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Dirección Editorial
Universidad Veracruzana
Hidalgo 9, Centro
91000 Xalapa, Veracruz
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2014 - 2015
Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana
is a publishing house with a long and
recognized tradition in promoting
academics, literature, philosophy,
history, anthropology, and arts.
For over 65 years, it has standed in
the Mexican universitarian market
and its books and journals have
reached several distribution points
in Latin America and other regions.
Its publishing tradition is one of the
most solid among institutions of
higher education not only because
it has printed the best works of its
researchers, but also several Mexican
and Latin American outstanding
fiction and non fiction writers.
Editorial de la UV has accomplished
a notorious catalogue of translations
from a number of modern languages.
Debates en torno a lo sagrado. Religión popular
y hegemonía clerical
Debates around the Sacred. Popular Religion and Clerical Hegemony.
This work will draw attention especially to those who are interested in religious
matters. What does debating around the sacred imply? This study aims to pose
new questions, rather than giving a blunt response. Furthermore, the author
undertakes the analysis of concepts such as “people”, “hegemony”, and
“subordinate groups”, whose definitions by several authors, along with their
various positions, are used in today’s anthropological discourse.
2011 | 21 x 14 cms | 323 pp | $16 USD
Quiénes son aquí los dioses verdaderos
Who are the True Gods in Here. The hagiographies analyzed in this essay
are diaphanous proofs that, beyond ecclesiastical interests, the indigenous
communities’ devotional cores refer, at last, to existential reasons, such as the
collective preoccupation to obtain subsistence goods or community health.
Thus, to define their religious practices with the term “Popular Catholicism”
would be imprecise.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 220 pp | $18 USD
Félix Báez (Xalapa, Ver., 1945). The author has been grant holder of the John Simon
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. He is an academic in Instituto de Investigaciones
Histórico-Sociales at the Universidad Veracruzana, member of the Mexican Science
Academy, National System of Researchers (Mexico), and member of the Religious Studies
Academy. Among other titles, he has published Debates en torno a lo sagrado (2010), Olor
de santidad (2006) y Los disfraces del Diablo (2003).
Alternancia de códigos entre el náhuatl y el español.
Estrategias discursivas de identidad étnicas
Code Switching between Nahuatl and Spanish. Ethnic Identities Discursive
Strategies. Accurate record of the use of everyday Nahuatl (the most spoken
indigenous language in México) and during some religious rituals of the Santa
María Magdalena Yancuitlalpan community, in Puebla. This analysis evidences the
significant differences between colloquial and ceremonial Nahuatl, detailing the
nuances involved in the use of each morpheme.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 286 pp | $12 USD
María Enriqueta Cerón Velásquez. She has a PhD in Anthropology, specialized in
Linguistics by the IIA-UNAM, and she is a member of the National System of Researchers
(México). Her work has won several national and international ethnographic awards.
Indios imaginarios e indios reales en los
relatos de la Conquista de México
Real and Imaginary Indians in Mexican Conquest Accounts. This study
screens the discursive sedimentation of the West on allegedly indigenous texts.
In his thorough analysis, Rozat sheds light on an eminently Western imaginary
with Roman and Christian-Jewish roots, which complicates the consideration
of the indigenous testimonies nature. This book has the courage to confront and
overcome the logocentrism and to face the other, the indigenous, in full dimension.
2010 | 2nd ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 327 pp | $15 USD
Guy Rozat Dupeyron (Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Fasso, 1943). He studied Sociology at the University of Paris
(Nanterre), where he received a PhD. Since 1976, he works as a researcher at the Instituto Nacional de Antropología
e Historia (INAH). He has published a few books, and several articles in specialized journals.
2014 - 2015
Muralismo mexicano 1920-1940
Mexican Murals 1920-1940. Every artistic proposal that characterized the Mexican murals for two decades is
reviewed in this work. Each artist had his own project and ideology, but they all agreed on the eagerness to express
their ideas. Recalling the purpose of young Atheneists, prior to the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution: “To carry out
public activities and not to remain within a circle of friends”, what better art for the people than those paintings in
large open spaces, a consistent art with the educational policies of the time. This three volumes edition is a result of
a vast research made by a large team of specialists.
2013 | 28 x 22 cms | Vol. I, 207 pp.; Vol. II, 327 pp.; Vol. III, 391 pp. | $146 USD
Ida Rodríguez Prampolini (coordinator) (Veracruz, Ver., 1925). She holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary
Art History from UNAM. She is an emeritus researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of UNAM since 1988.
