Kanata/Stittsville Realtors Business Mixer Kanata Golf and Country


Kanata/Stittsville Realtors Business Mixer Kanata Golf and Country
Kanata/Stittsville Realtors Business Mixer
Kanata Golf and Country Club
February 23, 2015
Stittsville Development and Road Network Plan
5831 Hazeldean Road and 33 Johnwoods Street:
This site is located immediately west of the Fairwinds community with Maple Grove to the
north and Hazeldean/Poole Creek to the south of the site.
Plan of subdivision provides for the following:
202 single-detach lots,
50 blocks for 100 semi-detached units,
27 blocks for 123 row-housing units,
one block for a future school site,
one block for a park,
two open space blocks for the Poole Creek Corridor,
14 streets,
two blocks for pathways
5831 Hazeldean Road and 33 Johnwoods Street Con’t:
Total = 425 units
The lands contain a portion of Poole Creek. A small portion of lands connect to Hazeldean Road
which is identified as a pathway on the draft plan of subdivision.
Along the north side of the Poole Creek Corridor a pathway will be provided. The pathway will
connect the pedestrian system through sidewalks and pathways, providing pedestrian access
throughout the subdivision to Hazeldean Road.
590 Hazeldean Road:
The Plan of Subdivision proposes to develop:
245 detached residential dwellings and
503 townhouse dwellings.
The lands abutting Hazeldean Road include 3.7 ha to be developed for commercial uses.
The proposal includes a 2.36 ha site for an elementary school, located in the north-east
portion of the site, abutting the easterly lot line.
Total = 748 units
The following open space amenities are proposed for the site:
1) 5.73 ha District Park along the southerly lot line adjacent to the Trans-Canada Trail.
2) 3.58 ha Community Park along the westerly lot line in the central portion of the
property and an Open Space corridor of 2.35 ha along the Carp River tributary.
3) Additional access to the Trans Canada Trail is also proposed.
5734-5754 Hazeldean Road/2 Iber Road:
The site consists of three parcels of land, 5734 Hazeldean Road, 5754 Hazeldean Road and 2
Iber Road. These parcels are bounded by Iber Road, Hazeldean Road and Fringewood Drive and
are located south of Hazeldean Road, west of Iber Road and east of Fringewood Drive in the
Stittsville community.
Description of Site and Surroundings:
Combined, the properties are approximately 44,365 m² and are graded flat with sparsely
planted trees. The site is currently vacant; however, two single detached dwellings existed on
the subject properties and have been demolished since. An onsite watercourse exists through 2
Iber Road and will be re-aligned along Iber Road through this development.
Purpose of Site Plan Control Proposal:
To develop subject lands into a mix of retail, commercial, and office buildings. The current
proposal includes six one-storey retail buildings and two, two-storey office buildings, one with
ground floor retail.
5734-5754 Hazeldean Road/2 Iber Road Con’t:
Proposal Details:
The site plan illustrates two one-storey retail buildings (2,285m² and 1,175m²) fronting
Hazeldean Road, with a loading zone along Fringewood Drive. The interior of the site
proposes to include a large format retail building (3,619m²) a 750m² multi-tenant retail
building and two 396m² retail buildings (suitable for restaurants or banks).
Two two-storey office buildings (2,744m² and 2,753m²) are proposed to front onto Iber
Road, with ground floor commercial proposed in one of these two buildings.
The proposed site layout includes required vehicle and bike parking at 434 and 64
spaces, respectively.
The site plan includes one vehicular access on Fringewood Drive, one on Hazeldean
Road, and two on Iber Road.
6111-6141 Hazeldean Road Minto Development
This land is located to the west of Jackson Trails, north of Hazeldean Road, and east of
Echowoods. The subdivision proposes single family homes and townhomes. The community
totals approximately 454 homes that include a park and conservation area protecting Feedmill
Creek. The City and public comments have been received on the application. Currently Minto
is reviewing the public and technical comments and updating the subdivision submission.
More information on this development can be found at the City’s development application
website at www.ottawa.ca/devapps . For more information and to be added to the
notification list for this development please contact my office and the City Planner, Patricia
McCann-MacMillan at Patricia.McCann-MacMillan@ottawa.ca or 613-580-2424 x13799.
Proposed Keg Steakhouse at 15 Huntmar:
Planning and Growth Management Department has received applications for a Site Plan for a
site known municipally as 15 Huntmar Drive located on the northwest corner of Huntmar Drive
and Hazeldean Road.
The application is to develop a single storey Keg Restaurant with an enclosed patio on the
southwest side of the building. One hundred and thirty five surface parking spaces are
proposed with right in-right-out vehicle access from both Huntmar Drive and Hazeldean Road.
A bicycle rack and landscaping is also being proposed.
