July 2003 Newsletter


July 2003 Newsletter
July, 2003
The Cambridge Housing Assistance Fund
CHAF Basics
The Cambridge Housing Assistance Fund is operated by
the Cambridge Community of
Realtors in a public/private
partnership with the Cambridge banking community,
HomeStart, the Cambridge
Multi-Service Center for the
Homeless, the Cambridge
Housing Authority and
CASCAP. CHAF provides a
bridge to housing for homeless and near homeless families and individuals by assisting with the startup costs of
renting an apartment.
CHAF is a broad-based community coalition of businesses, institutions, individuals and community leaders
pulling together to break the
cycle of homelessness. Since
its inception in 1999, CHAF
has raised over $440,000,
enough to open doors for
nearly 400 households.
Nnenna Freelon, a five-time
Grammy nominee, will sing
Gospel, Jazz, Rhythm and
Blues at the 5th Anniversary
Benefit Concert for the
Cambridge Housing Assistance Fund at 8 PM on Friday, October 3, 2003 at
Sanders Theatre. Freelon, a
Cambridge native, will produce a TV Special of her
live performance entitled
"Coming Home". Freelon’s
8th CD, LIVE, will be released in September.
"Be sure to check out
Nnenna Freelon…very
hip music."
Nnenna's first public performance was of "Amazing
Grace" at the age of 7 in the
Union Baptist Church.
"Nnenna is a product of the
Cambridge Village," said
her mother, Frances Pierce.
Neena Freelon
concert as an opportunity to
reconnect with her hometown, while helping Cambridge homeless.
Aretha Franklin
With strong ties to Cambridge, Nnenna sees this
"Every heart deserves
a home" — Freelon.
Benefit Concert, with a donation of $15,000.
Joseph V. Roller II, David Pap
& James F. Dwinell III
James F. Dwinell III, Chairman, and Joseph V. Roller
II, President and CEO of
Cambridge Trust Company
are taking the lead as cochairs of CHAF's 2003
“The commitment and leadership of CHAF in helping
to end homelessness has
never been more relevant
than in today’s housing environment. Both Joe and I
are honored to Co-Chair
CHAF’s 5th Annual Benefit,” said Dwinell.
"CHAF is an example of a
partnership that works" said
Roller. "I’m delighted we
have taken on this challenge. The Realtors have
really stepped forward…and
the banks will be doing their
part again. So I’m convinced we are going to hit
our target…with the emphasis on 'we'.
"CHAF is an example
of a partnership that
works." — Joe Roller
"Homelessness really does
touch everyone," added
Roller. "By reaching our
target, we can help 100
families move from a shelter
to a home."
"…Freelon's voice as
sumptuous as honey, a
beautiful instrument
from a woman who fills
every second with
"Every heart deserves a
home," said Freelon. "On
October 3rd, we're singing
for every heart to have a
Cont. pg 6.
CHAF Concert and Reception set for October 3d
CHAF's 5th Anniversary
Benefit Concert will be held
on Friday, October 3d, at 8
PM at Sanders Theatre, 45
Quincy Street, Harvard
Square. A pre-concert reception will be held at The Inn
at Harvard, 1201 Mass Ave,
Cambridge. Tickets are
available at 617-496-2222
Concert Tickets: $23, $35&
Reception Tickets $75
Page 2
Farah Jama fled Somalia in
the 1970s. His father, who
worked for Oxfam, and his
sister stayed and became
casualties of the war. After
studying to be an international paralegal at the
American University in
Paris, Farah immigrated to
the United States in the
early 1980s. A graduate of
Roxbury Community College with an associate's degree from UMASS Boston,
Farah most recently worked
at CASPAR, counseling
recovering substance abusers. When CASPAR laid off
13 workers, due to federal
budget cuts, most of them
went back to life on the
street. Farah is currently
volunteering at the Cambridge Multi Service Center
for the Homeless and plans
to continue his training as a
Farah Jama
Following are remarks by
Farah Jama at CHAF's recent Kick Off Reception:
"I had a job. I worked, liter-
ally, depending on that paycheck and then September
11 happened, and jobs were
cut…I lost a major source of
my income and I was on the
verge of homelessness.