She is also an emeritus researcher of the National System of Researchers (México), and a number member of
the Mexican Academy of History, the Academy of Arts, and the Union Académique Internationale from Brussels,
Belgium. In 2009, she was awarded by INBA with the Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts for her professional career.
El maíz ante el peligro de los transgénicos
Maize before Transgenic Danger. The possible release of transgenic corn in
Mexico threatens peasant agriculture and the great native maize diversity that
exists in our country, its center of origin. This invaluable wealth is to be exposed
to a transgenic contamination which would be fatal to the Mexican population
staple diet, and to a central element of their culture, as well as to the global food
security. This multidisciplinary study includes texts by León Olivé, Eckhart Boege,
Ana Wegier, Valeria Álvarez, and Brian Wynne, among others.
2013 | 23 x 17 cms | 569 pp | $15 USD
Alma Piñeyro, Elena Álvarez-Bullya (coordinators). Alma Piñeyro studied Biology at UNAM, and holds
a PhD in Biomedic Science. Her academic interests are focused on the evolution of the development and the
molecular genes of plants, and the philosophy of biology. Elena Álvarez-Buylla studied Biology at UNAM, and
holds a PhD in Science (Genetics and Botany) from Berkeley University. Her work has been recognized by several
international institutions.
Las principales familias de plantas productoras de semillas
The Main Families of Seed-Producing Plants. A beginner’s guide to the general
biology of the groups belonging to these families. It provides morphological,
ecological, biogeographical, taxonomic, nomenclatural, and industrial and
housing use aspects.
2006 | 23 x 17 cms | 724 pp | $31 USD
Mario Vázquez Torres (Tlaquiltenango, Morelos). Studied Biology at UNAM, and holds
a PhD in Biological Sciences by Universidad del País Vasco. He has published a number
of specialized articles and papers, and 8 books. He has been working at the Universidad
Veracruzana for 37 years, and he is an honorary researcher at the University of Federico II, in
Naples, Italy.
2014 - 2015
Inversión extranjera en países emergentes y en transición
Foreign Investment in Rising and Developing Countries. This book analyses
foreign direct investment and its antecedents in Latin America; empirical data of
its global expansion and case studies in countries like México, Cuba, and some
former socialist European countries. The quantitative development of investment
and its consequences on the production and technological structure in each case.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 320 pp | $13 USD
Samuel Lichtensztejn (coordinator) (Montevideo, 1934). He has been rector of Universidad de la República
(Uruguay), UN consultant, and Project Director of the ILO; he has also taught in several higher education institutions
in Latin America and Europe. In México, he helped founding the CIDE. He has published numerous books and
papers on economic policy and international finance, and higher education. He received the Mexican Order of the
Aztec Eagle.
Visión artificial
Artificial Vision. This essay seeks to express the visual process of living beings
through mathematical models and algorithms. It explains how to design an image
transformation process to get an artificial vision through the computer.
2007 | 21 x 14 cms | 90 pp | $13 USD
Homero Vladimir Ríos Figueroa (Mexico City, 1962). Professor at the Faculty of Physics
and Artificial Intelligence of the Universidad Veracruzana from 2000 to date. He holds a PhD
in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Sussex, England, and
a Master in Computer Science from UNAM. His research interests include computer vision
and artificial intelligence.
El grito
The Cry. A novel that expels us from all common places and returns to the Latin
American literature essential condition: the foundation story. The dissolution of
the family and society as spaces of containment is expressed in the helpless cry of
the following four narrators: Federico, a young student who clumsily seeks for his
place in the world; Horace, a former revolutionary lost in the melancholy; Peter, a
gay man dominated by his sadistic partner; and Clara, a sculptor with leukemia.
2010 | 21 x 14 cms | 207 pp | $14 USD
Florencia Abbate (Buenos Aires, 1976). Novelist, poet, and essayist, she has also
published a children’s book and compiled the book Homenaje a Cortázar (2005). Her
work has been included in several anthologies and has been translated into English and
Portuguese. She seldom works as cultural journalist and literary critic in diverse newspapers
and magazines. Other works by her are Una sola alma somos: mapuches (poetry, 2006) and
Una terraza propia (essay, 2006).
