August 24, 2014 - Parkway Baptist Church


August 24, 2014 - Parkway Baptist Church
Welcome to Parkway
Date _________________
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.__________________
City__________________ State_____
Zip ____________________
Phone #
Home _______________________
This Week
Financial Report
08/10/14 08/17/14 Year To Date
12,068.00 12,068.00
Receipts 8,689.19 9,635.93
Debt Retirement
1,674.00 1,674.00
Receipts 1,481.25
Missions Fund
Receipts 350.00
Designated Giving
Receipts 1,665.00
Cell____________________ _____
Sunday School Report
Email Address
Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
August 17, 2014
Attendance – 196
Sunday, August 24
9:30 a.m.
Sunday School
10:45 a.m.
Morning Worship
5:00 p.m.
Fundamentals of Our Faith
6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship
Monday, August 25
9:30 a.m.
Monday Prayer Group
5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 27
6:00 p.m.
Prayer Meeting
Choir Rehearsal
Youth Bible Study
Thursday, August 28
8:30 a.m.
Messiah’s Mansion Tour
Extended Session
August 31, 2014
Morning: Penny Moore (Leader)
Security: Willie Cauthen
Are you a member of a church?
Yes No - If yes, what church?
City __________________State ____
How did you learn about our church?
Yellow Pages
I would like additional information
about Parkway and its ministries.
I would appreciate a contact by from
the church.
I came as a guest of:
Single Adult
Married Adult
Names & birthdates of children living at
For more information find us online at
Parkway Baptist Church
117 Seargent Prentiss Drive • Natchez, MS 39120
Church Office: 601-442-7434 • Fax: 866-365-5610 • Emergency: 601-392-0036 • E-mail:
Volume LVI
August 24, 2014
Number 34
Dr. Dennis Swanburg!
Morning Worship
August 24, 2014
Prelude The Ordinance of Baptism Pastor Jeff Brewer Welcome & Announcements Congregational Worship Jonathan Magee Are You Washed In The Blood There Is Power In The Blood Hallelujah What A Savior Feels Like Redemption Sanctuary Choir Message Dr. Dennis Swanberg Time of Response Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Offertory Prayer Eddie Feemster Offertory F lo we rs
The flowers in the sanctuary this morning are placed in
memory of J.Q. & Nell Lesley by the Clint Pomeroy family.
Dr. Sw an bur g w il l b e wi th us for
Sunday School & W or shi p thi s
morn ing .
Monday @ 5:3 0 p.m. – Men
Tues day @ 10 :0 0 a.m. - W omen
As sociati onal B ib le Dri ll Traini ng
6 :3 0 p.m. - Au gus t 2 5
In th e Youth Center
F or anyone i nterested in l ear ning
how to be a B ib le Dr ill ins tructor
to youth or chil dren.
There will be no PM service
on August 31, 2014.
Ministerial Staff
Children’s Choirs
Your Contact Info
(for follow-up)
B eg i n Septemb er 7 @ 6:00 p.m.
Presc ho o l: A ge 2 – Pre-K
Children: K inderg arten – 6 t h G rade
L .I.F.T up com ing Lad ies Even ts
I’d Like Information
Au gus t 26 – Ladi es F ell ow sh ip i n
Ad ult 6 at 6 :0 0 p.m.
Septemb er 11 –
G uest: Ar tist Kim G araw ay
☐ How to become a Christian
Octob er 2 3 - Ladi es Paint Party
w ith DeM ar ie W al ters
☐ I’d like someone to contact
me and share information
about the church.
Novemb er 4 th - w e wi ll p ack
Oper ati on Chri stm as Chil d Boxes
☐ How to join the church
Other Requests:
Be gin nin g On Se pt em ber 3 :
The Chur ch Office Will Be
Closed Labor Day (9/1/14)
New B et h Moore B ibl e Study
“Chil dren of the Day”
• W ednes day Nig ht Supp er
• G ri efSh ar e
Coming Soon
Men’s Monday E vening B ib le Study
Tues day Morn ing Class b eg i ns
Septemb er 2 @ 9 :0 0 a.m.
Monday E vening Class b eg i ns
Septemb er 8 @ 5 :3 0 p.m.
Jeff Brewer: Senior Pastor
Jonathan Magee: Minister of Music & Worship
LLL Tr ip To Pearl, MS
To Tour Messiah’s Mansion
Thursday, August 28
We will leave the lower parking
lot @ 8:30 a.m.
The staff and cong regati on of
Parkway B ap tist Church extend
Chri sti an Sympath y to:
• The famil y of J.T Smi th
• Sherr y Nichol son los s of her
si ster-in -law
Oper ati on Chri stm as Chil d
Curren t Items : Noteb ooks ,
Crayons, E rasers
Minister to Students &
Families Search Committee
B randon B reithaup t, Kathy H al ley,
G ary Jon es, Tri sh Pomeroy,
Jas on Russ ell
Pray dail y for thi s commi ttee.
☐ Ministry Need
☐ Prayer Request
☐ Communication with
Church Staff