The property is vacant, has an area of 7,360 m2 with 80.17 m of frontage on Huntmar Drive and
72.39 m on Hazeldean Road. It is located across from “The Shoppes at Fairwinds”.
The formal planning circulation is still being prepared and in approximately a week it should be
available on www.ottawa.ca/devapps .
180 Huntmar Drive Zoning By-law Amendment:
Planning and Growth Management has received an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment
at 180 Huntmar Drive (D02-02-15-0007).
The site is located on the east side of Huntmar Drive, between Palladium Drive and Maple
Grove Road. The proposed zoning amendment is to rezone the property from Development
Reserve (DR) Zone to Mixed Commercial (MC) Zone in order to permit a private school and
medical facility.
A sign will be posted on the property and owners within 120 m radius of the lands will receive a
notification by mail. Interested residents will need to view the application online at DevApps at
www.ottawa.ca/devapps .
1620 Maple Grove:
The current application is to revise the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision.
Approximately 803 total dwelling units are proposed including
109 single-detached and 694 multiple attached.
Blocks for the development of an elementary school,
a commercial site,
a storm water management pond,
two parks and
Kanata West sanitary pumping station proposed.
Access will be provided by a roadway connection to Maple Grove Road to the north and two
future public roads to Hazeldean Road to the south through the Trinity commercial lands. The
Subdivision will be complemented by public pathway blocks and pedestrian access to the Poole
Creek corridor, the Carp River corridor and the relocated Hazeldean Tributary to be located
within a publicly-dedicated 30 metre block located to the south.
Fairwinds North:
Mattamy has 167 homes to be built in Phase 3, north of Maple Grove. There are two
elementary schools projected for Fairwinds North. TheOttawa Catholic School Board has land
set aside based on the seven year reserve plan. This is the final year coming up where they
must make a decision. The second school is with the Ottawa Carlton District School Board. The
board has not yet agreed to the seven year reserve, their designated land is between 33
Johnwoods and the Tartan development. Site plans have not yet been approved.
Future Road Network - (North South Arterial) Robert Grant:
(see attached map)
The future development of the North-South Arterial road – known now as Robert Grant - will
run from Fernbank Road to Hazeldean Road and eventually onwards to the Palladium Drive to
Highway 417 interchange. This will provide a bypass to the east of Stittsville, alleviating traffic
from Stittsville Main Street.
The construction of the north South Arterial will occur in three phases:
1) Fernbank to Abbott
2) Abbott to Hazeldean
3) Hazeldean east of Huntmar
It is assumed that a key primary condition of development will be early implementation of the
first two lanes of the North-South Arterial between Hazeldean Road and Fernbank Road. Abbott
Street west will be extended eastbound and will connect to the North-South Arterial Road. In
your package I have attached a copy of the future planned transportation projects that depicts
the future North South arterial as well as the extension from Stittsville Main Street/Maple
Grove to Palladium.
Stittsville Main Street Community Design Plan (CDP):
Since November 2012 I have been working with the City’s planning department and a project
advisory committee made up of community members and a wide range of stakeholders, as
consultants for the draft CDP for Stittsville Main Street. The CDP includes a vision and
framework for Main Street’s long term development.
building variety and heights,
density, heritage preservation,
Parks and pathways, making room for pedestrians, cars, people.
The character of Stittsville is changing from a rural village into a suburban community as Ottawa
expands beyond the Greenbelt. In working on the CDP I continue to encourage that the village
core of Stittsville and Main Street maintain its historical grass roots feel.
Fernbank Development and Future Stittsville Growth:
1) The Fernbank development is expected to be completed within 5-10 years with an
estimated population growth of 35000.
2) The Fairwinds Maple grove development should be finished in the next two years with
an estimated population increase of 3000 to 5000.
3) The Tartan development at 33 Johnwoods is estimated at 1500 residents.
4) The Richcraft development beside Lowes will be completed in eight years with an
estimated population for this area of 1500 to 20,000.
In total we are anticipating growth of over 71,000 in addition to the current population of
Stittsville at 27,000.
Pedestrian and cycling traffic:
The City traffic department is working on proposed roadway modifications for Iber and Abbott
as well as in Fernbank. i.e. New concrete sidewalks on Abbott, Westerly extension of Abbott
Street to Iber Road, new northbound left-turn lane, new concrete median on Abbott Street,
new right and left turn lanes on Iber Road.
Fernbank Road and Founders Way/Abbott Extension:
New traffic signal
New northbound left-turn lane New southbound right-turn lane
New multi-use pathway on Fernbank Road
New concrete median on Fernbank Road
New Traffic Circle at Fernbank Road and Shea Road:
The project involved the realignment of the north leg of Shea Road by approximately 90m to
the east and a single lane roundabout at Fernbank Road and Shea Road. This project is
complete and the altered mitigation of traffic has proven to be successful.