Hotel Pánico
Panic Hotel. The volume brings together tales of urban issues. Friendship, love,
loyalties, and betrayals are addressed in a way that is able to dissect the human
condition. Mexican and Caribbean characters confront us with a more or less
globalized reality, harshly told, but also with comedy.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 124 pp | $10 USD
Odette Alonso (Santiago de Cuba, 1964). Poet and novelist. Studied Philology at Universidad
de Oriente, Cuba. Her book Insomnios en la noche del espejo won the international prize of
poetry Nicolás Guillén in 1999. Editor of Antología de la poesía cubana del exilio (2011), the
most complete compiling of Cuban poets outside of the Island.
2014 - 2015
Mentía usted mejor en París
You Lied Better in Paris. In this volume the author offers seven short stories of
different topics whose common denominator is the memory, such memories
become stories in which “yesterday becomes today, the missing becomes present,
the sad, cheerful; and what is the best and most amazing: the dead become living”.
In the short stories, a sort of reflection on how stories are told can also be found.
2011 | 21 x 14 cms | 102 pp | $7 USD
Rafael Antúnez (Xalapa, Ver., 1960). Cultural journalist, short story writer, novelist, essayist,
literary, and art critic, publisher, and translator. In 1987, he won the National Journalism
Award in the field of Cultural Programs and Publications as a member of the Editorial Board
of El Istmo en la Cultura de Coatzacoalcos. His novel La isla de madera was finalist in the 1994
José Rubén Romero Novel Prize.
Puertas demasiado pequeñas
Too Small Doors. Latin American Sergio Galindo First Novel Award, 2013.
The novel is remarkable because of the fluidity and conviction of the facts, the
narrator-protagonist’s humor, and the intrigue of an eccentric millionaire and a
painter’s attempts in Guadalajara to forge a Renaissance paint in order to rip off
some European heirs.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 174 pp | $7 USD
Ave Barrera (Guadalajara, Jal., 1980). She studied Hispanic Literature at Universidad de
Guadalajara. She won the Art Young Creators scholarship in 2010 and 2013. She has
worked as a copywriter and editor for electonic media. She studies a master in Portuguese
Literature at UNAM.
Praemeditatio malorum
Latin American Sergio Galindo First Novel Award winner, called by Universidad
Veracruzana on 2007. The novel is an inquire, a search journey which begin
in a deep symbolic structure of the character’s inner exile. Behind the scene,
there is the coup d’état to depose Salvador Allende.
2008 | 21 x 14 cms | 168 pp | $7 USD
Claudio Cáceres Marchesi (Iquique, Chile, 1948). Writer who never denied his political
position. He makes of his work a trench against neoliberalism, for he demystifies the Chilean
economy and aims to strengthen the cultural relationships among Latin American countries.
El sueño de las fronteras
Borders’ Dream. An essay collection that aims to weave a warp between
syntactic and verbal languages gravitating in and around the Americas. The
volume is presented as a letters house where the author takes the role as a
fortunate host between the reviewed writers and the reader who is glancing at
the lines of this book. Some of the writers he studies are Gonzalo Rojas, Octavio
Paz, Eugenio Montejo, José Emilio Pacheco, among others.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 226 pp | $13 USD
Adolfo Castañón (México City, 1952). His literary vocation is drawn towards lyrical
poetry (La campana y el tiempo, Las tres mitades del corazón), narrative (A veces prosa), essays
and literary criticism (Alfonso Reyes caballero de la voz errante, Paseos I, II, III), aphorisms (La
belleza es lo esencial), translation (George Steiner, J. J. Rousseau...), and gastronomy (Grano
de sal y otros cristales). He is member of the Mexican Academy of the Language since 2003.
2014 - 2015
Nellie Campobello. Crónica de un secuestro
Nellie Campobello, a Kidnap Story. The dancer and choreographer Nellie
Campobello directed the National School of Dance for 40 years. The artist was
mysteriously absent from the national scene, for twelve years her whereabouts
were unknown. She died hijacked. César Delgado participated actively to
clarify her kidnapping; he was threatened, but never stopped. The end of this
story reveals the crooked ways of the Mexican justice.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 131 pp | $11 USD
César Delgado Martínez (Nayarit). He is a researcher at Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes
y Literatura (INBA). He works as a cultural journalist and performance critic. He has published
twenty books among which are Guillermina Bravo. Historia oral, Diccionario biográfico de la
danza mexicana, and Antonieta Rivas Mercado. El Ángel de la luz.
