticks had hence adapted to survive in these “unfavourable” June Introduction BRAHM AN Inleiding 2012 Dr Tom Strydom, MSD Animal Health 27 Nuutste navorsing het getoon dat Afrika Rooiwater oor die grooste deel van Suid-Afrika voorkom en net die droër dele van die land, soos die Noord-Kaap en die Groot Karoo is vry van die siekte. Asiatiese Rooiwater daarenteen kom voor oor die grootste deel van die Limpopo Provinsie, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Kwazulu-Natal en teen die Oos-Kaapse kus tot by ongeveer Swellendam in die Wes-Kaap. Beide Afrika en Asiatiese bloubosluise is eengasheerbosluise, m.a.w. die lewensiklus van die bosluis vandat die larfies op die bees klim totdat die wyfies volgesuig is, word op een gasheer voltooi. Simptome van Rooiwater Rooiwater in beeste word gekenmerk deur depressie, verlies aan eetlus, ’n hoë koors (>40.5 ºC), bloedarmoede en tipiese rooi-swart uriene, vandaar die naam Rooiwater. Geelsug kan in sommige diere gesien word. In die geval van Asiatiese Rooiwater word dieselfde simptome as met Afrika Rooiwater gesien, maar in die meeste gevalle met die siekte gaan die dier in skok weens die aansameling van parasiete in sy perifere bloedvate wat lei tot ’n suurstoftekort in sy organe, orgaanversaking en akute dood. In sekere gevalle van Asiatiese Rooiwater word ook Serebrale Rooiwater gesien. In die geval samel die parasiete in die bloedvate van die brein van die dier aan en veroorsaak senuweesimptome in die dier. Die prognose (sukses van behandeling) van Serebrale Rooiwater is baie swak en diere wat die simptome toon moet dus van kant gemaak word. Asiatiese Rooiwater is dus in die meeste gevalle ’n per-akute siekte en beeste wat met die siekte besmet word vrek ten spyte van behandeling wat toegepas word. Die vermoede is daarom dat die grootste verliese van Rooiwater in SuidAfrika weens Asiatiese Rooiwater is. Die voorkoms van Rooiwater in beeste word deur ’n veearts bevestig deur ’n bloedsmeer van die siek of dooie dier te maak en dit onder ’n mikroskoop te ondersoek. BRAHM AN Junie 2012 Epidemiologie van Rooiwater in die bosluise 28 In die geval van Afrika Rooiwater word die vektore met die siekte besmet wanneer larfies op ’n besmette of draerdier voed. Die siekte word dan van die larfies deur die nimf stadium van die lewensiklus aan die volwasse bosluise oorgedra. Besmette wyfies wat van die dier afval dra dan weer die siekte deur die eierstadium (eiers word op die grond gelê) na die volgende geslag van larfies oor. Ons noem dit trans-ovariale oordraging. Die nimfe en volwassenes van die volgende nageslag dra dan die siekte oor aan vatbare diere. Met Asiatiese Rooiwater is die verloop byna dieselfde deurdat besmette wyfies die siekte trans-ovariaal aan haar nageslag oordra, maar in die geval dra slegs die larfstadium van die bosluis die siekte aan beeste oor. Die larfies verloor die siekte na oordraging, maar die daaropvolgende nimfe word weer met die siekte besmet, wat weer die siekte aan die volwasse bosluise oordra. Immuniteit en weerstand in die dier Beide Rooiwaters het waarskynlik hulle ontstaan in die tropiese dele van die wêreld gehad en alhoewel alle beesrasse vatbaar is vir die siektes, is Sanga- en Zebu-rasse conditions. Most recent research showed that African redwater occurs over the largest part of South Africa, and only the drier parts of the country, like the Northern Cape and Great Karoo are free from this disease. Asiatic redwater, on the contrary, prevails in the largest part of the Limpopo Province, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Kwazulu-Natal and along the Eastern Cape coast to the proximity of Swellendam in the Western Cape. Both African and Asiatic ticks are single host ticks, in other words the life cycle of the tick from such time as the larvae climb onto the animal until the female ticks have become saturated with blood, is completed on the same host. Symptoms of Redwater Redwater in cattle is characterized by depression, loss of appetite, a high temperature (>40.5 ºC), anaemia and typical red-black urine; hence the name redwater. Jaundice can be observed in some animals. Asiatic redwater and Africa redwater exhibit the same symptoms, but most animals infected with the former disease go into shock, due to the accumulation of parasites in the periferal blood vessels, which leads to lack of oxygen in the