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November 2006
Issue No. 7
CMS Innovation Wing organises first Global TIE
Global TIE, the
3-day educational
festival on Global
organized by CMS
Department from
16 to 18 October
2006. Renowned
educationists from 19
countries of the world
We have come together to give education
including Bangladesh,
a new meaning
Kenya, Pakistan, Nigeria,
Bulgaria, Cote D'Ivorie, Cambodia, of education worldwide that can
Malaysia, Singapore, Turkmenistan, effectively meet the requirements of the
Senegal, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Gambia, 21st century and solve the problems
Austria, USA, England, Ghana and India being faced by students whilst also
participated in this international festival building their confidence and preparing
and discussed the latest trends in them as World Citizens ready to serve
education, the need for a better system humanity. (see details on page 6)
8th Grand World Peace Festival organised by
CMS Indira Nagar on UN Day
47 prestigious schools of
USA, Canada, Malaysia,
Sri Lanka, Korea,
Philippines, Thailand,
Hong Kong, Indonesia,
Coratia and various
states of India for the
International Peace Poster
displayed for public
viewing at the exhibiton.
Chief Guest, Mr MA A Khan, Commissioner, Avas
Besides, several interVikas, inaugurating World Peace Festival
school competitions were
held for students of
The 3-day World Peace Festival and different schools of Lucknow. The
International Peace Poster and Peace Quilt Festival was inaugurated by the Chief
Exhibition was organized by CMS, Indira Guest, Mr MA A Khan, Commissioner,
Nagar at CMS, Gomtinagar auditorium Avas Vikas. Mrs Aruna Varma, Head,
from 27 to 29 October. The International Quality Assurance and Inspectress,
Festival was organized jointly by CMS gave away the prizes to the winners.
Indira Nagar and World Peace Prayer
see results in next issue
Society of USA and Japan to mark the
CMS delegation to Japan
UN Foundation Day (24 October). Over
1000 entries received from students of
CMS, Jopling Road
celebrated the birthday of
His Excellency, Dr A. P. J.
Abdul Kalam, President of
India, as International
Innovation Day (IID) at
auditorium on 15 October
2006. The programme
was formally inaugurated
by the Resident Editor of
the Hindustan Times, Mr
Chandrakant Naidu by
Chief Guest, Mr C.K. Naidu, Editor, HT and Dr Lakshman
lighting the sacred lamp of
Prasad, renowned innovator, inaugurating the IID
learning and innovation. A
grand exhibition of posters and models making, Model making and Essay Writing
highlighted the creative and innovative Contests which were highly praised by
talents of students from different parts the viewers at the exhibition put up at
of the world. As many as 135 prestigious CMS, Gomtinagar.
schools sent in over 1700 entries for
see details on page 7
participation in Creative Idea, Poster
Galaxy of stars at EXSPO-2006 of CMS RDSO
P a k i s t a n ,
Singapore, South
Africa, Nepal
states of India
competed in the various
exciting events which
included track and field
events including races,
long and high jumps,
discus throw, javelin
throw, badminton, chess,
tennis, judo, table tennis,
Sports greats including Mr Milkha Singh with Sports
soccer etc. Chief Guest,
Minister, U.P., Mr R.K.Chaudhary at EXSPO 2006
Hon'ble Mr R. K.
A galaxy of internationally renowned Chaudhary, Minister of Sports, U.P.,
sportspersons graced the inaugural inaugurated the Olympiad. Eminent
ceremony of the 5-day fifth International sportspersons including Mr Milkha
Sports Olympiad “EXSPO-2006” being Singh, (Flying Sikh) Director Sports,
organised by CMS, RDSO from 28 Punjab; Mr Praveen Thipsay and Mrs
October to 1 November 2006. Around Bhagyashree Thipsay, International
1200 young players and athletes from top chess players; Padmashree Madhumita
public schools of Afghanistan, Sri Bisht, Arjun awardee badminton player;
Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Mr V S Chauhan, Joint Director, Sports,
U.P.; Ms Rucha Pujari, Asian Youth
November sparkles with Chess champion and wonder boy Master
Budhia etc graced the occasion.
International events
5th anniversary of World
Unity Satsang
CMS is organising a galaxy of
international events in the month of
Our delegates heading for Japan
for World Peace
Hon’ble Mr Justice Kamleshwar Nath,
former Judge, Allahabad High Court
inaugurating the ceremony
Hon’ble Mr Justice Kamleshwar
Nath, former Judge, Allahabad High
Court, inaugurated the 5th Anniversary
of World Unity Satsang at CMS,
Gomtinagar Auditorium on 8 October
2006. A seminar was held on the topic
‘Bapu and his teachings, even more
relevant today.'Chief Speaker, Mr Jagdish
Gandhi expressed his profound thoughts
on the meaningful topic of discussion
while followers of various religions also
spoke with great conviction that the truth,
ahimsa and Satyagrah of Bapu were of
even greater significance today than ever
before. CMS music teachers sang the
favourite Bhajans of Bapu.
CMS Jopling Road celebrates President Kalam's
birthday as first International Innovation Day
A CMS delegation led by CMS
Founder-Director, Dr (Mrs) Bharti
Gandhi, and comprising two CMS
students- Priyanka Singh of CMS,
Kanpur Road and Saurabh Singh of CMS,
Gomtinagar will represent India at the
International Youth Forum 2006 being
held from 18 to 25 November 2006 in
Tokyo, Japan under the aegis of Goi
Peace Foundation, Japan in cooperation
with UNESCO Asia Pacific Cultural
See results and prize-winning
articles of
Creative Writing Contest
organised by
Editorial Department
on page 4 & 5
5th Geofest International
Malahanagar (III) from 5 to
9 November
Birthday wishes
The entire CMS family wishes our dear
Founder-Manager, Mr Jagdish Gandhi
a very Happy Birthday on
10 November. May his dream of One
World become a living reality.
5th International Youth
Fest organised by CMS,
Rajajipuram on 11 November
7th International SAARC
Youth Festival organised by
CMS, Rajendra Nagar (II) on
12 November
12th International Science
Festival Quanta 2006
organised by CMS, Chowk
from 15 to 18 November
Astronomy Olympiad
organised by CMS, Chowk
on 19 and 20 November
4th Eureka International
organised by CMS, Anand
Nagar from 24 to 27
page 6
By Dr Amitabh Pandit
Listen to
Founder-Manager, CMS everyday on
1. Aastha TV channel at 9.20 am
2. Sanskar TV channel at 5.25 pm
3. Local TV channel (CMS Activities) 6.30 pm
4. Sadhana TV channel at 7.25 pm
(1) CMS is the Guinness World Record holder as the world’s largest school by pupils (with 31,000 students on roll now) (2) CMS is the First school of the world to be awarded
the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (2002) and (3) The only school to organise and host 20 international events annually. See http://www.cmseducation.org
NOVEMBER 2006 (2)
English daily 'Pioneer' carries a weekly column titled 'Educationwatch/Jagdish
Gandhi' every Sunday on the apostle of World Unity and Founder Manager of
CMS, Mr Jagdish Gandhi's talks. Printed below is a clipping from the Pioneer
dated October 8, 2006:
Moral education indispensable
Education is
one of the most
factors in the
evolution of
humanity, the
believe that today religious zeal
and education should come
together and work hand in hand.
Together they can provide a
single unifying and inspirational
guiding force to co-ordinate all
human thoughts and expressions
within a traditionally accepted
Education serves what is its
basic purpose developing
character. Education not only
changes the character of
individuals and society which are
different from one another as a
whole. but also assists them (read
individual and society) to develop
to their utmost capacity.
I acknowledge that education has
great effect upon the human race.
We see that children of the same
age, nativity and from the same
household, all under the guidance
of one teacher, differ in their minds
and comprehensive power.
Training and education not only
change the human substances but
also produce a marvellous effect.
By effective power of education
the virtues and capacities of the
human beings can be revealed. It
is chiefly through education's
influences that we can build up an
ideology and commitment to
develop world peace. Only through
education of youth and adults can
the adverse and chaotic elements
of society be guided. “Man is
supreme. Lack of proper education
has, however deprived him of that
which he inherently possesses.”
We must promote by every means
within our power, the material as well
as spiritual enlightenment of youth.
To provide the best education to
child for their progress and
development is incumbent upon
mankind. Such education not only
becomes the source of progress for
world unity, but develops the
brightest vision in the future
Then every one shall possess
a common knowledge of all things,
illiteracy shall disappear, moral and
spiritual worthiness shall be
strengthened, and oneness shall be
achieved through education of all.
. For teachers, parents and all
concerned with public life, moral
education is an indispensable part
of children’s education. The
systematic development of a moral
education programme must be
regarded as central to the building
of a progressive. society and a
sense of true identity among its
future citizens.
I believe that the development
of moral character constitutes the
essential foundation of a true
education. “Good behaviour and
high moral character must come
first, for unless the character is
trained, acquiring knowledge will
only prove injurious. Knowledge
is praiseworthy when it is
coupled with ethical conduct and
a virtuous character; otherwise it
is a deadly poison, a frightful
Thus, beyond the belief in the
importance of providing children
with relevant and excellent
education, it is my view that
education must also exercise a
transforming influence upon the
character of the individual so that
intellectual learning truly benefits
the society.
I believe that moral capabilities
cannot be developed in a secular
framework of education. An
indispensable requisite for
developing these capabilities is
to establish a connection
between the human heart and
God, and thereby enable the
individual to manifest the spiritual
qualities with which the human
soul has been endowed, such as
justice, generosity, love,
compassion and truthfulness.
The teachings of all religions of
the world are the depositories of
those truths that assist every
human being in establishing a
relationship with God and in
developing’ these qualities.