An essential book in the Uruguayan poet’s oeuvre, Centralasia is an intersection of
diverse imaginaries and cultures, a fragmentary tour to a figured Orient between
the Tibet and China. The temporal and spatial journey triggers war, technology,
and love. Extensive and masterful poem, introduced by Amanda Berenguer.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 93 pp | $8 USD
Roberto Echavarren (Montevideo, 1944). Poet, novelist, translator, and essayist. Among
his most outstanding poetry books are Aura amara and Ruido de fondo; among his novels,
Ave roc; among his essays, Las noches rusas and Michel Foucault: filosofía política de la
historia. He holds a PhD by the University of Paris. Echavarren taught at the University of
London, the University of New York, and Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Memoirs. All anecdotes, fun facts, or records are narrated here with the attention
to detail and the amazing skill to reconstruct the spaces that characterize Ferré’s
excellent prose. Thus, the author-character unfolds her beginning in writing,
her experiences as a mother and housewife, her marriages, her divorces, her
friends, her comings and goings to Puerto Rico, her eagerness to excel in the
midst of her personal chaos, of the loneliness given to voices from different
cultures, idiosyncrasies, and literary efforts.
2011 | 21 x 14 cms | 176 pp | $16 USD
Rosario Ferré (Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1938). She began writing in the sixties in Zona de carga
y descarga, literary magazine. She has published short stories, poetry, essays, biographies,
and novels. She was awarded the Literaturpreis in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1992. The English
version of her novel, The House on the Lagoon, was finalist of the American National Book
Award. She is honorary member of the Puerto Rican Academy of the Spanish Language
since 2007.
La balada de los bandoleros baladíes
The Ballad of the Piddling Niggling Bandits. The novel sordidly summarizes
the idea that true exposure to violence is caused by the very act of exercising it
or suffering it. The stories intertwine as kaleidoscopes without any chronological
order. Ferreira’s characters really begin to know and define themselves after
murdering, stealing, and disarticulating the immediate brutality they exercise on
2011 | 21 x 14 cms | 144 pp | $5 USD
Daniel Ferreira (Colombia, 1981). Writer, blogger, and independent journalist, he was selected
among 17 novelists for the Antología de la novísima narrativa breve hispanoamericana
(Grijalbo, 2009). His short stories, chronicles, and essays have been published in El Espectador
newspaper, Casa de las Américas magazine, and Hermano Cerdo magazine.
2014 - 2015
Alguien enciende las luces del planeta
Someone Turns the Planet’s Lights on. In this book, disparate fragments
of great poetry harmonize. The author combines testimonies with revelation,
tenderness with irony, accuracy with nostalgia. He dilutes the fruit of living and
discovers mixed flavors, dualities, uneasiness which, when processed by his spirit,
become part of a greater mystery which we call poetry.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 266 pp | $9 USD
Alex Fleites (Caracas, 1954). Poet, novelist, curator, editor, and cultural journalist. He
studied Philosophy at Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. He has collaborated in several cultural
Cuban magazines as Juventud Rebelde, El Caimán Barbudo, Cine Cubano, y Arte Cubano. Some
of his work has been translated into English, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Russian,
Chinese, and Vietnamese.
El ocaso de los poetas intelectuales
y la “generación del desencanto”
The Intellectual Poets and the Dissenchantment Generation’s Twilight.
This study revolves around two key themes: poetry and criticism. Both issues
are addressed from their wider possibilities, this is, as a particular exercise but
also in their collective role. In this context, the author analyzes the generation
of poets marked by the tragic events of l968 in México and the gradual
disappearance, from that date, of an outstanding figure in the history of our
country: the poet as the critical awareness of community.
2010 | 21 x 14 cms | 229 pp | $12 USD
Malva Flores (Mexico City, 1961). Poet and essayist. Author of Luz de la materia
(2010), Passage of the Tree (2006), and Casa nómada (1999). Winner of the José Revueltas
National Essay Award in 2006, Aguascalientes National Poetry Award in 1999, and Elías
Nandino National Young Poetry Award in 1991. In 2000, she entered the National System
of Art Creators.
El bordo
The Precipice. Romantic and telluric, this book presents characters who
–dominated by resentment and memory, diminished by their fears, sustained
by hope– are unable to distinguish the affordable every day happiness. So
they constantly hunt that other –elusive, ineffable– that gives them peace and
contentment. The tormented family is prone to anxiety; in this story, dreams
turn into nightmares, reality into delirium, and absence into madness.
2012 | 21 x 14 cms | 230 pp | $10 USD
El hombre de los hongos
The Mushroom Man. Everardo is a masculine fatherly figure who rules and
regularly throws parties in his rich house; he is also an exotic mushroom enthusiast.