"I’m from a background of war in Somalia and it was
really very traumatic
being on the verge of
which has circled so
much of my life"
“I could not pay my rent.
Once I stayed at the YMCA
and looked for an apartment
and I did get an apartment
and I kept working hard, and
saving money.
"When the time came for me
to move I didn’t have
enough money. That’s
where the CHAF program
came in handy. I don’t
know what I would have
done without it. I’m from a
background of war in Somalia and it was really very
traumatic being on the verge
of homelessness and not
having a home. Homelessness has circled so much of
my life. I tried to find a certain stability and I thought I
would lose it. CHAF helped
me very much."
"It's refreshing to come here
tonight and to be part of a
true partnership about helping our friends and
neighbors," said Mayor Michael Sullivan at CHAF's
Kick Off. "A community
such as ours is living under
extremely difficult times regarding state budget downfalls and our own local cuts.
Mayor Michael A. Sullivan
Linda Wood Boyle, Executive Director of HomeStart,
spoke at CHAF's recent
Kick Off, representing all
the agencies that are recipients of CHAF funds: HomeStart, the Cambridge Multi
Service Center for the
Homeless and the Cambridge Housing Authority.
“It's about whether
you go through a door
with a set of keys, and
have a bed to lie in
with a roof above your
head, or whether
you're looking up at
the stars."
when you have nothing…
and you're trying to build
that gap with first and last
month's rent or security deposit…it's a lot. It's about
whether you go through a
door with a set of keys, and
have a bed to lie in with a
roof above your head, or
whether you're looking up at
the stars.
"…once a client has
found an apartment…we drag out
what’s called our
toolbox. And a critical…part of that toolbox is rental assistance.”
"Providing rental startup
costs to homeless families…
it may seem like a small gap
to fill…$350 or $800…but
"This is the bright part of my
day--the fact that we can
help one another. I want to
thank you all for what you're
“I have been working more
than a decade in homeless
services and I can tell you,
the challenges we face this
year are like none other,"
said Wood Boyle, referring
to major budget cuts faced
by both service providers
and funding agencies.
"At HomeStart, what we do
is targeted housing search,
stabilization and homelessness prevention. And once a
client has found an apartment…we drag out what’s
called our toolbox. And a
critical part of that toolbox
is rental assistance. It’s the
rental startup costs that are
often the last barrier to a
client putting a roof over
their head. These are people
who have done all that they
need to get it to happen:
they are working, they have
an income…but all of a sudden--oh jeez--we need
$3,000 for first, last and
security deposit. CHAF
makes that difference! It
helps people make that last
step from being homeless to
permanent housing."
Page 3
CHAF Supporters gathered at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on April 3rd
To Kick off CHAF’s 5th Anniversary Benefit Concert to Assist the Homeless
Frank Duehay, former mayor; William McGilvreay, CEO of East Cambridge
Savings Bank; Susan LaPierre, VP of Marketing at East Cambridge Savings
Bank & Co Chair Joe Roller, President & CEO of Cambridge Trust Company
Cheryl Santee of Cambridge Savings Bank with Elliott Klein, Norman McGiver
& Rob Siegrist of Cambridge Trust Company
Frances Pierce & Dan Leahy, Promoter
David Pap, Amy Tighe of Coldwell Banker, Linda Wood Boyle of HomeStart
& Mike Johnstone of the Cambridge Housing Authority
John Angier, Paul Turcotte, Attorney Steve Clark & Terri Hayden of ReMax
CHAF PLANNING COMMITTEE: Front row: Linda Wood Boyle, Carol
Kelly, Frances Pierce, Marjoie Decker, Teddy Arvanites & Susan LaPierre.
Back row: Dan & Jen Malis, David Pap, Rob Siegrist, Christine Goulding,
Joe Roller, Farah Jama, Monica Bullett, Norman McGiver & Paul Turcotte.
Missing from photo: Barbara Ford.
