MAY 2016 the bringing meadowlark park residents together MEADOWLARKER THE OFFICIAL mEADOWLARK pARK COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER AGM MAY 3 Now that is some serious Calgary soccer pride. Meadowlark Park Community Association 623-58 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2V 4X5 Phone: 403.252.0737 • Fax: 403.255.1407 • AND WE’RE PROUD TO BE IN THE GAME. It’s the start of another outdoor soccer season. And this year, it’s fully public — the way it should be. That’s because Calgary council has asked your city workers to take over management and maintenance of the the Calgary Soccer Centre from private organizations. Secretary’s Corner Blackfoot District Guides Southwest Communities Resource Centre 5 7 9 And here’s our commitment to you: • A clean, efficient facility — where you feel comfortable taking your family. • Saving you money — city council saw a public solution as the most cost effective; there will be no more spectator fees. Calgary’s city employees Making your city work for you NEWSLETTER AD SALES • A community asset — open and welcoming to clubs, players and families from across the city. We think this is a pretty good game plan moving forward: Let’s keep city recreation facilities public and working for all Calgary families. Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 | Great News Publishing has been proudly serving the community of meadowlark park for 1 year! T h e O ff i c i a l M E A D O W L A R K PA R K C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I m ay 2 0 1 6 3 Meadowlark Park Community Association 623-58 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2V 4X5 Phone: 403.252.0737 Fax: 403.255.1407 Meadowlark Park Executive Board Contact Information Jim Darrell, President 403-200-2366 Warren Cronin, Vice President 403-620-4136 Margo Fearn, Secretary 403-253-3902 Bill Richards, Treasurer 403-255-7926 Rob Nicholson, Community Development 403-681-8782 Verna Leask, Memberships 403-258-3169 Laura Darrell, Social 403-463-9069 Editorial Content Deadline secretary’s corner I was thinking about my years of dog walking in the neighbourhood the other day and did a little figuring. Two walks a day, leaving aside holidays and outings in other parts of the city etc, leads me to a conservative total of about 600 walks per year and over the 16 years of residing in Meadowlark - that’s at least 9,600 trips down our streets and alleys! The dogs are never bored with our route, as it always varies. They are entranced by the aromas they encounter; most of which are probably revolting to people. It is said that odours are like music to the brain of a dog, with bass notes of earthy scents and trills of passing vapours. We don’t even have the language to describe it, but they clearly take pleasure in smells, the malodorous the better it seems. I can’t say my neighbourhood perambulations are quite as fascinating to me as my canine companions, but there is always something that captures my interest as we stroll along. Last week I saw two pairs of bedroom slippers, flattened, distributed randomly down an alley…who…why…how? A few streets over someone had dumped a trove of tropical shells: tiny whelks, cones and bivalves. It just goes to show that Meadowlark is full of small mysteries if you just keep your eyes open. of each month for the next month’s issue Hall Rental Details Non-member rental rate: $50/hour • Resident member rental rate: $25/hour • Damage deposit: $500 Rental inquiries can be made by emailing and stating the date and time you are interested in. You will be contacted within 2 days. If the hall is available for your requested date, you will be asked to complete a rental application form. This will give us the required information for the rental contract. If you aren’t familiar with the hall, a time will be set up to show you the hall to ensure it will meet your needs. If it does, the rental contract will be completed and payment of the damage deposit and rental fee arranged. Please note that at least 20 days notice is required for rentals. On a more serious note, I wish to thank our departing President Jim Darrell and Social Director Laura Darrell for their fine efforts put into volunteering for Meadowlark Park Community Association Board. They brought a new zest and youthful energy to the board and will be sorely missed! We wish them well in their endeavours in their new community. Upper HallLower Hall Capacity Dining & beverage – 105 Dining & beverage – 105 (overall 150 in the Non fixed table & chairs – 132 Non fixed table & chairs – 150 entire hall at one time) Non fixed chairs - 150 Non fixed chairs - 150 Hockey Shack Lounge (available to resident members only) 60 Barrier-Free Access Yes No No That leaves us with some holes to fill in the executive, as we are now seriously thin on the ground! If you feel you can contribute in any way to our community, from delivering flyers, helping out at the occasional community event, to sitting on the executive, please come to the AGM or contact someone listed in the newsletter. In no way is volunteering for the community association a black hole of commitment! We will take what you can offer - many hands make the work light! Kitchen Yes Yes Yes See you at the AGM! 4 may 2016 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities In Home Personal Training Customised Fitness Designs Indoor/Outdoor Bootcamps in Brittania and Elboya 403 619 9719 Couples Training Groups of 3+ Workplace Fitness READY TO INCREASE YOUR CURB APPEAL? Whether you need a border between your grass and existing garden or thinking of creating a new garden Kilbco can help. With a variety of colors, stamps and profiles, steel cable enforced landscape curbing is a cost effective and practical solution to residential and commercial properties. It will beautify your