The story revolves around the arrival of one of the so-called mushroom men to
the house when he is found by Everardo and given to his daughter Emma to
look after.
2010 | 2nd ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 93 pp | $10 USD
2014 - 2015
Polvos de arroz
Rice powder. It was not Sergio Galindo’s first novel, but it was the first to be
published, one of the most studied and reprinted among his works, and the one
that inaugurates the Fiction Collection of Universidad Veracruzana in 1958.
Retrospectively, the author narrates the family’s unhealthy intimacies in Xalapa, in
a damp house where they reach the few stunted lives that the author addresses.
Written in a psychological and costumbrist Realism, this nouvelle is the story of a
painful, grotesque battle between Eros and Thanatos.
2013 | 4th ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 74 pp | $18 USD
Otilia Rauda
Otilia’s Body. Few writers assume the courage to title their works with names
and last names. Doing so involves to offer a life story compelling enough to be
sustained throughout the pages. In Otilia Rauda, the challenge is overcome with
fortune, and the characters are as credible as endearing. One of them is the woman
whose name becomes the title. Another character is the one who subjected her
to shocks and excesses of love. This is a novel of violence and searching, framed
by the already emblematic geography of the author’s works.
2013 | 2nd ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 357 pp | $22 USD
Sergio Galindo (Xalapa, 1926-Veracruz, 1993). One of the greatest writers from
Veracruz, whose work has been translated into several languages. Sergio Galindo’s
presence at the head of Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana y was paramount to
achieve prestige. Our University has always found in Sergio Galindo one of the most
remarkable figures to the development of Mexican culture both for his work as an
editor as for his literary merits. Considering this, the UV has undertaken the project to
reprint his entire novels, offering in ten volumes, eleven of his novels published from
1958 to 2007. This collection contains works difficult to find in the market nowadays.
Las esquinas oscuras
Dark Corners. Divided into six parts, which are divided into sections, in this story
the recurrent themes in Galindo’s previous works are repeated, suffered, and lived
by the characters. We sneak into the father’s love absence, we walk the inner halls
of a troubled childhood with fear and deep darkness.
2013 | 2nd ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 121 pp | $9 USD
La justicia de enero
The Justice of January. This beautiful and bitter novel tells the story of a tortured
group of people who search for happiness in their own desperate and painful
way. As Galindo poses justice, it is another form of punishment: its execution does
not imply nor necessarily include repentance or forgiveness.
2013 | 2nd ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 248 pp | $11 USD
2014 - 2015
Tangle. This Sergio Galindo’s novel is the most artistically and technically
ambitious. Several stories set in different scenarios: Paris, London, Mexico City, a
bar, a pool, and parties, meet at some point. The novel includes the Second World
War period and the previous years, but located in the Mexican context that led to
the social conflicts in 1968, in the students movement form.
2010 | 21 x 14 cms | 186 pp | $7 USD
Los dos Ángeles
The Two Angels. Two unforgettable characters are marked by the desire to
live, but drawn by their circumstances to permanently experience impossibility,
frustration, humiliation, and defeat. Finally, they fund the pain of separation and
the loss of their reason for being. Galindo skillfully handles the narrative pace
accelerating or moderating this double life experiences flow, correctly managing
the remembrance exercise.
2010 | 21 x 14 cms | 209 pp | $13 USD
Del otro lado, mi vida
On the Other Side, my Life. Intermingling of temporal planes from the
eighteenth century to the twentieth, this novel starts from a historical event
to recreate the police action developing in some of the most iconic spaces in the
Cuban capital. The characters embody those who are torn between loyalty to
the Revolution and the disenchantment of everyday reality; there are also those
who believe that, despite the fatality of history, life is elsewhere.
2009 | 21 x 14 cms | 181 pp | $6 USD
Yamilet García Zamora (La Habana, 1965). Cuban novelist, currently living in México.
She studied Literature at Universidad de La Habana. With this work she won the Sergio
Galindo First Novel Award in 2008.
Amor que se atreve a decir su nombre. Antología
del cuento mexicano de tema gay
Love that Dares to Speak its Name. This anthology includes 25 stories by
authors such as Inés Arredondo, Juan Vicente Melo, Luis Arturo Ramos, Enrique
Serna, Guillermo Samperio, Eduardo Antonio Parra, Luis Zapata, among others,
who realize that the gay world is not better or worse than the one shared
by heterosexuals.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 308 pp | $13 USD
Mario Muñoz, León Guillermo Gutiérrez (compilers). Mario Muñoz, academic and
essayist, holds an Honorary Doctor at our University. He has been chief editor of La Palabra
y el Hombre, the most important journal of humanities and arts of Universidad Veracruzana.