CMS Educational programmes on Local Cable Network
from 6:30pm DAILY
Programmes/ Activities
based on Functions and Events organised
by CMS Words of Wisdom of Shri Jagdish Gandhi
1. Universal Cable: Charbagh, Alambagh, Old Lucknow, Rae
Bareilly Road, Sadar ( 2456630
2. Manoranjan: Cant, Sadar, Raibarelly Road ( 2615042
3. Navgrah: Indira Nagar (: 2354900
4. ACN: Alambagh ( 9335299777
5. Home Entertainment: Aliganj ( 2762874
6. Lucknow Cable: Chowk ( 5529753
7. Vardaan:Gomti Nagar ( 9335916223
8. Surya: Gomti Nagar ( 2392172
9. Pharmaish: Rajajipuram ( 2416385
10. Home Cinema (Jolly): Jopling Road ( 2209410
11. Sikka: Hazratganj/Mahanagar ( 2616864
12. We TV: Mahanagar/Gomti Nagar ( 3297334
**For any assistance please feel free to call: 9415015030/
9415015039 or 9335816600/9839030795
9 CMS Educational Films on
Local Cable Network
made by
Maa, Ravi, Sabak, Seeker of World Unity, Sahi Raah, Pacchtava,
Roshni, Anmol, Ratan, Aao Dosti Karein
DAILY CMS FM Radio (90.4 MHz) schedule for November 2006
From CMS, Gomti Nagar: 7.00 am to 10.00 am and again 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm from CMS, Kanpur Road : 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm (daily)
Programme begins with: Signature Tune, Vandana (from various religions), Thought for the day/Amrit Vichar and Zodiac Zoom
01.11.2006 (WEDNESDAY)
Story Time, Value Based Teaching, English: Story
Writing, CMS News, Body Bhasha (Epis. 1), Aao
Batein Karein, Computer Science, Biology: AIDS,
My Dream, Economics: The Capital Formation in
India (I), Geography: Cropping System
02.11.2006 (THURSDAY)
Rhyme Time, Hindi, English: Forms of Poetry, CMS
News, Special Feature On Maharaja Ranjeet
Singh, Our Forum, Topic: Should Soft Drinks Be
Banned?, Maths: The W ork Of Some Eminent
Mathematician, Value Based Teaching, My Dream,
History, Computer Studies: Information Technology
(I), Biology: The Unit of Life (I)
03.11.2006 (FRIDAY)
Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyanm, Hindi, English: Letter
Writing, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Bihag, Job
Watch, Computer Studies: Information Technology
(II), My Dream, Economics: The Meaning of
Business Organization (I), Biology: The Unit of
Life (II), Young Talents
04.11.2006 (SATURDAY)
Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Hamare Parv
Aur Tyohar, Glimpses of International Events,
Hello! CMS FM, Personality Development
05.11.2006 (SUNDAY)
Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash
Back, Aaina-E-Lucknow, Fire Side Stories, Career
Junction, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM
06.11.2006 (MONDAY)
Story Time, English: Active & Passive Voice,
Maths: Some Amazing Facts of Trigonometry,
CMS News, Science: The Functions of Muscles
& Sense Organs, Lucknownama, Aao Batein
Karein, My Dream, Hindi, Biology: The Unit of Life
(III), Personality Development: Strategies For
Effective Learning (I)
07.11.2006 (TUESDAY)
Rhyme Time, English: Clause, Maths, An Apple A
Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Shankaraa, Our
Forum, Chemistry, Science: The Safety & First
Aid (I), Economics: The Capital Formation In India
(II), Biology: Human Skeleton & Muscles
08.11.2006 (WEDNESDAY)
Story Time, Value Based Teaching, English:
Combination of Sentences, CMS News, Body
Bhasha (Epis. 2), Aao Batein Karein, Economics:
The Capital Formation In India (III), Science: The
Saf ety & Firs t Aid (II), Biology: Lethality &
Interaction of Gene, Personality Development:
Strategies for Effective Learning (II)
09.11.2006 (THURSDAY)
Rhyme Time, Hindi, English: Punctuation (I), CMS
News, Science: Why Do We Need Food (I), Our
Forum, Maths: Ratio & Proportions (I), Value Based
Teaching, My Dream, Personality Development:
Strategies For Effective Learning (III), Commerce:
The Pros & Cons Of Public Deposit, Biology:
Symbol & Terminology
10.11.2006 (FRIDAY)
Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, English: Punctuation
(II), CMS News, Sargam, Raag Shankaraa, Job
Watch, Special Feature on the Birthday of Mr.
Jagdis h Gandhi (I), Commerce: Types,
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Debenture,
Biology: The Respiratory & Circulatory System,
Special Episode of FM Mehmaan: Mr. Arvind K.
Pandey (RTO Lucknow)
11.11.2006 (SATURDAY)
Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, Special
Feature on The Birth Anniversary Of Maulana
Abdul Kalam Azad, An Apple A Day, Special
Feature On The Birthday of Mr. Jagdish Gandhi
(II), Glimpses of International Events, “Hello! CMS
FM”, Personality Development
12.11.2006 (SUNDAY)
Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash
Back, Aaina-E-Lucknow, Special Feature on
National Bird Day, Career Junction, Discover India,
Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan
13.11.2006 (MONDAY)
Story Time, English: How To Increase Your Word
Power, CMS News, Maths: Ratio & Proportions
(II), Lucknownama, Economics: The Capital
Formation In India (IV), My Dream, Hindi, Biology:
The Roots of Plants, Geography: The Earth’s
14.11.2006 (TUESDAY)
Rhyme Time, English: Antonym, Synonym &
Homonym, Maths: Some Amazing Facts regarding
Maths, An Apple A Day, CMS News, Sargam,
Raag Des, Special Feature On Children’s Day,
Our Forum, My Dream, Science: Characteristics
Of Air & Water (I), Special Talk On Bal Diwas,
History: Administrative Setup During The Mughals
15.11.2006 (WEDNESDAY)
Story Time, Science:Why Do We Need Food (II),
English: Degrees of Adjective, CMS News, Body
Bhasha (Episode 03), Aao Batein Karein,
Computer Science, Maths: The Importance of
Decimal Point, My Dream, Hindi, Biology: The SubArial & Arial Modification of the Stem, History:
Position of Women in Ancient India
16.11.2006 (THURSDAY)
Rhyme Time, Hindi, English: Gerund, CMS News,
Environment Science, Our Forum, Maths: Some
Operations Based On Decimal Point, Value Based
Teaching, My Dream, History, Geography,
Science: Charateristics of Air & Water (II)
17.11.2006 (FRIDAY)
Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, General Knowledge:
The Seven Wonders of The Natural W orld (I),
English: Sentence & Its Part (II), CMS News,
Sargam, Raag Des, J ob W atch, Sc ienc e,
Personality Development, My Dream, Maths: The
Square & The Cube Root, Biology: Functions of
Blood, Young Talents
18.11.2006 (SATURDAY)
Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Hamare Parv
Aur Tyohar, Glimpses of International Events,
“Hello! CMS FM”, Personality Development
19.11.2006 (SUNDAY)
Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash
Back, Aaina-E-Lucknow, Special Feature on World
Citizen Day, Career Junction, Discover India, Dadi
Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan
20.11.2006 (MONDAY)
Story Time, English: Sentence & Its Part (II),
General Knowledge: The Seven Wonders Of The
Natural W orld (II), CMS News, Commerce:
Important Factors O f W orking Capital,
Lucknownama, Computer Science, Value
Bas ed Teaching, His tory: Social Ref orm
Movements In Indian Society, Maths: Factors &
The Multiples
21.11.2006 (TUESDAY)
Rhyme Time, English: Infinitive Verb, An Apple A
Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag JaiJaiwanti, Our
Forum, Bio-Technology: The Production Of BioDiesel From Jatropha Plant (I) Civics, My Dream,
Hindi, Value Based Teaching, Commerce: The
Advantages & Disadvantages Of Equity Shares
22.11.2006 (WEDNESDAY)
Story Time, CMS News, Body Bhasha (Episode
04), Aao Batein Karein, Computer Science, Value
Based Teaching: The Importance of Little Things,
Hindi, Biology, Economics.
23.11.2006 (THURSDAY)
Rhyme Time, Hindi, English: Direct & Indirect
Speech (I), CMS News, Bio-Technology: The
Production of Bio-Diesel From Jatropha Plant (II),
Our Forum, Maths, Value Based Teaching, My
Dream, Health & Hygiene, Commerce: The
Advantages & Disadvantages of Retained
24.11.2006 (FRIDAY)
Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, Special Feature On
NCC Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag JaiJaiwanti,
Shri Tej Singh Tak, J ob W atch, Sc ienc e,
Personality Development, My Dream, Economics,
Biology, Young Talents
25.11.2006 (SATURDAY)
Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Hamare Parv
Aur Tyohar, Glimpses of International Events,
“Hello! CMS FM”, Personality Development
26.11.2006 (SUNDAY)
Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash
Back, Aaina-E-Lucknow, Fire Side Stories, Career
Junction, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM
27.11.2006 (MONDAY)
Story Time, English: Direct & Indirect Speech (III),
CMS News, Economics, Lucknownama, Great
Personality, Geography, My Dream, Hindi, Biology,
28.11.2006 (TUESDAY)
Rhyme Time, English: Common Errors In Grammar,
Maths: Some Problems Based On Geometry, An
Apple A Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Gaur
Malhar, Our Forum, Biology: Blood The Circulating
Fluid Of Body, Geography, My Dream, Science:
The Formation Of Rocks & Minerals (I), Chemistry,
Commerce: The Advantage and Disadvantages
of the Preference Share
29.11.2006 (WEDNESDAY)
Story Time, Value Based Teaching, English:
Proverbs & Maxims In English Language, CMS
News, Body Bhasha (Episode 05), Aao Batein
Karein, Computer Science, Maths: How To
Calculate The Average, My Dream, Hindi, Science:
The Formation Of Rocks & Minerals (II)
30.11.2006 (THURSDAY)
Rhyme Time, Hindi, English: Usage of Model
Auxiliaries, CMS News, Science: Work, Power &
Energy, Our Forum, Maths, Value Based Teaching,
My Dream, History, Geography, Career Guidance.