landscape and add value to your property. Kilbco has poured It will not rust, rot or shift, and there are no seams for weeds to grow through. over 100,000 linear feet of curbing in the past 9 years. Locally Owned & Operated Free Estimates 403-875-8463 T h e O ff i c i a l M E A D O W L A R K PA R K C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I m ay 2 0 1 6 5 blackfoot district MP calgary centre Hon. kent hehr 950 6 Ave SW 403-244-1880 On March 22nd, our government unveiled our first budget. This budget takes essential steps to grow the middle class and revitalize the Canadian economy. It reflects a new approach that puts people first and delivers the help that Canadians and Albertans need now. SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) 211 403.668.6402 211 is here to help you find the right community and social services. You can dial 2-1-1 to speak to an Information & Referral Specialist, or search our online community resource directory. See more at: PLUMBER PLUMBOB For All Your Plumbing Needs Small Company Low Overhead, Great Rates Sewer and Drain Cleaning Free Estimates & Advice Hot Water Tank Specials Call Mark: 403.862.3973 6 For 30 years, we have seen the gap between rich and poor widen and the middle class shrink. To address this, we have introduced a middle-class tax cut, and raised taxes on the wealthiest one percent. The new Canada Child Benefit - which will put $930M into the pockets of Albertan families - will lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. When Canadians have more money to save, invest and grow the economy, everyone benefits. It’s been tough for Alberta over the last few years, and our government recognizes that. Alberta is facing unemployment levels we haven’t seen in decades. The EI changes introduced last month will make a big difference for many families and individuals struggling with unemployment, many for the first time in their lives. EI benefits for Albertans will be extended in some instances to up to 70 weeks and wait times reduced. We have also increased federal transfers to the province by $320M per year in addition to the $251.4M provided by the fiscal stabilization payment. Spring is in the air! It’s time to register for fall 2015! For registration information go to The Sparks units attended Sparklefest at Camp Jubilee, had an evening of Zumba, are working on WAGGGS challenges, potting flowers for Mother’s Day, and having a sleep-over at Telus SPARK science centre. They will have some girls “advance” to the next level of Guiding which means they will be joining their Guiding sisters in Brownies in the fall for new challenges. The Brownie units celebrated Earth Day by having a Pitch-In Canada community clean-up, sold cookies with the Star Wars characters, prepped for camp and are planning year end bar-b-ques. They will be enjoying the changing season by observing the spring activity in Fish Creek Park or outside in their neighborhoods. The Brownies will have some girls advance to new adventures with the Guides in the fall. The current economic trend is not Alberta’s challenge, it is Canada’s challenge, and we will meet it together. The Guide units went curling, are prepping for tent camping and a sleep-over at the zoo. Many units helped green our world by holding litter clean-ups for Earth Day. Third year Guides continue work on their Lady Baden Powel Award and some will be advancing to Pathfinders. With the introduction of this budget, we are beginning to address those challenges and will work with Provincial and Municipal leaders to identify priorities now, and opportunities in the months and years ahead. In our cities, we will invest in transit infrastructure, and Alberta municipalities will receive over $300 million towards those investments over the next two years. We are also going to accelerate our investments in federal infrastructure projects, to create jobs, and to continue providing the services Albertans rely on from the federal government. This investment in Alberta will be over $110 million over the next five years. The Pathfinder, Ranger & Trex units went to 4 Cats Art Studio, attended the Junos, went to the Opera attended Alberta Girls Parliament in Edmonton, tried their hand at archery and will be tent camping and backpacking. Some units are travelling this summer and others are attending the GGC national camp Guiding Mosaic being held right here in Alberta. Finally, we know that global oil prices will stabilize and rebound, and we need to be ready when it does. That’s why we are investing $50 million over two years in research to develop Canada’s hydrocarbon resources in cleaner, more sustainable ways. This will both reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and make Canadian oil more attractive in the global marketplace. Guiding is a great place to build new friendships and experience new challenges. Why not give us a try! Our new approach puts people first, and it invests in growing the middle class. It also reflects a belief that is the spirit of Alberta’s rich history of innovation and collaboration. By investing today in our future we know Alberta and Canada’s best days are ahead. may 2016 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Check out our website at www. or go to to register for fall 2015! Girl Greatness Starts Here T h e O ff i c i a l M E A D O W L A R K PA R K C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I m ay 2 0 1 6 7 BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS, DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555 or text 403-680-0611. Email: HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Clinicair is the leading provider of Indoor Air Quality and Medical Grade Duct Cleaning services in Canada. We are looking for a dealer in Calgary to represent our growing company. We offer a