León Guillermo is a poet, novelist, and essayist whose work has been published in France,
Chile, Spain, The USA, England, and Brazil.
2014 - 2015
Delicados trazos
Delicate Strokes. Reading these texts will be a revelation. They are an invitation
to think about everyday topics; who has not thought about indifference, or
questioned regarding the place where we live, the existence of cities, for instance,
sometimes those themes pass by without a glance. These essays offer a delighted
reading because they are written as short stories, as a persuasive account of the
topics, where reflection and philosophical thinking approach to cleverness and
escape from rigid academicism.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 186 pp
Noé Jitrik (Rivera, Argentina, 1928). Scholar and writer; he has taught at several universities
in America and Europe. He wrote numerous works of criticism, theory, poetry, novels, and
literary journalism in Mexico, Argentina, and Uruguay. He was appointed Honorary Doctor
of Puebla, Mendoza, Montevideo, and Honorary Professor in Venezuela, Uruguay, and
Argentina. He has wined the Xavier Villaurrutia Award (México), the Chevalier des Arts et des
Lettres (France), and the Artistic Career Award (Argentina), among others.
Caravanas de riesgo
Hazardous Bows. Since her first appearance as a poet, Elva Macías has not
stopped to increase the intensity of her poetry. From Adonis’s epigraph at the
beginning of the text, the reader will see that the drama points at the relation with
experience. In this case, The risk that is taken by a woman who faces the inevitable
adversity is enhanced in the title.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 92 pp | $3 USD
Elva Macías (Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, 1944). She travelled to faraway countries since
she was very young. She lived and worked in China and Russia. She worked for a long time
in cultural affairs for the UNAM, the INBA, and in Chiapas. She continued travelling around
America and Europe. This book gathers all the spiritual experiences accumulated during
those journeys.
Las semillas del tiempo
Time Seeds. An essential book for the Mexican poetry tradition first published
in 1981, shortly after the author’s death. This volume’s reissue by the Universidad
Veracruzana includes the original “Preliminary Study”, by Rubén Bonifaz Nuño,
plus a trio of unpublished poems of this prominent member of Stridentism.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 220 pp | $18 USD
Manuel Maples Arce (Papantla, Ver., 1900 - Mexico City, 1981). Poet, essayist, literary
and art critic, historicist, and autobiography writer. His work establishes and draws the
characteristics of Stridentism, an avant-garde movement that strived to completely renew
literature and art in general.
De lunes todo el año
Monday all Year. Fabio Morábito assumes the nomads voice, with no center, no
scene in favor, relinquished from the world. But the language itself demands from
the author erecting gates to the field, walls to the road, and to set up the primary
forms of the contemplation, the language is the space of recognition. In this work,
such space is the poem, a door to another place, the homeland.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 100 pp | $13 USD
Fabio Morábito (Alexandria, Egypt, 1955). Born from Italian parents, he is a
Mexican poet and novelist. His work has been awarded with several prizes. He
has also published two essay books and a children’s book. He translated from
his mother tongue –Italian– numerous stories, poetry, essays, and children’s
books. In 2005, Galaxia Gutenberg published his translation of Eugenio
Montale’s complete poetry.
2014 - 2015
El ojo histórico
The Historic Eye. Review of the twentieth century poetics. Mosches incorporates
the tortured and the missing in the verses to the dead Europeans and Latin
Americans: each poem takes us to a historical episode reflected in the witnesses’
voices. The word may not raise the dead, but there is an eye that observes, that
does not forget. Because pain begets memory.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 190 pp | $11 USD
Eduardo Mosches (Buenos Aires, 1944). Poet, essayist and publisher. He has been editor
in chief of several publishing projects. Founder and editor of the Blanco Móvil magazine.
Author of Los lentes y Marx and a dozen other titles. He has received several national awards.
La doble ausencia
Double Absence. Santiago Fonseca, age twenty-three, has learned to live
without his father, Eduardo Fonseca, an unknown author who disappeared in an
accident some years ago. When Santiago found his father’s personal notebook,
his life changed forever. He will begin a journey to recover his father’s poetry and
to rebuild his memory from the testimonies of the people who knew him.