Every programme concludes with: Words of wisdom by Mr Jagdish Gandhi, CMS Songs/Geet and next day's Highlights
We know what we are, but know not what we may be. —William Shakespeare
NOVEMBER 2006 (3)
(continued from September issue)
first step, he should confirm his doubt by asking the
Over-protectiveness with older children
Older children most often do not perceive parental over other parent for an opinion. This will act as a reality
protectiveness as stemming from love and concern. check. While he need not adopt other people’s opinions
They believe that their parents just do not trust them to as gospel truth, the advice and information will help him
be sensible and responsible. Older children can react to make an informed decision about what is safe for his
their parents’ excessive fear in one of two ways: child.
compliance or resistance. If parents voice their fears The second step he should take is listen to his child. He
in terms of doubts, e.g. “Are you sure you can do it?” should try to convey to his child that his caution stems
or give them dire warnings of the worst case scenario, from concern for the child’s safety and not from a lack
it can result in the children giving up the idea or activity of trust in the child’s competence. He could discuss the
altogether because they too begin to doubt their dangers of the activity with the child and advise him
capability. On the other hand, children can react with what to do in case of an emergency. He should make
judgements based on an assessment of the child’s overall
Parents of such children begin to lack credibility in competence and judgement.
their children’s eyes because they seem to have an Despite adopting these measures, there may still be
extreme view that the world in general is a dangerous several occasions where a parent may still deny his child
place. They feel that they are denied the normal pursuits permission to participate in an activity. But this is a parent’s
of their peers merely because their parents have prerogative and has the weight of experience and superior
unfounded and baseless fears. Such children react with judgement behind it. What is safe and acceptable for
resistance because they believe that their parents one child may not be so for another. At the end of the
perceive them as being accident-prone and having poor day, parents are the best judges of what activities are
acceptable for their children in terms of safety. However,
How to be less overprotecting: Establishing lines the child will realize that while she may be denied this
particular pleasure, there will be other activities that will
of communication
Overprotective parents should change their attitude if be permissible. What is safe and acceptable will always
they want their children to grow up as independent, be a bone of contention between parents and children,
confident adults. If a parent suspects that he is but the important thing is for parents to realize that
they just need to let go.
excessively protective, fearful andCMS
then as a sometimes
source: The Internet
Overprotective Parents
We love to draw and colour
Sabaat Ahmed, Montessori C2 Esha, Kindergarten C
Rajendra Nagar
Rajajipuram (NB)
Sakshi Jain, Nursery C
Station Road
Arshan, Montessori A
Rajendra Nagar (NB)
Swapnil, Kindergarten
Jopling Road
Vishal, Montessori A
Rajajipuram (New)
Vidushi, Kindergarten
Jopling Road
Tanisha, Montessori B
Kanpur Road
Three wishes granted by God
God has granted three wishes
of mine. Once I was wishing to buy
a bicycle. When I came back from
my school on my birthday, I saw
that my mother had bought a bicycle
for me.
The second wish granted by
God is that once I had lost my book
and I was afraid that if I will tell to
my father he would be very angry. I
prayed to God that he should not
scold me. When I told it to my father he
said, “Tell me the name of the book I will
bring it again.” I was very thankful to
God that he did not scold me.
The third wish granted by God is that
once I had lost my ear ring. I was very
sad. I prayed to God that I should get it
and I started searching for it. When I got
it I was very happy and thankful to God.
Mariyam Zaidi, V
The Wind
False praise
Who has seen the wind
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing through
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.
O wind, why do you never rest
Wandering, whistling to and fro
Bringing rain out of the west
From the dim north bringing snow.
Shivam Tiwari, V
Rajendra Nagar I
My teacher told us the story about Mr Fox and Mr Crow, Mr
Crow sat on the branch of a tree. He had a piece of cheese in his
beak. Mr Fox was sitting on the ground. Mr Fox looked up and saw
Mr Crow. He was hungry, he wanted the cheese. But he was a clever
animal. He said to Mr Crow, "You have a beautiful voice and I would
love to hear you sing.” Mr Crow was flattered. He believed him. He
opened his beak and began to sing. The cheese fell out of his beak.
As soon as it fell on the ground, Mr Fox picked it up and ran as fast
as he could. He was only interested in the cheese and not in the
Moral: We must not believe in false praise.
Vartika Srivastva, III A
Rajajipuram I
My motherland!
The chilliful lunch box
Aryan, Montessori A
Rajendra Nagar (NB)
Rini, Kindergarten A
Anand Nagar
Aastha, Kindergarten B1
Rajendra Nagar (UPIL)
My little puppy
I have a little puppy,
His name is little Jim
I put him in the bath tub,
To teach him now to swim.
He drank up all the water,
He ate up all the soap
The next when I saw him,
He had a bubble on his nose.
Mirza Tabassum Beg, V
Anand Nagar
Anil was an intelligent boy
studying in the 7th standard of Boys
High School situated in Allahabad,
His friends included Ravi, Rahul,
Prakash and Kamal. Anil and Ravi
used to sit in the first seat, Prakash
and Rohit, who was another student
of the class, behind them and Rahul
and Kamal in the next row. The five
friends did not like Rohit. Do you
know the reason? The reason was
that Rohit used to eat the lunch box
of one of them in the second period
itself. Everyday one of them was left
hungry but the rest of the friends
shared their lunch with him. Rohit
ate the lunch so carefully that the
teacher present in the class could not
notice it. They did not tell this to their
teacher because they all were afraid
of Rohit. Anil was the only one who
wanted to get rid of him.
One day, after the school was
over, Anil saw Rohit talking to his
friends,, “Hey you know, tomorrow
I am going to enjoy eating Anil’s
lunch.” Anil did not like being left
hungry. He was sad, but then he
came across a great idea and he
happily rode towards his house.
The next day, when Anil’s
mother had prepared his lunch
box, he went to the kitchen and
put a lot of salt and chillies in his
lunch box. In the school when
Rohit ate Anil’s lunch, he shouted,
“Aaeeee…! Give me water” The
teacher said that he will get water
only when he will tell, what is the
matter with him. He hesitated, but
told the truth. The teacher was
shocked and punished him to
perform 100 ups and downs. He
felt ashamed and decided not to
eat from the lunch box of others.
Moral: We should not use others’
things without asking.
Azam Singhal, VIII B
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it. —
Margaret Fuller
O! My country, my motherland,
I do not know where I stand.
Your people are fighting;
The children are crying.
You should think and care;
For your people’s welfare.
Everyone has lost the feeling of fraternity;
They’ve forgot to maintain equality.
Terrorists are spreading terrorism;
Everywhere, there is criticism.
No one dared to help you in the past;
When your rich heritage was lost.
Take all of us away from darkness;
To the place where there is brightness.
We are not paying the actual price,
Mother, for your sacrifice.
But you don’t worry;
Your children will preserve your glory.
O! My country, my motherland;
You are like a lake in the sand.
Pratibha Dubey, IX A
Indira Nagar
NOVEMBER 2006 (4)
Prize winning articles of C
Organized By CMS E
Special Mention
Arushi Garg XI E Gomtinagar
Divyansh Verma X 10 Mahanagar (III)
Priyanka Raina
X 10 Mahanagar (III)
Devika Singh
XII A Aliganj (I)
Shubhi Kamal XII A Rajajipuram (I)
Anshuman Singh XI A Aliganj (I)
Our life is moving on an unbelievable speed and we really need to slow down.
If an ATM could be custom created for you, what would it spew out instead of money?
You wake up, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. A different face stares back at you. Begin your story here.
Thank you, dear CMS.
Fairy tales have happy endings. All of us know what happened in that mushy fairy tale, Cinderella. They lived
happily ever after. But happy endings can sometimes be, well.....boring. No zing. So predictable. So happy.
What if the shoe fit one of the sisters? What happens then? Play with your imagination here. Be funny if you like.
Or serious, if you feel like it. Or be an Alfred Hitchcock. Whatever you are into, write your ending to the Cinderella
story –but this time, make it so that the shoe fit one of the icky sisters. What does prince charming do? How does
Cinderella cope with it? And what about fairy Godmother? Start your story here.
Write a letter to the 10-year old child you had been.
You wake up...
A day comes but once in
everyone’s life
which remains
etched in our mind
for the years to
come. A day so
unforgettable, so memorable,
that try as we might, we cannot
help remembering every minute detail with
clarity disturbing enough to astound the
most punctilious among us. You may find
the story I am going to relate incredible, far
fetched or absurd. Nevertheless it happened.
And if we look hard enough, there is a lesson
in it for all of us.
It all started one Tuesday morning. I
woke up with a splitting headache, which
was peculiar enough in itself because I
remembered having slept early the previous
night. Trying to ignore the intense pain in
my head, I tottered to the bathroom, still half
asleep. I looked into the mirror. My sleep
vanished instantaneously. The face that
gaped at me was that of my recently acquired
sworn enemy - Rishika Sharma.
I guess I owe you an explanation. We’ve
all had to put up with Monday morning blues
but the events of that Monday had left me
hurt, distressed and angrier than I’ve ever
I was waiting for a friend in school when
Rishika, a classmate bumped into me. I
regained my balance and looked up only to
hear Rishika swearing rudely and telling me
to look where I was standing. I almost fell
again in shock. Rishika and I had never really
spoken before. In fact, no one really noticed
her in school. She’d always been an
introvert, a loner. Seeing her in such a temper
left me dumbstruck. I mumbled a vague
apology. Unfortunately, that served to
aggravate her anger. She screamed at me
about how insensitive people were and how
they had no consideration for anyone but
themselves. My shock rapidly evanesced
leaving in its place uncontrollable fury. There
is a limit to the number of irrational insults I
can take from someone! I retaliated with the
choicest of insults I knew and very soon, an
acrimonious verbal duel began in full swing.