organs, organ failure and acute death. In certain cases of Asiatic redwater, Cerebral redwater is also prevalent. In this instance the parasites accumulate in the blood vessels of the brain and cause neurological symptoms in the animal. The prognosis (success of treatment) of Cerebral redwater is not good at all and animals that display these symptoms should be put down. In most cases Asiatic redwater is therefore a peracute disease and cattle that are infested with it, die, in spite of treatment that is applied. This leads to the presumption that most of the losses in South Africa due to redwater are to be ascribed to Asiatic redwater. The incidence of redwater in cattle is confirmed by a veterinarian after microscopic examination of a blood smear taken from the diseased or dead animal. Epidemiology of Redwater in ticks In the case of African redwater the vectors are infected with the disease when larvae feed on an infected animal. The disease is then transmitted from the larvae through the nymph stage of the life cycle to the mature ticks. Infected females that fall from the animal then transmit the disease through the eggs (eggs are laid on the ground) to the next generation of larvae. This is known as trans-ovarian transmission. The nymphs and mature ticks of the next generation then transmit the disease to susceptible animals. In Asiatic redwater, the course is more or less the same in that infected females transmit the disease trans-ovarially to her progeny, but here the disease is transmitted to cattle in the larval stage of the tick. The larvae shed the disease after transmission, but subsequent nymphs are again infected with the disease and they, in turn, transmit the disease to the mature ticks. Immunity and resistance in the animal Both redwaters probably had their origin in the tropical regions of the world, and though all cattle breeds are susceptible to the diseases, Sanga and Zebu breeds are more resistant to the diseases than European breeds. European breeds that thave not previously been exposed to the diseases are especially highly susceptible to both 29 BRAHM AN June 2012 30 BRAHM AN Junie 2012 Kalwers van koeie wat voorheen aan ’n spesifieke Rooiwater blootgestel was en wat immuun is teen die Rooiwater is immuun teen die siekte van geboorte tot ongeveer 8 maande ouderdom. Die eerste 2 maande van die kalf se immuniteit in die geval word van die biesmelk van die ma af gekry en word passiewe immuniteit genoem. Die immuniteit van kalwers is egter nie absoluut nie. Kalwers waarvan die immuunstelsel nie optimaal is nie, bv diere wat siektes soos BVD onder lede het, wat ondervoed is of hoë parasietladings (interne sowel as eksterne parasiete) het, kan vatbaar vir Rooiwater wees. So kan selfs ouer diere wat voorheen aan die siekte blootgestel was en immuniteit teen die siekte ontwikkel het, vatbaar vir die siekte raak tydens “stress” toestande. Beheer van Rooiwater Die ideaal om Rooiwater in ’n kudde te beheer is om na ’n situasie van endemiese of enzootiese stabiliteit op die plaas te streef. Per definisie is endemiese stabiliteit vir Rooiwater die teenwoordigheid van beide vektore, Afrika sowel as Asiaties bloubosluise, en beide Rooiwaters, Afrika en Asiatiese Rooiwater, met minimale siekte op die plaas en in die kudde. Om immuniteit teen Rooiwater in die kudde te verseker moet diere van ’n jong ouderdom af, tussen die ouderdom van 3 tot 8 maande, aan die siekte blootgestel word. Daarom is dit van uiterste belang dat die boer moet weet watter een van Asiatiese of Afrika Rooiwater op sy plaas teenwoordig is. Die besmettingsyfer van bloubosluispopulasies op plase met Rooiwater is baie laag. In die geval van Asiatiese Rooiwater kan dit so laag as 0.04% wees en in die geval van Afrika Rooiwater 0.26%. Dus word hoë getalle van die verskillende bosluisspesies op die kalwers benodig om te verseker dat hulle deur ’n natuurlike besmetting op ’n jong ouderdom aan die siekte blootgestel word. Oor die algemeen word aanvaar dat die situasie met Afrika Rooiwater in Suid-Afrika, waar die siekte voorkom, redelik stabiel is. Weens die lae besmettingsyfer van Asiatiese bloubosluise met Asiatiese Rooiwater (ongeveer 6 maal laer as in die geval van Afrika Rooiwater) word dit egter aanvaar dat die situasie met die siekte onstabiel is en dat endemiese stabiliteit, deur op natuurlike besmettings staat te maak, nie