2012 | 21 x 14 cms | 172 pp | $9 USD
Javier Núñez (Rosario, Argentina, 1976). Novelist and short story writer. He won the first
national short story contest Eduardo Gudiño Kieffer in 2003, and was finalist of the IV short
story contest Encuentro de Dos Mundos, Ferney-Voltaire (France). In 2012 he won the Sergio
Galindo First Novel Award.
La sal de la tierra
Salt of the Earth. Four stories that, beyond the historical space, point to the
greatness and the frailties of the human spirit. La sal de la tierra is imperishable,
it is a constant that transcends generations and ideologies: it is the fruit and the
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 100 pp | $11 USD
Agustín Ramos (Tulancingo, Hidalgo, 1952). He has worked in major newspapers,
magazines and cultural supplements of Mexico and other countries. He is the author of the
novels Al cielo por asalto (1979), Ahora que me acuerdo (1985), Como la vida misma (2005),
La noche (2007), and Olvidar el futuro (2010) among other titles.
Indoors. The novel plot is built from the arrival of a refugees group afterward
the ending of Spanish Civil War at Veracruz in 1939. With this issue, the author
goes into about sixty years of anonymous stories signified by the impossibility of
settling down and the deterioration of political beliefs and intentions. Intramuros
is not the exile’s idealized history, but the account of stubborn economic and
political refugees who struggle to break free of the past. This book has been
regarded by the critics as one of the best novels of the last decades.
2009 | 3rd ed. | 21 x 14 cms | 252 pp | $9 USD
Luis Arturo Ramos (Minatitlán, Ver., 1947). He has published several short stories,
chronicles, essays, and five children’s books. His oeuvre has been reknown as one of the
strongest within contemporary Mexican literarure. Los viejos asesinos (1981), La casa del
ahorcado (1993), Domingo junto al paisaje (1987), Éste era un gato (1988), and Ricochet o los
derechos de autor (2007), are some of his most memorable books.
2014 - 2015
Spy. In a world of madness, drugs, and harmless espionage, the reader travels
back in time on a journey that breaks into the memory. The connection can be
found either in a random word or in a sip of coffee as gently as needed. Organized
by parallel stories, the book’s main ironic mission is put into Claudia’s hands: to
save the world from the lack of love, an illness predicted by one of the most
distinguished spy agencies.
2012 | 21 x 14 cms | 163 pp | $10 USD
Hernán Rivas Barrera (Medellín, Colombia, 1975). He studied Psychology at Universidad
de Antioquia. He works as director of Ethnographic Knowledge in a market research center.
With Espía, he won the Sergio Galindo First Novel Award in 2011.
Memorias de un proctólogo
Memoirs of a Proctologist. This is not a rude book, but it is provocative. The
author ignores the political correctness, thus infringes upon the most sacred
concepts: from motherhood and marriage to Santa Claus and the patient rights.
A valuable testimony of an era and of a thankless but necessary profession, but
above all, it is window into the sacred receptacle of the human body.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 174 pp | $13 USD
Ana María Sánchez Mora (Mexico City, 1952). She studied Physics and Literature.
She has published short stories, essays, novels, plays, articles, and books about science
communication. Her book La otra cara was final to the Joaquín Mortiz First Novel contest in
1994. She received the Alejandra Jaidar National Dissemination of Science Award in 2003.
Her most recent books are Introducción a la comunicación escrita de la ciencia (2010), and Las
nanoaventuras del maestro Fonseca (2012).
Memorias de un inocente en el infierno
Memoirs of an Innocent Man in Hell. From an office in hell, a former showbiz
reporter writes the memoirs of his life marked by economic hardship, bad
companies, and an outrageous and useless love pursuit. Intoxicated with
resentment, an unexpected pact with the devil promptly fulfils the scoundrel’s
fantasies. An epic about loneliness and the seeking for love in our times.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 286 pp | $19 USD
Greco Sotelo (Hermosillo, Sonora, 1964). Writer, historian, and documentary maker. He
studied History at UNAM. He has worked as screenwriter in documentaries on Clío TV,
Channel 11, and The Discovery Channel. His writings have been published in specialized
journals. He has been awarded the Sonorian Book Award twice (2006 and 2012), and the
International Short Story Juan Rulfo Award in 1999.
Arena de tus pies
Sand from your Feet. In its pages, the author draws the reader into a dizzying
journey where sleep and wakefulness alternate, beginning at Mexico City, with
brief stopovers in Real de Catorce –today, literally a ghost town in the highlands
of San Luis Potosí– and Veracruz, until arriving on the shores of the North Sea.
Betrayals and death dominate the way, without the hope and love, hovering
between brushstrokes of delicate eroticism.