Finally, when a sizable crowd of
classmates had gathered to witness the
melodrama, my senses took hold of me and I
turned around and walked off, sweating with
rage. I kept thinking about my fight the entire
day, my resentment growing with each
passing minute. And now I had woken up to
find myself in her shoes (bathroom slippers
to be precise!).
I had hardly any time to grasp the
situation when I heard shouts from the next
room. I realized that the voice belonged to
Rishika’s parents. A sense of depression
tempered with wonder overwhelmed me. I
wondered how her parents could begin their
day like that. And I wondered if Rishika had
to witness this acerbic sparring of words on
a daily basis. I did not have to wait long for
my answer. A small boy crept into my room,
clutching a pillow in his hand. ‘Didi, please
don’t leave me alone today, please don’t
leave me and go to school… Papa has been
drinking again. Please stop him from beating
me didi, please save mummy and me…’
The look in those petrified, appealing
eyes is going to haunt me for ever.
A day in the life of Rishika Sharma
taught me things no text books can ever
teach me. It taught me how much suffering
there can be in life, how we never realize that
there is a world beyond over cocooned
existence. It taught me what its like to come
from a broken home, that ‘family’ can
sometimes be a force, that all houses are not
I knew I had to do something about it, I
called up the local women’s welfare office
and told them every thing. I didn’t try to
puzzle out how and why I had ended up as
Rishika and I hardly gave a thought to the
consequences. The members of the
organization came to our prompt rescue,
taking Rishika’s mother, brother and me to
one of their centres. They reassured me that
everything would be fine.
Exhausted with the traumatic experience
I had been through, I drifted off into a deep
sleep and woke up, the next morning to my
own room, my own face, my own life,
wondering if all these surreal things had
actually happened…
Arushi Garg XI 5
You wake up...
I went in the
looked into the
mirror. The face
which stared back
at me was not mine.
I felt like shrieking, but a familiar
grin calmed me down. I pushed the third tile
below the sink to activate the microphone
and speaker.
“Morning!” came a voice.
“Jose, you jerk ! You gave me the fright of
my life.”
“Couldn’t help it. This minor-transmitter
thing is cool stuff,” grinned Jose.
I began to brush my teeth. “So, wai dith you
kaul me so urly ?”
“Oh yeah! Captain Fred has assigned
section I another combat mission, and he
wants it initiated within 0015 hours.”
“What!” My toothbrush fell off onto the
floor. “He knows today is Sunday. Why is
he bothering me today?”
“Dunno, probably he’ll tell you if you ask.”
“All right then.”
‘See ya then, at section I”, Jose winked.
“Oh! shut up!”
“He! He!”, came the stifled laughter of
section I’s best pilot, Jose Peterson.
Click. The line was disconnected. I contacted
Blue Gene, the supercomputer at the
“Your code sir!” came a computerized voice.
“Dorn these long codes. Here — have it,
DLUP341CA52417600.” I yelled into the
“Hello,“ came a human voice this time.
“Don’t even bother to say anything Fred.
Why in the world did you assign me a duty
today? You know its Sunday, and-“
Oh! Sorry Sir!....Right Sir!.....Sure Sir!........He
! He! Yes Sir!......Of course Sir!......Ok Sir!”
Whoa! It had been Commander Michael
on the line. He had assigned the task to
section I himself. So now I had to go on my
mission, instead of the trip to the zoo, which
Aparajita Verma
Vaibhav Mathur
Vaibhav Srivastava
Nitin Gaurav Srivastava
XI 2
XI 2
Station Road
Rajendra Nagar (III)
Mahanagar (II)
Mahanagar (II)
I had promised my younger brother Calvin.
Section I is a section of the organization
in which I work, without the knowledge of
my family members. Unlike other sections,
section I is supposed to be always ready, or
on standby to be sent for combat with
militants or a terrorist group at the shortest
notice. it was supposed to be a sports
college, but secretly, we were trained in self
defense and combat warfare, so that we could
save the nation behind the scenes.
Ten minutes later, I was pushing a
button on the side of the faucet, taking out
my combat suit from a shelf which had
appeared on the side wall, and crackling out
of the ventilating hole to take a taxi to the
“Hello sir,” came a voice as I entered the
“Hey Frank ! Sam Jose around?”
“Yup! Section I, left wing.”
And precisely three minutes later, I was
looking at lake Michigan from a chopper,
when Jose told me that I had to jump.
“Right here?”
“Yessire ! Submarine, 0435 (Co-ordinate
position). Militants Hostage.”
This was weird. I had never thought
that a submarine could be a militant base! I
saw it as I splashed into the water,
tightening the straps of my oxygen mask.
The whole section I was already there,
swimming in the great lake. I signaled them
to surround the vessel looking through
hydro vision goggles, I saw that this one
was much bigger than other submarines, and
each and every window was fastened.
“Revert position. Group I forward to 0437
(co-ordinate global positioning system).
Alpha, back up at 0435. Move to 1215.
Infiltrate enemy base. Secure hostage.
Silence… any resistance,” I commanded into
the microphone, and a split second later, I
heard a hundred “Roger” booming in the
speaker, transmitted over wireless intercom.
I went forward and began to cut the
lock of the main entrance into the submarine
with a laser knife. It opened, and I released
the latch. Water gushing me and team Alpha
into the vessel. I slammed the door shut as
soon as all were inside. Footsteps alerted
us, and our paralyzing super silenced bullets
were waded into our guns. Three guards
entered the room, but even before they could
think of reacting, our bullets had paralyzed
them. Then we dispersed. The guard had
been taken by surprise.
Surprise —a tactic which had never
failed us. Soon I had the controls of the
submarine in my hands, and I submerged it
even more. We found the hostage tied to a
seat. I untied the ropes, gave him an oxygen
mask, and ordered everyone to come out.
As soon as all were out I pressed a button
on my crust band.
“Hyper insulated C4 activated. Initiation
in 0020 hours,” said a computerized voice in
my head. Exactly twenty minutes later,
people would think that they heard a cracker
go oof somewhere, and the windows of their
houses would tremble a bit, as if someone
was playing Jazz on loudspeakers, and it
would be an end of another militant base in
the world.
“Nice work Robin, you took just 0035 hours,”
said Jose, as we were flying towards my
house. “Oh, yes you see… after so much
experience, this seemed easy.”
“All right then, see ya!”
“Bye!, I yelled, as I kept off the chopper to
land on the roof of my house. Jose gave a
thumbs up and flew away.
I crawled back through the ventilator,
into the bathroom, changed, and went
downstairs to take Calvin to the zoo. Jose
didn’t know why I took just 35 minutes, did
Divyansh Verma, X 10
Mahanagar (III)
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
Prakhar Gupta
Shonik Ghosh
Pankhuri Kumar
Kritika Lamba
Richa Verma
Divy Tripathi
Salini Dixit
X 10
Station Road
Station Road
Station Road
Station Road
Rajajipuram (I)
Mahanagar III
Mahanagar III
Was this a dream?
Cinderella couldn’t believe her
eyes. The shoe perfectly fitted
one of her wicked sisters
Bertina, who seemed to be the
happiest person on earth.
Cinderella’s step-mother, too,
danced about in joy. She had almost given
up the hope of getting one of her daughters
married to the prince who, quite ignorant of
the presence of Cinderella in the room, held
Bertina’s hand and led her towards his
coach. The pair was driven off to the royal
palace, where soon they got married.
Cinderella’s heart broke into a thousand
pieces but worse was still to be faced…..
After about a week of getting married,
Bertina called for Cinderella and thrust upon
her, the duty of getting the entire palace
cleaned daily, all by herself. Cinderella’s life
became a hell. Of course, it was much easier
to manage the demands of just her stepmother and the two sisters, than that of all
the residents of that palace. However,
Cinderella had other things to think about…
For instance, there was not even a
single mirror in the entire palace— even
Bertina’s personal chamber didn’t have one.
Cinderella often chukled to herself, “Maybe,
she’s afraid to face her own ugliness!” But
this didn’t disturb her much, more than the
fact that —there was something strange in
that palace and it didn’t take her long to
realize what it was...
Ever since she had come there, not even
once had she seen the prince or his family;
and since Bertina had forbidden the other
servants to indulge in talks with her, so she
couldn’t inquire about this from anyone.
Months passed…. It was a cold winter
night. As usual, Cindrella sat in the chilly
attic with a thin shawl wrapped around her.
Tears ran down her checks, as she
remembered the happy moments she had
spent with her real parents. Meanwhile, two
strange looking creatures ran up the attic
stairs, through the door, and right upto
where Cinderella was sitting.
“Hey Cinderella! Remember us? We are
those very lizards whom your Godmother
changed into pageboys that night.”
…and did Cinderella remember? Of
course, she did! For anyone could have.
They had the body of a lizard but the head
of a human. Seeing the startled look on
Cinderella’s face, the other lizard explained,
“Actually, at mid-night, all our brother lizards
got changed into their original self but we
were left this way. I think your fairy
Godmother has grown old and her powers
too are declining.”
This was the last thing Cinderella would
have wanted to hear. For the past many
weeks, she had been, in her heart, praying
to her Godmother to come and rescue her
from this misery. She was her last hope —
her only hope.
“And you know what,” the lizard
continued, “while searching for some food,
we happened to visit the dungeons and it is
really creepy down there! Anyway, we were
about the leave, when we saw there, a
handsome young man and an elderly couple,
lying there in some kind of sleep. We were
discussing, who could they be, when we
heard you sobbing and came here…”
All this while Cinderella had been silent.
But now, something struck her and she
started jumping about in excitement, “You
saw the Prince! You saw the Prince! And the
King! And the Queen! So that’s where they
had been. Oh! That cruel Bertina!”