haalbaar is nie. Bosluisbeheer Beide Rooiwaters kan beheer word deur diere vry van bosluise, veral bloubosluise, te hou. Weeklikse dip van diere Calves of cows that have no immunity to redwater are susceptible to the disease from birth to age two months. From the age of two months the calves have a non-specific natural immunity that lasts until approximately eight months of age. Calves of cows that have previously been exposed to a specific redwater and are immune to redwater, are immune from birth until approximately eight months of age. In this case the calf’s immunity during the first two months comes from the mother’s colostrum and is known as passive immunity. The immunity of calves is, however, not absolute. Calves of which the immunity is not optimal, e.g. animals that are sickening for diseases like BVD, that are underfed, or have high parasitical infestation (internal as well as external parasites), can be susceptible to redwater. In this way even older animals that were previously exposed to the illness and have developed immunity against it, can become susceptible to the illness in stressful conditions. Control of Redwater The ideal to control redwater in a herd is to strive towards a situation of endemic or enzootic stability on the farm. Endemic stability for redwater is per definition the presence of both vectors – African as well as Asiatic blue ticks, and both redwaters – African and Asiatic, with minimal diseases on the farm and in the herd. To maintain immunity to redwater in the herd, animals must be exposed to the disease from an early age: between the age of 3 to 8 months. It is therefore critical for the farmer to know which of the redwaters – Asiatic or African – is present on his farm. The infection figure of blue tick populations with redwater is very low. In the case of Asiatic redwater it can be as low as 0.04% and in the case of African redwater 0.26%. Large numbers of the different tick species are therefore needed on the calves to ensure they will be exposed to the disease at an early age by natural infection. It is generally accepted that the situation regarding African redwater, where it occurs in South Africa, is reasonably stable. Due to the low infection rate of Asiatic blue ticks with Asiatic redwater (approximately 6 times lower than in the case of African redwater) it is, however, accepted that the situation regarding the disease is unstable, and that endemic stability, dependent on natural infections, is not feasible. Tick control Both redwaters can be controlled by keeping animals free from ticks, especially blue ticks. Weekly dipping of animals in water soluble dipping agents should therefore be executed. This procedure is, however, not recommended and farmers that apply this procedure must make certain that the dipping agent that is used on the farm is effective to control the ticks. Blue tick resistance to dipping agents 2012 Kalwers van koeie wat geen immuniteit teen Rooiwater het nie is vatbaar vir die siekte vanaf geboorte tot 2 maande ouderdom. Vanaf 2 maande ouderdom het die kalf dan ’n nie spesifieke natuurlike immuniteit teen die siekte wat tot ongeveer 8 maande ouderdom duur. Animals that have recovered from African redwater have a certain degree of immunity to Asiatic redwater, but the reverse is not true. June Diere wat herstel het van Afrika Rooiwater het wel ’n mate van immuniteit teen Asiatiese Rooiwater maar die omgekeerde is nie waar nie. redwaters. In most animals a long-lasting immunity is developed that can even last for life after a single exposure to the diseases. BRAHM AN meer weerstandbiedend teen die siektes as Europese rasse. Europese rasse wat nie voorheen aan die siektes blootgestel was nie is veral hoog vatbaar vir beide Rooiwaters. In die meeste diere ontwikkel ’n langdurige immuniteit wat selfs lewenslank kan wees na ’n enkele blootstelling aan die siektes. 