2010 | 21 x 14 cms | 123 pp | $5 USD
Javier Sunderland Guerrero (Mexico City, 1965). Attorney. Currently works on a short
story compilation about outstanding women in historical events such as the Mexican
Independence and Revolution.
2014 - 2015
Vicisitudes del pequeño acróbata
The Small Acrobat’s Vicissitudes. “Every word is a provisory stratagem”, tell
us Saúl Yurkievich. The poet’s words weave and interweave through these “little
acrobat´s vicissitudes”; between dreams, daydreams, and reality he recounts how
to stand in the world. A real or an imaginary land? This is an oscillating book where
an illusionist assembles or disassembles a world which is inhabited by beings and
music that are vanished by the illusionist’s wand, and we are left in shadows.
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 128 pp
Saúl Yurkievich (La Plata, Argentina, 1931-Caumont-sur-Durance, France, 2005). He
exercised both poetry and (art and literary) criticism with comparable talent. Some of
his works are El huésped perplejo, and El perfil de la magnolia. He translated from Edmond
Jabès: El libro de las semejanzas, El pequeño libro de la subversión fuera de sospecha, and from
Robert Bresson: Notas sobre el cinematógrafo.
Autobiografía póstuma
Posthumous Autobiography. This “autobiography” is the hilarious story of the
versatile writer Zenobius Zamudio, who in his “fresh corpse” condition –he has just
given up the ghost– recounts his joyful gay adventures. Told as a monologue, and
with the use of irony, the character argues that death is better than life because
the deceased will stop paying the high cost for living in this world. It is a stinging
diatribe with corrosive humor against bad taste, hypocrisy, and the kitsch as
emblems of national pride. The iconoclast humorist Luis Zapata’s novel also shows
his indisputable originality, he knows how to bring together entertainment and
2014 | 21 x 14 cms | 178 pp
Luis Zapata (Chilpancingo, Guerrero, 1951). He studied French Literature at UNAM. His
work has located gay literature on the prominent place that it occupies today in México’s
literature and culture. Some of his novels has been translated into English and French. He
is a member of the National System of Art Creators. He has published, among others, the
following books: El vampiro de la colonia Roma (1979), De pétalos perennes (1981), ¿Por qué
mejor no nos vamos? (1992), and La historia de siempre (2007).
La rebelión pragmatista. La reconstrucción
rortiana de la historia de la filosofía
The Pragmatic Rebellion. A Rortyian Reconstruction. This book exposes
Rorty’s critical narrative, in which we are shown the fall of essentialism,
foundationalism, and representationalism, typical of the Platonic-Kantian
tradition, studying the contributions of those who, like Nietzsche, James, Dewey,
and Quine, provided the necessary elements to win this dispute, culminating
in the work of Davidson.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 388 pp | $23 USD
José M. Filgueiras (Ferrol, España, 1971). He holds a PhD in Contemporary Philosophy by Universidad Autónoma
de Morelos and a degree in Philosophy by Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. He is currently director of the
Institute of Communication of Universidad del Mar (campus Huatulco) and member of the National System of
Researchers (México).
Heidegger. La voz del nazismo y el final de la filosofía
Heidegger. The Nazi voice and the End of Philosophy. Heidegger and the
Nazi party share a starting point: the final burial of philosophy. The philosopher
was the subject of an unnatural death caused by a shot in consciousness. Immerse
in masterminding the Holocaust by affirming –camps already functioning– that
racial selection must be metaphysically institutionalized. In this volume, scholars
from different latitudes lecture on this “Wizard of Messkirch” acts.
2013 | 21 x 14 cms | 694 pp | $35 USD
Julio Quesada (coordinator) (Malaga, 1950). PhD in Philosophy by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where
he taught for 25 years. He has lectured in several cities in Europe and America, and has written and translated
several articles on philosophy, literature, and politics; he has also published some articles in El País newspaper. He
is currently a researcher at Instituto de Filosofía of Universidad Veracruzana, and shares with Arthur Ferisment (Free
University of Berlin) the management of the Talent Study Centre, Malaga.
2014 - 2015
Sara Ladrón de Guevara
Leticia Rodríguez Audirac
Secretaria Académica
Clementina Guerrero García
Secretaria de Administración
y Finanzas
Octavio Ochoa Contreras
Secretario de la Rectoría
Édgar García Valencia
Director Editorial
Editorial UV
Sales Representative
Jesús Rodríguez
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2014 - 2015