Not entirely, but now things became a
bit clearer to Cinderella. For the next few
days, she tried her best to contact her fairy
—James Oppenheim
NOVEMBER 2006 (5)
Creative Writing Contest
Editorial Department
God mother but didn’t know how to do so.
One day, as she was dusting in Bertina’s
personal chamber, she heard footsteps.
“Bertina is coming! I’d better hide and see
what she’s upto,” So thinking, she hid behind
the bed, her eyes resting on the doorway.
Soon came Bertina, banging the door
behind her. She went straight upto a photo
frame hanging on the wall and though it had
no picture in it, Bertina raised her finger and
muttered something. SHNN!! Cinderella’s
fairy God mother appeared in that frame. But
she looked more weak and helpless than
“Ha! I warned you, not to mess with
me. But…. what use? You didn’t leave your
path of so-called righteousness ‘eh? Now,
you’ll have to stay like this forever, unless
of course, your favourite Cinderella comes
and taps you but that stupid girl doesn’t
know a thing! Nothing about my plans…
I’ll be above all- I’ll be the supreme
commander. No one can stop me! Ha Ha
Ha!...” This ended with Bertina’s wicked
laughter as she left the room.
Cinderella couldn’t understand a thing
but knew one thing for sure— the key to her
Godmother’s freedom! She immediately went
to the frame and tapped it- PUFF!. There
stood her Godmother right in front of her.
Cinderella hugged her tightly and together
they went up to the attic.
“You would be shocked, my dear, to
know,” began her Godmother once they had
settled, “that your step-mother is actually a
witch and so are both her daughters. Once,
when she had started misusing her powers,
I had cursed her that both her daughters
would immediately die if they looked into a
mirror, and now the same is being done by
her daughter, Bertina. When I tried to stop
her, she locked me up in that frame and has
removed most of my powers. When the king
and the prince came to know of this
peculiarity of Bertina, she put the entire royal
family to sleep and is now planning to
conquer the entire fairyland.” Meanwhile,
Cinderella’s mind was already on the way to
a great plan…..
Next morning, as usual, after ordering
all her servants to leave the dining hall,
Bertina sat to have her breakfast. While she
was at it, Bertina directly faced the table.
Cinderella peeped through a slit in the door
- This was the time! She immediately signaled
the two lizards who, with the tablecloth
clutched in their teeth, started pulling it with
all their might — BAM! There was an
explosion and when the smoke cleared away,
all that was left, was a little ash on the seat
where Bertina sat.
Evil had ended— and with that the
prince, the king and the queen all woke up
from their long slumber. But unfortunately,
the fairy Godmother had used up all her
remaining strength in converting that table
into a huge mirror. She now lay with her head
in Cinderella’s lap.
“Always remember, dear', she said,
“never feel daunted if you are fighting for
the right cause. I’ll be there with you,
always.” So saying she closed her eyes, and
her body went up in golden fumes, which
then turned towards Cinderella and entered
her body.
Immediately, all her rags were
transformed into a beautiful gown, wings
emerged from her back and her Godmother’s
wand flew into her hands. Her Godmother
had chosen her as her successor.
Cinderella felt blessed. Her Godmother’s
sacrifice would not go in vain. From now
onwards, she would continue her work.
So up went Cindrella…. or shall we call
her fairy Cinderella? – leaving behind the
prince and the truth about Cinderella’s
existence hidden from him forever…
Priyanka Raina, X 10
Mahanagar (III)
Once upon a time
………….. there was beautiful
sweet young girl named
Cinderella whose life was filled
with sadness. Yes, we all have
heard her story, maybe from our
Grandmother or mother. I too have heard it.
Having never been the one for the
readymade and reach me down happy
endings of fairy tales, my perception of
Cinderella is quite different.
Do you remember how the exquisitely
dressed Cinderella passed her evening
dancing with the Prince Charming who
apparently had fallen in love with her.
“Aahhh…. My charm seems to be
working like magic on him. My life will
change forever now,” thought Cinderella
triumphantly… But all of a sudden, She heard
the sound of the clock at the first stroke of
midnight! She hurried and scrambled for life,
almost topping over and leaving behind one
of her glass shippers.
“Go and search everywhere for the girl
whose foot fits this slipper. I will never be
content until I find her!” These were orders
of the madly in love prince.
So the ministers tried the slippers on
the feet of many girls in the kingdom, but it
didn’t fit any of them, while Cinderela danced
around in her room building castles in the
Finally, they came to Cinderella’s house.
One stepsister tried in vain, while the other
and Cinderella, behind the curtains, waited
hopefully. As the other sister sat down to
try, Cinderella held her breath. Now would
be her glorious moment and she would then
marry the prince and become princess and
‘No…Oh Lord! Her sister’s foot slipped
easily into the slipper and Cinderella stood
gaping like a fool.
The sister danced around with glee
while Cinderella fumed and strutted in her
dingy room. “This is not possible…. How
can this be? I, I will…….. fairy Godmother?”
She had appeared out of the thin air and
stood before the vexed girl.” Now don’t you
worry as I am here. Everything will be alright.”
“But how Godmother?”
“You must be patient and do exactly what I
tell you to do, will you?”
“Yes, Godmother.”
Meanwhile, when the prince saw her
bride to be he would have rejected her
outright but when the fairy went to him and
explained to him the situation and her plan,
he agreed to say yes.
According to her plan Cindrella would
marry the prince but the sister would be
marrying her own creation, a rat transformed
into a human who would turn back into it
after twenty four hours.
On the wedding day, she sneaked
Cinderella into her sister’s parlour and hid
her there and told her to wait until she called
her. She hid in a niche with bated breath.
When the sister was alone, getting
ready, singing to herself and trying to get
her potato like figure into the delicate gown
with all the force while trying to keep it in
one piece, Cinderella could bear it no longer.
“What is the Godmother doing? Is she
really letting my prince charming go away?
Oh no! I can’t let that happen.”
So with firm resolution she sneaked
behind her sister and pushed her into the
open wardrobe. Thud! Ouch! Bang! …and
mission accomplished. Cinderella hurriedly
put on the dress and veil and hurried to meet
her prince and be united with him forever.
The wows were exchanged and they
were husband and wife, before the fairy
could come staggering in to say “No!!”
All this time the fairy assistants had
quietly taken her sister, taking her to be
Cinderella, took her to wed the prince in a
secret chapel and the prince not knowing
his bride under the veil married happily only
to faint with shock at the sight of his bride’s
Alas, the deed was done and there was
no use crying over spilt milk. Poor Cinderella
could do nothing but curse here luck while
her stepsister could only thank her god for
his generosity. Cinderella being tied to a rat
for the rest of life learnt her lesson. So should
you never be naughty and always listen to
your fairy Godmother or else you too shall…
Not live quite happily ever after
Devika Singh, XII A
Aliganj (I)
Our life is moving...
You wake up...
“Chasing you through the narrow lanes of
Losing the real rhythm and rhyme;
Leaving behind my true treasures,
Parting away with those moments, those
Tell me LIFE, I’ll get you how?
For I am very tired now.
Today life is just not moving on wheels;
it is flying on wings. Chasing the illusive
ambitions through the narrow pathways of
malignant and decisive ‘Time’ it is running
with such reckless defiant indifference that
is vastly more stimulating than the languor
of leisure and stillness.
Hush! Hark!! Oh stop, just wait! But it
won’t stop its journey infinite through
ambiguous undulations, sudden turns and
deceitful slopes, for, its speed doesn’t allow
it. And, the life goes on…
Today life is much different from its prior
form. To us, the moment 6:17 am means
something very-very important if it happens
to be the starting time of our daily trains. To
our ancestors such odd eccentric instant
was without significance —did not even
exist. In inventing the locomotives, Watt and
Stevenson were part inventors of the speed
of life. Really, life is a much unstaid
I wonder how many of us think even
once about ourselves in a day which in its
immensity comprises of 86400 ticking of the
clock. The uncanny and covetous life is too
stingy to spend a couple of moments to
“What trifling coils do,
We mortals keep;
Wake, eat and drink,
Evacuate and sleep.”
We really need to slow down. The never
ceasing journey from dawn to dusk has
devoid the life of any zeal or flair. It goes on
and drags us along. This is how we lose our
souls someday and spend years searching
for it. Believe me, what matters is not to add
years to your life but to add life to your years.
It consists not in holding good cards but in
playing those you hold well.
Rushing at such an unimaginable speed
we are on the way to lose our most valuable
assets, our treasures, the treasure of smiles
which brightens the day, the treasure of tears
in which the feelings lay, those collection
and selection of hearts which give you a
reason to unite and part, those friends which
were your greatest treasure, people near to
your heart, the overwhelming pleasures…
Just wait a while and look for yourself in
yourself. I bet you’ll be shocked to discover
that you have left yourself somewhere
behind far away. From there a shadow
stagnant and rooted glares at you with
mingled interrogation and plaints. Yes, life
really needs to slowdown and keep a pace
with the soul.
God asks man whether or not he wants life
Life is certain –the only choice is how to
take it.
The plea of ‘Eternity’ echoes loud
striking the rigid sky and its fumbling
murmurs urged the earth, the restless earth
to toil a less, to be a bit tranquil to reason
less to feel more, to halt and to perceive the
real essence of ‘Life.’ Look back and wait for
your assets to reach you and let the life start
all anew and afresh.
I don’t envision a stationary life but I
do disapprove the colossal speed at which
the world is passing toddy. Life is worth
living. He brutal ambitions that climb
upwards on the miseries and credulities of
mankind are nothing more than the mere
scavengers of the true happiness that rests
in these moments which envisage your
thoughts and feelings about how well the
day has been spent. Let each day of your
life be well spent and believe me you’ll be
able to live all the days of your life. Hold the
life by its collar and shake it hard. Reign
over it or else it will enslave you. Hold the
reins of life and just GO ON!