31 met wateroplosbare dipmiddels moet dus toegepas word. Die prosedure word egter nie aanbeveel nie en boere wat die prosedure toepas moet seker maak dat die dipmiddel wat op die plaas gebruik is effektief is om die bosluise te beheer. Bloubosluisweerstand teen dipmiddels het oor die afgelope 15 jaar in Suid-Afrika dramaties toegeneem en op sommige plase kan die bosluise nie meer suksesvol deur dompeldip of handbespuiting beheer word nie. Deur diere skoon van bosluise te hou word die kudde volledig vatbaar vir Rooiwater en wanneer die diere dan aan die siekte blootgestel word kan die boer groot verliese lei. Ons moet onthou dat enige middel wat vir die beheer van bloubosluise geregistreer is Rooiwater kan beheer, maar die middels sal nie die siekte voorkom nie. So bv sal Asiatiese Rooiwater nie voorkom word deur beeste met middels wat ’n sistemiese werking soos bv die makrosikliese laktoongroep van middels (bv Ivotan G2858 (Act 36/1947)) of ‘n bosluis groei-inhibeerder bv Acatak Pour-On G2422(Act36/1947)) te behandel nie. Om bosluise met die middels te beheer moet die larfies eers bloed suig en dit neem gewoonlik 4 tot 5 dae voordat bosluise deur die middels geaffekteer word. Aangesien larfies van die Asiatiese bloubosluis verantwoordelik is vir die oordraging van Asiatiese Rooiwater, sal die siekte reeds aan die diere oorgedra wees voordat die larfies met die middels geaffekteer is. Immunisering van diere a) Inenting van kalwers BRAHM AN Junie 2012 Die enigste manier om te verseker dat kalwers wel op 3 tot 8 maande ouderdom aan die siekte blootgestel word, is om die kalwers met die lewendige entstof van Onderstepoort te ent. Entstowwe teen beide Rooiwaters is beskikbaar en word direk van Onderstepoort Biologiese Produkte bestel. In Suid-Afrika word diere egter deesdae net teen Asiatiese Rooiwater ingeënt en daarom gaan die hantering van die entstof hier bespreek word. 32 Die entstof word op droë ys versend en net genoeg entstof wat op een dag gehanteer kan word moet bestel word, tensy ’n bron van droë ys beskikbaar is om die entstof wat nie gebruik word nie, bevrore te hou. Die entstof kan nie in ’n huishoudelike vrieskas gestoor word nie, aangesien die temperatuur daarvan nie koud genoeg is vir die stoor daarvan nie. Die entstof word teen ’n dosis van 1 ml per dier binnespiers toegedien. Kalwers jonger as 2 maande moet nie geënt word nie, aangesien passiewe immuniteit wat van die ma verkry word, die effektiwiteit van immuniteit van die entstof kan beïnvloed. b) Inenting van diere ouer as 8 maande Diere ouer as 8 maande het geen immuniteit teen enige Rooiwater as hulle nie voorheen daaraan blootgestel was nie. Daarom moet ouer diere wat met die entstof geënt word gemonitor word vir die siekte na inenting. Die eerste koorsreaksie na inenting teen Afrika Rooiwater word gewoonlik 7 dae na inenting en met Asiatiese Rooiwater 10 tot 14 dae na inenting gesien. Diere wat ’n koorsreaksie toon moet onmiddellik met ’n middel wat diminazene soos bv. Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947) of imidocarb soos bv Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947) behandel word. Diere moet nie met enige van die 2 middels has dramatically increased in South Africa over the past 15 years, and on some farms the ticks cannot be controlled successfully by immersion dipping or spraying any more. By keeping animals free from ticks, the herd becomes totally susceptible to redwater and when the animals are then exposed to the disease, the farmer can suffer major losses. We must remember that any remedy that has been registered for the control of blue ticks can control redwater, but it will not prevent the disease. Asiatic redwater will for instance not be prevented by treating cattle with agents that have a systemic action, like the macrocyclical lactone group [e.g. Ivotan G2858 (Act 36/1947)) or a tick growth-inhibitor, e.g. Acatak Pour-On G2422(Act36/1947)]. To control ticks with these agents, the larvae first have to suck blood and it usually takes 4 to 5 days before ticks are affected by this agent. Since larvae of the Asiatic blue tick are responsible for the transmission of Asiatic redwater, the disease will already have been transmitted to the animals before the larvae were affected with the agents. Immunisation of animals a) Vaccination of calves The only way to ensure that calves are exposed to the disease at age 3 to 8 months, is to vaccinate the calves with the live vaccine from Onderstepoort. Vaccines against both redwaters are available and can be ordered directly from Onderstepoort Biological Products. In South Africa animals are these days only vaccinated against Asiatic redwater and for that reason administering of the relative vaccine will be discussed here. The vaccine is dispatched on dry ice and only the amount of vaccine that can be managed on one day should be ordered, unless a source of dry ice is available to keep the vaccine that has not been used in a frozen state. The vaccine cannot be stored in a domestic freezer, since its temperature is not low enough for effective storage. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml per animal. Calves younger than 2 months are not vaccinated, since passive immunity obtained from the mother can influence the effectivity of immunity of the vaccine. b) Vaccination of animals older than 8 months Animals older than 8 months have no immunity to any redwater if they have not previously been exposed to it. Older animals that have been treated by this vaccine must therefore be monitored for the disease after vaccination. The first fever reaction after vaccination against African redwater is usually observed 7 days after vaccination and with Asiatic redwater 10 to 14 days after vaccination. Animals that exhibit a fever reaction should immediately be treated with an agent that contains diminazene, like e.g. Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947), or imidocarb, like Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947) for instance. Animals should not be treated with any of these two agents unless there are fever reactions. Should this have occurred, both diminazene and imidokarb will neutralize the effectivity of the vaccine and by this prevent the animals from being immunized. Vaccination against Asiatic redwater must be followed by temperature readings from day 5 until day 21. It takes animals about 6 weeks to develop immunity to the disease after vaccination. 34 BRAHM AN Junie 2012 Middels wat effektief is om Rooiwater te behandel, is middels wat diminazene soos bv. Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947) en imidokarb soos bv Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947) bevat. Die sukses van behandeling word egter bepaal hoe vroeg in die verloop van die siekte die diere behandel word. Die prognose van die siekte in diere met gevorderde Rooiwater raak swakker en intensiewe behandeling deur die veearts mag nodig wees om die diere te red. Selfs met intensiewe behandeling kan die prognose steeds laag wees. In die geval van ’n uitbreek van Rooiwater in ’n vatbare kudde moet die hele kudde met Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947) of Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947) geblok word deur die diere met die aanbevole dosis soos op die pamflet van die produkte aangedui, te behandel. Boere wat gedeeltelike dosisse van Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947) gebruik om hulle diere te blok loop die risiko dat die Rooiwater-parasiete weerstand teen die middel sal ontwikkel en sal dit oor ‘n periode nie meer suksesvol wees om die siekte te behandel nie. Vir enige tegniese navrae kontak jou plaaslike MSD Animal Health verteenwoordiger. “The Science for Healthier Animals” Treatment of Redwater Agents that are effective to treat redwater are those that contain diminazene, like Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947) for instance and imidokarb, like e.g Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947). • The success of the treatment is determined by how early in the course of the illness the animals are treated. The prognosis of the disease in animals with advanced redwater becomes weaker and intensive treatment by a veterinarian might be necessary to save the animals. Even with intensive treatment the prognosis can still be low. In the event of an outbreak of redwater in a susceptible herd, the whole herd must be blocked with Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947) or Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947), by treating the animals with the recommended dose as indicated on the pamphlet accompanying the products. Farmers that use only partial doses of Berenil RTU (G2702 Act36/1947) to block their animals run the risk that the redwater parasites will develop resistance to the agent and succesful treatment of the illness will not be possible over a period. For any technical enquiries contact your local MSD Animal Health representative. “The Science for Healthier Animals” 2012 Behandeling van Rooiwater Animals that have been treated with imidokarb (Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947)) must not be vaccinated with Asiatic redwater