royalty free business. Clinicair supplies you with the latest technology, and training. Call Craig: 1-416-277-6067. NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again!, 403-269-2707. YARDBUSTERSLANDSCAPING.COM: Weekly lawn mowing $36, power-rake $100, aeration $50. Some conditions. Landscape construction and yard renovation: stone patios, walks, raised beds and rock walls, synthetic grass, sod and trees and shrubs, landscape lighting, water features and decks and fences and superhero window cleaning. Licensed. Insured. Seniors discount. Phone: 403-265-4769. K2 BOOKEEPING: Are you too busy to keep up with your bookkeeping? Experienced bookkeeper now accepting new clients. Specializing in small to medium sized business. Twelve years of experience with QuickBooks and Simply Accounting, GST, Payroll, WCB Filing, T4 Filing, and competitive rates. Phone Katie 403-870-0737. OSBORNE’S RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPING: Making your outdoor living spaces enjoyable, functional and affordable. Landscape construction services include paving stone patios, walkways, driveways, retaining walls, raised planters, decks, fences, sod and irrigation. Professional landscaping for over 20 years, insured, WCB and references. Call Randy for your free estimate at 403-669-6986. WHAT IS YOUR MEADOWLARK PARK HOME WORTH? FREE HOME EVALUATION: from Jerry Charlton, ReMax Realty Professionals. Stop wondering what your home is worth in today’s real estate market. Thinking of selling, renewing the mortgage, updating home insurance? Know your home’s value. Call or text Jerry Charlton at 403-8310842 for your free report today. jerry@jerrycharlton. com, TDS DECORATING SERVICES LTD: 34 years painting experience interior and exterior. Drywall repairs, ceilings, woodwork, walls: spray, brush and roll. Quality workmanship, colour consultation, seniors discounts, no deposits, wcb, liability insurance. Call Tom at 403-452-3648 for your complimentary estimate. APRIL Moon C alendar New Moon April 7 8 First Quarter April 13 Full Moon April 21 may 2016 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Last Quarter April 29 South West Communities Resource Centre Located in the Professional Wing of the Oakridge Co-Op Mall #42 2580 Southland Drive SW, T2V 4J8 Phone: 403-238-9222 • Email: • Parent Talk – Register Now Thursday mornings, 10:00 – 11:30, April 14 – June 16, 2016. Free child-minding, coffee, and snacks. Parenting tip sheets and children’s books to take home. This free program is open to all parents of babies and young children. •Enjoy the company and support of other parents •Give your children some supervised play time •Get your parenting questions answered with the help of facilitators from the Further Education Society •Help your young children learn and develop their potential formula and baby shampoo; for children, youth and adults shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste tooth brushes, bar soap (Dove recommended), feminine hygiene products, deodorant, disposable razors, men’s shaving cream. SWCRC Volunteer Opportunity: Parenting Group Assistant SWCRC is expanding its parenting education programming. To support the participation of low income and socially isolated parents, we would like to offer free child care for the parents’ young children. As a member of our team of Parenting Group Assistants, you will care for the children by providing a safe, loving and fun environment in which to play, socialize and learn. The time commitment is approximately 2 ½ hours, 9:30 – noon, either Tuesdays or Thursdays. It takes a village to raise a child. Your passion for kids, and your desire to contribute your knowledge and experience towards a community effort to optimize children’s social, emotional and intellectual development, will inspire you to contact the SWCRC for more information about this important volunteer role. Call 403-238-9222 ext. 222. You can register and start the program anytime over the 10 weeks of the session. Attend as many weeks as you can. To register, call the SWCRC at 403-238-9222. Connecting you to the Resources you Need You live in one of the 28 communities served by the SWCRC. If you are in need of information or resources, or if you are facing a challenging situation of any kind and you aren’t sure how to move forward, please call us at 403-238-9222 to make an appointment with one of our Community Resource Workers. Our two Community Resource Workers are social workers who will: •sit down and talk with you for an extended period of time •provide supportive counselling •help you assess your situation •identify the strengths and resources you already have •provide information about, and referrals to, other available resources, programs and services •help you “navigate the system” Neighbours Helping Neighbours Calgary’s economic downturn is hitting people hard. The baby and personal care items we have in stock are dwindling rapidly. We are in need of the following to share: newborn and sizes 1 to 6 diapers and pull-ups, T h e O ff i c i a l M E A D O W L A R K PA R K C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I m ay 2 0 1 6 9 MLA Calgary-Elbow Greg Clark Leader - Alberta Party (403) 252-0346 Twitter: @GregClark4AB Hello! One of the things I enjoy most as MLA for CalgaryElbow is learning about the organizations in the community that assist the people of Calgary and Alberta. There are great organizations that are building stronger community, helping us stay in shape, and helping our neighbours. This month things got even better when I was honoured to present some of these organizations with Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) grant funds. CFEP grants are in place to nurture the characteristics that make Alberta communities unique. Funds can be directed towards a study, capital project, or a special need that the organization may have, including building, renovating or upgrading facilities. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Stone Patios • Retaining Walls • Sod • Trees Flowerbeds • Fences • Decks • Landscape Designs and much more SPRING CLEAN UPS & WEEKLY LAWN CARE Power-rake • Aerate • Leaf Clean Cut & Trim • Fertilize • Pruning • Vacation Services and much more Call Now for your FREE ESTIMATE 10 2 year Quality Guarantee • WCB Insured • Licensed • Bonded This year, in Calgary Elbow, several organizations were awarded Community Facility Enhancement Program grants. In June 2013 the Elboya Heights Community Association hall was severely damaged by flood waters. Community Centres and clubhouses are the heart of the community, where neighbours come together for preschool programs, playgroups, senior’s programs, community events, and indoor and outdoor sport. Unfortunately, since the flood, the residents of Elboya Heights have not had a place to participate in these kinds of activities. The association was awarded money under the grant program that will be directed towards rebuilding their hall. Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre of Calgary is a non-profit, charitable organization that started their important work in 1952. They offer programs and resources for children and adults with disabilities, their friends and family, and other people in the community. They work under the belief that communities are stronger when people of all abilities are involved in activities that are meaningful to them. Funds provided will be used for facility renovations to allow DDRC to keep offering these programs. To find out more about the organization, visit Garrison Curling Club’s mission is to create a great curling experience both on and off the ice. The club opened in the fall of 1961, and has grown since then to over 1,000 members and host to over 10 leagues. They have programs for new to experienced curlers. CFEP funds will be used for facility renovations to ensure the growing club is there for new members who enjoy the club’s relaxed atmosphere and camaraderie. To learn more about the Garrison Curling Club, visit www.garrison I offer my congratulations to these organizations and thank them for making our community stronger. If you know of an organization or group that could benefit from a CFEP grant, please visit http://culture.alberta. ca/community/community-grants/community-facilityenhancement-program/ to find out more! We have a new website! Please visit to keep up to date on what’s happening in Calgary-Elbow and in the Legislature. You can also get in touch with us any time at may 2016 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FORM Mail or drop off your completed application to: Meadowlark Park Community Association, 623 58th Ave SW T2V 0H8 Call or Email Verna Leask – 403-258-3169 or Membership: 1 Year - $20.00 Name:_ _________________________________________________________________________________________ (please print) Home Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number:_ _________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address:_ __________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Enclosed:________________________________________________________________________________ Be sure to include your email address so we can keep you up to date with community news and events of interest to you. Your support through membership is critical to Meadowlark Park Community Association’s success in negotiations with the various governments (municipal, provincial and federal) and business entities that your board interacts with on a regular basis. Thank you for your participation. Like us on Facebook for instant community updates – join the conversation! Calling All BABYSITTERS Enroll free at and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Calling All PARENTS Visit and find available babysitters in and around your community. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. READY TO INCREASE YOUR CURB APPEAL? Whether you need a border between your grass and existing garden or thinking of creating a new garden Kilbco can help. With a variety of colors, stamps and profiles, steel cable enforced landscape curbing is a cost effective and practical solution to residential and commercial properties. It will beautify your landscape and add value to your property. Kilbco has poured over 100,000 linear It will not rust, rot or shift, and there are feet of curbing in the no seams for weeds to grow through. past 9 years. Looking to BuiLd & Retain a PRoductive, Motivated WoRkfoRce? RBC Group Advantage is a comprehensive program designed to help business owners meet their employees’ financial needs by providing: ■■ In-person financial advice for all employees ■■ Group retirement savings plans ■■ Comprehensive and discounted banking solutions Support your employees and keep your competitive advantage. Call Investment Advisor Michael Martin at 403-266-9655 to learn more. Locally Owned & Operated Free Estimates 403-875-8463 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. 15_90701_RHD_011 113 Auburn Shores Ld SE A stunning, custom lakefront home, with your own private dock in the amazing lake community of Auburn Bay! Only 2 years new, this home has a spectacular location on a quiet cul de sac with a sunny west yard and mountain views. Only steps to the tennis courts, community centre & all it has to offer. Open concept home with gorgeous tiger hardwood floors on both main and upper levels, 9 foot ceilings on the main floor and a fantastic open kitchen. Ryan MacDonald, B.Sc. Sheri MacDonald, M.Sc. 403.519.9102 Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract with a broker 3 BEDS Living the Dream Lakefront in Auburn Bay 3 BATHS 4 CARS 3,215 ft2 $1,625,000