Shubhi Kamal, XII A
Rajajipuram (I)
The instant had frozen.
Time stood paralyzed and Fear,
personified. No one moved.
Cliché as it was, I rubbed my
eyes and stared right into the
He rubbed his eyes and stared
right back.
“BRANDON! What’s taking you so long?
You’ll be terribly late for school.”
Who? Wha..oh Mom! From downstairs.
(Despite my efforts, words remained
incapable of recreating the spontaneity of
the moment)
“I’m coming”, I tried to say. But…..my voice
had changed. It had….grown!
And so had I.
‘I’m coming’, I repeated to ensure that the
fault lay with my ears and not my throat.
My ears were perfect.
“MOM! I’m”, I blabbered, “I’m different! I
re….ally am, Different!”
“What! Watcha mean you’re different?
Everyone’s different, aren’t they?” she
powered her words upstairs to my room,
busy with the morning chores. “Now you
Yeah right! ‘School’….. As if I care.
As if I ever have.
As if anyone ever has! (Of course, ‘anyone’
here refers only to those species of human
existence with whom I empathize)
“No, seriously Mom! I AM DIFFERENT!”
Mom must have given up at me.
I sure did.
A few more moments, I let pass me by… as I
felt my face with my hands…. Glanced up
and down my twenty year old self. (Talk
about rapid metabolic rate! 12 to 20 in one
I don’t quite remember, but it was about there
or thereabouts when …. Well…how do I put
it…..when the realization hit me in the face
(metaphorically of course). The last (or in
this case the only) piece, of a humungous
jigsaw fell into place and completed the
picture that my mind inadvertently
comprehended. The previous day rewind,
looped, paused and played, until I was forced
to realize how wretched human imagination
could be (no offence to the great thinkers
and inventors of our times).
Let’s not keep you in the dark anymore…
It was my birthday.
I woke with obvious enthusiasm, washed
and ran down to the living room.
And there it was.
Right on the centre table besides the couch,
waiting to be unveiled, concealing a virtual
world beneath its simplistic features, my very
own Xbox-360.
I conjured up such an astonishingly
commendable expression of splendour that
Harrison Ford could’ve looked up to it. I
instinctively descended the few remaining
steps to discover man’s greatest invention
of the century…..or….on second thought,
make that man’s second greatest invention
of the century (TV is undisputed).
Hardly had I reached mean sea level, when
suddenly out of nowhere emerged my family
and friends to wish me a delightful birthday.
Also in attendance was Eric, our new
neighbour, Barely 20, 21 maybe, all Armani
and Versace. (‘spick and span’ for antifashionmongers). I instantly despised the
prospect of my latest acquisition being
touched by foreign hands.
Anyhow, the day passed brilliantly. Dad
had arranged for a barbeque this time. After
the food and games and everything, women
sat watching TV, men sat discussing politics,
and children all bundled up against me, sat
admiring my presents. Eric, I discovered was
a good guy. There was an aura about him
that so mystified me. He was tall, good
looking, soft spoken but precise, and well
mannered. All through the rest of the
evening, only one thing occupied my mind
more that the Xbox, and that was Eric. I sat
admiring his perfection, his grace and his
groomed etiquettes, and before I knew it,
‘be like Eric’ was topping my ‘thing’s to do’
continued on page 6
Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
—Thomas Alva Edison
NOVEMBER 2006 (6)
Educationists of various countries delve deep into discussion on
new methods and innovative experiments in education
We receive to give! Mrs Stella Fernandez receiving
Educator's Award from Dr (Mrs) Bharti Gandhi
The 3-day International Education Festival on
Global Trends and Innovations in Education was
organized by CMS Innovation Department at World
Unity Convention Centre, CMS Degree College, Kanpur
Road. Educationists from 19 countries of the world
including Kenya, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria,
Bulgaria, Cote D’Ivoire, Cambodia, Malaysia,
Singapore, Turkmenistan, Senegal, Uzbekistan,
Algeria, Gambia, Austria, USA, England, Ghana and
various states of India participated in the Festival.
Global TIE was formally inaugurated by the Chief Guest,
Mr Pradeep Shukla, IAS, Secretary, U.P. Cooperatives,
by lighting the lamp of learning. . In his inaugural address,
Mr Pradeep Shukla said that education lifts man to a
level as compared to other beings. It enlightens and
develops his mind, body and spirit making him a superior
and enlightened person. Education today needs to bring
mankind closer to each other and propagate love and
brotherhood amongst men.
Quoting from the children’s favourite fairy tale that
it does not matter where you have been, what matters is
where you are going, Convenor of Global TIE and
Honorary Primary Consultant of CMS, Dr Sunita
Gandhi, said that a teacher should not be like ‘Alice in
Wonderland’ who does not know where she is going.
She should not only be aware of what improvement she
wants and has to make in each child but also make her
students partners in the process of learning. Dr Gandhi
said that basic assessment is the most important aspect
of the learning process because what you don’t test,
you don’t get. She however added that the mode of
assessment under the current educational pattern is like
an old steam engine as with this system it is difficult to
meet the needs of the individuals, tap the full potential of
the children, make creative thinkers, create leaders and
this pattern places the teacher at the centre. She said
that keeping this fact in mind, she has introduced the
GEMS model of assessment wherein an attempt has been
made on making every child feel special. GEMS is a
question of internalizing competition by encouraging
competition with oneself instead of with others. A child’s
competition with himself makes him a part of the
improvement as in this type of assessment he gets to
know where he is going, she added.
Ms Deryn Harvey, renowned educationist from
UK, held a presentation on Leading Innovation from ‘Best
Practice to Next Practice.’ Explaining the need of
innovation in education she said that innovation is the
successful exploitation of a new idea which may not
necessarily be entirely new. Reworking of an old idea or
transferring and embedding of new ideas into the old
ones is also innovation. So, for innovation or
improvement, we do not need to wait for the policies to
change. She said that for innovating, teachers need to
become agents, not objects of change and a radical
advancement is needed in teachers’ training so that an
environment for change is created. She said that beyond
the Best Practice of teaching emulated by the policy
makers is the Next Practice which comprises of 4 keys
which are leadership, using whole community to enhance
learning, personalization and working with parents.
Founder of CMS, Mr Jagdish Gandhi said that
classroom is a place where a child learns the lessons of
life and it is here that his destiny is shaped. School is
nothing but four walls with tomorrow inside. We, as
educators, therefore need to be very careful in imbibing
values to children and we must take care that we provide
our students with education of all three kinds namely
human, material and divine so that they become the selfmotivated agents of social change.
Final day’s plenary session was held under the
chairmanship of Mr Robert J Saunders, education
expert from USA who, in his address commended CMS
for imparting moral education to children and contributing
its bit in producing future world citizens capable of
bringing up a positive change in the world. Ms Ann
Gerhild Heggersell, moral education teacher from
Austria said that Austria lays special emphasis on moral
and spiritual education and students get religious
education during school time itself. She said that this
kind of moral education system has been prepared
keeping in mind the fact that all students must know
about their culture because if you know your own roots
you can stretch out our arms to the world. Dr Amitabh
Pandit, well known nutrition expert of Lucknow,
spoke on the need of flooding children’s body with
micro-nutrients for improving their overall performance
level. He said that proper diet affects students’ mental
and physical capacities and can be the answer to several
of students’ problems.
In her presentation titled ‘Common sense into
common practice’, Ms Meghna Patel, teacher from
the Riverside School, Ahmedabad said that true
learning is interactive rather than concept learning. She
said that instead of keeping teaching confined to
classrooms, the students should be taken out on the road
and in open environment as explores so that the process
of learning becomes authentic and they learn out of their
own experiences, observations and interpretations. Ms
Dr Sunita Gandhi, Convenor of Global TIE and Hon.
Primary Consultant, CMS, addressing the audience
What are you giving your child for breakfast?
It is early morning, you are rushing the child to
school and there is little time for him to sit and
eat. You as a parent feel that he must eat
nutritional and substantial food to be able to
sustain him till he comes back.
Yes, it is time to give due thought to what you
are putting into his Tiffin. The first meal of the
day which comes after a long gap must be wholesome, rich in
nutrients and appeal to the child for him to eat it well.
It is not burgers, pakoras, chowmein or chips which would give
him any strength or energy to attend his classes or play in the
field. These would sap his strength, make him fatigued and reduce
his immunity levels.
The breakfast is the foundational meal for a student. It sets the
pace for the entire day. It has to have a rejuvenative affect on his
body and mind.
You are wondering WHAT TO GIVE HIM AT THIS TIME?
Here lies the simple solution — Some Live Food! To Crunch and
Take Green Mung beans and sprout them overnight. Saute them
slightly in some butter to maintain their delicious flavour and
crunchiness. Add to them some chopped cucumber, onion and
red luscious tomatoes. Season with black salt or spice it with
some chat masala. throw in a dash of lime and you have breakfast
in a jiffy which packs in a power punch of nutrition.
This feasty sprout bowl is bursting at its seams with
antioxidants, enzymes, Vit. A,C, Calcium, Potassium,
Sodium, Iron, Phosphorous and Proteins (Pre-digested).
One can literally live on this food for life and never need a
Vitamin tablet. The best part of this is that you can season it
with any kind of spice, condiment and herb to make it even more
Children just love delicious foods.
Incidentally, a similar Energy Sprout Salad is now being offered
at the school canteens — in case you missed out on giving it in
your child's Tiffin!!
Health Educator to CMS Children:
Dr Amitabh Pandit ND (Ind), DY, BCAMP(USA)
Add: 6/193, Vipul Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Tel: 2391456, 9475410134
Renowned education expert from USA, Mr Robert
J. Saunders with CMS team
Uma Bhalerao and Ms Kesar Patel from Center Point
School, Nagpur, held a presentation on ‘Teaching based
on learning by doing, research, application, projects fields
and education trips.’ ’ Ms Bhalerao’s simple methods of
multiplying without having to memorise tables was very
well appreciated by the audience. In their presentation
on ‘Vision of Education in the 21st century’, Ms Naaz
Hafiz, Ms Deepshikha Awasthi and Ms Reema
Sharma of Bal Bhawan School, Bhopal said that true
education comprises of both, the education of character
and intellect.