vaccine within 4 months after treatment. Likewise animals should also not be vaccinated within 2 months after they have been treated with diminazene (Berenil RTU(G2702 Act36/1947)). The agents will neutralize the infection for these relative periods and prevent animals from becoming immunized. Once the animals have immunized, the agents will not “sterilize” the disease as is commonly accepted. The animal’s immunity cannot be sterilized and only conditions that affect the animal’s immune system can cause the animals to become susceptible to the disease again. June Diere wat met imidokarb (Imizol (G0831 Act36/1947)) behandel was moet nie met Asiatiese Rooiwater entstof ingeënt word binne 4 maande nadat hulle behandel is nie. So moet diere ook nie binne 2 maande nadat hulle met diminazene (Berenil RTU(G2702 Act36/1947)) behandel is, geënt word nie. Die middels sal die infeksie vir hierdie onderskeie periodes steriliseer en voorkom dat die diere immuniseer. Wanneer die diere geïmmuniseer het, sal die middels egter nie die siekte “steriliseer” soos wat algemeen aanvaar word nie. Die dier se immuniteit kan nie gesteriliseer word nie en slegs toestande wat die dier se immuunstelsel affekteer kan veroorsaak dat die diere weer vatbaar raak vir die siekte. Animals must hence be kept tick-free during this six weeks period before exposure to the field strain of redwater by weekly dipping with an agent like Taktic Cattle Spray (G2535 Act36/1947), that contains amitras. It is therefore advisable to vaccinate animals older than 8 months during the winter months when tick numbers are low and easier to control. BRAHM AN behandel word voordat hulle nie koorsreaksies getoon het nie. Indien dit gedoen word, sal beide diminazene en imidokarb die effektiwiteit van die entstof neutraliseer en sodoende voorkom dat die diere immuniseer. Tydens inenting teen Asiatiese Rooiwater moet die temperatuur van diere gemeet word vanaf dag 5 tot dag 21 na inenting Dit neem ongeveer 6 weke vir diere om immuniteit teen die siekte te ontwikkel na inenting. Daarom moet diere skoon gehou word van bosluise tydens hierdie 6 weke periode voordat hulle aan die veldstam van Rooiwater blootgestel word, deur hulle bv weekliks met Taktic Cattle Spray (G2535 Act36/1947), wat amitras bevat, te dip. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat inenting van diere ouer as 8 maande in die wintermaande geskied wanneer bosluisegetalle laer en makliker beheerbaar is. 35 37 Code BUSH-S BUSH-XL BUSH-XXL BUSHXXXL BVBG11-12 BVBG13-14 BVBG3-4 BVBG5-6 BVBG7-8 BVBG9-10 BVBW11-12 BVBW13-14 BVBW3-4 BVBW5-6 BVBW7-8 BVBW9-10 BVLN11-12 BVLN13-14 BVLN3-4 BVLN5-6 BVLN7-8 BVLN9-10 BVOB11-12 BVOB13-14 BVOB3-4 BVOB5-6 BVOB7-8 BVOB9-10 DRY-2XL DRY-L DRY-M DRY-S DRY-XL GVBG11-12 GVBG13-14 GVBG3-4 GVBG5-6 GVBG7-8 GVBG9-10 GVBW11-12 GVBW13-14 GVBW3-4 GVBW5-6 GVBW7-8 GVBW9-10 GVLN11-12 GVLN13-14 GVLN3-4 GVLN5-6 GVLN7-8 GVLN9-10 GVOB11-12 GVOB13-14 GVOB3-4 Description BUSH SHIRT - S BUSH SHIRT - XL BUSH SHIRT - XXL BUSH SHIRT - XXXL BOYS VECTOR BOT/GOLD11-12 BOYS VECTOR BOT/GOLD13-14 BOYS VECTOR BOT/GOLD3-4 BOYS VECTOR BOT/GOLD5-6 BOYS VECTOR BOT/GOLD7-8 BOYS VECTOR BOT/GOLD9-10 BOYS VECTOR BLK/WHT11-12 BOYS VECTOR BLK/WHT13-14 BOYS VECTOR BLK/WHT3-4 BOYS VECTOR BLK/WHT5-6 BOYS VECTOR BLK/WHT7-8 BOYS VECTOR BLK/WHT9-10 BOYS VECTOR LIME NAVY 11-12 BOYS VECTOR LIME NAVY 13-14 BOYS VECTOR LIME NAVY 3-4 BOYS VECTOR LIME NAVY 5-6 BOYS VECTOR LIME NAVY 7-8 BOYS VECTOR LIME NAVY 9-10 BOYS VECTOR ORANGE 11-12 BOYS VECTOR ORANGE 13-14 BOYS VECTOR ORANGE 3-4 BOYS VECTOR ORANGE 5-6 BOYS VECTOR ORANGE 7-8 BOYS VECTOR ORANGE 9-10 DRY MAC - 2XL DRY MAC - L DRY MAC - M DRY MAC - S DRY MAC - XL GIRLS VECTOR BOT/GOLD11-12 GIRLS VECTOR BOT/GOLD13-14 GIRLS VECTOR BOT/GOLD3-4 GIRLS VECTOR BOT/GOLD5-6 GIRLS VECTOR BOT/GOLD7-8 GIRLS VECTOR BOT/GOLD9-10 GIRLS VECTOR BLK/WHT11-12 GIRLS VECTOR BLK/WHT13-14 GIRLS VECTOR BLK/WHT3-4 GIRLS VECTOR BLK/WHT5-6 GIRLS VECTOR BLK/WHT7-8 GIRLS VECTOR BLK/WHT9-10 GIRLS VECTOR LIME NAVY 11-12 GIRLS VECTOR LIME NAVY 13-14 GIRLS VECTOR LIME NAVY 3-4 GIRLS VECTOR LIME NAVY 5-6 GIRLS VECTOR LIME NAVY 7-8 GIRLS VECTOR LIME NAVY 9-10 GIRLS VECTOR ORANGE 11-12 GIRLS VECTOR ORANGE 13-14 GIRLS VECTOR ORANGE 3-4 Selling 170 185 195 200 115 115 100 100 105 105 115 115 100 100 105 105 115 115 100 100 105 105 115 115 100 100 105 105 245 225 225 225 245 115 115 100 100 105 