Page 4
Marilyn Cox of the Harvard Employee Credit Union, Mary Lewis
of Coldwell Banker & Beth Anne Hanna of Skyline Realty
Fred Berman, Cambridge Coordinator of Homeless Services,
Farah Jama, Beth Eilers of HomeStart & Stephanie Ackert
Susan LaPierre of East Cambridge Savings Bank & Teddy
Arvanites, Community Relations VP at Cambridgeport Bank
Kevin & Donna Killoran of First Financial with CHAF Director David Pap
Co Chair Joe Roller, President & CEO of Cambridge Trust
Company, Bob Gray of the Harvard Employee Credit Union &
Norman McGiver of Cambridge Trust Company
Sharon & Paul Turcotte, Jen Malis
Page 5
The Cambridge Community
of Realtors (CCR) will
again sponsor CHAF in
2003, as lead organizer and
with a $5,000 donation.
CHAF was founded in 1999
by David Pap and Ilona
Kuphal of Coldwell Banker
and Paul Turcotte, owner of
ReMax Destiny and current
President of the CCR.
"Realtors are deeply
committed to supporting
the community and very
proud to be celebrating
CHAF's 5th Anniversary,”
Bill Scott and John Angier,
managers of ColdwellBanker's Cambridge offices
and Tod Beaty of Hammond
GMAC have been steadfast
Benefactor Sponsors of
CHAF. Channing Real Estate and Griffin Properties
became Sponsors last year.
Martha worked until the 8th
month of her pregnancy and
saved most of her security
deposit. CHAF gave her the
rest so she could move from
a shelter to a home of her
David Pap, CHAF Director
The need for your support of
CHAF is greater than ever!
As homeless service programs are cut drastically, it
is up to the rest of us to fill
the gap. Without our help,
people like Farah Jama
would be on the street, without a home.
There are many hard working people out there, homeless and near homeless families and individuals, who are
living on the edge. They are
perhaps a paycheck or two
away from losing their
home. Or, they've saved up
and found an apartment, but
can't move in for lack of a
security deposit.
People like Martha, a young
and homeless single mom
expecting a new baby.
Or, a family of 5 who
worked hard to find their
apartment and saved for
move-in costs. They volunteered at the Cambridge
Furniture Bank and the father worked two jobs in order to help his family. They
made arrangements with
their landlord to paint the
apartment in exchange for a
reduced security deposit.
CHAF provided the rest.
CHAF's 2003 goal is to supplement rental startup costs
for 100 more such families
and individuals. If you
would like to help, please
call me at 617-864-8566,
• Business Sponsors
• Donations
• Advertisers
• Help with ticket
sales & posters
CHAF's Planning Board
includes CCR VP Christine
Goulding and Barbara Ford
of Coldwell Banker and
Carol Kelly of Hammond
GMAC. Todd Stuart and
Diane Bowdoin of Brattle
Associates were founding
Continuing an 11 year tradition, the CCR also raised
$35,000 last year for the
Our Place daycare center for
homeless children.
CHAF's new website,
www.CHAFund.org, will
debut on July 1, 2003.
CHAFund.org will feature
up to date info about
CHAF's activities to assist
the homeless in their search
for housing. There will also
be info on this year's benefit
concert, CHAF recipients,
sponsorship and eventually,
an online donation center.
“Every $349 you give helps one
child to have a home.
Every $823 helps an
entire family. ”
Families Helped since 1999…………176
Children Helped since 1999…………352
Individuals Helped since 1999………224
Total People Helped…………………800
Doors Opened by CHAF…………….400
2003 Fundraising Goal $150,000
--to help more than 100 households
Send your donation to CHAF
PO Box 381332
Cambridge, MA 02238
To find out how you can help
Call 617-864-8566 x244 or
Email David.Pap@NEMoves.com
Page 6
Nneenna pg. 1 cont.
PO Box 381332
Cambridge, MA 02238
Phone: 617-354-5678
2003 Benefit Co-Chairs
James F. Dwinell III,
Joseph V. Roller II,
President and CEO
Cambridge Trust Company
Following her double
Grammy nominated CD,
Soulcall, Freelon returned to
the studio to pay tribute to
Stevie Wonder with the Top
Ten Concord Jazz CD release Tales of Wonder.
"Tales of Wonder is the
realization of a lifelong love
affair I've had with Stevie's
music," said Freelon, whose
coming CD release, LIVE ,
was recently recorded in
Washington, D.C.