Renowned educationist from Singapore, Ms
Stella Fernandez held a presentation on ‘The Thinking
Classroom’ in which she shared her experiences of
interactive, creative and joyful teaching-learning process
she has evolved for her students at Mary Mount Convent
School in Singapore. The Principal of the only Sikh
school in the UK, Mr Raj Sandhu said that meaningful
education alone can change society for the better.
Some classroom presentations were also held. These
included a glimpse of the English Pronunciation
Laboratory set up at different CMS branches by
students of CMS, Kanpur Road, a presentation on Global
Education Model of Schooling by students of CMS,
Gomtinagar and Hands on Mathematics class by CMS,
Rajendra Nagar (Peace building) students. FounderDirector of CMS, Dr (Mrs) Bharti Gandhi said that
CMS lays special emphasis on imbibing moral values in
students by imparting spiritual education which combined
with material and human education makes them both
good and smart and the light of this world.
Dr Sunita Gandhi, Convener of Global TIE and
Hon. Primary Consultant, CMS thanked the delegates
from 19 countries for their whole hearted participation
in the Global TIE. Ms Sushmita Basu, Head, CMS
Innovation Dept. and Organizing Secretary of Global
TIE invited everyone to come again next year for the
Global TIE. All the participants pledged to spread
meaningful education among the masses. Ms Stella
Fernandes was presented the Educator’s Award at
the glittering closing ceremony for her remarkable
innovations in the field of academics.
continued from page 5 (creative writing...)
The formalities ended with the 23rd hour of the day,
and in another half an hour, I was in bed. As I was dreamily
pondering over the happenings of the day, Eric inevitably
came to the forefront. I fruitlessly tried to find solace in
the fact that I could idolize Brandon Routh instead (for
one, his name is awesome, and secondly, I got a Superman
Returns DVD gifted to me). But as I pointed out, it was
My mind drifted onto other things until I tumbled upon
the ritual I followed every birthday before going to sleep.
It is said that if you wish for something on your birthday
with all your heart, you’re bound to get it. (Very
irresponsible on the government’s part, to let information
of that caliber go public!).
Well then… What’s more? You would’ve guessed
what I wished for. (For those of you with pitiable expertise
in guesswork, I wished I’d be just like Eric).
And now, back to the present…
I’m sitting here in my dilapidated night cloths, writing a
first hand statement of everything that has occurred,
surrounded by a couple of cops.
My Mom pressed charges against me for breaking into
the house, and abducting the younger version of myself.
As I’m handing over this document, I’m hoping that these
cops are blessed with the same elaborate prowess of
imagination as myself, for I have no intention of spending
a year in prison, waiting anxiously for another birthday to
come my way. However, I fully intend to wait for another
eight years beckoning to metamorphosize me into a man
of twenty, without defying the laws of nature.
Anshuman Singh, XI A
Aliganj, sector ‘O’
You have all the reason in the world to achieve your grandest dreams. Imagination plus innovation equals realization.
—Denis Waitley
NOVEMBER 2006 (7)
A burst of creative
at 1st International
CMS ideas
TALENTSInnovation Day
organised by CMS Jopling Road
Top scientists and judges viewing the models
CMS, Jopling Road celebrated the birthday of His
Excellency, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India,
as International Innovation Day (IID) at CMS
Gomtinagar auditorium on 15 October 2006. The
programme was formally inaugurated by the Resident
Editor of the Hindustan Times, Mr Chandrakant
Naidu by lighting the sacred lamp of learning and
innovation. On this occasion, students of CMS, Jopling
Road staged a beautiful and heartwarming cultural
presentation which left the audience mesmerized. A grand
exhibition of posters and models highlighted the creative
and innovative talents of students from different parts
of the world. As many as 135 prestigious schools sent
in over 1700 entries for participation in Creative
Idea, Poster making, Model making and Essay
Writing Contests which were highly praised by the
viewers at the exhibition. The Chief Guest, Mr Naidu
gave away prizes to the winners of various competitions.
An inspiring song reflecting the ideas of Dr APJ
Abdul Kalam was sung by the students which was highly
appreciated by the huge gathering and received loud
applause. The World Parliament presented by the children
drew attention to new innovations made by scientists
which were of immense benefit to humanity.
A renowned educationist from Austria, Ms Ann
Gerhild Heggersell graced the festival of creativity as
special guest and was highly appreciative of the whole
programme. She said that the future of the world was
indeed bright with new ideas coming from children and
this effort of CMS, Jopling Road was a great contribution
to making things brighten for the days ahead.
The Principal of CMS, Jopling Road, Mrs Manju
Nautiyal said that our President Dr Kalam has a vision
of seeing India as a developed country in the near future.
This is possible only when children develop a scientific
temper and an innovative approach. Mrs Nautiyal pointed
out that all the competitions being held here reflect this
idea of innovation. In Creative Idea Contest, Children
wrote their craziest ideas in 250-300 words revealing an
astounding creative energy and power of imagination.
In Model Making, they had prepared an outline of
creative and socially useful models. In the same way, in
Poster-Making Competition, the topic was “My idea of
innovation is....” in which students painted and sketched
their thoughts on canvas and these were put up on
on global problems of environment like global warming,
new inventions like mobile phones, new kinds of
microscope, internet, computers etc. The message of
the President of India was read out in which he had
blessed the children and encouraged them to aim high
and achieve their goals in life.
The CMS Founder-Manager, Mr Jagdish Gandhi,
said that all the new inventions made by man are guided
by a powerful idea. The 31,000 students of CMS and all
the 2 billion children of the world are brimming with
new thoughts and ideas. We can easily solve the world’s
problems by using the ideas of these innocent children
and make this earth a heaven.
Renowned educationist Mrs Ann G. Heggersell of
Austria admiring the posters
exhibition along with the creative models. In essay
writing contest, the topics were - “Which according to
you is the most important innovation for humanity?”
and “In which field do you think innovations are most
needed and why?” Students of 135 schools representing
age group of 10-18 years from Pakistan, Sri Lanka,
Italy, Canada, Nepal, Thailand, South Africa and
various states of India participated in these
Mrs Manju Nautiyal said that every child is full of
scientific talents and the need is to draw out this talent.
Creative little hands and minds exhibit great genius at
work. We are indeed proud of our dear President Dr
Abdul Kalam who always encourages the children to
think creatively and scientifically. Renowned innovator
and scientist, Dr Lakshman Prasad, was present on
this occasion as a special guest. He said that the children
were bubbling with ideas and were capable of thinking
October 8, 2006
Group 'A'
First Divya Chand B.B. Purohit Vidya Mandir, Nagpur
Second Antra Gangauly Delhi Public School, Orissa
Third Aparajit So
St Gregorious High School, Mumbai
Cons. Priyanka
HAL School, Lucknow
Cons. Talha Kidwai Tender Hearts High School, Lucknow
Group 'B'
First T.Radhai
RSK Higher Secondary School, Trichy
Second Chaitnya Kher St Mark's S. Sec. School, Janakpuri, Delhi
Third Ayush Vatsa Mahanagar Boys Inter College, Lucknow
Cons. Harshmeet KaurSt Mark's S.Sec School,Meerabagh, Delhi
Cons. Reetika Sharma Sunbeam School, Varuna, Varanasi
Group 'C'
First Shimona Yadav Ryan International School, Haryana
First Jashanit Kaur BCM Arya Model S.Sec School, Ludhiana
Second Smriti Agarwal Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi
Third Shruti Chauhan Ryan Int.l School, Gurgaon, Haryana
Cons. Lynette Barrett St. Jude's School, Dehradun
Cons. Smriti Sinha
W.H. Smith Memorial School, Varanasi
Group 'A'
First Vibhor Sharma Mount Carmel School, Thakurdwara (HP)
First Varun Singh Hartmann College, Bareilly
Second Geetika Mathur Ryan International School, Faridabad
Second Aarzu Wadhwa Mount Carmel School, Thakurdwara (HP)
Third Gaurav Gupta Chiranjiv Bharti School, Haryana
Third Namita Nisal
B.B. Purohit Vidya Mandir, Nagpur
Group 'B'
First Mayank Garg St Clare's S.Sec. School, Agra
Second Shreya Gupta Ryan International School, Gurgoan
Third Chetan Dixit
Vishwa Bharti Public School, Noida
Cons. V. Akshayaa RSK H.Sec. School, Trichy
Cons. Faten Fahad Beacon House School System, Pakistan
Group 'C'
First Akshay Chawla St Mark's Senior Sec. School, New Delhi
Second Maitreya Dutta DAV Model School, Durgapur (WB)
Third Rana Resham Holy Heart Presidency School, Punjab
Cons. Sanjay Keshan Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur, Varanasi
Cons. Prachi Das
Chiranjiv Bharti School, Haryana
Con. Sneha Agarwal Mussoorie International School
Group 'A'
First Kushagra Tiwari Delhi Public School Bhillai, Chattisgarh
Second Aayush Sharma B.B. Purohit Vidya Mandi, Nagpur
Third Prateek Sharma Delhi Public School, Aligarh
Cons. Sandeep Samuel Good Earth School, Chennai
Cons. Shrishti Shah CMS, Aliganj (II), Lucknow
Group 'B'
First Gaurav Chawla Manav Sthali School, Delhi
Second Rajendra Kumar Delhi Public School, Orissa
Third Anushka Bishnoi St. Kabir's Residential Day School, Hissar
Cons. Rituparna Mandal Delhi Public School Orissa
Cons. Ranjana Banjara Saraswoti Kunj Boarding School, Nepal
Group 'C'
First Sumanta Roy & Apeejay School, Kolkata
Second Shalini Divya Little Angels High School, Gwalior
Third Somdutta
DAV Model School, Durgapur (WB)
Cons. Akshay Agnihotri CMS, Station Road, Lucknow
Group 'A'
First Kosha Shah
St Gregorious High School, Mumbai
Second Sushmit Baranwal
CMS, Rajajipuram (OB), Lucknow
Second Ali Abdullah
CMS, Jopling Road, Lucknow
Third Esha Nautiyal
CMS, Jopling Road, Lucknow
Group 'B'
Second Nimit Agarwal
Sunbeam English School,
Bhagwanpur, Lanka, Varanasi
Third Aishwarya Laxmi
CMS, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
Cons. Aman & Shahrukh St Joseph Inter College, Lucknow
Group 'C'
First P Madhusudhan & RSK High Secondary School, Trichy
R. Thilak Raja
Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress.