105 115 115 100 100 105 105 115 115 100 100 105 105 115 115 100 Code GVOB5-6 GVOB7-8 GVOB9-10 KB11-12 KB13-14 KB5-6 KB7-8 KB9-10 KBB11-12 KBB13-14 KBB5-6 KBB7-8 KBB9-10 KKB11-12 KKB13-14 KKB3-4 KKB5-6 KKB7-8 KKB9-10 KKG11-12 KKG13-14 KKG3-4 KKG5-6 KKG7-8 KKG9-10 LBB4XL LBBL LBBM LBBS LBBXL LBSL LBSM LBSS LBSSL LBSSM LBSSS LBSSXL LBSXL LCBP2XL LCPBL LCPBM LCPBXL LF2XL LFL LFM LFXL LK2XL LKL LKM LKXL LOUNGE-L LOUNGE-M LOUNGE-XL LOUNGE-XXL Description GIRLS VECTOR ORANGE 5-6 GIRLS VECTOR ORANGE 7-8 GIRLS VECTOR ORANGE 9-10 GIRL BUSH 11-12 GIRL BUSH 13-14 GIRL BUSH 5-6 GIRL BUSH 7-8 GIRL BUSH 9-10 BOYS BUSH 11-12 BOYS BUSH 13-14 BOYS BUSH 5-6 BOYS BUSH 7-8 BOYS BUSH 9-10 BOYS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER BLUE 11-12 BOYS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER BLUE 13-14 BOYS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER BLUE 3-4 BOYS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER BLUE 5-6 BOYS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER BLUE 7-8 BOYS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER BLUE 9-10 GIRLS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER PINK 11-12 GIRLS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER PINK 13-14 GIRLS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER PINK 3-4 GIRLS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER PINK 5-6 GIRLS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER PINK 7-8 GIRLS KIDDIES KNIT GOLFER PINK 9-10 LADIES BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - 4XL LADIES BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - L LADIES BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - M LADIES BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - S LADIES BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - XL LADIES BUSH SAFARI - L LADIES BUSH SAFARI - M LADIES BUSH SAFARI - S LADIES BUSH STONE - L LADIES BUSH STONE - M LADIES BUSH STONE - S LADIES BUSH STONE - XL LADIES BUSH SAFARI - XL LEGACY LOUNGE LS PINE/BLACK - 2XL LEGACY LOUNGE LS PINE/BLACK - L LEGACY LOUNGE LS PINE/BLACK M LEGACY LOUNGE LS PINE/BLACK XL LIBERTY FERN - 2XL LIBERTY FERN - L LIBERTY FERN - M LIBERTY FERN - XL LIBERTY KALAHARI - 2XL LIBERTY KALAHARI - L LIBERTY KALAHARI - M LIBERTY KALAHARI - XL LOUNGE SHIRT - L LOUNGE SHIRT - M LOUNGE SHIRT - XL LOUNGE SHIRT - XXL Selling 100 105 105 160 160 135 150 150 160 160 135 150 150 85 85 70 70 80 80 85 85 70 70 80 80 245 205 205 205 225 205 205 205 205 205 205 225 225 205 185 185 205 245 225 225 245 245 225 225 245 125 120 135 140 Code Description MTRL MEN TWILL LS ROYAL - L MTRM MEN TWILL LS ROYAL - M MTRXL MEN TWILL LS ROYAL - XL MTS2XL MEN TWILL SS STEEL GREY - 2XL MTSG2XL MEN TWILL LS STEEL GREY - 2XL MTSGL MEN TWILL LS STEEL GREY - L MTSGM MEN TWILL LS STEEL GREY - M MTSGXL MEN TWILL LS STEEL GREY - XL MTSL MEN TWILL STEEL GREY - L MTSM MEN TWILL SS STEEL GREY - M MTSR2XL MEN TWILL SS ROYAL 2XL MTSRL MENS TWILL SS ROYAL L MTSRM MEN TWILL SS ROYAL - M MTSRXL MEN TWILL SS ROYAL - XL MTSXL MEN TWILL SS STEEL GREY - XL MTT2XL MENS TRAIL TAN - 2XL MTTL MEN TRAIL TAN - L MTTM MENS TRAIL TAN - M MTTXL MEN TRAIL TAN - XL MVG-L MEN VECTOR GOLFER - L MVG-M MENS VECTOR GOLFER - M MVG-S MENS VECTOR GOLFER - S MVG-XL MENS VECTOR GOLFER - XL MVG-XXL MENS VECTOR GOLFER - XXL MVG-XXXL MENS VECTOR GOLFER - XXXL NAVY-S SHOW JACKET NAVY - S NAVY-XXL SHOW JACKET NAVY - XXL NAVY-XXXL SHOW JACKET NAVY - XXXL NAVY-XXXXL SHOW JACKET NAVY - XXXXL NJCB2XL NEWPORT JACK COCOA BROWN 2XL NJCBL NEWPORT JACK COCOA BROWN - L NJCBM NEWPORT JACK COCOA BROWN - M NJCBXL NEWPORT JACK COCOA BROWN - XL PHEMPGB-XL SHIRTS KHAKI - XL PHEMPGB-XXLSHIRTS KHAKI - XXL PMK YARD STICK PPL STICKER - RED PPN CAP - MATERIAL (& LOGO) PPR STICKER - WHITE PSA PET GREY STON PSC PET BLACK STONE PSD PET NAVY STONE RJD2XL REVERSIBLE JACKET DRIFTWOOD 2XL RJDL REVERSIBLE JACK DRIFTWOOD - L RJDM REVERSIBLE JACK DRIFTWOOD - M RJDXL REVERSIBLE JACK DRIFTWOOD - XL SGB STANDARD COMMEMORATIVE JOURNAL SMF2XL SLEEVELESS MICRO FLEECE - 2XL SMFL SLEEVELESS MICRO FLEECE - L SMFM SLEEVELESS MICRO FLEECE - M SMFS SLEEVELESS MICRO FLEECE - S SMFXL SLEEVELESS MICRO FLEECE - XL SSB2XL MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BOTTLE - 2XL SSBL MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BOTTLE - L SSBM MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BOTTLE - M SSBXL MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BOTTLE - XL STONE-XXL SHOW JACKET STONE - XXL T01 BIBBY VGB COMMEMORATIVE JOURNAL (SS- SHORT SLEEVE, LS - LONG SLEEVE) Selling 205 205 225 215 215 205 205 225 195 195 215 195 195 215 215 330 300 300 300 165 165 165 180 180 195 210 210 210 210 300 300 300 300 185 195 185 15 55 15 65 65 65 605 550 550 605 150 185 170 170 170 185 185 170 170 185 210 70 850 2012 Selling 145 195 175 175 195 360 300 300 300 330 300 300 300 330 380 380 380 165 165 165 180 180 165 165 180 175 155 155 175 225 205 205 225 225 205 205 225 185 185 205 225 225 205 205 225 210 195 195 210 185 170 170 185 330 300 300 330 415 380 380 415 415 380 380 415 225 June Description LOUNGE SHIRT - XXXL LEGACY CHECK SS PINE/BLACK 2XL LEGACY CHECK SS PINE/BLACK L LEGACY CHECK SS PINE/BLACK - M LEGACY CHECK SS PINE/BLACK XL LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE TAN - 4XL LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE TAN - L LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE TAN - M LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE TAN - S LADIES TRAIL BLOUXE TAN - XL LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE FOSSIL - L LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE TAN - M LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE FOSSIL - S LADIES TRAIL BLOUSE FOSSIL - XL LADIES TECHNO JACKET BLACK-L LADIES TECHNO JACKET BLACK-M LADIES TECHNO JACKET BLACK-S LADIES VECTOR GOLFER - L LADIES VECTOR GOLFER - M LADIES VECTOR GOLFER - S LADIES VECTOR GOLFER - XL MEN AMBASSADOR LS KHAKI - 2XL MEN AMBASSADOR LS KHAKI - L MEN AMBASSADOR LS KHAKI - M MEN AMBASSADOR LS KHAKI - XL MEN AMBASSADOR SS KHAKI 2XL MEN AMBASSADOR SS KHAKI - L MEN AMBASSADOR SS KHAKI - M MEN AMBASSADOR SS KHAKI - XL MENS BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - 2XL MENS BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - L MENS BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - M MENS BUSH AIRFORCE BLUE - XL MENS BUSH SAFARI - 2XL MENS BUSH SAFARI - L MENS BUSH SAFARI - M MENS BUSH STONE - 2XL MENS BUSH STONE - L MENS BUSH STONE - M MENS BUSH STONE - XL MENS BUSH SAFARI - XL MEN CIVIC LS NAVY - 2XL MEN CIVIC LS NAVY - L MENS CIVIC LS NAVY - M MEN CIVIC LS NAVY - XL MEN CIVIC SS NAVY - 2XL MEN CIVIC SS NAVY - L MEN CIVIC SS NAVY - M MEN CIVIC SS NAVY - XL MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BLACK - 2XL MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BLACK - L MENS SHOULDER STRIPE BLACK - M MEN SHOULDER STRIPE BLACK -XL MEN TRAIL FOSSIL - 2XL MEN TRAIL FOSSIL - L MEN TRAIL FOSSIL - M MEN TRAIL FOSSIL - XL MEN TECHNO JACK RUST/BLOCK 2XL MENS TECHNO JACK RUST/BLACK - L MENS TECHNO JACK RUST/BLACK - M MEN TECHNO JACK RUST/BLACK - XL MEN TECHNO JACK SLATE/BLACK 2XL MEN TECHNO JACKET SLATE/BLACK - L MEN TECHNO JACK SLAT/BLACK - M MEN TECHNO JACK SLATE/BLACK - XL MEN TWILL LS ROYAL - 2XL BRAHM AN Code LOUNGEXXXL LSPB2XL LSPBL LSPBM LSPBXL LTB4XL LTBL LTBM LTBS LTBXL LTFL LTFM LTFS LTFXL LTTBL LTTBM LTTBS LVG-L LVG-M LVG-S LVG-XL MAK2XL MAKL MAKM MAKXL MASK2XL MASKL MASKM MASKXL MBAB2XL MBABL MBABM MBABXL MBS2XL MBSL MBSM MBSS2XL MBSSL MBSSM MBSSXL MBSXL MCN2XL MCNL MCNM MCNXL MSN2XL MSNL MSNM MSNXL MSSB2XL MSSBL MSSBM MSSBXL MTF2XL MTFL MTFM MTFXL MTJB2XL MTJBL MTJBM MTJBXL MTJS2XL MTJSL MTJSM MTJSXL MTR2XL 39 2012 Junie BRAHM AN 40 Genetic improvement benefits commercial producers Dr Michael Bradfield 1. Introduction In many livestock species genetic progress can occur at a rate of 1-2% per trait per annum and is cumulative. This rate of progress is easily achievable in the dairy, pork and chicken industries. Despite environmental constraints, this rate of progress is also achievable in the beef industry and the value would be worth many millions of rand to our industry. However, to become a leader in Africa (if not the world) in the field of animal breeding, South African Brahman breeders face three main challenges; a) The first is getting our commercial producers to understand the potential monetary value that modern breeding methods can add to the genetic potential of their herds and how it translates into financial gain. b) The second challenge is for our Stud Industry to move away from using only old fashioned methods for the selection of superior Seedstock. Here I am talking about using purely visual assessment