The winner of the Billie
Holiday Award from the
Acedemie du Jazz and the
Eubie Blake Award, Freelon
has twice been nominated
for the 'Lady of Soul' Soul
Train Award.
For more info and sound
clips: www.nnenna.com.
Honorary Committee
Michael A. Sullivan
Francis H. Duehay
Former Mayor
Anthony D. Galluccio
Former Mayor
Jarrett T. Barrios
State Representative
Alice K. Wolf
State Representative
Kenneth E. Reeves
City Councilor
Marjorie C. Decker
City Councilor
Henrietta Davis
City Councilor
Alan Stone
Harvard University
William F. McGilvreay, CEO
East Cambridge Savings Bank
Kevin J. Fitzgerald, President
Cambridge Savings Bank
James B. Keegan
Cambridgeport Bank
John M. Angier, SVP
Coldwell Banker Mass. Ave.
Tod Beaty, President
Hammond GMAC Real Estate
Robert S. Hurlbut
Cambridge Community Foundation
Ilona Kuphal, Manager
Coldwell Banker, Boston
Teddy Avanites
Cambridgeport Bank
Planning Board
David Pap, Director
Cambridge Housing Assistance Fund
Paul Turcotte, Realtor
RE/MAX Destiny
Linda Wood Boyle
Jennifer Malis
Merril Lynch
Daniel Malis
Susan Lapierre
East Cambridge Savings Bank
Bill Scott
Coldwell Banker Huron Ave.
Monica Bullett
Harvard University
Barbara Ford
Coldwell Banker Mass. Ave.
Christine Goulding
Coldwell Banker Mass. Ave.
Robert Siegrist
Cambridge Trust Company
Beauty Salon. Lorraine
Smith, Nnenna's cousin, is a
Communications Specialist
for Vanderweil Engineers
and Monica Bullett is Capitol Projects Manager at Harvard University.
Lorraine Smith, Frances Pierce
& Monica Bullett with poster of
Nnenna Freelon
CHAF is pleased to announce that Frances Pierce,
Lorraine Smith and Monica
Bullett have joined its Planning and Publicity Committee. Sister Frances, mother
of this year's performer
Nnenna Freelon, is a long
time Cambridge resident,
social activist, former
school teacher, member of
Saint Paul's AME Church
and owner of Debbie's
"Every time I see a
homeless person it
touches my soul…"
"Every time I see a homeless
person it touches my soul,"
said Pierce, "because, there
but for the grace of God, go
I. 'To whom much is given,
much is required,'" she
added, "and there are no
exceptions! Working on this
benefit is a way to save my
soul, and I'd like to encourage all who are committed to
making this concert a reality"
Please Support
CHAF’s Sponsors
2002 Sponsors
Leadership Circle $15,000
Cambridgeport Bank
Event Sponsor
East Cambridge Savings Bank
Harvard University
Cambridge Trust Company
Coldwell Banker Huron Ave.
Cambridge Savings Bank
Coldwell Banker Mass. Ave.
Cambridge Housing Authority
Hammond GMAC Real Estate
Cambridge Community of Realtors
Citizen's Bank
Gadsby Hannah LLP
Federal Home Loan Bank
Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C
Widett & McCarthy, P.C.
T. H. Niles Real Estate Group
Houghton Place / 1008 Mass. Ave.
Guy Asaph & Don Sisson
Peggy Morrissey
MIT Federal Credit Union
Draper Laboratory
Harvard Employees Credit Union
Trinity Property Management
Century Bank
Summit Mortgage
SEA Consultants, Inc.
Brewer & Lord Insurance Co.
Rackemann, Sawyer & Brewster
Boston Private Bank & Trust Co.
Channing Real Estate
Brattle Real Estate Associates
Barr and Cole, LLP
Griffin Properties
For the fifth year, Harvard
University will underwrite
CHAF's pre-concert reception and the use of Sanders
Theatre for the concert. The
reception will be held in the
spectacular four-story atrium
at the Inn at Harvard.
Thanks to Alan Stone, Mary
Ann Jarvis and Mary Power
in the Office of Community
Affairs and Richard Carbone
of the Inn for their support.
Breaking The Cycle
of Homelessness