—Ted Levitt
NOVEMBER 2006 (8)
Tiny tots have fun at Bonanza 2006
CMS, Station Road organised the
two day inter-school programme for fun
and learning Bonanza 2006 on 26 and 27
September. Tiny tots of different schools
spread their magic with colourful folk
dances, lively quizzes, enjoyable music and
a variety of others activities like tearing
and pasting, colour splash, colour me up,
play dough etc. Convener of Bonanza
2006 and Principal, CMS, Station Road,
Mrs Aruna Gupta said that though there
were many competitions for the tiny tots
at this mega event, it was basically aimed
at developing students' underlying
Young creative artists displaying their
talents at collage contest
creativity and skills, so every student who
participated in Bonanza was a winner.
CMS celebrating My Health Week
All Branches of CMS are celebrating
'My Health Week' from 6 to 11 November
2006. After upgrading the CMS canteen
menu keeping in mind the role of proper
diet in the overall development of children,
CMS has decided to make children
participate in the process by involving
them in a number of activities related to
health. During this week children of all
ages would be asked to read nutritional
patterns as given in CMS Bulletin of
September 2006 during the morning
prayer assemblies at all branches. Various
other contests will also be held.
Group singing contest
Tiny champion
Kindergarten student of
CMS, Asharfabad qualified
for the state championship
after winning the third prize
in the Kabeer Shah State
Taekwondo Championship organised by
Lucknow Taekwondo Academy.
Financial Accounting
Swimming champions
Pranjal Agarwal, a
student of class VIII, CMS,
Indira Nagar secured Agrade in Financial Accounting
course at Lal Bahadur Shastri
Institute run by National
Education Development Centre affiliated
to Govt. of India.
Dance competition
Darshita Mishra, a
student of CMS, Rajendra
Nagar won the first prize in
Chandra Bhanu Gupta
Memorial sub-junior dance
competition organized by
Motilal Memorial Society.
Best Speaker Award
Five students of CMS, Gomtinagar
were awarded individual medals as well
as the championship trophy in the district
level inter-school swimming meet
organised by Osama Talha Society for
Culture and Mass Communication.
Closing ceremony of 5th Exspo-2006 organised by CMS, RDSO
at World Unity Convention Centre, Kanpur Road
3 (8 am)
Special prayer assembly of senior section organised by CMS,
Mahanagar (II) at school premises
3 (2 pm)
Opening of Sports Day & Sports events organised by CMS, Aliganj
(I) at school premises
4, 5 & 8
Inter-branch NTS Quiz for group II, Chowk, Rajendra Nagar (I),
Rajendra Nagar (III), Station Road, RDSO, Kanpur Road organised
by CMS, Inspection Department at CMS, Gomtinagar auditorium
4 (8 am)
Special Prayer Assembly of juniors section organised by CMS,
Mahanagar (II) at school premises
4 (4 pm)
Closing ceremony Sports Day & prize distribution function for parents
organised by CMS, Aliganj (I) at school premises
Derek O'Brien's quiz at CMS, Gomtinagar
5 to 9
5th Geofest International organised by CMS, Mahanagar (III) at
World Unity Convention Centre, Kanpur Road
9 (10:30)
Parents Day function of CMS, Aminabad at Gomtinagar auditorium
10 (8.30 am) Special Prayer Assembly of Junior and Senior Section organised by
CMS, Rajendra Nagar (I) at school premises
10 (5 pm)
7th SAARC Youth Festival organised by CMS, Rajendra Nagar
(III) at World Unity Convention Centre, Kanpur Road
11 (5 pm)
5th International Youth Fest 2006 organised by CMS, Rajajipuram
(I) at school premises
12 (10 am) State level NTSE for class X and VIII organised by CMS, Inspection
Department at GIC, Lucknow
Inter branch Physics Olympiad for class XI and XII organised by
CMS, Inspection Department at CMS, Station Road
Special Prayer Assembly of primary section organised by CMS, RDSO
at school premises
14 (10 am) Inter-branch Debate Competition on Disability organised by CMS,
Asharfabad at CMS, Gomtinagar
Children’s Day Celebration organised by CMS, Kanpur Road at World
Unity Convention Centre
12th International Science Festival Quanta 2006 organised by
CMS, Chowk at World Unity Convention Centre, Kanpur Road
15 (5.30 pm) Opening ceremony of Quanta-2006 and Annual Parents Day organised
by CMS, Chowk at World Unity Convention Centre
16 (10 am) Sports Day of primary, junior and senior section organised by CMS,
Rajendra Nagar (I) at NE Railway Stadium Charbagh
18 (9 am)
Eureka Preliminary Dramatics round organised by CMS, Anand Nagar
at CMS, Gomtinagar auditorium
19 and 20
7th International Astronomy Olympiad organised by CMS, Chowk
at World Unity Convention Centre
Inter-branch Chemistry and Biology Olympiad of XI and XII organised
by CMS, Inspection Department at CMS, Station Road
20 (8 am)
Special Prayer Assembly of classes III to VIII primary and junior
section organised by CMS, Mahanagar III at school premises
23 (10 am) Sports Day of pre-primary section organised by CMS, Rajendra Nagar
(I) at NE Railway Stadium
24 (4.30 pm) Inauguration of Eureka 2006 and Annual Parents’ Day organised by
CMS, Anand Nagar at CMS, Kanpur Road
24 to 27
4th Eureka 2006 organised by CMS, Anand Nagar at CMS, Kanpur
Road World Unity Convention Centre
(1) National Standard Physics, Chemistry, Biology Olympiad exam.
by IAPT organised by CMS, Inspection Deptt at Branch Centres
(2) Inter-Branch Maths Olympiad for classes XI and XII organised
by CMS, Inspection Department at CMS, Station Road
1 (2pm)
All Religion Prayer at the inaugural ceremony of Bonanza 2006
Choral singing group of CMS,
Aliganj won the first prize in Western
Group Singing Contest organized by
Search Foundation at the Bal Utsav-2006.
In this contest, a group of 11 students of
classes I to V had participated.
Chahat Chawla, a class
XI, student of CMS, Station
Road won the Best Speaker
Award at an inter-school
science debate competition
organized by the Central
Drug Research Institute (CDRI),
Inspection Department is
organising FREE PreEngineering and Pre-Medical
preparatory classes as usual
for the CMS students of class XI
and XII by the renowned
experienced faculty at Station
Road, Kanpur Road,
Gomtinagar and Aliganj Sector
'O' from 3 to 4.30 for class XII
and 4.30 to 6.00 for class XI
daily. For details contact the
Principals of the centres or
Mr S.N. Dikshit (Inspection
Department) on numbers
2638733 (O) 9935236120 (M).
Maximum number of 23 selections in NTS exam
With the maximum number of 23
students of CMS having been selected in
the National Talent Search Examination
out of 35 selections from Lucknow, the
school has kept alive its tradition of
maintaining high standard in eduation. The
remaining 12 students belong to other
schools of Lucknow. The 23 students
selected from CMS, for this coveted
scholarship including Aditya Gaurav,
Pallavi Sharma, Prashant Bajpai, Saransh
Bansal, Rahul Agarwal, Ankit Sharma,
Disha Kaushal, Prakhar Mishra, Priyanjali
Agarwal, Abhinav Srivastava, Amul
Khare, Chaitanya Sharma, Sukrit Singh
Raghuvanshi, Chinmay Shekhar Dabral,
Rahul Singh Bansal, Raj Kamal Bharti,
Disha Chauhan, Shashank Shekhar,
Umang Srivastava, Parth Chaturvedi,
Shubham Singh, Ankita Lal and Ankit
Singh were felicitated by the chief guest,
Pledge to remove poverty
CMS students came out in thousands
taking pledge to support the “Stand up”
call given by Swami Ramdev who is
currently in the United States on special
invitation of Secretary General of United
Nations Organization, His Excellency, Mr
Kofi Annan.
Proud achievers with Mr R.K. Mittal,
Commissioner, Lucknow Division
Mr R K Mittal, IAS, Commissioner,
Lucknow Division, at a special
honouring ceremony held on 19 October
at CMS, Kanpur Road auditorium.
Snooker champion
Malkeet Singh, student
of CMS, Rajendra Nagar
won the snooker title in both
the junior as well as sub-junior
categories at the Lucknow
zonal billiards championship.
The championship held at Lucknow Club
was organized by Lucknow Zonal Billiards
and Snooker Association. Malkeet will
now represent Lucknow Zone at the U.P.
State juniors and sub juniors
championships at Meerut.
Printed and Published by Hari Om Sharma on behalf of City Montessori School, 12 Station Road, Lucknow. Phones : 2638738, 2638483, 2638606
Advisory Board: Mrs Aruna Varma, Mr R S Chandola; Editor Dr Preeti Shankar, Sub-Editor Ms Smita Khare
Web Page : http://www.cmseducation.org/bulletin
Fax : 91 (522) 2638008
E-Mail : info@cmseducation.org