Stittsville South Urban Expansion Area:
The Stittsville South Land Owners are planning to commence a co-ordinated municipal approval
and Environmental Assessment Act processes for the lands known as the Stittsville South Urban
Expansion Area, as shown on the key plan. This property is adjacent to, and south of, Hartsmere
The purpose of the project is to detail the Land Use and Transportation & Servicing
Infrastructure for this proposed new community in the west end of the City of Ottawa.
Carp Road Widening Environmental Assessment:
Overview and Study Purpose
The City of Ottawa initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study in June 2013 for the
widening of Carp Road from Highway 417 in the north, to Hazeldean Road in the South.
This Study is being carried out in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule “C” project
under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process.
The City’s 2008 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifies the need for Carp Road to, “widen
from two lanes to four lanes between Highway 417 to Hazeldean Road”. The widening is
identified as a Phase 2 project in the TMP, to be completed between 2016 and 2022.
The widening has been identified to address growing vehicle/traffic demand in the western
portion of the Kanata-Stittsville Area. This need is being re-confirmed as part of this ongoing EA.
5385, 5395 and Part of 5431 Fernbank Road:
The lands are located to the north of Fernbank Road, west of Terry Fox Drive, and south of Cope
Drive extension. The municipal addresses are 5385, 5395 and Part of 5431 Fernbank Road.
The vacant 7 hectares of land are within the future Phase 7 of the Blackstone development in
the Fernbank community.
The Blackstone development occupies 120 hectares of the southeast portion and consists of
seven phases with over 1,800 dwelling units and blocks for parks, ponds and schools.
The subject lands are currently zoned Development Reserve Zone (DR). A dual zone of Minor
Institutional Subzone A/Residential Third Density Subzone Z (I1A/R3Z) is being requested to
allow a secondary school.
The lands are designated as General Urban Area under the Official Plan, which permits the
development of a full range and choice of housing types in combination with conveniently
located employment, retail, service, cultural, leisure, entertainment and institutional uses.
The lands are also subject to the Fernbank Community Design Plan (CDP) which was prepared
to guide development in the Fernbank Community and was approved by Council in September
In the CDP, the planned secondary school was originally located to the north of Cope Drive
extension. The lands were originally designated for residential uses
5385, 5395 and Part of 5431 Fernbank Road Con’t:
Owing to grade raise challenges associated with the lands, the applicant proposes to switch the
school site with the residential lands.
The resulting school site will be of the same size as the original plan and with similar road
accesses from Cope Drive extension and a future collector road.
The Ottawa Catholic School Board is the end user of the school site and has no objection to the
proposed change.
Under the City’s Zoning By-law, the I1A zone is intended to permit minor institutional uses and
to minimize the impact of these minor institutional uses located in close proximity to residential
uses, by ensuring that such uses are of a scale and intensity that is compatible with
neighbourhood character.
The I1A zone is appropriate for the planned secondary school. A dual zone of I1A/R3Z is being
proposed to allow flexibility that should the school board decide not to develop the site for
institutional uses, the R3Z zone will apply to the subject lands, which allows a mix of residential
building forms ranging from detached to townhouse dwellings. The dual zone has been utilized
for many school sites across Greenfield developments in the city and is appropriate for the
subject lands.
Stittsville Public High School Update:
A Stittsville Public High School was listed as the #4 priority in the OCDSB’s capital
priorities submission approved on 22 October 2013.
OCDSB staff continue to interact with Ministry staff
OCDSB received a large infusion of capital funding in the last round (about $49M), there
is some uncertainty as to whether we can expect a similar amount again this year
Especially given the political and fiscal situations at the provincial level. The board is
asking for $36.1M for our Stittsville High School.
Under Open Access, parents can choose to send their kids to Sacred Heart at Grade 9
which leads the Ministry staff to believe that parents who don't like the distance to
South Carleton have a genuine choice.
Three Messages the community has expressed to the Minister of Education
1) parents who have chosen a non-denominational education for their children do not
want to have to enrol them in a crowded Catholic high school, but be able to
continue in a non-denominational public high school in their own community;
the growth in Stittsville is not slowing down and to the best of our knowledge
there's no other community of this size in Ontario that doesn't have a public high
It is inefficient and costly to be bussing over 500 high school students 10 to 15 km
away from home every day out of a relatively compact suburban community to a
small rural village well outside the urban transit area.
I encourage concerned parents you to write to Minister Liz Sandals: Email
Thank you for the opportunity to present this information to you. I welcome you to contact my
office should you have any questions or wish to review in further detail any of the current and
future developments within the Stittsville Community.
Shad Qadri
Councillor, Serving the community of Stittsville within the City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
Tel: 613-580-2476; Fax: 613-580-2516
Email: Shad.Qadri@ottawa.ca